What Did You Learn From The Story?

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1. What did you learn from the story?

The story of “The Wise Old Man '' was something that brought out sadness in my heart
yet gave me more fulfillment in life. At the first paragraph of the story, when I found that his
beloved wife recently died and he was obliged to leave their home, it’s just sad to think he will
be alone with his life after losing his wife. What made me amazed with the old man is that,
despite the sadness that he must feel, he still managed to give smiles as he is told that his room is
ready although he’s not even sure what will be the appearance of his room.
I learned from this story that as long as our ability to do what we want and what we can,
do it. We don’t have to depend our happiness on other people because we have different levels of
happiness. Always appreciate your surroundings because you will never know how long you can
step on your doorways to say good morning or hi to your family and friends. Choose what makes
you happy and not what others want you to be. We can’t bring our house, money, luxury things
or whatever we have when you die, the only investment you can bring is your memories and
your happiness.
We have to free our hearts from hate because hate will just bring us problems. Free our
minds from worry because if we overthink too much, it may cause anxiety and depression that
may cause to suicide. Live simply like taking care of our own selves. Although problems and
challenges are coming within our lives or whatever tomorrow brings us, as we live simple, we
can surpass these things. Lastly, we have to expect less. There’s this quote that I remember, it
says “Don’t expect too much because expecting too much will hurt you so much”, I found that
it’s really true based on my experiences in life that’s why we have to expect very little because
this very little is needed to make a happy life. As long as we are able to do what makes us happy,
let’s just enjoy our moment to fulfill the needs of our lives.

2. What is your own story in which you are able to show the value of being wise?

As a student who is aware of what is happening to our government, I surely made a wise
decision on accepting the task of criticizing the government, and be a watchdog and voice at the
same time. I took a big risk, and I know for a fact that I might be called activist or ever-
complaining “woke”, but I know it is part of the game. With this wise act, I know I can educate
and empower people, and send them the message that criticizing our government is a wise thing
to do for the betterment and common good of our country and its people. 
As country faces different obstacles and government on different allegations - officials’
lack of compliance and leadership, scamming, theft and many more - some people tend to
criticize government in a disrespectful manner. This is why the diehard fans of our
administration who don’t see anything wrong, but as a matter of fact there are, they channel their
rage and anger in all critics. As writer who already wrote different articles about the government,
we should seek information first and only see facts before criticizing, and that is what I always
did because
I have the ability to do so. That’s what sets the critics to mockers. That’s what sets most
of us to those people who just complain. Criticizing our government is our right granted to us by
the Philippine constitution and is a legitimate exercise of our democratic freedom. In that matter,
as what I see in social medias, some people always told to critics their famous line “Anong
ambag mo?” and I just desperately wish that people would take it from me that criticizing is
different from mocking, that criticizing is different from just complaining. Criticism is a helpful
one – it spots wrong doings or what is lacking and offers best and helpful solutions - and officials
and leaders just have to accept it constructively. Thus, their leadership and services to Filipino
people will be improved.

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