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The world

3 people they were travel for the galaxy, when he found to a robot in a planet, he robot
write in the sand of planet "come back to the early" they get back of the early, when look
that the world were in chaos, the animals were crazy, attacked the persons, the birds
attacked between whether, in Egypt the mummy revived, the dead’s of antiguedad
resurrected and requested a blood sacrifice, for thanks to God sending to people for saved
the world were to the four station, for control to the animals and the humans , after two
week saved the world and go to back the sky, the comment to god of that saved the world,
after two years, the persons create a best world in the that could coexist, the persons and
the animals that there would be not inequality and in Egypt the dead’s , that there would
be no inequality

Who are the main characters? The 3 persons and God

Where is the story located? In the planet earth

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