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LESSON Working with

5 Paragraphs

OBJECTIVES Creating a New Paragraph

 Build and align Now that you can write your own Web page, give it a title
paragraphs and put headings on it. It’s about time to start writing
 Understand paragraphs to put in some content to it. In HTML, there
ordered and are tags for writing paragraphs. Yes, it’s a container tag
unordered lists and it is the <p></p>.
 Apply line and
multiple line
breaks and <!DOCTYPE html>
horizontal rule <html>
 Use, definition <head>
list, pre- <title>Latest IT Books</title>
formatting text, </head>
invisible <body>
comments and <font size="5" face="arial">
quote passages <p>This is the first
 Explore nesting paragraph.</p>
tags and lists <p>This is the second
<p>This is the third paragraph.</p>

Remember to close the container tag that you opened.
You can type the open and close tags first before
typing the contents in between the tags.
Aligning a Paragraph

You can align a paragraph by using the paragraph tag pair <p align=left>, <p align=right> or <p

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Latest IT Books</title>
<font size="5" face="arial">
<p align=left>
This paragraph is aligned to the left.</p>
<p align=center>
This paragraph is aligned to the center</p>
<p align=right>
This paragraph is aligned to the right</p>

Attributes for <p></p>

attribute Definition Values
align Indicates the horizontal left, right, center, justify
alignment of the paragraph
Ex: <p align=”right”> This
paragraph should stick to the
right side of the screen </p>
class, id, style Used on Cascading Style Sheets
or CSS (to be discussed in later
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>IT Learning</title>
<h3 align="center"> Visual Guide to Learning Computers </h3>
<p align="justify"> Visual Guide to Fundamentals of Computers is the latest and
up to date educational tool in studying computers. It is presented with full
illustration for the students to easily understand the technology that they are
studying. </p>

Quoting Passages

You can place quotes in indented form and shrink them to be set apart from the main paragraph by
using the tag pair <blockquote></blockquote>.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<font size="5">
<p> This is an excerpt from the poem Tree.</p>
<blockquote><font face="Arial" size-"3">
"I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree"

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