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Sam Berns is a young man who has a very strange disease called Progeria. This

disease affects around 350 people in the world. The effects of progeria include: weight

loss, tighten skin, stunted growth and heart disease. However Sam is a happy boy, he

said in the interview “I have a very happy life”. He was afraid that people felt bad for

him, so despite the obstacles and limitations of his strange disease, he wished to

change the world.

One of his dreams was to play a military drum in the school band but there was a

problem, the military drum was very heavy for Sam. However he was not going to give

up, Sam, his parents and the engineer worked designing a military drum that it weighed

little and easier to carry and that is how Sam fulfilled his dream of playing the military

drum in the school band. Sam said “I do not think about obstacles all the time and I can

overcome them anyway”.

There are three philosophies for a happy life according to Sam. The first philosophy

is “Life moves pretty fast. If you do not stop and look around once in a while, you could

miss it” Ferris Bueller. Sam said he focuses on activities he can do, like walking, reading

comics, listening to music and he tries to ignore things he cannot do, like climbing a

mountain, running for a long time or riding a roller coaster. The second philosophy is to

surround yourself with your loved ones, such as family, friends, positive and kind

people. The third philosophy is to keep moving forward and the key is to be brave. Sam

said “I think I can fulfill all my dreams”.


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