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Flight Mechanics & Control: AER307A

Classical Control Techniques

Sheet (3)
Nyquist plot

Sketch the Nyquist diagram for each of the following systems and check the stability using
Nyquist stability criteria

MATLAB command for plotting Nyquist plots


For plotting the Nyquist plot at specific frequencies


The following command returns the frequency response real & imaginary parts and the
corresponding frequencies

[re,im,w] = nyquist(num,den)
Caution. In drawing a Nyquist plot, where a MATLAB operation involves “Divide by zero,”
the resulting Nyquist plot may have an erroneous or undesirable appearance. For example, if
the transfer function G(s) is given by

then the MATLAB command

num = [1];
den = [1 1 0];

produces an undesirable Nyquist plot. An example of an undesirable Nyquist plot is shown in


then it can be corrected if we specify the axis(v). For example, if we enter the axis command
v = [-2 2 -5 5]; axis(v)
in the computer, then a desirable form of Nyquist plot can be obtained
Examples of Nyquist plots

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