Ver+ing Verb+to Inf.t

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finish, delay, enjoy, mind, suggest, fancy, imagine, regret, admit, deny, avoid, consider, involve,
practice, miss, postpone, risk, like, love, face, keep, prevent, resist, suggest, give up


agree, refuse, promise, threaten, offer, attempt, manage, fail, decide, plan, arrange, hope, appear,
seem, pretend, afford, learn, dare, tend, want, allow, ask, direct, forbid, manage, order, warn, wish

remember+ing --- refers to the past
ex. I remember locking the door. - I locked the door previously and now I remember that
remember+ to inf.---- refers to the present or future
ex. I remember to phone him when I go out. – When I go out I will phone him

forget+ing----- refers to the past

ex. I forget sending an e-mail to you.-Now I realize that I didn’t send you an e-mail
forget+to inf.----refers to the present or future
ex. I shouldn’t forget to buy medicines for my dad. –When I go out I should do it

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct verb pattern: gerund or infinitive
1.We have all agreed _______ (take) any cut so that our company will survive.
2.We have been asked ___________ (contribute) towards the new school gymnastics.
3.We’ve delayed ___________ (fix) the date of the wedding.
4.Most men dislike __________ (wear) the same shirt two days running.
5.Surely you just can’t fail _______ (notice) the constant rise in the cost of living.
6.We’ve promised ____________ (not discuss) company business with strangers.
7.You can’t prevent disabled driver _________ (park) near a crossroad.
8.I tried_______ (climb) the mountain.
9. I remember ________ (post) the letter.
10. I’ll never forget _________(meet)her.
11.I’ve always enjoyed__________(travel).
12.What about __________(go) abroad?
13.We decided _______(see) the world.
14.I refused ________(stand)still.
15.There’s no point in _________(sit) around.
16.I put off ________(go) abroad all my life.
17.I expect _______(live) for a few more years.
18.I’ve always been interested in_______(live) in nature.
19.I stop ________(work) and retired.
20.I regret_________(go) to the party yesterday. It was horrible.
21.A:Do you like chocolate?
B:No, thanks. I stop________(eat) chocolate.

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