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Stephen is a poetry critic, who talks about how meaningful poetry has been to him

throughout his life. Since he was a child he loved to write, he always liked to express his

feelings and emotions through words, he said “poetry makes me feel happier, sadder

and more alive”. Since we can turn to poems to remember something or someone, to

celebrate, to say goodbye, to express loneliness, love, contempt, etc. and this is one of

the reasons why poetry may seem important and necessary for people.

The particularities of a poem are like the personalities that distinguish each person.

Poems can help you say how you feel, but they can also show you feelings, they can

show you different thoughts, different personalities, different customs and cultures. Also,

the interpretation of the poems is free. We can only look at them, listen to them and

interpret them and if we are wrong about any part of the poem, nothing bad will happen.

In addition, poems are easy to share and this is very important because poems can

unite people, since the characteristics of a poem make us want to connect and

understand what is in the heart of another person.

One of the poems that Stephen highlighted was "The Brave Man"; this poem shows

us a terrified person who wants to flee, who thinks about the past and the future, about

life and death. The characteristics of this poem make us imagine and feel the anxiety,

loneliness and courage of this character. This is why poems can seem so long-lasting,

so personal, and so ephemeral.

In conclusion Stephen Burt said "Poetry helps me want to be alive".


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