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On the quantum Rényi relative entropies and their use

Mark M. Wilde

Hearne Institute for Theoretical Physics,

Department of Physics and Astronomy,
Center for Computation and Technology,
Louisiana State University,
Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA

On Sabbatical with
Stanford Institute for Theoretical Physics,
Stanford University,
Stanford, California 94305

ISL Colloquium, Stanford University, Stanford, California, September 17, 2020

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The phrase “and their use” and its use

I noticed that many people in quantum information theory like to use the
phrase “and their use” or the words “and its use” specifically at the end of
their book or paper titles, so I decided to be part of this trend:

Denes Petz, “Quantum entropy and its use” (1991)

Denes Petz, “From f -divergence to quantum quasi-entropies and their

use” (2009)

Felix Leditzky, “Relative entropies and their use in quantum

information theory” (2016)

M. E. Shirokov, “Upper bounds for the Holevo quantity and their

use” (2017)
I also added “On the” at the front to make the title even more appealing
to academics...

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Entropy and relative entropy are at the core of information theory

Rényi entropy and Rényi relative entropy are fruitful

generalizations of this concept, having many applications

When generalizing to the quantum case, there is not a unique way to

generalize Rényi relative entropy

In this talk, I’ll review three quantum generalizations of Rényi relative

entropy and their information-processing properties

I’ll also discuss their applications in quantum information theory

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One of the most famous formulas in all of science [Sha48]:
H(pX ) := − pX (x) log2 pX (x)

Figure: Screen capture from the movie Arrival (2016)

Equal to the optimal limit of classical data compression [Sha48]

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Relative entropy

Relative entropy [KL51] generalizes entropy

Let pX ∈ P(X ) be a probability distribution, and let qX be a

measure. Then
X pX (x)
D(pX kqX ) := pX (x) log2
qX (x)

Distinguishability measure with interpretation in hypothesis testing

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Special cases of relative entropy

Entropy is a special case of relative entropy:

H(pX ) = −D(pX k1),

where 1 is the vector of all ones.

Mutual information is a special case of relative entropy:

I (X ; Y ) := D(pXY kpX ⊗ pY ) = inf D(pXY kpX ⊗ qY )

qY ∈P(Y)

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Data-processing inequality

Let NY |X be a classical channel and define

qY := NY |X (qX )

where X
qY (y ) = NY |X (y |x)qX (x).

Then the data-processing inequality for relative entropy is

D(pX kqX ) ≥ D(NY |X (pX )kNY |X (qX ))

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Rényi relative entropy

Rényi relative entropy is a generalization of relative entropy with

parameter α ∈ (0, 1) ∪ (1, ∞) [Rén61]:
1 X
α 1−α
Dα (pX kqX ) := log2 pX (x) qX (x)

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Special cases of Rényi relative entropy

Rényi entropy [Rén61] is a special case:

1 X
Hα (pX ) := log2 pX (x)α = −Dα (pX k1)

Rényi mutual information [Csi95] defined as

Iα (X ; Y ) := inf Dα (pXY kpX ⊗ qY )

qY ∈P(Y)

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Properties of Rényi relative entropy
Converges to relative entropy:

D(pX kqX ) = lim Dα (pX kqX )


Data-processing inequality for all α ∈ (0, 1) ∪ (1, ∞):

Dα (pX kqX ) ≥ Dα (NY |X (pX )kNY |X (qX ))

Additivity: for probability distributions pX1 and pX2 , measures qX1

and qX2 , and for all α ∈ (0, 1) ∪ (1, ∞):

Dα (pX1 ⊗ pX2 kqX1 ⊗ qX2 ) = Dα (pX1 kqX1 ) + Dα (pX2 kqX2 )

Ordering: For α > β > 0

Dα (pX kqX ) ≥ Dβ (pX kqX )

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Quantum states

A quantum state ρA is a positive semi-definite, unit trace operator

(i.e., Hermitian matrix with all eigenvalues non-negative and summing
to one)

Subscript notation indicates ρA is a state of a quantum system A

Also called density operator or density matrix

D(HA ) denotes set of density operators acting on a Hilbert space HA

Classical probability distributions are a special case in which density

operator is diagonal

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Quantum channels

A quantum channel NA→B is a completely positive, trace-preserving

map, which evolves system A to system B

Complete positivity and trace preservation are equivalent to Choi state

RB := (idR ⊗NA→B )(ΦRA )

being positive semi-definite and TrB [ΦN

RB ] =
dR IR , where R ' A and
maximally entangled state ΦRA is defined as
1 X
ΦRA := |iihj|R ⊗ |iihj|A ,

A classical channel is a special case in which the Choi state is a

diagonal density operator.

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Quantum relative entropy

Quantum relative entropy of a state ρ and a positive semi-definite

operator σ is defined as [Ume62]

D(ρkσ) := Tr[ρ(log2 ρ − log2 σ)]

Standard definition with operational meaning [HP91, ON00]

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Special cases of quantum relative entropy

Quantum entropy [vN27] is a special case of relative entropy:

H(ρ) := − Tr[ρ log2 ρ] = −D(ρkI )

Quantum mutual information [Str65] is a special case of relative


I (A; B)ρ := D(ρAB kρA ⊗ ρB ) = inf D(ρAB kρA ⊗ σB )

σB ∈D(HB )

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Data-processing inequality for quantum relative entropy

Let ρ be a state, σ a positive semi-definite operator, and N a quantum

channel. Then [Lin75]

D(ρkσ) ≥ D(N (ρ)kN (σ))

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Petz–Rényi relative entropy

There are at least two meaningful ways to generalize the classical

Rényi relative entropy to the quantum case. Let us begin with the
Petz–Rényi relative entropy.

Petz–Rényi relative entropy [Pet86] defined for α ∈ (0, 1) ∪ (1, ∞):

Dα (ρkσ) := log2 Tr[ρα σ 1−α ]

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Properties of Petz–Rényi relative entropy
Converges to quantum relative entropy in limit α → 1:

D(ρkσ) = lim Dα (ρkσ)


Data-processing inequality [Pet86] for all α ∈ (0, 1) ∪ (1, 2]:

Dα (ρkσ) ≥ Dα (N (ρ)kN (σ))

Additivity: For states ρ1 and ρ2 , and positive semi-definite operators

σ1 and σ2 :

Dα (ρ1 ⊗ ρ2 kσ1 ⊗ σ2 ) = Dα (ρ1 kσ1 ) + Dα (ρ2 kσ2 )

Ordering [MH11]: For α > β > 0

Dα (ρkσ) ≥ Dβ (ρkσ)

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Sandwiched Rényi relative entropy

Different quantum generalization of classical Rényi relative entropy:

Sandwiched Rényi relative entropy [MLDS+ 13, WWY14] defined

for all α ∈ (0, 1) ∪ (1, ∞):

eα (ρkσ) :=
D log2 Tr[(σ (1−α)/2α ρσ (1−α)/2α )α ]

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Properties of sandwiched Rényi relative entropy
Converges to quantum relative entropy in limit α → 1
[MLDS+ 13, WWY14]:
D(ρkσ) = lim D
eα (ρkσ)

Data-processing inequality for all α ∈ [1/2, 1) ∪ (1, ∞) [FL13]:

eα (ρkσ) ≥ D
D eα (N (ρ)kN (σ))

Additivity: For states ρ1 and ρ2 , and positive semi-definite operators

σ1 and σ2 :
eα (ρ1 ⊗ ρ2 kσ1 ⊗ σ2 ) = D
D eα (ρ1 kσ1 ) + D
eα (ρ2 kσ2 )

Ordering [MLDS+ 13]: For α > β > 0,

eα (ρkσ) ≥ D
D eβ (ρkσ)

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Quantum hypothesis testing [Hel67, Hel69, Hol72, Hol73]

Quantum system prepared in the state ρ or σ and objective is to

figure out which one was prepared

Make a quantum measurement {Λ, I − Λ} to figure out which was


Assign outcome Λ to “guess ρ”, and the outcome I − Λ to “guess σ”

Probability of committing a Type I error (“false alarm”):

Tr[(I − Λ)ρ]

Probability of committing a Type II error (“missed detection”):


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Hypothesis testing relative entropy [BD10, BD11, WR12]

Minimize Type II error probability subject to a constraint on Type I

error probability:

DHε (ρkσ) := − log2 inf {Tr[Λσ] : Tr[(I − Λ)ρ] ≤ ε, Λ ≤ I }


More generally can define this quantity when σ is positive


Obeys data-processing inequality (operational argument):

DHε (ρkσ) ≥ DHε (N (ρ)kN (σ))

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Quantum Stein’s lemma [HP91, ON00]

Optimal achievable rate for hypothesis testing:

E (ρ, σ) := inf lim inf DHε (ρ⊗n kσ ⊗n )
ε∈(0,1) n→∞ n

Optimal strong converse rate for hypothesis testing:

Ee(ρ, σ) := sup lim sup DHε (ρ⊗n kσ ⊗n )
ε∈(0,1) n→∞ n

Always have E (ρ, σ) ≤ Ee(ρ, σ)

Quantum Stein’s lemma:

E (ρ, σ) = Ee(ρ, σ) = D(ρkσ)

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Relating quantum hypothesis testing and relative entropy

Let ρ be a state and σ a positive semi-definite operator

Lower bound [Hay07, AMV12, QWW18]: For ε ∈ (0, 1], and

α ∈ (0, 1):
α 1
DHε (ρkσ) ≥ Dα (ρkσ) + log2
α−1 ε

Upper bound [CMW16]: For ε ∈ [0, 1), and α ∈ (1, ∞):

ε α 1
DH (ρkσ) ≤ D
eα (ρkσ) + log2
α−1 1−ε

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Application of lower bound
Apply lower bound and additivity to find for all ε ∈ (0, 1] and
α ∈ (0, 1) that
1 ε ⊗n ⊗n 1 ⊗n ⊗n α 1
DH (ρ kσ ) ≥ Dα (ρ kσ ) + log2
n n n(α − 1) ε
α 1
= Dα (ρkσ) + log2
n(α − 1) ε

Take n → ∞ limit to find for all α ∈ (0, 1) that

lim inf DHε (ρ⊗n kσ ⊗n ) ≥ Dα (ρkσ)
n→∞ n

Since lower bound holds for all α ∈ (0, 1), conclude that
lim inf DHε (ρ⊗n kσ ⊗n ) ≥ sup Dα (ρkσ) = D(ρkσ)
n→∞ n α∈(0,1)

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Application of upper bound
Apply upper bound and additivity to find for all ε ∈ [0, 1) and
α ∈ (1, ∞) that
1 ε ⊗n ⊗n 1 e ⊗n ⊗n α 1
D (ρ kσ ) ≤ Dα (ρ kσ ) + log2
n H n n(α − 1) 1−ε
α 1
=D eα (ρkσ) + log2
n(α − 1) 1−ε

Take n → ∞ limit to find for all α ∈ (1, ∞) that

lim sup DHε (ρ⊗n kσ ⊗n ) ≤ D
eα (ρkσ)
n→∞ n

Since upper bound holds for all α ∈ (1, ∞), conclude that
lim sup DHε (ρ⊗n kσ ⊗n ) ≤ inf D eα (ρkσ) = D(ρkσ)
n→∞ n α∈(1,∞)

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Quantum Stein’s lemma

Combining lower and upper bound gives quantum Stein’s lemma:

E (ρ, σ) = Ee(ρ, σ) = D(ρkσ)

Actually something slightly stronger: for all ε ∈ (0, 1),

1 ε ⊗n ⊗n
lim D (ρ kσ ) = D(ρkσ)
n→∞ n H

Operational interpretation of quantum relative entropy

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Generalized divergence

Generalized divergence D(ρkσ) [PV10, SW12] is a function that

satisfies data processing; i.e., for every state ρ, positive semi-definite
operator σ, and channel N , the following inequality holds

D(ρkσ) ≥ D(N (ρ)kN (σ))

Examples include relative entropy, Petz– and sandwiched Rényi

relative entropies (for certain α values), hypothesis testing relative
entropy, etc.

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Information measures from generalized divergence

Generalized mutual information of a bipartite state ρAB :

I (A; B)ρ := inf D(ρAB kρA ⊗ σB )

σB ∈D(HB )

Alt. generalized mutual information of a bipartite state ρAB :

Ī (A; B)ρ := D(ρAB kρA ⊗ ρB )

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Entanglement measures from generalized divergence
Generalized divergence of entanglement of a bipartite state ρAB
[VP98, Das18]:

E R (A; B) := inf D(ρAB kσAB )


Generalized Rains divergence [TWW17] of a bipartite state ρAB :

R(A; B) := inf D(ρAB kσAB )

σAB ∈PPT0 (A:B)

where PPT0 (A : B) := {σAB : σAB ≥ 0, kTB (σAB )k1 ≤ 1}

TB (·) := |iihj|B (·)|iihj|B

These are entanglement measures [HHHH09] because they do not

increase under the action of local operations and classical
communication on ρAB
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Channel information measures

Let NA→B be a quantum channel.

We can define channel measures by optimizing state measures [Wil17].

For example, generalized mutual information of a channel defined by

I (N ) := sup I (R; B)ω ,


where ωRB := NA→B (ψRA )

More generally, if S(A; B)ρ is one of the state measures given

previously, then channel measure is

S(N ) := sup S(R; B)ω .


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Entanglement-assisted classical communication [BSST99]

Suppose Alice and Bob are connected by a quantum channel NA→B .

An (|M|, ε) entanglement-assisted classical comm. code consists of an
shared state ΨA0 B 0 , and encoding channel EM 0 A0 →A , and a decoding
measurement channel DBB 0 →M̂ such that

M M̂ − (DBB 0 →M̂ ◦ NA→B ◦ EM 0 A0 →A )(ΦMM 0 ⊗ ΨA0 B 0 ) 1 ≤ ε,
1 X
ΦM M̂ := |mihm|M ⊗ |mihm|M̂ ,
dim(HM ) m
|M| = number of messages.
Note that ΦM M̂ represents a classical state, and the goal is for the
coding scheme to preserve the classical correlations in this state.

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Schematic of an entanglement-assisted code

Alice Bob

M’ A B
A’ M̂


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Entanglement-assisted classical capacity
One-shot entanglement-assisted classical capacity [DH13]:
CEA (N ) := sup {log2 |M| : ∃ (|M|, ε) EA code for N }
ΨA0 B 0 ,E,D,M

Entanglement-assisted capacity:
1 ε
CEA (N ) := inf lim inf CEA (N ⊗n )
ε∈(0,1) n→∞ n

Strong converse entanglement-assisted capacity:

1 ε
CeEA (N ) := sup lim sup CEA (N ⊗n )
ε∈(0,1) n→∞ n

Always have CEA (N ) ≤ CeEA (N )

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Bounds on one-shot EA capacity

Using methods called position-based coding [AJW19] and

sequential decoding [GLM12, Sen11, OMW19], we find a lower
bound on one-shot EA capacity, holding for η ∈ (0, ε):
¯ε−η 4ε ε
IH (N ) − log2 2 ≤ CEA (N )

By relating EA communication task to hypothesis testing, we obtain

an upper bound on one-shot EA capacity [MW14]:
CEA (N ) ≤ IHε (N )

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Lower bound on EA capacity

Lower bound on one-shot EA capacity implies lower bound on EA


Now pick η = ε/2 and, for α ∈ (0, 1), apply lower bound for
hypothesis testing relative entropy from before:
1 ε 1 ε 1 16
CEA (N ⊗n ) ≥ I¯H2 (N ⊗n ) − log2
n n n ε
1¯ ⊗n α 2 1 16
≥ Iα (N ) − log2 − log2
n n(1 − α) ε n ε
α 2 1 16
≥ I¯α (N ) − log2 − log2
n(1 − α) ε n ε

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Lower bound on EA capacity (ctd.)

Take n → ∞ limit to find for all α ∈ (0, 1) that

1 ε
lim inf CEA (N ⊗n ) ≥ I¯α (N )
n→∞ n

Since it holds for all α ∈ (0, 1), we conclude that

1 ε
lim inf CEA (N ⊗n ) ≥ sup I¯α (N ) = I (N )
n→∞ n α∈(0,1)

and thus
CEA (N ) ≥ I (N )

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Upper bound on EA capacity

Upper bound on one-shot EA capacity implies upper bound on EA


Apply upper bound for hypothesis testing relative entropy from before
for α ∈ (1, ∞) and additivity of sandwiched Rényi channel mutual
information [DJKR06, GW15]:

1 ε 1
CEA (N ⊗n ) ≤ IHε (N ⊗n )
n n  
1 α 1
≤ Ieα (N ⊗n ) + log2
n n(α − 1) 1−ε
α 1
= Iα (N ) +
e log2
n(α − 1) 1−ε

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Upper bound on EA capacity (ctd.)

Take n → ∞ limit to find for all α ∈ (1, ∞) that

1 ε
lim sup CEA (N ⊗n ) ≤ Ieα (N )
n→∞ n

Since it holds for all α ∈ (1, ∞), we conclude that

1 ε
lim sup CEA (N ⊗n ) ≤ inf Ieα (N ) = I (N )
n→∞ n α∈(1,∞)

and thus
CeEA (N ) ≤ I (N )

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Entanglement-assisted capacity theorem

Combining lower and upper bounds:

CEA (N ) = CeEA (N ) = I (N )

Operational meaning for mutual information of a quantum channel

as entanglement-assisted classical capacity
[BSST02, BCR11, BDH+ 14]

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Geometric Rényi relative entropy

Geometric Rényi relative entropy [PR98, Mat13] is a

generalization of classical Rényi relative entropy that is useful for
bounding feedback-assisted capacities [FF19].

For ρ a state, σ a positive semi-definite operator, and

α ∈ (0, 1) ∪ (1, ∞), geometric Rényi relative entropy defined as

bα (ρkσ) :=
D log2 Tr[σ(σ −1/2 ρσ −1/2 )α ]

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Namesake for geometric Rényi relative entropy

Called geometric Rényi relative entropy because it can be written in

terms of weighted operator geometric mean [LL01]:

Gα (σ, ρ) := σ 1/2 (σ −1/2 ρσ −1/2 )α σ 1/2

so that
bα (ρkσ) = log2 Tr[Gα (σ, ρ)]

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Properties of geometric Rényi relative entropy
Converges to Belavkin–Staszewski relative entropy [BS82] in limit
α → 1:
b = lim Dbα (ρkσ)

where D(ρkσ)
b := Tr[ρ log2 ρ1/2 σ −1 ρ1/2 ]

Data-processing inequality [PR98, Mat13] for α ∈ (0, 1) ∪ (1, 2]:

bα (ρkσ) ≥ D
D bα (N (ρ)kN (σ))

Additivity: For states ρ1 and ρ2 , and positive semi-definite operators

σ1 and σ2 :
bα (ρ1 ⊗ ρ2 kσ1 ⊗ σ2 ) = D
D bα (ρ1 kσ1 ) + D
bα (ρ2 kσ2 )

Ordering [KW20]: For α > β > 0

bα (ρkσ) ≥ D
D bβ (ρkσ)

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Geometric Rényi channel divergence [LKDW18, FF19, KW20]

Geometric Rényi channel divergence: Distinguishability measure for

quantum channel NA→B and a completely positive map MA→B , for
α ∈ (0, 1) ∪ (1, 2]:
bα (N kM) := sup D(N
D b A→B (ψRA )kMA→B (ψRA ))

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Subadditivity of geometric Rényi channel divergence

Key property: subadditivity with respect to serial composition


For channels NA→B 2
and NB→C , completely positive maps M1A→B
and MB→C , and α ∈ (0, 1) ∪ (1, 2]:

bα (N 2 ◦ N 1 kM2 ◦ M1 ) ≤ D
D bα (N 1 kM1 ) + D
bα (N 2 kM2 )

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Geometric Rains entanglement [BDWW19, FF19]

Let NAB→A0 B 0 be a bipartite quantum channel.

Geometric Rains entanglement of NAB→A0 B 0 defined as

Rbα (N ) := inf bα (N kM)

M:EN (M)≤0

where logarithmic negativity of MAB→A0 B 0 defined as

EN (M) := log2 kTB0 ◦ MAB→A0 B 0 ◦ TB k

Diamond norm of a Hermiticity-preserving map PC →D defined as

kPk := sup kPC →D (ψRC )k1


where ψRC is a pure state with R ' C

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Special cases of geometric Rains entanglement

Can be evaluated for a bipartite state ρA0 B 0 , which is a bipartite

channel with AB inputs trivial

Can be evaluated for a point-to-point channel NA→B 0 , which is a

bipartite channel with input B and output A0 trivial

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Subadditivity of geometric Rains entanglement [FF19]

Important property of logarithmic negativity: subadditivity with

respect to serial composition.

For completely positive maps M1AB→A0 B 0 and M2A0 B 0 →A00 B 00 :

EN (M2 ◦ M1 ) ≤ EN (M1 ) + EN (M2 )

This and subadditivity of geometric Rényi channel divergence imply

subadditivity for geometric Rényi entanglement: For bipartite
channels NAB→A 2
0 B 0 and NA0 B 0 →A00 B 00 and α ∈ (0, 1) ∪ (1, 2]:

Rbα (N 2 ◦ N 1 ) ≤ Rbα (N 1 ) + Rbα (N 2 )

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LOCC channel

In the theory of entanglement and quantum communication, one often

assumes that Alice and Bob can communicate classical data for free.

Paradigm is local op.’s and classical comm. (LOCC) [BDSW96].

A one-way LOCC channel from Alice to Bob consists of Alice

performing a quantum instrument, sending classical outcome to Bob,
who performs a quantum channel conditioned on the classical data.

An LOCC channel consists of finite, but arbitrarily large number of

1-way LOCC channels from Alice to Bob and then from Bob to Alice.

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LOCC channel (ctd.)

An LOCC channel can be written as a separable channel LAB→A0 B 0 :

z z
LAB→A0 B 0 (ρAB ) = (EA→A 0 ⊗ FB→B 0 )(ρAB ),

where {EA→A z
0 }z and {FB→B 0 }z are sets of completely positive, trace

non-increasing maps, such that LAB→A0 B 0 is a completely positive,

trace-preserving map (quantum channel).

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LOCC-assisted quantum communication

A1’ A2’ A’n MA

A1 B1 A2 B2 An Bn

B1’ B2’ B’n MB

An (n, M, ε) protocol for LOCC-assisted quantum communication

over the quantum channel N calls the channel n times.
In between every channel use, Alice and Bob are allowed to perform
an LOCC channel for free.
The final state ωMA MB should have fidelity larger than 1 − ε with a
maximally entangled state ΦMA MB of Schmidt rank M:

hΦ|MA MB ωMA MB |ΦiMA MB ≥ 1 − ε.

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LOCC assisted quantum capacity [BDSW96, TGW14]
n-shot LOCC assisted quantum capacity:
Q↔ (N ) := sup {log2 M : ∃ (n, M, ε) protocol for N }
LOCC protocols

LOCC-assisted quantum capacity of N :

1 n,ε
Q↔ (N ) := inf lim inf Q↔ (N )
ε∈(0,1) n→∞ n

Strong converse LOCC-assisted quantum capacity of N defined as

e↔ (N ) := sup lim sup 1 Q n,ε (N )

Q ↔
ε∈(0,1) n→∞ n

Always have Q↔ (N ) ≤ Q
e↔ (N )
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Upper bound on n-shot LOCC-a. quantum capacity [FF19]

For final state ωMA MB , can show for all ε ∈ [0, 1) and α ∈ (1, ∞) that

log2 M ≤ RHε (MA ; MB )ω

α 1
≤ Rbα (MA ; MB )ω + log2
α−1 1−ε
α 1
≤ nRbα (N ) + log2
α−1 1−ε

It then follows for all α ∈ (1, ∞) that

1 n,ε α 1
Q (N ) ≤ Rα (N ) +
b log2
n ↔ n(α − 1) 1−ε

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Upper bound on LOCC-assisted quantum capacity

Now take the limit n → ∞:

1 n,ε
lim sup Q↔ (N ) ≤ Rbα (N )
n→∞ n

Since the bound holds for all α ∈ (1, ∞), conclude that

1 n,ε
lim sup Q↔ (N ) ≤ inf Rbα (N ) = R(N
b )
n→∞ n α∈(1,∞)

Conclude bound on strong converse LOCC-assisted quantum capacity

e↔ (N ) ≤ R(N
Q b )

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Three quantum generalizations of Rényi relative entropy and their use:

Petz–Rényi relative entropy:
Dα (ρkσ) := log2 Tr[ρα σ 1−α ]
Finds use as lower bound for distinguishability and comm. tasks

Sandwiched Rényi relative entropy:

eα (ρkσ) :=
D log2 Tr[(σ (1−α)/2α ρσ (1−α)/2α )α ]
Finds use as upper bound for distinguishability and comm. tasks

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Conclusion (ctd.)

Geometric Rényi relative entropy:

bα (ρkσ) :=
D log2 Tr[σ(σ −1/2 ρσ −1/2 )α ]
Finds use as upper bound for feedback-assisted distinguishability and
communication tasks

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Future directions

Are there other interesting quantum generalizations of Rényi relative


Do they have applications in quantum information theory?

See α-z Rényi relative entropies [AD15] and their data-processing

inequality [Zha20]

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