Vatsal Maheshwari - 306 - Case 1

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Name: Vatsal Maheshwari Sec- A Roll NO: 23/306

Q1. How does marketing cars differ from marketing service for those same vehicles?
We can see this through the lens of 4Ps. In Product, marketing of a car is different from marketing of
services as one can touch and feel the car and not the services. Thus, for marketing services,
intangibility is a big factor and more emphasis on consumer perception needs to be done. In terms of
People, the services cannot be separated from people who work, but for car marketing, one can store
the car post its production and sell it at a later date. Thus, while marketing services inseparability of
people from process needs to be taken into consideration. In terms of Place, we can see that the Ford
car of a particular model remains same on every showroom. However, the servicing changes at each
showroom due to different people and processes. Thus, product remain same irrespective of the place
but service changes from place to place.
Also, services once done cannot be taken back. If a particular is defective, one can return the car but
the same is not possible with services. Servicing involves human element more as compared to
product and hence its marketing is different from a product.

Q2. Compare the sales and service departments at Auto world?

Sales Department Service Department

Case mentions it be a front end process Case mentions it to be a back end process
The departments looks elegant and presentable The workshop looks greasy and shoddy
Employees are often polite and possess Employees are not often polite and customers
excellent communication skills are also harsh in their communication
Customers visits the sales department first when Customers generally avoid visiting the
they plan to buy a car workshop when they come to showroom
It is the first place customers see when they It is generally built behind the showroom
enter the showroom
Employees are on a permanent basis Employees are on a contract basis- mostly
contractual such as technicians and labourers
Customers are quite happy when they purchase Customers are not happy when they bring car
a car for servicing

Q3. From a consumer's perspective, what useful parallels do you see between operating a car
sales and service dealership, and operating health services?
At the risk of sounding childish, the new car bought by customers is similar to a new born baby. Thus,
one expects similar kind of services from Hospitals and car service centre. The aim at Hospitals is to
give the best treatments so that patients do not come again. Similarly for Service centres, repair the
car in such a way that repetition does not happen. The staff at the Hospital is always at ease and
maintains a calm composure. At service centre too, employees should be trained to listen to the
grievances of customers (even if they are rude at times). This will in a long run be fruitful for service
centre too. Healthy customer relationship is the backbone for both Hospitals and Servicer centre. The
game runs of Trust and thus focus for both is fostering long term relationships. In Nutshell, treating
patients, regular check-ups and trusted doctors are all attributes required in Service centre too.

Q4. What advice would you give to Carol Sullivan-Diaz?

In my view, Carol should not sell the business and try to revamp the existing business. The services
department needs a new head who has a vast amount of experience in this field. Further, she can try to
bring her twin sisters for full time as their track record is good in dealing with customers (as per the
feedback forms). Try to bring technological changes as she desired of client records and write ups.
This will smoothen the flow. Introduce a mandatory training session for service department people on
how to talk to customers and making them understand the importance of car repair department.
Customers should be introduced to the service department and the look for the same has to be
revamped. Once need to stop treating it as a back end thing. A separate service manager / customer
relationship post can be created which specifically looks in these matters. If customers are happy with
the service centre, they will recommend others too and this will generate more revenues.
Name: Vatsal Maheshwari Sec- A Roll NO: 23/306

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