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European Journal of Operational Research76 (1994)387-392 387


Application of facility location modeling

constructs to vendor selection problems
John Current a,* Charles Weber b
a Faculty of Management Science, College of Business, The Ohio State University, Columbus,
OH 43210, USA
b Institute for Defense Analyses, 1801 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311, USA

Received February 1991

Abstract: The selection of vendors, and the determination of order quantities to be placed with those
vendors are important decisions in distribution planning. To date, there have been few mathematical
programming approaches to analyze such decisions. In this paper, we demonstrate that vendor selection
problems may be formulated within the mathematical constructs of facility location modeling. As a
consequence, it is expected that the extensive literature devoted to formulating and solving facility
location problems may be utilized in formulating and solving specific vendor selection problems.

Keywords: Vendor selection; Location modeling

I. I n t r o d u c t i o n of this total. Over 80% of the manufacturing

sector's purchases were for materials and sup-
The selection of vendors, and the determina- plies (Heberling, 1990).
tion of order quantities to be placed with those A recent review of vendor selection criteria
vendors are important decisions in distribution and methods (Weber et al., 1991) identified only
planning. These decisions (henceforth referred to 10 articles which have proposed mathematical
as the vendor selection problem) may have signif- programming techniques to analyze vendor selec-
icant impact on the competitiveness of a firm, as tion decisions. This is somewhat surprising, given
purchases from vendors account for a large per- the complexity and financial importance of such
centage of total costs for many firms. For exam- decisions. In this article, we demonstrate that
ple, the cost of components and parts purchased vendor selection problems may be formulated
from outside vendors may total more than 50% of within the constructs of facility location models.
sales for large automotive manufacturers and Vendor selection problems are application spe-
purchased material and services represent up to cific with the actual mathematical formulation of
80% of total product costs for high technology a specific problem highly dependent upon the
firms (Burton, 1988). Total purchases of services particulars of the problem at hand. Consequently,
and goods from all industries totalled approxi- we do not attempt to formulate and 'solve' a
mately $4.211 trillion in 1982. The manufacturing general vendor selection problem per se. Rather,
sector accounted for approximately $1.2 trillion our intention is to demonstrate the similarities
between vendor selection problems and facility
* Corresponding author. location problems. As a consequence, it is ex-

0377-2217/94/$07.00 © 1994 - Elsevier ScienceB.V. All rights reserved

SSDI 0377-2217(94)00026-9
388 J. Current, Ch. Weber / Modeling constructs to vendor selection problems

pected that vendor selection analysts will be able addition, we discuss some of the extensions of
to draw upon the extensive literature that exists these basic models that may be relevent to vari-
for formulating and solving facility location prob- ous vendor selection problems.
lems when analyzing their vendor selection prob-
The facility location literature is extensive. A 2. Simple Plant Location Problem
recent bibliography on location analysis includes
approximately 1500 titles (Domschke and Drexl, The Simple Plant Location Problem (SPLP)
1985) and at least twelve survey articles (Aikens, (Balinski, 1965) may be formulated as follows:
1985; Brandeau and Chiu, 1989; Current et al.,
1990; Erkut and Neuman, 1989; Francis et al., [P1]
1983; Krarup and Pruzan, 1979, 1983; Leonardi,
1981; ReVelle et al., 1983; Scott, 1970; Tansel et Minimize z = E EcijXij + EfjYj (1)
al., 1983a,b) have been published on the topic. i j j
Continued interest in location modeling is evi- Subject to
dent with the recent publication of six books on
~]X/j = 1 for all i ~ I, (2)
the topic (Ghosh and McLafferty, 1987; Ghosh J
and Rushton, 1987; Berry and Parr, 1988; Love et
al., 1988; Hurter and Martinich, 1989, Louveaux Xij<_~Yj forall i ~ I , j ~ J , (3)
et aI., 1989). This literature not only formulates Yj~(0,1) for a l l j ~ J , (4)
models for general and specific problems, but
also develops efficient techniques for solving Xij>_O f o r a l l i ~ I , j ~ J , (5)
them. This latter effort is necessary due to the
fact that most of these problems belong to the In the context of the vendor selection problem,
class of problems known as NP-complete (Garey we define:
and Johnson, 1979). Xij = fraction of item i's demand purchased from
The advantages to be gained by utilizing the vendor j.
1 if vendor j is selected,
developments presented in this literature have
led researchers in other non-facility related areas YJ = 0, otherwise.
to formulate their problems within the constructs Cij = Cost of purchasing all of item i from vendor
of facility location models. Applications of facility j.
location models to non-facility problems include: I = The set of items to be purchased.
positioning of political party platforms (Ginsberg J = The set of potential vendors.
et al., 1987); metallurgical grade assignment = The fixed costs associated with employing
(Vasco et al., 1989); ingot size selection (Vasco et vendor j.
al., 1988); medical diagnosis (Reggia et al., 1983); The objective function, (1), minimizes the total
data base managment (Pirkul, 1986); archaelogi- cost of purchasing the items. The first set of
cal settlement analysis (Bell and Church, 1985); terms represent the actual purchase costs of the
apparel sizing (Tryfos, 1986); production lot siz- items and the second set of terms represent the
ing (Van Oudheusden and Singh, 1988); and flex- fixed costs associated with utilizing the vendors.
ible manufacturing system tool selection (Daskin These fixed costs might include contract set-up
et al., 1990). costs, expediting costs, internal processing costs,
To demonstrate the applicability of facility lo- or other costs which are independent of purchase
cation models to vendor selection problems, we volume. Constraint set (2) ensures that the total
concentrate on three of the most basic and stud- demand for each item will be satisfied. Constraint
ied facility location problems. In the next three set (3) requires that a vendor be employed before
sections, we show how the Simple Plant Location a purchase order is placed with that vendor.
Problem (Balinski, 1965), the p-Median Location Constraint set (4) reflects the binary nature of
Problem (Hakimi, 1965) and the Set Covering employing a vendor or not, and constraint set (5)
Location Problem (Toregas and ReVelle, 1972) prohibits negative orders. Note, Xij is not de-
may be viewed as vendor selection problems. In fined if vendor j cannot supply item i.
J. Current, Ch. Weber / Modeling constructs to ventor selection problems 389

One major assumption of this formulation is priate in situations where the specific number of
that the vendors are uncapacitated. That is, each vendors to be employed is important. The PMLP
vendor is capable of supplying the entire demand may be formulated as follows:
for each item. Obviously, this is not always true.
In facility location problems, the SPLP makes a [P2]
similar assumption. That is, each facility is as-
sumed to be able to service the entire demand. Minimize z = • E aicijXij (6)
To address possible limitations resulting from this i j
capacity assumption in facility location problems, subject to
Davis and Ray (1969) formulated the capacitated
facility location problem. That model and various ~Xii=l for a l l i e I , (7)
modifications of it can be applied to vendor selec- J
tion problems where the individual vendors have Xij<YJ. forallieI, jeJ, (8)
capacity limitations.
Certainly, this formulation makes other as- EYj = p (9)
sumptions regarding the vendor selection prob- J

lem. For example, it is assumed that the objective Yj ~ (0, 1) for all j ~ J , (10)
of the purchasing manager is to minimize total
cost. As Weber et al. (1991) demonstrate, this is Xij ~ (0, 1) for all i ~ I , j ~ J, (11)
only one objective in vendor selection problems.
As that article points out, an important objective where p is the number of vendors to be employed
for firms employing a Just-In-Time manufactur- and all other variables, parameters and sets are
ing strategy is to minimize late deliveries. If such defined as before.
were the case, the objective function of [P1] could The binary restrictions on the X/Fvariables
be rewritten as (i.e., constraint set (11)) can be replaced with
X/j > O if individual items may be purchased
Minimize z = E Eaic;jXij + Ef~Y~ from more than one vendor as was assumed in
i j j the previous formulation.
The objective function, (6), minimizes the total
where; cost of the items to be purchased. If there is a
a/ = Quantity of item i to be ordered. fixed charge associated with employing a vendor,
c'ij = % of orders of item i delivered late by as was assumed in [P1], then the terms EjfjYj
vendor j. may be included in (6). Constraint sets (7), (8),
X/r, Y~, and fj are defined as before. and (10) perform the same functions that con-
Other objectives could be modeled similarly by straint sets (2), (3) and (4) performed in [P1].
redefining the parameters in the objective func- Constraint (9) ensures that exactly p vendors will
tion. Again, the intention here is not to provide a be employed. Again, the assumption is made that
facility location analogue for every vendor selec- the vendors are uncapacitated. Mulvey and Beck
tion problem but rather to demonstrate the po- (1984), for example, have demonstrated how this
tential for applying facility location research to assumption may be relaxed in the p-median prob-
vendor selection problems. lem. [P2] may be used to analyze the tradeoffs
between total cost and the number of vendors to
be selected by varying the value of p. Again, the
3. p-Median Location Problem objective function coefficients may be defined
differently to accomodate other objectives.
The SPLP formulation of the vendor selection
problem assumes that the distribution system
planner is indifferent to the number of vendors 4. Set Covering Location Problem
employed. For various reasons (Weber, 1990),
this may not be the case. The p-Median Location The Set Covering Location Problem (Toregas
Problem (PMLP) (Hakimi, 1965) may be appro- and ReVelle, 1972) offers another approach to
390 J. Current, Ch. Weber / Modeling constructs to vendor selection problems

consider the number of vendors selected. It may models and is a primary reason for the wealth of
be formulated as follows: research that has been addressed to formulating
and solving such problems. The location models
[P3] presented here are the most basic ones but they
have served as building blocks for the formulation
Minimize Z = Y'. Yj (12) of models for more complex siting scenarios.
J Just as the basic vendor selection scenarios
subject to presented here have analogues in the facility lo-
cation literature, so may more complex scenarios.
Yj > 1 for all i ~ I, (13) For example, if one item is purchased from a
particular vendor, it may be necessary or desir-
YjE(0,1) forallj~J, (14) able to purchase related items from another spe-
cific vendor(s) for reasons related to component
where N/ is the set of vendors that can supply compatibility or geographic location. Hierarchical
item i and Yj is defined as before. location models (e.g. Moore and ReVelle, 1982;
The functional, (12), minimizes the total num- Weaver and Church, 1991) have analogous re-
ber of vendors employed. Constraint set (13) en- quirements. Or it may be desirable to select ven-
sures that each item will be supplied by at least dors in such a way that vendors contracted to
one vendor and constraint set (14) serves the supply certain items can also supply additional
same function as does constraint set (4) in [P1]. items in case those items cannot be delivered by
Several assumptions are made in this formula- their primary vendor. The backup models in the
tion. First, it is assumed that the purchasing facility location literature address similar con-
managers objective is to minimize the number of cerns (e.g. Hogan and ReVelle, 1986; Daskin et
vendors employed. This is a valid assumption in al., 1988). The interactive facility location litera-
many vendor selection scenarios, especially in ture (e.g. O'Kelly, 1986) may yield insights into
Just-In-Time manufacturing systems (Ansari and vendor selection problems where vendors interact
Modarress, 1986; Burton, 1988; Hahn et al., 1983). to supply component parts. Vendor selection
Second, it is assumed that total cost is not the problems are also frequently multiobjective in
primary concern, or that all vendors charge the nature (Weber et al., 1991). There is a growing
same price. Third, it is assumed that the vendors literature addressing multiobjective location mod-
are uncapacitated. Again, articles in the facility eling (Current et al., 1990).
location literature suggest ways in which possible In general, it is not beneficial to structure a
limitations arising from these assumptions may be difficult problem (i.e. vendor selection) in terms
overcome. For example, modifications to the lo- of another difficult problem (i.e. facility location).
cation covering models presented in Church et al. However, given the extensive literature devoted
(1991) may be modified to address difficulties to formulating and solving facility location prob-
arising from the second assumption and Current lems, this appears to be a fruitful way to ap-
and Storbeck (1988) address capacitated covering proach such problems. This conjecture is sup-
models. ported by other research that has formulated
apparently non-related problems as facility loca-
tion problems.
5. Summary and conclusions It is not the intention of this article to present
a facility location modeling analogue for every
In this article, we have demonstrated that ven- potential vendor selection problem, or to imply
dor selection problems can be formulated within that there exists a perfect facility location model-
the mathematical constructs of facility location ing analogue for every vendor selection problem.
models. Given the application specific nature of Certainly, given the variety of constraints that
vendor selection problems, it is impossible to may be associated with vendor selection prob-
formulate a single vendor selection model which lems, such analogues do not exist for every ven-
is appropriate for all possible scenarios (Weber, dor selection problem. Rather, it is intended to
1990). This fact is also true of facility location demonstrate that vendor selection problems may
J. Current, Ch. Weber / Modeling constructs to ventor selection problems 391

be formulated within an existing, much studied, analysis of facility location decisions", European Journal of
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12, 220-252.
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toral Grant program. Ghosh, A., and McLafferty, S. (1987). Location Strategies for
Retail and Service Firms, Lexington Books, Lexington, MA.
Gosh, A., and Rushton, G. (1987), Spatial Analysis and Loca-
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