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Manual speed and voltage

control in InteliGenNT and

InteliSysNT Combi application

Application Sheet and Configuration

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This function introduces one of possible solutions how to create the function of Manual synchronization
(manual speed and voltage control) in InteliGen NT and InteliSys NT Combi application.
The example of configuration you can find in related archive.

List of controllers
InteliGen , InteliGen BaseBox, InteliGen BaseBox, InteliSys , InteliSys BaseBox, InteliSys
BaseBox + InteliVision 5

How to realize the function – step by step
Sometimes it is required to have the possibility to control the speed of the engine and the generator
voltage manually. This function is an example of solution of this need. It is the combination of several
unique functions of InteliGen and InteliVision 5, i.e. user configurable soft keys, PLC and force value
of parameters.

Step 1
Open the ScreenEditor and create a new soft key screen (you can use the default soft key screen and
create the new one using the copy/past method). Remove the soft keys Mode, History and Alarmlist
from the screen and add to the screen the three new buttons of type “SoftKeyCmd”. Configure the
command of them as UserButton 6 – ON/OFF, UserButton 7 – ON/OFF, UserButton 8 – ON/OFF, and
change the texts according to this table.

User button 6 - ON/OFF Text/Active Text/Inactive

User button 7 - ON/OFF Text/Active Text/Inactive
User button 8 - ON/OFF Text/Active Text/Inactive

LBI: Cleaning IGS-NT BI9

Now you have prepared the SoftKey screen for use. Now you can open the “Screen 6 (Synchro)” and
select in configuration the option Soft Key screen = Soft key 2.

Step 2
Open the PLC Editor and create the PLC functions for detection of Soft keys and evaluation of force
values for parameters of voltage and speed control. Every press of User Button 8 generates the 0,1 s
long pulse on the output of Delay block. This pulse increases the value of Inc/Dec function by one.
Every press of User Button 7 generates the 0,1 s long pulse on the output of Delay block. This pulse
decreases the value of Inc/Dec function by one. The ADD function ensures the offset of the output
value. The function Convert on the output of the sheet ensures the matching of the Inc/Dec value to
the needed resolution of parameter that it is forced on. User Button 6 determines if the manual control
of speed or voltage is active. Binary input InteliGen , InteliSys BI 6 is used as Enable/Disable
function of the manual control of the speed and voltage and reset the parameters for control to the
default values.

The logic of voltage control is very similar as the logic for the speed control. The most important
difference is in the opposite logic of blocking of UP/DOWN pulses by binary input User Button 6.

Step 3
Set the Force value on parameters Basic settings: GenNom V and Basic settings: Nom frq offset. As
the new forced value select the PLC outputs MAN spd out and MAN volt out.

The function for manual synchronization and Speed and voltage control is ready now. The last
important point is that the parameter Sync/Load ctrl: Freq reg loop has to be set as ALL THE TIME.

Sync/Load ctrl: Freq reg loop ALL THE TIME

When the binary input BI 6 of the controller is active the control of the voltage from the Synchro screen
is enabled. The Soft key SPEED/VOLT determinates about meaning of Soft keys UP and DOWN.
Every press of UP/DOWN key changes the value of Nom frq offset (nominal frequency offset) by 0,01
Hz or value of GenNom V (generator nominal voltage) by 1 V.


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