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The file name must be as follow: Lx(Batch)_18BECxxx_Exp0_DCom

Roll Number:

Experiment 0
Aim: Analyze BER versus SNR performance of Coherent Binary detection in AWGN channel
using simulations.

1. Use Monte Carlo simulation and write the program to plot BER versus SNR for the
BPSK modulation.

Write your program over here

Simulation Results:

Paste your plots over here with proper labeling


Write interpretation for each plot over here

2. Plot the BER versus SNR for analytical expression and compare with simulations.

Write your program over here

Simulation Results:

Paste your plots over here with proper labeling


Write interpretation for each plot over here

3. Write the program to obtain BER versus SNR for QPSK modulation.

Write your program over here

Simulation Results:
Paste your plots over here with proper labeling


Write interpretation for each plot over here

4. Compare the BER performance of BPSK and QPSK.

Write your program over here

Simulation Results:

Paste your plots over here with proper labeling


Write interpretation for each plot over here

5. Write a program for communication of Image in AWGN channel. See the effect of
various SNR on the reconstructed image.

Write your program over here

Simulation Results:

Paste your plots over here with proper labeling


Write interpretation for each plot over here

6. Write your conclusion based on

(1) Analytical expression and simulation results for BPSK
(2) Comparison between BPSK and QPSK.

Write your program over here

Simulation Results:
Paste your plots over here with proper labeling


Write interpretation for each plot over here


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