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Acetaminophen/paracetamol: A history of errors, failures and

false decisions
K. Brune1, B. Renner1, G. Tiegs2
1 Institute of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
2 Institute of Experimental Immunology and Hepatology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany

Correspondence Abstract
Kay Brune
E-mail: Acetaminophen/paracetamol is the most widely used drug of the world. At the same time, it is probably one of the most dangerous compounds in
medical use, causing hundreds of deaths in all industrialized countries due
Funding sources
to acute liver failure (ALF). Publications of the last 130 years found in the
usual databases were analyzed. Personal contacts existed to renowned
Conflicts of interests researchers having contributed to the medical use of paracetamol and its
None declared. precursors as H.U. Zollinger, S. Moeschlin, U. Dubach, J. Axelrod and
others. Further information is found in earlier reviews by Eichengrün,
Accepted for publication Rodnan and Benedek, Sneader, Brune; comp. references. The history of the
22 September 2014 discovery of paracetamol starts with an error (active against worms),
continues with a false assumption (paracetamol is safer than phenacetin),
describes the first side-effect ‘epidemy’ (phenacetin nephropathy, drug-
induced interstitial nephritis) and ends with the discovery of second-
generation problems due to the unavoidable production of a highly toxic
metabolite of paracetamol N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NAPQI) that
may cause not only ALF and kidney damage but also impaired development
of the fetus and the newborn child. It appears timely to reassess the
risk/benefit ratio of this compound.

dered why the antipyretic effect had not been

1. Discovery by error and serendipity
described before. Researching the source of the ‘naph-
thalene’, they learnt that (the local) pharmacy
1.1 Acetanilide
had provided them with acetanilide (Fig. 1) instead
In 1884, an important discovery took place in Stras- of naphthalene – an error with long-lasting
bourg (Germany, later France). At that time, the consequences!
medical clinic of Strasbourg was headed by the famous Consequently, Cahn and Hepp tested acetanilide in
professor Adolf Kussmaul. Two young assistants, A. rabbits and dogs (at that time, an animal ethics request
Cahn and P. Hepp, asked his advice on how to treat a was not needed) (Cahn and Hepp, 1886). They
patient who suffered from many ailments, among observed reliable but short-lasting antipyretic activity.
those fever and worm infestation (Cahn and Hepp, Both species did not suffer from (visible, acute) toxic-
1886). Kussmaul suggested to try naphthalene, which ity. The young physicians then dared to try acetanilide
had been recommended as an intestinal antiseptic in 24 patients (certainly without informed consent).
(Sneader, 1985). The two young physicians followed They were excited as all of them showed a reduction
the advice and were disappointed by the result – most of fever. Acetanilide turned out as effective as
ailments remained, including the worms. Much to phenazone, which had been successfully put to the
their surprise, they observed, however, that the fever marketplace two years before (Filehne, 1884). Most
of the patient fell shortly after the administration of patients tolerated the treatment well. The only
the putative naphthalene. The two physicians won- problem Cahn and Hepp observed was that some

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130 years of aniline analgesics K. Brune et al.

What’s already known about this topic? methemoglobinaemia (Sneader, 2005; Prescott, 1996).
• Aniline-derived analgesics, particularly paraceta- Not surprisingly as the chemical aniline, from which
mol, go along with a variety of unwanted drug acetanilide was synthesized, was already known to be
effects. Fatal acute liver damage may occur at haematotoxic. It initiated methemoglobinaemia, thus
overdose and in at-risk groups. interfering with the oxygen transport by haemoglobin
• Paracetamol interferes with the production of as many other aminophenols (Kiese and Pekis, 1964).
prostaglandins. This may further the develop- Consequently, a search for safer chemical derivatives
ment of intestinal ulcers, kidney disfunction and began.
• Paracetamol is the only non-opioid analgesic rec- 1.2 Phenacetin
ommended to pregnant women and their off-
spring. Recent evidence links the use of It is to be credited to O. Hinsberg (1913) to have
paracetamol during pregnancy and in newborns synthesized phenacetin (Fig. 1). Together with a phar-
to an enhanced incidence of asthma, psychologi- macologist from Freiburg, A. Kast, he showed that the
cal and physical development, and attention- new compound worked as acetanilide but was less
deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). toxic (Hinsberg, 1913). In addition, it could be pro-
• Experimental research demonstrates that duced at low costs, as Bayer and other companies were
immune regulation and the neuronal develop- flooded with large amounts of para-nitrophenol,
ment during pregnancy may be distorted by which is a by-product of the production of dianisidine
paracetamol. (needed to produce the new synthetic ‘aniline dyes’).
C. Duisberg (1913, director of Bayer) reported that
Bayer was searching for customers of the useless para-
What does this review add?
nitrophenol. He states that it was pure luck (Duisberg,
• This review shows that the discovery of the
1913) that O. Hinsberg together with A. Kast found
aniline analgesics was not a consequence of sys-
that phenacetin can be produced easily from para-
tematic research and cautious toxicological
nitrophenol and that it is both more effective and safer
evaluation but rather the result of serendipity,
than acetanilide. O. Hinsberg and A. Eichengrün (the
errors and failures. The growing list of unwanted
head chemist at Bayer), on the contrary, claimed that
drug effects can be explained by the blockade of
thorough thinking and the application of systematic
the production of prostaglandins and N-acetyl-p-
synthetic chemistry led to the discovery of phenacetin
benzoquinone imine (NAPQI). This highly reac-
(Eichengrün, 1913). In the end, it does not matter
tive intermediate is produced in the mother and
who contributed most to the discovery of phenacetin,
most likely the fetus. It may be the culprit of the
Duisberg or Hinsberg; in the end, it became a very
known hepatotoxicity and the cause of the new
successful drug (Fig. 2).
signals of second-generation toxicity.
Interestingly, two other new synthetic drugs,
• The production of NAPQI cannot be suppressed
phenazone and aspirin, were also found by serendipity
nor can its covalent binding to macromolecules
and brought to the market under false assumptions.
be avoided. Consequently, paracetamol would
Aspirin, phenazone and phenacetin were synthesized
not be admitted to the market today. To keep it as
in Germany and distributed worldwide in tons
an over-the-counter (OTC) analgesic is illogical
and dangerous.

1.3 Aspirin, phenazone and phenacetin, the

first synthetic analgesics
patients developed a bluish color of the skin. This
phenomenon was not taken seriously. Enthusiasm Aspirin (introduced 1899 by Bayer), phenazone
translated into therapeutic action. A small company (Filehne, 1884) and phenacetin (Hinsberg, 1913)
close to Strasbourg, Kalle, produced large quantities of relieved pain and fever reliably, fast and without
acetanilide for the young physicians. They distributed apparent dangers. They added to the worldwide repu-
it to interested colleagues and soon ‘antifebrin’, as tation of the emerging German drug industry as
acetanilide was now termed, was intensively used to described by Tainter (1948). He states: In 1884, Ludwig
reduce fever. Knorr, while searching for a synthetic substitute for quinine,
Wider use went along with more reports of the prepared antipyrine, i.e., phenazone, a compound whose
‘bluish skin’, which was later identified to result from analgesic powers probably have not been fully utilized.

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K. Brune et al. 130 years of aniline analgesics

Figure 1 Aniline and its metabolites (adapted

and modified from Prescott, 1996).

Figure 2 The fathers of phenacetin (pictures

of O. Hinsberg could not be found). (Sources:

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130 years of aniline analgesics K. Brune et al.

drug as compared to phenacetin, as phenacetin could

lead to aniline, but paracetamol not (Flinn and Brodie,
1948). Still, paracetamol was not the end of the meta-
bolic cascade. It was eliminated as glucuronide or
sulfate, but some paracetamol was oxidized to NAPQI
(N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine), a highly reactive
compound, which we will have to deal with later.
Anyway, from the data accrued by the Axelrod group,
it was plausible that paracetamol (in the United States,
acetaminophen) could be the better drug, free of
methemoglobin production, but retaining the full
analgesic/antipyretic power of phenacetin. Regretta-
bly, this conclusion was partially false.
These observations supported the market introduc-
tion of paracetamol/acetaminophen. Interestingly, the
comparatively small problem of methemoglobin pro-
Figure 3 J. Axelrod and B.B. Brodie investigated the metabolism of phen- duction was remedied, but the liver toxicity of parac-
acetin and suggested that paracetamol is the safer drug. (Source: Wikipe- etamol was overlooked until 1966 (Davidson and
dia, The AMINCO-Bowman SPF: Biography Section) Eastham, 1966). The metabolization of phenacetin to
paracetamol is slow, allowing for the detoxification of
Knorr’s synthesis of antipyrine marked the beginning of the most of the emerging paracetamol (Fig. 1) into harm-
famous German drug industry and ushered in Germany’s less glucuronides or sulfates. Only small amounts of
forty-year dominance of the synthetic drug and chemical the toxic, reactive NAPQI are produced from phenace-
field. Aminopyrine (Pyramidon®), a still more potent com- tin (Fig. 1). The introduction of paracetamol led to a
pound closely related to antipyrine, was synthesized a few re-evaluation of the toxicity of phenacetin. This was a
years later in 1896 by Knorr and Stolz. This remained the very timely as a frightening observation in Switzerland
most powerful analgesic of synthetic origin until recent times. hinted at serious kidney problems from the intensive
Indeed, phenazone and its derivatives sold by Hoechst use of phenacetin.
(now Aventis) boosted the revenues of this company,
similarly Bayer profited from both, aspirin and
1.4 Phenacetin, the culprit of the first
phenacetin (Brune, 1997).
side-effect epidemy?
Bayer and other companies tried to find more drugs
with an even better effect/side-effect profile; one was Relieve of pain and fever was achieved by the use of
paracetamol (synthesized by Bayer). From the begin- the new synthetic, antipyretic analgesics. Aspirin
ning, it was suspected to be a metabolite of phenace- (introduced 1899), phenazone (1884) and acetanilide,
tin. Bayer resorted to the advice of J. von Mering later substituted by phenacetin (1887), dominated the
(1893) (Fig. 2), a famous pharmacologist in Stras- drug market during the first 50 years of the 20th
bourg. He got the impression that paracetamol was not century. They were the most widely used and pre-
superior to phenacetin; rather, he observed that this scribed drugs in most countries (and they still are). All
compound retained some of the negative features of them were found by serendipity, often under false
of acetanilide, namely methemoglobinaemia (von assumptions. The attempts for further improvement
Mering, 1893). This turned out later to be an error, led to the use of pharmacological analogues. In the
possibly mediated by impurities, but it fostered the United States, United Kingdom and Australia, aspirin
widespread use of phenacetin throughout the first half and other derivates of salicylic acid were the standard
of the 20th century. analgesics. In continental Europe and parts of Asia,
The situation changed in 1946 when American sci- phenazone and derivates (aminophenazone, dipyron)
entists reinvestigated the phenacetin metabolism. were the prevailing drugs. When the major metabolite
Lester and Greenberg at Yale together with Flinn, of phenacetin, paracetamol, was introduced (1953),
Brodie and Axelrod (Axelrod, 1988) (Fig. 3), in New few consumers switched to the new compound, but
York, showed that paracetamol was the main (and the situation changed soon.
active) metabolite of phenacetin, a claim originally put Firstly, the economic situation of Europe and the
forward by Hinsberg and Treupel (1894). Brodie United States improved and the demand for consumer
believed that paracetamol is the safer and more active goods with it. In Switzerland, the traditional watch

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K. Brune et al. 130 years of aniline analgesics

Figure 4 H.U. Zollinger, S. Moeschlin and U.C.

Dubach discovered the analgesic-induced
kidney damage (phenacetin kidney, Saridon®-
kidney). (Sources: 550 Jahre Universität Basel
(Festschrift), Der Spiegel, Juli 1958 and Who is
Who: Kantonsspital Basel, CH, 1991)

industry gained momentum. New mechanical watches cases the disease started with headache, which was at
were assembled under time constraint (job work), first episodic and later almost permanent. Today, we
mostly by women. call it ‘rebound headache’ (Rapoport et al., 1996).
The job work led to headache and exhaustion after Many of the patients were suffering from this type of
a few hours of assembling small and delicate mechani- chronic headache and ingested headache pills (often
cal watches (Moeschlin, 1957, 1958; Dubach et al., Saridon®) regularly – without much relieve. In con-
1975, 1991). An effective method to overcome pain tradistinction to what is written in many articles, in
and fatigue was a break, coffee and a piece of bread the original paper, Spühler and Zollinger (1953) did
covered with butter and punched into the butter not suspect a causal relationship between the use of
‘headache pills’. Most prominent was a brand pro- analgesics and interstitial nephritis, although one-
duced by Hofmann-La Roche, called Saridon®. [At third of their (first) 44 patients had consumed analge-
that time, Saridon® contained caffeine, phenacetin, sics regularly. It was the merit of a clinician, S.
propyphenazone and barbiturates (Zollinger, 1955).] Moeschlin (Fig. 4), to pinpoint the relation between
At the same time, it was customary in Switzerland that ‘Saridon’-abuse and kidney decay (Moeschlin, 1957,
elderly women had their coffee in one of the nice and quoted in ‘Der Spiegel’, July 1958). It was only
coffee shops. They supplemented their coffee with a shortly after their publication that a worldwide
couple of headache pills, which they could get directly increase of interstitial nephritis was observed and a
from the waiter. These and other habits, not only in connection between the use of analgesics (mostly
Switzerland, increased the use of headache pills, combinations) and nephropathy (analgesic nephropa-
which typically consisted of the three ingredients: thy, phenacetin nephritis, Saradon nephritis) was pos-
phenacetin (or phenazone, propyphenazone), aspirin tulated (Nanra, 1980; Kincaid-Smith, 1981; Dubach
and caffeine. Nobody was afraid of any harm as all the et al., 1991).
components and the mixtures of them were regarded The observation from Switzerland and many other
safe, useful and pleasant – a major error as turned out countries indicated that phenacetin was the major
later. culprit of interstitial nephritis, hypertension and
It is the merit of scientists from Switzerland (Fig. 4) death. Consequently, beginning in the 1950s of the
who observed an increase in incidence of interstitial last century, paracetamol supplanted phenacetin. It
nephritis in the population of Basel and nearby was hoped that the abuse potential would be lower
regions. They described the pathology of this ‘disease’ and the kidney toxicity absent. There was indeed
(better: chronic intoxication). It occurred often in some reduction of the ominous interstitial nephritis,
young (30–50 years old) women (many workers in but the coincidence of the reduction may rather
the watch industry) who suffered initially from mild reflect the intensive attempts, on the one hand, to
hypertension, later from interstitial nephritis going hinder consumers to abuse combination analgesics
along with pigmentation of the skin and early death and, on the other hand, to get those who were
from cardiac infarction and/or cardiac insufficiency. habitually consuming these compounds, decondi-
Spühler and Zollinger (1953) speculated about a tioned and detoxified (Drukker et al., 1986; Feinstein
change in the environment, including the widespread et al., 2000). It turned out again that combination
use of barbiturates and antibiotics (Spühler and analgesics taken regularly not only lost their anti-
Zollinger, 1953). Moreover, they realized that in most headache activity but rather induced headache

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130 years of aniline analgesics K. Brune et al.

attacks (Rapoport et al., 1996). In the end, it hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and retarded child
appeared that kidney problems were solved development (see later).
and paracetamol could be used as a safe and
active analgesic, even in pregnant women and chil-
2.2 Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis:
dren. Regrettably, this assumption was wrong
paracetamol an NSAID?
Paracetamol does not cause methemoglobin pro- It was only recent science that shed new light on the
duction (Prescott, 1980) but it turned out to be hepa- molecular basis of effects and side effects of paraceta-
totoxic due to its very reactive intermediate (NAPQI, mol. Several research groups could disentangle the
Fig. 1), which is produced in the liver and kidney cells mode of action of the weak analgesic paracetamol.
via the CYP P450 metabolizing enzymes, preferentially Vane and colleagues found that paracetamol blocks
in the liver and kidney. Hundreds of death cases and prostaglandin production in brain microsomes
thousands of hospital referrals result from overdosing, (Flower and Vane, 1972). Using the ex vivo whole
voluntarily and accidentally every year (Moynihan, blood assay (Tacconelli et al., 2002), we and others
2002; Lee, 2004). could show that paracetamol inhibits prostaglandin
production by cyclooxygenase (COX) not only in the
central nervous system but also in the peripheral
tissues of human beings (Hinz et al., 2008).
2. The scientific evaluation late or
Indeed, as would be expected from a COX inhibitor,
too late?
the use of paracetamol goes along with the same prob-
lems as NSAIDs. It increases blood pressure (Forman
2.1 Kidney and liver toxicity: specific
et al., 2005; Sudano et al., 2010), aggravates the risk
for paracetamol
of GI ulcers (Rahme et al., 2008) and myocardial
Following the ban of phenacetin, paracetamol/aceta- infarction (Chan et al., 2006). Inhibition of blood
minophen gained increasing market shares. The mar- coagulation may occur particularly when given intra-
keting claim that paracetamol does not go along with venously at relatively high doses (for review, see Hinz
the usual unwanted drug effects of the competitor and Brune, 2012). Also, paracetamol has a low pro-
aspirin was convincing. In later years, the non- pensity for precipitating so-called aspirin-induced
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) were (pseudo-allergic) reactions, including asthma and
introduced. They caused gastrointestinal (GI) toxicity, shock (Szczeklik et al., 2003). Moreover, the claim
kidney damage, bleeds, asthma-like reactions and car- that paracetamol can be used in the final stages of
diovascular problems, including hypertension, cardiac pregnancy because it does not inhibit prostaglandin
infarctions and cardiac insufficiency in long-term use production is not justified: Recent evidence indicates
in high anti-inflammatory doses. They looked there- that early closure of the ductus arteriosus – a typical
fore less acceptable than paracetamol in low analgesic consequence of inhibited prostaglandin production –
doses. The putative better tolerability of paracetamol can be provoked by paracetamol as well as by ibupro-
furthered sales and use. Moreover, since paracetamol fen (Hammerman et al., 2012). This proves again that
lowered fever without obvious acute side effects, paracetamol is a COX inhibitor, which can cause
safety claims were widely accepted without epidemio- effects typical for this type of drugs. Indeed, adminis-
logical proof. Negative clinical reports were rare and tering paracetamol has become an accepted procedure
serious events were declared the result of overdosing. for actively closing the ductus arteriosus in preterm
Paracetamol was the recommended drug for pregnant newborns (Hammerman et al., 2012). On the con-
women and newborn children as well as for aged and trary, paracetamol as all COX inhibitors may contrib-
frail patients suffering, e.g., from osteoarthritis (OA) ute to the (rare) event of a premature (in utero) closure
(Zhang et al., 2010). Dipyron, an alternative to parac- of the ductus (Simbi et al., 2002). Moreover, as other
etamol, was shown to cause – very rarely – agranulo- COX inhibitors, paracetamol can precipitate pre-
cytosis (Kaufman et al., 2006) and therefore banned eclampsia (Rebordosa et al., 2010). These are rare
in many countries. Aspirin, contrary, may cause events. But then, paracetamol is used in low, often
Reye’s syndrome, leading to the termination of the ineffective doses. Prostaglandin synthesis inhibition,
worldwide use of children’s aspirin (Eder et al., 2006). however, does not explain the liver damage (including
Regrettably, this ban of aspirin has started an intensive an increase of transaminases), which may occur even
use of paracetamol in children and by that possibly a at permitted doses in apparently healthy consumers
worldwide epidemy of asthma, attention-deficit/ (Watkins et al., 2006; Walton, 2014).

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K. Brune et al. 130 years of aniline analgesics

mation in the murine lung. This effect was absent in

2.3 Liver and kidney toxicity: NAPQI
paracetamol-treated TRPA1-deficient mice. Therefore,
Paracetamol is the most widely used analgesic world- NAPQI may also act as a signalling molecule contrib-
wide, but it is also the predominant reason for ALF in uting to the asthma-inducing effect of paracetamol
industrialized countries, including United States (Lee, observed in several epidemiological studies (for
2004; Larson et al., 2005), United Kingdom (Tanne, review, see Henderson and Shaheen, 2013).
2006) and Scandinavian countries (Wei et al., 2007). Paracetamol is eliminated quickly [t50%: ∼1 h, in chil-
In the European Community, it appears to be the dren 1 (newborn) – 8 h]. This made it difficult to
prevailing reason for ALF requesting liver transplan- provide proof that a patient suffering from acute liver
tation (Gulmez et al., 2013). Moreover, the rate of decay has ingested paracetamol (James et al., 2006).
ALF transplantation was more than twofold higher for This situation changed when several research groups
no-overdose paracetamol exposure than for all could show that paracetamol is bound covalently to
NSAIDs pooled. In addition, paracetamol was involved cysteine molecules in different proteins. These
in 97% of cases (111 of 114), where transplantation acetaminophen/protein adducts remain in the body
was attributed to drug use (Gulmez et al., 2013). for several days. They can be detected with chromato-
The normal detoxification mechanisms, i.e., glu- graphic techniques (Madsen et al., 2007). Conse-
curonidation and sulfation (Fig. 1), allow for some quently, the proof that paracetamol has contributed to
paracetamol to be transformed into the reactive an acute liver damage has become easier (James et al.,
NAPQI by the CYP P450 system (particularly CYP 2E1 2006, 2013; Heard et al., 2011; McGill and Jaeschke,
and 3A4; Laine et al., 2009). NAPQI reacts with sulf- 2013). On the contrary, this technique used in healthy
hydryl groups, e.g., in glutathione (GSH). GSH conju- patients demonstrates that even at normal doses par-
gation is generally considered to be a detoxification acetamol adducts are produced, which, in turn,
mechanism. Administration of N-acetylcysteine requires the production of NAPQI that obviously is not
(NAC) restores GSH levels and protects from liver completely detoxified by conjugation with gluta-
damage, whereas GSH-depleting agents enhance par- thione. The adducts of paracetamol allow to speculate
acetamol hepatotoxicity (Mitchell et al., 1973). In about the contribution of paracetamol ingestion to
contrast, protein adduct formation with NAPQI is a otherwise unexplained liver damage. Indeed, it could
mechanism of paracetamol toxicity (Jollow et al., be shown that in many unexplained intoxications in
1973). Protein adducts can be measured in the liver children (James et al., 2006) and adults (Heard et al.,
and in serum. NAPQI may, in e.g., very slim under- 2011; Khandelwal et al., 2011), paracetamol may
nourished persons or alcoholics, cause acute liver have played a major role, as even days after hospital
decay and death from standard doses (Moore et al., admission protein adducts were found. Moreover,
2013). Even healthy young volunteers ingesting stan- these protein/paracetamol adducts may be produced
dard doses of paracetamol show an increased release in embryos and newborns since the necessary
of transaminases – a sign of liver toxicity (Watkins enzymes are active in the fetus and paracetamol
et al., 2006). This liver toxicity was not seen with crosses the placenta barrier freely (Rollins et al., 1979;
phenacetin. Indeed, several researchers wondered if Byer et al., 1982; Heard et al., 2011). These observa-
by eliminating phenacetin from human use, ‘the tions gain importance when seen in context with the
wrong pig’ was killed. multitude of epidemiological and experimental results
Paracetamol overdose also induces renal toxicity indicating long-term problems in children who were
(Curry et al., 1982; Mazer and Perrone, 2008). exposed to paracetamol (and NAPQI) during
Metabolites from paracetamol–GSH conjugates have pregnancy.
been implicated in renal toxicity. Paracetamol–
cysteine conjugates aggravated paracetamol-induced
2.4 Paracetamol for pregnant women and
renal injury (Trumper et al., 1996; Stern et al., 2005).
newborn children?
Recent experimental findings provide evidence for a
signalling role of NAPQI produced in murine lungs Paracetamol has lost the glamour of being well toler-
following administration of low non-toxic doses of ated and innocuous to pregnant women and newborn
paracetamol (Nassini et al., 2010). NAPQI activated children. Large analyses of databanks and case–control
the transient receptor potential ankyrin-1 (TRPA1) studies show that the use of paracetamol during preg-
expressed by primary sensory neurons, where it nancy may increase the incidence of asthma in chil-
stimulated the release of the pro-inflammatory neu- dren of mothers having used paracetamol during
ropeptides. Paracetamol induced neurogenic inflam- pregnancy (for review, see McBride, 2011). Ibuprofen,

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130 years of aniline analgesics K. Brune et al.

investigated head to head with paracetamol in a pro- dence of specific risk conditions (see, e.g., Cooper
spective study, was not associated with an increased et al., 2014). The question remains as to how reliable
incidence of asthma in contrast to paracetamol (Lesko these observations are and what the molecular mecha-
et al., 2002). In addition, investigations of the large nism of such long-term effects could be.
databanks of Scandinavian and other countries indi- More prospective cohort studies (similar to that of
cate that paracetamol during pregnancy may: Liew et al., 2014) should be pursued to add final proof
(1) impair male fertility (Jensen et al., 2010; Snijder of the observed risks or, on the contrary, could lead to
et al., 2012), the rejection of the present claims. Even more con-
(2) hinder psychosocial development (Brandlistuen vincing would be prospective randomized controlled
et al., 2013), trials (RCTs). They are, however, not feasible for
(3) increase the incidence of ADHD in later life (Liew ethical reasons. [Further details of the mechanisms
et al., 2014). contributing to these (purported) toxic effects in preg-
These observations have to be taken as signals of risk: nancy and the second generation can be found in a
Paracetamol use during pregnancy appears to interfere recent review (Tiegs et al., 2014).]
with the normal development of the newborn. They
show less physical and psychological competence at
2.5 Experimental toxicology suggests that
the age of 3 years as compared to siblings from the
multiple toxicity is unavoidable
same mother who had not been exposed to paraceta-
mol during this pregnancy or were exposed to ibupro- This being said, we might resort to additional experi-
fen (Brandlistuen et al., 2013). Moreover, preliminary mental proof of our assumptions. There are indeed
evidence indicates that male children born from experimental results that support the claim that par-
mothers taking paracetamol during pregnancy are acetamol due to its metabolization and mode of action
more prone to suffer from cryptorchidism as compared may be of special toxicity in pregnancy – in contradic-
to boys born without having been exposed to the drug tion to what we have told to our students and col-
(Jensen et al., 2010). leagues during the last decades:
It is so surprising that different impairments of child • Until recently, many scientists believed that the
development and health may be due to a simple drug reactive metabolite NAPQI is produced by CYP p450
as paracetamol. Moreover, paracetamol has been in enzymes and active only if other metabolic pathways
mass consumption for decades. Why were these puta- are overloaded or not operating (Prescott, 1980). This
tive problems discovered only during the last years is not the case. Rather, there is evidence that parac-
with the help of ‘new diagnostic tools and huge data- etamol is metabolized in the tissue of the mother and
bases’? At a first glance, one may wonder if these fetus to NAPQI as the fetus is endowed with the nec-
problems were not ‘created’ to allow for ‘paracetamol essary enzymes (Schuetz et al., 1993; James et al.,
bashing’. For decades, paracetamol was the only rec- 2013) and paracetamol can cross the placenta freely
ommended analgesic for use during pregnancy and (Byer et al., 1982; Weigand et al., 1984).
during breastfeeding. Since alternatives were lacking, • The discovery of paracetamol protein adducts and
an increase in the incidence would have been difficult the ability to measure their concentration in plasma
to be detected, particularly as all effects may happen in (James et al., 2006) and tissues (Roberts et al., 1991)
untreated children as well – but more seldom. Regret- allows for the conclusion that NAPQI is not only pro-
tably, the belief still prevails that paracetamol is effec- duced but also reacts with important macromolecules
tive and safe. It gained this position without thorough in the fetus. Depending upon the developmental phase
toxicological investigation. Its status is based upon the of the fetus or embryo, major damage may occur,
general believe and not on scientific data. It is fortu- leading to functional impairment during later life.
nate that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is • On this background, one may speculate that an
trying to improve the situation by more and more impairment of the development of the nervous system,
warnings, reducing the recommended dosing and to as observed in mice exposed to paracetamol (Viberg
eliminate analgesic combinations at least for children. et al., 2014), may play a role in the observed retarda-
It appears that only the availability of large data- tion of the development of children (Brandlistuen
banks containing information about many drugs and et al., 2013).
diseases used during and after pregnancy, including The changes in the maturation of the immunological
the offspring, allow for detecting a measurable system of the fetus may cause an increased propensity
increase of common, but not too rare problems. Of to develop asthma, as immunological stem cells may
course, epidemiology has so far only produced evi- not be programmed in an adequate manner (Thiele

8 Eur J Pain •• (2014) ••–•• © 2014 European Pain Federation - EFIC®

K. Brune et al. 130 years of aniline analgesics

et al., 2013) and thus contribute to the increased inci-

3.2 Aniline analgesics: is there a future?
dence of asthma after the termination of aspirin use in
children and pregnant women (Eder et al., 2006). After using aniline derivatives in pain therapy for 130
Finally, the exposure of fertilized zebrafish eggs and years, we have to face the fact that besides small thera-
larvae to NAPQI from paracetamol causes serious peutic effects, all these compounds are endowed with
damage to the developing fish embryos (Weigt et al., high toxicity. All attempts to reduce this toxicity by
2010). reducing the dose, substituting one aniline derivative
to another or, finally, adding an antidote to the active
ingredient (e.g., NAC), do not lead to a satisfyingly
safe medication: Lowering the dose causes dissatisfied
3. Paracetamol in the future
patients and increases the risk of overdosing with
analgesic combinations (compare recent FDA recom-
3.1 Alternatives
mendations). Substituting paracetamol for phenacetin
So far, it has always been argued that paracetamol is a has shifted the target of toxicity from the kidney to the
weak but harmless analgesic with low costs and low liver and, as we learnt recently, to the pancreas
risks. This characterization cannot be sustained (Cavanaugh and Naut, 2014). Adding acetylcysteine
anymore as recent epidemiological research indicates goes along with additional risks (Bateman and Dear,
(Roberts et al., 2014, under review). Also, the claim 2009).
that eliminating paracetamol from the market would
deprive many patients of pain relief cannot be
3.3 Paracetamol in at-risk groups
accepted, as less toxic (e.g., Doherty et al., 2011) COX
inhibitors – as diclofenac, ibuprofen, ketoprofen and If paracetamol unavoidably carries the risk of toxicity,
naproxen – can take over in most instances. Some are there patient groups who benefit especially from
physicians, however, worry that the ‘mild’ side effects paracetamol? Formerly, all experts including myself
of paracetamol may be traded in for those serious ones recommended paracetamol for use in specific groups
seen with modern NSAIDs. That this is not the case within the population that might be specifically
comes out clearly in a prospective RCT in OA patients endangered to drug-induced damage.
(Doherty et al., 2011). Indeed, ibuprofen was more
effective and less toxic than paracetamol alone.
3.3.1 Elderly
Paracetamol is by no means harmless. It is the only
over-the-counter (OTC) drug leading reliably to death It was and is still recommended as first choice in
at overdose (this is not the case with NSAIDs). Even elderly, e.g., suffering from OA (Zhang et al., 2010).
the contention that it is safer as compared to its Most patients, however, prefer a modern NSAID
mother substance phenacetin has never been proven (Towheed et al., 2006). Since we know that paraceta-
and the production of small amounts of the toxic mol as ibuprofen increases the risk of GI side effects
metabolite NAPQI cannot be avoided. (Moore et al., 1999; Rampal et al., 2002), cardiovas-
Indeed, in retrospective, the phenacetin-containing cular problems, pseudo-allergic attacks, etc., this posi-
analgesics may have activated two toxic mechanisms: tion cannot be held anymore. This view is supported
On the one hand, the kidney protection by prostaglan- by Doherty et al. (2011) who showed in an RCT that
dins produced by the ailing kidney is inhibited by all paracetamol was more toxic and less effective than
components of these analgesic mixtures, except caf- ibuprofen in OA. The recent tendency to use NSAIDs
feine. In addition, some combinations – and regretta- in low doses in elderly and children appears to be a
bly, these are the ones used most widely – contain more meaningful approach. Moreover, a recent RCT
paracetamol (or formerly phenacetin), which are both demonstrated that paracetamol does not work in low
transformed into the toxic metabolite, NAPQI, in the back pain (Williams et al., 2014). These findings
kidney. Inadequate prostaglandin production plus appear to change the view of many experts who no
NAPQI adducts in the kidney may conjointly lead to longer suggest paracetamol as first choice in OA or low
nephropathy causing hypertension, cardiovascular back pain (McAlindon et al., 2014).
events including cardiac infarction and stroke, i.e., all
symptoms that had already been observed by Spühler
3.3.2 Children/pregnant women
and Zollinger (1953), Moeschlin (1957) and Dubach
et al. (1975) and which are regarded typical for Most experts recommended paracetamol during
NSAIDs. In the liver, NAPQI alone may do the job. pregnancy and in children. In most countries, parac-

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130 years of aniline analgesics K. Brune et al.

etamol can be given throughout the whole preg- We have guidelines and expect thorough investiga-
nancy and also to newborn children. Almost daily tions of new compounds. This is in contrast to the old
we see new publications coming up showing that the ones, which were found by serendipity and entered
assumption that paracetamol is an effective and risk- into human use without scientific evaluation. We
free drug for these patients may not be true. Instead, should apply the same strict rules to the old com-
we have to accept that acute and chronic defects and pounds. The assumption that old, widely used drugs
impairments may occur (asthma, ADHD, child devel- are safe is not based upon scientific evidence.
opment, male fertility). The argument that most of Recently, a short comment in the New England Journal
these studies are not prospective, controlled and of Medicine indicated that co-administration of parac-
blinded are correct. In addition, they lack informa- etamol with phenylephrine (for OTC-use) doubles the
tion on the dose and duration of exposure. Such bioavailability of phenylephrine, an effect certainly
RCTs, as much as we would like to have them, are dangerous and completely unexpected (Atkinson
not feasible for ethical reasons. However, in a few et al., 2014). This again shows that ‘historical’ drugs
selected studies, ibuprofen and paracetamol were may yield surprising and dangerous effects and we
tested head-to-head (Lesko et al., 2002; Brandlistuen should not trust that old means safe. Nevertheless,
et al., 2013). The results are convincing. They show relating the ubiquitous paracetamol (Modick et al.,
that in contradistinction to the authors’ expectation, 2014) to the worldwide increase of Alzheimer’s
ibuprofen did not go along with increased propensity disease (Jones, 2014) appears somewhat far-fetched.
to asthma in contrast to paracetamol which increased Against this background, more modern synthetic
the incidence (Lesko et al., 2002). Recently, compounds that have gone through a scientific evalu-
Brandlistuen et al. (2013) could demonstrate that ation during the last 30 years as diclofenac, ibuprofen,
children having been exposed to paracetamol ketoprofen and naproxen – OTC in many countries –
showed physical and mental retardation in contrast appear safer (in low doses) and more reliable for reduc-
to those from the same mothers who were not tion of pain and fever. Moreover, these drugs are, to say
exposed to analgesics or to ibuprofen. This list could the least, not lethal at overdose! Indeed, as pointed out
be expanded. Wherever we look, we find that par- by others: ‘Today paracetamol would (and should) not
acetamol is not the best, but rather a bad choice that be admitted to human use’ (Lowe, 2005), (see also
causes problems. Recently, life-threatening skin reac- Fontana, 2006; Brune et al., 2009; Brown et al., 2012).
tions were reported (De-Giorgio et al., 2013), which
caused a public warning by the FDA. Author contributions

K.B. had the idea and organized the first and final draft. G.T.
3.4 NAPQI, an unavoidable toxin added the chemical and biochemical aspects. B.R. organized
the text.
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