Print Media: Maldives

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The Maldives is a nation of coral atolls scattered off

General information of Maldives
the southwest coast of India in the Indian Ocean.
Originally a sultanate, Maldivians fought for more Region (Map name): East & South Asia
than a century to stave off Western colonization, but Language(s): Dhivehi, English
eventually agreed to become a British protectorate in
National language: Divehi
exchange for relative independence.
Population: 301,475
The country declared independence in 1965 and is Literacy rate: 96 %
now a republic. Its estimated population is 301,475,
and the literacy rate is approximately 93 percent. Per capita income: more than 3,500 US $
Unemployment: less than 1 %
The official language is Dhivehi, a dialect of Sinhala
that derives its script from Arabic. English also is ➢ Previously colonized by Portuguese, Dutch,
widely spoken, especially in business and French and lastly British,
government. The president acts as both head of state ➢ Independent in 1965
and government, presiding over the 50-seat, ➢ Till 12th century followed Buddhism
unicameral People's Council. ➢ Arabian traders imposed Islam in 12th century
Tourism is by far the largest industry in the
Maldives— more than 90 percent of the government's
tax revenues come from import duties and taxes on tourism. Fishing and boat building also contribute to the

Print Media
Haveeru is the leading daily newspaper. It began publishing in January 1979 and prints in Divehia and
English, and is available online. Other dailies include Aafathis and the Miadhu News; both print in Divehia
with a much smaller sections in English, and both appear online. The Monday Times is a popular, magazine-
style newspaper that prints weekly in English and appears online. The Maldives News also prints in English,
but appears bi-weekly. Dheenuge Magu, a Divehi-language religious publication, appears weekly. There is
one state-run radio station, and one television station, also state-run.

First newspaper – Al Islah weekly (1943)

✓ Early newspapers- Saru Kaaruge, Khabaru, Viyaafari, Miyadhu etc.
✓ Early magazines – Munnaru, Male Times, Moon Light etc.

After Independent (1965)

✓ Hafta weekly ( Divehi),
✓ Out Look (English weekly)
✓ Dheenugu Mage published by Presidents’s office
✓ Faiy Thoora by National Council of Linguistic
✓ Furudhana by Ministry of Information
✓ Jamaathuge Khaburu by Non-formal Education Center
Other weeklies – Adduvas, Fiyes, Huvaas, Manas, Monday Times, Divehi observer, Evening weekly, Kalhale,
Kavaasa, Olhuala etc.
o Haveeru (1978)
✓ Highest circulation 4500
✓ Both in English and Divehi
o Aafathis (1979) -Both in English and Divehi
o Miadhu (1998) only in Divehi,
Other dailies – Hamma, Minivan, Jazeera,
o Voice of Maldives (VOM) 1962
✓ Govt. owned
✓ Most effective and popular media
✓ 3 radio stations of VOM ( 2 AM, 1 FM)
o 90 –95 % of population listen Radio
o 16 hrs/ day service in Divehi and English
o Highly used for distance education

o Television Maldives (TVM) –1978
✓ Govt. owned, National TV channel.
✓ Transmit 18 hrs every day.
✓ Aout 70 % programs based on foreign production
o TVM Plus -1994
✓ Second channel of TVM
✓ Entertainment channel.
✓ Transmit 18 hrs every day.

✓ Haveeru News Service (HNS) – 1979
✓ Himaya News Agency (HNA)
✓ Maldives News Bureau (MNB) under Ministry of Information

Press Laws
Maldivians do not have freedom of press or expression. Constitution of the Republic of Maldives, 2008
Maldives' laws prohibit all speech and action that could Freedom of expression, Article 27-
incite citizens against the government or that could be
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought and
construed as libelous, a national security threat, or critical the freedom to communicate opinions and
of Islam. Authorities can shut down newspapers and expression in a manner that is not contrary to any
sanction editors, leading most journalists to practice self- tenet of Islam.
censorship. Freedom of the media , Article 28-
In 1990 authorities arrested several journalists and writers Everyone has the right to freedom of the press,
foor criticising election system and the govt.- Sangu and and other means of communication, including the
right to espouse, disseminate and publish news,
Hukuru magazines closed down. The situation is information, views and ideas. No person shall be
improving, however, and the media has begun to criticize compelled to disclose the source of any
specific government policies, though not the political information that is espoused, disseminated or
system as a whole. published by that person.

Article 13 and 14 of the constitution guarantees the press freedom but about 30 clauses and laws limit the
freedom. The press freedom is guarantee as long as the specific provisions of the Shariat are not contravened.

Major challenges,
✓ Geographical condition, Country of 1200 islands, inhabited islands 200
✓ Very small population (0.3 million),
✓ Almost all people know each other in capital
✓ All most all print media published from Male
✓ No press freedom
✓ No journalism education or trainings
✓ Journalism as a hobby not a profession
✓ Highly influenced by foreign press, specially Indian and English

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