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Name: Huỳnh Lê Hoàng Thư

ID Students: 18DH710858

Topic: Money is the most important factor for achieving happiness. Agree or disagree?

People have different views about whether money is the precondition for experiencing a happy
life. I think that there are many factors that are important to everyone's happiness, but I believe that
money is an equally important part.

Firstly, money is very important for everyone to be happy because money makes people
comfortable. People must meet their individual needs before they want to experience a pleasant life.
For example, people have to buy food, pay bills and houses all their lives, they can not live happily
without a lot of money. Life would be easier if most people were rich. This is because the money that
helps them pay for health care, healthy meals, and high-quality education can motivate people to live

Second, those who have more money they feel more satisfied. They have no worry to be hungry,
their children will go sophisticated schools, their diseases can be cured, they can maintain a cozy
lifestyle without having tension about cash and their lives will be easy going. Money makes people
happy so family members can pursue hobbies and enjoy the holiday. Money is also needed for many
cultural interests: attending concerts and theaters, for example, or buying an instrument.

Some people think that financial wealth holds a significant role in happiness. People with ten
million dollars are no happier than those with nine million dollars. People can live a happy life even
without much money they derive their happiness from other aspects of life rather than just money.
Many other factors for instance family, following your passion and a good healthy lifestyle, can add to a
person’s happiness. For example, it would not be right to say, having too much money is a definite path
to joy. Even rich people suffers from depression and anxiety and have many other problems in life.
However, in my opinion, if you want a comfortable, fulfilling, and comfortable life, money is the deciding

In conclusion, while I agree that people have to earn money to meet their basic needs before
they can live happily, I believe that other non-financial factors can also contribute to their well-being.

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