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Procedure for installing

Service Manual Viewer

Service Manual data


Chapter 1 System requirements for installation of Service Manual Viewer ------ 2

Chapter 2 Procedure for installing ------------------------------------------------------------- 3

2.1 Flow of installation-------------------------------------------------------------------- 3
2.2 Procedure for installing Service Manual Viewer ---------------------------- 4
2.3 Procedure for installing Service Manual data-------------------------------- 8
2.3.1 Preparation of installing Service Manual data -------------------- 8
2.3.2 Installation of Service Manual data ----------------------------------- 11

Chapter 3 Procedure for uninstalling---------------------------------------------------------- 20

3.1 Flow of uninstallation ---------------------------------------------------------------- 20
3.2 Procedure for uninstalling Service Manual data ---------------------------- 21
3.3 Procedure for uninstalling Service Manual Viewer------------------------- 25

Chapter 4 Notes of use only for Windows2000 and WindowsXP -------------------- 27

4.1 Account in which SMV use is possible ---------------------------------------- 27

Chapter 1 System requirements for installation of Service Manual Viewer

(1) Hardware
· Operating system : Windows2000 or WindowsXP
Caution: The recommended OS is English version in this installer.
When you use OS in other languages, some characters may be garbled.
There is no problem on the system, so you can keep installing.

· RAM : More than recommended value of operating system

· Hard disk : Service Manual Viewer system
10MB of available hard-disk space
Hard drive utilization of the Service Manual data
(1) Database for the Service Manual search approx. 10MB
(2) Service manual data approx. 450MB

· Display : Greater than 800X600 pixels resolution and 256 colors

(2) Software
· Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or 6.0 or 7.0
· Acrobat Reader 5.0 or later

· Microsoft, Windows2000, WindowsXP and Internet Explorer are registered trademarks or
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
· Acrobat ® Reader Copyright © 1987-2001 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights
reserved.Adobe, Adobe logo, Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Acrobat logo are trademarks of Adobe
Systems Incorporated.

Chapter 2 Installation procedure

2.1 Flow of installation

Caution: In case of Windows2000 and WindowsXP, installation must be started

after login by a user who has authority of the Administrator.


Login to the computer as an


2.2. Installing Service Manual data

The set location for installation is

the same folder as the system.
Restarting PC. Recommendation:
If there is enough space on
another drive, change of
location for installation is

Change of location where Service No

Manual (S/M) data is installed


2.3.1. Preparing S/M installation

2.3.2. Installing Service Manual



2.2 Procedure for installing Service Manual Viewer

Caution: Exit all of other applications before installing.

Some data may be lost because of restarting PC after completing installation.

(1) When you set CD-ROM into CD drive, the W/M CD’s menu screen (Figure 1) appears automatically.
Click Installation button. --Go to (2) on this page.

Figure 1: W/M CD’s menu screen

In case that the above screen is not appeared, right-click on Start at the lower-left corner of the
desktop and click Explore. (Refer to Figure 2)
Then double-click SMVCD_KICK.exe in the CD-ROM. (Refer to Figure 3)

Figure 2: Running Explore

Figure 3: Running SMVCD_KICK.exe

(2) Dialog box for confirmation of Service Manual (S/M) Viewer installation (Figure 4) appears. Click Yes.

Figure 4: Dialog box for confirmation of S/M Viewer installation

(3) The dialog box for preparation (Figure 5) appears, and then the next dialog box for welcome (Figure 6)

Figure 5: InstallShield Wizard

Start to install Service Manual Viewer. Click Next. (Refer to Figure 6)

Figure 6: Starting installation

(4) Select a folder for installation. (Default : C:\Program Files)

When you change the folder, click Browse. Then the window for referring to folders appears. (Figure 8)
Select or enter a folder, and click OK.

Caution: Appoint a folder for installation.

(e.g.: not appoint X :\ . X is drive name.)

After selecting a folder, click Next. (Figure 7)

Figure 8: Referring to folders for installation

Figure 7: Selecting a folder for installation

(6) Select language for introduction, and click Next.

Figure 9: Selecting the introduction language

(7) Select language for use, and click Next.

Figure 10: Selecting the use language

(8) Installation of the Service Manual Viewer is started. (Refer to Figure 11)
Caution: Wait for a while until setup is completed properly,
even if Setup status reached 100%.

Figure 11: Setup Status6window (at installation)

(9) When the window for completion appears, select ‘Yes, I want to restart my computer now’,
and click Finish. (Refer to Figure 12)

Figure 12: Completing installation

After restarting PC, the shortcut icon appears on the desktop. (Refer to Figure 13)

Figure 13: Shortcut icon

Double-click the shortcut icon (Figure 13) to start the Service Manual Viewer main menu. (Figure 14)

Figure 14: Screen of the Service Manual Viewer main menu

Installation of Service Manual Viewer is completed.

2.3 Procedure for installing Service Manual data

2.3.1 Preparation of installing Service Manual data

If you do not change location for installation, go to ‘2.3.2 Installation of Service Manual (S/M) data’ on page

(1) Double-click the created shortcut icon (Figure 15) on the desktop to start Service Manual Viewer main menu.
(Refer to Figure 16)

Figure 15: Shortcut icon

(2) Click Maintenance in Service Manual Viewer main menu. (Refer to Figure 16)

Figure 16: Service Manual Viewer main menu

(3) Click Environment tab, and click Environmental setting change button. (Refer to Figure 17)

Figure 17: Maintenance menu

(4) Password input screen appears. (Refer to Figure 18)

Enter password SMV, and click OK.

OK button

Figure 18: Password input screen

(5) Environmental change screen appears. (Refer to Figure 19)

You can set any drive and any directory to install the Service Manual data.
Initial setting is the system default. e.g.: C:\Program files
When you change a local drive, click alphabet in A local drive. (Refer to Figure 19 (a))
When you change a directory, click Directory button (Refer to Figure 19 (b)), then enter directory
name and click OK button. (Refer to Figure 20)

Click OK after selecting a drive and a directory. (Refer to Figure 19)

Caution: Make sure that you click OK in order to reflect Environmental change.

(a) (b)

OK button

Figure 19: Environmental change

OK button

Figure 20: Directory change

2.3.2 Installation of Service Manual data

Caution: Make sure that there is enough space in the disk drive before installation.

Required disk space for installation of Service Manual (S/M) data is as follows. (Refer to Chart 1)

Chart 1: Required disk space for installation

Required disk space
DB data S/M data Remarks
Approx. 10MB - Install only DB data *1
Approx. 10MB Approx. 450MB

*1: In case that only DB data is installed, CD-ROM must be certainly set to browse the S/M data.

Caution: Exit all of other applications before installation.

(1) When you set CD-ROM into CD drive, the W/M CD’s menu screen (Figure 21) appears automatically.
Click Installation button. --Go to (2) on page 12.

Figure 21: W/M CD’s menu screen

In case that the above screen is not appeared, right-click on Start at the lower-left corner of the
desktop and click Explore. (Refer to Figure 22)
Then double-click SMVCD_KICK.exe in the CD-ROM. (Refer to Figure 23)

Figure 22: Running Explore

Figure 23: Running SMVCD_KICK.exe

(2) Dialog box for confirmation of S/M data installation (Figure 24) appears. Click Yes.

Figure 24: Dialog box for confirmation of S/M installation

(3) MSB installation will be started continuously.Click Yes, if you want to install MSB into the PC.

Figure 25: MSB Update

(4) If MSB version which has been already installed in the PC is the latest, such a dialog box will be

Figure 26: The MSB version installed in a PC is latest.

(5)When the window for completion appears, OK Finish.

Figure 27: MSB update completion.

Installation of Service Manual data is completed.

MSB version can be confirmed in the System Information screen.

Figure 28: MSB Version.

(6)The dialog box for preparation (Figure 29) appears, and then the next dialog box for welcome (Figure 30)

Figure 29: InstallShield Wizard

Start to install Service Manual data. Click Next . (Refer to Figure 30)

Figure 30: Starting installation

(8) Select location for installing the Service Manual data.

Select one of the following options.

a) Install the DB data and the Service Manual data into a local drive.
Install the DB data and the S/M data into a disk drive.
When you browse the S/M data, CD-ROM is not required.
Select this basically.
Go to page 17.

b) Install only the DB data into a local drive.

Install only the DB data into a hard disk.
In this case, make reference to the S/M data in CD-ROM.
When you browse the S/M data, CD-ROM must be set.
Go to page 15.

Figure 32: Selecting location for installing

(9) Case 1 – selecting ‘Only DB data will be installed on the Local.’
The image of installing the Service Manual data is as follows. (Refer to Figure 33)

Appointed location e.g. : C:\Program files


DATA Figure 33

004 Destination code

424B202020202020_T Model code (PAJERO in this case)

2007 DB

VER Storage location of the DB data

a) Select ‘Only DB data will be installed on the Local.’ ,and click Next. (Refer to Figure 34)

Figure 34: Selecting location for installation

b) Make sure that the directory for installation is displayed properly, and click Next. (Refer to Figure 35)

Figure 35: Indicating the directory for installation

c) After copying files (Refer to Figure 36), Setup Status window appears (Refer to Figure 37).
It takes a few minutes.

Figure 36: Copying files

Figure 37: Setup Status window

d) When the window for completion appears, click Finish. (Refer to Figure 38)

Figure 38: Completing installing

Installation of Service Manual data is completed.

(10) Case 2 - selecting All, ‘DB data and HTML documents will be installed on the Local.’
The image of the Service Manual data is as follows. (Refer to Figure 39)

Appointed location e.g. : C:\Program files


DATA Figure 39

004 Destination code

424B202020202020 Model code (PAJERO in this case)

2007 DB

HTML Storage location of the DB data





a) Select ‘All, DB data and HTML documents will be installed on the Local.’, and click Next.
(Refer to Figure 40)

Figure 36: Selecting location for installation

b) Make sure that the directory for installation is displayed properly, and click Next.
(Refer to Figure 41)

Figure 41: Indicating the directory for installation

c) After copying files (Refer to Figure 42), Setup Status window appears. (Refer to Figure 43)
It takes a few minutes.

Figure 42: Copying files

Figure 43 Setup Status window

Caution: Just after Setup Status window (Figure 43) is closed, InstallShield Wizard is still
displayed on the task bar. (Refer to Figure 44)
It does not mean PC freezing, so wait for a while.

Figure 44: InstallShield Wizard (task bar indication)

d) When the window for completion appears. click Finish .

Figure 45: Completing installation

Installation of Service Manual data is completed.

Chapter 3 Procedure for uninstalling

3.1 Flow of uninstallation


Completed to install Service No

Manual (S/M) data


Have an installation CD No
of S/M data


3.2. Uninstalling Service Manual data

* In case of deletion of
Service Manual Viewer,
delete all models.

Logon by user who has authority of the


3.3. Uninstalling Service Manual


Restarting PC.


3.2 Procedure for uninstalling Service Manual data

Caution: Delete Service Manual (S/M) data before deleting S/M Viewer or at re-installing S/M data.
When you do not install the S/M data into a disk drive, this process is not required.

(1) Click Maintenance button in SMV(Service Manual Viewer) main menu. (Refer to Figure 42)

Figure 42: Service Manual Viewer main menu

(2) Click Data update tab, and then click Service manual button. (Refer to Figure 43)

Figure 43: Maintenance menu (S/M data management)

(3) Click Service manual to be deleted button. (Refer to Figure 44)

Figure 44: Service Manual data management menu

(4) Password input screen appears. (Refer to Figure 45)

Enter password SMV, and click OK.

OK button

Figure 45: Password input screen

(5) The list of installed models appears. (Refer to Figure 46)
Click the check boxes of the model to uninstall.
Then click Delete button.

Delete button

Figure 46: The model List

(6) The dialog box for confirmation of deletion appears. (Refer to Figure 46)
Click OK. When you cancel, click Cancel button.

Cancel button
OK button

Figure 46: Confirmating for deletion

(8) Returns to the screen of the list of installed models. (Refer to Figure 47)
Complete to delete the selected model.
Click and returns to the Maintenance menu screen.

Returns to Maintenance button

Figure 47: The model list

3.3 Procedure for uninstalling Service Manual Viewer

Caution: (1) Make sure that Service Manual Viewer does not run before uninstalling.
(2) In case of Windows2000, installation must be started after login by a user who has authority of the
(3) Before uninstalling the Service Manual Viewer, uninstall all of the Service Manual (S/M) data
according to ‘3.2. Procedure of Uninstalling Service Manual data’.

Uninstallation screen is for Windows2000.

(1) Click Start, Settings and Control Panel on the desktop. (Refer to Figure 50)

Figure 50: Control Panel

(2) Double-click Add/Remove Programs icon in the Control Panel. (Refer to Figure 51)

Figure 51: Add/Remove Programs

(3) Add/Remove Programs window appears. (Figure 52)
Select Service manual viewer system, and click Change/Remove button.
After clicking, InstallShield Wizard is started. (Refer to Figure 53)

Figure 52: Property of Add/Remove Programs

(4) InstallShield Wizard dialog box appears (Figure 53), and then Confirm File Deletion
dialog box appears. (Refer to Figure 54)

Figure 53: Starting InstallShield Wizard

When you complete deleting the system, click OK.
When you cancel, click Cancel.

Figure 54: Confirm File Deletion

(5) When you click OK, Setup Status window (Figure 55) appears and the process of deletion is started.

Figure 55: Setup Status window (for uninstallation)

(6) When the process of deletion is completed, InstallShield Wizard Complete window appears.
(Refer to Figure 56)
Click Finish to restart PC.

Figure 56: Completing deletion of the system.

Chapter 4
Instruction of use only for Windows2000 and WindowsXP

4.1 Valid account in using SMV

Valid account in using SMV is an account of user with authority of the Administrator .

Basically, please log on with the user ID with authority of the Administrator to use SMV.
In case you can't log on with user ID with authority of the Administrator, you can log on and use SMV by
the following procedure.

If you are using Windows 2000

On logon dialogue box, input as follows and click " OK".
User name: mmcsmv
Password: mmcsmv

If you are using Windows XP

On logon dialogue box, input as follows and click " OK".
User name: mmcsmv
Password: mmcsmv

In case the welcome screen appears on the desktop, press "Ctrl" "Alt" and "Del" for twice, then log on
screen (logon dialogue box) will appear.
On Windows XP, user icons are not displayed on the welcome screen.


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