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Privately Issued b;p Permission of

The Department of Publication
of the American Ministraio for


of TKe Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis
T A M P A , FL O R ID A , U. S. A .


The first law of our work is secrecy
and confidence.
This book is a secret oook, contain­
ing' matter not usually published for
the masses and not intended for all
eyes to see. It is sent to you sealed
and is LOANED to you in confidence.
It is for your eyes only. Therefore,
you are not to loan it to any one else
and it must be returned to the Su­
preme Grand Lodge when you are
through reading it.
Let the first law be your rule and
guide in all matters pertaining to the
Mastership of nature’s laws' and prin­
Your quest has opened these pages.
The reading of this Book may be the turning point in your life!
It may prove to be the most vital factor in your future career!
Thousands, in many lauds, have lifted their hands and voices in
tribute to the Light that sheds its rays from these pages.
Its mission is to introduce to you, in a personal, private maimer,
a glorious work in m an's behalf.
You shall learn, at your own demand, of The Invincible Empire, •
the Em]lire that has existed for ages; older than that of any nation of
people, older than any political hierarchy.
This Empire of Directors of human achievement and advanced
civilization, this Invincible, Unconquerable Assembly of Master Min Ha
leading and guiding the destinies of men and women to success and
noble attainment,—this sovereignity of international influence, is
known as the AMOBC.
Perhaps never before has such a message come to your hands as is
contained in the following pages; it is doubtful if such an opportunity
to change the course of your life and receive such willing assistance
will come to you again.
The un-sealed Book, with its Open Path, is before you!
You have broken the Seal of its privacy and seclusion! You have
asked for, and received, the privilege of reading and discerning this
Key to the happy and successful realization of your innermost desires.
Read Carefully each Page, each Paragraph!
Place yourself in a quiet, restful mood, alone if possible, and per­
mit the author to reveal to you the picture, the plan, the purpose lead­
ing to attainment, power, success and—Illumination.
This Book is gladly loaned to you. I t is for your eyes only; it
carries with it the cordial invitation to attune yourself with The In ­
vincible Empire and conquer!
Start with the next page, and without missing or passing a word
or line, in orderly progression follow the development of its unique
You are a privileged seeker, indeed, and the AMORC welcomes
yoxr within its private domains.

Page Three
I t is no sim ple m a tte r to p re se a t to th e se e k e r or in v estig ato r a tru e
p ic tu re rev ealing- all the fa c ts and m inute d etails of so v a s t and v ita l an
o rganization as th a t m ost popularly known as the R osicrueiaii F ra tern ity .
A thousand years ago the g rea test m asters of th o u g h t an d pen p ictu res found
it so. S ir F rancis Bacon, w hile in tern atio n al chief of the various continental
Jiosicrucian organizations, found it necessary to w rite an d have published a
n u m b e r of boohs u nder distinctive title s adequately to rev eal to the w orthy
se ek e r th e real n a tu re of th e F ra tern ity .
L ord Bulw er L y tto n re so rte d to a m ethod typical of th e m eans used be­
fo re and a fte r his tim e and w rote a novel called "Zanoni” in w hich he cleverly
revealed th e existence, teachings and activities of th e R osicrucians of his
day. 'I n m ore m odern tim es wre have had the novels from th e pen of M arie
Corelli in w hich th e R osicrucians a re m entioned frankly and their beneficial
teachings and endeavors a re beautifully expounded.
A. thousand books in the p a st thousand y ears have m entioned the F ra ­
te rn ity or described the w ork of one or m ore ot its g rea t leaders. No organ­
ization in the world, aside from the E ssenes and T hernpeuti of th e Holy Land,
h as been so gen erally known for ag e s and y et evaded the skill of the w riter’s
p en to do it justice. P erh ap s this one featu re alone is responsible for the
public’s classification of th e F ra te rn ity as a very secret society. As w e shall
see, how ever, th e organization haw nev er attem p ted to hide its existence, and,
co n tra ry to the. principles of se c re t societies, en d eav o rs in ev ery possible
w ay to share its benefits and powers w ith every w o rth y and sin cere applicant.
J u s t how successful th e p re se n t w rite r m ay h e in p re se n tin g th is revela­
tion of th e w ork of the R osicrucians of today, w ill be indicated by th e degree
of in te re s t it arouses in your h e a rt an d mind, an d th e response w hich you
m a n ifest as th e "in n er urg e” is stren g h ten e d by w h at is m ad e plain betw een
th e lines of p rin ted w ords.
T housands in every section of th e world today a re inquiring fo r and
seeking a fte r precisely w h at th e AMORC offers. W e know th is from th e
le tte rs received daily from every p a r t of th e civilized world. N ever before
in th e histo ry of civilization has th e re been su c h an aw akening to th e h ig h er
things of life, and nev er h as th e re been such an universal call for association
w ith th o se who know and can reveal the m any fundam ental principles, law s
an d forces th a t m ake one m an, o r one woman, m ore h ealth y , successful, and
h appy th an another.
T he AMORC stands today, as did its an cien t p are n t bodies, as one of
th e m ost vital, constructive, re-creative force in th e w orld devoted to th e
p ersonal and national benefits of m ankind. B ecause th is is so, it h as th e
endorsem ent, en th u sia stic support and happy cooperation of men and w om en
in every w alk of life, in every profession, a r t and science, and in every civil­
ized land of th e world.
This, then, con stitu tes our introductory outline of w h a t we would have
you consider as th e open portal to a new er life. P lease b ear in m ind th a t
w here th e w ord AMORC is used in th e following pages, it refers to th e p rese n t
day R osicrucians, the K osicrucian O rder of th e A quarian Age.
As you tu rn th e pages of th is book and rea d its gradual unfoldm ent of
fac t and fancy, trad itio n and history, may- YOU discover The Path th a t beck­
o ns you to leave the tram m eled highw ays and w alk in Peace P rofound to
G lory’ —T H E AUTHOR.

Page Four
i t is no sim ple m a tte r to p re se n t to th e seek er or in v estig ato r a tru e
p ictu re revealing all th e facts and m inute details of so v a s t and vital an
o rganization as th a t m ost popularly known as th e Rosierucian F ra tern ity .
A thousand y ea rs ago the g re a te st m a ste rs of th o u g h t and pen p ictu res found
it so. S ir F rancis Bacon, w hile in tern atio n al chief of th e various continental
R osierucian organizations, found i t necessary to w rite and have published a
n u m b er of books u nder d istinctive tille s adequately to reveal to the w orthy
se ek e r th e real n a tu re of th e F ra te rn ity .
Lord B ulw er L ytton reso rte d to a m ethod typical of the m eans used be­
fore and a fte r his tim e and w rote a novel called "Z anoni” in w hich he cleverly
rev ealed th e existence, teachings and activities of th e R osicrucians of his
day. 'In m ore m odern tim es w e have had the novels from th e pen of M arie
C orelli in w hich th e R osicrucians are m entioned fra n k ly and th e ir beneficial
teachings an d endeavors a re beautifully expounded.
A thousand books in the p a st thousand y ears have m entioned th e F ra ­
te rn ity o r described th e w ork of one or m ore of its g re a t leaders. No organ­
ization in th e world, aside from th e E ssenes and T h erap eu ti of th e Holy Land,
has been so generally know n for ag e s and y e t evaded th e skill of th e w rite r’s
pen to do it justice. P erhaps th is one fe a tu re alone is responsible for th e
public’s classification of th e F ra te rn ity as a very se c re t society. As w e sh all
see, however, th e organization h a s never attem p ted to hide its existence, and,
co n tra ry to th e principles of se c re t societies, endeavors in every possible
w ay to sh a re its benefits and pow ers w ith every w o rth y and sincere applicant.
J u s t how successful the p rese n t w rite r m ay he in p rese n tin g this revela­
tion of th e w ork of th e R osicrucians of today, w ill be indicated by th e degree
of in te re s t it arouses in your h e a rt and mind, and th e resp o n se w hich you
m a n ifest as th e ’’in n e r u rg e” is stren g h ten ed by w h at is m ade plain betw een
th e lines of printed words.
T housands in ev ery section of th e world today are inquiring for and
seek in g a fte r precisely w h at t.he AMORC offers. W e know th is from th e
le tte rs received daily from every p a r t of th e civilized world. N ever before
in th e histo ry of civilization has th e re been such an aw akening to th e higher
things of life, and n ev e r h as th e re been such an universal call for association
w ith those w ho know and can reveal the m any fundam ental principles, law s
an d forces th a t m ake one m an, o r one woman, m ore healthy, successful, an d
h appy than another.
The. AMORC stands today, as did its an c ie n t p aren t bodies, as one of
the m ost vital, constructive, re-creative force ill the world devoted to th e
personal and n ational benefits of m ankind. Because th is is so, it has th e
endorsem ent, en th u siastic support and happy cooperation of m en an d women
in ev ery w alk of life, in every profession, a r t and science, and in every civil­
ized land of th e world.
T his, then, constitutes our introductory outline ol w h at w e w ould have
you consider as th e open portal to a new er life. Please b ear in m ind th a t
w here th e w ord AMORC is used in th e following pages, it refers to th e p rese n t
day R osicrucians, the R osierucian O rder of th e A quarian Age.
As you tu rn th e pages of th is book and read its gradual unfoldm ent of
fact and fancy, tradition and history, m ay Y O U discover The P ath th a t beck­
ons you to leave th e tram m eled highw ays and w alk tn P eace P rofound to
Glory! —T H E AUTHOR.

Tage Four
I t is no sim ple m a tte r to p rese n t to tile seek er or in v estig ato r a tru e
p ic tu re revealin g all th e fac ts and m inute details of so v a s t and v ital an
o rganization as th a t m ost popularly know n a s th e R osierucian F ra tern ity .
A thousand y ears ago th e g re a te st m a ste rs of th o u g h t and pen pictu res found
it so. S ir F ran cis Bacon, w hile in te rn atio n a l chief of th e various co n tin en tal
R osierucian organizations, found it n ecessary to w rite an d have published a
n u m b er of books u n d er distinctive title s adequately to rev eal to th e w orthy
se ek e r th e re a l n a tu re of th e F ra tern ity .
L ord B ulw er L ytto n re so rte d to a m ethod ty p ical of th e m ean s u sed be­
fo re and a fte r his tim e and w rote a novel called “Z anoni” in w hich he cleverly
revealed th e existence, teachings and activ ities of th e R osicrucians of his
day. 'I n m ore m odem tim es we have had th e novels from th e pen of M arie
Corelli in w hich the R osicrucians are m entioned fran k ly an d th eir beneficial
teachings and endeavors a re beautifully expounded.
A thousand books in th e p a st thousand y ea rs have m entioned th e F ra ­
te rn ity o r described th e w ork of one or m ore of its g re a t leaders. No organ*
ization in the w orld, aside from th e E ssenes and T h erap eu ti of th e noly Land,
h a s been so g enerally know n for ages' and y et evaded th e skill of th e w rite r’s
pen to do it justice. P erh ap s th is one fea tu re alone is responsible fo r th e
public’s classification of th e F ra te rn ity as a very secret society. As w e shall
see, how ever, th e organization h a s never attem p ted to hide its existence, and,
co n tra ry to th e principles of se cret societies, en d eav o rs in every possible
w ay to sh a re its benefits and pow ers w ith every w o rth y and sin cere applicant.
J u s t how successful th e p rese n t w rite r m ay be in p rese n tin g th is revela­
tion of th e w ork of the R osicrucians of today, will be indicated by the degree
of in te re s t it arouses in your h e a rt and m ind, and th e response w hich you
m a n ifest as th e "in n er urg e” is strengthened hy w hat is m ade plain betw een
th e lines of printed words.
T housands in every section of the w orld to d ay a re inquiring for and
seek in g a fte r precisely w h at th e AMORC offers. W e know this from th e
le tte rs received daily from every p a rt of the civilized world. N ever before
in the histo ry of civilization has th e re been such an aw akening to th e h igher
th in g s of life, and nev er h as th e re been such an universal call for association
w ith those who know and can reveal the m any fu n dam ental principles, law s
an d forces th a t m ake one m an, or one woman, m ore healthy, successful, an d
h ap p y th a n another.
The AMORC stan d s today, as did its an cien t p aren t bodies, as one of
th e m o st vital, constructive, re-creative force in the w orld devoted to th e
personal and national benefits of m ankind. B ecause th is is so, it h as th e
endorsem ent, en th u siastic support and happy cooperation of men an d women
in every w alk of life, in every profession, a r t and science, an d in ev ery civil­
ized land Of the world.
This, then, con stitu tes our introductory outline of w h at we would have
you consider as th e open porral to a new er life. P lease b ear in m ind th a t
w here th e w ord AMORC is used in th e following pages, it refers to th e present,
day R osicrucians, the R osierucian O rder of th e A quarian Age.
As you tu rn th e pages of th is book and read its grad u al unfoldm ent of
fact and fancy, trad itio n and history, may YOU discover The Path th a t beck­
ons you to leave th e tram m eled highw ays and w alk in P eace Profound to:
G lory! —T H E AUTHOR.

Page Four
As in tim ated in th e foregoing introduction, th e R osicrucians o r “B reth ern
of the R osey Cross,” have been know n to h isto rian s for centuries. T h ere is
h ardly an encyclopedia, dictionary o r referen ce w ork of a g eneral n a tu re or
devoted to th e antiquity of th e sciences, a rts, m edicine, lite ra tu re , religion,
ethics or advancem ent of hum anitarianism in civilization, th a t does n o t re fe r
to th e R osicrucians.
T he nam e of the. B rotherhood and its v ario u s sym bols have been used in
veiled or open w ays by thousands of w riters an d as L ord BuHver L y tto n said,
“ a halo of glory” h as alw ays surrounded the nam e and activ ities of the
R osicrucians.
In th e hook shops of rare books and m an u scrip ts in th e principal cities
of the old w orld and in m any 3n A m erica, those publications’ w hich contain
the facts and original p rin ts of the B rotherhood are listed a s the m ost valu­
able publications L ibraries com posed of such w orks have been accum ulated
by some governm ents at an enorm ous expense.
S trangely, m any of th e m odern encyclopedias continue to re p rin t th e
blind or veiled h isto ry of the F ra te rn ity w hich appeared in th e '‘Cham bers
E ncyclopedia" m any years ago when th e organization w as bo secretly o p era t­
ed th a t it w as thought to have passed out of existence. A notable exception
—a n d th e re are a num ber—is the recen t edition of th e New International
Encyclopedia, published by Dodd, Mead and Com pany of New York, w herein
the Im perator, or Chief Executive of th e AMORO, is m entioned as an au th o r­
ity on the subject and histo ry of th e Rosicrucians,
In th e archives of nearly all other fra te rn a l organizations th e h isto ry and
imique activ ities of th e R osicruciaus are preserved. E specially is th is so
w ith reg a rd to th e F reem asonic body w hich w as a t one tim e closely allied w ith
th e ancient R osicrucians, and today th a t body p reserv es a testim onial to its
high esteem of th e ancient F ra tern ity by th e use of th e R osicrucian nam e
(Hose Croix) and sym bols in the E ig h te en th D egree of th e A. A. S, R., and
m any of th e officers of th is world-wide organization a re high officers of th e
AMORC today.
T he la te Dr. Olin S. W rig h t of F lorida w as such a one. H e w as not
only a m em ber of the- Suprem e Council 33rd of th e S o u th ern Ju risd ictio n of
th e A. A. S. R, in A m erica, but held th e very h igh an d distinctive title s of
F irs t G rand E q u erry and Sovereign G rand Inspector G eneral of the 33rd and
L ast D egree of the A. A. S. R., and w as also the Grand Inspector G eneral and
chief executive of th e Illum inati of th e AMORC in A m erica, and an. active
m em ber of th e S uprem e Council of AMORC up to th e hour of h is passing.
I t appears as a very notable fac t th a t in every co untry w here g reat
strides' w ere m ade in civilization the historian s of the tim e m ade referen ce to
th e evolutionary effect of th e R osicrucians and th e ir teachings upon th e
people as a prelim inary step to th e advances made. M any a re th e ref­
erences m ade also in books dealing w ith chem istry, m edicine and surgery,
m usic and astronom y, giving credit to th e profound know ledge of the Rosi-
erucians and th e im portant effect of th a t know ledge upon the advancem ent
of these sciences-.
To suggest even a p artial lis t of th e em in en t ch a racters who have been
notable figures In th e F ra te rn ity would ta k e m any m ore pages th a n 1 am
lim ited to in th is book. Suffice it to say th a t the R osicrucian F ra te rn ity
tra c e s its rea l and traditional h istory so fa r back into th e p ast ages th a t it
i& lo st in profound m ystery, but ever sheds around it a glory of achievem ent
fo r its m em bers and a w ondrous light of attain m en t for th e n atio n s Today

Page Five
th e sp irit of th e ir g re a t w ork ca rrie s on throughou t th e w orld in the w ork of
th e AMORC. W h at th a t w ork is and w h at it can m ean to you w ill be ex­
plained on the following pages.
T he AMORC, as an in te rn atio n a l organization, is not a relic or continua­
tion of the ancient Rosicrucian Lodges. It is a logical, n atu ra l an d system ­
a tic developm ent of the R osicrucian principles and ideals1 as laid down in
th e p a st by the g re a te st of th e R osicrucian leaders and evolved by th e m aster-
te ach ers of th e ages intervening.
An illu stratio n of th e im portance of this fact m ay be seen in th e com­
m en t of thousands who have pursued the present-day teachings of th e AMORC,
w hich com m ent m ay be sum m arized in th e w ords of a form er high officer of
an o th er school of philosophy and m etaphysics in A m erica: "M an has evolved
in th e past several hundred y ea rs through definite cycles and stag es of
m ental and spiritu al aw akening and com prehension, ju s t as he has advanced
in scientific achievem ent and attainm ent. T hose thoughts, those principles
an d those ideals w hich w ere vital and guiding to him five hundred or even
one hundred years ago a re obsolete now, som e even impracticable. T h at
school of thought, that, system of instruction, th a t course of p ractice in life
which has not evolved and advanced step by step w ith m an ’s evolution, is
p asse today. AMORC is n otable for its advancement and its fo resig h ts in
keeping many steps ahead of m an ’s p rese n t sta g e in civilization, so th a t
today the R osicrucian teachings and benefits offered by th e AMORC con­
stitu te a goal to approach, an ideal to hold before us,—a tru e leadership
to follow.”
T here a re system s of philosophical and higher-thought in stru ctio n in
th e world today w hich w ere outlined or p repared by one o r m ore founders,
d iscoverers o r leaders, sy stem s w hich w ere prophetic and u ltra m o d em in
th e ir day, h u t because th e founders of such system s m ade no provision for
th e advancem ent of th e teachings or th e gradual grow th and evolution of th e
system , th e y sta n d today as m ounm ents of good in th e past b u t inadequate
and inefficient today.
T he child of today is ta u g h t in school, in h igh school and In special
courses, th o se subjects w hich w ere select and advanced subjects fo r th e
evolved adult of a hundred y ears ago. T o adhere to th e philosophic or scien­
tific teachings of th e ancients, no m a tte r how rem ark ab le th e y m ay have been
in th e ir day, would be equivalent to te ach in g an d prom ulgating dead lan­
guages as a vital, factor in ou r m odern life.
T he AMORC of today p reserves and p rese n ts in the m o st im p ressiv e
and helpful m an n er every law and principle th a t w as know n to an d used by
th e an c ie n t R osicrucians and w hich m ade them fam ous as th e fo reru n n ers
of all scientific, occult, m etaphysical and p ractical schools m ak in g for m an ’s
g re a te r grow th and developm ent. E ach y e a r of th e p a st five h u n d red years
or m ore has seen additions m ade to those fu n dam ental teachings. E ach
m onth of th e p a s t hundred years has seen th e an cien t system of in stru ctio n
and cooperative benefits im proved, m odernized, and advanced.
D uring th e p a s t fifteen y ea rs th e evolutionary grow th of th e plan of
AMORC h as been phenom enal. In every field of endeavor, in every art,
science and dom ain of thought, AMORC h as tak en g re a t step s forw ard u n til
today its know ledge of ce rtain law s of natu re, activ ities of th e hum an mind,
pow ers of personal forces, m an ifestatio n s of principles and possibilities of
unsuspected agencies, is fa r in advance of m a n ’s g en eral evolution and g reatly
in th e lead of all o th e r schools or m ovem ents.
In o th e r w ords, AMORC, typifying th e R osicrucian spirit, re p re se n ts today
th e very soul of th e R osicrucian F ra te rn ity of all ages,— th e m o st advanced

Page Six
and practical guide or m ovem ent in existence in m an ’s behalf. T his has been
no sim ple achievem ent. No organization but th a t 'which lives w ith th e sp irit
of tru e R osicrucianism ,—fearless, dauntless, an d m ighty' in its own powers,—
could have survived in th e p a s t decades th e m any obstacles to grow th and
th e in sisten t attac k s of its n a tu ra l enem ies,— th e enem ies of all progress.
None but th e p re se n t Im perator—R ex of th e AMORC th ro u g h o u t th e world,
H arve S pencer Lewis, F_ R. C„ Ph. D., could have accom plished th e trem en ­
dous ta sk se t for him w hen he accepted the obligation and duties of his office
for the purpose of re-establishing the F ra te rn ity along th e m ost m odem lines.


It is according to an an cien t law th a t every one hundred and eight years
th e re shall be a reorganization and reincarnatio n of th e F ra tern ity , and we
m ay see from th e b rief outline of th e histo ry of th e F ra te rn ity in m any lands
th a t this has been consistently adhered to. T ru e to this sy tstem , th e year
1693 found th e sp irit of R osicrucianism exceedingly active th ro u g h o u t Europe.
In every country th e re w ere large and influencial branches1 of th e F ra tern ity ,
operating under th e original au th o rity and sponsorship of S ir F ra n cis Bacon,
his brother, and special deputies.
One of the large jurisdictions of th e F ra te rn ity a t th a t tim e included
the G erman E m pire, w hose local se c re t chief conducted the w ork of th e Order,
u sin g a fam ous book w ritte n u n d er th e nam e of "C hristian. R osenkreuz,”
O ther large jurisdictions w ere in E ngland and H olland. F rom th e se th ree
la rg e st jurisd ictio n s th e re em anated a plan for a pilgrim age to America,
directed b y Bacon’s successor who revealed Bacon’s o rig in al p lan in “T he
New A tlantis,” as A m erica w as called in th e ir docum ent, w hen th e n e x t 108
y ea r period should be a t hand. In th e y ea r 1585, w h en ab o u t tw enty-four
years old, Bacon him self took hold of th e work, sin ce such a period had
T he pilgrim age of R osicnicians from various p arts of E urope set fo rth
in a specially ch a rtered ship la te in th e y ea r 1693, and se ttle d in w h at is now
know n as P hiladelphia, P ennsylvania, in 1691. In F airm o u n t P ark , Philadel-
p h ia ,'th e re are preserved to this day rem ains of this early m y stic settlem en t,
and n ea r th e city are th e buildings and o th e r relics of w h at w as one of the
m ost vital contributions to th e grow th and developm ent of Am erica,—a com­
m unity of learning, science, invention, and achievem ent.
F or one hundred and eight y ea rs th e activ ities of th e F ra te rn ity con­
tinued in A m erica as elsew here and then, in 1801, an o th er epoch began w ith
renew ed activities in new er fields. T he passin g of th is period of one hun­
dred and eig h t y ears brings us to th e y e a r 1909 w hen th e first step s w ere
taken once again to reorganize and m odernize th e w ork and influences of th e
F ra te rn ity in A m erica and other lands. T his brings us, then, to th e present
epoch of the R osicrucian activities' as carried on by th e AMORC th ro u g h o u t
the world.


T he Imperator of th e AMORC in A m erica and o th er jurisdictions,, H arve
Spencer Lew is, F. R. C., Ph. D., devoted m any y ears to study and research
in p reparation for his co n tact w ith the h igh est officers of th e R osicrucian
bodies of Europe, and in th e y ea r 1909 he journeyed to F ran ce, w here in the
southern provinces h e found a num ber of the older officers who m ain tain ed
th e archives and records of th e early R osicrucian bodies of E u ro p e; and to
th is day t i e m o st im p o rtan t docum ents and historical p apers are preserved
in secret places of th a t country.

Page Seven
IMPERATOK. A . I I . (). K. C.

Member of the Supreme Omneil B. C. of the Morl-d

Legate of the Order in France
Minister of the Foreign Legation
Ordained Priest of the Asftrama in India
Honorary Consular of the “ Corda Fratrcs,” Italy
Sri Sabliita, (treat White Lodge, Tibet
Bex, Fnirersitatis Illuminati
Fellow of the Bose Cross ('allege of the Rosierucian Order
A fter being duly prep ared and inducted into th e principles and pow ers
of R osicrucian activities, th is A m erican proceeded to call to g eth er o th er
R osicrucian stu d e n ts and w orkers in Am erica, and in th e S pring of 1915, afte r
th e customary six years of announcement, investigation and test,, forty-eight
m en and women selected from m any b ranches of activ ities covered by th e
AMORC plan, held a special session for th e purpose of arran g in g a m ass
m eeting.
A few w eeks la te r such a m eeting w as held in N ew Y ork City an d over
th ree hundred w ell known occulists, m etaphysicians, scien tists and stu d en ts
of R osicrucian w ork w ere present. To these D r Lew is p resen ted his plans,
to g eth er w ith certain resolutions' draw n up a t th e previous organization ses­
sions and also cable m essages and le tte rs received by o th e rs p resen t, veri­
fying th e sta te m en ts m ade in the plans for organization. A fter th re e hours
of fu rth e r deliberation a committee of sixty men and women w as appointed
to secure such additional verification of th e p lans as w as found desirable, and
to call an o th er m eeting w ithin sixty days.
On April 1, 1915, such special m eeting w as called and co n stitu ted th e
first H igh Council m eeting of th e AMORC In th e new epoch in America.
Fifty-tw o of the sixty com m ittee m em bers w ere p rese n t and th o se ab sen t
se n t com m unications of re g re t. F u rth e r cablegram s an d le tte rs w ere rea d
by a num ber of th e com m ittee an d th e re appeared in person a delegate of the
F ra te rn ity from India w ith certified and sealed docum ents, "jew els,” and
credentials to be delivered to th e chief officers to be elected a t th is m om ­
entous occasion.
A fter prelim inary rem a rk s and a v o lu n tary acceptance on the p a rt of
th o se p rese n t of the O ath of Allegiance a s Officers, the com m ittee w as duly
organized as The Supreme Council of the AMORC. T hen followed th e elec­
tion of the chief executive officers, and by unanim ous v o te H arv e S pencer
Lewis, F, R, C„ Eh, D., w as elected Grand Master General. A fter th e election
of other officers, a C harter for th e organization of AMORC in its p re se n t form
w as draw n up and signed by th e Committee of Charter Members present.
T h at docum ent, highly illum inated and hearing th e sig n atu res Of th e C h arter
M embers, Is one of th e m o st valuable docum ents in the possession and his­
to ry of th e AMORC.
A com m ittee w as also appointed to tra n sla te th e an cien t foreign rules
and constitutions of the R osicrucians and to modify th e various regulations
to m e e t p rese n t day conditions. T his C om m ittee m ade its rep o rt a t th e first
Grand Convention of AMORC held in P ittsburgh, P ennsylvania, for th e whole
w eek beginning July 31, 1917. At th is Convention,-—th e first and m ost im ­
p ressive R osicrucian convention ever held In the W e ste rn World,-—th e re
w ere delegates, officers and m em bers w ith credentials from all th e AMORC
jurisdictions, as w ell ae officers and au th o rities from o th e r fra te rn a l organi­
zations. I t w as an occasion unequaled in th e histo ry of R osicrucian activ ities
in th e world.
T he Com m ittee on the proposed C onstitution of AMORC p resen ted its
re p o rt and the C hairm an of th e Convention appointed an o th er com m ittee
com posed of m en prom inently know n in fra tern al societies to study th e
form er Com m ittee’s report, m ake a final d ra ft of th e proposed C onstitution
and subm it it to the Convention for vote. T h ree d ay s la te r th e following
com m ittee rep o rted th a t i t had exam ined all papers, scrutinized every sta te ­
m ent and approved of th e C ounstitution as p rese n ted :
Hit, C harles T), G reen 32°, P a rk Lodge 67G F, & A. M., Pa., R andolph
C hapter No. 35, Ind., P enna. C onsistory V alley of P ittsb u rg .
Charles' H . Soelke, 32°, Old Glory Lodge 975 A. F. & A. M., Chicago C icerr

Page Nine
C hapter It. A. M., Apollo C om m andery No. 1 K. T,, M edinah Tem ple, A. A. O.
N. M. S., Chicago, Illinois.
O m ar T. C ruickshank, M. D., M. E., F. T. S., F. O.; Cyrus C hapter No.
280 It. A. M., Mt. M oriah Council No. 2, C h artiers C om m andery No. 78, K. T.,
Fenna. Consistory S. P. R. S-
L. A. Shoem aker, 32°, H illsboro Lodge 25, A. F. & A. M., T am pa Consis­
to ry No. 1, Tam pa, Florida,
W a lte r E. H atch, 32°, M cCandless Lodge , F. & A. M., 390, P en n sy lv an ia
Consistory, V alley of P ittsburg.
S. L indsay Dorsey, L exington ‘Lodge No. 1, F. & A. M., L exington Chap­
te r No. 1 R. A. M., W ebb C om m andery No. 2 K. T„ Lexington, Ky.
E dw ard L. Bork, P a s t M aster Jefferson Lodge, 288 F. & A. M., P ittsb u rg ,
Conrad H. L indstedt, P a s t M aster, P rogressive Lodge 354 F. & A. M.,
New York.
F red erick C. Santaiello, 32°, N orm al Lodge 523, F. & A. M., K. T., A. A.
O. N. M. S., New York.
A t th e close of th e ir report, th ese m en com posing th e above C om m ittee
m ade th e following voluntary sta te m en t and signed it:
“We, th e undersigned, a s members of the A. M. O. R. C. of North America,
find nothing in the teachings or ritual of the above named Order which con­
flicts with the teachings or ritual of any other organization with which we are
affiliated__ However, w e have received such information from the teachings
of the above named Order which, to the best of our knowledge and belief, is
only obtainable in the AMORC, and having knowledge of its, uplifting char­
acter, its patriotic and humanitarian principles, we take this means of ex­
pressing our appreciation of the Order."
All of th e se m en have rem ained loyal to th e principles of th e AMORC
and m ost of them are m em bers of th e Supreme Council today.
T he Convention voted upon and adopted every p h rase and word of tne
Constitution of AMORC a s it is used today, w herein H arv e Spencer Lew is
is declared to be th e im p e rato r of the AMORC because of unquestionable
verification of his selection and appointm ent fo r such position and because of
his election by the Supreme Grand Lodge.
In 1918 an o th er Convention w ith a hundred delegates and officers was
held in N ew Y ork City and th e C onstitution w as again exam ined and tw o un­
im portant am endm ents m ade to it. Since th en th e AMORC has grow n to
unexpected pow er and m em bership and th e Suprem e Council has become so
large and of such a n in tern atio n al n a tu re th a t it is now know n as th e Supreme
Council of the World w ith active m em bers o r Councilors in sixteen countries
and rep rese n tin g th e largest Rosicrucian membership the world has ever
known. In this w ay has the an cien t sp irit of th e F ra te rn ity re in c arn ated a
large body.
U nder th e capable direction of th e Im erator-Rex, H arve Spencer Lewis,
F. R. C., Ph. D., AMORC has stab lish ed o r affiliated w ith G rand Lodges and
R egular Lodges in all principle cities of th e U nited S tates, Canada, Mexico,
E ngland, A ustralia, E urope, Africa, India an d m any O riental countriies and
th e W est and E a s t Indies. F rom th e n o rth ern points of A laska and S ib eria
to Jo h an n asb u rg in southern A frica, th e w ork of th e F ra te rn ity o p eratin g
u n d e r its AMORC C harters or C h arter from its Supreme Council of th e
World, continues' and grows.
In m any of th e A m erican cities i t owns its own buildings or tein p les or
th e land upon w hich its stru ctu re s stand. In o th e r lands its m em bers have
built, w ithout outside labor, its tem ples or assem bly places. Most of its
Lodge room s are of E gyptian arc h itec tu re and decoration.

Page Ten
T he S uprem e Staff has changed its location a n um ber of tim es in o rd er to
be closer to th e activities in certain sections of th e country. It w as located
in New York City for several years, th e n moved to C alifornia w here, in the
city of San F rancisco, it rem ained for over six years, cre atin g two E gyptian
tem ples and g rea tly enlarging the w ork thro u g h o u t th e W est. In m any
cities th e re are sm all groups of from ten to th irty m em bers m eeting weekly,
w hile a t the Lodges or T em ples th e m em bership is as high as one hundred
and fifty m en and women. T hese m em bers enjoy th e read in g room s, labora­
tories', lecture rooms, tem ple cerem onies and convocations each week. T he
average Lodge has as m any as fifteen m onthly m eetings for various groups
of m em bers.
N ot all of th e AMORC h u m an itarian activities or its constructional w ork
for m ankind is conducted u n d er its own nam e, To avoid th e ap p earan ce ot
self-adverU sing the AMORC conducts much, of iis w ork through o th e r organi­
zations or thro u g h bodies1 which it h as specially organized. F o r instance,
one year it financed th e opening operations of th e Egypt Exploration Fund
in E gypt w h ere th e researches w ere conducted in th e tem ples and buildings
of an an cient P haroah w hose w ork has contributed g reatly to th e advance­
m e n t of civilization. It organized th e A m erican P hilom athic Society in 1917
throughout, th e N orth A m erican C ontinent to prom ote a love for research
and stu d y by m eans of public lectures and forum s. This w ork is still contin­
uing w ith g re a t success.
I t has established m any sm all libraries in com m unities w here no lib raries
existed. Some of these, lik e the one in Mexico, h av e becom e large founda­
tions and b ea r th e nam e of AMORC or of th e Im perator, by courtesy. I t has
conducted Radio Services for sev eral y ea rs for th e sake of th e shut-ins, and
estab lish ed the first non-sectarian Radio Church S ervice in th e w orld w hen
radio w as ju s t sta rtin g in its career. I t h a s built radio sets for afflicted or
confined persons and installed them in hospitals and in stitu tio n s. It has
m ade valuable contributions to the im provem ent of moving p ictu res and the
production of b e tte r pictures, and num bers m any directors, acto rs and act­
resse s am ong its m em bers.
I t has conducted cam paigns for various unselfish purposes, b ro u g h t in­
stru ctio n and help into prisons and incurable w ards of public institutions,
established m a ssag e and o th e r unique aids fo r th e disabled so ld iers and or­
ganized a staff of experts u nder an em inent N ew Y ork sp ecialist for th e
m ental tre a tm e n t of shell-shock victim s. M any o th e r sim ilar activities are
being conducted w ithout identifying any of it w ith th e AMORC.
It m em bers, nurses and doctors, have cared for victim s and orphans of
th e W orld W a r in Europe! and in countries affected by earth q u ak es and fires.
Its scientific w orkers h av e m ade valuable contributions to m ankind in recen t
years, m any of them being reported in scientific publications th ro u g h o u t the
world. Its h ighest officers, notably th e Im perator, are its g re a te st contribu­
tors to the financial req u irem en ts of th e O rder, using th e ir highly successful
businesses to a s sist in carry in g on th e e x tra activ ities w ith o u t burdening the
m em bers w ith m ore th an th e ir voluntary dues.
Such is th e n atu re and w ork of the AMORC in th e w orld today—a high
trib u te to th e principles laid down by th e early founders, an d th e devotion and
g reatn ess of its Im perator.
As one m ay sense from w h at has been said on th e preceding pages, th e
R osicrucian F ra te rn ity ever w as and still is, a v ery distinctive body so far
as fra te rn a l orgainziations go. In days gone by one of its o u tstan d in g fea­
tu res w as its recognition of th e equality of th e sexes. T his does n o t seem
exceptional today, but in th is F ra te rn ity w om en have ALWAYS been eligible

Page Eleven
for every office o r station, and th e organization points w ith pride to th e fact
th a t i t w as th e first in te rn atio n a l organization to a ssist w om en to com pete
w ith m en efficiently in all th e a rts and sciences. T h e w holesom eness' and
broadness of its w ork perm its men and w om en to sh a re alike in its benefits.
T he absence of sex distinction has resulted in an o th er im pressive feature.
.Men, th e ir wives, m others, daughters and sons are found asso ciated in th e
studies and work. I t isi a delightful scene to w itn ess couples and fam ilies of
from th ree to ten persons, young and old, atten d in g le ctu res o r class lessons
to g e th er ju s t as th e y do church o r theatre, w itho u t sep aratio n o r disqualifica­
tion because of sex!
T he n ex t im p o rta n t distinction betw een th is F ra te rn ity and o th e r B roth­
erhoods is due to its practical and operative natu re. I t is n o t an d n ev er h as
been a speculative body or a school of theoretical philosophy. T his s ta te ­
m e n t is n o t intended to be a criticism of those fra te rn a l m ovem ents, schools’,
or cults w hich deal exhaustively w ith speculative philosophies or m etaphysi­
cal theories. It is only because th e se things do have a place in our lives, like
tru e religion, and since m any w ell established and com petent schools, move­
m ents a n d churches m e e t the dem and m ost efficiently, th e AMORC of today
devotes its tim e and efforts to those th in g s w hich have to do w ith th e p ractical
affairs ®? life, H ERB and NOW!
Convinced Of the im m ortality of th e soul, and re fe rrin g to th is conviction
often in its teachings, it uses th e law o r law s w hich m ake th e soul im m ortal
to aid th e individual in a tta in in g health and pow er on this' plane of existence.
D em onstrating all th e laws th a t relate to our existence in a sp iritu al, divine
and m etaphysical sense, the dem onstrations are m ade in su ch m anner, and
accom panied by such lectures as will enable th e stu d e n t to apply th e sam e
law s in m eeting the obstacles, tria ls and tem p tatio n s of th is lif e ,- d a ily and
T he obligations of each individual to God an d H is D ecrees a re n o t evaded
or m inim ized. B ut h is fu rth e r obligations to th o se dependent upon him , to
his fellow m an and him self are clearly pointed o ut aud dem onstrated. E ven
m ore th a n th is he is taught, carefully and step by step, how h e m ay efficiently,
successfully and joyfully m eet these earthly, m a terial practical obligations and
rise to pow er and m astership. S uch p ractical w o rk is th e keynote of th e
AMORC teachings and practices.
T h e an cien t R osicrucians w ere popularly known as chem ists, alchem ists
and scientists, as well as h u m an itarian w orkers. It is notable th a t th e m ost
advanced of them w ere n o t found in isolated h ab itations, living as herm its,
giving to th e w orld nothing m ore th a n an illum inated book of inspiring phil­
osophy. R a th e r w ere th ey found living in accessible places, adjoining labora­
tories and schools, laboring w ith th e problem s of m edicine, surgery, chem is­
try , astronom y and sim ilar subjects.
T rue, m uch is said of th e ir alchem y and th e experim ents w ith th e tra n s­
m utatio n of th e base m etals into gold. But, th ese experim ents w ere m ade
not for the purpose of securing w ealth alone, b u t to dem onstrate, prove and
discover various law s of N atu re w hich have an im p o rtan t bearin g upon every
phase, of life. M any of th e m odem sciences today tra c e valuable aids to th e
p ractical w ork perform ed b y th e se devoted w orkers.
W herever civilization w as in the m aking and progress in th e arts,
sciences, lite ra tu re an d work-a-day activities w as m ost evident, th e re th e
influence, guidance and contributions of the R osicrucians w ere m o st evident.
Today th is distinctive feature of practicability is augm ented by th e coopera­
tive service spirit w hich is em phasized in an unique m anner. W ith m em bers
in every trade, profession, a r t and industry, and in ev ery w alk of life, located
in every large city and every fair sized tow n in the U nited S tate s, for example,

Page Twelve
th e close association, th e m utual understanding, th e u n iv ersal pledge to re n d e r
service a t every opportunity, resu lts in a personal benefit to each m em ber
th a t w as not possible in th e days of old. T hus we see th a t from m any angles
the AMORC is a distinctive organization but th e follow ing ad ditional fe a tu re
is im portant also. ,


T he AMORC is absolutely non-sectarian in its teachings and practices,
and free from sex, race, and color lim itations. It recognizes th e u niversality
of th e brotherhood of m ankind. It tak es cognizance of th e fact, th a t w e a re
NOT all created alike except in soul essence an d D ivine C onsciousness; but,
th a t very exception is th e keynote of its broad, to leran t, and sym pathetic
Some are born to learn and progress through following, w hile o th ers are
born to develop ce rtain abilities through leadership. Some a re b om to
achieve through serving, o th ers are born to m aterilize th e needs of m any
through m astership. Some are born to a tta in pow er th ro u g h poverty and
labor, o thers are born to suffer the responsibility or sh are th e blessings of
w ealth and leisure.
W hatever m ay be our sta tio n in life, a law has m ade it so. A D ivine
D ecree has ordained it. “B ut,” says th e know ing Rosicrucian, “th ese statio n s
in life are to serve us, to teach us; no constru ctiv e L aw and no cruel h and of
fate ordains th a t we shall not rise above and evolve from th e sta tio n in w hich
w e a re born, and every law of n atu re is a t ou r com m and to serve us to; learn
th e lesson of our p rese n t situation an d /tu rn th is into a step p in g sto n e to rise
higher. I t is our duty to lift our eyes h ig h e r; i t is our bounded, obligation to
help each oth er on T he P ath to health, success, and M astership.”
W ith a universal brotherhood w hich has its devout stu d en ts and w orkers
also in China, Japan, India, P e rsia and o th e r O riental countries; w ith sin cere
and enth u siastic m en and women in countries of ev ery creed and race, and
w ith every form or creed of religious belief, se c ta ria n teach in g s would be
impossible. Any system of m etaphysical, occult or m ystical teach in g based
upon sectarian principles, cannot be universal and cannot, therefore, be
Rogicrucian in spirit.
A firm conviction of the existence of a S uprem e Being, G reat A rchitect,
D ivine Mind or O m nipotent Intelligence is absolutely necessary how ever, on
th e p a rt of any app lican t fo r m em bership in th e AMORC.


J u s t as th e AMORC has no physical relationship w ith th e F reem asonic
O rder, even though th is body h a s every rig h t to use th e term "R ose Croix”
and' th e Rosey Cross sym bol in its S co ttish R ites (as m entioned on page 5)
even so the AMORC is not physically connected w ith som e of th e o th e r move­
m ents in E urope and A m erica using th e sim ple w ords o r p h rase s R o sicru ­
cian, Rose Cross or Rosey Cross. B ecause of the an tiq u ity of th e F ra te rn ity ,
and because its nam e and symbol ever typified th e sp irit of profound re se a rc h
and arcane teachings, th e word “R osicrucian” has become synonym ous w ith
mystical and arcane. F o r th is reason th e w ord has been freely used to des­
ignate teachings o r discourses th a t are uncom m on an d inspiring.
T here a re a few organizations in E urope and A m erica and p erh ap s else­
w here w hich are sim ply select societies devoted to arcane rese arch and
w hich use th e ternV 'R osicrucian” o r its equivalent to in d icate to th e seek er
their high standard of conduct. T h ere are o th e r m ovem ents, publishing hooks
of a general occult nature,—and having no lodge o r fra te rn ity system as used
by the AMORC,—- w hich use th e nam e and symbol in various w ays to in d icate

Page Thirteen
th a t th e ir boohs are different from th e usual class of m ystical books. And,
th e re are one o r tw o se c re t bodies in th e U nited S tate s w hich use th e nam e
and symbol w ithout evident reason or rightful purpose.
M ost of th e organizations th ro u g h o u t th e w orld using th e nam e or symbol
of th e an cient ito sien ician s are, how ever, m ost w orthy and in sp irin g mover
m e rits; and m any of them a re .a llie d in fra te rn a l bonds w ith AMOR.C, such
as th e G rand Lodge of AMORO of G reat B rita in an d those in D enm ark, H ol­
land, A frica, China, India, and th e E a st Indies; o th e rs are b ranch bodies of
the principal G rand Lodges.


It m ay seem confusing to the seeker to find m any different organizations
using th e sam e nam e o r a sim ilar nam e. T he sam e situ atio n ex ists in con­
nection w ith m any of th e well know n fra te rn a l o rd ers in th e world today
w here, in th e various ju risdictions slightly different nam es a re used. In th e
C hirstian religion we find a parallel. T here a re seventeen d istin ct and well
known C hirstian denom inations, w ith n am es w hich are m uch alike. T hey are
not associated except in th e sp irit of th e w ork and in th e in te rp re taio n of
th e ir ideals.
W ith m any religious and w ith m ost of th e fra te rn a l orders, th e re is no
one sole head for th e entire w orld, no in te rn atio n a l chief. So no one b ranch
of the R osicrucians has th e pow er to g ran t o r c h a rte r a b ranch of its w ork in
any o th e r land to the exclusion of any other form of the work. H ence, each
Ju risd ictio n (usually a country or nation) m ay becom e in dependent of all
o thers so fa r as physical organization is concerned, b u t affiliated in spirit,
intent, and purpose.


T he AMORC had its own ju risdictions in n ea rly all civilized lands and is
probably the m ost universally established and related R osicrucian m ovem ent
in existence today. Its b ranches and those of o th er independent Ju risd ictio n s
w ork in absolute harm ony and m aintain the closest contact in all th e ir affairs,
and e ist u n d er c h a rte rs issued by th e Supreme Council of the World of the
A. M, O. R. C.



Page Fourteen
One point should he em palisized a t th is tim e. A lthough th e re are m any
m ovem ents or societies of a purely local or d istin c t natu re, especially in th e
U nited S tate s, using the nam es Rosicrucian or Rosey Cross, and styled So­
cieties, Colleges, Brotherhoods and Fraternities as th e ir official titles, th e re
is only one organization using the w ord “O rder'' in its1 title and ad h erin g to
the ancient title. T his one body is th e AMORC w hich form ed th e w ord by
using the first le tte r of each word in the com plete nam e,— “A ncient and Mys­
tic al O rder R osae Crueis,” T he ancient L atin title of th e O rder is “Antiquum
A rcanum Ordtnem R osae e t A ureae Crueis." T he E nglish brief form of th is
is “A ncient and M ystical O rder Rosae C rueis” and is used in Am erica, G reat
E ritia n and in a few o th e r E nglish speaking co u n tries; w hile a tran slatio n of
it is used in som e o th e r countries, as for instance, in D enm ark, w here i t is
tra n sla te d into the D anish language as “ Den Gamble Og M ystiske O rden
R osae C rueis” and in S panish countries as "A ntigua y M istiea O rden Rosae
Crueis.” A lw ays do we find the w ord “O rder” used, and n ot society or fel­
lowship or sim ilar term s. By th is token, then, m ay you determ in e w hich body
is a b ranch of or affiliation w ith th e AMORC ex istin g u n d er th e S uprem e
Council of AMORC.


T he tru e an d com plete nam e of th e AMORC is p rotected in A m erica and
in som e o th e r lands by p aten ts issued by th e G overnm ent thereof. In th e
U nited S tate s fo r instance, th e n am e in full, to g th e r w ith th e R osey Cross
em blem s o r sym bols as show n h erew ith a re p ro tected by R e g istra tio n n um ber
145313 in th e U nited S tates P a te n t Office, g ran te d to th e Im p erato r of th e
AMORC, H arv e S pencer Lew is, P. R , C.
An unusual fea tu re of th is protection is th a t i t includes th e use of th e se
symbols and the nam e of th e O rder on “printed, engraved, ty p ew ritten an d
photographic copies of official, prescribed an d copyrighted lectures, d isserta­
tions, scientific postulations, philosophical discourses and academ ic studies,
diagram s, illu stratio n s, charts, prints and publications,” S u ch p rotection as­
sures the O rder a m eans for the dissem ination of its p riv ate in stru ctio n and
o th e r helps w inch cannot be jeopardized by com m ercial m ovem ents.

Considering all th e foregoing, one realizes th a t th e AMORC, in America,
E ngland, P rance, Spain, Italy, Germany, A frica, Canada, Mexico, and many
o th e r Jands, stands as an individual group of affiliated bodies, o perating in
various independent or associated Jurisdictions, w ith th e tru e title and sym­
bols, teachings and benefits of its OWN preparation, tran slatio n an d discovery,
protected by sta te and national ch arters or reg istratio n s, building its own tr e ­
m endous m em bership, acquiring or building its own tem ples Of in stru ctio n ,
laboratories, colleges and universities, and becom ing a v ita l fac to r in the-
lives of thousands of persons in every land as it w as of old,
I t is n o t a chartered branch of som e ancien t school or society of prim i­
tive philosophy or allegorical m ysticism . I t owes no allegiance to any one
flag but to the flags of the world. It pays no trib u te to any foreign legionary
and claim s no descendaney from any trad itio n al or im aginary cult. In all
th e Lodges and T em ples of th e O rder in A m erica or its D ependencies T he
A m erican F lag is one of th e essential symbols. In G rat B ritian and its de­
pendencies th e B ritish F lag is shown th e sam e dignity and respect. T he sam e
is tr u e in every country. T h e AMORC requires a pledge of good citizenship
from every applicant.

Page Fifteen

On th e evening of F eb ru ary 24th, 1915, one of th e large N ew Y ork even­

ing papers, th e Globe, m ade th is im portant announcem ent:
“W ould you like g re a te r peace of m ind, g re a te r contjrol of em otions, abil­
ity to rise above the m aterial lim itations of life, capacity for g rea ter physical
and m ental recreation, a b e tte r u n derstanding of life, a deeper in sig h t into its
possibilities—in o th e r w ords, to draw from life th e b est th e re is in it? You
would, of course, and so would your neighbor. W ell, then, becom e a m em ber
of th e A ncient and Mystical O rder Rosae Crucis, w hich is' now organizinng
A m erican Lodges. It has had, and still has, distinguished m em bers.’’
T his announcem ent w as p a rt of m any colum ns devoted to the first public
announcem ent of the existence of th e AMORC in America. It w as followed
by nation-w ide announcem ents issued by th e New York W orld to its various
associated papers in th is country, w herein appeared th ese w ords: “It is th e
m o st ancient and m ost m ystical of all O rders; so an cien t th a t encyclopedists
have n ev e r been able to trac e its origin and so m ystical th a t even th e m ystics
o f oth er cults have n ev e r been able to divine its m eanings.”
T he public sta te m en ts on th e p a rt of two leading p ap ers and a dozen or
m ore o th e r new spapers in as m any sta te s created unusual in te re st in occult,
scientific and m etaphysical circles; for no o th e r organization th a t ever cam e
to A m erica to a s sist in the illum ination of th e m ind of m an and the freedom
of man from m a terial shackles has had so glorious a su ccess; n o r achieved
so m uch for th e uplift of those who have for ages so u g h t to be free) from th e
lim itations’ of superstition, creeds and false theories of life.
In th e ir desire to a ssist in th e increasing in te re st in th e O rder, o th er new s­
p apers sounded th e keynotes of the w ork of th e Order. T he P ittsb u rg h Dis­
p atch proclaim ed this im p o rtan t principle: “This is one of the few O rders
w hich adm it w om en on an, equality w ith m en." T he P ittsb u rg h L eader, com-
m enling on th e fa c t th a t th e re w as a large branch of th e O rder in its city,
said : “T his is a d istin ct honor for the city w hich will be understood la ter
cm ” Tile Philadelphia L edger sta te d : “T here h av e been ch ap ters of th e
O rder in every country of th e world. . . . The P h iladelphia Lodge w ill be
the th ird in A m erica of this m o st exclusive so c iety /’ T he Los A ngeles T rib ­
une sum m arized th e w ork of th e O rder in th ese w ords: “R osierucianism is
th e A lpha and Omega of all le a rn in g —a philosophy, a science, an a rt and a
secret—-all of these insep arab le and one. It teach es th e w orld’s m ost pro­
found secrets.”
T hus w as America inform ed in 1915 and 1916 of the existence h ere of
one of th e oldest educational and fra te rn a l organizations know n to civilization.
Since th e n new spapers and m agazines, including secu lar and M asonic
publications, have w ritte n about and praised th e AMORC and th e g re a t w ork
being accom plished by its lead ers and m em bers.


Page Sixteen


T he hom e is a sanetum —th e abiding place of faith, hope, peace and th a t
tran q u il ecstasy th a t m akes for sp iritu al and soul developm ent ju s t as surely
as th e sanctum of any church.
T his is th e firm belief of the h e a rt and m ind of those who have found,
w ithin th e stilln e ss and sacredness of a sim ple room, th e wisdom, th e illum i­
nation and th e in spiration th a t h as led them onw ard and upw ard in th e ir
m astery of self an d n a tu re ’s law s.
T he privacy of one’s home! Is th e re n o t som ething m ystical ab o u t it
when we contem plate th e possibilities of study, of a ttu n em en t w ith all th a t
is m ighty and p o te n t in n a tu re and self?
Alone w ith self! No m ore harm onious com bination of en tities, no m ore
m ystical unity, no g re a te r opportunity for developm ent of m a ste ry th a n this.
T hrough th e help th a t th e AMORC offers m en and women who desire,
th e privacy of one’s home m ay be utilized to bring into dom inent usefulness
the m ental, physical and psychic pow ers of man.
W ith sim ple lessons w hich begin a t th e fundam entals, all th a t is stran g e
and po ten t in man, all th a t is m ighty and helpful around m an, and all th a t is
m ajestic and creative in the universe, are m ade plain and p ractical for th e
m an or w om an w ho would advance from the sta te of m ere living to OMNI­
T h e read in g of books— no m a tte r how learned or suggestive an d enticing
m ay be th e ir titles—w ill not bring illum ination, th e u n d erstan d in g of n a tu re ’s
se cret law s and principles. Books w ere never w ritten to reveal th e se things.
W h at is m ost e a rn estly sought and tru ly needed w ill n ot be found in books
m ade and sold for profit, for m oney and sellsh gain. T he g re a te st tru th s,
th e v ita l tru th s, the practical, helpful tru th s, have n ev e r found th e ir w ay into
1he public print of popular books. T his w as tru e in th e days w hen th e
m ystics, th e philosophers and th e religious devotees sp e n t th e ir lives com­
piling hand w ritte n and illu stra te d m anuscripts on parchm ent, w hen se crets
w ere carved on sto n e and m ystic law s w ere engraved on th e papyri of E gypt.
F rom hand to hand, from m outh to m outh, from p aper to p ap er th ro u g h th e
se cret shannels of a brotherhood, th e g re a t tru th s of all ages, th e law s and
principles discovered y esterday an d today, w ill pass from those w ho know
tipi those who deserve to know, w hile th e m asses, carin g little, seek in g indif­
ferently, unw illing to sacrifice tim e or pleasure, live on and on in th e lowly
State o f darkness and superstition, h appy in th e ir folly perhaps, b u t enjoying
none of th e r e a l pleasures of life, receiving none of its tru e gifts and con­
sta n tly sub ject to the evil th a t lies w aiting to prey upon them w ith ill-healtli,
disease, m isfortune, poverty, oppression and ignom iny.


T hese th ree elem ents are God’s privileges to m an—as a gift. B ut m an
know s n o t how to accept th a t w hich is offered. God and n a tu re provide for
m an being well born—w hen th e p are n ts live as n a tu re seeks to in stru c t—
and from the m om ent of b irth , H EALTH , not disease, is m an ’s m ost n atu ra l
endow m ent from all th e forces and elem ents of th e universe.
PRO SPERITY , too, is a n atu ra l acquisition, conform ing to all th e ethical,
spii'itual and beneficent laws of the universe. God m ade m an in H is own
image, w ith th e sam e faculties for perception, rete n tio n and reco n stru ctio n
w hich v italize th e creative pow ers of th e universe. All n a tu re prospers and

Page Seventeen
enjoys lie abundance of all th a t exists, because n a tu re is in h arm o n y w ith
th e creativ e principle. M an alone, th e h ig h est creation of all, falls sh o rt of
his rig h tfu l an d privileged possessions becau se he lives n o t in h arm ony w ith
all th a t creates, m a ste rs, controls, a ttra c ts an d reta in s for useful recon­
P ro sp erity is th e re su lt of attractio n , po verty th e p erfect m a n ifestatio n of
repulsion and negation. N ot only is it tru e th a t man is as he th in k s, b u t he
enjoys and possesses th a t w hich he a ttra c ts. L aboring to e a rn th a t w hich
one desires is n o t th e application of the law s of a ttra c tio n ; i t is m erely sub­
stitu tin g m an’s crude m ethod of exchanging lab o r for life’s essen tials. To
deserve, eith er through labor, w orthiness, sin cerity of purpose, goodness of
m otive o r altru ism of in tention, is b u t th e first step. T he n ex t step is to
a ttra c t to one’s self th a t w hich is desired, and su ch attra c tio n on th e p a rt of
m an is only possible w hen th e inner-self is p erm itted to function, to m an ifest
and d irect th e forces of th e outer-self.
J u s t as th e flow er bends its body tow ard th e sun, th a t it m ay m o re effi­
ciently a ttr a c t th e sun light, ju s t as th e m ulti-colored pan sy lifts its head
from the leaves of green to a ttr a c t th e adm iration and atten tio n of th e p asser­
by, so m u st the in n e r m an, th e m ind w ithin th e soul, th e h e a rt w ith in th e
psychic body, lift itself above and beyond th e common-place of life and a ttra c t,
dem and, and draw , unto itself th e abundance of th is life, th e rich es of ex ist­
ence and th e w ealth of th e universe.
P ro sp erity in m a teria l things, in happiness, health, pow er to direct, pow er
to control, pow er to will and become, p ro sp erity in success of v en tu re, at­
ta in m e n t of am bitions and th e blotting o u t of all unhappiness, ill-health and
m isfortune—th is prosperity is m an’s rightfu l, divine privilege, and n au g h t
but m an’s ignorance of laws and principles, m isguided belief in the falsitie s
of lim iting creeds and dogm as keep him from being FULLY PRO SPERO U S
in ev ery sense of th e word.


K now th e law s and principles! S tudy n a tu re ’s se cret teach in g s! M aster
fa te ’s decrees w hich o perate only w ith th e unprepared, th e undeveloped and
th e unknow ing. A ttune yourself w ith those who are successful and happy.
Co-operate w ith n a tu re ’s law s and revel in th e pow er th a t com es in to your
helng w ith th e daw n of each day and abides like an u nseen g u est in your
home, your office, your places of pleasure and m editation!
T he successful m an dom inates the situ atio n s as th ey arise, d irects w ith
dynam ic m ind th e course of his life in home, business and social affairs
th ro u g h know ing th e law s th a t m ake possible a release of his in n e r pow ers
and m etaphysical abilities.
The b rillian t w om an is th e w oman who know s h er possibilities, h e r
dorm ant faculties and psychic stren g th and uses every m agnetic, personal,
sub-conscious, p o te n t facto r of h er existence to raise h erself to th e suprem e
m astersh ip of w orldly m a tte rs.
Knowing m eans study and com prehension—and com prehension accom ­
panied w ith m editation brings illum ination and th e pow er to use th e law s
thus studied.
S ittin g in one’s home, carefully exam ining th e sim ple, PRIVATE lessons
and te stin g th e sim ple laws, one by one, is the process offered by th e AMORC
to those w ho seek th is unusual, m ethod—m ore efficient th a n th e read in g of
books w hich dare n o t tell th e rea l facts, w hich n ever contain n a tu re ’s se cret
law s and w hich are sold fo r any price you are w illing to pay.
W ith lessons graded for each m astersh ip , arran g ed in w eekly su b jects
and experiences, m ade practical w ith principles and la w s to use every day
and in every w ay—th is is th e system th e AMORC uses to help those who
would m ake th e ir home a sanctum of attunem en t, a home of p riv ate in stru c ­
tion, a place of uplift, developm ent and m astership.

Page Eighteen
W ithout avoiding th e facts th a t should be revealed, w ith o u t veiling th e
tru th s so th a t none can com prehend, and w ithout flow ery w ords of eleg an t
o ratory w hich leave the stu d e n t unacquainted w ith th e fundam entals, th e
private, typew ritten, specially prepared lessons of th e AMORC are given to
its m em bers, its stu d en ts, in a m a n n er beyond description o r realizatio n
unless one has lived w ith them for a few w eeks and found th e g re a t changes,
the w onderful pow ers, th a t m an ifest in every affair of o u r ea rth ly activities.
Rem em ber, th e AMORC offers its stu d en ts n ot only th e m ethod and th e
plan of developing secretly, p rivately an d efftcively, b u t it offers its stu d e n ts
all th e advantages of association w ith those m a ste r m inds of th e law s of
n atu re who have fo r centuries, in every land, held th e rep u tatio n of being
th e m ost highly train ed teach ers, philosophers, sc ien tists and w orkers in th e
uplift of th e rac e of m an—th e M ystics of th e O rder Rosae Crucis—th e B reth­
ren of the R osey Cross.


T he teachings, lessons and experim ents co n stitu tin g th e “In stru ctio n
W ork” of th e AMORC are called th e "T em ple L ectures." T h ese h av e been
evolved through y ea rs of te st and experience, im provem ent, additions, modi­
fications and extensions. They are uniform th ro u g h o u t all th e Lodges an d
Groups of th e AMORC in all countries,
T hese "T em ple L ectu res” begin w ith th e very fundam entals of n a tu re ’s
laws as they re la te to m an and the universe, and explain and m ake plain all
m an’s se cret pow ers, possibilities and potential activities. T he lessons are
carefully graded. No college, academ ic or even high school education is
necessary to u n derstand the leessons, fo r they have been prepared by some
of th e b e st d ucators in various lands for the purpose of m eetin g th e g en eral
V arious educational boards have said th a t th e system em ployed by
AMORC in teaching and in stru c tin g is th e ideal system , for it does n o t re ­
quire m em orizing, and through th e exam ples, illu stratio n s and experim ents
used, th e stu d e n t com prehends and rem em bers w ith o u t th e le a st effort. M ere
concentration upon the w ords being rea d and a few m om ents m editation upon
each p rinciple or law, m akes th em stand out in th e m ind and consciousness
for all time,
The "T em ple L ectu res” are arranged in G rades or D egrees, like unto
classes or g rades in a school o r college. E ach grad e sta rts w ith an' in itiatio n
or sym bolical cerem ony to be perform ed in the hom e by th e stu d en t w ithout
any difficulty. T hese "Initiation Cerem onies" are for th e purpose of illu s­
tra tin g an d dram atizing som e of th e law s to be revealed in th e lectu res of
th a t Grade. S uch cerem onies conform to th e b eautiful cerem onies held in
our T em ples and a re based upon th e ritu a ls used in th e olden days to te ac h
and illu stra te certain principles. A fter th e cerem onial night, th e re follows
a series of w eekly lectures and experim ents, co n stitu tin g a course of study
for til a t grade. T he cerem onies can he perform ed v ery quietly an d privately.
A t th e close of each G rade there is a self-exam ination and a w ritte n
exam ination w ith answ ers to be se n t to th e M aster of your class
so th a t he can see w herein you have succeeded or failed to grasp a clea r
u n d erstanding of each point and m ay send you additional inform ation. T hese
exam inations a re easily passed if th e le ctu res have been properly read,—
not laboriously studied.
T he first th re e G rades constitute th e p rep a ra to ry ones in w hich th e
foundation for the w hole w ork of th e O rder is laid and give th e stu d e n t th e
basis for sta rtin g a new and g re a te r ca reer in life.
Upon en tran ce into the F o u rth Grade, th e m em ber receives his "p arch ­

Page Nineteen
m ent” o r certificate of un iv ersal m em bership in th e O rder an d th en h e sta rts
vrith th e h ig h er teachings and th e serious application of them in th e Mas­
te rsh ip of his problem s in life, reach in g tow ard success, health , happiness
and the, goal of his am bitions.
T here are th ree p rep a ra to ry (and v e ry im p o rtan t) G rades, consisting of
thirty-six to forty w eekly lectu res, w eekly experim ents, daily te sts and im­
provem ents, w ith m uch additional reading m a tte r in th e m onthly bulletin
(or m agazine), called “The M ystic T riangle,” an d o th e r m atter. T hen begins
th e nine higher grades, each having from tw en ty to fifty w eekly le ctu res and
special instructions.
T here nev er w as and nev er will be a m ore system atic, a m ore detailed and
com plete course of personal-developm ent stu d y th a n this. W hile i t is tru e
th a t it ta k e s th re e or m ore y ea rs to com plete th e w hole course of th ree
p relim inary m d nine h ig h er grades, th e stu d e n t becom es a m a ste r of certain
law s and principles each week and before th e first six m onths have passed
he no longer desires to h u rry and go on m ore rap id ly th an th e system pro­
vides. It is not like a course of study w hich m u st be en tirely finished before
it m ay bo p u t in to practical operation. Most of o u r m em bers discover th e
tru e value and efficiency of the w ork a fte r th e first m onth of p rep aratio n
and experim ent, and derive help from th e very first lessons.


T he graded lessons are m ailed in sealed envelopes com plete w ith every
aid, plan, suggestion o r illu stratio n necessary. L essons are m ailed each
w eek w ith a system and reg u la rity th a t is pleasing and dependable. No one
need know w h at you are studying or w h a t you a re associated w ith u n less
you d esire to in te re s t them .
M em bers are asked to select one nig h t of th e w eek to be th e ir “Lodge
n ig h t” a t home. W h e th e r i t he every W ednesday night, every T h u rsd ay
n ig h t or every F rid a y n ight, thousands of oth er m em bers in your own country
w ill be studying, practicin g m d experim enting in a ttu n em en t w ith you. W e
p refer th a t each m em ber select T h u rsd ay evening, from 8 to 9 o’clock for
Ms or h e r Lodge n ig h t a t hom e; fo r th is is th e R osicrucian N ight th ro u g h o u t
th e w orld and it m eans g rea ter pow er through th e m ultitudes w ho a re th u sly
attuned. But, any o th e r evening will do in case you find i t n ecessary to
change your selected w eekly Lodge N ight a t Home, in th e privacy of a
room or elsew here.


T hrough m em bership in th e AMORC th e , seek er for L ig h t n o t only finds
th a t w onderful illum ination and understan d in g of God’s law s w hich he or she
has sought in vain elsew here, b u t th e re a re m any o th er advantages.
E ach m em ber hold a card of m em bership and possesses a “Grip” “P ass­
word" and' ce rtain key. w ords w hich will alw ays guide, d irec t an d su stain in
th e h o u r of need or doubt.
T hose who e n te r th e w ork of A1IORC will find them selves in touch w ith
thousands of o th e r N eophytes a t tim es and u n d e r conditions1w hich c m n o t be
explained in th is hook. E ach w ill come to realize, u n d ersta n d and feel th a t
stran g e psychic attu n em en t w ith th e M asters w hich h a s alw ays u n ited Rosi-
crucians and w hich passeth u n d erstan d in g of th e u n initiated.
E ach N eophyte has th e additional privilege of v isitin g any b ran ch Lodge,
of m eeting all re g u la r Lodge B rothers and S iste rs on an equal b asis and of
enjoying all th e exoteric benefits of th is O rder of th e w orld’s g rea test m ystics.
Bur, undoubtdyl th e g re a te st benefit of all is th a t of sittin g each T h u rs­
day night—-the R osicrucian night—in silence a t home, following our sim ple

Page Twenty
in structions, and by th e R osicrucian sim ple process of attu n em en t, becom ing
psychically and cosm ically attu n ed w ith all th e m em bers in th e O rd er who
are in silen t m editation and concentration a t th e sam e1im e fo r fifeen m inutes
or more.
L ikew ise during th is period of w eekly study and a ttu n em en t m ost of th e
reg u la r R. C. Lodges of our O rder are holding th e ir T h u rsd ay n ig h t Tem ple
Convocations, and th ese added1to th e correspondence m em bership m ake thou­
sands of m inds united in love, pow er, sacredness, h ealth , p ro sp erity and
P eace Profound.
I t is during such w eekly hours of m editation (according to se cret in stru c ­
tio ns) th a t th e tria ls and troubles of life are softened, h ealth regained, success
attained, prosperitw and happiness a ttracted , w ith the h e a rt’s desires fulfilled
in proportion to th e sin c erity of desire and th e w o rth in ess of th e purpose.
T hese hours of m e d ita tio n - ah, w h a t P eace Profound! Unknow n to
others, unsuspected by even advanced stu d en ts outside of o u r Order-, y et
yours m o st surely if you deserve and prove w orthy.


Any m an or w om an over eighteen y ea rs of age (or a few y ears younger
by special dispensation) of an y rac e or color, of any religious belief being
free from allegiance to a n y semi-political despot o r an y organization w hich
lim its th e freedom of m an’s m inds and in n e r developm ent. T hose who know
th a t th e re is a Divine Mind rulin g the U niverse, and who are clean in th in k ­
ing and living, having never been guilty of treaso n in an y country’, n o t en­
gaged in any unlaw ful occupation and anxious to becom e a citizen of th e In­
vincible E m pire of advanced w orkers and successful beings in God’s V ineyard
are eligible and welcome to full m em bership in the AMORC.


Infidels, ath eists, agnostics, fanatics of any kind, drones, p o litical con­
sp irators, objectors to law and order, bigots, the insincere, th e frivolous,
doubters, idle investigators, “sp iritu alistic m edium s” (unless th ey abandon
such practices), prom oters or en dorsers of questionable sex th eo ries u n d er
the guise of "o rien tal” instruction, "conscientious” (?) objectors to defending
th eir country or flag in. tim es of em ergency or G overnm ental call, th o se seek­
in g to buy pow er or influence w ith money, or those w hose m oral code is
w eak or negligible. All these, or any of them , can n o t u n ite w ith th e AMORC.


T he AMORC is not a body of fanatics or extrem ists of any kind or class.
It has in its ran k s m en and w om en of every school of th erap eu tics fo r in­
stance, including professors and in ternationol au th o rities1 in all th e su b jects
of m edicines, chem istry, botany, physiology, physics, and allied sciences. It
has m em bers in every art, profession, trade, business, hobby, and avocation.
T he AMORC does not dem and th a t its m em bers shall become v eg etarian s
or ea te rs of raw foods; no r does it advocate th e eatin g of flesh to th s exclu­
sion of o th e r foods, i t teach es th e tru e science of eatin g and p erm its its
m em bers to exercise personal rights in chosing w hat is b e st for th e individual.
N either does the AMORC dem and th a t its m em bers su p p o rt an y anti
m ovem ent re la tin g to dissection, vivisection, vaccination, or o th e r p ractices
or system s.
No dem and is m ade upon its m em bers th a t th ey adopt any change in
religion, business or social m atters, except those w hich each m em ber finds are
b est for h is o r h e r individual advancem ent.
M em bers of AMORC a re not asked to pledge any personal allegiance to
any person a t the head of th e O rder or any of its b ranches or groups. "T h ere
shall be no o th e r gods before GOD!”

Page Twenty-one
No m em ber is denied th e privilege of severing all connections w ith the
O rder as freely and as easily as he or she entered th e Order.
N o assessm en ts or fees are ever levied on any m em ber. V oluntary
donations (in addition to th e nom inal dues) a re th e only o th er m ean s p er­
m itted, and these have no bearing upon th e ad vancem ent or help enjoyed
by any m em ber.
No com m ercial fea tu re s en ter into th e w ork of AMORC. M em bers m ay
buy books or o th e r helps through th e O rder, or outside of i t as they choose,
but these are n o t required as part, of th e program of in stru ctio n and work.
No fees a re ever required in exchange for treatm en t, help, advice, p er­
sonal service or attention.
No m em ber is asked to ta k e any se c re t oath w hich forbids him o r h e r
u niting w ith any o th e r uplift, constructive body or organization.
T he onlj' o ath s or prom ises required of m em bers a re those w hich obli­
gate th e m em bers to hold se c re t th e pass words, g rip s an d identification
signs, and to study th e teaching:* put them into practice for th e good of all
a t every opportunity, and live cleaner, b etter lives and become useful citizens.


T here is no question about it, th e h ig h e r teachings of tru th and m ystical
principles, should be fre e ly dissem inated, w ith o u t fee, cost, or financial r e ­
quirem ent. B ut th is very principle presen ts problem s w hich m u st be solved
in som e b e tte r w ay th an m erely shaking the head and s a y in g :: “F ees are
w rong!”
T q dissem inate th e tru th m eans revealin g it, b roadcasting it! To lim it
th e tru th to th e few who could journey all th e w ay from th e ir hom e cities
and tow ns to one place w here a w illing te ac h er would give his tim e freely
in in stru c tin g seekers, would not constitute d issem inating th e tru th . It
w ould be hiding it u n d e r th e proverbial “bushel b ask et.” And—how would
th e m ultitudes learn th a t there was such a te ac h er in any one place? Even
sim ple new spaper notices cost m oney as “ad v ertisem en ts.”
T ake, for instance, this book. It com es into your hands m ost freely,
y et it cost m uch in tim e to prepare, labor to p rin t and m aterials w ith w hich
to ca rry its m essage to you. W ho shall bear th e burden of th is expense?
M ultiply th is book by the m an y o thers of different n a tu re used by AMORC.
T hen add tons of w hite p ap er used for the w eekly m an u scrip t lessons and
lectures se n t to th e m em bers each year. Add, also, tons of large and sm all
envelopes, w riting paper, labels and sim ilar p rin ted things. O ther item s of
g reat cost a re th a t of postage, clerical hire, office equipm ent, ren t, light,
heat, and incidentals of general operation.
Few business houses in th e w orld have as m an y b ranch places and b ran ch
activities to look afte r, w ith th e g rea t over-head o p eratin g expenses carried
S hall one o r tw o or even th re e o r four of th e chief executives b e a r all
these expenses in addition to giving all th e ir tim e, even in to th e w ee h o u rs
of th e m orning? W ould YOU care to accept th a t w hich would come to you
as a ch aritab le gift? O r would you p refer to feel th e Independence of con­
trib u tin g ?
"V oluntary donations” w as deem ed the ideal plan a few years ago afte r
th e fee p la n had been in operation for m any years. Such a plan w as p u t to
th e m em bers for th e ir vote and it. w as rejected by an overw helm ing m ajority.
W hy? F o r th e following excellent reaso n s:
1. New m em bers would not know w hat am ount, m onthly or yearly,
would be a fair donation. N ot until th ey had sh ared in its benefits for a
y ear or more could they, determ ine such a fact. To advise them a t th e s ta rt
as to w h at would be fair, would be equivalent to asking for a definite fee.
2. T he plan of th e Suprem e Council in deciding on very nominal m onthly
dues, m ade it possible for every m em ber to give th a t sm all am ount an d y et

Page Twenty-two
feel th a t he o r she w as bearing an equal sh a re of th e financial burden. T here
is a sense of fairness, ju stice and self-independence in th is plan th a t m eans
a g re a t deal to th e average red-blooded, m anly m an, or w om anly woman.
3. T he ag reem ent upon a definite, though nom inal, fee estab lish es a
sy stem of law and order, perm its of a dependable budget for th e carrying
on of the work, and inflicts no hardship on any officer or m em ber,
If you feel th a t you would ra th e r give an indefinite am ount each m onth
to th e w ork as a voluntary donation, in stea d of th e dues and fees suggested,
you are a t lib erty to change th e w ording on th e application b la n k in regard
to fees and dues and offer any voluntary donation, sm aller o r larg er, th a t
you deem agreeable w ith your conscience. Such an a ttitu d e will n o t affect
your application or your association w ith th e AMORC, I t w ill sim ply p re ­
se n t an o th e r problem for you to olve from tim e to tim e and for the clerical
staff of th e Suprem e Lodge to care for.
S tatistics, records and carefully audited accounts scru tin ized by com­
p e te n t and licensed auditors and “big business” m en have show n th a t th e
AMORC is conducted on a m o st business-like plan in all Its sy stem s of rou­
tine, b u t w ithout any of th e fe a tu re s of a com m ercial proposition. Records
of th e p a st te n y ea rs plainly indicate th a t th e m onthly fees1 or dues now in
operation are n o t only nom inal b u t ju s t sufficient adeq u ately to carry on th e
G reat W ork.
Give th is m a tte r the sam e judicial consideration th a t we d esire you to
give every law and principle ta u g h t by AMORC.


T here are th ree distin ct m ethods w hereby you m ay enjoy th e benefits,
privileges and pleasures of m em bership in th e AMORC.
A fter m any y ea rs of co n tac t w ith se ek e rs and in q u irers and a fte r years
of practical experience in dealing w ith all th e personal problem s, needs and
desires of men and w om en who come to us in person and by mail, w e have
p erfected and w ell organized th re e grades o r classes Of m em bership.
W e know precisely w h at th e AMORC can do for th e seeker, for one who
is looking for a g re a te r field of achievem ent and a m ore prosperous, happy
and influencial life. W e also know from thousands of exam ples and from
th e experiences of m en and women in every w alk of life in every circum stance
and in every condition, ju s t w h at each of th e se desires and how the AMORC
can b e st help them.
As h as been explained in previous pages th e AMORC does not sell its
services or its instructions, it is not in th e publishing business and does n ot
issue books or m anuscripts sole!yi for th e purpose of p u ttin g th em on sale in
public places for th e profit th a t can be m ade from such sales. In. every s ta te
of th e U nited S tates and in foreign countries w here th e AMORC is ch artered
or em pow ered to conduct its w ork, it is legally classified as a "non-profit
organization” for th e sim ple reason th a t it has no com m ercial fe a tu re s and
h as dem onstrated th a t it is n o t collecting or building any large funds, nor
sh arin g am ong its executives large profits of any kind; in fa c t its Suprem e
Officer, th e Im perator, and a num ber of th o se who a re on th e S uprem e Coun­
cil are th e m ost liberal contributors to th e gen eral funds w henever special
services or helps are rendered in em ergencies or h u m an itarian activities.

Page T wenty-three
But, it is necessary th a t every m em ber shall have a sh a re in th e g en eral oper­
atin g expenses of such, an enorm ous u n dertaking as is th e AMORC. All this
has been explained in preceding p aragraphs. (See page 22.)


T herefore, in selecting the class of m em bership -which appeals to you
most, you should h e a r in m ind th e benefits to be derived from each class
and also your own personal needs a t the p re se n t tim e. I)o n o t m ake the
m istak e of looking upon th e econom ical o r financial side of an y of th ese classi­
fications of m em bership, b u t inquire into your desires and req u irem en ts and
see w hich one of th e following form s of m em bership will aid you th e m ost
and help you in the' q uickest tim e to accom plish and b rin g ab o u t th e grow th,
developm ent and success w hich you seek.


T his form of m em bership was arran g e d for th o se who are in m oderate
circum stance and w ho w ant to enjoy th e benefits of general m em bership in
th e AMORC w ithout th e detail course of study, and th e m an y o th e r duties
th a t devolve on those who are A ctive M em bers and W o rk ers in th e field.
A ssociate M embership gives to each m em ber the sam e general standing
in the organization as is given to o th e r m em bers. A ssociate Members re­
ceive directly from the Suprem e Lodge th e m onthy official publication and
bulletin, containing specially w ritten and prepared articles of in stru ctio n and
guidance pointing out m any valuable lessons for proper living, proper
thinking and th e developm ent of a m ore successful and h appy life.
T his m onthly bulletin is one of the finest occult and m ystical publications in
th e w orld today. E ach m onth it is m ailed p riv ately to ev ery A ssociate Mem­
ber, and w ith each copy goes' a special le tte r of in stru ctio n and advice for
th e m em ber. In addition to th ese two g re a t helps each m onth, A ssociate
M em bership carries w ith it th e privilege of visitin g any one of our Lodges, or
Tem ples, enjoying the reading room s and other benefits; and, in addition to
this, each A ssociate M ember h as th e privilege an d rig h t to call upon th e
S uprem e Lodge or any officer of th e organization in perso n o r by m ail for
help or assistan ce in case of physical illness, m en tal troubles, problem s, busi­
ness m a tte rs and o th e r m a tte rs of our daily lives. In such cases th e unique
and unequalled m ethods of AMORC, based upon the Ro si crucian principles,
■will be used to d irect help to th e m em ber and to give him stre n g th and peace
and influence to bring ab o u t those th in g s th a t a re b est fo r him. You cannot
over-estim ate th e value of th e contact w ith the AMORC, and its own peculiar
w ays of sending help, advice and guidance to its m em bers, because i t is th is
one feature of the R osicrucian services th a t has m ade th e organization be­
loved by thousands in every land and by those who have developed stro n g er
bodies, stro n g er m inds and g rea ter successes. T he Associate Members will
also receive, from tim e to tim e, any special in stru ctio n s th a t are issued by
th e Suprem e Council and will be perm itted to ta k e p a rt in th e en tire m ys­
tical cerem onies on certain occasions of each year, and each w ill he given, a
m em bership card show ing th e ir rightful standing in th e organization.
T he m em bership dues for A ssociate Members have been m ade especially
nom inal so th a t th e re w ill be no bu rd en placed upon the m em bers in m eeting
th e ir sm all sh a re of th e obligations; therefore, th e S uprem e Council h as set
th e dues a t $1.00 per m onth for A ssociate M em bership, w ith n o ex tra fees or
assessm ents of any kind. One D ollar is to be se n t w ith th e application blank,
and if the m em ber is accepted he o r she is to pay $1.00 per m onth on or
about th e first of each m onth th e re afte r. T his is tru ly th e m ost nom inal
form of m em bership th a t has ever been offered to those w h o do n o t feel th a t
they can accept th e o th e r form s of m em bership.

Page Twenty-four
T his second form of m em bership is for those who w a n t to ta k e p a r t in,
and enjoy, all of the benefits of membership, and a t th e sam e tim e ta k e up
th e complete Rosicrucian course of study in all of Its profound a n d wonder-
ful teachings, and becom e proficient in th e w orking of all its law s an d high
T his is the form of m em bership th a t is m ost u n iv ersally adopted by th e
seekers, and constitutes' th e classification of th e m ajo rity of the m em bers
throughout th e w orld. I t includes all th a t has been item ized above, in th e
A ssociate M em bership, and in addition th e initiatio n ritu a ls and cerem onies
as described on page 19. Also the m em ber is enrolled in th e stu d n t work.
T his gives him a secret, private m anuscript lesson each w eek, m o n th a fte r
m onth, and for a num ber of years. T hese “Tem ple L ectu res" and m an u scrip t
in stru ctio n s contain th e se c re t laws and principles, th e unfoldm ent of all the
m ystical know ledge and scientific facts th a t have been g ath ered to g e th er
fo r ages, revised and added to m onth by m onth by m a ste r teachers' of th e
AMORC, and p u t in such graded and progressive su b je cts as m akes them
easy to u nderstan d, sim ple to practice and highly beneficial in all of our
daily affairs as described on page 20.
T hese lessons are se n t sealed and u n d er the registered protection of our
sym bols and em blem s, in envelopes th a t do n o t rev eal th e n a tu re of th e con­
ten ts. T hey contain exercises and directions for te stin g and proving certain
law s and applying them in case of illness, personal problem s, business affairs,
social affairs and o th e r m a tte rs for yourself and oth ers. T he monthly bul­
letin (The M ystic T riangle) is also given to su ch m em bers, and th ey are
p erm itted to v isit o u r Lodges, T em ples and G roups and w itn ess any of th e
cerem onies, dem onstrations, laboratory experim ents and o th e r official con­
vocations. T he Student Members also have th e privilege of w ritin g fo r ad­
ditional in stru ctio n s in reg ard to th e ir lessons an d th ey are placed in contact
w ith special teach ers who ta k e up th e ir personal problem s by1correspondence
and through m ystical contact, and, therefore, receive help and benefits th a t
are only given, to tho se w ho are w orkers and belong in th e S tu d en ts’ field of
m em bership.
Student Members a re carried through th e full nine grades or degrees of
in structons, and are finally adm itted into th e g re a t U n iv ersity known as the
Universitas Illuminati, w herein th ey m ay ta k e up special courses for profes­
sional purposes and receive high, academ ic degrees.
T hey also receive from tim e to tim e special com m unications from the
special teachers of our organization in India and becom e affiliated w ith our
O riental schools of science; and a fte r they have passed through th e 3rd
grade or degree of th e w ork receive a M em bership C ertificate w hich m akes
them a tried, and duly prepared, m em ber of th e Order throughout the world.
T hey receive w ith th e ir first outfit of instru ctio n s a copy of our private
book, w hich contains th e se cret teachings of th e O rient, and w hich becomes
th e ir g eneral guide-book throughout life in the study an d p ractice of our
teachings. T hey also receive o th e r reading m a tte r and in stru ctio n s and
rituals, and w hich cannot be m entioned here.
T he fees and dues for Student Membership a re as follow s: F ive D ollars
initiation fee w ith th e application, w hich fee includes all of the in stru ctio n ,
th e special book and initiation ritual, and o th e r helps, w hich a re se n t as
soon as th e application is accepted. T he m onthly dues a re ?2.00, payable on
th e first of each m onth, and this includes all of th e w eekly in stru ctio n s,
guidance, helps and advice and m onthly bulletin, w ith o u t a n y additional fees*
or assessm ents of any kind. This is the form of m em bership th a t has been
endorsed and p raised so highly throughout th e w orld as the g re a te st offer and
o pportunity of help and guidance th a t h a s ever been given to m ankind in
m eeting th e problem s and necessities of life.

Page Tu-enUj-five
T his form of m em bership is intended solely for those who live in those
cities w here th e re are Lodges of out O rder. In such cities m em bers come
to g eth er once a w eek and receive th e ir in stru ctio n s in a R osicrucian Tem ple
an d Lodge room , from th e M aster of th e Lodge and th e asso ciate officers.
T he lectu res are identical w ith those le ctu res and lessons se n t by m ail to
th o se who are Student Members, described above, b u t th e re is th e additional
advantage o f social contact w ith o th e r m em bers, th e o p portunity for asking
questions an d ta k in g p a rt in th e general discussions, as w ell as enjoying the
benefits of th e b eautiful ritu a ls, cerem onies and E g y p tian convocations in
th e Tem ples.
S eekers who live in cities where we have Lodges or large Groups of
m em bers will find th is form of m em bership especially appealing, b ut of course
it is lim ited because of th e fac t th a t it is im possible to h av e Lodges in every
city, tow n and h am let of th e world. If you h ap p en to live in a city, w here
th e re is such a Lodge or Group, you are m ost fo rtu n ate, and we will be glad
to d ire c t you to th e n ea rest officer or rep rese n tativ e of th a t Lodge. On th e
o th e r hand, you w ill probably find in the back of th is book and on th e Appli­
cation, th e nam e and address of the Lodge or th e officer to whom you should
send your inquiry, if you desire to have th is form of m em bership w ith all of
its special benefits. In such case w rite to th a t Lodge or th a t Officer whose
nam e and address is given, and do not w rite to the Supreme Grand Lodge.
Your application and inquiry will receive prom pt atten tio n , and you will soon
learn; w h eth er you m ay share in th e special benefits of affiliation w ith one of
our recognized and C hartered B ranches o r not.
T he in itiatio n fee s and dues a re different in various Lodges, due solely
to th e ir operating expenses, and you w ill be inform ed reg ard in g th ese due3
and fees by inquiry, or b 3' referen ce to th e A pplication Blank. If yon do n ot
find, in back of th is book, on th e la s t page, th e nam e or ad d ress of a Lodge
o r Officer in your own vicinity, th e n you w ill know th a t yon a re to send your
inquiry and A pplication for m em bership to th e Suprem e Lodge and n ot to
any branch.

Be sure to read the opposite

Page very carefully before you
mail your Application.

Page Twenty-six
Read Very Carefully
If you feel an urg© to unite w ith AMORC and realize th a t th e sole p u r­
pose of th is book has been to in v ite you to sh a re in its g rea t w ork—th e n th e
au th o r has succeeded in bringing to your o u te r consciousness th a t w hich has
been lying dorm ant w ithin your inner-self.
The voice of the deceiver m ay w hisper "delay.” T he reasoning of th e
o u te r m ind m ay te m p t you w ith “w ait.” But, th e w hole course of a m an ’s or
a w om an’s life has been w recked by th e se sam e prom ptings, w hile th e in n er
voice h a s never failed to be right.
Before y o u —in your very h an d s— lies th e Open P a th to a b ro ad er life,
g re a te r success, knowledge, power, health, arcane wisdom an d P eace! You
have but to choose! You have th e privilege of accepting o r rejectin g . T h at
lig h t is ever yours. E ven a fte r you have sta rte d on T he P a th and chosen the
G reat Road to Pow er, you m ay retrac e your steps. Freely you may enter
AMORC without detrimental obligations, and freely you may withdraw at
any time, w ithout em barassm ent o r obligations th a t would p rev en t your con­
tinued freedom of grow th, developm ent, and Peace.
N othing is to be gained by postponing your application and m uch m ay
be lo st in the w hole course of your life.
T herefore h ea rk en to th e urge. Do th a t w hich prom pts your hand, your
h eart!
F IR S T : If th is book contains the nam e and add ress of a local Lodge
in your vicinity on the la st page (Page 28), th en fill o ut th e Application B lank
w hich accom panies this- book and m ail it a t once to th e add ress ind icated on
th e A pplication Blank. T his will bring im m ediate inform ation to you. Or, if
you choose, you m ay call a t th e place indicated or w rite to them fo r personal
opportunity! to p rese n t your application. If you take th is first step, you need
n o t ta k e th e n ex t ones.
SECONDLY: If th e nam e and address appearin g on page 28 is th a t of
th e Supreme Grand Lodge, th en you w ill know th a t no Lodge or Group in
y o u r vicinity is p repared a t ju s t th is tim e to accept an y new m em bers and
you a re invited to become a m em ber of th e Suprem e G rand Lodge.
T H IR D L Y : T herefore read again on pages 24 and 25 th e description of
th e first tw o form s of Suprem e Lodge m em berships and decide w hich form
appeals to your needs and abilities.
FOU RTH LY : Deciding w hether you desire Associate or Student mem­
bership, ta k e the Application B lank which accom panies th is book and fill o ut
th e first page, indicating th e form of m em bership (Associate or Student) and
th en fill o u t the inside pages of the blank, enclose your first fee. and m ail the
A pplication Form , th is Un-sealed Book, th e G reat Oath, and th e rem ittan c e in
the large envelope se n t w ith th e book.
B ear in m ind th e se points: R egard less of w hich form of m em bership
you select, you shall re tu rn th e Un-esaled Book (w hich has been loaned to you,
and to you alone) and enclose in i t your Application, th e G reat O ath duly
signed, and rem ittance. S eal th e se four things in th e envelope and m ail
them w ith first class postage.
N O TE : If for any reason th e exam ining com m ittee fails to accep t your
application, your rem ittan ce will be prom ptly retu rn ed and you will be frankly
told why, and even assisted, if desired, in overcom ing any obstacles of a p er­
sonal nature, in tru e brotherly fashion.
L egitim ate business connections, education, and social standing have no
bearing upon your qualifications. High ideals, a m oral c h a ra c te r and a belief
in th e existence of a Suprem e Being, D ivine Mind or God are param ount

Page Twenty-seven

Because of your location, you ai’e to send your Application, Fee,

Book and letters to the address in the square below, and not to any
other address.




Note: Please comply with the Post Office regulations and co­
operate with law and order. Do not send cash in envelopes without
having them registered. Post Office Money Orders or Express Money
Orders are safest. Make all Money Orders or checks payable only to :
AMORC FUNDS. Do not make them payable to individuals.

Put your name and address in the upper left hand corner of
every envelope you mail. Use first class (letter) postage and be sure.

The postal service is the most valuable privilege your government

offers you. Co-operate with it !

Page Twenty-eight

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