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CLASS 11 TOPIC: Describing people's appearance

and character Questions with like

1. Tick the sentences that are true for you.
a. I work very hard
b. I don´t like working
c. I like doing things to help other people
d. I make people laugh a lot
e. I usually think about myself, not other people
f. I’m friendly and I like meeting new people
g. When I promise to do something, I always do it
h. It’s difficult for me to talk to new people
i. I like giving people money and presents
2. Match these adjectives to the sentences in 1
b. Hardworking
c. Generous
d. Kind
e. Funny
f. Selfish
g. Outgoing
h. Lazy
i. Reliable
j. Shy
3. Write the questions for these answers
a. She’s tall, attractive and friendly.____________________________?
b. She’s quite short and has got dark hair._______________________?
c. He’s selfish and lazy, but really good-looking!__________________?
d. She likes swimming and cycling.____________________________?
e. He’s not very tall and he’s bald______________________________?
f. They’re both quite shy.____________________________________?
Choose one picture and describe it by using the vocabulary. (Classwork)

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

10. 11. 12.

Take 2 pictures about you and a member of your family, and describe them using the
vocabulary about physical appearance and character.

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