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End of Year 2 Basic Test

3 There are twelve m_ _ _ _s in a year.

4 Mozart was a brilliant c_ _ _ _ _ _r. He wrote a
Listening lot of beautiful music.

1 [1.13] Listen to the conversation. Choose the 5 You’re a good football player. You can k_ _k the
correct answers. (10 marks) ball a long way.
Rachel is a teacher / student.
1 At Rachel’s school, classes start at 8:00 / 9:00. Language focus
2 Students at Rachel’s school don’t / must wear
uniforms. 5 Circle the correct answers (a or b). (5 marks)
3 They mustn’t / can use their phones in class. ___ you like volleyball?
4 Rachel likes / doesn’t like sports. a Do b Does
5 Rachel won / didn’t win the tennis competition 1 My cousin ___ in San Francisco.
last year. a live b lives
6 Rachel is happy / nervous about the exams. 2 ___ studying English today?
7 The exams are starting tomorrow / next week. a You are b Are you
8 Rachel is thinking of going / going to France. 3 Roger ___ a text message right now.
9 Rachel has / hasn’t been to France before. a is sending b sends
10 Rachel is / isn’t very good at French. 4 We ___ wear uniforms at our school.
a don’t b doesn’t

Vocabulary 5 I usually ___ my homework after dinner.

a am doing b do
2 Choose the correct words. (5 marks)
Can you play / do any musical instruments? 6 Complete the sentences. (10 marks)
I wo n ’t go to the party if I’m busy.
1 It’s late. The children are at / in bed.
1 You’re always tired. You s _ _ _ _ _ _’t go to bed
2 We waited patient / patiently for the bus.
3 You must avoid / follow those snakes. They’re
2 W_ _n does the film start?
3 W_ _ e you at school yesterday?
4 Colin is very talent / talented. He’ll do well.
5 Are you keen on / about folk music? 4 My dad is taller t_ _n me.
5 C_ _ _d you swim when you were a child?
3 Circle the word that is different. (5 marks) 6 W_ _l you be happy if you win the match?
playground park piano countryside 7 You m_ _t follow the rules when you’re at
1 genius professor shelter scientist school.
2 stay climb jump kick 8 Anna thinks she’s g_ _ _g to be famous.
3 century thousand decade year 9 George is the b_ _t player in the team.
4 map band torch compass 10 My sister is a brilliant artist. She’s m_ _e creative
5 sprained broken injured travelled than me.

4 Complete the sentences. (5 marks)

He’s a good singer. He sings we l l.
1 I sent a text m_ _ _ _ _e to Leo a minute ago.
2 Thank you for helping me with my homework.
You’re very k_ _d.
End of Year 2 Basic Test
3 After the accident, ____ called Alice’s parents.
7 Complete the sentences with the past simple
form of the verbs in brackets. (5 marks) a Linda b Alice

I wrote an email to Sally yesterday. (write) 4 Alice’s arm ____ painful now.

1 Susan ______ some money in the street. (find) a is b isn’t

2 They ______ dinner at 9:00 last night. (have) 5 Alice must ____ tomorrow.

3 I ______ Harry at the café this morning. (meet) a stay at home b go to school

4 I ______ to Paris by train last year. (travel)

5 We ______ some snakes in the forest. (see) Communication
8 Choose the correct answers. (5 marks) 10 Complete the conversations. (5 marks)
You haven’t / aren’t finished your homework. 1 A: How about going for a bike ride?
1 My parents has / have bought a new car. B: No. I don’t f_ _l like cycling.
2 I’ve never / ever touched a snake. 2 A: Will the trip be dangerous?
3 Have you / You have sprained your wrist? B: No. Don’t w_ _ _y. You’ll be fine.
4 Our teacher has / hasn’t never arrived late. 3 A: We’re going to the park. Are you
5 Joanna hasn’t / isn’t won the race. i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _d?
B: I’d like to come, but I can’t right now.
Reading 4 A: What’s the best way to l_ _ _n to dance
9 Read the email. Then choose the correct B: It’s probably best to have lessons.
answers. (10 marks)
5 A: What was the concert l_ _e?
Sunday, 3pm B: It was brilliant.
Hi John – How are you? Are you having a good holiday?
I know that school starts on Monday, but I won’t be
there. I’m writing this email from hospital! Writing
Don’t worry – I’m not seriously ill. I’m here because I’ve 11 Imagine you are on holiday. Write an email to a
broken my arm. It happened this morning. I fell off my friend. Use the questions and the example to
bike while I was cycling in the park with Linda. She help you. Write 40–60 words. (10 marks)
called my parents on her mobile phone, and mum drove
me to the hospital. 1 Where are you? When did you arrive?
2 Where are you staying?
At first, my arm was very painful, but it doesn’t hurt now.
The doctor thinks I’ll be allowed to leave hospital this 3 Have you been to any interesting places on your
evening. But he says I must stay at home for at least holiday?
three days. He also says I should cycle more carefully in
4 What are you doing at the moment?
the future!
5 What will you do if it’s sunny tomorrow?
See you soon – Alice
6 How long are you going to stay?
School starts on ____.
Hi, Amy. I’m on holiday in New York! I got
a Sunday b Monday here three days ago. I’m staying in a hotel…
1 Alice is ____.
a at home b in hospital Total marks: Listening ____ / 10 Vocabulary _____ / 15
2 Alice ____ seriously ill. Language focus ______ / 25 Reading _______ / 10
a is b isn’t
Speaking _______ / 5 Writing _______ / 10
TOTAL _______ / 75

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