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Notetaking Guide & Resources 

Module 1: IUSD IA Training    

Please use the space below to write your notes during the Module 1 video! 


Reflection:​ What brought you to this job?   


Take Ownership:​ Mindset Check  3.  

Other ​Professionalism n
​ otes...   

Supporting Student Learning 

Emotional Bank Accounts:​ What deposits do you   

do well? 

Student Relationship Reflection:​ In what ways   

will you build trust with students? 

Other S
​ upporting Student Learning​ notes...   


Scenario #1: a ​student is behaving differently,   

what would you do? 

Scenario #2:​ a student is being disruptive, what   

would you do? 

Scenario #3: a
​ student is disorganized, what   
would you do? 

Other ​Collaboration​ notes...   


IUSD IA Training - Module 1  

Below are resources, as well as some additional information you might find interesting! 

Module 1: IA Guidelines - ​Presentation 

Growth Mindset: The Truth About Your Brain - ​Video 

Study Skills - Learning From Mistakes - ​Video 

Are Some People Just Natural-Born Athletes? Science Has an Answer - by Ashley Hamer -​ A
​ rticle 

This is Why Will Smith Wants You to Fail Before You Succeed - V
​ ideo 

5 Ways To Calm 'Feedback Fires': What We Can Learn From Celebrity Meltdowns - A
​ rticle 

Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset - V

​ ideo 

Additional Growth Mindset Resource - Carol Dweck’s book, M

​ indset 

Additional Growth Mindset Resource - Eduardo Briceno Ted Talk:​ T

​ he Power of Belief 

Additional Growth Mindset Resource - B

​ uilding a Growth Mindset in Math 

IUSD IA Training - Module 1  

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