Ed508-5e-Lesson-Plan-Language and Literacy

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5E Lesson Plan

Preschool – Language and Literacy


Date September 3, 2020

Subject Preschool – Language and Literacy

e level
After the Fall by Dan Santat
All Are Welcome by Alexandra Penfold and Suzanne Kaufman
Firebird by Misty Copeland and Christopher Myers
MarcoPolo app https://www.marcopolo.me/download
Storytime Book Review Direction Sheet

Standards (State LLT 1b Expressive Language: Children will use words and gestures to
and ISTE express their thoughts, feelings and needs to others.
Standards for
ISTE standard 6.d.: Students communicate clearly and express themselves
creatively for a variety of purposes using the platforms, tools, styles,
formats and digital media appropriate to their goals. Students: publish or
present content that customizes the message and medium for their
intended audiences.

Objectives Student will engage with a storybook reading in the class Marco Polo
Student will organize their thoughts and feelings about the storytime.
Student will post a reaction in the Marco Polo platform, expressing their
thoughts by using their words and a gesture (thumbs up or down).

Differentiation Learning Styles: This lesson is visual, auditory and kinesthetic. Students
Strategies (How watch and listen to one of three recorded storytime sessions. Students
will the lesson respond verbally and kinesthetically, using both words and gestures.
address the
Special Needs: All can participate regardless of level of ability or disability
various learning
and will be accommodated for as described in their IEP or 504 plan. For
styles of the
example, to accommodate for short attention span, the stories are a variety
students and the
of lengths. To accommodate for those with limited expressive language,
needs of those
the response is conveyed with gestures (thumbs up/thumbs down).
with special

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The 5 Es

E Description

Engagement Prep: Post individual recordings of the 3 storytime books in the Marco Polo
class group. At the beginning of each recording, show the cover, share the
title, author, and illustrator of the book, followed with an engaging reading of
the storybook. Include Storytime Book Review form in the weekly pick-up

Marco Polo app: https://www.marcopolo.me/download

Remind app: https://www.remind.com/
Post an Activity Announcement in Marco Polo.
“I have posted storytime readings of these 3 books.”
Show the cover, read the title, author, and illustrator of each book.
“What do you think these different stories will be about?”
“Do you already have any thoughts or feelings about these books?”
“Do you think you have enough information to decide if you like the book
just by looking at the cover?”
“Have you already formed an ‘opinion’ about any of these books?”
“What do you think an ‘opinion’ is? Have you heard that word before?”
“Let me know what you think by responding to my post with your answers
to any of these questions!”
“Now, let me tell you a little about the activity for today!”
“After you listen to the storytime for each of these books, you will get to
figure out your ‘opinion’ of one of them and share it with everyone!”
“Watch the storytime posts to hear the stories After The Fall, All Are
Welcome, and Firebird, then watch the activity directions post to find out
how you will share your opinion!”

Engagement Monitor the Activity Announcement in the Marco Polo class group for
Assessment questions or responses to the prompts.
Post a parent/guardian notification in the Remind app sharing the Marco Polo
activity. Check the Message Summary to ensure all have read the message.
Reach out with individual follow-up message to those who have not viewed the

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E Description

Exploration Students engage with the three storytime recordings on Marco Polo.
Stories may be viewed and replayed as many times as desired.

The Marco Polo storytime recordings of each book include:

Sharing the cover
Reading the title
Identifying the author and illustrator
Reading with expression, character voices, and gestures

(Image of the 3 stories posted on Marco Polo)

Exploration Monitor the Storytime Posts in the Marco Polo class group for initial questions
Assessment or comments. Respond as needed.
Post a parent/guardian notification in the Remind app informing about the 3
storytime posts that are available. Check the Message Summary to ensure all
have read the message. Reach out with individual follow-up message to those
who have not viewed the reminder.

Explanation Record Activity Guidance on Marco Polo, giving directions for responding

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E Description

with their opinion of a storytime book using the Book Review directions sheet.
“I hope you enjoyed the 3 storytime videos! I enjoyed reading them!”
“Do you remember what I asked you before you watched the stories? I
asked you if you knew what an ‘opinion’ was. Your beliefs, thoughts, and
feelings are called your opinion. When you share your opinion, you are
telling others what you think, what you do and don’t like.”
“Now that you have listened to the 3 storytimes, for this activity, you will pick
one of those 3 books and share your opinion about it. You will share one
thing you do like, one thing you don’t like, and your overall opinion of the
book by giving it a ‘Thumbs up’ or ‘Thumbs down’. This paper can help you
get ready to share your opinion.”
Show and review the details of the response sheet:

“For this activity, you will: (Note: point to each word as you say it.)

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E Description

Watch, which you have already done.

Think about the story, naming some things you liked and some things you
didn’t like. Do you have more things you do like, or more things you don’t
Plan what you want to share as your ‘opinion’. Pick one ‘thing you liked’ and
one ‘thing you didn’t like’ to share. Overall, are there more things you like
(then its Thumbs up) or don’t like (then its Thumbs down)?
Reply to the video on Marco Polo to share your opinion with the class, one
thing you like, one thing you did not like, and then give it an overall thumbs
up or thumbs down.
“I am going to share my opinion of a book we read last week, The Rainbow
Fish, as an example. I liked…. I did not like… I have many more things I like
than things I don’t like, so overall, I give the book a thumbs up!” (Note:
Show and read the sample and gesture the thumbs up and down.)

“Now, it’s your turn! After you form your opinion (one thing you like, one
thing you did not like, and a thumbs up or thumbs down), reply to the
storytime post with a video telling us your opinion! If you need help with the
paper, a grown up can help you write down your thoughts. Remember, you
can reply to this post if you have any questions!”

(Image from Activity Guidance posted on Marco


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E Description

Explanation Monitor the Activity Guidance post in the Marco Polo class group for questions
Assessment or comments and respond accordingly.
Post a parent/guardian notification in the Remind app informing about the
Activity Guidance post that is available and the form is in this week’s pick-up
packet. Check the Message Summary to ensure all have read the message.
Reach out with individual follow-up message to those who have not viewed the

Elaboration Record an Activity Follow-Up on Marco Polo, challenging the students to

select something in their home (toy, furniture, pet, etc.) to make an “opinion”
video about and share their review by initiating a post in the
class Marco Polo. Remind students to use the format on the
Book Review directions sheet; one thing you like, one thing
you did not like, and then give it an overall thumbs up or
thumbs down.
As an example, I reviewed my cat, Jack. I like how soft
and furry he is. I do not like when he scratches the furniture.
Overall, I have many more things I like about him than I don’t like, so I give
him a Thumbs Up!

Evaluation The following rubric will be used to assess each student on their participation
and understanding and evaluate how close they have come to meeting the
objectives of the lesson.

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