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Acitvity Must Follow Time(Days) Staffing Needed

1 A. Identify Faculty 5 2
2 B. Arrange Transport 7 3
3 C. Indentify Materials 5 2
4 D. Arrange Accomodation A 1 3 1
5 E. Identify Team A 1 7 4
6 F. Bring In Team B,E 2,5 2 1
7 G. Transport Faculty A,B 1,2 3 2
8 H. Print Material C 3 10 6
9 I. Delivery Material H 8 7 3
10 J. Train Team D,F,G,I 4,6,7,9 15 0
11 K. Do Field work J 10 30 0

Ans 3

Ans 1 Critical Path in Red Color -

a critical path (Ans

C - 2H - I - J - K ) 11 personnel are needed to complete the task

Classification: Personal
Normal Minimal
Time Cost $ Time
A. Identify Faculty 5 400 2
B. Arrange Transport 7 1000 4
C. Indentify Materials 5 400 3
D. Arrange Accomodation 3 2500 1
E. Identify Team 7 400 4
F. Bring In Team 2 1000 1
G. Transport Faculty 3 1500 2
H. Print Material 10 3000 5
I. Delivery Material 7 200 2
J. Train Team 15 5000 10
K. Do Field work 30 10000 20
Total 67 18600
Project Time Project Cost

Critical Path (C -H -I - J - K)

Project can be complete within 60days by crashing Activity C & I by 2 & 5 Respectively

Classification: Personal
Average Cost Per Day Saved
Cost $
700 100
1450 150
500 50
3000 250
850 150
2000 1000
2000 500
4000 200
600 80
7000 400
14000 400

2 & 5 Respectively

Classification: Personal

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