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History of International Trade

• María Alejandra campo

• Sandra Martinez Avellaneda
History of International Trade
Century XVI

130 CE Trade in goods had begun with Eudoxo de Cícico in 130 CE

620-622 CE The Romans were separated from the outside world.

650-622 CE Spice island

Barter in Mesopotamia: The tribes that resided there used it as a commercial activity. Later, the
6000 CE
Phoenicians adopted the system and established it with people from other cities.

Neolithic period: Discovery of agriculture,The harvests obtained were greater.It was no longer
necessary for the entire community to dedicate itself to agriculture, therefore, part of the
70000 CE
population began to specialize in other matters, such as pottery or steel.
Century XV

Origin of international trade: The origin is found in the exchange of wealth or products from tropical
countries for products from temperate or cold zones.As improvements in the transportation system took
place and the effects of industrialism were greater, international trade was increasing due to the increase
in capital flows and services in the most backward areas in their development.

1600 Advantages of International Trade: International trade allows greater mobility of production factors
between countries.
Century XVII
Barriers to International Trade:
To correct the imbalances in the balance of payments, governments will naturally try to encourage
1650 exports. But to do this, in some cases, they will be tempted to use measures that are harmful to
the rest of the countries, which may provoke undesirable reactions.

Mercantilism: I constitute the initial stage in the history of the theory of economic policy
facilitating the exchange of goods.
He focused mainly on foreign trade as a source of economic development.

Century XVIII
Barter: Barter was the way in which ancient civilizations began to trade, it is about exchanging
1750 goods for other goods of equal value.
Introduction of currency: Currency, or money, in a more general definition, is an agreed medium in a
1790 community for the exchange of merchandise and goods. Money not only has to be used for exchange, but
it is also a unit of account and a tool for storing value.

Trade Routes: Throughout the Middle Ages, transcontinental trade routes began to emerge that
tried to supply the high European demand for goods and merchandise, especially luxury. The Silk
1795 Road
Import routes of pepper, salt or dyes.

Trade Routes: Transcontinental trade routes began to be created that tried to supply the high
European demand for goods and merchandise, especially luxury ones.

Century XVI-XIX Transatlantic trade:Before the 19th century, transatlantic crossings between America and Europe were
made in sailing ships, which was slow and often dangerous. With the steamboats, the crossings became
1800 faster and safer. Then large oceanic companies began to emerge with very frequent crossings. Soon, the
act of building the largest ocean liner, fast or luxurious, became a national symbol.From the seventeenth
century onward, nearly all transatlantic voyages with dest

Industrial Revolution: Born in England and based on it his economic empire. The structures,
systems and forms of production in each country and in each existing economic area in the world
were transformed.
Century XIX
Innovations in Transportation: Before the transportation revolution of the 19th century, consumer goods
1804 had to be manufactured close to the destination. It was economically unfeasible to transport goods from a
distant location. Along with the Industrial Revolution, a series of transportation innovations took place that
revitalized commerce. Now goods could be manufactured anywhere and transported in a way

Steam locomotive: One of the first contributions of the transport revolution was the railroad. Britain
was the pioneer in this area, and as a result, it now has the densest railway network in the world.
1840 In Spain, the first railway line was built in 1840 between the towns of Barcelona and Mataró and in
other places in Europe and the United States.

Fist Stage Of International Trade: In 1860 and 1870, in the first stage of international trade, the
great mechanical industry in England acquired great intensity and triumphs with the Industrial
1860 Revolution. England manages to obtain industrial and commercial hegemony in the world in this
World Trade: In the history of world trade, two fundamental types of policies or trends can be observed: the
free trade whose purpose is the total liberalization of trade to take advantage of the relative advantages of
1880 higher levels of international competitiveness The protectionist that pursues the objective of regulation of
trade to protect the domestic market from external competition and stimulate exports.

Century XX FIRST WORLD WAR:1914 to 1918 the first world war takes place, which takes place between the
main capitalist powers of the world. The war brought great disorganization and reduction of the
1914 international circulation of merchandise and resulted in appreciable changes in the structure of
international trade, where war objects, ammunition, food products and military equipment occupy
the first positions.
DEEPENING OF THE MARKET PROBLEM: From 1918 to 1938 there was a worsening of the problem of
1918 the markets, conditioned by the world capitalist economic crisis of 1929 - 1933 with its destructive action
on the economy, greatly affecting the growth of international trade.

1939 to 1945 after the Second World War there are profound economic and political changes that
impacted on international trade. The US and Canada will dominate world exports (52.5%) with the
1938 interruption of exports from Germany, Italy and Japan and the weakening of England and France.
For the war ended.

Creation of the GATT

(General Agreement on Customs Tariffs)
Tariffs are eliminated through this agreement.

In 1947 a trade agreement signed by 23 countries was called the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade,
which stands for (GATT), which means (General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade). This agreement
1947 assumes the role that the failed trade policy had considered International Trade Organization in 1946 when
the Havana letter was not ratified, in which the United States had the main responsibility.

Creation of the OAS

There is greater development with monetary stability, more exports are exported, imports are adjusted,
1958 and the budget balance is maintained, credit strength is achieved, and external payment capacity is


In 1964 the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development is created, created as a
1964 permanent organ of the United Nations Assembly.

1970 Mexico's foreign policy was active and maintained a strong international presence, as it expanded
Mexico's presence in international forums and organizations.

Export growth:
In 1990, in this decade, the growth in volume of goods exports tripled the rate of increase of the world
gross product, the average for the period 1990-1995.

EXTERNAL SALES: 1996 and 1998 total external sales showed a dynamism that was almost
1996 80% higher than that of economic growth and, in 1997, the prevailing trend in the first half of the
1990s was repeated, however it was clear that the use of of world trade opportunities were not
uniform for all countries given the structural differences between them.
1994 Creation of the World Trade Organization.

The III Ministerial Conference of the WTO held in Seattle, United States of America from November 30
to December 3, 1999, marked an important moment in the new institutional framework for world trade.
1999 It was intended to launch a new round of multilateral trade negotiations that would contribute to further
liberalization of trade.

Globalization: from the economic point of view, is a trend derived from neocolonialism that tries to
make a free trade zone at the international level. Globalization was born as a consequence of the
need to lower production costs in order to give the producer the ability to be competitive in a
global environment.
Century XXI
The growing economic sluggishness contained salary increases and reduced profit margins. Thus,
2009 12-month headline inflation in advanced economies fell to less than 1% in February 2009, although core
inflation remained in the 1½% -2% range with the notable exception of Japan.

In 2008 despite the crisis, trade in the ALADI countries ended 2008 with new historical records of
the values in current dollars reached by exports and imports, both global and intra-regional.
The average of the real effective exchange rates will remain constant at their level for the period between
2010-2011 February 23 and March 23, 2010, with the exception of the currencies that participate in the European
exchange rate mechanism 2 (ERM 2). which have been assumed to remain constant in nominal terms
relative to the Euro.

2011 would be the second consecutive year of growth that would be registered in the world
1 economy, with emerging countries being the leaders in growth, followed by the United States, with
2.5% to 2.8% and Europe with 1.5% to 1.8%.

1750 International trade will have a pronounced drop in 2020, more than that recorded during the financial crisis,
as a consequence of the economic effects derived from the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19).


1800 2020. Comercio Internacional De América Latina Y El Caribe Caerá 23% En 2020 Debido A Los Efectos De La Pandemia | Comunicado De Prensa | Comisión Económica Para
América Latina Y El Caribe. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 17 August
2020]. 2020. Historia De Comercio Internacional Linea Del Tiempo. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 17 August 2020]. ajardo, C. A. (1999). Comercio internacional y
globalización. Mendoza: Ed. Jurídicas Cuyo.

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