Citrusville Sourcebook

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Covering Citrusville from the early 1970s Steve Gerber written Man-ThingTM stories as a
complete and detailed campaign setting, featuring art by Jim Mooney, John Buscema Jr., Mike
Ploog, Val Mayerik, Frank Brunner and the Marvel Bullpen

2 | Citrusville Sourcebook
“No one before Gerber or after him, has ever
managed really to make this strip work in any
meaningful way but, just as he did with Tales Of The
Zombie, Steve turned a mindless, shambling non-
entity of a character into an unmissable experience.
Using Ted Sallis' slimy alter ego as a kind of silent
narrator, Steve simply sidestepped the strip's inbuilt
limitations and just went ahead and told the stories
he wanted to tell. Man-Thing's swamp became a
theatre of the soul, where people passed through and
laid their lives bare for the readers morbid delight.
Who else told tales of failure and death like 'Night Of
The Laughing Dead'? Or lamented the end of the
hippie ideal in 'A Candle For Sainte Cloud'? Or
failed to cope with the 20th century and descended
into madness in 'Song-Cry Of The Living Dead
Man'? Or layed bare the reality of censorship in the
incredible 'A Book Burns In Citrusville'? Who else
would even attempt it, let alone get away with it?”

-Pete Doree

This sourcebook details the very particular and idiosyncratic world of Citrusville, Cypress County, Florida
USA as created and given life by Steve Gerber. As such it covers some serious adult issues and content
probably not suitable for some people under the age of 14. All such content is based on the comic books from
which the material is taken and is not portrayed here with any prurient intent.

This publication uses third party intellectual property purely as parody, fair comment, fan works [not for profit] and
as an archive for purposes of review, parody, fair comment or reportage pursuant to First Amendment and UN rights
to Free Speech. No contest is intended or offered to any trademark or copyright holder. No third party trademark or
copyright holder has authorized any of the publication commentary or use on this website of the materials provided
on this page and no claim that they have is made or is to be implied in any way. Legal Notice: TSR is a registered
trademark owned by TSR Inc. TSR inc. is a subsidiary of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., a division of Hasbro, Inc.
Names(s) of character(s) and the distinctive likeness(es) thereof are Trademarks and © of Marvel Characters, Inc.
and are used without permission. Names(s) of character(s) and the distinctive likeness(es) thereof are Trademarks
and © of DC Comics and are used without permission. This site is not intended to make money. It provides
resources to players of a game no longer being produced. Character writeups completed with the assistance of
resources from Classic Marvel Forever and Ben Riely’s Marvel Site

All ORIGINAL content in this publication including all original text, artwork, matrices,
maps, designs and calculations is hereby expressly and irrevocably put into the PUBLIC
DOMAIN with NO rights reserved whatsoever.

3 | Citrusville Sourcebook
4 | Citrusville Sourcebook
5 Citrusville – a tour around town
35 Citrusville Rumors Table
42 Man-Thing’s Swamp
46 Charts
55 The Nexus of all Realities
60 Adjacent Dimensions
64 Getting There and Leaving Town
65 Character Roster
65 Section One: From the historical record
(published in Marvel Comics)
145 Section Two: Original to this sourcebook
163 Hooks
164 1970s, Now or Timely Time?
167 Road map of central Florida

5 | Citrusville Sourcebook
Citrusville is the largest city (town) and county seat of Cypress County, Southwest Florida. It is
part of the micropolitan region in Florida and is used to generate statistics of many kinds for the
Federal government meaning many more Federal agencies than would be normal take a lively
interest in the town. Nothing suspicious about that, right?

Citrusville is close to the Seminole people’s reservation, the Man-Thing’s swamp, the Nexus of
All Realities and to various areas that exist in the Marvel Earth reality, and also straddle at least
one other reality. The town of Citrusville has also been the scene of some truly grisly and
confronting events going back decades and centuries. It is a place that almost functions as a
world of its own, and all kinds of people and creatures wander on to its stage and wander out
again over the years of its existence.

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Citrusville takes its name from its major crop export, oranges. The town’s motto and informal
nickname is “La Belle Orange” – the beautiful orange.

A Great Flood took place in 1829; during World War 2 Namor the Sub-Mariner battled several
threats in the region as did Captain America. Then Citrusville lapsed into obscurity as it had
done before during its history, only for things to erupt into chaos once more with the coming of
the Man-Thing!

On the next page is the original map provided in the 1987 Official Handbook of
the Marvel Universe, providing the approximate locations of events from the
Man-Thing comic book and related stories. This sourcebook intends to greatly
expand on the information already provided, focusing on Citrusville township and its

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Blackwater Creek
Decades ago this section of river tributary was simply part of Cowboy Creek. However after
effluent and runoff from the Plastics Factory filled it, and mud dams formed making it
effectively a separate section of waterway, it became known and is now officially noted on maps
as Blackwater Creek. Its toxic waters are Remarkable intensity poison if even a sip is swallowed
and contact with bare flesh inflicts Excellent intensity corrosive damage.

EPA signs, test sticks, water traps and buoys litter the polluted creek, for all the good any of it
ever did.

Caloosahatchee River
The Caloosahatchee is the river running across the north end of town, with an Incredible strength
steel bridge with a raising drawbridge to allow ships to pass beneath. The river is wide, deep and
fringed with swamp lands along its length. Occasionally folk report seeing or smelling a Skunk
Ape, Florida’s bigfoot, on one of its muddy bays. Mostly it is a commercial river. Some visitors
to Citrusville could well arrive by boat or ship, whether as passenger or stowaways. Locals still
talk about the Great Flood of 1829, when Citrusville was underwater bar the tallest buildings. A
lot of strange things were uncovered as the flood waters receded, and local families still well
remember the chaos some of those strange things caused, requiring the intervention of local
cowboys and native American heroes to finally put things close to right.
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It’s been said ever since that it was the Great Flood of ’29 that really started the weirdness south
of town, of which the Man-Thing, his swamp and the Nexus of All Realities is just the latest set
of symptoms.

The area of the river where Cowboy Creek discharges regularly contains poisonous white foam
(Excellent intensity acid, Typical intensity lethal poison if swallowed) and scores of dead
animals and fish. But the Plastics Factory upstream on Cowboy Creek has all its permits in order,
so nothing ever gets done.

On extremely foggy nights, of which there are quite a few in Citrusville, some people claim to
have seen a giant made out of swamp mud wandering the riverbanks. This may or may not be
sightings of Man-Thing. Other folk say they have seen a ghostly pirate ship flying and floating in
the fog, sailing through the night sky with a crew of dastardly pirates on board.

But that last claim must surely be an hallucination.

The Caloosahatchee joins the mightier (and cleaner) Okealachobee River south of Citrusville on
the outskirts of Man-Thing’s Swamp. There is a Truck Stop near the confluence with an
Excellent intensity mechanical repair shop, “Tootsies”, a diner serving very basic local cuisine
including all sorts of odd swamp delicacies like Gator Pie, Snappin’ Turtle Soup and Tiddler
Grits, “Dopey’s Diner” as well as a four room motel that saw its last good times back in the 50s.
This is “Ruby’s Motel” and its dilapidated sign boasts it has both COLOR TV as well as ICE.

This Okealachobee Truck Stop is another place new arrivals could show up, by local coach line,
interstate bus coming down from I90, hitching a lift with a trucker or even being a trucker or
cross country nomad in a van or 4WD.

Tootsie the Mechanic is actually an Excellent source of detailed information on Man-Thing


Dopey’s Diner is now run by Ethel Grigory, the Dopey of the name having long since died. Of
ennui. Ethel is mean, ornery, foul mouthed and insensitive to the needs of her customers.
However her Louisiana charm notwithstanding, her food restores lost points at double the normal
rate due to a “little bit of Cajun magic, maybe”. Ethel was mistreated earlier in her life for being
African-American and she has carried the hurt ever since. Now in her 60s, she proudly has
portraits in black velvet hanging next to the diner’s clock: her holy trinity of Samuel L. Jackson
(or is it Nick Fury?), Martin Luther King, Jr. and Barack Obama – “The best we ever had. The
BEST we ever had. Tell me they ain’t!”

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Ruby’s Motel is owned and run by a really sleazy unpleasant little man with a pock marked face,
thick square glasses and oil-stained hands. He wears a red presidential campaign hat which is the
only crisp and clean thing in his immediate area. This man, Oswald H. Quorm, comes across as a
complete nut, classical right-wing anti-fluoride campaigner gun loving potentially violent
psychiatric case. He flaunts his many firearms, leaving them on the table visible behind the
counter and through the open door to his living quarters. In addition to the Confederate Flag of
enormous proportions he has hanging on the wall above the fly-specked tourism board pamphlet
stand he also has a large bedazzlered sign saying, “GUNS, GOD AND GUTS MADE
AMERICA GREAT. WE GONNA KE P ALL THREE.” Yes, there is an E missing.

The motel, its four ruined rooms (still able to be rented by anyone with Poor or better Resources!
A bargain!) and its immediate surrounding area are all soaked in residual negative energy.
Anyone fighting evil doers in the location suffers a -1CS negative energy penalty on all rolls. In
addition they suffer a further -1CS penalty if battling evil magic or magicians, and a FURTHER
-1CS penalty on all rolls if they are battling demons, demon possessed characters or members of
any authentic (ie Dimensional magic using) demonic or evil cult.

Oswald H. Quorm has “visitin’ rights” with all the evil cults that use his motel, mainly so he can
participate in orgies and other evil rites that tickle his fancy. He has so far avoided any
entanglement with Thog but probably mainly because Thog is toying with him- or that Quorm is
already plenty evil enough and Thog is satisfied at the mischief he causes. Time will tell.
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The people at the Man-Thing Swamp truck stop are an opportunity for a Judge to set the power
level of the campaign or adventure. They could be normal humans with statistics in the Feeble to
Typical range, which is certainly what they appear to be. Or the Judge could equip some or all of
them with Talents that the heroes themselves lack, to help the heroes survive their adventures.
The fewer powers the better, in some respects, but since her food already heals people making
Ethel Grigory a full blown wise woman or healer character isn’t the worst idea in the world.
Likewise promoting Oswald H. Quorm from run of the mill creepy pervert to Thog henchman or
independent bad guy, especially if he catches the heroes after they’ve already suffered some
damage, is a fiendish way to insure “there’s always time for one last scare.”

The alligators of the confluence of the Caloosahatchee and Okealachobee next to the Truck Stop
are bigger, meaner, more aggressive and much tougher than typical alligators. Man-Thing
frequently wrestles with them at random and his destruction of the weaker ones has increased the
ferocity and power of the surviving subspecies.

Man-Thing Swamp ‘Gators

Alligator mississippiensis homoremidae Gerberi sp.

Adult male is 3 feet high at the shoulder, 12 feet long, 900 pounds
Adult female is 4 feet high at the shoulder, 18 feet long, 1,500 pounds

Fighting: 20 Excellent – Female may be as high as Remarkable

Agility: 2 Feeble
Strength: 20 Excellent – Female may be as high as Remarkable
Endurance: 30 Remarkable
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Reason: 2 Feeble
Intuition: 2 Feeble
Psyche: 6 Typical

Health: 72
Karma: 10

+Body Armor. Thick leather covered in spikes,
crenellations and scuts (large armor scales) 6
Typical protection vs Physical.
+Claws: Poor edged damage
+Bite: 15+1d10 (or simply 20) Excellent Damage
+Smell: Remarkable levels, can locate prey miles
+Swimming: Excellent for 3 rounds then drops to
+Night Vision: Excellent. Sees better at night. Rolls on Intuition for all tracking or detection as if
Intuition is Excellent during darkness.
+Stealth: +2CS on any ambush attack if not detected by a Yellow Intuition roll.
+Speed: Can run 30-35 miles per hour for 3 rounds.
+Killer instinct - Goes for the neck or vital areas. +1CS when checking for a Kill result.
+Redline Operational: the character will fight at full powers and strength with no penalty until
literally dead. No matter how damaged, hacked up or torn up the character is, it will continue to
make physical attacks as possible, until it drops dead.
+Tail Slam: using Fighting, once per two rounds instead of any other action the Man-Thing
‘Gator can whirl around and slam an opponent for Remarkable Slugfest damage. The ‘Gator
must have no action the first round to make the Tail Slam attack on the second round. Any Man-
Thing ‘Gator with higher than normal species Fighting does Monstrous damage with its Tail
Slam making it an opponent worthy of Thor!

Kill Switch: even a normal successful hit with a missile, edged weapon, claws or other
penetrating attack on the creature’s eyes or the soft band around its upper throat will slice or
punch through to vital organs such as the brain and kill the creature instantly. This overrides the
effect of the monster’s Redline Operational power. It isn’t very likely, but even the weakest
character could in theory kill one of these prehistoric monsters with this tactic. Failure would
mean death without much question.

Smaller Man-Thing Swamp ‘Gators are very similar in appearance to young adult normal
alligators. As they mature however they take on more of the appearance of a Saltwater Crocodile
including the immense size of that species. Fortunately they are restricted to Man-Thing Swamp.
For now. There have been unconfirmed reports that by some bizarre happenstance an isolated
and cold water lake in Maine of all places may have a breeding population of the same

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Camping Grounds
The campgrounds around Citrusville are between five and ten miles to the south, along the river.
There are also some near Blackwater Creek but the peculiar chemical smells from the water there
make those grounds almost always deserted. They aren’t even a good place to get some privacy
for a romantic liaison due to the smell. However the grounds overlooking Blackwater Creek are
used for villains and crooks making drop-offs or having clandestine briefing meetings.

It costs a Typical Resources check to get a camping permit from the town council which also
includes a fishing permit. A hunting permit in season for various game requires another
successful Resources check. All the campground sites are marked on local maps and tourist
guides. Each campground is near a shallow area of the river where fish are plentiful and it is
relatively safe to go swimming -apart from the alligators. A clearly marked sealed road leads to
each campground as well as trail signs and state historic signs, so the campground area adds a
total +4CS to any lost characters trying to reorient where they are. In Spring or Summer there is
a 75% chance that each campground has 1d10 Tourists present. In Fall this chance drops to 25%
and in Winter it is 50%. The campgrounds have no power or services, they are literally just areas
with sand beaches at the river bank and mown grass and gravel patches for parking a camper or
van or pitching tents. Both the Sheriff’s Department and Fish and Wildlife patrol the
campgrounds. Despite this the camping areas are quite frequently overrun by outlaw motorcycle
gangs and other undesirables. There are places resembling camping grounds along the edge of
Man-Thing’s Swamp, such as the area where Richard Rory went to meditate when he first
arrived in Citrusville. These are NOT official campgrounds and have no patrols or services of
any kind. There is a wall of jungle-thickness vegetation along the edge of the swamp there and
although somewhat idyllic they are also extremely dangerous due to the presence of Man-Thing
Swamp ‘Gators.

As required, roll encounters at the Camping Grounds on the chart below.

Camping Grounds Encounters: 1d10

1d10 roll Encounter
1 Members of the Church of the Holy Molecule looking for the Molecule Wand
2 Members of ‘The Demons’ outlaw motorcycle gang – 1d10+2 thugs on motorcycles
armed with chains (Excellent damage, Poor entanglement), knives, pistols and one or
two will also have a shotgun loaded with solid shot (Excellent damage to flesh,
Remarkable damage to any vehicle)
3 A normal and quite small alligator waddling its way to or from a mud pond
4 Sheriff’s Deputy patrolling the area
5 1d10 Tourists in a RV or camper van, having a great time
6 Zeke and Maybelle Tork driving a Feeble quality ancient car to or from town
7 Amnesiac. This could be literally any kind of person (or apparently human person) in
any kind of condition but they are beaten up or recently injured badly enough that
they require medical attention
8 Destiny in human form
9 1d10+1 Cult of Decay members looking for somewhere to raise a little hell
10 Farmer driving a large tractor or harvester down the nearby lane or road
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Citrusville Airport
Non-existent in the 1970s
except as a small grass strip
suitable for landing light
planes, since the 1980s
Citrusville has boasted its own
sealed surface airport capable
of accepying anything up to a
737. Such large aircraft are
extremely rare however other
than the occasions when
military or Federal government
transports land for whatever
purpose. It is possible to book
a flight to anywhere on Earth
from the booking office. Tickets require Good or better Resources and successful check to
purchase. The Schist Family have their personal jet on standby here as well as a Schist
Construction company helicopter. There is also a light plane charter service requiring a Yellow
FEAT check to be successfully passed on Resources to book for a half day.

The airport has a waiting lounge, a small restaurant serving fast food and a business lounge for
VIPs and Schist Family members. Entry to the business lounge is strictly regulated. Airport
security, TSA, Sheriff’s deputies and Schist Security personnel all wander the airport 24 hours a
day even when there are no scheduled services or flights.

The airport is to the southeast of the town center. Beyond it further to the southeast is a small
industrial park containing warehouses and shipping containers trucked from the nearby Port
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Citrusville as well as several tenders and emergency vehicles on standby. The emergency
services provide Amazing intensity firefighting, electromagnetic protection, weather resistance
and medical care when activated but only provide such services for up to an hour before their
resources are entirely exhausted. At that point in a largescale emergency such as a powerful
supervillain attack or a natural disaster – flood, fire, hurricane – the town would rely on the
services of the Citrusville Hospital and the Sheriff’s Department.

There are a couple of old but still serviceable crop dusting biplanes at the airport in separate
hangars as well. They are not World War I vintage but their biplane configuration makes them
look much more antique than they really are. These biplanes would be for hire on a Yellow
intensity successful Resources check but are usually booked up days in advance for crop
spraying. If someone was prepared to pay over the regular price the cropduster pilots would
definitely make excuses to their regular customers and take the characters’ charter instead. The
biplanes are open cockpit aircraft exposed to the weather.

Finally if a Yellow Intuition FEAT roll is passed it will be noticed that there is a very dilapidated
hangar with a new and Amazing intensity chain and barbwire fence complete with security
cameras and electric eyes. Stored securely in there is a dumped piece of equipment from the
Initiative (or SHIELD in the 1970s), an open topped Air Car. It’s fueled and ready to fly, there’s
just no one left to fly it. Two Homeland Security agents are on guard inside the hangar day and

Biplane Cropduster
Control Speed Body Protection
Good Excellent Good Excellent
Seats up to 2 passengers (one sitting on the other’s lap in the rear cockpit), equipped with Good
range communications, requires flight crew of 1, a pilot in the front cockpit. The plane has a
spraying nozzles and a superstructure fitted to the bottom of the plane capable of emitting an
Amazing area cloud of dust particles equivalent to a Poor intensity poison gas cloud which also
functions as Excellent intensity invisibility as it obscures the area in thick “smoke”.

Schist Corporate Jet

Control Speed Body Protection
Remarkable Monstrous Excellent Good
Seats up to 12 passengers in very good comfort, equipped with Unearthly range communications,
requires flight crew of 2.

Schist Construction Helicopter

Control Speed Body Protection
Remarkable Monstrous Good Poor
Seats up to 8 passengers in comfort, equipped with Remarkable range communications, requires
flight crew of 1.

SHIELD / Initiative Air Car

16 | Citrusville Sourcebook
Control Speed Body Protection
Typical Remarkable Remarkable Poor
Seats up to 5 passengers, open to the atmosphere. Not equipped with weaponry but has slots
allowing weapons to be installed. Can carry up to 1,000 pounds cargo in its rear trunk. The
vehicle has been slightly stripped down so it has no insignia and no extra equipment. It also lacks
any communications systems or navigation systems so it strictly requires point to point visual
navigation by whoever is piloting the craft. At the Judge’s decision it can also have been fitted
by a tracking device and left as bait for enterprising heroes so that SHIELD or whoever left it
here can keep and eye on what is going on in Citrusville.

Special Citrusville Air Charter Services

Control Speed Body Protection
Typical Amazing Good Typical
Seats four passengers, equipped with Good range communications. Capable of landing in water
if equipped with its Good strength pontoons or landing on grass with its normal undercarriage.
Requires flight crew of 2 but can be flown with 1.

Citrusville High School

This center of learning has been the scene of some of the most horrendous incidents in
Citrusville’s history including the maiming and murder of school officials and parents and an
infamous incident of censorship in which books were burned in scenes reminiscent of Nazi

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Germany. The school has a very active social and sporting calendar with the whole community
turning out to watch the home games of the Citrusville Cowboys HS Football Team. Swimming
and athletics events are also popular. The cheerleader squad also competes in regionals and

Due to past sponsorship by the Schist Family Trust and other individuals at various times, the
Science Lab at Citrusville High School is now considered an Excellent Resources source of
scientific gear including some unidentified items of superhero and supervillains technology in
the form of smashed up gear sitting on shelves or in the basement storage rooms. A terrarium in
the Biology Lab is filled with small swamp plants growing into a miniature jungle. In the midst
of all of this is a tiny piece of the Man-Thing, dormant and seemingly inert, resembling a
discoloured lump of sphagnum moss tangled with Spanish Moss. With the right stimulation this
blob will grow into a new and independent Man-Thing separate from Ted Sallis and possibly
with different powers.

Citrusville General Hospital

With its private clinic exclusively for the use of the Schist Family and their friends, the spillover
effect of this wealth to normal patients results in this three story hospital offering Remarkable
intensity healing services for anyone who has Excellent Resources or better. Those less wealthy
and with no rich friend to pay for them must make a Red FEAT roll on their Resources to buy
the health care they need.

Schist Family medical administrators will fire any medical provider on the spot who gives away
health care, so unless a hero character works at the hospital and can use their own power or
Talents to “steal” health care for a friend or person in need, it’s user pays all the way. However if
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a character CAN pay, literally any remotely plausible hospital service or medical related power
stunt can be provided here. This Remarkable medical treatment is usually used to quickly heal
Schist operatives and hireling supervillains but it will be sold to whomever can pay as well.
Characters admitted as inpatients are almost always, improbably enough, given their own private
room. All of these private rooms seem to be directly off corridors filled with bustling people of
all kinds, be they visiting relatives, doctors, nurses, emergency medical staff, paramedics, sheriff
deputies, cleaners or other random folk.

The hospital is a place where both heroes and villains, not to mention local psychopaths of which
Citrusville has more than its fair share, will at some point spend significant amounts of time.
Someone placed in a secure ward involuntarily will become the basis for the medical equivalent
of a prison break.

To determine what people are wandering these corridors, roll on the chart below:

The Madding Crowd of Citrusville General Hospital: Roll 1d100

1d100 roll Result

01-02 F.A. Schist (or if he is already dead or missing, Revan Schist)
03-10 Sheriff’s Deputy. 25% chance he or she is escorting a prisoner, 25% chance
the prisoner is a low powered supervillain or noncostumed supervillain
11 The Foolkiller
12-13 Richard Rory
14-20 Doctor – a junior doctor rushing between patients
21-25 Doctor – a Remarkable intensity specialist in an unlikely field of medicine
26 Doctor – a cyborg surgeon specializing in the creation or maintenance of
27-30 Thog demon disguised, re-roll. If you get this result again, re-roll again each
time you get it but note that the demon is going up in power for each re-roll.
Three or more re-rolls means the disguised demon is Thog himself!
31-40 Nurse pushing a patient in a wheelchair
41-50 Family members visiting a patient. 2d6 family members in total
51-55 2d6 High School students visiting a sick or injured friend
56 Priest or nun, 50-50 chance as to which it is
57-60 1d6 nurses and 1d4 orderlies
61-65 Cleaner pushing an enormous cleaning trolley (trolley is Good strength
material, human powered, Poor control)
66-69 Food delivery team passing out or picking up food trays from a large trolley
(trolley is Good strength material, human powered, Good control)
70-80 Patient, unconscious, on a hospital bed being wheeled through the halls by an
orderly at head and foot
81 Medical administrator: a nasty person in a business suit snarling at everyone
and generally being a bully wherever possible
82-85 Sheriff John Daltry, visiting (roll 1d100) a sick deputy (01-25), a suspect (26-
50), a crime victim (51-75) or a sick relative (76-00)

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86 A disoriented hobo carrying a harmonica
87 Howard the Duck. If someone is playing Howard the Duck, another nonhuman
character that no one seems to pay any attention to
88-89 A runaway teen or homeless person
90 A safari costumed adventurer who has just arrived from the swamp with tall
tales of terror and intrigue
91 The Mad Viking
92 The Aquarian
93-94 A local farming family visiting a sick relative
95 A patient lying in bed parked in the corridor. Forgotten about? Or just waiting
for a procedure?
96 A man who is a dead ringer for Richard Nixon.
97 A woman who is a dead ringer for Marilyn Monroe.
98 A group of six orderlies wheeling a weird metal canister inside of which (one
can see through the faceplate) is an unconscious person
99 An odd little creature in a huge aquarium or net, being gingerly carried down
the hallway by a beaten-up looking orderly. Judge’s decision as to what the
creature might be but it’s imp or monkey sized, no larger
00 Roll twice and combine the results into one big beautiful mess

Citrusville General Hospital has a generous sized and generously equipped security force. They
are “rent-a-cops” but better equipped than the Sheriff’s Department.

There are two types of ambulance. One is well equipped and luxurious, the other is war surplus
made up to look well equipped and luxurious.

Citrusville General Ambulance (used as an ambulance)

Control Speed Body Protection
Excellent Typical Excellent Excellent
When operated by qualified people such as paramedics or anyone with Medicine Talent (or First
Aid if that is allowed as a Talent) anyone within one Area is considered stabilized automatically
provided the qualified person or people are free to act.

Citrusville General “Ambulance” (used as supervillain evac, superhero abduction and

paramilitary operations for the Schist Family)
Control Speed Body Protection
Amazing Excellent Remarkable Amazing

When operated by qualified people such as paramedics or anyone with Medicine Talent (or First
Aid if that is allowed as a Talent) anyone within one Area is considered stabilized automatically
provided the qualified person or people are free to act.

In addition, the vehicle is equipped with mounted machineguns back and front able to be
deployed through firing ports and either operated by remote control by the driver with a -2CS

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penalty or by people holding the firing grips and triggers. The vehicle is also equipped with
Amazing intensity entangling nets capable of being fire up to 5 areas range with Typical Agility
accuracy, four nets in total loaded in the “ammo” for the mortar. Finally the vehicle is
amphibious, able to “swim” submerged on river or lake bed for 90 minutes fully sealed up and
airtight before air for the occupants and the engine runs out. The vehicle weighs 5 tons and will
sink like a stone in deep water or mud. It is capable of driving across the Caloosahatchee River
underwater provided the driver is familiar with the local area and the river or alternatively finds
the safest shallowest local point to cross by making a Red FEAT check successfully on Reason.
Anyone who makes trouble can count on being abducted by Security personnel in one of these
sinister vehicles sooner or later and end up in either Ward B (psych evaluation, an Amazing
intensity locked and Remarkable strength walls and bars prison) or Ward F4 (drugged on the
way in, locked down to a bed with Amazing strength chains, 24 hour camera monitor, nurses
come in with bedpans and glucose injections. Lockdown.)

The ambulances for the hospital are painted white with black lettering and green roof lights. The
“ambulances” are painted black with smoked glass blacked out windows and have white roof
lights. People in town just assume that the black vehicles are Hillary Clinton style private
executive ambulances for the Schist Family and other VIPs. This confusion is contributed to by
the hospital administrators who insure there is always at least one ambulance painted and
equipped with white lights so as to be disguised as an “ambulance” and that this black medical
transport is used when the governor visits, or any other state politician or Federal VIP visits. That
way when a black vehicle races through town people explain it away more easily for their own

Outside the hospital, Judges may also opt to roll one or more random visitor encounters.
Additionally, due to the political unrest which is part and parcel of life in Citrusville, there is a
10% chance that pro life activists are demonstrating -potentially violently- against the Citrusville
Healthy Choice (abortion) Clinic which is situated on the ground floor northeast corner of the
hospital. If there is a demonstration there will also always be Sheriff’s Deputies, A Sheriff 4WD
vehicle and possible a journalist or blogger present. People will be using their phones to record
everything, of course. In the process who know what else will show up in their footage…

The hospital has a secure ward for criminals and supervillains with Amazing strength handcuffs
and chains and shotgun wielding Sheriff’s deputies at the door if the ward is in use.

Finally the hospital has both a large prosperous canteen (really, a restaurant in terms of comfort
and quality) for staff and a grubby, greasy and smelly canteen (really, street vendor quality,
ironically enough for a hospital) for visitors. Each floor of the hospital also has four vending
machines requiring Typical Resources or better to operate that dispense hot drinks, cold drinks,
salty fatty snacks and candy. On the third floor outside Ward V, the candy machine accepts
money or credit cards but absolutely does not work. A character making a Yellow FEAT roll on
Intuition or with powers or Talents allowing them to detect hidden mechanisms or secret doors
and so on will find that the machine is actually a façade disguising a sliding panel door. Pulling
the machine out quietly requires Yellow Agility FEATs – one to pull it out and one to attract no
attention as well as a Strength check Green or better to actually pull it from the wall. This reveals
21 | Citrusville Sourcebook
the sliding panel. Behind the panel is a metal spiral staircase leading down. ALL THE WAY
down… To Thog’s home hell dimension realm of Sominus!

Citrusville Sheriff’s Department

Sheriff John Landry administers a decent sized Sheriff’s Department. There are at least ten
deputies at his disposal. In an early 1970s campaign these are all large white males. In a Now or
Timely campaign the deputies will be extremely diverse. The Sheriff Headquarters has Amazing
Strength jail cells, a total of eight, as well as a concrete reinforced steel evidence room converted
into a jail cell for unusual prisoners. This windowless room with a vault type door is made of
Unearthly Strength material and its door is Unearthly Strength construction with a further -2CS
penalty on any roll to break it open, pick its lock or attack its concealed hinges.

The evidence locker of the Sheriff’s Department contains a plethora of bizarre knickknacks at
any time, and will always include at least one energy pistol such as the Foolkiller sidearm or an
alien’s blast pistol, as well as a lot of miscellanea of questionable purpose such as theater tickets
to shows that couldn’t have happened in this reality, newspapers from parallel worlds, Howard
the Duck for President buttons and weird looking tubers and root crops sealed in plastic evidence

22 | Citrusville Sourcebook
heriff’s Department staff are aware that something lives in the Man-Thing’s Swamp, hence the
name of the area. They discourage all visits to that region, and tell anyone inquiring of the many
disappearances, serious injuries and deaths.

There is a 25% chance that an investigative journalist or blogger or “mainstream media” reporter
is in the station. In the case of the former they are trying to get to the bottom of what goes on in
Citrusville, in the case of the latter they are part of a coverup trying to make sure no word gets
out about whatever nefarious scheme they are covering for.

Visitors to the Sheriff’s office have a 10% chance of running into Richard Rory who will be
making one of his scheduled check-ins with the Sheriff due to his convicted felon status and
reporting requirements for his parole. If the Judge decides that his felony conviction hasn’t
happened (yet?) or is long in the past then Rory will be there generally snooping to see if his
“friend” the Man-Thing has caused another ruckus or is being hunted by new supervillain

The Sheriff’s Department building and garages have Remarkable intensity Body and offer
Protection of Unearthly intensity, with Good intensity Protection windows. Its locks are

23 | Citrusville Sourcebook
Excellent intensity and its electronic keycard system to enter the building and the cells is of
Remarkable intensity.

The Sheriff’s Department has three 4WD vehicles, a sedan police car for the Sheriff’s use and a
Fast Pursuit Vehicle (FPV) for use in highway chases. These vehicles other than the FPV will be
away from the Sheriff’s headquarters 75% of the time. When not in use the FPV is secured under
lock and key in Garage 2 (of 6) at the Sheriff’s Department building.

The Sheriff’s Department is also the Coroner’s Department, with the Coroner and her two
assistants working out of the same offices and using the small morgue and operating theater for
autopsies within the building. In short order, corpses are moved from the Sheriff’s building to the
Citrusville General Hospital for disposal, and all complex lab work is sent to the hospital for
processing as well.

Citrusville Sheriff’s Office is a participant in the SWAT association and operational command
for Florida and is in Southwest Florida Region VI. With a call, the Sheriff can have, literally, a
hundred extra SWAT and tactical officers arrive within 1d4 hours at most. Response time will be
within a half hour if the Sheriff makes a Yellow intensity FEAT roll on his Reason to get across
to the regional commander how serious the situation is.

Coroner’s Heavy 4WD Van aka The Meatwagon aka The Organ Donor’s Express
Control Speed Body Protection
Typical Typical Excellent Typical
Satellite linked communications with Good range;
Good material emergency equipment providing Excellent protection against all heat, cold and
weather effect and Poor protection vs Physical and Energy;
Two collapsible gurneys (trolley beds) each with Typical Control, Feeble Speed, human
propelled with Body of Excellent and providing Typical Protection (all-steel construction);
Good intensity Medicine equipment, provides +2CS on Medicine rolls and also automatically
stabilizes anyone on whom it is used;
Extremely loud (Good intensity sonic blast) horn, klaxons and siren, Flashing roof lights;
Emergency gear to dig in thick mud, provides +3CS for rolls relating to unbogging the vehicle or
similar swamp operations.

Sheriff’s Department 4WD

Control Speed Body Protection
Good Excellent Remarkable Excellent
Satellite linked communications with Good range;
Good material emergency equipment providing Excellent protection against all heat, cold and
weather effect and Poor protection vs Physical and Energy;
Riot gear for four officers providing Good body armor and head protection;
Four shotguns; Eight automatic rifles; Firefightng gear of Excellent intensity;
Extremely loud (Good intensity sonic blast) horn, klaxons and siren, Flashing roof lights.

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Sheriff’s Personal Vee-Hickle
Control Speed Body Protection
Excellent Excellent Remarkable Remarkable
Satellite linked communications with Excellent range;
Good material emergency equipment providing Excellent protection against all heat, cold and
weather effect and Poor protection vs Physical and Energy;
Riot gear for two officers providing Good body armor and head protection;
Two shotguns; Two automatic rifles; Firefightng gear of Excellent intensity;
Removable rooflights, switch operated siren hooter (produces quick blasts of loud siren noise);
Inbuilt loudhailer speaker to project user’s voice 10 areas maximum.

Sheriff’s Department FPV

Control Speed Body Protection
Typical Amazing Good Good
Satellite linked communications with Good range;
Good material emergency equipment providing Excellent protection against all heat, cold and
weather effect and Poor protection vs Physical and Energy;
Riot gear for two officers providing Good body armor and head protection;
Two shotguns; Two automatic rifles; Firefightng gear of Excellent intensity;
Bulletproof tyres of Good Strength material;
Extremely loud (Good intensity sonic blast) horn, klaxons and siren, Flashing roof lights.

This vehicle is a converted Lamborghini designed to be a police interceptor and to match speeds
with any anticipated crook or supervillain vehicle.

The FPV is painted in an extraordinary surrealist swirl of colors along its side with ironically
messages like SPEED KILLS and SLOW DOWN and THERE IS NO ESCAPE painted graffiti
style amongst the colors. On the back of the car is a rainbow mural with DIVERSITY IS FOR
EVERYONE. In the 1970s version of Citrusville this vehicle is a V8 muscle car. With stripes.

Citrusville Town Cemetery

Twelve miles from the city center, the cemetery for Citrusville is a forlorn place obscured by
heavy vegetation. The cemetery is textbook spooky old Florida, with trees draped in Spanish
Moss and creepers, crumbling colonial era headstones, overgrown mausoleums and many
conventional graves and stone tombs. The “back lots” are within the boundary of Man-Thing’s
Swamp, and can at the Judge’s discretion be home to any kind of horror scenario it is thought
appropriate to run.

If the Judge is going to play up the timelessness of Citrusville using the Timely Era approach, a
simple way to introduce it is to see if characters pass a Yellow Intuition FEAT check. If they do,
they notice that the dates on the tombstones couldn’t be correct. Different times and places are
scrambled up in the monuments of the back lots of the cemetery.

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Otherwise, the cemetery is home to a small funeral home, and a separate ramshackle house
where the gravedigger lives. This gravedigger could be a superhuman, or just a normal Florida
man perhaps living there with his family.

The Schist Mausoleum is enormous, modern and bedecked with status and decorative stonework.
It is not in the back lots but is in pride of place in the center of the cemetery. Schists have been
buried there intermittently for centuries at this point.

In the far southwest corner of the cemetery is a small and overgrown mausoleum. It is clean dry
and empty inside, and its Excellent strength metal gate is not locked. The mausoleum itself
provides Remarkable protection against Physical and Energy. This could be a safe hiding place
for characters who are homeless or on the run. The Man-Thing will shuffle past this mausoleum
on a regular basis as he wanders his swamp.

Juicy Orange
This is an unpleasant and grimy strip club featuring pole dancers, private sessions and a mirror-
backed bar. The drinks and table service are very expensive, requiring Good resources for
someone to participate. So much money will be soaked out of the character that their resources
will be reduced to Typical for the next fortnight unless they make a Red FEAT roll on

Anyone less wealthy who enters will end up being physically assaulted when they can’t pay their
tab. Juicy Orange has paid a large sum to the town council and is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a
week, every day of the year. During the day it’s sleepy, smoky and mainly inhabited by drunks.
At night is when the sleaze hits overdrive. Local heroes who have to pay their rent sometimes
end up working here, in costume, whether as dancers, security or bartenders.

Any clean cut hero entering the place and remaining any longer than they would have to for the
purpose of obtaining information or meeting a contact should lose a small amount of Karma for
supporting a criminal den of iniquity.

Any underage character entering will be treated in a friendly way until the sheriff arrives to arrest
them for delinquency. The management will ALWAYS call law enforcement on any underage

Jennifer Kale sometimes (33% chance of encountering her working here) dances here. She wears
her metal bikini 1970s costume and performs under the stage name “Witch Woman”.

“La Belle Orange” Restaurant

The swankiest restaurant in Citrusville, this place is pretentious, frighteningly high priced and
basically one enormous snobapalooza from the moment anyone enters. To be treated in a civil
fashion a character will have to make a Yellow FEAT roll on their Psyche with any bonuses
from Talents, and adding their Popularity (good or bad ie positive of negative) directly to their

26 | Citrusville Sourcebook
roll. Those failing the Yellow FEAT are treated disgracefully no matter how well dressed they
might be.

Exceptions are made for anyone with Construction or Project Manager Talents, anyone
employed by any member of the Schist family, and anyone who has previously spent at least
three days in town publicly proving that they have Resources of Excellent or higher. For anyone
else- the experience of trying to get a table let alone a drink or a meal at La Belle Orange is the
stuff of nightmares. Characters with rage-triggered powers or alter egos: better just to avoid the

Anyone dressed like a hippie, a sorcerer, a stripper or a costumed adventurer simply gets halted
by the maître d’, who then taps ostentatiously with one finger on the gilt edged sign next to the

Below this sign is a small tattered photograph of Howard the Duck with “BANNED FOR LIFE
DO NOT CASH CHEQUES FOR THIS CREATURE” scrawled across it with black felt tip pen.

La Belle Orange was once the recipient of a state cuisine prize for its Kidney A L’Orange with
Turnip Sautee. But that was a long time ago.

The dumpsters in the alleyway behind the restaurant are a source of food for local animals
including the elusive Skunk Ape. The area is also where the high school’s local drug pushers

Plastics Factory
The Plastics Factory employs 300 locals and is the recipient of Federal Government incentives,
making it as legally protected from the consequences of its pollution of Cowboy Creek and the
surrounding area as it is possible for it to be. In any circumstances where this polluting business
is taken to court it will manifest Unearthly Resources and use law firms and lawyers who
manifest Remarkable legal skill (based on Reason, Intuition and Psyche). The Plastics Factory
and its legal team will stop at nothing to protect the place, if necessary hiring supervillains as
muscle. But most locals support the factory and the prosperity it brings. They just don’t want to
live in breathing distance of it or drink water downstream of it. The Plastics Factory is located
ten miles out of town near Man-Thing’s Swamp.

At the Judge’s option, the Plastics Factory could be the secret home of an operation to create Life
Model Decoy type duplicates of the town’s population. If so, a lunatic inventor will be using
Remarkable Invention and Amazing Animate Puppets powers to the detriment of the community.

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Port Citrusville
Port Citrusville is the size of a small suburb and is close to the bridge across the Caloosahatchee
River. The port has locks, a levee, a marina with pleasure craft, fishing boats, airboats and small
cargo ships. It also has some bars, cafés and restaurants. On the far side of the port, there is a
section of waste ground near the Sewage Treatment Plant and a road leading to the Plastics
Factory. Citrusville’s red light district including strip clubs and other unsavory places are either
in Port Citrusville itself or at the Truck Stop adjacent to it.

Port Citrusville has several locks, one of which controls the outflow of the Blackwater Creek
water system and thus also regulates the outflow of toxic pollution from that water course.

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The lock system has a myriad of interconnected waterways and small craft are also permitted to
use them, it is for all water traffic in the area. At night the locks are self-operated by water users
with only a single Portmaster on duty in a control room. During the day the lock area is patrolled
by the Sheriff’s Department and Homeland Security agents.

Control Speed Body Protection
Typical Typical Typical Typical
A flat bottomed metal punt equipped with a huge fan at back to push it along over water or even
flooded swamp. Has Typical ability to ignore solid ground and small barriers. It is quite stable
when at rest and balanced so the heavy engine doesn’t flip the craft in normal situations, but that
is the most likely outcome of a failed Control roll.

There are also barges and punts available which are essentially large and small Airboats minus
the rear blower. They are unpowered, relying on poles for propulsion through the swamps at
Poor speed and small outboard motors for river travel at Feeble speed.

Citrusville Pleasure Boat

Control Speed Body Protection
Poor Excellent Poor Feeble
Can take up to 10 passengers as well as 500 pounds of cargo. Equipped with Poor range
communications and Feeble range fish radar (sonar). Usually also equipped with coolers full of
alcohol and Good material fishing gear.

Typical cargo ship

Control Speed Body Protection
29 | Citrusville Sourcebook
Poor Typical Remarkable Remarkable
Can take up to 100 passengers as well as 100 tons of cargo. Superstructure and conn (the upper
deck or tower if it has one) has separate Body of Remarkable and Protection of Unearthly.

Port Citrusville Truck Stop

The truck stop near the wharfs is home to
extremely violent thugs, truckers with
criminal records and a warehouse that is
filled to overflowing with contraband.
Characters can visit the warehouse once
they find out about it and barter items or
weapons they have obtained for other
equipment they need as though they
temporarily have Remarkable Resources.
For example if they capture equipment
from aliens, supervillains or from a
Schist operation if they can transport the
goods to the warehouse the Warehousekeeper (see character roster section) will exchange it for
other items or upgrades (subject to the rules allowing such upgrades) obtainable through a
Remarkable Resource check being passed. This is illegal fencing however and to reflect this the
Resources cost of anything supplied is DOUBLED.

If the first Foolkiller is in play, this is where he will be parking his truck at night. If the Punisher
or similar character is in town, their battle van / filthy truck / beaten up station wagon will also
be parked here.

The Port truck stop is surrounded by Typical intensity wire fencing which functions as the only
barrier to entering its “secure” area. Many truckers will be sleeping in their trucks and it will
require a Yellow FEAT roll using stealth of some sort or just native Agility not to awaken one or
more of them. They will not immediately raise an alarm but they may well arm themselves and
take a look around, initially to protect their cargo and then just to see who is prowling around.
Local prostitutes will also be wandering around this area at night.

Radio Station WNRV

This is the place of employment of Richard Rory, who typically works midnight to dawn. It has
an intercom on the ground floor of its four storey weathered old building allowing passers-by to
communicate with reception between the hours of 9AM and 5PM and at other times it connects
through to whatever producer or DJ happens to be in the control booth. During Richard Rory’s

30 | Citrusville Sourcebook
shifts he answers it personally, usually in a fairly unprofessional manner meaning sometimes
things get said on air that should not be audible. Mr. Carpenter (Poor statistics in all categories,
Talent: Radio Station Manager) is Richard Rory’s boss and chases him, with some justification,
to perform his job properly.

Approximately half the rooms in this over-sized building are empty but clean and dry. The
building also has a small bathroom and shower block on each floor, meaning that it would be a
good place to squat or use as a temporary base of operations, out of sight of any potential hostiles
or snooping townsfolk.

The radio station building was constructed as part of a previous Federal government’s disaster
preparedness program and is much more sturdy than most of the town’s other large structures,
having Amazing intensity Body and offering Protection of Unearthly intensity, with Good
intensity Protection windows. Its locks are Excellent intensity and its electronic keycard system
to enter the building and the broadcasting studio is of Amazing intensity.The Radio Station also
has a 4WD in need of repairs and has also had Richard Rory donate his VW Kombi Van to the
station as a backup vehicle, mainly so Rory can mooch gas money and repairs when he has to.

WNRV 4WD Outside Broadcast Vehicle

Control Speed Body Protection
Typical Typical Typical Excellent
Satellite linked communications with Amazing type D range 1,000 miles;

31 | Citrusville Sourcebook
Good material camping equipment to allow up to six people to sleep and operate comfortably
providing Excellent protection against all heat, cold and weather effect and Poor protection vs
Physical and Energy;
Full suite of digital audiovisual recording devices and cameras and computers installed with state
of the art Amazing intensity software of all kinds including video production and editing
programs, sound recording and editing programs and editing suites for movie making;

The Rorymobile (a beaten up VW Kombi Van)

Control Speed Body Protection
Poor Typical Poor Poor

Channel 8 Action News / Citrusville Sunshine Television

The radio station building’s second floor is home to the local television station and its
equipment. As they see themselves as a massive step up from the radio people, the television
station people keep themselves to themselves.

Several local identities make weekly visits to the television station to records “bits” or to be
interviewees for its local interest shows. There is every chance that any individual human from
the canon characters section as well as Everett Rebreg from the original characters section coud
be encountered in the elevator, stairwell or on the second floor itself.

A Schist Security personnel team member functions as a uniformed security guard for the
television station.

The female anchor at the station is secretly a member of the Cult of Decay, and the weather man
is a paranoid conspiracy theorist convinced that there is more going on in the middle of Man-
Thing’s Swamp than most people are prepared to admit. He’s from out of town, so what can you
expect? Always some troublemaker trying to waterski in the swamp, as the local expression puts

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Roxie Theater
The Roxie Theater sits atop an ancient Native American holy site, dating from before the coastal
bays of Florida flooded. Anyone battling any form of magical enemy inside the walls of this old
cinema gains a +1CS on all their rolls, and a further +1CS if they are battling any form of
demonic entity. Also, no evil doer of any sort can score an Instant Kill result of any kind within
the old cinema’s walls.

The Roxie plays eclectic movies, clips and features art and avant garde performances during
daylight hours. It barely makes enough to stay open but is actually owned and run by a not-for-
profit registered charity, the Roxie Theater Florida Trust. The head of the trust, Everett Rebreg,
is also the chief projectionist, general manager, poster hanger and cleaner of his theater. His trust
board supply operating expenses and any repair expenses. It’s almost as though the trust is more
interested in protecting the building and its source of positive energy than they are in taking care
of Rebreg and his bohemian tastes and clientele…

Sewage Treatment Plant

This is a large building located ten and a half miles from town near Man-Thing Swamp, with a
Primary Vat, a large and dangerously open steel drum of immense proportions. There is a
gangway extending over it and a myriad of pipes and conduits of all sizes around it. All the
merely physical noxiousness of Citrusville is pumped here, where it is combined with SudsTM, a
white foamy material supplied as a byproduct by the Plastics Factory. Suds turns the waste
matter and its watery slop into brackish “fresh” water which is then supplied to the town’s

33 | Citrusville Sourcebook
drinking water dam and back to the Plastics Factory for use in its coolant process. Anyone
coming into direct contact with Suds suffers Remarkable corrosive damage until the Suds are
physically removed. If medical treatment isn’t received within an hour permanent disfigurement
and scarring occurs. If the affected area is the face this gives the character Limitation: Monstrous
Appearance. If limbs or the body are affected and no medical treatment is received in time the
character is permanently reduced in Endurance rank by one step to a minimum of Feeble.

A man of enormous incompetence and malice, Orville P. Fugg, is the manager of the Sewage
Treatment Plant. His staff are no beauties either but Orville is something special. He will tell
anyone who will listen how he not only encountered the Man-Thing, but killed it dead by
dropping it in the Primary Vat, years ago. When he’s drunk he’ll tell anyone in earshot his story,
whether they’re listening or not.

Orville P. Fugg
F 4 Poor A 4 Poor S 20 Excellent E 10 Good R 4 Poor I 2 Feeble P 4 Poor
Health 34 Karma 10

Powers: None

Talents: Plant Administration with a -1CS penalty due to low statistics, Story Telling

Equipment: A tiny piece of the Man-Thing which he keeps tightly sealed up in a jam jar.
Despite being sealed up like that it is alive, resembling a disgusting fungal culture.

Sunset Club
This glittering neon-lit strip club is just on the outer far edge of Port Citrusville. It caters to rich
yachtsmen, other sleaze-seeking oldsters, and anyone from out of town with Excellent or better
Resources. At the Judge’s discretion, if there are vampires in the game: they run this place. It is
frequented by members of the Cult of Entropy, Thog worshippers, other evil magicians and
cultists and any outright criminals or supervillains in the area. It functions as a supply base and
information clearing-house for bad guys of all stripes. It is shut up tight from the moment the sun
rises until the moment the last ray of sunlight vanishes. The second darkness claims Citrusville
the music blasts out, the lights shimmer and shine, the doors are open wide and dancers of both
sexes grind and jiggle around in the doorway.

The Sunset Club backs directly on to Black Canal, the dead-water ditch running from the Sewage
Treatment Plant to the Port Citrusville pond connected by locks to the river. Every once in a
while dark figures on moonless night toss a corpse into Black Canal. Sometimes the corpse is
Citrusville Rumors Table
This is a random table of rumors and local folklore. Whether the heroes are locals or visitors they
will be able to hear these rumors mentioned or discussed by local characters from Citrusville or
read about them online or in newspaper archives. Are the rumors true? That is for you, the Judge
to decide!

34 | Citrusville Sourcebook
Used properly, there is a campaign’s worth of adventure hooks just in this table. More substantial
adventure hooks are provided in the section of this book entitled, appropriately enough, “Hooks”.

Using the table: when the heroes are sitting having a coffee, listening to local television or radio,
checking on websites devoted to local topics or checking Facebook or Twitter for folks from the
Citrusville area, roll once for what local rumor, folktale or statement of apparent fact pops up. If
they are sitting or standing somewhere in town most likely they will overhear one of these
Rumors, without making any effort. Hunters could be arguing outside their parked truck,
someone could be pounding the counter at the Sheriff’s Office about the Rumor, or a blogger or
reporter could be on the spot, recording a local spinning the yarn.

Make sure at least some of the Rumors are FALSE. Make sure some have no reality to them at
all. But don’t tell the heroes this. Some of the Rumors are very definitely true and taken from the
real events and characters in Citrusville. This fact will lead some players to put too much trust in
all the rest of the Rumors- and you have an engine to drive your game, right there.

1d100 Roll Rumor

01 There is a foul smelling creature loose in the southern swamp land. It’s kind of
like a bigfoot but it’s bigger meaner and tougher. They say it EATS people!
02 There’s a witch who lives out in the middle of what they call the Man-Thing
Swamp. They say she can look like a young girl if she wants but she’s really a
blood-red vampire monster. If you bring her gold she can grant you a wish.
03 Sheriff John Landry is really a werewolf.
04 Little people from Gibsontown travel to the Citrusville area and commit
burglaries dressed as Santa’s Elves.
05 There’s a kazoo and if you find it and blow it you can make a wish that comes
06 Richard Rory is a paedophile.
07 There’s an old Spanish fort east of town. Somewhere in the ruins is a fortune in
Spanish gold.
08 Schist Construction use illegals as their labor force, no point a real American
even trying to get a job with them.
09 A jet plane crashed in the Man-Thing Swamp months ago, was a big disaster.
Bits of the plane fell over town. Bits of people too. They say it was all the fault of
a drunk air traffic controller!
10 There’s a half-buried UFO somewhere in the swamp. The government covered it
all up and they kill anyone who talks about.
11 The mayor is really a werewolf.
12 There’s a half-buried movie prop from a science fiction film somewhere in the
swamp. The studio just left it there because the film was a flop and it was too
expensive to move it. The county just let them pollute the swamp with trash!
13 You can believe it or not just as you like, but a cousin’s friend’s brother saw
pixies, like little elves, scampering around in the middle of the Man-Thing
Swamp. They were dressed like spacemen.
14 There’s a hulking blonde guy, physique like a bodybuilder, dressed like Conan

35 | Citrusville Sourcebook
the Barbarian. Calls himself Korrek. He wanders into town sometimes. You can’t
miss him, he wears these giant gold button earrings like a hipster! Weirdo.
15 The Kale family live way out in the swamp. Their farm is neat and all but they
are very peculiar people. Keep to themselves more than most swampies do. They
say maybe there’s incest or worse going on out there. That Jennifer Kale dressed
like a stripper and wraps herself up in a cloak. Weirdo.
16 Couple people claim they met a dwarf in a high school mascot suit. Looked like a
duck in a hat.
17 Once in a while folks in Citrusville get very worked up about a social issue.
Folks here are pretty conservative. We’ve even had a book burning and a riot or
two in days gone by. Could happen again any time there’s a trigger.
18 At the French Fort museum and tourist area there’s a secret hatch somewhere that
leads down under the buildings to the pump room where they run the fountains
and pool filtering from. Must be pretty interesting down there!
19 Fishermen see some mighty peculiar things swimming around where Blackwater
Creek lock mixes its filthy water into the river. Mighty peculiar.
20 There’s shapeshifting aliens in our community! Reptilian monsters from outer
space that can shapeshift to look just like us! It’s true!
21 Citrusville is some kind of illegal testing center where the Federal government
conducts experiments on local people without their knowledge or consent. It’s
something to do with smart meters!
22 Wharf work is available at Port Citrusville for anyone strong enough who knows
how to keep their mouth shut. The guys down there are pretty sexist though.
23 Juicy Orange strip club is easily the most expensive place in the county to get
liquor. Ridiculous prices.
24 The mayor and town council are the kindest, nicest most wonderful human
beings I’ve ever met.
25 Alfred Hitchcock was going to shoot a film here. But he changed his mind.
26 One of the worst massacres of “Indians” in American history took place on the
spot where Citrusville would later be built. All the details have been covered up.
27 There’s a special species of alligator in the local swamps which is more like a
prehistoric monster than a normal gator, which is saying something.
28 Just across the county line is a strip club where a couple of our local high school
girls dance. I’m sure the Sheriff knows all about it. Cops are all such perverts.
29 The real life honest to gosh fountain of youth is somewhere in the Man-Thing
30 The Thing showed up in town couple of times. Just him though, not the brain the
loudmouth firehead or that stone cold betty the invisible woman.
31 WNRV radio station building in town is haunted by the ghost of one of the
Beatles. Not sure which one.
32 There’s a guy in a rubber monster suit who dressed up an terrorizes teenagers
when they go parking to get up to mischief. He’s doing it because his own
daughter was killed whilst on a parking date and he’s trying to scare the kids out
of parking.
33 Namor the Sub-Mariner fought aliens here in the 1940s. How old is that guy?

36 | Citrusville Sourcebook
34 If the Schist Family isn’t stopped, they will end up literally being the royalty of
Cypress County as well as owning the whole town. It’s wrong!
35 Citrusville is run by a secret cabal of werewolves.
36 The Great Flood of 1829 was caused by the appearance of a muck monster which
had water witch powers.
37 Jennifer Kale has a magic book and she can cast spells out of it. She’s a witch!
38 There’s a secret oil rig in the middle of the swamps south of town.
39 There was a team of superheroes here for a few weeks claiming to be Avengers.
Shyeah right. They’ve left now anyway.
40 A woman called Olivia Selby runs the town grievance committee, the “Mothers
March for Decency.” The group is kind of a perpetually outraged mothers’
meeting which sets itself up as the moral arbiter of the town. In the past they’ve
ruined the local school curriculum, got officials fired and caused riots. Olivia
Selby could care less. Her own daughter Carol has been caught up in the dramas
before and even that doesn’t matter to Olivia.
41 The Man-Thing is real! I’ve seen it!
42 There’s a special kind of box, all decorated up like injun arts n’ crafts, see. And if
you use the box it can take all your cares and worries away. It takes away your
pain and leaves you feelin’ hiiiiigh. You look around you’ll be surprised who can
hook you up with one.
43 There’s something very spooky and weird about the Man-Thing’s Swamp, even
if the stories about the Man-Thing are all hoaxes. There’s something in there.
44 A relative of mine was shot to death in Las Vegas by a midget dressed as an elf.
45 Some folks saw a pirate ship, SAILING THROUGH THE SKY. Was it an alien
UFO using some sort of hologram technology?
46 Back in World War 2 the government set up a secret manufacturing plant in the
swamp to make explosives. They sealed it all up with concrete after the war, but
the chemicals leaked out and over the years the pollution’s mutated all the
animals and plant life.
47 Captain America visited Citrusville couple times back in the late 1940s. How old
is that guy?
48 KISS once toured Citrusville! Except the tour was never announced, they never
performed anywhere, they didn’t do any public speaking engagements or
autograph signings and the only person anyone saw them with was dressed like
an Elf. Are we sure it really was KISS?
49 People walk into the swamp south of town and disappear without a trace. Never
seen again on Earth. Sheriff does nothing about it, of course.
50 There’s a Seminole Casino southwest of town, open 24/7 and with good cheap
eats and drinks. You gotta be dressed right though. But you don’t gotta gamble
you can just buy drinks and food.
51 Citrusville has been rated the most conservative city in southern Florida ten years
running, and proud of it.
52 Whoever Knows Fear Burns At The Touch Of The Man-Thing.
53 The Man-Thing is as fake as all those lake monsters and sea serpents, just
dreamed up by the mayor and the town council to bring in tourists. Ridiculous.

37 | Citrusville Sourcebook
54 Some campers were chased by a skull-faced monster at the edge of the swamp.
55 Sheriff Landry knows a lot more than he lets on about all the strange stuff that
happens around here.
56 I don’t know exactly what happened with Richard Rory and that kidnapping
thing, but he’s no paedophile or rapist. THAT I do know. He might be stupid, but
he isn’t evil.
57 Look at the money the county wastes on that sports car the Sheriff drives around!
And all painted up like a parade float with gutter talk on the sides! Outrageous!
58 You know that over the top singer Eugene “The Star” Spangler? He and his
degenerate groupies and entourage are holed up in the swamp somewhere, in an
abandoned government outpost. The lord knows what they’re getting up to out
there. Sure would love to find out.
59 An old geezer dressed up like a Viking has been seen in the swamp, harassing
people and yelling his head off. He’s armed with a prop battle axe too. Typical
Boomer. We know who HE voted for, right?
60 Some of the best little hunting and tracking doggies come from around here.
61 Some campers were harassed by a bikie gang in the riverside camping grounds.
62 Schist Construction is always looking for muscle to help keep things under
control on their building sites.
63 SHIELD has some sort of secret program running in town. It’s related to some
kind of electromagnetic anomaly in the middle of Man-Thing Swamp.
64 Kids stopped doing the annual Zombie March in February each year because one
year real zombies showed up.
65 There’s a real creepy group of kids, goths or some such. People say these kids
pretend to be vampires. Only… Someone else said she saw them walk past the
gift shop in town… And none of them had reflections!
66 There’s an abandoned village in the swamp. Goes back to the Indian Wars.
67 A light plane crashed in the swamp some years back. Word around town is it was
carrying a gangster and a fortune in drugs! Still out there somewhere, no one’s
found it so far.
68 There’s some whacky group called ARMOIRE or HARMER or something like
that. They’re dressed up as SHIELD agents or something similar. They’re mighty
interested in that there swamp outside of town. And always on the lookout for
zombies of all things! As if.
69 A gateway between the worlds is located somewhere in the swamp.
70 Orville, the guy who runs the Sewage Treatment Plant? He may be stupid but he
ain’t dumb. Cunning as a rat. He was near to killed a while back, but the Schists
got him some fancy treatments and here he is large as life and twice as mean.
71 My neighbor is an alien. I saw her shapeshift!
72 Why don’t any of those darned celebrity superheroes from the east coast ever
come down here and lend a hand? Brother needs help and they leave us hanging?
73 Hunter says he was setting up in the swamp one day when his dogs went crazy.
He went over to see what was what- and found hisself looking through a gap in
the air to downtown New York City! Don’t that beat everything? While he was
watching the picture or gap or whatever just slowly closed up by itself.

38 | Citrusville Sourcebook
74 When a certain number of people have died from violence within the city limits
of Citrusville, Ubglubb the Merciless will awaken from its slumber and slaughter
the townsfolk. Except for anyone wearing a blue fedora.
75 There’s some peculiar folk who come and go at that old motel near the swamp.
The one at the Truck Stop. And I wouldn’t trust that Oswald feller who runs it far
as I could kick him.
76 There is a secret cult in the swamp. They serve a cult leader who they call The
Yellow King. You know, like out of that old book?
77 You can walk into the swamp out there and walk out somewhere half the country
away, or further.
78 Playing Dungeons and Dragons exposes you to evil magical forces, just like
using a Witchboard! Don’t do it! Get right with the Lord!
79 There’s an old Seminole trail, goes clear across the country and all the way to
Lake Okeechobee. Hell of it is, if you walk it on a night of the full moon, you get
where you’re going five times quicker than at any other time…
80 Anyone ever notice this? Richard Rory looks a lot like that writer who used to
live here, what was his name, Steve Gerber? And Gerber looked EXACTLY like
the guy who runs the Roxie Theater. What are they, related?
81 Citrusville General Hospital is one of the best hospitals in the state, heck, maybe
the country!
82 There’s a real zombie, a baths salt zombie, naked as a jaybird, running round the
swamp biting people. He doesn’t turn ‘em into zombies when he bites them
though. Just chews their faces off. Sort of thing normally happens in Miami but
not a nice quiet town like Citrusville!
83 There’s lots of bits and pieces lying around from the lost civilization of Atlantis
in this area. You just have to know where to look.
84 Belive it or not but folks are saying they saw a mummy shuffling down the street.
A real live Egyptian Mummy. You know, bandages, the whole nine yards!
85 I swear I saw the same young woman at two places at the same time! I didn’t
imagine it!
86 Real live vampires are running loose around town.
87 There’s been stories going back years, I mean a long time, about shapeshifters.
People round here give it more credence than you’d think, on account of how
many people have seen weird stuff with their own eyes. Folks just think it’s bad
luck to talk about it is all. But they know something.
88 A waste produce of the Plastics Factory, “Suds” is actually highly dangerous and
possible mutagenic. We don’t know the extent of its effects on Homo Superior or
other humans with non-standard genetics or biological systems.
89 People get grabbed off the street by armored thugs in black vans! I bet it’s the
government doing it. You can’t trust the FBI. Or SHIELD.
90 Seminoles have stories going back to when Florida hadn’t even flooded yet. No
swamps, deep valleys, strange tribes and creatures living here. Ice Age time.
91 Buy her a drink and old Aggie at that bar, what’s it called? It’s at the port.
“Katies”! That’s the place. Anyway buy Aggie a drink and she can tell you some
dirt on the Schists. Old and new. She had a thing with old man Schist back in the

39 | Citrusville Sourcebook
day but it didn’t end well. She ran off with a Stark boy, went west. Came back
broke, pregnant and mad as a cut snake. But she knows some stuff.
92 Citrusville is located on top of a gigantic meteorite. This is the source of all the
weird goings-on in and around town. And whatever is in the meteorite dissolved
into the water table too.
93 It’s better now, but this used to be a rough town for colored people.
94 Somehow, the Schist Family Trust has bought the rights lock stock and barrel to
the Man-Thing Swamp and all its environment. And this is despite a state park
declaration of part of the area and a challenge by the Seminole Nation!
95 We’re part of a cosmic wheel. And on the wheel with us there’s Therea, the land
of light, Sominus, the dark dimension of evil, Katharta, which is a realm of sword
and sorcery, and so many others! If we just had eyes to see we’d see how
amazing and beautiful creation really is!
96 There’s an evil clown as lives in the swamp. He can change his shape excepting
his red nose. That has to stay the same. If he ketches you he’ll kill you.
97 People say they saw a gorilla with a human head driving a truck through town.
Must be promoting some new movie or some trash like that.
98 Pollution from illegal dumping in Blackwater Creek makes clouds of bright red
smoke come off the water sometimes. You don’t want to be anywhere near that
stuff when that happens.
99 EPA people or scientists or some such have been sniffing around the town’s dam
for months now. If there’s something wrong with our drinking water we’re
entitled to know, gosh darnit!
00 I ain’t saying a lot of folks been killed around here, like more than normal. But
maybe if they all stood up at the same time we’d have a helluva housing problem.

The mayor, the town council (comprised of at least four and perhaps as many as twenty local
business owners and small time politicians) and most other people such as Sheriff’s Deputies are
deliberately left “blank”. But the Judge should pencil in who they are or at the very least generate
a list of names to slot in as needed when the people appear in play. There are online name
generators to help you out or do what Steve Gerber did and make names out of parodies of pop
singers, real politicians and people he disliked. Just change around the syllables and sounds.
Lady Gaga could become Gavin Glade, Algernon Gyld or for a female Adelle Ygg or something
more normal like Agatha Lymon. It’s fun and it’s easy. And it produces Gerberesque weird
names. As a general rule, try and have eight normal people with no powers or direct involvement
in weird events for every two people who are entangled in one or more superhero or horror
plotlines. This is not to say that the eight are innocent bystanders, but they have no powers, no
Contacts and no involvement or responsibility. They are faces in the crowd only. For now. One
element not touched on but present is CHURCHES. There are four churches in town and they are
major meeting places. And also potential places where rabble rousers can get a mob.

40 | Citrusville Sourcebook
41 | Citrusville Sourcebook
All those term paper concepts about the boundary
between real and irreal, between nature and
civilization between the wild and the tame: Man-
Thing’s Swamp is THE place to let it all hang out!
There is a concept in Norse mythology of the ‘Gard.
Translated into English one could say “garden”,
“yard” or “enclosed space”. Its meaning is that of a
fenced-in farm and its fields, a place of safety
beyond which are, in ever increasing distance,
predators on the flock, unlawful people who scoff at
safety and who will steal from you, the further
afield wild creatures, animals never to be domesticated, people and near-people who are
untameable as well, savage denizens of a wild world. The further from our ‘Gard we go, the
wilder and more chaotic the landscape becomes, until we finally arrive at the boundary of the
world itself, a place of interflux where Asgard is lost somewhere in the all-pervasive mists, but
close enough to reach, if one can but survive…

To use for the moment the Norse

terminology, the center of our sane
and ordered world is

Midgard. Usually translated as

“Earth” it really means, “we’re in
the middle of our yard. Everything
is safe orderly and obedient to the
laws of gods and men.”

But then, if you hop over the fence

that defines the boundary between the yard and the wild unfenced lands beyond, we enter

Utgard. There are no fences here. The word itself means, “Outside the Fence.” The animals are
wild and there is no guarantee that they are friendly. The trees and plants are not cultivated. They
grow where they please without permission.

Persisting in our travel outwards, Utgard itself becomes ever more chaotic and wild. And the
creatures we meet become first strange and unfamiliar and finally outright monstrous. Now we
are in the realms of the Homelands, the ‘Heims, places where the native populations are not just
non-human but monstrous, chaotic and savage. We arrive at a poisonous dangerous place of
venom and fog such as Niflheim, where oathbreakers are corroded and poisoned endlessly and
poison rain drizzles down from the sky, or Alfheim, the pagan wonderland where Elves and

42 | Citrusville Sourcebook
Pixies and unrestrainable “monsters”, the long-lost titan animals and creatures of pure legend,
will without question be encountered.

Suddenly we’re in a world of four color fantasy and magic, where we can never be entirely sure
that we’re seeing “reality”, whatever that arbitrarily assigned definition might mean in this
particular circumstance. It’s no use clinging to the Midgard mind, thinking in orderly phrases and
demanding that the world not only obey our wishes but does so in a coddled and protected light-
at-the-window way. That will never happen on the way Man-Thing’s Swamp, let alone in the
swamp itself.

Kirby and Lee achieved this same sensation for the reader with the first seventy-five or so issues
of the Fantastic Four. Our ‘Gard was the Baxter Building, and a New York drawn from reality.
Further off we went, the less recognizable it became, the more possibilities for wonders and
weirdness and magic there were.

Man-Thing Swamp perfectly illustrates this and was used by Steve Gerber at the peak of his
powers. Certainly, there is massive impact for a story if bizarre creatures or characters march
down Cowboy Avenue or Main Street in downtown Citrusville. But there has to be a
demarcation. Such weirdness in Citrusville has to be temporary, transitory and driven off or
away. Back to the swamp. Back to the Nexus of All Realities within Man-Thing’s Swamp. But
on the twelve mile journey to that swamp, civilization falls away. Suddenly we are on quite often
deserted roads or tracks, even when following the river. The commercial boats and small ships
passing by don’t go to the confluence of rivers north of Man-Thing’s Swamp. The waters there
are always turbulent and dangerous; the commercial world of profit and the carnal world of
pleasure can’t withstand the constant threats of that spooky swampy world.

43 | Citrusville Sourcebook
The City Limits of Citrusville are the “Fence” of our “Midgard” for this sourcebook. Within
those city limits, no amount of Resources will be spared by
the town, the county, the state, the country and ultimately
the world to maintain the status quo, to preserve law and
order (violent and oppressive or not) and to repair all
breaches in “the fence”. Certainly things from Outside will
come into town, prowl around, cause chaos, destroy people
and property. But the city of Citrusville will repair itself,
and new people will come to fill the niches left behind by
the dead.

However, when characters travel out of town, especially

south the twelves miles to Man-Thing’s Swamp, they must
be made to realize that they have entered our “Utgard”. Outside the city limits, outside the fence
of civilization, the further one travels towards Man-Thing’s Swamp the greater the wildness, the
chaos and the risk. The swamp doesn’t need thousands of warning signs. Its very presence, its
smell, its impossible jungle-like vegetation far in excess of any normal Florida swamp, advertise
the danger it presents, to any visitor. Each of the twelve miles of the journey leads a character
further into a realm where literally any encounter or adventure is possible. In fact at the boundary
of the Man-Thing Swamp some kind of adventure or eerie experience is guaranteed if a character
spends more than four hours there. It might only be a strange bird or an unidentifiable animal
roar from within the swamp. Or it could a life-changing trauma of epic proportions. There are
encounter charts in this section of the sourcebook, to be sure. And they’re needed and very
useful. But as random as the charts outcomes are they are secondary to the atmosphere and story
that the Judge wants to create. Below are some points that must always be emphasized in and
round Man-Thing Swamp.

The swamp stinks of mud and decay. Rotting vegetation and bubbling pools of
greenish water surround the interior of the swamp.

There is wreckage dotted everywhere around the swamp. Between the fully
real world of Citrusville and Man-Thing Swamp there is a hinterland, a
wasteland where abandoned industrial equipment, wrecked vehicles and
overgrown abandoned human structures like farmhouses, the old Citrusville
School and colonial era forts have all been swallowed by the jungle like

The swamp is noisy. By day there is the roar of the panther, the hiss of the
alligator, the screeching of a myriad birds and the trickles, belches and
splashes of the all-pervasive water.

The edge of the swamp is a wall of verdant trees, draped in parasitic vines,
Spanish moss and wrapped around by grasses that are waist high at their
44 | Citrusville Sourcebook
lowest point. It is a wall of impenetrable green. This is the realm of chaos, the
vegetation its equivalent of a fence.

Trails lead into the Man-Thing Swamp but become Unearthly intensity (Mind Control:
confusion) mazes 10 areas inside its boundary. A character with a specific Talent relating to the
swamp and its map can ignore the effect. And sometimes destiny (or is that Destiny, herself)
seems to dictate that characters follow a particular trail to a particular location in the swamp.

From the air, the swamp seems like relatively normal, if impressively scaled,
trees and swamp water.

The presence of the Nexus creates a kind of temporal recording that surrounds the swamp like a
hologram. This illusory effect is of CL1000 intensity and conceals all areas of the swamp be they
mundane Schist Construction building sites or the ten storey towers of demons and alien wizards.
The OHOTMU map at the beginning of this sourcebook can be considered a guideline at best.
There is every right and reason for the Judge to “rewrite” map or simply ignore its scale and add
ever more entries around those taken from the historical record.

Close reading of the comic books forming the historical record clearly indicates that the Man-
Thing Swamp is indeed bigger on the inside than the outside. Like Admiral Byrd’s trip to the
Savage Land decades ago, it is most likely that the “extra” real estate is actually formed of slices
from the Nexus of All Realities. All unwitting, those travelling within the swamp may cross over
from the Man-Thing Swamp itself to its cognate adjacent dimensions, with no noticeable change
in terrain. At certain times, such as when a jetliner crashed in the swamp, the traumatic emotions
of the event “shut down” most of the paranormal presences in the swamp itself and the
geography temporarily responded closely to what an ordinance map might tell the reader.
Usually however the Man-Thing Swamp is effectively its own pocket dimension, with the
Okealachobee Truck Stop perched like a bargain-basement Asgard at the wrong end of the

As can be seen from the OHOTMU map at the front of the sourcebook, there are military bases,
secret hideouts, to the far north an Incredible material strength bridge, various crash sites and the
shack where Ted Sallis worked on his formula and where Eugene “The Star” Spangler then held
court. These items of interest form the basis of the charts at the end of this section. Characters
available elsewhere such as standard AIM agents and so on are NOT detailed. There are also
possible animal encounters, including with the Man-Thing Swamp ‘Gators (detailed in the
gazette section above on page 11). Communications within the swamp, including satellite
uplinks, alien technology, cell phones and magic, are all subject to disruption and blocking of
CL1000 intensity. Even when communications are established there is a 25% chance per round
that a blast of static wipes out the exchange of speech or text.

Teleporting characters can come and go as per normal but there is a 10% chance that their
teleport will send them plunging into the Nexus of All Realities rather than where they actually
wanted to go. Flyers will be able to get above the trees, but there is a 10% chance that they will

45 | Citrusville Sourcebook
be entangled in Amazing intensity vines and creepers, paralyzed until they crash through, cut
free or are rescued.

Movement through the swamp on the ground is, without the use of specific powers, abilities,
talents or technology, at one third normal speed due to the loose soil, semi-liquid mud and water
streams. A boat is the only form of travel that is fully unimpeded in the Man-Thing Swamp.

Whilst travelling in the swamp it is quite possible for the characters to have a random encounter.

Swamp Encounters: 1d10

1 1d10 Schist Construction workers
2 A panther.
3 A Man-Thing Swamp ‘Gator.
4 Zeke Tork and Dawg in their punt.
5 1d4 locals out in an Airboat having fun.
6 A swarm of insects of extreme aggressiveness. They are effectively a cloud covering one
area and doing painful Poor intensity edged damage.
7 Ruined building. Roll 1d10 for type: 1 = Wooden Shack, Poor material; 2 = Wooden
Shack with tin roof, Typical material; 3 = Bricks and mortar cottage, Good material; 4 =
abandoned colonial house, falling to pieces, covered in vegetation, Typical material; 5 =
abandoned military camp, Good material; 6 = fishing camp, tent of Good material; 7 =
Spanish fort or tower, Excellent material stonework; 8 = fantasy tower or tiny house-
sized castle, Amazing material and may have some kind of strange creature still
inhabiting it; 9 = abandoned AIM shack or house, Excellent material; 10 = abandoned
Federal facility covering equivalent to a large house and land block- overgrown,
Excellent material strength, 50% chance to find useable gear or vehicle in Poor
8 1d6 Cultists
9 Sheriff Deputy on official business of some kind. Or are they?
10 Jennifer Kale. If she is already part of the heroes group and with them then it will be
Korrek. If he too is on the roster already then it will be another mystical or sword and
sorcery character of the Judge’s choice.

46 | Citrusville Sourcebook
Types of swamp adventure
The swamp can be used for different styles of story telling. Quite apart from the Man-Thing, his
swamp is a place of horror, magic, fantasy, science fiction and red-blooded adventures featuring
violence. A Judge can combine two or more of these types of tale, or use these types of flavor
one at a time. For example any anthology horror book, movie or television show ends up using a
swamp or drowned wilderness for at least one of its stories.

Roll on or just read the charts below to get ideas or hooks for adventures:

Horror Stories: 1d10

1 Criminals have a falling out and one is murdered, thrown into the swamp for the
alligators to eat.
2 Eloping lovers take the wrong road and end up with their car or van bogged in the
swamp. Something stalks them. It could be a panther, it could be a monster. It could just
be their imagination.
3 A page from Theodore Sturgeon: a man consumed by an overwhelming negative
emotion at the time of his death dies and sinks beneath muck of the swamp. Then he
comes back… A competitor to the Man-Thing!
4 A violent crook makes good his escape, carrying a great treasure – could be cash, could
be something weird. He laughs as he enters the swamp, heading for its center where he’s
heard there’s a shack where he can hide out until the heat is off or his Contact meets
him. Unfortunately, the jungle will come alive and attack him long before the Contact
gets there.
5 An intruder arrives at the farm of a swampie family. He or she discovers that the family
is keeping a prisoner locked away in their storm cellar. The prisoner is an innocent
victim of a nutty family of inbreds. Or is that only what we are meant to believe?
6 An exceptionally large and savage predator – bear, panther, gigantic coyote, python,
even a shark – is loose in the swamp. Its threat is ignored until it finds its way along the
river, heading for town…
7 A wanderer in the swamp lies down near a pond. When they wake up, they are covered
in boils and are the patient zero Typhoid Mary of an Unearthly plague!
8 A Cult sets up shop. They need fresh flesh to sacrifice to their dark demonic god.
9 Schist Construction is in an escalating battle with Nature itself. Their near-psychotic
foreman drives his people on, in the face of “bad luck” that may be the opening shot in a
war where natural creatures and plants somehow develop a will of their own…
10 A monstrous serial killer opens for business, luring victims into the swamp using the
power of Illusions.

47 | Citrusville Sourcebook
Magic Stories: 1d10
1 An authentic swamp witch opens for business. She can curse or remove curses, she
specializes in love spells, and people say her guard dog is actually a werebeast!
2 A down on their luck loser breaks down outside the swamp near the Sewage Treatment
Plant. Wandering around looking for help they find a magic item… See suggested magic
item chart below this table
3 A page from Theodore Sturgeon: a man consumed by an overwhelming negative
emotion at the time of his death dies and sinks beneath muck of the swamp. Then he
comes back… A competitor to the Man-Thing!
4 A violent crook makes good his escape, carrying a great treasure – could be cash, could
be something weird. He laughs as he enters the swamp, heading for its center where he’s
heard there’s a shack where he can hide out until the heat is off or his Contact meets
him. Unfortunately, the jungle will come alive and attack him long before the Contact
gets there.
5 An intruder arrives at the farm of a swampie family. He or she discovers that the family
is keeping a prisoner locked away in their storm cellar. The prisoner is an innocent
victim of a nutty family of inbreds. Or is that only what we are meant to believe?
6 An exceptionally large and savage predator – bear, panther, gigantic coyote, python,
even a shark – is loose in the swamp. Its threat is ignored until it finds its way along the
river, heading for town…
7 A wanderer in the swamp lies down near a pond. When they wake up, they are covered
in boils and are the patient zero Typhoid Mary of an Unearthly plague!
8 A Cult sets up shop. They need fresh flesh to sacrifice to their dark demonic god.
9 Schist Construction is in an escalating battle with Nature itself. Their near-psychotic
foreman drives his people on, in the face of “bad luck” that may be the opening shot in a
war where natural creatures and plants somehow develop a will of their own…
10 A monstrous serial killer opens for business, luring victims into the swamp using the
power of Illusions.

Suggested magic items: 2d10

2 A random ranged weapon that looks more like a cheap and crummy child’s toy than a
real weapon. Complete with stuff written on the side appropriate for a toy like
“REALISTIC SOUND EFFECTS” or “ZIP! ZAP! BLAM!”. Randomize the range,
damage and material strength of the weapon on the random statistics chart for new
characters. In other words, this could be (but could also well not be) a superpowered
death dealing device.
3 A golden bus ticket for the Citrusville-Therea-Cleveland Bus Line. It entitles the owner
to infinite bus trips from the Truck Stop outside the Man-Thing Swamp to Cleveland and
back with occasional random stops in the mystical realm of goodness Therea, but only
when there is a quest to receive. The ticket is made of CL3000 material.
4 An ancient bottle of what could be Amontillado. Drinking a full measure of the liquid
causes any character to suffer a CL1000 sleep poison effect, even if they are usually
immune to poison. On waking they will have restored all lost points. And it will be 1d10
days later. Sipping from it restores 1d10 Health. The bottle is full when found and

48 | Citrusville Sourcebook
contains four and one half standard drinks, the equivalent of some 450 sips.
5 A rock with what looks like the Molecule Man’s face etched into its surface.
6 A rusted tin sheriff’s badge. Most likely a simple child’s toy. Or not.
7 A magic scroll. Reading this scroll allows the user to cast one magic spell each time it is
read. The scroll and its ink are both Amazing material. The spell is completely random
and has a effect of random intensity, determined once at the time of first casting. No
Magic Ability or Talent is required to use this scroll. At the bottom of the sheet of paper,
skin or parchment in small letters are the words “From the Desk of Stephen Strange”.
8 An alligator tooth. Holding it with the user’s bare flesh or wearing it on a necklace so as
to make it touch the skin, etc. confers Martial Arts C and D and Wrestling Talents on the
character. If they already have these or any of these Talents, bonuses stack.
9 2d10 magic pills in a small glass or plastic bottle with a childproof cap (Excellent rank
lock). Swallowing one of the pills gives the character Incredible Strength. If they already
have Incredible Strength or higher their Strength is increased by one rank to a maximum
of Shift-Z or 1,000. Taking two or more pills at once permanently turns the character
into a Hulk-like being with purple hair and blue skin with red polka-dots. Their Strength
is permanently changed to its boosted level (Incredible or shifted) and their Reason is
permanently lowered to 2 Feeble. Don’t do drugs, kids.
10 A gold plated necklace with an 8 carat gold bust of a clown attached to it. The wearer
gains a completely random power whilst wearing it at Feeble rank. Each time the
necklace is removed and put back on the power re-randomizes.
11 A wooden nickel. As long as the character carries it, they will gradually build up to
Remarkable Resources through extremely unlikely chains of events. They will also
become the center of a whirlwind of greed, hate, avarice and lust. Careful scrutiny of the
fake coin will show that it is inscribed around the edge “In Thog We Trust”.
12 A Nightmare Box. Thog needs it and wants it back. Badly.
13 A pair of grubby sunglasses. Wearing them lets the wearer see the truth behind illusions
and the real native form of shapeshifters with Unearthly intensity.
14 An obviously alien egg. What it hatches into is the Judge’s decision.
15 A magic sword. It causes Remarkable edged damage to any Elf, Dryad, interdimensional
NONHUMAN being such as demons or talking animals and any other magical or
interdimensional robot, android, golem, mummy, vampire and so on. Against normal
humans it inflicts a -2CS penalty on the user and does Feeble blunt damage.
16 A small plastic statuette of a zoo animal. If the character thinks to try and will it into life,
and passes a Yellow FEAT roll on Psyche, the plastic figurine turns into a full size
animal of the appropriate type, but with Fighting of Remarkable. The animal will stick
around for 1d10 rounds before reverting to its normal plastic form. Killing the animal
turns it back into plastic. Burning it in plastic toy form kills it.
17 An ornate key. It radiates magic, but what does it unlock? And is someone looking for
18 An indestructible (CL3000 material) cardboard ticket such as were dispensed at old
fashioned penny arcades. It is apparently blank on one side. The other side has ornate
olde timie scroll decorations in the middle of which it says “DALTRY GUMBEAU’S
Does it mean the ticket or the person holding it though?

49 | Citrusville Sourcebook
19 The Harmonica of Destiny.
20 A magic empty beer bottle. Its material is Unearthly Strength which is the only clue that
it’s home to a beery and bleary Genie rather than just another piece of trash.

50 | Citrusville Sourcebook
Fantasy Stories: 1d10
1 Korrek flees interdimensional enemies and arrives in the swamp. He must find allies,
and quickly, or REALITY ITSELF WILL END!
2 A Dryad grows weary of her existence among the Elves and seeks human
3 A unicorn appears in the swamp!
F 10 Good A 20 Excellent S 30 Remarkable E 30 Remarkable R 2 Feeble I 20 Excellent
P 30 Remarkable Health 90 Karma 52 Powers: Teleportation but only when ridden by
a virgin at Monstrous rank Limitations: pollution, cigarette smoke, car exhausts and the
noises of civilization all cause the creature Excellent energy damage.
With a unicorn loose will hunters and lunatics be far behind?
4 Hypnotic music that has the effects of Unearthly Emotion Control plays from deep in the
swamp. It might be coming from a man-eating giant flower, a satyr, a Dryad, an Elf – or
a mysterious record player (or iPhone) in an abandoned shack…
5 Someone is bitten by a large wild dog, wolf or coyote. You guessed it, the bitten person
is now turning into a weredog, werewolf or werecoyote.
6 Skunk Apes appear in the swamp, then start appearing closer to Citrusville. Strange
thing is people say that the animals don’t run off, they just fade out of existence!
7 A flamboyant and entertaining person appears at the edge of the swamp and hitches rides
until they arrive in Citrusville. They have apparently Remarkable Resources and start
making people’s dreams come true, until they have gotten well established with the
worthies of the town. Then they start to call in the debts…
8 A Loch Ness Monster type creature is seen in the confluence of the rivers, as well as in
areas at the edge of the swamp that are impossible for a creature of that size to fit into. Is
it a hoax? It’s an entry on the Fantasy chart so anything is possible!
9 Brightly colored giant toadstools of an unknown species sprout up in a large “fairy
circle” in the swamp. Entering the circle transports the character to an enchanted
fairyland. Or so it appears. Eating the toadstools produces some kind of temporary
super-powered effect. The juice of the toadstools is a magical cure for something of the
Judge’s choosing that is usually incurable. Let the stampede of greedy humans begin.
10 A creature of myth stalks the swamp such as a Satyr, Pegasus, Medusa, Minotaur,
Cyclops, Dragon or Sphinx. The longer it stays around, the more unusual characters tied
to its native mythology start showing up in Citrusville...

Fantasy stories include sword and sorcery. Marvel Comics was replete with crossovers, teamups
and two in one stories where very unlikely heroes met, even heroes normally separated by an eon
of time. The Swamp, and especially the Nexus of All Realities at its center, allow the possibility
of fantasy characters visiting Citrusville. It also allows characters to live in Citrusville and go to
the swamp to have sword and sorcery adventures, or even “commute” back and forth to a sword
and sorcery world accessed via the Nexus. The Buffy and Angel television shows have made this
kind of overlap between worlds as basis for adventures more commonplace than it was.

51 | Citrusville Sourcebook
Science Fiction Stories: 1d10
1 A spaceship appears in midair over the swamp then hurtles down and crashes
somewhere in the muck. If there is a survivor, roll on the Aliens chart below this chart.
2 AIM, SHIELD, ARMOR, Schist Construction or some random laboratory of crazy
scientists set up in the swamp. They experiment on creating bioweapons. Chief test
subjects are the local monster alligators, anacondas, sharks, wild boar and other
extremely dangerous animals. Whether intentional or not they successfully hybridize two
or more of these creatures and next thing you know the monster escapes and starts
killing locals. The creature will have Remarkable or higher statistics for two of its
physical traits. Not necessarily Fighting.
3 A section of the swamp 1d10 areas in size is sealed off behind Amazing Strength
plexiglass with no warning and for no apparent reason. Everyone and everything inside
the barrier is now trapped Under The Glass.
4 Exposure to mutagenic pollution turns a group of normal sized insects into giant sized
insects (or ticks or spiders or centipedes).
5 An experimental planetary space probe in the form of Remarkable armor tank like
vehicle gets loose, goes rogue or otherwise ends up wandering the swamp.
6 A time-slip in the Nexus of All Realities brings a small group of characters from the
1800s to the present day. They could be cowboys, Seminole, conquistadors, pirates,
settlers or whatever the Judge decides.
7 Astronauts returning from a low Earth orbit (LEO) mission crash land in the swamp and
it’s a national emergency to find them and rescue them. The swamp will be swarming
with hundreds of agents, heroes, villains and locals.
8 An alien device is accidentally reactivated and now, whether anyone knows it or not, a
countdown to doomsday has begun!
9 A laboratory sets up shop in the Man-Thing Swamp to create an artificial Man-Thing!
10 A person from Tomorrow appears in the swamp, spat out by the Nexus of All Realities.
Their knowledge of what is about to happen is crucial – if only anyone will believe

Aliens: 2d10
2 A spaceknight.
3 Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: an alien that seems friendly but is actually diabolically evil
and hell bent on serving its own interests.
4 A robot. 25% likelihood that it is humanoid ie an android. Or Skrulloid, Kreeoid etc. Its
“disguise” as a living being if an android will be of random intensity, reflecting how
much like a living being it resembles and how easy it is to tell that it’s a machine.
5 A powerfully built apparently human person wearing Distinguished Competition type
costume clothes – in other words tights, cape, possibly a cowl, thigh boots and some sort
of utility belt or girdle. Very out of place. And also – an alien.
6 Totally inhuman non-human-shaped “monster” fearsome to the human eye. This
appearance has no relevance whatsoever to the actual nature of the alien person.
7 Dire Wraith.
8 Guardians of the Galaxy.
9 A completely different team of Guardians of the Galaxy from another numbered Earth.

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And none too pleased at being diverted from their current mission.
10 Elf With A Gun pretending to be an alien. It will stay hidden from any characters with
powers and wait for powerless normal people to kill.
11 Alien bounty hunter.
12 Alien safari hunter.
13 Alien cop chasing an alien criminal who also crashed nearby. Or just maybe the alien
crook has been in the area for months, laying low or in a human disguise.
14 Hostile alien with Invisibility of Excellent intensity.
15 Symbiote. Yes, one of THOSE Symbiotes. Good thing too, I was worried we were going
to run out of them.
16 Incredibly tiny alien, which makes their crashed ship equally teeny tiny.
17 Incredibly large alien, which makes their crashed ship equally enormous.
18 Pip the Troll.
19 Random never before seen alien of the Judge’s choice. An opportunity to introduce a
new player character, helpful Contact or source of super powers.
20 Roll twice and combine the results as best you can into a single glorious mess.

It’s a big cosmos, and thanks to the Nexus only one of an infinite number that neighbor
Citrusville. A Judge has the opportunity to develop any number of science fiction worlds, aliens,
items and weapons. Enclosed within the swamp whatever happens is soon forgotten by the world
outside and the story may not even emerge from the swamp. Just another tall tale around a
campfire, updated for the modern audience.

The swamp is also a perfect sandbox. If a particular

science fiction adventure seems to be disliked, or
its powers and knock-on effects are undersirable,
back into the mists of the Nexus it goes, and the
swamp swallows any remaining odds and ends.
Man-Thing is the ultimate garbage disposal too,
anything too big, unwanted or inappropriate can be
broken up or smashed by Man-Thing, tidying up
his swamp like a living garbage disposal.

Don’t be afraid to experiment, Steve Gerber never


53 | Citrusville Sourcebook
Red-Blooded Stories: 1d10
1 A monster alligator stalks the characters, permitting no escape.
2 A homicidal villain or criminal takes aim at the characters, hunting them like big game.
Kraven the Hunter is the obvious go-to guy but it could be anyone else who hunts
intelligent prey for sport.
3 A group of the worst escaped convicts in the state take hostages then take refuge in the
swamp. There will most likely be casualties with this one.
4 AIM has its main headquarters in the swamp discovered and local law enforcement go in
to sweep it clear and bring them in dead or alive. This could be wild west shootout style
or it could be a case of law enforcement being totally outmatched unless the heroes help.
Once begun, it will be a case of kill or be killed for AIM because their current
experiments permit no interference.
5 A blood feud breaks out between two swampie families. Next thing we know cars are
exploding in downtown Citrusville and the rivers are no longer safe to navigate due to
6 Cartel members turn up in the swamp hunting for a fugitive informer. Guns will blaze
without warning and then they will flee the country.
7 The Punisher arrives, hunting a specific list of targets. Sheriff John Landry is very much
not a fan of the Punisher, or the targets he is trying to kill.
8 The Wrecking Crew turn up to try and rob the county payroll and heist the bank codes to
a huge number of Miami-Dade high net worth individuals. They got a tipoff that the
codes are in the briefcase of an auditor currently visiting the county payroll office at the
Citrusville Sheriff’s Department building.
9 A psychiatric patient breaks out of Citrusville General Hospital and leaves a trail of dead
bodies as they try and escape into the swamp.
10 In the midst of an enormous storm a group of villains try and kidnap Carolyn Schist to
hold her for ransom.

Red-blooded stories used to be code for topless sexual content, adults only, and “mature
audience suggested” stories where things the Comics Code forbade could be portrayed more
directly. A more recent example of the approach would be the Marvel MAX comics. It’s a
question of personal taste. The Karma mechanic in the rules system means that it’s not going to
be possible or desirable for player characters to blaze away with guns against criminals or
supervillains, but they can be present whilst law enforcement or SHIELD do so.

And in an ongoing campaign law enforcement characters will have to deal with the Karma loss
that follows even a “good” shooting incident, ie one where only bad guys got killed. The player
characters can help their friends and allies get through it just as friends and family do in real life.

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The Nexus of All Realities exists in the Florida Everglades.

While the gateway in the Everglades is generally referred to as 'The Nexus of All Realities', other
possible Nexus points have been suggested in later Marvel Comics including the M'Kraan
Crystal, and an unspecified point in deep space. Another Nexus is supposedly located on an
unpopulated red-brown planed called Makray, into the Milky Way. This would totally contradict
the original idea of the Nexus. There is only one Nexus and it is 13 miles from a city in
southwestern Florida called Citrusville. Any other “Nexus” type locations are in fact simply
stable dimensional doorways from the Nexus of All Realities to that location. Of course, walking
through from the remote location temporarily puts a character into the Nexus.

Franklin Richards, the most important character in the entire Marvel Universe, is the only know
living Nexus dimensional doorway. His psionic power, sometimes existing, sometimes not,
actually reflects his real power to warp time and space. Franklin Richards is, if the Judge so
decides, the entire cause of Marvel Time. He never wants to grow up and so Timely Time began.

The Nexus of All Realities located in the Everglades has been consistently protected for years by
the Man-Thing, who is currently its sole guardian. Many different creatures, aliens, and humans
have been sucked into different nexuses (the most well-known example being that of Howard the
Duck), and placed into the Everglades, with
many of them having to deal with Man-Thing.
Man-Thing can also use the gateway as a
sense of teleportation to travel through
different alternate realities. Due to centuries or
even millenia of use, there are some well
worn, more stable or more easily accessed
“pathways” or transitions between worlds by
way of the Nexus. Thog’s hell dimension of
Sominus is adjacent to Citrusville. The
heavenly peaceful realm of Therea is
comparatively “further away”. Korrek’s sword
and sorcery pocket dimension of Katharta is
equally distant, and the Tunnelworld once
visited by Doctor Strange and then the
Defenders is even further away.

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Every possible world exists and is accessible
through the Nexus, including all published
comic books, books, movies, television
shows, cartoons, unaired pilots, unfinalized
scripts, absurd nightmares and dreams,
unfunny parodies, comedy sketches,
theoretically possible worlds, completely
impossible and illogical worlds and all the
futures and pasts of all the previously
mentioned worlds and parallel Earths. There
is an elegant order to the Nexus, in that it is
almost unheard of for travelers through the
Nexus to overlap with themselves or with other versions of themselves. Also, travelling to or
from for example a possible future of Marvel Earth such as the 2099verse or a sword and sorcery
dimension such as Therea takes no more than minutes and usually seconds. The Nexus can be
thought of as a short hallway with many doors leading off it but only the relevant doors required
for current travel being prominent.

Once, when the villain known as Black Tom Cassidy invaded the Xavier Institute of Higher
Learning, Howard the Duck sought to save the children residing at the school, as well as a
displaced Rigellian named Tana Nile by having them teleport through the Nexus. As luck would
have it, the Man-Thing was nearby and the kids dived into the creature's mucky physique and
somehow entered the Nexus. This implies that either Franklin Richards’ power was responsible
for their transition or that the Man-Thing had a previously undocumented ability to tap into the
Nexus. Or perhaps that the Man-Thing himself is a living Nexus location.

The Man-Thing, Tana, Howard and the children Franklin Richards, Artie Maddox and Leech
became colloquially known as the Daydreamers. The first world they visited during their jaunt
through the Nexus was a bizarre, fantasy world called Nevernever-Narnozbia. The journey had a
strange effect on the Man-Thing and he found himself gifted with the ability to speak for the first
time ever.

The structural walls of the Nexus found themselves thrown into a state of instability following
the return of two of Earth's greatest superhero teams, the Avengers and the Fantastic Four, after
having been supplanted into an alternate reality for many months. Sorcerer Supreme Doctor
Strange sensed this weakening of the Nexus walls and feared that it might signal the coming of
the "End of All Things". In fact, this is an impossibility. The Nexus of All Realities is the most
real place or object in the omniverse and is outside the conventional boundaries of existence,
supreme in power to any conceptual entity or cosmic being. The instability that Strange sensed
was in fact the weakening of the plausibility and internal chronological consistency of his home
universe under the influence of destabilizing retroactive continuity.

Using the Nexus to travel to a specific reality or location on Earth requires the following FEAT
check to be passed:

Nexus Travel
57 | Citrusville Sourcebook
Destination FEAT required
5th Avenue New York City Yellow Psyche
A universe that would be considered fictional Red Psyche
in the character’s home reality
Any uncharted Island in the Bermuda Yellow Pyche
Atlanta, Georgia Red Psyche
Citrusville in 1974 if the campaign takes Red Psyche
place in Now or Timely time
Crossover Earth Red Intuition
Dakimh’s adopted home dimension at the Red Psyche
doorway of his sky castle
Dream or nightmare dimension Yellow Intuition
Duckworld (Howard the Duck’s home Yellow Intuition to find the stable
dimension) dimensional doorway that leads to it
Katharta Red Psyche FEAT
Main reality of another comic book Psyche Feat
company’s main characters
Miami City Yellow Intuition to find the dimensional
doorway that leads to it
Mount Everest near the summit Red Intuition to find the dimensional doorway
that leads to it
New destination, have personally met and Red Psyche
spoken with someone from there
New destination, no knowledge of it other Red Psyche with -3CS penalty
than its true name
New destination, read about in books (or Red Psyche with -1CS penalty
internet) and pictures or illustrations of it seen
New destination, read about in books (or Red Psyche with -2CS penalty
internet) but with no picture of it
Open ocean in the Bermuda Triangle miles Green Psyche
from land
Outer space beyond the orbit of the Moon Red Endurance
Parallel Earth that has no direct connection to Yellow Psyche
the character’s home reality including pasts
and futures with no continuity shared with the
character’s home reality
Port Everglades Yellow Intuition to find the dimensional
doorway that leads to it
Sominus Psyche FEAT (easy to get to, hard to leave)
Steve Gerber’s wrecked apartment in Hell’s Red Intuition
Kitchen New York in 1974
The age of Atlantis and Lemuria Red Psyche and on arrival if successful local
cosmic level beings will immediately take
keen interest in character
58 | Citrusville Sourcebook
Therea Red Psyche FEAT with -1CS penalty
TIME TRAVEL: More than 123 years in the Red Psyche and Yellow Endurance if Psyche
past of the reality that you are currently check successful
TIME TRAVEL: More than 123 years into a Yellow Psyche and Red Endurance if Psyche
possible future of the reality that you are check successful
currently within
TIME TRAVEL: Up to 123 years in the past Yellow Psyche and Yellow Endurance if
of the reality that you are currently within Psyche check successful
TIME TRAVEL: Up to 123 years into a Yellow Psyche and Yellow Endurance if
possible future of the reality that you are Psyche check successful
currently within

The area of Man-Thing’s Swamp that is marked on maps as the “Nexus” is actually a physical
area of the Earth that bleeds into the true Nexus and which is soaked in eldritch energy from the
Nexus. In this region, normal rules of time and space melt like wax. It is this eldritch energy that
combined with super science created the Man-Thing as well as other muck monsters and
mutations in the area. This same eldritch energy also warps probability, making unlikely things
likely, impossible things possible and generally making the work of Destiny much easier.

Adjacent Dimensions
The adjacent dimensions are a group of parallel worlds, pocket dimensions and hell dimensions
that are “closest” to Citrusville and see the most traffic to and from their home realms.

Adjacent Dimension Nature / Description

Dark Road The Dark Road resembles a rainy dark night
on normal Earth with a long dark highway
59 | Citrusville Sourcebook
cutting across it, thick forest on each side
forming a wall. Travellers who drive into the
swamp can hit this Dark Road unintentionally
and end up miles, or even hundreds of miles,
from their intended destination, in the early
1970s Marvel horror and black and white
magazines version of Marvel Earth.
Elfworld The home dimension of the Elf With A Gun.
Its appearance to visitors from outside is
entirely subjective since it is a 5-Dimensional
spacetime construct.
Katharta A pocket dimension roughly the size of New
York state. It is a sword and sorcery world
with monsters, heroes, villains and the usual
fare for such realms: taverns, small cities,
individualistic villages, wizard towers,
temples, lost islands and so on. Its geography
vaguely mirrors that of New York state, with
the town of Moreau, NY equating to the city-
state of Uaerom in Kathrta. Korrek is “prince”
of this realm, the equivalent of its Captain
Sominus Hell dimension. Its true form is a smoking
fiery cavern the size of Manhattan Island,
beyond which is impenetrable darkness and
on the periphery between the cavern and the
outer dark a series of smaller floating islands
covered in monstrous vegetation and overrun
with hellish version of dangerous animals as
well goblin-like weaker demons. Lost souls
who Thog has claimed also make their
miserable homes in shacks and crude
dwellings in Sominus. There is a factory for
manufacturing armaments, entirely
constructed from earthly materials stolen by
the Cult of Thog. Thog’s throne is in the
geographical center of his realm, a gaudy and
ornate affair.
The Crossroads A Ditko-esque chaotic space with a floating
crossroads of magical pathways. Central to
this crossroads is a massive tree whose
branches all end in hands extending a pointing
finger in all directions.
Therea A heavenly idyllic realm resembling a
medieval fantasy countryside area, roughly
the size of Manhattan Island. Pride of place in
60 | Citrusville Sourcebook
its central valley is a humble cottage. Outside
this cottage sit the CL3000 cosmic beings
who are the benevolent Gods of Therea… A
pair of docile and domesticated dogs.

People, creatures and energy releases occasionally come out of the Nexus of All Realities from
one of the adjacent dimensions and cause mischief or worse in Citrusville. The Sheriff and his
Deputies cover up all such events as best they can.

The Nexus of All Realities is a transportation as well as a literary device. It allows a Judge to
introduce literally any kind of adventure, character, item, weapon or adaptation of a work from
another source that is desired. There are also the standards for the Nexus:

Nexus Adventures: 2d10

2 Jennifer Kale needs help to fight a magical threat
3 Korrek is looking for an adventuring party to help him battle a powerful foe back in
Katharta, one that may in the end threaten Earth as well!
4 A talking funny animal character gets spat out of the Nexus into Man-Thing’s
Swamp. What, you thought Howard was anything special?
5 The Molecule Man’s Wand finally turns up. Someone picks it up and promptly gets
the facial lightning bolt scars and the CL1000 molecular control and rearrangement
powers, as well as a vague overlay of the old school villainous Molecule Man’s
ranting and raving persona
6 Dakimh (ghostly or solid) calls for heroes to go on a quest in a sword and sorcery
7 Elf With A Gun visits Citrusville
8 A school expedition to the swamp disappears without a trace and they won’t be found
without the heroes’ help
9 A misguided group of cryptozoologists visit the Nexus looking to prove once and for
all the existence of Citrusville’s “muck monster”, the legendary southwestern Florida
Skunk Ape!
10 An evil wizard escapes death in his own world and walks into Citrusville to take up a
disguise and hide from the inevitable pursuit by heroes of his own dimension
11 A hero from the Distinguished Competition or another perhaps image-obsessed comic
book company appears in the swamp? Are they mistaken for a villain? Followed by a
villain from their own world? Or is a villain from their own world already here?
12 Capitalists from another dimension try and start up an interdimensional trading
enterprise that is intended to scam all the parallel Earths involved
13 Richard Rory encounters an amnesiac near the swamp. He enlists the help of the
heroes in finding out who the person really is
14 AIM try and reawaken a Cosmic Cube that is seemingly “dead” by bringing it into
contact with the energies of the Nexus. What could possibly go wrong with such a
sensible plan?
15 Wundarr the Aquarian wanders the area, unintentionally causing chaos.
16 Nexus energy creates a new supervillain. This may well be another muck monster or

61 | Citrusville Sourcebook
dangerous psychopath, or it may be instead someone who sees themselves as good
and heroic but whose attitude and/or use of their new power is villainous or
dangerously irresponsible. Can they be redeemed? We should hope so, or else all of
us are lost.
17 Nexus energy creates a new superhero
18 Schist Construction set up a new construction site within the Nexus zone and this
time hit something with their drilling. The whole area is blanketed with a bizarre
effect such as inhibition removal, power swapping, amnesia, serious mystery illness
or anything else the Judge decides
19 A strange crystal is found by a foraging character. The crystal has an Unearthly rank
power to influence emotions which it seemingly uses in a conscious, and sinister, way
20 Thog sends out his Cult to collect sacrificial victims as part of his latest scheme to
complete the Nightmare Box pyramid

These are as always just examples. The Judge should use them or not as is required or desired.
But wherever possible tie the Nexus adventures as closely as possible to existing Citrusville
characters and the player characters first, before doing any Two-in-One or Team-Up type
activity. Let the players establish their consciousness of Citrusville and the Nexus before
distracting them with Spider-Man, Doctor Strange or The Thing.

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Citrusville is its own little world, and player characters who are not locals need some
introduction to explain their presence. Possible introductions include:

 Banished: sent to Citrusville magically from wherever the character normally lives and
operates, with a curse in effect that prevents them from leaving Citrusville’s general area
again for longer than a few hours;
 Contacted by Jennifer Kale herself to help solve a local mystery or fight Thog or
 Contacted mystically by Dakimh the Enchanter to assist his student Jennifer Kale;
 Contractor: the character is initially hired as muscle by the Schist Family or Schist
 Destiny: Destiny inveigles the character to follow her to Citrusville, and keeps the
character just intrigued to stay there;
 Local: the character is Florida (or specifically Cypress County or even Citrusville) born
and bred;
 Murder Mystery: a local person has been murdered and it is the character’s assigned job
or self-appointed quest or obsession to solve the murder;
 Punishment Assignment: sent to run a puny field office for their employer as a direct and
intentional punishment for some work-related transgression (real or imagined);
 Reservation: the character is the local hero of a Seminole or other Native American
territory in the area and becomes entangled in the action in Citrusville;
 Sent there by the Avengers as part of their latest ill advised, unwanted and badly run
training program;
 Sent there by their agency, department, office, boss or deity, specifically to keep an eye
on the Nexus of All Realities, the Man-Thing or the volatile locals;
 Sheer random chance: the character’s travels take them to the location;
 Spat out of the Nexus of All Realities into the swamp;
 Thog Related Mishap (TRM): the character was caught up in some Thog related
nonsense where they normally live and followed the trail to Citrusville.

When a character needs to disappear from play temporarily or permanently they can leave by
bus, train, airplane, accidentally tripping and falling into a bottomless hole caused by the Nexus,
long-term hospitalization at Citrusville General Hospital or jail (justified or not).

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Section One: From the historical record (published in Marvel Comics)

This section contains writeups of “canonical” ie published in Marvel comic books characters
only. This allows a Judge to maintain a “pure” character roster if desired.

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Andrea Rodgers

Fighting 20 Excellent
Agility 20 Excellent
Strength 4 Poor
Endurance 6 Typical
Reason 6 Typical
Intuition 30 Remarkable
Psyche 20 Excellent

Health: 44
Karma: 56
Resources: Amazing (only used to set up his ambushes)
Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Multiple Alter Egos: Andrea has Dissociative Personality Disorder.
This manifests physically as she shifts between personalities in
times of stress. She physically changes to reflect the different
statistics of her Alter Ego personalities.

Andrea’s Health (but not her Karma) shifts to match that of

whatever persona is in control, healing all damage suffered in the
process. The damage remains attached to whichever persona she manifests including her own
“real” one. Each persona can manifest in a ghostly Ethereal form like a wraith to argue with
Andrea or take her over completely to be a different physical being. Andrea must make a Yellow
FEAT check on Psyche to force a persona to disappear, either to let a different one come forth or
to regain control over her own body and mind. Doing this mental struggle lowers the real
Andrea’s Psyche by one rank each time she succeeds. When her Psyche is reduced to zero all of
the personas manifest physically at once separately from her physical body as individual physical
beings. Until each is defeated Andrea will not regain Psyche and the personas will be free willed
distinct physical people, albeit psychotic one-sided people.

Personalit Fighting Agility Strength Endurance Reason Intuition Psyche

Circe 6 Typical 10 Good 4 Poor 10 Good 4 Poor 10 Good 10 Good
Miranda 4 Poor 6 Typical 2 Feeble 4 Poor 30 4 Poor 4 Poor
Patti 2 Feeble 4 Poor 4 Poor 4 Poor 6 Typical 20 20
Excellent Excellent
She-Demon 30 10 Good 20 20 Excellent 2 Feeble 2 Feeble 10 Good
Remarkabl Excellent
Snake 20 10 Good 10 Good 30 4 Poor 2 Feeble 20
Excellent Remarkable Excellent


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Man-Thing, the corpse of Mickey Hooper

Repressed by her mother and molested by her father, by the time she was fifteen years old
Andrea Rodgers had distinct but untriggered unmanifested alter ego personas. When she saw the
long dead corpse of Mickey Hooper touched by the Man-Thing, empathic shock triggered the
first manifestation of her Ethereal alter ego personas.

Eventually Andrea reached zero Psyche, all her personas erupted and she was left comatose after
all the personas that manifested were physically and mentally defeated. She was then
hospitalized at Citrusville General Hospital, where she may well remain a psychiatric inpatient
under involuntary admission to this very day. Andrea if not cured will most likely develop more
personas, with different statistics and possibly even distinct useable Talents.

A recent pair of films have explored the possibility of a superhuman multiple personality person,
albeit a man not a young woman. It goes to show again just how far ahead of his time Steve
Gerber really was.

Below, left to right: Snake (masculine, tough, violent), Patti (the inner child), Miranda (superego
sweet reason), Circe (sensualist, sexuality) and the She-Demon (fury, violence, hate)

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Beverly Switzler

Fighting 10 Good
Agility 10 Good
Strength 10 Good
Endurance 20 Excellent
Reason 6 Typical
Intuition 10 Good
Psyche 10 Good

Health: 50
Karma: 26
Resources: Feeble
Pop: 0

Known Powers:
After exposure to a pink mutagenic
substance Beverly has Levitation, Feeble;
Beverly Switzler has Remarkable physical

+Various bizarre cosplay and superhero
costumes she has worn at various times
+Key to Howard the Duck’s apartment in Cleveland, Ohio

Ninja, Life Model, Cosplay Girl, Bodyguard, Veterinarian
(in training), Harem Girl, Hospitality Girl, Cult Member,
Actress, Burlesque Show Co-Director, Lifeguard and
Promoter. These Talents stack where possible.

KISS, Howard the Duck, Leonard the Fowl, Beverly
Switzler, Savage Dragon

Beverly Switzler is Howard the Duck’s longterm girlfriend.
Sometimes they are on a break but overall she will turn up
in Howard’s life again and again. A clone of her with black
hair is also the longterm girlfriend of Leonard the Fowl.

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Captain Fate
Jebediah Fate

Fighting 30 Remarkable
Agility 11 Good
Strength 20 Excellent
Endurance 30 Remarkable
Reason 6 Typical
Intuition 10 Good
Psyche 86 Monstrous

Health: 91
Karma: 102
Resources: Typical
Pop: -10

Known Powers:
Cursed: Captain Fate and his crew are all cursed with a bizarre form of immortality that enhances
their abilities and grants the following:
-Immortality: Captain Fate doesn't age.
-Life Support: Harald and his crew have survived for centuries without food or water.
-Iron Will: Unearthly ability to resist damage, he doesn't lose health, but does take visual damage
from attacks. If he is struck, his skin rips etc. and he becomes ghastly in appearance. His
appearance restores itself within twelve hours.

+Sword: Cursed Pirate Cutlass Remarkable material, Excellent Edge damage, +1CS for any
parry or similar defensive use
+Pirate Ship “The Serpent’s Crown”: Unearthly enchanted material, this eighteenth century
pirate ship bears the same curse as Captain Fate and his men. The ship is capable of holding
Captain Fate and up to 80 pirates. It can also interphase, allowing mortals to travel on it and
interact with its crew “physically”.
After the curse was placed on all of them this ghostly pirate ship was capable of the following
-Flight: Ex airspeed
-Phasing: Amazing ability to ignore physical attacks on the ship or its crew while they are on

Captain Fate can’t leave the deck of his pirate ship for longer than an hour before he must return
or begin taking Remarkable energy damage. If he is reduced to zero Health or refuses to return
he is consumed with decay and crumbles to dust. Then he reappears, whole, back on the deck of
his ship. If the curse on him his crew and his ship is ever lifted or broken, he, his crew and their
ship will turn to fog and melt away.

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Edged Weapons, Thrown Weapons, Sailing, Leadership , Occult Lore, Weapon Specialist:
flintlock pistol, Weapon Specialist: cursed cutlass

Contacts: Thog the Nether-Spawn

Jebediah Fate betrayed his pirate queen captain Maura Hawke and stole the “Serpent’s Crown”
from her. He went on a blood-soaked pirate rampage, sinking British ships until he found an
uncharted island in the Bermuda Triangle inhabited by a satyr. After more acts of betrayal he and
his crew were cursed to be revenants, floating across the sky rather than the sea for all eternity.

Captain Fate now sails the spacewinds for eternity, with a hold full of cursed treasure he can
never spend, doomed to encounter the reincarnated form of his betrated pirate captain and re-
enact her betrayal again.

Citrusville’s local version of the Gasparilla Festival involves a yearly Hallowe’en festival
centered on Captain Fate and his flying pirate ship. It’s all very picturesque and fun, until the real
Captain Fate shows up, as he does every few years.

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The current incarnation of his pirate queen is Maura

Maura Spinner
Reincarnated pirate queen
Fighting 10 Good
Agility 10 Good
Strength 20 Excellent
Endurance 6 Typical
Reason 6 Typical
Intuition 10 Good
Psyche 6 Typical

Health: 46
Karma: 22
Resources: Typical
Pop: 0

Known Powers:

+Oceanography and Swamp exploration equipment +2CS to appropriate skill rolls

Oceanography, Swimming, Climbing, Edged Weapons

Contacts: Man-Thing

Maura Spinner is caught between Captain Fate and her would-be lover the satyr Khordes who
travels from his home in the Bermuda Triangle via the Nexus of All Realities to try and find her
in the world of mortals. It was Khordes who originally cursed Captain Fate when he
bloodthirstily betrayed his promise to give his pirate queen captain to Khordes centuries ago.
Now, trapped by destiny, Khordes seeks the three-times-over reincarnated love of his life even as
Captain Fate chases her too to use as a bargaining chip with the satyr magician Khordes.

Khordes wishes to take her away, willingly if possible, to his magical island to live as his queen
in an immortal life. Captain Fate intends to slice her into pieces until Khordes harmlessly lifts his
curse and lets Fate and his men live out immortal lives away from their ship.

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Immortal but aged satyr of the Bermuda
Triangle (ancient lost Atlantis)

Fighting 6 Typical
Agility 10 Good
Strength 10 Good
Endurance 6 Typical
Reason 30 Remarkable
Intuition 75 Monstrous
Psyche 88 Monstrous

Health: 32
Karma: 193
Resources: Excellent
Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Satyr: Khordes’ lower body is like that of a goat and he has horns on his head. It gives him the
following abilities:
-Headbutt: Excellent blunt damage
-Hooves: Kick for Excellent blunt damage
-Excellent Leaping
Magic: Master Sorcerer of Olympian Magic with the following spells always available:
-Magic Detection: Amazing
-Healing: Excellent
-Eldritch Bolts: Excellent
-Eldritch Shield: Remarkable
-Matter Control: Air, Earth, Water: Remarkable. When used in conjunction with an invocation to
the Titans or to Zeus, can be combined to create the curse used on Captain Fate with Unearthly
-Teleportation: Mn
-Dimensional Aperture through use of the Nexus of All Realities: Monstrous

+His own personal tiny island in the Bermuda Triangle capable of harmlessly rising and sinking
from and to the sea floor with no ill effects on its terrain, plants or animals.

Occult Lore, Curses

The Olympian Gods.

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Carolyn Schist

Team Affiliation: Schist Family

F: 2 Feeble
A: 10 Good
S: 4 Poor
E: 6 Typical
R: 20 Excellent
I: 10 Good
P: 6 Typical
Health: 22
Karma: 36
Resources: Excellent
Popularity: 0


Project Management, Socialite

The latest sports car, a lot of jewellery and up-to-the-second clothes and
+Schist Trust identity card which functions as a keycard to enter all Schist Family buildings,
rooms, facilities and cells no matter their secret classification. This is a VIOLET colored Schist
Trust card.

Contacts: Eric Schist, F.A. Schist (father), Vivian Schist (mother), Jake Schist (cousin), the rest
of the Schist Family, Man-Thing.

Carolyn Schist is the young attractive brunette daughter of Franklin and Vivian Schist, scions of
the old wealthy Schist family who control, and own large parts of, Citrusville. Carolyn is dating
Doctor Dane Gavin. Together with Doctor Gavin Carolyn freed Man-Thing from his New York
glass prison within a museum of Natural History and returned him to his swamp.

This followed Doctor Gavin’s initial capture and exhibition of the Man-Thing on the orders of
Carolyn’s mother, Schist Family matriarch Vivian Schist. Carolyn has a somewhat weak and
easily swayed character but she is loving and loyal towards her immediate family.

Dakimh the Enchanter

Fighting: 4 Poor
73 | Citrusville Sourcebook
Agility: 6 Typical
Strength: 4 Poor
Endurance: 6 Typical
Reason: 30 Remarkable
Intuition: 75 Monstrous
Psyche: 100 Unearthly

Health: 20
Karma: 211

Resources: On Earth: Poor; in his home dimension The Land Between Night And Day inside his
floating Sky Castle: Unearthly
Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Dakimh is the last known Atlantean sorcerer from the eon ago time of high magic on the Earth.
As such he can produce as magic spells by uttering Atantean syllables of magic language the
effect of any super power he chooses. Producing them at Feeble effect requires no roll;
producing them at Typical effect requires a successful Psyche FEAT; producing them at Good
effect requires a Yellow Psyche FEAT and producing them at Excellent effect level requires a
Red Psyche FEAT. He can also prepare specific spells he thinks he might need. If he does so
then at time of use he can produce any power as a magic spell effect at Monstrous intensity with
a successful Psyche FEAT. Spell preparation requires three days intensive study and meditation
undertaking no other activity.

Dakimh also possesses a magical crystal giving him Typical Precognition related only to his own
destiny and the likely outcome of events for any group of six or fewer characters he selects. This
crystal is useable once per week per character selected including himself.

+Precognition crystal
+Wizard robes, Feeble protection against weather effects, heat, cold and physical damage
+Scrolls from ancient Atlantis allowing him the use of his spells at higher than Typical intensity.
Should these scrolls be destroyed no magic effect Dakimh creates can be higher than Typical
+Sky Castle: an enormous and beautiful castle sitting on top of a small sky island wreathed in
clouds, high in the atmosphere above an Earth-type planet in another universe known as The
Land Between Night And Day.
+Gift of Life from Zhered-Na: Dakimh is not truly immortal but he ages extremely slowly. He
ages the equivalent of a human year for each full 10,000 years that pass for him. His current
apparent age would place him in human terms in his late middle age.

Weak Heart: Dakimh’s cardiovascular system is in a poor and irreparable state of health.
Whenever he succeeds on a Yellow FEAT he must pass an Endurance check or suffer a fatal
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heart attack and die. Whenever he succeeds on a Red FEAT he automatically suffers a
potentially fatal heart attack, collapses, and must receive expert medical attention immediately or
he will die.

Talents :
Bartending, Stage Magic, Leadership, Teaching

Jennifer Kale (student), Howard the Duck, Korrek, Stanko Liver, Steve Gerber, Everett Rebreg,
Man-Thing, The Thing, Spider-Man.

“Dakimh, a wise but eccentric wizard, lived in pre-cataclysmic Atlantis, and was the pupil of the
sorceress Zhered-Na. Zhered-Na was banished from Atlantis by King Kamuu for prophesying
that the continent would sink below the ocean. She started her own cult, and took her favored
disciple Dakimh and greatly extended his life span so that he aged at an extremely slow rate.
While Zhered-Na perished, Dakimh survived the Cataclysm that sunk Atlantis and escaped,
continuing to live for centuries and maintaining the teachings of his mentor as her only surviving
disciple. In recent years, Dakimh encountered Jennifer Kale and the Man-Thing, becoming
Jennifer's mentor. He assisted Kale, Man-Thing, Korrek, and Howard the Duck against the
demon Thog. While in mystical combat in Citrusville, Dakimh suffered a fatal heart attack, and
willed his remaining mystical energies to Jennifer Kale. Though dead, he still retains the ability
to manifest his astral spirit form for limited periods of time on Earth in the material dimensions.

It was later revealed that Dakimh recounted his tales of the Man-Thing to writer Steve Gerber
implying that Dakimh had never died, and that in this respect the historical record was

Dakimh is a tricky one, in every

sense. As a prototype Obi-Wan
Kenobi, with more than a passing
resemblance to Merlin, what are
we to make of this character? On
the one hand he is a more or less
conventional extremely powerful
wizard. On the other, he has done
everything from manipulate
events to fake his own death. And
he occupies the same position for
Steve Gerber when he wrote
about Citrusville and Man-Thing
as Conan the Barbarian did for
Robert E. Howard. That is to say, a figure, considered fictional in this reality, rising almost like a
shade and dictating stories to the author. It’s more than an authorial conceit or a writer’s device.

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It happens to anyone who plunges deep enough into a secondary world about which they are

If the Judge is careless, and Dakimh is alive and available to call upon, at his level of power he
can and will stop any threat cold. In game terms therefore Dakimh needs to be safely dead (or
faking his death and presumed dead), unavailable due to being off in another dimension fighting
some unimaginable threat, temporarily trapped in another time (perhaps pretending to be Merlin
or the Comte Saint Germain?) or otherwise largely unavailable. A variation on this would be to
have him locked inside a huge “soul crystal” somewhere, kept prisoner by Thog or D’Spayre or
whoever the Judge has selected as the big bad. It could even be a mundane but sophisticated
technological prison and not necessarily one maintained by bad guys. SHIELD is not above that
sort of dirty work. The main driver of the adventures would then be to free Dakimh, presumably
so that once free he can clobber Thog or whatever the OTHER big bad is that the one keeping
Dakimh prisoner is enabling. Basically freeing Dakimh first, then turning to play out the
endgame against one or more heavy hitting enemies.

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Danielle Nicolle

Fighting: 4 Poor
Agility: 6 Typical
Strength: 4 Poor
Endurance: 6 Typical
*Reason: 10 Good / Feeble
*Intuition: 30 Remarkable / Poor
*Psyche: 75 Monstrous / Feeble

Health: 70
Karma: 18

Resources: Typical
Pop: -10 she is quite widely
considered to be completely nuts,
to use a technical medical term

Known Powers:

Empathy, Remarkable:
Danielle’s Empathy increases
each week the more she interacts
with people displaying high
emotion within three areas of her.
The normal rank is Remarkable
based on how many people with whom she interacts and the unavailability of Nightmare Boxes.

Mood Eyes: Danielle’s eyes change color with her emotional mood and with the emotions she
senses from those around her.

+Nightmare Box: Danielle voluntarily uses a Nightmare Box to drain excess emotion into.
However Thog makes sure she doesn’t always have one, as an act of cruelty.

Talents :
Journalist, Newspaper Editor, Art appreciation

Scavenger, Thog the Nether-Spawn

*If Danielle does not drain her emotions into a Nightmare Box at least once a week, she becomes
enraged and maddened as a terrible emotional pressure builds inside her mind. This lowers her
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Reason to Feeble, Intuition to Poor and Psyche to Feeble. Danielle is in fact an addictive
personality and she is emotionally addicted to the emotion draining depressive effect on her of
using a Nightmare Box.

Atlanta newspaper editor Danielle Nicolle is a mutant with limited and involuntary empathic
powers, causing her to absorb the emotional energy of those around her. Her powers manifest
themselves physically in that her eyes change color depending on her mood. Periodically, the
build-up of accumulated emotional energy would lead her into destructive rages, until the demon
Thog offered her another form of release by providing her with Nightmare Boxes, into which she
could "pour" her excess emotion by staring into the box.

In exchange for her supplying Thog with emotional energy, Danielle asked Thog to aid her
brother Robert, who had been born with superhuman regenerative powers but without a sense of
touch. Thog transformed Robert into the Scavenger, giving Robert additional powers including
the ability to temporarily experience physical sensation by draining a victim's life-force. The
victim's emotions would be transmitted to Danielle, who would in turn provide them to Thog via
the Nightmare Boxes.

Danielle is an unwilling but active member of the Cult of Thog. She receives regular visits from
his Servitor Demons in their human form and her apartment and newspaper offices serve as safe
houses for both human and demonic members of the Cult whenever necessary. In addition she
insures that no news of the Cult, their
activities or Thog himself makes it
into print except as silly season
disinformation stories to discredit
witnesses and make the general public
believe that Thog, his Cult and their
dark design are all just hoaxes made
up to sell newspapers and get clicks on
websites (depending on the era of

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Demon Possessed
A weird Scarlet Mist animates a tree, monster
skeletons and snakes before creating a clay
simulacra of a Medusa!

Demon Possessed Type

Entity: Tree Swarm of Skeleton
Fighting 30 Remarkable 10 Good 20 Excellent
Agility 10 Good 10 Good 6 Typical
Strength 30 Remarkable 4 Poor 10 Good
Endurance 30 Remarkable 4 Poor 10 Good
Reason 2 Feeble 2 Feeble 4 Poor
Intuition 4 Poor 4 Poor 4 Poor
Psyche 6 Typical 6 Typical 6 Typical
Health 100 28 46
Karma 12 12 14
Resources Feeble Feeble Feeble
Popularity 0 0 0
Powers Amazing Amazing Excellent
entanglement intensity damage from
in its stretching poison bites, rusty weapons,
wooden 1d10 snakes or Excellent
tentacles bite per damage from
round claws and bite
Talents n n n
Equipment None None Poor
rusting weapon

Contacts Thog Thog Thog

The Scarlet Mist fed off the emotional pain and negative energy emanating from Maybelle Tork
and used this energy to animate or create creatures to attack the target of Maybelle’s negative
energy, her husband Ezekiel and his dog Dawg. This will be the same effect whenever Thog’s
Scarlet Mist appears, using the negative energy humans direct at each other, unspoken,
unacknowledged, to first summon forth the Scarlet Mist and then create enemies to destroy the
target of the upset and anger.

The Scarlet Mist

F: 6 Typical A: 6 Typical S: 6 Typical E: 6 Typical R: 10 Good I: 6 Typical P: 6 Typical
Health: 24 Karma: 22 Resources: None Popularity: 0

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Ethereal: the Scarlet Mist is visible as a cloudy blood red
smoke forming a snarling face but is ghostly and
immune to all earthly attacks. It can only be driven off
or defeated by Psyche to Psyche combat.
Matter Animation at Remarkable intensity.
Telepathy, Monstrous, used to spy on the thoughts of
would-be victims on whom to feed and from whom to
obtain a target.

Talents: Psychology

Contacts: Thog the Nether-Spawn

The Scarlet Mist uses its Matter Animation power to put

a fragment of its own essence of evil together with an
imprint of the person whose negative energy has
summoned it into an immobile object, normal animal or
plant. The affected object, animal or plant gains mobility
if it cannot normally walk or slither, gains an Amazing
intensity natural attack or Excellent weapon based attack
and can exist, as an independent created entity from that
point onwards. However, these entities are almost
mindless, monstrous in appearance, and form a kind of
crawling or shambling evil that has no purpose other
than the annihilation of the target of the negative
emotions. This effect may well be wildly excessive in
terms of the human from whom the negative emotions
have come, but that is irrelevant to the Scarlet Mist. It
uses the hatred or upset as the pretext to select a
victim to destroy and then feeds further on the
emotional chaos it causes.

Driving off the Scarlet Mist requires a Yellow FEAT

check on Psyche. Destroying it requires two Red
FEAT checks on Psyche, one to disable it and the
second to shred its intangible form. All normal
Dimensional magic, astral based powers, psionics,
telepathy and other mental powers can affect a
Scarlet Mist as normal. No physical or energy blast
type attacks affect the Scarlet Mist in any way.

The mist monster can animate any kind of creature

or monster form it makes from clay or bases on existing plants or animals, those above are just
the ones from the historical record and serve as examples.
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Fighting 2 Feeble
Agility 6 Typical
Strength 4 Poor
Endurance 6 Typical
Reason 100 Unearthly
Intuition 5,000 CL5000
Psyche 3,000 CL3000

Health: 18
Karma: 8,100
Resources: Unearthly (but only used indirectly to manipulate events or move the action along)
Pop: 40 people CONSTANTLY take her name in vain, credit her (correctly?) with being
responsible for good and bad turns of luck and generally credit her with the role of Judge

Known Powers:
+Cosmic Entity: if Destiny’s physical form is “killed” she dissolves in a shower of spark. She
can reappear in a new physical mortal form immediately (the next round).
+Reality Manipulation: Retroactive Continuity:
Destiny can directly affect the physical world in a 5 area radius around herself at CL1000
intensity. If she does not maintain the effect, the area affected reverts back to its original form
and nature. Within the area affected, Destiny can rewrite the past, present and future of any
living being, with all accompanying changes across the Earth such as records, monuments,
archives and even buildings and vehicles. Other people outside the area of effect will have their
memories rewritten to accompany any changes she made but, and only if something triggers this,
anyone can make a Yellow or better Intuition FEAT to recall a different timeline and usually
only as a tickle in the mind or a vague sense of unease. If someone who realizes a retcon has
occurred can confront Destiny and convince her that the change did more harm than good she
will revert the timeline to a new version basically as close to the original version of reality as
possible. This power also allows the following Power Stunts:

-Same as it ever was: Destiny can restore a character to any previous version he or she once had,
whether it is a previous version of powers, turning Thog permanently into his Blood-Bat form or
changing someone’s age or medical condtion;
-Curse Removal: Destiny can remove the effects of any curse without killing or destroying the
person or item on whom the curse had been placed. This leaves uncursed characters alive (or
dead if they were already dead) and leaves nonliving items inert and powerless if the curse was
the source of their powers;
-Alter Ego removal or separation: Destiny can separate two or more alter egos within a character
into separate distinct people or creatures that from then on will live separately from each other.
She can also banish a monstrous or supernatural alter ego into Limbo, leaving its human or
mundane alter ego as the sole existing character;
-Chronic Hysteretic Bubble: in an area of up to 10 square miles, Destiny can spend 1,200 Karma
permanently and create a timeless zone where dating and the flow of events are only “relative to
present day”. In other words a particular event might have happened “20 years ago” and never
“in 1999”. No one within the zone will ever notice. This has the powerful side effect of slowing
81 | Citrusville Sourcebook
the ageing process for almost all mortals in the zone, and even restores the relative youth of those
entering the zone and becoming permanent residents in it. Destiny can also with a simply though
end the Chronic Hysteretic Bubble effect. Age will then catch up with all within the zone once
more. The same effect applies to the buildings and natural world within the zone.
-Restoration: with a Red FEAT check on Psyche, Destiny can use a “reset button” on the whole
world and restore it to how it was before the adventure’s chain of events left it wrecked. Some
powerful beings (any with Shift-Z or better Intuition) will know what she did and remember both
timelines, the original ruined one and the reset.

+Harmonica of Destiny: this is an ordinary red
colored tin harmonica. However when played
with any degree of skill, it allows the player to
use Destiny’s Reality Manipulation power at
Destiny’s own intensity, including power stunts.
The user, other than Destiny, must pass a Red
Reason FEAT check or their Reality
Manipulation will NEVER work correctly and
will unleash untold chaos and produce unwanted
side effects. This applies even if an evil character
is using the Harmonic to destroy the world. It will never work out as planned unless the Reason
check is passed. If Destiny herself uses the Harmonica it adds +5CS to any roll related to Reality

If the Harmonica is successfully used to save a life, the user of the Harmonica and the saved
character permanently and involuntarily share a Karma pool until one or the other character
permanently dies. Neither linked character has any say nor can they prevent any use of the
Karma pool by the other.

This item is invaluable for Judges who lose control of this challenging setting. It allows a total
reset (a much too frequent occurrence in recent Marvel books but at least it’s true to the source
material) or any adjustment less than that. Quite possibly continued use of this item is what has
created the Now and Timely versions of Citrusville (and elsewhere) in the first place.

Occult Lore, Disguise (as an ordinary mortal), History of the multiverse, Cosmic Laws

The Defenders (Doctor Strange version), The Thing, Thog, The Nameless One,


82 | Citrusville Sourcebook
Destiny is a cosmic entity, the living embodiment of destiny, Karma, “fate” and the unfolding of
interlinked events. She is quite prepared to “die” during one of her impersonations of a mortal
person, disappearing in a shower of sparkles, because her “death” is illusory and she simply
returns to her normal invisible but all-pervasive form. A close reading of the historical record
(the original Marvel comic books) shows that she is invoked by the narrator or character a LOT.
So she is closely watching events in Citrusville and may even have “manipulated” them all
along. Perhaps.

The perfect way to introduce Destiny is to place her in consistent human form as a girl or young
woman in crowd scenes. If the heroes go to have a coffee or gather at the site of some bizarre
incident Destiny will be in the crowd of onlookers or walking down the street. Her Harmonica of
Destiny is frequently out of her possession, thrown into the world of mortals or stolen (with her
silent permission usually) by some evil doer. Destiny lets the harmonica artefact do what it has to
do then eventually reclaims it, either by allowing it to be “destroyed” (at which point in time it
reappears magically in her possession) or by partially dropping her human disguise and claiming
it as her own.

Her physical forms are weak as compared to superhumans and monsters and she is perfectly
prepared to “commit to the role” and be “killed” without ever having revealed her true nature.
She will subsequently reappear as another similar mortal character and continue on with her
plans. This even allows her to be the central murder victim whose death triggers an entire series
of events. She could for example have been Laura Palmer in Tweak Peaks. Then she could have
reappeared as her own “cousin” to watch events unfold from within the drama.

Destiny seems quite pleasant and acts in a “heroic” manner, opposing evil doers and demons.
However close scrutiny shows that she
tries to take as little active role in events as
possible, going so far as to lie about her

83 | Citrusville Sourcebook
power and her power levels. She could easily manipulate events so as to create a super team
whilst pretending to be a weak and defenseless person desperately in need of help, or by
impersonating the relative of a missing person. If directly confronted when her true nature is
revealed she will be cold and unapologetic, unsympathetic even, to characters who try to pin
blame for deaths or disasters upon her.

“Everything that has happened is the result of free will and the choices it provides. Those choices
caused events to unfold as they did. I took no part in them.”

Hypocritical at best. Destiny can function as the hidden hand of the Judge, but better yet she is
the true alter ego of the Judge in many respects. When Gerber wrote about Destiny or (perhaps
unconsciously) had so many references to her he was at once acknowledging or “lampshading”
the improbability of the sequences of events in the stories but also suggesting that in the Marvel
Universe the improbability has a cause. This supernatural cosmic entity was actually directing
events, whilst immersed in the happenings. It is an amazing layer of complexity to add to your
game, especially if you have Foolkiller II making comments to the audience about Destiny, or
Deadpool directly challenging her to fix things.

Destiny can be there in the campaign every session, but use a light touch. Destiny won’t help the
characters directly. In fact in her first appearance in the historical record, she let herself be killed
by being struck by a train and enigmatically sent the Defenders off on a quest to protect the
Harmonica of Destiny.

This Shakespearean approach to setting up adventures is possible because Destiny is

indestructible in the normal course of play. Destiny stands above and apart from the continuity of
any one timeline or parallel world. She will let adventures roll along no matter what the outcome,
and will only reset the campaign if
the players fight to achieve that right
by meeting Destiny and using, or
getting Destiny to use, the
Harmonica of Destiny.

Doctor Dane Gavin

F: 6 Typical
A: 6 Typical
S: 6 Typical
E: 6 Typical
R: 10 Good
I: 6 Typical
P: 6 Typical
Health: 24
84 | Citrusville Sourcebook
Karma: 22
Resources: Good
Popularity: 0


PhD in Biology, Museum Curator

Contacts: Vivian Schist, Carolyn Schist, Man-Thing

F.A. Schist's wife Vivian hired Dr. Dane Gavin to capture or kill the Man-Thing; Gavin chose
the former, placing Man-Thing on display in the New York Museum of Natural History, where
visitors' fears sent the Man-Thing on a berserk rampage through the city until Dr. Gavin and
Schist's daughter, Carolyn, took him back to the swamp.

Dane Gavin still runs museum exhibits as well as making appearances on shows dealing with
cryptozoology and “monsters in America”.

Doctor Dane Gavin is seeing Carolyn Schist romantically. The two are seen around Citrusville
together quite frequently, most often when they are dining at La Belle Orange at their private

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Demon of Fear and Despair!

Fighting: 10 Good
Agility: 10 Good
Strength: 30 Remarkable
Endurance: 30 Remarkable
Reason 10 Good
Intuition 30 Remarkable
Psyche 50 Amazing

Health: 80
Karma: 90
Resources: At his tower, Amazing otherwise
Popularity: -20

Known Powers:
+Emotion Control: Fear: Monstrous ability to
cause overriding terror in a victim. He must
make a Fighting FEAT for him to strike with
this power. Once target is successfully struck,
the Monstrous intensity effect continues until
D’Spayre stops it or the victim makes a Red
FEAT check on their Psyche. Failure means they suffer crippling fear and despair for 10 times
1d10 (10-100) turns. Range is limited to one area.

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+Emotion Control: Self Doubt and Despair: Unearthly ability to
appear in the form of a person deeply trusted by the target and
work on them over a number of hours to create an entire
hallucinatory world, usually involving the illusion that the victim
is an inmate at Citrusville General Hospital psych ward and that
the victim’s super powers, heroic achievements and value system
are all tawdry lies covering up a pathetic and worthless life filled
with psychotic power fantasies and dangerous delusions. The
victim gets a single attempt to make a Red FEAT check on their
Psyche. Failure results in the victim fading from mortal existence
and materialising in Amazing Strength chains magically locked
tight around them, inside a dungeon within D’Spayre’s Tower.
D’Spayre must make a Yellow FEAT check on Psyche to begin
the tortuous process of entrapping a victim. This nearly worked
on Doctor Strange himself so it is a power of the most fearsome
and deadly kind.

+Gaseous Form: D'spayre can transform himself into a cloud of

oily black smoke. In this form, he possesses Feeble Flight (30
mph). He can change form in one round.

+Hallucination: Unearthly (100) ability to fill a victim’s mind

with illusions. He is most powerful when creating a single
hallucination for a single victim. Although others may
experience this hallucination, it will have limited effect on them
since it is not tailored to exploit their own fears. D'spayre can
create simultaneously occurring, independent hallucinations for a
number of victims, but each additional hallucination decreases
his effective power rank -1CS. Victims may dispel the illusion by
making an Intuition FEAT.

+Disguise: Illusion: Unearthly ability to make himself appear to

be anyone he chooses. Such illusions cannot deceive mechanical
sensors or recorders such as cameras. Victims may dispel the
illusion by making an Intuition FEAT.

+Immortality: As a demon, D'spayre is immune to the normal

effects of aging, disease, and injury. If his body is destroyed, he
eventually grows a new one, a process taking a number of weeks
equal to the total damage he suffered.

+Mental Probe: To better generate frightening hallucinations,

D'spayre has the Amazing ability to probe a victim's mind. He
has a range of 20 areas.

+Spirit Vampirism: He has the Unearthly ability to absorb a

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victim's Psyche by means of a successful power FEAT.
The victim’s Psyche is reduced -1CS and the amount
lost is added to D'spayre's Health. The victim can resist
this vampiric attack by making a Red Psyche FEAT. If
the victim's Psyche is reduced to zero, he must make a
roll on the Kill Table using the original Psyche rank.
Success means they recover their Psyche at a rank of
1CS per hour. Failure means they collapse into a
vegetative state coma until medical intervention
occurs. Once medical intervention occurs the victim
can attempt to make a Psyche FEAT each week to
regain +1CS. Until they have restored all their Psyche
they remain in a conscious but comatose inert state.

+Teleport Self: Feeble ability to teleport himself up to

2 miles per jump.

+Tower Summoning: D'spayre can exchange a

targeted structure with his elaborate tower (see
D’Spayre’s Tower).

+D'spayre 's Tower: This magical artifact serves as
D'spayre 's base. It is an obsidian tower one mile tall
and carved from Remarkable material. The tower
radiates an aura of evil and despair that affects anyone
within 1 area. It is normally located within Man-
Thing’s Swamp and despite its enormous size is not
visible from any location inside or outside the swamp
unless a character is on the exact swamp trail that leads
to it.

Although the Tower appears to be made of stone, it

can be burned by paranormal flames such as Man-
Thing's fiery touch. The Tower burns quickly with the
flaming area increasing by 10% each turn. When the
Tower is completely aflame, its material strength drops
- 1CS each turn until it collapses. After it collapses, the
ruins vanish and are replaced by the destroyed remains
of the original structure that sat on that site.

Any people in the original structure on the site find

themselves teleported somewhere within the Tower. If
the Tower is taken away while they are in it, they may be left behind or spirited away to
wherever the Tower rests between manifestations, depending on the circumstances. The interior
of the tower most closely resembles fantasy medieval architecture complete with eerie feast
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halls, laboratories, magician’s meditation chambers, a lot of jail cells, dungeon corridors and
plentiful winding stone staircases that defy the normal laws of physics.

The Tower is enchanted with these powers:

Emotion Control: Typical ability to instill fear and despair in anyone within 1 area. If a victim
makes a successful Psyche FEAT, he is left with strong but non-crippling feelings of unease.

Mind Control: Amazing ability to corrupt victims who are physically bound to the tower. The
initial attack is Feeble, then it gains + 1CS each day until the victim succumbs. Victims must
make a Psyche FEAT each day to resist becoming evil. Once the transformation occurs, the
effects are permanent until undone by an opposing Mind Control attack of at least Amazing
power. An “evil” character behaves as, and uses Karma as, a villain and not a hero.

Illusion: The Tower is only visible to those D'spayre chooses to see it. Anyone else sees it as the
original structure that occupied that site. In the swamp, the Tower IS the original structure that
occupied the site and so it will appear in its real form unless D’Spayre is deliberately concealing
it for some reason.

Power Focus: The Tower can channel the combined mystical powers of two or more beings into
a single extremely powerful spell or power.

Self-Repair: If the Tower is destroyed, it cannot be summoned again for 28 days, after which
time it can reappear completely repaired.

Tower Summoning: Ability to exchange a targeted structure with his Tower. When this occurs
the Tower of D’Spayre wavers and disappears in a single round and reappears in place of the
chosen building. In its normal resting spot within the swamp there is an enormous blasted
clearing of smoking waste ground and dead trees until the Tower returns.

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Occult Lore, Psychology, Interrogation, Persuasion

Dweller in Darkness, Thog, Spite, Nox, Doctor Strange, Jennifer Kale, Dormammu

The Demon known as D'Spayre was created 20,000 years ago by the Dweller-in-Darkness, using
the fear originated from the sinking of Atlantis and Lemuria. D'Spayre was encountered at the
Nexus of All Realities. He captured young sorceress Jennifer Kale and the spirit of her deceased
teacher, Dakimh. He tied them both to an arcane tower on the Nexus, trying to use the evil
mystic energies of the tower to corrupt his prisoners so that they would use their magic powers to
serve D'Spayre. D'Spayre had killed Dakimh's mentor Zhered-Na centuries ago. However,
Spider-Man and the Man-Thing fought D'Spayre. Although D'Spayre used his powers to
overcome Spider-Man with fear, Spider-Man managed
to knock out D'Spayre. Kale and Dakimh were freed
soon afterwards.

D'Spayre is in many respects the most likely successor as

“big bad” if Thog is the first one to be fought. D’Spayre
has a Cult, of misguided and somewhat pathetic humans,
and they will do their best to spy on the heroes,
compiling information on them, and especially their
emotional weaknesses, for their demonic master.

In terms of raw power D’Spayre outguns Thog and

D’Spayre has fewer overt weaknesses. Possessing no
dimension to rule over, D’Spayre’s colossal tower is
effectively his pocket dimension. Even if assaulted by a
SHIELD Helicarrier, a mile tall Remarkable strength
tower with demon lord blasting away from inside is not
going to go down easy. His mind control and emotion
control can also turn friends against each other, cause
suicidal attacks and mass casualty events and after
defeating and abducting a hero he can even turn them into a villain and create a roster of
converted bad guys with which to destroy the surviving heroes.

As the demon who destroyed the original Atlantean hero-sorceress D’Spayre is also a much more
personal demon adversary than Thog, who is so self absorbed he almost seems not to care who
he fights, other than the Man-Thing. D’Spayre on the other hand killed Zhered-Na and has the
appetite and power to kill her successors.

He can begin his stratagem by subtly using his powers to make the heroes argue amongst
themselves. The Judge can fuel this by misinterpreting players’ actions, portraying them as
seemingly angry, unreasonable or wrong headed to those around them. If this works, he is on his
way to destroying the team. If as is likely a good group of players realizes the discord is from an
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outside source, they have no way of automatically
knowing who caused it or how, but they know they have
a powerful enemy out there in the swamp…

(writeup compiled from Ben Riely and Sidious revised writeup

Elf With A Gun

Fighting 20 Excellent
Agility 20 Excellent
Strength 4 Poor
Endurance 6 Typical
Reason 6 Typical
Intuition 30 Remarkable
Psyche 20 Excellent

Health: 44
Karma: 56
Resources: Amazing (only used to set up his ambushes)
Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Disguise, Excellent
Teleportation, Monstrous
Nice Shot, Man: +2CS with chosen weapon on any
damage roll to obtain Instant Kill. Chosen weapon: .357
Magnum Revolver using Enchanted ammunition.
Half-sized: Elves are half the height of a human conferring a penalty of -1CS on anyone
targeting them due to the small target they present.

+Elf outfit
+ .357 Magnum Revolver: Range 4 areas, Enchanted ammunition inflicts Remarkable damage,
Remarkable intensity construction, six shots before reloading

Disguise, Ambush Attack, Weapon Specialist: .357 Magnum Revolver +1CS

KISS, Howard the Duck, Leonard the Fowl, Beverly Switzler, Savage Dragon

No one has any idea about anything to do with the Elf With A Gun. This sourcebook begins and
ends with the originator of the Gerberverse, Steve Gerber, and it was never resolved other than
after he left the character was run over by a truck as it was about to execute Greg Smith the

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Paper Boy. Elf With A Gun appears at random to shoot singles and couples to death, always
random normal humans, never superheroes or other superhumans or aliens, monsters, etc.

Other Elves
If the Judge wishes, there is more than one Elf. He is a member of a race of Elves, all of whom
delight in mischief, mayhem and murder. An Elf will always appear alone, unless a Dryad (see
below) has recruited a group to run some kind of large scale prank or murderous mischief on the
local humans. This is done to reclaim land lost to mortals and to generally remind them of who is
boss. The Judge can decide that in past times a large group of Elves led by a Dryad emerged
from the swamp and impersonated “Invaders from Venus” on two separate occasions. The first
time they did so in 1941 they wore metallic caps and loincloths and yellow body paint and called
themselves “Lavorites”, led by the Dryad named Jarna. Namor the Sub-Mariner defeated them.
On the second occasion in 1945 led by the Dryad Vanza an even more complicated attack
occurred by Elves disguised as reptilian goblins. They used a portal from the Nexus of All
Realities leading to the Bermuda Triangle to travel to the island nation of Borbuda and invade it,
hoping to set up an Elf kingdom in the realm of mortals. They were defeated by Namor the Sub-
Mariner as well.

Since only male Elves have ever been seen, it is speculated that the full-size females who
sometimes lead their groups are actually the female of the species.

Fighting 6 Typical
Agility 30 Remarkable
Strength 6 Typical
Endurance 30 Remarkable
Reason 6 Typical
Intuition 10 Good
Psyche 20 Excellent

Health: 72
Karma: 36
Resources: Amazing (only used to set up fake
alien invasions or other schemes)
Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Disguise, Excellent
Teleportation, Monstrous
Immortality: Each Dryad lives inside a specific
tree. Unless or until this tree is cut down, if the
Dryad “dies” or if she is injured and returns to
her tree, the moment she touches the tree she
disappears from mortal view leaving only the
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tree behind. After a number of days equal to the points of Health she has lost, the Dryad
emerges, perfect once more. Dryad Immortality also means that they have the form of attractive
young women for all eternity.


Ambush Attack, Occult Lore, Botany, Medicine (based purely on naturally occurring plants,
animals, herbs and fungi)

The Olympian Gods, Elf With A Gun

Are these trippy creatures the DMT Machine Elves?

They are if the Judge wants them to be! Machine elves (also known as fractal elves, self-
transforming elf machines or"Jenny") is a term coined by the late ethnobotanist, writer and
philosopher Terence McKenna to describe the apparent entities that are often reported by
individuals using tryptamine-based psychedelic drugs, especially DMT. References to such
encounters can be found in many cultures ranging from shamanic traditions of Native Americans
to indigenous Australians and African tribes, as well as among Western users of these

According to to McKenna, “There's a whole bunch of entities waiting on the other side, saying
"How wonderful that you're here! You come so rarely! We're so delighted to see you!" They're
like jewelled self-dribbling basketballs and there are many of them and they come pounding
toward you and they will stop in front of you and vibrate, but then they do a very disconcerting
thing, which is they jump into your body and then they jump back out again and the whole thing
is going on in a high-speed mode where you're being presented with thousands of details per
second and you can't get ahold on [them ...] and these things are saying "Don't give in to
astonishment", which is exactly what you want to do. You want to go nuts with how crazy this is,
and they say "Don't do that. Pay attention to what we're doing". What they're doing is making
objects with their voices, singing structures into existence. They offer things to you, saying
"Look at this! Look at this!" and as your attention goes towards these objects you realise that
what you're being shown is impossible.”

Man-Thing once appeared as a hallucination that ended up burning a victim much as the real one
would have when a scented candle laden with hallucinogens was lit. Perhaps Elves and Dryads
can be contacted through drug use. But drug use itself costs a character Karma, and is frowned
upon in the rules and in real life. Proceed with caution. If McKenna is to be believed and if these
are the same Elves then the creatures undoubtedly have the power Possession at Unearthly rank
when in their native dimension.

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Eric Schist, Agent of A.I.M.

Team Affiliation: A.I.M.

F: 10 Good
A: 6 Typical
S: 6 Typical
E: 10 Good
R: 30 Remarkable
I: 6 Typical
P: 6 Typical
Health: 32
Karma: 42
Resources: Poor (personal), when in contact with
A.I.M. rises to Monstrous
Popularity: 0, -5 when revealed as A.I.M. Agent


Physicist, Chemist, Biochemist, Geneticist, Lab Technician, Martial Arts E

Contacts: MODOK, A.I.M., Schist Family

In one reality, Eric Schist was a scientist employed by A.I.M. He was assigned to assist Ted
Sallis in Citrusville, Florida on a project designed to reproduce the fabled Super-Soldier Serum.
Sallis had no idea that he was secretly working for A.I.M. Schist conspired with a fellow A.I.M.
agent Ellen Brandt to steal Sallis' research. Ellen Brandt seduced Sallis and pretended that she
had fallen in love with him. She even agreed to become Ted's wife despite carrying on a secret
affair with Eric. Schist used samples of Sallis' process for his own experiments. He drugged three
locals and kept them bound in chains inside his cabin. He began using them as the first human
test subjects of Sallis' research. When Ted discovered what Schist had been doing he was
horrified. It was at this point that Eric revealed that they were not working for the United States
government as Ted had believed, but rather for A.I.M. Sallis attacked Eric and bludgeoned him
across the face with a desk lamp. When he came to, he discovered that Sallis had taken all of his
research and tried to escape through the swamps. What he didn't know however, was that Sallis
had consumed the only viable samples of his formula. The formula transformed Ted into a
monstrous swamp creature known as the Man-Thing. As Eric ransacked Ted's cabin looking for
his notes, the Man-Thing burst through the wall. He grabbed Schist with both hands and
shattered his spine across his knee, apparently killing him.

If the above story is not to the Judge’s liking it should be noted that it is but one of several
alternate realities which have flowed together like the confluence of rivers in the swamp. What is
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certain is that Eric Schist is a loyal member of his crime family, an opportunistic mercenary for
AIM, and a bad egg.

His blood relationship to the rest of the Schist family is unknown but very likely he is the
nephew of F.A. Schist or possibly his cousin. The Judge needs to decide on that bloo relationship
then stick to it during play, if it ever becomes relevant.

Eric Schist belongs to AIM, an organization not know for letting go of useful employees. If Eric
was crippled by the Man-Thing’s attack he will return in cyborg or even android form. If instead
Eric was hurt but not killed or crippled by the muck monster then he returns after a long absence,
fully healed. AIM having a presence in Citrusville and the swamp makes the game much more
mainstream Marvel. It also brings in the AIM characters, chief amongst them MODOK. If this is
something beyond the scope of the game the Judge has planned, give Eric the Limitation: Hunted
by AIM and in return allow him either a super power or technological or mystical gimmicks that
equate to a super power. He will then be a worthy supervillain opponent for superhero

Eric Schist already has a Reason score that puts him into the Mister Fantastic type category so
this should be fully used at all times. He will have escape plans and counters to superheroes
ready to go even without any powers of his own. His Reason will also let him plan probably
successful heists of super technology and magical items from the Sheriff’s locked evidence
room, the Citrusville General Hospital and the Port Citrusville warehouse. His Reason would
also make him a valuable mastermind addition to any eclectic group of supervillains who lack
brain power but who want to get organized.

Eric Schist offers a different perspective on the rest of the Schist Family. He is loyal to his
relatives, even when not trying to get Resources from them. He would consider an attack on any
Schist as a matter with which he should become personally involved whether asked to involve
himself or not. His Reason lets him use pretty much any encountered technology and he would
have a reasonable chance to operate alien or interdimensional items that pop out of the Nexus of
All Realities as well. Having seen what he has already seen, Man-Thing included, his mind is
open to extreme possibilities.

As an AIM agent once he is identified he will be on the hit list for all Federal agents, the Sheriff
and his Deputies and SHIELD, not to mention any government-connected superheroes present.

Eric Schist is criminally insane, and an amoral potentially murderous individual. He has an
ethical code centered on family, but no moral qualms whatsoever. Play him accordingly.

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F.A. Schist

Team Affiliation: Schist Construction, Schist Family

F: 6 Typical
A: 4 Poor
S: 10 Good
E: 6 Typical
R: 10 Good
I: 6 Typical
P: 6 Typical
Health: 36
Karma: 22
Resources: Excellent
Popularity: 0

Powers: None

Talents: Businessman, Contract Law, Trivia: Florida folklore, Construction site activities,
Project Management

+Schist Trust identity card which functions as a keycard to enter all Schist Family buildings,
rooms, facilities and cells no matter their secret classification. This is a VIOLET colored Schist
Trust card.

Contacts: Eric Schist, Vivian Schist, Carolyn Schist (daughter), Jake Schist (nephew), the rest of
the Schist Family, the La Hacienda inhabitants, The Fathers, El Capitan.

A ruthless tycoon who planned to build an airport in the small city of Citrusville, located near the
Florida Everglades. He and his hired men soon found themselves up against the deadly muck
monster of legend known as the Man-Thing. In the mainstream early 1970s timeline the Man-
Thing killed him along with many of his men, but his presence was still being felt among the
citizens of Citrusville. His former construction site was located very near to the Nexus of All
Realities, which the Man-Thing eventually tore down entirely by himself.

F.A. Schist was also the head of the Schist Family Trust, and the patriarch of the flesh and blood
Schist Family who have roots in Citrusville going back to its founding before the American Civil

Schist was convinced that the Fountain of Youth was located nearby to Citrusville (and the
Nexus of All Realities). In this surmise, he was correct.

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Fanklin Armstrong Shist was a construction magnate who clashed with the Man-Thing because
he wanted to construct an airport in the Man-Thing's swamp. After several clashes, he hired
Hargood Wickham to help him kill the Man-Thing.

F.A. Schist also became a target for the Foolkiller, but was saved by Man-Thing, although this
didn't lessen his hatred for the creature. After having been transformed into one of the Fathers at
la Hacienda, Schist was killed by the Man-Thing.

F.A. Schist’s organization is all-pervasive in Citrusville. If he is alive, he is the major mortal

villain with which everyone has to contend. If he is dead, he will have been replaced by his wife
as head of their operation, or if you use the original characters in this sourcebook then by his
brother Revan Schist. It is also possible if F.A. Schist is dead that there are two competing
factions of the Schist Family, one led by his wife and one by his brother Revan. But both factions
are evil beyond redemption.

The Schist Family includes ex-AIM agent Erik, Vivian Schist the matriarch, Carolyn Schist the
somewhat amoral daughter, [original character from this sourcebook] Revan Schist and
numerous cousins and more distant relatives. Vivian has independent wealth from her own
family but the Schist Family itself as a blood-related crime family, has Good Resources, which
can elevate to Remarkable Resources if those controlling the family finances sell off assets and
call in favours. The Remarkable intensity wealth will endure for no longer than a month before
falling back to Good.

This construction and project management company gets many favors from the Federal
government and is corruptly awarded government and county contracts at every opportunity.

Schist Construction Company Worker

F: 6 Typical A: 4 Poor S: 20 Excellent E: 6 Typical R: 4 Poor I: 6 Typical P: 6 Typical

Health: 36 Karma: 16 Resources: Poor Popularity: 0

Powers: None Talents: Construction Worker, Heavy

Vehicle Operator, Wrestling

Contacts: Schist Family, Schist Construction company

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Foolkiller (first of his name)
Ross G. Everbest

Fighting 6 Typical
Agility 20 Excellent
Strength 10 Good
Endurance 20 Excellent
Reason 10 Good
Intuition 4 Poor
Psyche 2 Feeble

Health: 60
Karma: 16
Resources: Poor
Pop: -5

Known Powers:
Single Mindedness: Even if subjected to Instant Kill the character can complete one final simple
action such as pressing a button, firing a pistol or rifle, a sword attack, a movement action such
as running or leaping or any other action that would take up a single panel in a Marvel comic
book. Speech is another possible action but the “speech bubble” of a single comic book panel is
the limit to how much the character can say.

Everbest is a psychopath. He is not quite the raving lunatic his successor is but his compulsions
are absolutely enslaving, dictating his every behavior.

+Purification Gun: Excellent material, Incredible Energy, Range 3 areas. If the victim is killed
by a single shot, they are disintegrated and cannot be revived.
+Calling Cards: part of his obsession is delivering one of his cards to each intended victim.
+Truck: Foolkiller’s base of operations is his truck.

Foolkiller Truck (his mobile home, equivalent to a Poor apartment

Control Speed Body Protection
Typical Typical Typical Excellent

Talents: Guns, Electronics

Contacts: Richard Rory, God help him.

The original Foolkiller was a man called Ross Everbest.

His parents, both active in military service, died when he
was a child. Everbest was a paraplegic, confined to a
wheelchair from birth. It greatly bothered him that he

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could never be an active soldier himself. As a teenager, he had an encounter with traveling
evangelist Reverend Mike Pike, who enabled him to walk through faith healing. Everbest
underwent an immediate religious conversion, thereafter traveling with Reverend Mike's
caravan. He became a disciple and a popular preacher in his own right. Still greatly enamored of
the military, he was greatly disturbed by the anti-Vietnam protests and the hippie movement. He
came to blame social decay on unwitting agents of Satan, or "fools," and developed a fanatical
religious philosophy whose terms required that an avenging agent of God kill them. He chose
himself to be this contemporary savior and called himself the Foolkiller.

Greg Salinger

Fighting 20 Excellent
Agility 20 Excellent
Strength 10 Good
Endurance 20 Excellent
Reason 6 Typical
Intuition 6 Typical
Psyche 4 Poor

Health: 60
Karma: 16
Resources: Poor
Pop: -5

Known Powers:
Raving Lunatic: as a
disturbed psychopath
incapable of fully
embracing reality,
anyone attempting telepathic contact with his shattered thought processed must resist Monstrous
mental shielding with their own Psyche. If they succeed in this mental wrestling match they can
read his mind as if he were sane, although they will still in effect be watching a psychedelic
hallucinatory “movie” of the information Salinger knows.
That Is Just Crazy: Fourth Wall: Salinger knows he is in a comic book. It doesn’t make a lot of
difference under his “normal” circumstances but it does mean he is never disorientated by any
interdimensional, magical, alien or Nexus of All Realities phenomena, taking it all in his stride
and just continuing to mark those he encounters up or down – Fools to be killed or those who
understand reality.


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Logic of a Madman: if a character can use Reason well enough (or even better if their player can
use their own argumentation well enough) Foolkiller can be entrapped in his own psychopathic
“logic”, to the point of totally changing his target, temporarily calming him down or even
triggering suicidal tendencies in him by making him label himself the greatest fool.

+Purification Gun: Excellent material, Incredible Energy, Range 3 areas. If the victim is killed
by a single shot, they are disintegrated and cannot be revived.

Talents: Guns, Electronics, Military Training in Firearms- pistols, carbines, rifles and rocket
launchers, Martial Arts C, Wrestling

Contacts: F.A. Schist, Richard Rory, Man-Thing, Sheriff John Daltry

Greg Salinger is the second and most well-known Foolkiller. He is a soldier and veteran of the
Vietnam War. He was in excellent physical condition and a fairly decent hand-to-hand
combatant though mostly self-trained. He was also an amateur poet and deemed "criminally
insane" at one point. More recently, he joined Deadpool's Mercs for Money.

Greg Salinger was the second man to assume the identity of the Foolkiller. He is a soldier and
veteran of the Vietnam War, after which he lost his hopes for humanity and slowly hit rock
bottom. While in jail for disorderly conduct, Salinger made the acquaintance of Richard Rory.
Rory related the whole sordid story of the original Foolkiller Ross Everbest to his cellmate.
Although he didn't share Everbest's religious convictions, Salinger nonetheless took the story and
its morals - that there was a rapidly spreading decay in society - to heart.

Upon his release, he managed to steal the Foolkiller costume and weaponry from the authorities
and took the title for himself.

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A cow bitten by Count Dracula and turned into a
bloodsucking vampire undead!

Fighting: 6 Typical (75% chance) or Good (25%

Agility: 6 Typical (80% chance) or Good (20%
Strength: 10 Good
Endurance: 6 Typical
Reason: 10 Good
Intuition: 10 Good
Psyche: 10 Good

Health: 28
Karma: 30

Resources: Typical
Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Undead form:
•Immortality –limited
•Invulnerability: Excellent (not vs Fire, Silver, holy weapons)
•Regeneration: Incredible
•Hooves & Fangs: Remarkable edged
•Senses: Scent: Remarkable; Night Vision: Excellent


Talents :

Count Dracula,
Deadpool, Howard the

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Howard the Duck

Fighting 6 Typical* or Remarkable

Agility 6 Typical
Strength 4 Poor
Endurance 10 Good
Reason 10 Good
Intuition 6 Typical
Psyche 10 Good

Health: 26* or 50
Karma: 50
Resources: Fe
Pop: 0, 10 with third party presidential
candidate supporters

Known Powers:
*Easy Come, Easy Go: Howard the Duck
can quickly assume Talents and similar
bonuses during an adventure. At the end of
a particular adventure these additional
Talents or bonuses seem to disappear and even if referenced again seem to provide no bonuses as
they once did except perhaps additional Trivia Talents relating to knowledge or insight gained
during adventures. The most significant example of this is Howard’s Mastery of the recent
martial art Quack-Fu. If this martial arts power returns to him his Fighting increases to
Remarkable and he obtains Martial Arts B. C. D and E. Due to the nature of his Easy Come,
Easy Go power it is most likely the case that only a martial arts themed adventure would trigger
the return of his Quack-Fu and the correspondingly high Fighting score. The same would be true
for any other paranormal or excessively powerful Power, Ability or Talent he gains (and loses).

At One With Cleveland: Howard the Duck attained Feeble intensity Cosmic Awareness, bonding
his consciousness with Cleveland, Ohio and no further and to no greater extent.

Ill Met By Moonlight: With the monotonous regularity of an unwanted alarm bell ringing,
Howard the Duck meets plot-significant characters at a rate beyond any random statistical
probability. This shortens the lead-in time to any adventure with which he is involved as his
player may make a Psyche FEAT check to meet someone deeply involved with the current
adventure or mystery “by accident”. The drawback is that Howard has no idea WHO may be the
significant one out of the many people he bumps into, argues with, buys milk from or has a
random conversation with at a bus stop.

Clone Saga: Howard was mystically cloned over one hundred times by the Elf With The Gun. As
a result, there is one known clone who has assumed a different identity through a misuse of the
witness protection program (Leonard the Fowl) and at least a dozen others. Some of the others
have done things such as star in appalling movies, impersonated beloved cartoon characters at
theme parks and even starred in adult videos. The One True Howard (if he is indeed not a clone)
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is the one detailed here. In game terms this may be treated as a form of Immortality because if
“your” Howard dies a new version can stumble out of the Nexus (or off a bus from Cleveland)
and resume play. Another option is for the Judge to collect several different writeups of Howard
the Duck and randomly select which one is the current “real” Howard in play. It should be noted
that Leonard the Fowl has identical statistics to the Howard listed here but is a black mallard
with a green head and a white ring of feather around his neck.

The Nexus Will Just Spit Him Out Again: If Howard the Duck is facing certain permanent death
or permanent banishment from the earthly realm, he can instead wink out of existence and find
himself between realities inside the Nexus of All Realities. After some sort of brief adventure or
misadventure there, he will be spat back out by the Nexus, plopping down into the mud and
reeds of Man-Thing’s Swamp. To escape death or banishment, Howard must pass a Yellow or
better FEAT check on Psyche.

Suit coat, hat, shirt, tie and cigars carried in the pocket.

*Quack Fu (Ex rank, Howard can Slam or Stun larger opponents), Taxi Driver, American
electoral process

Beverly Switzler, Lee Switzler, Fabian Stankowicz, Wanda, Man-Thing, Dakimh the Enchanter,
Jennifer Kale, The Defenders, Spider-Man, Daredevil, Guardians of the Galaxy, ARMOR,
Leonard the Fowl, Elf With A Gun, Destroyer Duck, Savage Dragon.

Howard the Duck was sucked into and spat out of the Nexus of All Realities. Since then he has
existed on Earth with his human girlfriend Beverly. He has also served as an agent of ARMOR
and defended our reality from a series of cosmic level threats.

…Howard the Duck became THE seminal Steve Gerber character. It was the trigger for Gerber’s
long term and bitter battle with Marvel brand management company (which is what “Marvel
Comics” actually was, and is) and the character came to symbolize the wonderful subversive
1970s Marvel that always threatened to overwhelm the goofiest and stodgiest of the 1960s
Marvel characters. Gerber used Howard as an authorial voice, choosing as he did in all his work
to speak as directly as possible to his audience, sharing his pain and concern rather than merely
cranking out pablum. If Howard the Duck appears in your game he needs to have that raw edge,
and he needs to speak with his authentic ascerbic wit and skeptical cynical attitude. He never
quite breaks the fourth wall, but a conversation involving Howard, Foolkiller and Deadpool
would be right on the edge, in a good way. Despite all of that, Howard the Duck is for all intents
and purposes a genuine superhero. He fights evil, whether it’s mundane and parochial or
spectacular and cosmic. His adventures involve death, maiming, horror and the supernatural.
Despite the inherent comedy trappings his original Gerber stories definitely land in the horror
aisle not the comedy aisle, emphasized by how it was the horror artists who drew him not “funny

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animal” artists. In that regard it is better to see Howard the Duck as a sympathetic monster rather
than a cartoon character in a world of comic book characters.

Two simple and effective ways for a player to play Howard the Duck: play him strictly straight
and deadpan; or play him as George Costanza from Seinfeld only with less lying. In the first
option the humor comes from Howard’s sarcasm in the midst of high stakes adventure. In the
second option the humor from Howard getting more and more tightly wound up and more and
more hysterical until something has to give…

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Jennifer Kale
Hereditary guardian of the Tome of Khered-Na

Fighting 6 Typical
Agility 10 Good
Strength 6 Typical
Endurance 20 Excellent
Reason 10 Good
Intuition 20 Excellent
Psyche 40 Incredible
Health: 42
Karma: 70
Resources: Poor
Pop: 5

Known Powers:
Magic Ability: Jennifer Kale is an Adept of the school of Atlantean White Magic (Dimensional
Magic). Her known spells include:
-Astral Protection: Amazing
-Dimensional Travel: Kale has used this spell to exile creatures captured by her Ensnaring spell.
-Eldritch Blast: Incredible unless used on humans in which case damage drops to Typical
-Ensnaring: Incredible: those who are captured by this spell must make a Psyche FEAT roll to
break free, or its effects are permanent until she terminates the spell. She has also used this spell
to create bridges of Incredible material strength. In some ways it is a magical equivalent of
Spider-Man’s webbing. Only in this case it is openly admitted to be magic.
-Magic Detection: Incredible

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-Necromancy: Amazing: Jennifer Kale can communicate with the spirits of the dead. If her
mentor Dakimh is deceased at time of adventuring then she can speak to the ghost of Dakimh
with a successful Psyche FEAT roll (Incredible)
-Psychic Link: Monstrous Telepathy but solely for maintaining mental contact with the Man-
Thing. This also functions as Unearthly Emotion Control by which means Jennifer Kale can
soothe and keep compliant the Man-Thing, effectively making him a loyal guard dog for her.

+Steel bikini, Amazing material but extremely revealing so provides only Typical protection
against all damage.
+Cloak, used to cover the ample expanses of flesh her bikini would otherwise expose when she
walks own Main Street Citrusville.
+Tome of Zhered Na. Incredible material, contains all spells of the eon-dead sorceress Zhered
Na of Atlantis. Jennifer Kale can read this book to access any Dimensional magic and thereby
imitate a power effect for use in the form of a magic spell at Typical intensity.

Occult Lore; Florida geography, Excellent and this knowledge in particular applies to Man-
Thing’s Swamp and the Nexus of All Realities; Pole dancing and stripping; Waitress.

Man-Thing, Andrew Kale (brother), Dakimh the Enchanter (mentor and teacher), Daniel Ketch
(Ghost Rider) (cousin), Johnny Blaze (Ghost Rider) (cousin), Joshua Kale (grandfather),
deceased, Howard the Duck, Korrek, The Defenders, Richard Rory, She-Hulk, The Avengers,
Clea, Barbara Ketch (cousin) deceased.

In recent years Jennifer’s grandfather Joshua Kale has served as a leader of the Cult of Zhered-
Na, based in the section of the Florida Everglades that is the mystic Nexus of All Realities. The
Cult possessed the sole remaining copy of the Tome of Zhered-Na, a book containing all the
mystical knowledge of the most powerful sorceress of lost Atlantis.

Kale's teenage granddaughter Jennifer took an interest in witchcraft, and, using one of his books
without his knowledge, experimented in summoning a demon. She succeeded in bringing the
powerful demon Thog the Nether-Spawn to Earth from the otherdimensional world of Sominus
without realizing he would not be under her control. But the Man-Thing saved Jennifer's life, and
Thog was forced back to Sominus. As a result of a subsequent encounter of the Man-Thing,
Jennifer, and Thog, Joshua Kale realized that Jennifer had a psychic link with the Man-Thing.

Later, Jennifer and the Man-Thing were magically transported to the otherdimensional world of
Sandt, where they first met Dakimh, now an aged wizard. Dakimh pretended to want to have
Jennifer and the Man-Thing killed and had the Man-Thing fight in a gladiatorial arena. But in
fact he was testing the Man-Thing's powers and Jennifer's spirit, to make certain they were the
beings he was waiting for. The Man-Thing triumphed in the arena, and Dakimh sent him and
Jennifer back to their swamp.

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The Tome of Zhered-Na somehow disappeared, and as a result, Earth was now vulnerable to
invasion from Sominus. Dakimh appeared to Jennifer, and explained his true purpose to her: to
save Earth from the demons. He magically garbed her as a priestess of Zhered-Na's cult (her steel
bikini costume) and, assisted by Dakimh and the Man-Thing Jennifer recovered the Tome from
an otherdimensional world and brought it to Earth, temporarily halting the invasion. Jennifer
became Dakimh's apprentice in sorcery.

Jennifer was later captured by Thog, who now intended to invade Therea, home of godlike
beings, and to conquer all reality. Dakimh rescued Jennifer, and the two set out with their three
allies, the Man-Thing, Korrek, warrior prince of the otherdimensional world of Katharta, and the
extradimensional talking waterfowl called Howard the Duck, to stop Thog's plans. While they
traversed dimensions, Howard accidentally fell back to Earth, but the other four arrived in
Therea, where the Man-Thing defeated Thog.

Dakimh continued to train Jennifer in the knowledge and use of Zhered-Na's sorcery, but her
studies were seemingly halted when Dakimh was killed in battle. However, Dakimh's spirit has
continued to manifest itself on the Earthly plane in a seemingly physical form, and so Dakimh is
continuing to train Jennifer even in the present. At the Judge’s discretion, any part of this
chronology of Jennifer Kale may still lie in her future, or more simply, Dakimh the Enchanter
may still be alive.

Andrew, Jennifer’s younger brother (a teenager) opened her spellbook and was possessed by the
Cult Demon Hellphyr. According to the historical record Jennifer was forced to kill Andrew;
however this may be inaccurate in which case Andrew is still alive, with standard Cult Member
statistics (see Original Characters section following this section, under “Evil Cults”) but
Monstrous Strength and Endurance. In Hellphyr form, which he transforms into under stress, he
is a demonic flaming humanoid with horns and burning eyesockets. Otherwise he is just a
slender teenage boy with brown hair.

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Sheriff John Landry

Fighting 10 Good
Agility 6 Typical
Strength 20 Excellent
Endurance 20 Excellent
Reason 6 Typical
Intuition 10 Good
Psyche 4 Poor

Health: 56
Karma: 120 minus 20 a month
Resources: Good
Pop: 5

Known Powers:

Accountability: Landry is an elected
official, answers to the Mayor’s Office, reports to the Department of Homeland Security and
SHIELD, has to file monthly field reports to the SWAT organization for the state of Florida, and
is also on the take to the Schist Family who expect him to clean up and cover up whatever goes
wrong. Doing that costs him 20 Karma a month.

Standard Sheriff Department issue as carried in his sedan car, described in the Sheriff’s
Department in the summary of town locations on page 24 above.

Law Enforcement, Weapons Specialist with all standard issue Sheriff’s Department weapons,
Offensive Driving, Climbing, Take Cover (+1CS on rolls to use available objects as resistance to
incoming attacks), Lie Convincingly, Leadership

F.A. Schist, Vivian Schist, Cult Leaders, SHIELD, AIM, ARMOR, The Avengers, The Fantastic
Four, Florida Governor’s Office, Mayor of Citrusville, Olivia Selby (leader of local town mob).

John Landry is corrupt to the extent that he takes Schist money to cover up their crimes and as
much of the strangeness in and around Citrusville as he can. Outside that soul darkening work he
is a straight shooting law and order conservative Sheriff with no tolerance for costumed weirdos,
talking ducks or muck monsters. And he is not a werewolf*.
*unless the Judge decides that he is.

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Kings In Satan’s Service
Kult Inspiration Saving Souls

KISS is a rock band, hurled between dimensions and mixed up firstly in the weird world of
Howard the Duck and later plunged into a series of misadventures via the Nexus of All Realities.
Becoming firm friends and allies of Steve Gerber and his creations, KISS can be counted on to
battle evil in Citrusville whenever called upon to do so.

Their mere presence will cause a riot by the town’s conservative mob, naturally.

KISS Group Background:

Each KISS band member owns and wears a Talisman of Power. These Talismans were created in
another dimension, and another time. Possibly, they originate back before the oceans drank
Atlantis and Lemuria. In order to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands they were sent
across the dimensions eventually landing on Earth and coming into the possession of KISS. They
were discovered by four members of the band KISS. Acquiring them the members gained
immense power. The Talismans are sought after by multiple agents of darkness which the band
must continuously defeat to keep them safe. The agents of darkness include all the Evil Cults of
the Citrusville and Man-Thing Swamp region.

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It has been discovered that
there are 2 sets of
talismans. The Major
Arcana and the Minor
Arcana. The Minor arcana
are still out there waiting
to be discovered. Anyone
who does so and who
takes possession of one of
them will become a true
and authorized KISS
member with all the
rights, obligations to rock
all night and powers
attaching thereto. At
present, the band is comprised of the Major Arcana: Catman, Demon, Space Ace and Starchild.

KISS also has the KISS Army, a multi-generational cult of rocking out, making sweet love all
night long, marching on evil and spreading the band’s message that music and especially rock
and/or roll is a gift from God to be enjoyed in the heart of everyone. If KISS can’t attend in
person when a call for their help is made, 1d100 members of their KISS army will appear in their
place until the band can come. These members of the KISS army of all ages and genders and
dress in cosplay outfits imitating a member of KISS of their choice as befits their personal style.
Rather than being armed with the dagger or other weapon of an Evil Cult, members of the KISS
Army are equipped with musical instruments, snacks and music players appropriate to the era of
play. They’re loud and proud even when they’re not allowed.

Peter Criss aka Cat

Mystic defender and musician

Fighting 20 Excellent
Agility 40 Incredible
Strength 20 Excellent
Endurance 30 Remarkable
Reason 6 Typical
Intuition 30 Remarkable
Psyche 30 Remarkable

Health: 120
Karma: 66
Resources: Good
Popularity: 10

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+KISS Talisman – Beasts: Peter is the holder of the major KISS Talisman of Beasts. This allows
him to tap into the Nexus of All Realities and the realms of Therea and the Happy Hunting
Ground. This enhances his physical abilities and gives him the following:
-Animal Senses: Catman has Heightened Senses: His senses of direction, smell, hearing, and
taste are all at Amazing rank. He can detect illusions and track at the same Amazing intensity.
-Night Vision: Though he lacks color vision, Catman has Remarkable ability to see in the dark.
-Claws: Peter’s transformation comes with physical enhancements: Claws: His claws can rend
objects of up to Incredible material strength and inflict Remarkable edged damage.
-Fangs: He can inflict Remarkable edged damage with a bite to a successfully grappled
-Healing Factor: The talisman enhances his healing abilities greatly:
--Recovery: He regains one lost Endurance rank per day.
--Regeneration: Remarkable rank, he can recover 3 points of Health each turn.
-Resistances: Peter has Unearthly resistance to toxins and disease.

Talents: Drummer

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Chaim Witz aka Gene

Mystic defender and


Fighting 30 Remarkable
Agility 20 Excellent
Strength 40 Incredible
Endurance 40 Incredible
Reason 10 Good
Intuition 20 Excellent
Psyche 20 Excellent

Health: 130
Karma: 50
Resources: Good
Popularity: 10


+KISS Talisman – Demon: Gene has the major Talisman of the Demon. He uses it to channel
Hellfire from realms such as Sominus beyond the Nexus of All Realities and into his form for
various effects:
-Body Resistance: Remarkable: Gene’s body is far more durable now.
-Gliding: Good, Gene has gliding webbing underneath both arms.
-Regeneration: Remarkable
-Heat Aura: Gene’s body can radiate heat at Incredible intensity in the same area that he occupies
without any harm to himself.
-Hellfire Breath: Gene can exhale a gout of Monstrous intensity hellfire to a distance of 2 areas
once every three rounds.
-Sin Detection: Amazing: this is a limited form of mind reading restricted to knowing an
individual’s guilt or innocence and what sins they have committed.

Bass Guitar; Theology.

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Paul Daniel “Ace” Frehley aka


Mystic defender and musician

Fighting 10 Good
Agility 40 Incredible
Strength 10 Good
Endurance 30 Remarkable
Reason 10 Good
Intuiton 75 Monstrous
Psyche 20 Excellent

Health: 110
Karma: 105
Resources: Gd (10)
Popularity: 40


+KISS Talisman – Space: Ace wields the major talisman of Space. It bestows the following:
-Vibration Control: Unearthly ability to manipulate atomic vibrations:
--Vibration Beams: Monstrous force damage, Typical range;
--Energy Blasts: Amazing: Ace can emit lethal energy blasts by altering the vibration of matter,
range Good.
--Phasing: Unearthly ability to change his molecular vibrations to pass through solid matter
--Dimensional Travel: Remarkable
--Life Support: Cl 1000, Ace no longer needs to eat, drink, or breathe. He may survive unaided
in space.
--Flight: Shift Z 500 in Space, Monstrous in atmosphere
--Teleportation at Unearthly intensity: Ace may open up space warps for long distance travel
--Cosmic Awareness: Unearthly; the talisman attunes Ace to the vibrational frequency of the
universe allowing him to sense things that are important to him at the present time.

Ace is sometimes overwhelmed and distracted by the information constantly bombarding him.


Paul Stanley
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Mystic defender and musician

Fighting 20 Excellent
Agility 20 Excellent
Strength 30 Remarkable
Endurance 50 Amazing
Reason 10 Good
Intuition 30 Remarkable
Psyche 40 Incredible

Health: 120
Karma: 80
Resources: GD (10)
Popularity: 10


+KISS Talisman – Star: Paul is the holder of the major Talisman of the Stars. It allows him to
manipulate living souls and provides the following powers:
-Body Armor: Starchild possesses Good body armor against physical and energy attacks.
-Flight: Starchild can fly at Amazing speeds.
-Communications power of Monstrous intensity which enables him to instantly translate any
being's language on a successful power FEAT.
-Empathy: Incredible ability to sense the emotions of others.
-Emotion Control: Incredible
-Kinetic Bolt: Incredible energy bolt that can be fired from his eye up to four areas away.
-Soul Absorption: Unearthly. This power allows Starchild to literally absorb a victim's mind. The
victim’ body becomes a soulless shell able to be possessed. If it isn’t possessed it is basically a
very fresh zombie until Starchild sends their soul back into their body, which requires a
successful Power FEAT. If this is not done within a number of hours equal to the victims Health,
the zombification becomes permanent.


In 1977 Marvel Comics published a magazine-format full-color comic book, titled “A Marvel
Comics Super Special!”

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Kiss, presenting the band KISS in their true historical form as superheroes. It was the first in the
Marvel Comics Super Special series which featured other musicians such as The Beatles. Blood
from each KISS band member was drawn by a registered nurse, witnessed by a notary public,
and poured into the vats of red ink used for printing the comic at Marvel's Borden Ink plant in
Depew, New York.

KISS appeared in the Howard the Duck comic as well as in their own super special comic book.
Steve Gerber was their scribe on both occasions, making the comic book version of KISS
absolutely and incontrovertibly part of the Howard the Duck, Man-Thing, Defenders and
Citrusville milieu. The band’s super powers are formidable, and at this point in time their band
loyalty and solidarity, at least in public, is utterly unable to be damaged. They are the Fantastic
Four of rock and roll at this time. Howard the Duck can call on them for aid, as can Stanko Liver
if he sees something he doesn’t like happening in the Man-Thing Swamp or in Citrusville. There
is also the possibility that Space Ace senses a disturbance on the fabric of space and time, or that
Starchild catches a glimpse of Destiny and decides to try and seduce her. As written by Gerber
they are adult oriented but unquestionably superheroic people who will on their own terms fight
supervillains and generally kick ass in a more or less fearless and swashbuckling way.

Due to the nature of their powers being conferred by Talismans, KISS can also become a legacy
team if one or more of them are killed (or lost in the Nexus, etc.) as the Talisman(s) of the fallen
member(s) will be spat back out into the swamp and seek new owners. Those new owners are by
default automatically new members of KISS.

As for what the future with which we are familiar holds for KISS, best let the curtain of
forgetfulness fall closed upon it.

“Future. That period of time in which

our affairs prosper, our friends are
true and our happiness is assured.”

-Ambrose Bierce

Writeup is a reworking of an author-

unknown public domain previous writeup on

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Korrek, Prince of Katharta

Enemy of Thog, D’Spayre and all demonkind, ally of

Dakimh the Enchanter and swashbuckling (if somewhat
quiet) sword and sorcery champion!

Fighting 20 Excellent
Agility 30 Remarkable
Strength 30 Remarkable
Endurance 30 Remarkable
Reason 6 Typical
Intuition 20 Excellent
Psyche 6 Typical

Health: 110
Karma: 122
Resources: Feeble on Earth, Excellent in his homeworld
of Katharta
Pop: -10

Known Powers:
None, but his Strength, Agility and Endurance are at the peak for unpowered humans.

Fish Out Of Water: On Earth, Korrek never makes the slightest effort to blend in, dress
appropriately for the local conditions, learn local customs or acknowledge the niceties of local
laws. It’s his sword and sorcery way or the highway for everyone around him. He’s a good guy
but stiff necked about his own value system. This despite frequent visits through the Nexus of
All Realities to Earth from his home dimension.

+Flaming Magical Sword. Constantly flickers with Feeble intensity naked flames when
unsheathed. When used in combat by Korrek, it delivers Excellent edged damage and extra
Excellent magical holy fire energy damage. This fire is blessed and will hurt any form of demon
irrespective of their other claimed protections and even if the ignore the physical damage of the
+Leather armor and boots: Typical protection from physical damage only.

Talents: Weapon Specialist with his flaming sword, Martial Arts C, Wrestling, Occult Lore

Contacts: Dakimh the Enchanter, Zokk and Maftra the Gods (and dogs) of Therea, Jennifer
Kale, Sheriff John Daltry, Howard the Duck, Daredevil, Spider-Man, Man-Thing

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Mad Viking
[First name unrevealed] Josefsen

Fighting 10 Good
Agility 6 Typical
Strength 27 Remarkable
Endurance 20 Excellent
Reason 4 Poor
Intuition 4 Poor
Psyche 4 Poor

Health: 63
Karma: 12
Resources: Feeble
Pop: -10

Known Powers:
None, but his Strength is at or near the peak for
unpowered humans.

Mad Viking is a homophobic sexist murderous
psychopath. He is a raving lunatic and
extremely dangerous with little to no self

+Battle Axe. Excellent intensity construction, does edged damage based on the Strength of the

Talents: Labourer, Martial Arts A and B, Weapon Specialist with his Axe, +1CS on combat
related rolls.

Contacts: Astrid Josefsen (grand-daughter, deceased)

Josefsen is a 65 year old labourer who was fired due to his age. This triggering event tipped him
into a state of homicidal uncontrolled psychosis. Dressed as a Viking he went on a rampage
against anyone or anything he saw as effeminate, weak or cowardly. He killed his grand daughter
in a rage and was dissolved to nothingness by a Suds-covered Man-Thing. However the Judge
can choose to have these events take place in the future, or perhaps the Nexus (or Thog) has
simply whirled the Suds foam around and brought him back to life.

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Dr.Theodore "Ted" Sallis

Fighting 10 Good
Agility 4 Poor
Strength 35 Remarkable
Endurance 75 Monstrous
Reason 2 Feeble
* except when free of the Black Goo in which case he has Excellent Reason and the conscious
mind of Ted Sallis
Intuition 2 Feeble
**except for sensing emotions or being directed by the Nexus in which case it is considered 75
Psyche 50 Amazing
* except when free of the Black Goo in which case he has Typical Psyche and the subconscious
mind and mental strength of Ted Sallis

Health: 124
Karma: 72 / 28 with the Reason and Psyche of Ted Sallis

Resources: Fe
Pop: -20

Known Powers:

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*Black Goo: In place of a normal brain, there is a
node inside Man-Thing’s head where a brain or
ganglion might exist which is filled with viscous
treacly black substance. This Black Goo removes all
genuine conscious thought from Man-Thing.
However, if it is drained temporarily for example by
being evacuated by laser bolt or gunshot, Ted Sallis’
Reason and Psyche return for as long as it takes the
head wound to close up and the reservoir inside him
to fill up with Black Goo again.
**Emotion Detection: Monstrous. Positive emotions
fill him with joy but negative emotions cause an
unpleasant reaction. His most hated emotion is fear
and he attacks anyone who is afraid. Hate can drive
him back with Monstrous intensity as though he is
being wrestled by a character with that Strength rank, but the “wrestling” is resolved by not
competing Strength but competing Psyche. During any such battle to resist the burning hatred of
those around him Man-Thing’s Psyche drops by one rank per round. This means that unless he
quickly wrestles his empathic mind free of the effect he will almost certainly be driven away,
fleeing 1d10 areas per round until he is as ruled by the Judge far enough away or sufficiently
distracted by some other emotional pulsation not to suffer the hate effect any longer.
Burning Touch: "Whoever knows fear burns at the Man-Thing's touch", when he senses fear his
body excretes a sulfuric acid which inflicts Incredible chemical burns on anyone he touches. This
is also a mystical attack and the “acid” being mystical in origin affects characters who are
immune to normal chemical acid.
Vegetable Form: Monstrous protection vs. Physical. This protection drops by -1CS for every
week he spends away from his swamp to a minimum of Rm. Oozing: Man-Thing can ooze
through small-sized openings. The smaller the opening the longer it takes. Vulnerability: He
loses -1cs Strength, Fighting and Endurance for every week spend away from his swamp. If his
strength drops to Fe, he becomes comatose until returned to his normal environment. This
vulnerability can be removed after the temporary effects of an Instant Kill or a disintegration or
corrosion of his physical form occur. As he regrows, his new form adapts and he is free
permanently of the requirement for him to remain in or near his swamp home until he enters the
center of the Nexus of All Realities again. At that time of entry he becomes once more bound to
his swamp and suffers the permanent Vulnerability once more.
Immortality: Man-Thing can be physically destroyed. However, he regrows from the closest
swamp and jungle plants located where he was destroyed. The further away these plants are, the
longer the resurrection takes. This resurrection effect is considered an energy based power with a
rank of Unearthly.
Guardian of the Nexus of All Realities: whenever a threat to the Nexus occurs, no matter where
in time, space or other dimensions Man-Thing may be, the Nexus returns him back to his swamp
to end the threat at the equivalent of Monstrous space travel speed. If necessary this
transportation annihilates Man-Thing’s existing form and causes him to regrow a new form in his
swamp. This specific regrowth takes a mere 2d10 rounds from start to finish. Since the Man-
Thing is near mindless, he is sent instinctively on his way by the apparent sentience of the Nexus
and Man-Thing must make Intuition checks to find his way to the threat.
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Swamp Regeneration: Man-Thing can sink to the bottom of any river, lake or especially swamp
or bog and restore lost points of any kind at the rate of +1d10 per day. This adds to any normal
rate of recovery. It also resurrects him should he have been killed apparently permanently whilst
in natural water or swamp.
Ethereal Alter Ego: Ted Sallis exists, as what amounts to a ghost, in Limbo. He can be
communicated with by magicians using powerful astral spells, astral travel or clairvoyance and
clairaudience. Ted Sallis has repeatedly told those who manage to speak with him that unless he
can be fully restored to normal human life he would rather exist in his intangible sleep-like state,
unconscious and dreaming rather than conscious and tortured by his hideous transformation into
the Man-Thing.
Disease Immunity: Man-Thing is completely immune to all diseases. Even diseases that affect
plants don’t quite affect him although they might change the specific composition of the muck
from which he is formed.

Hunted: Man-Thing is constantly hunted by evil corporations seeking to win his secrets, the
Schist Family whose development of the area including the Nexus of All Realities he prevents,
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Thog the Nether-Spawn and his minions, big game hunters including supervillain hunters
looking for an ultimate trophy, Federal agencies who want to recruit him, clone him or destroy
him, and evil cults who know that as their power grows they will inevitably threaten the Nexus
which will then in turn send the Man-Thing to cross their path.
Monstrous Appearance: Man-Thing always causes panic, fear and violent defensive reactions
due to his repellent and monstrous appearance. He also has a bad record of maiming, disfiguring
and killing people.
Emotional Damage: Negative emotions that the Man-Thing cannot escape from or end with his
burning touch cause Remarkable damage to him as if physical attacks successfully strike him.
When he reaches the equivalent of zero Health he topples over as if dead and remains in this
death-like state for 1d10 hours after the negative emotion damage has ceased.

Equipment: None

Talents: Sallis has Excellent reason and was a biochemist, Man-Thing has no talents.

Contacts: Thing, Spider-Man, Howard the Duck, Dakhim the Enchanter, Jennifer Kale, Franklin

Man-Thing is a large semi-intelligent creature that dwells in the Florida Everglades. He is the
sole guardian of the Nexus of All Realities located there.

How did the nightmare begin?

Ted Sallis was attempting to recreate the Super-Soldier Serum that created Captain America.
However, he was betrayed by his lover, Ellen Brandt, and Sallis had to flee from A.I.M. agents,
who saw their potential of such a formula for their own evil ends. Sallis injected himself with the
serum, but after crashing in what would become his swamp and apparently drowning he is
transformed into a swamp creature through a combination of his formula and, as later explained,
magical forces extant in the area. Sallis' mind was apparently lost, although on rare occasions he
could briefly return to consciousness within his monstrous form, and even to his human form
such as when he fought Ben Grimm, who took the appropriation of his own nickname a little too

That’s one version. But the Nexus provides us with other versions, various supporting casts, a
wife who is either a noble martyr or an evil schemer. All we can say with certainty is “Man-
Thing is a former scientist who was transformed into a creature composed of vegetable matter
through the synergistic interaction of mystical energy and swamp mutagens. Though the beast
now lacks a normal human intellect and has shed any desire to communicate with human society,
it nevertheless often becomes an accidental hero as it stumbles upon various crime and horror

(From Wikipedia and ComicVine)

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Man-Thing is a perfectly unique opportunity for the Judge to play right alongside the player
characters. Walk the fine line. Don’t unduly dominate play. But with no verbal communication
from the character, the Judge can, as Steve Gerber did, tell a detailed nuanced story through
describing the Man-Thing’s actions, and not his motivations. WHY is he trudging towards the
hospital, or the plastics factory, or Port Citrusville or the Truck Stop near his swamp? Why is he
so fixated on a particular character to the exclusion of all else?

Man-Thing was the eponymous character of the comic book, but although he frequently took a
central place, just as often he was totally irrelevant to the action. In fact in some early drafts of
Gerber scripts, Man-Thing was a separate B-story in his own book, with the humans and their
vile deeds taking the center stage. This works very well for a MSH RPG adventure or campaign,
because the heroes will want to be the center of the action. Man-Thing can be unseen other than
the destruction from his rampage. He can be the focus of local news reports, or the reason new
nutballs come to Citrusville. All the while, he
casts a huge shadow over events. And where the
Man-Thing goes, his enemies, both mundane and
cosmic, follow with the inevitability of an
unloved season.

However once the Judge gets to play Man-Thing,

the creature’s behavior will influence the players
heavily. Without ever directly speaking, the
described activities of Man-Thing will point the
way for, or totally mislead, the players’

If one or more player characters become

irrevocably hostile to Man-Thing, or are hired to
destroy him as a menace to society, let it all play
out, with permanent and possibly fatal consequences. The early 1970s were the era of the second
generation of Marvel writers, Steve Gerber included, and the heavy morality play was uppermost
in their minds. Let it happen. But remember, if Man-Thing is attracted by the heavy emotion of a
Black Lives Matter demonstration or an Antifa protest, or a presidential rally, or a Nazi
torchlight march, it has to play out. And like Steve Gerber don’t always take the easy way out in
terms of moral choices. The synagogue vandalism might be a hoax by the rabbi or his son for
family reasons or as a political stunt. The Black Lives Matter marchers might be concealing a
sex predator. But equally, a presidential rally could into an ugly center of hate in seconds, and
Nazis are violent and filled with anger, mostly at their own inadequacies.

Pro-war presidential supporters are real, but so are anti-war presidential supporters. Likewise
many families are broken into pieces by not just politics but generational unemployment, racism,
gender roles and many other social issues. Gerber went straight into this stuff, and so should the
Judge using this sourcebook. This is not just another set of characters and some locations, it is
also intended to be a sourcebook for running quite adult and challenging adventures where the
very good vs evil or costumed men and women punching each other traditions are subverted. In
the decades since Steve Gerber pioneered the things that made his books so different, we have
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come to accept as givens many things
that were extremely controversial and out
there when a Gerber book put the issues
out there.

Man-Thing is neither hero nor villain. He

is “heroic” for Karma purposes but
would unhesitatingly scrub his Karma
and kill someone, with no thought at all.
Man-Thing is an elemental force. He is
also primarily tied not just to the natural
world and the wild places but very
strongly tied to emotional states. Thog is
a being of all consuming rage and hatred.
Richard Rory is a painfully naïve and
driven ideologue in many respects, his
fine qualities notwithstanding. The
players should equip their characters with
a deep purpose, and commit to playing it, not just to maximize Karma rewards for roleplaying
but because this campaign setting requires blazing light to cast the deepest shadows and
confrontational aspects of human life to clash. Thor if he arrives in Citrusville must be reviled by
Christian fundamentalists as at best a pretender to godhood and at worst – the Devil himself. The
Thing should be shown to be almost play-acting at monsterdom, when confronted by the ultimate
body horror that the Man-Thing represents.

Man-Thing is the central protagonist in a modern day morality play as well as being the
shambling embodiment of horror. The strong emotions and moral / ethical axis of the group of
heroes will attract him like a moth to a flame, every time. But when he arrives there is a cathexis
and punishments and rewards are meted out by fate. Whether those punishments and rewards are
ironic is an entirely different proposition.

People still venerate the gritty “realism” of the Watchmen but it’s all there in the work of Steve
Gerber fifteen years earlier. Plus, Gerber’s work can be very funny, and despite its misanthropic
voice can also be very human. Even optimistic at times. But first, always, the cynical cutthrough
against false creeds.

Professor Slaughter

Hargood Wilbur Todd Wickham

F: 4 Poor
A: 6 Typical
S: 6 Typical
E: 6 Typical
R: 20 Excellent
I: 6 Typical
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P: 6 Typical
Health: 22
Karma: 32
Resources: Poor
Popularity: 0, -10 with MIT students


Physicist, Electrical Engineer, Inventor

+The Slaughter Room aka the Extermination Chamber. This is a large (20 foot per side)
transportable cube within which is a grid delivering Amazing electricity damage to anyone not
insulated or able to smash the electrodes or drain the energy away harmlessly. Trapping someone
within it requires the victim to make an Intuition FEAT check to avoid it. Alternatively a victim
is captured and simply thrown inside, then the activation button is pressed.

Contacts: MIT, Schist Family

“Professor Savage” as his students nicknamed him was a mercenary academic hired by F.A.
Schist to destroy the Man-Thing. His battle with the muck monster left him confined to a
wheelchair. Professor Savage has a wife and child. If time has passed, the child, now an adult,
may be in Citrusville, undetected, and with an updated Slaughter Room ready to go…

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Richard Rory

Fighting: 4 Poor
Agility: 10 Good
Strength: 6 Typical
Endurance: 6 Typical
Reason: 10 Good
Intuition: 6 Typical
Psyche: 6 Typical

Health: 26
Karma: 22

Resources: Poor but see below

Pop: 0; in Now or Timely era *-15

Known Powers:
“The legendary Richard Rory Luck”: see below in “Limitations”.

+Street clothes
+VW Kombi van

(beaten up VW Kombi Van)

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Control Speed Body Protection
Poor Typical Poor Poor
Talents :
Radio DJ, Trivia: pop culture, Trivia: superheroes and supervillains, Oratory

Man-Thing, Jennifer Kale, Howard the Duck, She-Hulk

“The legendary Richard Rory Luck”. Rory’s boom to bust to boom Resources exceed the luck or
typical fluctuations of life by a considerable margin. Each game week Richard Rory rolls his
Resources rank on the Rory Resources chart below. No matter how high or low these Resources
might be and no matter their source, within seven days, the Resources are all gone and a new
random amount flows into his life. What Rory purchases with Resources will survive after the
Resources reset, however anything with Resources cost above Typical will require Rory to make
a Yellow FEAT check on his Resources in the following week for him to keep the item, weapon,
pet or effect. Otherwise it is repossessed, damaged beyond repair, stolen without trace, set on fire
and torched by an Elf, stomped on by a monster or crushed during a superhero / supervillain
battle. In addition, whenever Rory has Resources ranked higher than Good he is always subject
to a potentially life threatening situation during the week, be it threat of long term imprisonment,
death by supervillain or other terrible karmic situation.

New Left Moth To A Flame: Richard Rory will always, ALWAYS, take up the gauntlet for a
New Left late 1960s, early 1970s cause. Do NOT mistake this for some of the “left” causes of
today, he is a very different kettle of fish, and a very brave one in his way. This confrontational
protestor approach gets him beaten up, threatened with death, locked up and chased by
opponents. His quixotic behavior also led to him being jailed, appropriately, for a transportation
of a minor kidnapping felony.

Richard Rory is a former disc jockey with an unlucky habit of getting tangled up in superhuman
affairs. Richard Rory was a supporting character of the Man-Thing series, loosely based on his
creator Steve Gerber. Rory was originally introduced as an Ohio disc jockey who made fun of
the original Foolkiller while on the air. As a result, the serial killer hunted him down from Ohio
to Florida. After Man-Thing saved his life, Rory became a regularly appearing friend of the
Guardian of the Nexus. He settled for a while in Citrusville to be able to live close to his friend.
However his complaining about book-burning incidents and the rather oppressive ideological
regime in the city eventually turned him into a social outcast. He decided to leave and take
runaway underage teenager Carol Selby with him. The runaways were caught and Rory was
imprisoned for kidnapping. While in prison, he was cellmates with Greg Salinger, with whom he
shared stories about the Foolkiller. Salinger was sufficiently impressed with tales of the
Foolkiller to take on the mantle himself. Rory was released at some point and was briefly
involved with Omega the Unknown and the Defenders. He was next seen hitting the jackpot in a
Las Vegas casino. Rory was added to the 1980s supporting cast of She-Hulk and had unrequited
feelings for her.

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Rory Resources: 1d100
1d100 roll Resources rank for the week
01-33 Shift-0 (ZERO resources)
33-50 Feeble
51-70 Poor
71-90 Typical
91-95 Good
96 Excellent
97 Remarkable
98 Amazing
00 Monstrous

*If Richard Rory is used in a Now or Timely campaign he will be a registered sex offender in the
state of Florida with a felony conviction for Transport Minor Across State Lines – Sexual
Purpose and Kidnapping. Very heavy beefs in the modern era. In these circumstances the Sheriff
will be tracking his every movement and anyone associated with him will come under perhaps
unreasonable suspicion.

Richard Rory was an authorial voice and alter ego of Steve Gerber so if ever there was a
character that would be making speeches, championing New Left or hippie causes or generally
acting in a self righteous and suicidally brave way: this is your guy. Steve Gerber was the real
deal and fought for his causes hard, and so does Richard Rory. Richard Rory may seem like an
insignificant or even irritating character, but his politics and his morality are worn on his sleeve
and he must be used as was true to his appearances in the Gerber written comics. He was very
much the voice of the anti-Vietnam War New Left, as well as someone who espoused all the
same causes as Gerber himself. For some issues of the comics he was the axis mundi in fact.

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Rory’s bad luck is a key catalyst to events. If he gives advice to the heroes, he will undoubtedly
lead them to be swiftly caught up in local events, whether it is the soap opera of local life,
political protests and big issues of the day, the plot of a bizarre supervillain or the machinations
of the diabolical Thog. The Man-Thing orbits around Richard Rory as long as Rory is in
Citrusville and this means Rory is a short-cut for the players’ character to encounter the muck
monster. This is no guarantee that Man-Thing will suddenly and completely out of character
team up with the player characters. It is much more likely that Rory’s entanglements and the
Man-Thing appearing are two more random elements of fateful chaos to disrupt the peace of
mind of the player characters. But they can also act as circuit breakers for when the heroes have
gone down a doomed path or are facing foes too powerful for them. Rory can show up or jump
up and make a speech, buying some time, and at the same time, along comes the Man-Thing,
sensing the pulsations of
powerful emotions.

When Richard Rory is used

the Judge MUST stay true to
the Gerber approach, which
is absolutely not one of reset
buttons and status quo.
People come, go, die, go to
jail or become broken
wrecks. In this way the
stories told must have an
element of soap opera. For
all their many differences,
and Gerber’s legitimate
grievances against him and
“The Man”, Gerber and Stan
Lee shared the same
approach to comic book
storytelling. “Extraordinary
events in a realistic world”.
This is not a hand wave
campaign. How well the
Judge, or a player playing
Richard Rory, can carry of
his moral outrage, somewhat white privilege influenced liberalism, his pacifism in the midst of a
world of outrageous violence, and the juxtaposition of his “East Coast know-all” hippie value
systems on a working class and below milieu, is the acid test of running not just the character,
but the whole adventure or campaign. If some jackasses light up a cross on a black family’s
lawn- Rory will be there. If a synagogue is defaced – he will be there. If a school curriculum is
messed up with insane content – he will be there. If he still has a radio station job, he will be
excoriating those he sees as the guilty parties at every opportunity.

Richard Rory could, in one of his high Resources weeks, buy the radio station. There would
initially be euphoria, parties to celebrate and dreams of ongoing success. But then will come the
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mountain of ongoing bills, complaints from powerful town elders about what he is saying and
doing, and worst of all, allies doing well meaning but completely insane things. Those he
influences frequently take the most ridiculous actions and assume philosophical positions wildly
out of kilter.

Rory is no guru, and he inspired a man to become the murderous Foolkiller!

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Robert Nicolle

Fighting: 10 Good
Agility: 20 Excellent
Strength: 30 Remarkable
Endurance: 10 Good
Reason: 6 Typical
Intuition: 6 Typical
Psyche: 6 Typical

Health: 70
Karma: 18

Resources: Typical
Pop: -10

Known Powers:

Flight, Typical

Martial Arts C

Bio-Vampirism, Unearthly: an
additional positive effect on Scavenger from this power is that he can feel and has a sense of
touch like a normal human for a number of rounds equal to the points he has drained. Those
affected by Scavenger’s form of Bio-Vampirism collapse into first a weakened sleepy state, then
a coma and finally death. In the process they also lose physical mass. When or if they are
reduced to zero Health they are subject to an Instant Kill result and are reduced to a completely
skeleton inside their clothes. If his evil feeding is interrupted after the weakened sleepy state but
before death occurs his victim is left hopelessly insane and will require Red FEAT Medicine
treatment for months to regain their sanity to any degree.

*No sense of touch: see Limitations below

Fearless Fighter: Scavenger gains a +1 bonus to Initiative rolls because he never hesitates to take
his action or leap into combat. He is a savage and vicious opponent who offers no mercy and
seeks none.

+Costume: Feeble protection vs Physical and Energy
+Nightmare Box: there is a 15% chance that Scavenger is flying around delivering a Nightmare
Box to an unsuspecting victim on behalf of Thog the Nether-Spawn.
+Skeleton lover: if encountered in his temporary lair, usually the home or business address of his
latest victim, he will have their skeleton, draped in its clothes, on the floor or on the bed next to
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where he sleeps. Seeing this requires all normal heroes to make a Yellow FEAT check on Psyche
or suffer Initiative loss to Scavenger due to horror revulsion and shock.

Talents :

Man-Thing, Thog the Nether-Spawn

No sense of touch: in any situation where there is a hazard that would cause physical harm
Scavenger must make an Intuition roll not to accidentally come into contact with the hazard’s
damaging effects.
The only positive from this dead nerve ending condition is that Scavenger does not feel pain
from external sources and does not have to attempt to remain unaffected by Stun results. He
simply goes from conscious to unconscious and near death when his Health is reduced to zero.
When Scavenger has used his Bio-Vampirism to feed, and during the duration equal to the
points he has stolen, he can feel normally and has no good or bad effects of his dead nerve

Serial Rapist: in many respects Scavenger behaves like a power crazed rapist, particularly since
his serial killer violation of his victims against their will is a sensual act for him. He is unable to
ever restrain himself and ignores any risk of capture or injury to constantly feed in a spiral of
destructive addictive behavior. Worst of all Scavenger knows all this about himself and couldn’t
care less. He is the most dangerous kind of criminally abusive psychopath, gifted with all the
demonic power he needs to assault and kill his victims.

Robert Nicolle was the brother of Danielle Nicolle, and both would be fated to become pawns of
Thog the Netherspawn. Robert Nicolle was born without the sense of touch. He was initially
thought to be clumsy because he couldn't feel something he was supposed to be holding. One day
they found him holding his hand over a flaming stove, showing no pain as he cooked his own
hand. They brought him to specialists, who identified his lack of sensation, but could do nothing
about it.

When he went to college, his good looks made him popular with the women, but he couldn't feel
a kiss or a caress, nor could he respond to them, and so he was soon alone again. He attempted to
disfigure himself, to ruin his good looks, but his regenerative powers always healed things back
to normal. His inability to feel eventually drove him mad and he attempted to commit suicide
and was eventually institutionalized. Robert's sister, Danielle, had entered into a pact with the
demon Thog. She revealed her brother's problems to Thog's agents, who decided to involve
Robert in their plans. Thog came to Robert in his cell, and granted him the power to gain
sensation as he drained the life force from others. The Scavenger went on a rampage, sucking the
life and emotions from his victims. One of his attempts was thwarted by the Man-Thing. The
Scavenger tracked down the Man-Thing to a hotel and attacked him. When he saw how futile his

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attacks were, he knew fear and was burned by Man-Thing. Robert ended up with a big hand print
burned into his face. He was only stunned, and once he regained his senses, he flew away. He
next abducted Elsbeth Duhl, the wife of Roland, another pawn of Thog, and told her his origins
before draining her life, and then cuddling up with her skeleton for a night's sleep.

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Fighting 10 Good
Agility 20 Excellent
Strength 100 Unearthly
Endurance 1,000 Class 1000
Reason 100 Unearthly
Intuition 30 Remarkable
Psyche 100 Unearthly

Health: 1,130
Karma: 230
Resources: CL1000
Pop: -50

Known Powers:
Devilish Immunity: Thog is immune to any mortal
weapon that is mundane in nature whether it is a laser
beam, Iron Man energy blasts from repulsors or Uni-Beam, bullets, swords or anything else. To
harm Thog, a mortal weapon must be enchanted, bonded psychically or technologically to the
life force of its wielder, holy or blessed overtly in some way, or be in the shape of a holy symbol
or religious artefact in which the person wielding the weapon has faith.

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Associated Limitation of Devilish Immunity: Holy water is considered acid when used against
Thog. Holy incense is considered lethal poison gas when used against Thog. Any fire based
weapon other than literal Holy Fire (or spiritual fire such as is generated by the touch of the
Man-Thing) of some kind -and fire specifically- heals Thog of 3d10 points of lost Health. No
other form of energy affects Thog unless it is directly holy in nature. Lightning generated by
Thor - "holy". Lightning generated by the Living Lightning character - does no damage to Thog.

Magical Ability: Thog is a powerful black magician. He may use any listed power as a spell,
subject to the limitations of Personal and Universal energy restrictions. Being a Dimensional
entity, he is able to generate these energies himself. He uses these abilities at the Amazing level.
He typically uses spells to either create items or empower agents, always in either case to cause
direct death and harm to living beings especially mortal humans. For example he created and
empowered the serial sex killer Scavenger and set him loose on the mortal world.

Thog has the powers of a Throne of Hell, as listed below:

-Telepathy: Thog can telepathically contact anyone he wishes throughout whatever dimension he
currently occupies at CL1000 ability. This can be used to coerce or command his pawns,
especially those to whom he has given some form of supernatural power. If he is using his
telepathy as any form of assault, even bullying, the target of his telepathy can make a FEAT roll
on Psyche to resist it and a Red FEAT roll on Psyche to break the link for 1d10 hours.

-Eldritch Beams/Bolts: Amazing Force or Energy Missile weapon, Amazing range. These bolts
resemble glowing balls of light from which lightning crackles and blasts, or alternatively they
resemble two fiery lumps of burning matter dropping ash and flaming embers which Thog seems
to throw to cast the spell effect.

-Dimensional Aperture (Dimensional): Unearthly, creates an opening into and permits passage to
and from his home dark dimension of Sominus. This dimensional home has large numbers of

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Thog or satan worshipping creatures. Some of
these creatures are gargoyle-like bat-winged
demons serving Thog. Most however of the
inhabitants are lost souls who have died and
reincarnated in that terrible dimension in a
dreary semblance of their earthly (or other
mortal location in the cosmos) form. From his
home hell-dimension,Thog can intrude into any
part of Earth where a Thog worshipper has
called him. Other than this he can only use the
Dimensional Aperture properly with no
requirement beyond a Green result in the Nexus
of All Realities. Using the Dimensional
Aperture to travel where there is no worshipper
or Nexus of All Realities requires a Yellow or
better result.

-Transformation (Dimensional): Remarkable,

Thog can transform himself or others into
another substance, retaining the target's own
shape. He can also endow another individual
with new powers, or enhance old ones. This is
the primary means whereby Thog creates hellish
super-villains, after signing a satanic compact with an evil or sick individual first. Thog typically
only confers on an agent a physical means to travel quickly and a single extremely nasty power
that kills, maims or causes severe trauma of some kind against those at whom his agent uses the
power. He does however boost physical statistics of his lackey to make them more formidable

-Disguise, Typical: Thog wears the equivalent of latex masks together with physical clothing
disguises and compresses or slightly alters his body so as to take on the form and mannerisms of
a human being when the mood takes him. He enhances this crude disguise work with magic until
he wearies of the deception, then off comes the mask, and it’s time for violent shenanigans and
boasting again! There is absolutely no legitimate reason for Thog to do this particular kind of
disguise or transformation, and his servitor demons do true shapeshifting to take human form, so
this kink is definitely an insight into Thog’s psychology. He is a very impatient, boastful and
hatred-fuelled raging fellow. Maybe he’s both insecure and bored?

-Army of the Damned (see end of entry below).

-Throne of Regency: When Thog is in his home hell-dimension or when he has had his Throne
brought to his location on Earth and he is sitting in this chair, he receives a +1CS on any power
he uses.

-Immortality: If Thog's Health is reduced to zero his body dissipates and begins to reform

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elsewhere over a period of 2-20 months. If this is done in conjunction with some form of magical
banishment then he reforms only in his home dimension of Sominus.

-Bat Form: Thog first appeared in the mortal realm as a crimson bat-like homunculus and he can
assume this form at will. It reduces his physical statistics as follows:

Thog the Blood-Bat

Fighting 2 Feeble
Agility 10 Good
Strength 2 Feeble
Endurance 4 Poor

This is a natural form and Thog can assume this, his true form, and shed it again, as a standard
action for each direction of shapeshifting. In other words, one action to turn into a bat, one action
to turn into his humanoid form.

+Nightmare Boxes: created by Thog and scattered around the cosmos, these small ornate boxes
drain emotional states from mortals with Unearthly intensity and mental attack power. Those
drained lose all emotions and are reduced to a zombie-like stunned state for 1d10 hours, +1 hour
per Rank of Psyche below Unearthly the victim has, -1 hour to a minimum of one hour per Rank
the victim has in Psyche above Unearthly. Thog is filling these boxes with negative energy and
creating a pyramid with them in his home dimension. When complete, this infernal structure will
plunge the entirety of the earth into CL3000 Emotion Control caused madness and anguish.

+Falchion of Hell: a unique sword that requires two hands for anyone other than Thog to wield.
Red metal blade, Unearthly metal. Small flames surround the edge of the weapon. Wielded by
Thog it inflicts Remarkable slashing damage to anyone struck successfully as well as forcing the
target to suffer The Horrors: the victim is forced to make a Red Psyche FEAT or suffer violent,
guilt-wracked and horrifying hallucinations for 1d10 rounds. The Judge may rule that certain
characters who are totally at peace with themselves or who have mental Talents reflecting
stronger than normal mental training or faith are immune to this Horrors effect.

Talents: Occult Lore, Mystical Background, Psychology of

Human Weakness, Acting, .

Thog is a demonic super-villain and a recurring enemy of Man-
Thing. Like many demons however he has become the enemy
of several other heroes in his career. He clashed with Howard
the Duck and has also clashed with the classic line-up of the
Defenders, at which time it was claimed that Thog was in fact a
fragment and avatar of Satan, able to operate independently of
his principal aspect Satan himself. Thog is the big enchilada, the
end boss, the big bad. He is also the orchestrator of some of the
stygian evil that plagues the world and Citrusville in particular.
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However, a lot of the evil he produces is actually within the hearts of human beings. He
cultivates it like a gardener of evil, but the darkness is in us, long before Thog comes along.

It’s important not to make all threats and all psychopaths and vile criminals Thog agents. Firstly,
that is not true to the historical record of the original Marvel comic books and secondly it’s
boring as hell. Plus it’s a nice little Gerber touch to have some of the absolute sickest and worst
evil doers turn out to just be… Regular folks.

It’s worth noting that the heavy hand of censorship gave Thog absurd bathing trunks in his later
appearances. In his first appearances his genital region is just blanked out – obscured by fire or
glow? But he was definitely naked. Depends on how adult you want your game to be. But he
came from the same era and the same type of mature Marvel magazine that had topless Thundra
stories and so on.

Not to go too far overboard (bit late now isn’t it) but Thog may have plagued mankind for one
hell of a long time, if his previous fourteen foot tall somewhat Kirbyesque form made out of
wood and possessing True Invulnerability, Typical was Thogarh, a Conan the Barbarian foe.
That would make modern foes like Korrek nothing special, but a constant reminder of past
defeats going back to the pre-flood civilization – which leads us once more to Atlantis.

The Six-Fingered Hand (a group of six second rate demons)
Satan (allegedly the primum materium from which Thog derives. There is zero evidence of this
and all the entities involved in saying such things were, proudly, lords of deception)
Satannish (his possible sibling or soul mate or perhaps a fragment of the same hellish ur-demon)
Mephisto (another possible sibling or fragment)
Daimon Hellstrom (the son of his progenitor. So his brother or half-brother? Or just some guy)
Satana (mutandam mutandis same as Hellstrom)
Dakimh the Enchanter (enemy but they’ve cooperated before)
Jennifer Kale (potential snack)
Howard the Duck (potential snack and for some weird reason a creature with whom Thog is
karmically entwined. Almost as though they had the same creator or something)
D'Spayre (belongs to the same union)
Nightmare (loves his work)

Thog's Army of the Damned

Thog has in the past used an army recruited from the Nexus of All Realities, focusing on humans
and near humans from Earth's history. Like the Congress of Realities, Thog's soldiers come from
history ("was"), a handful come from the future ("will be") as well as weirder troops who come
from realities that may or may not endure or exist ("maybe" and "never"). Students paying close
attention to the historical record will note that, as with the Congress of Realities, characters from
other comic book publishers make background appearances in Thog’s Army of the Damned.

Typical Thog Soldier

137 | Citrusville Sourcebook

Fighting 6 Typical
Agility 4 Poor
Strength 6 Typical
Endurance 10 Good
Reason 4 Poor
Intuition 4 Poor
Psyche 6 Typical

Health 26
Karma 0* *Thog's troops fall under his control after they have died or ceased to exist in their
home reality. As such they are more like phantoms that can manifest a physical presence or
temporarily animated undead than flesh and blood men and women. They will never think to use
Karma and have none to use.

Equipment: Some form of sword, rifle, pistol, axe, energy pistol or bizarre alien melee weapon.
Whatever the form of the weapon, it is actually a construct create by Thog or his slaves and as
such has the following stats:

Thog Sword: reddish metal, Resource cost 2, damage Typical, Ex resistance to physical damage
Thog Axe: silvery metal, Resource cost 4, damage Excellent, Ex resistance to physical damage
Thog Pistol: as per normal pistol
Thog Rifle: as per normal rifle
Thog Energy Pistol: as per normal energy pistol
Thog weird melee weapon: Black handle with silvery metal shape of some kind attached to one
end. Resource cost 8, damage Excellent, requires two hands to use, Ex resistance to physical

When Thog is encountered in his base of operations on Earth he has 1d100 x 10 of his soldiers
present as muscle and will also have 2d10 of his servitor demons (initially in human disguise). If
encountered in his home dimension he has 1d100 x 100 soldiers present, and hundreds of his
demons in their true misshapen forms, the rest being out causing mischief and misery on the
mortal planes.

There are no real commanders of the Army of the Damned even if some sections of it seem to be
organised for example Roman legionaries, US Cavalry from the 1800s, spacemen in a moon
rover armed with laser pistols. None of his soldiers have free will and Thog uses his own
considerable mental power to move the soldiers around like so many self-animated toys. He
cares nothing at all for them and delights in seeing opponents cripple or "kill" these flesh robots.

Thog's Servitor Demons

Thog uses a network of trained and quite professional demons whom he rules over in Sominus as
his secret organization on Earth. He certainly has cultists and magicians who give obeisance to
him, but he has nothing but impatient and scathing contempt for them, in much the same way
Aleister Crowley did for those who sent him money orders and reported to him of their magical
rituals. Thog is only interested in himself, and is only protective of his useful servitor demons.

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He would sacrifice any of them in an instant, but would also grant them protection if doing so
helped his own plans.

Typical Thog Servitor Demon

Fighting 10 Good
Agility 6 Typical
Strength 10 Good
Endurance 6 Typical
Reason 20 Excellent
Intuition 4 Poor
Psyche 6 Typical

Health 32
Karma 30

+Shapeshifting, Typical used to disguise
themselves as human beings, to the extent of
even living amongst humans, marrying them
or mating with them if necessary to some
evil plot;
+Sharp Teeth and Claws in their true form:
In human form they’re formidable for
normal folks. In their misshapen true forms
they can also attack with a bite for Excellent
edged damage or with their clawed paws for
Excellent edged damage and a 10% chance
of being poisoned with Excellent intensity
hallucinatory poison. Any severe stress,
physical damage or magical attack
immediately makes a Servitor Demon slip its
human form, quite likely shredding its
human clothes in the process.

A failed roll on the Shapeshifting power doesn’t mean a Servitor Demon has failed to assume its
normal human disguise. It means that there is a serious flaw in that disguise that threatens their
effectiveness. Possible flaws include an inhuman aspect to their appearance such as being
misshapen, having weird white blank eyes, having blackish claws instead of fingernails, being
unable to read English (or whatever the local native Earth language happens to be), getting basic
human concepts wrong to the extent that people joke uneasily about it, and so on.
+Immortality: the true form of a Thog Servitor Demon from Sominus will never age or die from
old age. But they can be permanently disfigured, disabled or killed by physical damage.


139 | Citrusville Sourcebook

Thog Servitor Demons are more physical and less innately supernaturally powerful than some
other infernal entities so the normal way of disposing of them is physical violence. However,
they do still have the same susceptibilities as Thog himself to blessed, enchanted or holy items
and holy water. They can be struck by any kind of weapon or attack but all the holy, blessed or
bonded weapons and items that successfully strike them receive a +2CS bonus to any damage

Equipment: Thog Servitor Demons use normal human equipment, vehicles and weapons
appropriate to whatever task they are carrying out. They may be encountered carrying or
transporting some much more significant item such as an unconscious test subject, potential
human sacrifice, a Nightmare Box, a magical item or weapon or stolen Federal government
resources to be used in a rather mundane way to restore lost Resources or set up a base.

Servitor Demons can spend a human life time roleplaying as a human being, and even produce
half-demon offspring or “cambions” with mortal men or women. However, none have ever been
known to rebel against Thog or “go native”. They are supernatural sleeper agents and
conspirators. The exception might be during a period when or if Thog is “destroyed” and
defeated. He would be unable to enforce his will or bully his Servitor Demons at all during that
time. In such extraordinary circumstances the demonic entity might be tempted to go rogue or
simply flee from Citrusville or its surrounding area, taking their human family (if any) with them
and setting up an independent life for itself somewhere else. Servitor Demons are “inherently
evil” in the same way Soviet Russians or Nazi Germans were, ie they willingly and
enthusiastically serve a supreme evil. But that isn’t to say they couldn’t either go it alone or
genuinely reject the ideology (and evil master) they once willingly served. Such a rebel demon
could even be a potential player character. And even Typical intensity Shapeshifting is nothing
to sneer at. Used properly it’s a very effective superpower. When meeting human servants of
Thog they maintain their human disguise unless there is a point to be made in which case they
put the frighteners on their target in their true forms.

Thog's Human Servants

Thog also uses human lackeys. He gives them something they want in return for complete
obedience. Thog’s human lackeys have one statistic at Remarkable. Their other statistics should
be generated on 2d10, with the numerical result compared to the Universal Table to ascertain at
what rank each statistic is rated. Examples of these people include the accountant Roland Duhl,
whose Reason is Remarkable.

140 | Citrusville Sourcebook

Tork Family

Ezekiel “Zeke” Tork, Maybelle Tork and Dawg the dog

Family Member: Zeke Maybelle Dawg

Fighting: 6 Typical 4 Poor 4 Poor
Agility: 4 Poor 4 Poor 6 Typical
Strength: 6 Typical 6 Typical 10 Good
Endurance: 6 Typical 4 Poor 10 Good
Reason: 6 Typical 10 Good 4 Poor
Intuition: 6 Typical 6 Typical 20 Excellent (sense
of smell, sense of
hearing far beyond
that of a human)
Psyche: 6 Typical 20 Excellent 4 Poor
Health: 22 20 30
Karma: 18 36 28

Resources: Feeble
Pop: 0

Known Powers:

141 | Citrusville Sourcebook

None, although Maybelle is something special to be singled out as she was by the Scarlet Mist

+Homespun clothes
+Swamp punt: Feeble speed, Good Control, Good Body, Feeble Protection
+Quarterstaff / Punt pole for Zeke
+Antique one-shot rifle, Excellent damage, range 4 areas, Good intensity construction

Talents :
Zeke: Swamp Lore, Navigation, Swimming, Marksmanship
Maybelle: Cooking, Suppress Emotion, Strong Mind: +1CS in any form of telepathic battle
Dawg: Tracking at Excellent intensity (dog senses of hearing and smell)

Man-Thing, Man-Thing Swamp Truck Stop regulars

Zeke was the target of the Scarlet Mist’s animated matter monsters, only saved by intervention of
the Man-Thing. Maybelle was the source of the negative energy on which the Scarlet Mist fed.
The Scarlet Mist left after Maybelle suffered a heart attack and it suffered psychic defeat when
Maybelle herself rejected its
powers. This happened after
Zeke came to realize his part in
making his wife so unhappy by
doting on Dawg.

When this emotional was

resolved the Scarlet Mist
departed to seek another angry
unhappy person from whom to
take inspiration and on whom to

Vivian Schist
Crime family matriarch

Team Affiliation: Schist


F: 2 Feeble
A: 4 Poor
S: 6 Typical
142 | Citrusville Sourcebook
E: 6 Typical
R: 10 Good
I: 6 Typical
P: 6 Typical
Health: 18
Karma: 22
Resources: Remarkable
Popularity: 0



Contacts: Eric Schist, F.A. Schist, Carolyn Schist (daughter), Jake Schist (nephew)

Vivian is wife to F.A. Schist the developer. Vivian hired Dr. Dane Gavin to capture or kill the
Man-Thing; he chose the former, placing Man-Thing on display in the New York Museum of
Nature History, where visitors' fears sent the Man-Thing on a berserk rampage through the city
until Dr. Gavin and Schist's daughter, Carolyn, took him back to the swamp.

Vivian is the matriarch of the Schist Family. If F.A. Schist has disappeared or died, she will
automatically assume control. She is less romantic minded and vastly more ruthless than her
husband. Where F.A. Schist offers brutish bullying and violence, Vivian will make a few phone
calls and in public maintain a quiet and friendly façade, all the while planning the death of her

She attends all the social events on the calendar in Citrusville and also spends time at the Yacht
Club near Port Citrusville and at the Tennis Club and Country Club north of town (as far away
from the Man-Thing and his swamp as it is possible to get and still remain in town).

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Wundarr the Aquarian

Steve Gerber’s take on Superman meets Space Jesus. That’s “Aquarian”, as in “Age of
Aquarius” from the then still topical musical “HAIR”.

Fighting 4 Poor
Agility 6 Typical
Strength 40 Incredible
Endurance 50 Amazing
Reason 4 Poor
Intuiton 40 Incredible
Psyche 20 Excellent

Health: 94
Karma: 76
Resources: Feeble at best
Pop: 10

Known Powers:

144 | Citrusville Sourcebook

+Super Strength: His Strength is at the listed rank due to his alien physiology’s interaction with
Earth’s Sun’s solar radiation.
+Leaping: CL3000
+Null Field: Aquarian's body is constantly surrounded by a null field that absorbs all forms of
energy (Light, Electricity, Magnetism, Radiation, Sound, Gravity, etc.). This field reduces all
attacks by -10CS.
+Energy Absorption: Aquarian absorbs energy at 1 point per round. Each time he uses his
strength or leaping ability, this reduces back to zero. If the total accumulated energy reaches 100,
it is released in a massive, involuntary Unearthly intensity Force Blast against everything within
10 areas. This is a guy who needs to keep busy.


First-Aid (or Medicine) used solely to the extent that he can and will help or stabilize any injured
or dying living being as his first priority.

Wundarr is new around here and acts as if “touched” or a simpleton. He has the mind of a child,
innocent, accepting …and trusting.

Man Thing, Namorita, The Thing, Captain America, Quasar, Shaper of Worlds, Man-Thing,
Howard the Duck, Project: Pegasus, KISS and Stanko Liver.

Wundarr was rocketed to Earth from his dying homeworld. He is that world’s sole survivor.
Essentially due to the accident of his arrival in the swamp near Citrusville rather than say a field
in Kansas near where a childless couple is driving by, Wundarr becomes a fairly banal platitude
spouting hippie superperson rather than say a Man of
Adamantium or a living symbol of American values.
Or maybe he IS a living symbol of American values.
In which case, we’re in trouble.

145 | Citrusville Sourcebook

Section Two: Original to this sourcebook
These are newly made up characters to expand the existing continuity of the Gerberverse. They
are separated from the characters above so if you don’t care to use original ie homebrewed
characters you don’t have to. To the best of the author’s efforts, they are true to the spirit of the
Gerber comics and his behind the scenes commentary, inside scoops and attitudes.

146 | Citrusville Sourcebook

147 | Citrusville Sourcebook
Everett Rebreg
Manager and Impresario of the Roxie
Theater, Citrusville
Fighting 2 Feeble
Agility 4 Poor
Strength 4 Poor
Endurance 4 Poor
Reason 20 Excellent
Intuition 6 Typical
Psyche 10 Good

Health: 14
Karma: 36
Resources: Good (backed by the Roxie
Theater Trust)
Pop: 0, 10 with Citrusville locals

Known Powers:

+Roxie Theater
+Lump of weird citrine colored crystal he found in the swamp one day (used as a paperweight)

Theater Director, Projectionist, Bookkeeping

Sheriff John Landry, Stanko Liver, Stever Gerber (deceased), Richard Rory, Jennifer Kale,
Howard the Duck, Leonard the Fowl, Dakimh the Enchanter

Everett Rebreg appeared in town shortly after the disappearance of Steve Gerber. Rebreg is the
manager of the Roxie Theater and lives on the premises in a two room apartment above the
cinema chamber. He answers to the somewhat mysterious Roxie Theater Trust, and as such is
one of the few locals not behold directly or indirectly to the Schist Family and its powerful
financial tentacles. This allows him to screen films and mount art installations that directly
criticize and protest against the polluting and oppressive projects of the Schist Family.

Steve Gerber would have much the same statistics, but no one has seen him around for a long
time gone now.

148 | Citrusville Sourcebook

Evil Cults
The proximity of the Man-Thing’s
Swamp, Thog the Nether-Spawn AND
the Nexus of All Realities makes Cults
an everyday hazard in Citrusville!

Typical Cult member

Fighting 4 Poor
Agility 4 Poor
Strength 10 Good
Endurance 6 Typical
Reason 4 Poor
Intuition 6 Typical
Psyche 6 Typical

Health: 24
Karma: 20
Resources: 4 Poor
Pop: 0, -10 with Citrusville locals

Known Powers:
None individually but almost all Evil Cults in Citrusville or the swamp have a collective power
at Feeble intensity useable by any member of the cult’s general cadre once per day. This power is
always something of direct use such as Disguise or Elasticity, a weapon based ability or Magic
Ability solely conferring on them the use of Mystic Energy Bolts once per day each.

+Hooded Robe, Feeble protection vs physical damage
+Dagger, Good material, doing Good edged damage. Instead of this the weirder cults will have a
cult-specific weapon such as a large wooden mallet or “Clown Hammer”, a mace, a spiked ball
on a chain, flaming torches, a sock full of quarters or something more bizarre. These special cult
weapons are Good material and do Excellent edged or blunt damage depending on their type.
They are however all weapons that require two hands to use.

Occult Lore, Trivia: local cults and culting, Wrestling

Their Cult leader, whatever demon, dark god, cosmic entity or philosophical abstraction made
flesh to which they give their worship and if they have been previously arrested, Sheriff John

Cultists are the local street level crooks of Citrusville. There are surprisingly few “regular”
crooks other than the wharf rats of Port Citrusville but the county is full of hooded nutjobs
149 | Citrusville Sourcebook
working towards their obscure Purpose. Hilariously, they all shop at the same handful of occult
and magic shops across the state so they actually have quite good Contacts amongst themselves.
All of them talk big about killing heavy hitters like Doctor Strange but the truth is a determined
normal person armed with a stick could fend off quite a few of them with a bit of luck. That’s
why successful Cults have SWARMS of Cultists who they unleash to drown any heroes in a sea
of violence whilst the leadership makes its escape.

Cults are also so large and common that they frequently form alliances or links to other evil
organizations. This confuses heroes and law enforcement because it becomes difficult to tell if
the plot being uncovered is a supernatural scheme using crime as a cover or a conventional crime
using supernatural trappings as a diversion. Sometimes even the cultists and criminals
themselves don’t know. Linkages that are one way are unreciprocated; this means that the Cult
that is linked contributes to the
other Cult but receives nothing
whatsoever in return.

Each Cult in Citrusville has a

Purpose. This is the campaign goal
of each Cult and if successful it will
be a campaign ender as well. The
Judge can add any number of other
cults to the list below.

Cults frequently get defeated, their

leaders murdered and their
membership smashed to fragments.
Despite this, they always reform,
sometimes resurrecting their
deceased Cult leader. Sometimes
this resurrection becomes the new
Purpose of the reformed version of
a Cult.

Cult Purpo Leader Linke

se d to
Bozo Dress, Clown None
Ortho act X,
doxy and identity
agitate unknow
like n, aka
obnoxi the
ous Biggest
clowns Bozo
Churc Find Sanford None
h of and the
the share Strong
150 | Citrusville Sourcebook
Holy the use and
Molec of the Molecul
ule Molec e
ule Person,
Man’s a man
wand and
lost in woman
the who
Man- each
Thing’ briefly
s owned
Swam the
p Molecul
e Wand
Cult Spread D’Spayr Thog
of misery e worshi
D’Spa , cause ppers
yre suicide
Cult Wallo Eugene Cult of
of w in “The D’Spa
Decay the Star” yre,
filth of Spangle Good
existen r, pop Friend
ce, be star, s
debauc entertai Anima
hed ner and l
sensua vicious Shelter
lists, pervert s
Cult Destro Andrew AIM
of y Forson, (used
Entro Earth a master as
py by AIM patsies
enhanc agent by
ing AIM,
and get
151 | Citrusville Sourcebook
acceler suppli
ating es
the from
natural AIM)
Cult Obtain The None
of the the Namele
Undyi Harmo ss One
ng nica of (demon)
Ones Destin
y and
use it
Good Comm High Cult of
Friend it Priest D’Spa
s ritual Murley yre,
Anim murde Grimsto Cult of
al rs to nworth Entrop
Shelte obtain y, Cult
rs Dimen of
sional Decay,
Magic Thog
spell Worsh
casting ippers
Mad Make Various The
Vikin Citrus represse town
gs ville d white grieva
Great guys, nce
Again their commi
spiritual ttee
leader is and
the used
“real” as
Mad pawns
Viking from
time to
152 | Citrusville Sourcebook
by the

Thog Consr Thog None
worsh uct a the
ippers pyrami Nether-
d out Spawn

Human cult leaders whilst seemingly very different from each other actually closely follow an
established pattern.

Typical Human Cult Leader

Fighting 6 Typical
Agility 6 Typical
Strength 10 Good
Endurance 20 Excellent
Reason 10 Good
Intuition 10 Good
Psyche 20 Excellent

Health: 42
Karma: 50
Resources: 10 Good (but not shared with the Cult that they lead)
Pop: 0, -20 with Citrusville locals

Known Powers:
Magic Ability, Typical

+Hooded Robe, Armored: Typical protection vs physical damage
+Item of sinister jewellery: this item is valuable and usually resembles something confronting or
evil looking. It also always has a secret compartment able to be opened and whatever within used
153 | Citrusville Sourcebook
as a standard action. The compartment might contain a pistol, a suicide pill, a grenade or any
other item that it can fit inside.
+Cult Weapon: a two handed weapon sacred to the cult and of peculiar design and appearance.
Excellent material, Excellent damage usually the user’s choice of blunt or edged.

Occult Lore, Leadership, Martial Arts A, Wrestling

Their Cult, whatever demon, dark god, cosmic entity or philosophical abstraction made flesh to
which they give their worship and if they have been previously arrested, Sheriff John Landry.

Cult leaders in the Gerberverse part of the
Marvel Universe are always a combination of the
person you least expect and a homicidal maniac
if they keep their identity secret. If they have a
public identity then they are not only the self
identified most obvious person to lead an actual
Cult but are also loud and obnoxious about their
beliefs to the point of self parody.

Cult Demons
Some cults are led by or serve a demon. Lesser in
power than D’Spayre or Thog, these are jobbing
supernatural monsters that find it much easier to
run a bunch of human lackeys than get dragged
into the usually suicidal plans of a major demon
like Thog.
Typical Cult Demons have one statistic at Remarkable rank,
one at Excellent and the rest Typical. They also have Magic
Ability and use Typical intensity Dimensional magics.

Named Demons
Named demons are identical to Cult Demons in general but
never manifest physically. Instead they use their special power
of Possession (Typical) to permanently overwhelm a mortal and
possess them. Usully the mortal possessed is a human being but
it can just as easily be a dog, cat, a deer, an alligator or a bunny

Once possessed, the victim has the modified appearance of the

demon, a harmless but spectacular fiery aura, a skull-like face
and the demon’s physical characteristics, no matter how small
the victim might be. Named Demons give out their name once
they’ve possessed a victim and attempt to gain Karma by
154 | Citrusville Sourcebook
boasting of their plans to any hero who will listen. Named demons always have a Remarkable
and an Excellent rank physical statistic, with the other two physical statistics being Typical. It is
almost impossible to remove a Named Demon from its host without a very specific magic ritual.
Once this ritual is known however banising them is a trivial affair.

Undying Ones
Undying Ones are a race of Cult Demons who resemble large brown furred gorillas with the
heads of lions and gigantic feathered eagle wings. They have Poor flight, Excellent claws and
teeth and Feeble protection vs physical damage. Their Cult’s shared power is the Feeble ability
to summon 1d10 Undying Ones to attack a foe, and the whole Cult only has one use of this
ability per week. The leader of the Undying Ones and the Cult is the Nameless one, a two headed
and torsoed conjoined monstrosity with goblin like heads and bat wings. It is much larger than a
normal Undying One and has Typical statistics other than Monstrous Strength and Unearthly
Endurance. It has Feeble Magic Ability when on Earth but it can project Energy Bolts of Typical
intensity a distance of 3 areas.
Greg Smith
Greg the Paperboy
Fighting 2 Feeble
Agility 6 Typical
Strength 4 Poor
Endurance 6 Typical
Reason 6 Typical
Intuition 2 Feeble
Psyche 4 Poor

Health: 18
Karma: 12
Resources: Feeble
Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Sole Survivor: Greg the Paperboy is the only intended target known to have survived an attack
by Elf With A Gun. The karmic balance required to be saved by sheer random dumb luck has
gifted Greg with the opportunity to grow up and do something extraordinary.

+Canvas bag of Long Island Messenger newspapers
+Pet puppy dog “Patch”

Disguise, Ambush Attack, Weapon Specialist: .357 Magnum Revolver +1CS


155 | Citrusville Sourcebook
Greg Smith is a random normal human who survived Elf With A Gun. Until a new reign of terror
by the elf begins again, he is, unwittingly, the last potential victim of the supernatural serial

Greg and his family on Long Island near Nighthawk’s Richmond Riding Academy ranch
headquarters of the Defenders in the early mid 1970s.

Will this boy, or has this boy, grown up to be a superhero or something else extraordinary? That
is for you, the Judge, to decide!

156 | Citrusville Sourcebook

Homeland Security local response team member
These people could be seconded from almost any Federal agency but are chosen for assignment
in Citrusville based on their capability and tough mindedness. Individually they may in some
cases be no match for SWAT, Sheriff’s people or Schist operatives. Remember however that
Homeland Security can, and will, rain down more people in numbers up to the hundreds.

Fighting: 6 Typical (75% chance) or Good (25% chance)

Agility: 6 Typical (80% chance) or Good (20% chance)
Strength: 10 Good
Endurance: 6 Typical
Reason: 10 Good
Intuition: 10 Good
Psyche: 10 Good

Health: 28
Karma: 30

Resources: Typical
Pop: 0

Known Powers:

+Body armor and helmet, Good Protection from Physical and Energy; this is carried around by
all Homeland Security in the trunk of their car or van or carried in the field in a cumbersome (-
1CS to Agility rolls) black sports bag
+Cell phone, Unearthly communications over secure channel
+ Pistol, three speed reloads (does not take an action to reload) of ammo
+Handcuffs, metal and carbon, Excellent intensity lock and Amazing Strength material

Talents :
Martial Arts C, Pistol, Federal Law Enforcement, Emergency Powers Declaration* and one
Bachelor’s Degree level Talent such as Law, Accountancy, Medicine, Psychology, Engineering.

*Emergency Powers Declaration: at the agent’s option the character uses EITHER their Reason
or Psyche to convince their superiors that a local State of Emergency should be declared. If
successful the agent becomes Agent in Charge of the local area, taking over the powers of
mayor, Sheriff, Chief Medical Officer and local NTSB and FBI section heads for the duration. If
the agent is unsuccessful in obtaining the declaration they lose 10 Karma and cannot seek one
again for a week no matter what happens in the mean time.

Their immediate family, whoever that happens to be, Local Station Chief, State Supervisor,
Assistant Director of Homeland Security, Director Homeland Security and Local Station Chief

157 | Citrusville Sourcebook

of SHIELD. Usually also has local Sheriff or other law enforcement as a Contact at the Judge’s
sole discretion.

Heroic Homeland Security Agent:

Somewhat more like a “named” SHIELD Agent or a heroic FBI investigator of the paranormal,
these people definitely have higher statistics. Any one statistic can be raised to Remarkable.
Also, they will have as an extra Contact who is a person, even a superhuman or mystical
creature, able to give them reliable advice as to what is going on. This Deep Throat character
may be killed off if they expose themselves too much. This death must have a Karma
consequence for the super agent.

They also receive the Limitation: Someone Is Always Watching: the character is at the center of
a vast global conspiracy involving a cabal of powerful evil-doers including members of our own
government. This conspiracy has gone on for generations and involves unimaginable alien forces
as well the manipulation of the human race for some dark and lethal purpose.

The sensible way to handle more than one player playing such a super agent is to put them each
and all at the center of the SAME global conspiracy. This is how most bronze age comics
handled it. However the funny way to do it is to go out of your way as Judge to give each such
super agent a DIFFERENT vast global conspiracy involving a cabal of powerful evil-doers
including members of our own government. This may even lead to turf wars between the
different conspiracies. In turn this would explain why perhaps supervillains or other powerful
criminals and conspirators would work against other evil-doers – exposing each other’s plans so
as to gain advantage in an ongoing secret and silent war hidden from the public.

For example, one super agent might be in Citrusville looking for Dire Wraiths, another is hunting
Hydra, a third is looking into possible Schist Family links to AIM and still another is chasing the
Cult of Entropy.

And then the Judge can decide if these are really separate conspiracies or if they are directly
linked at one or more levels.

Before things in Marvel Comics like the Illuminati etc. this would have definitely been absurd
and done for laughs but based on current Marvel Comics there absolutely could be a “Conspiracy
of Conspiracies” or Grand Unified Field Theory of Evil Conspiracies. A world with 57 Avengers
teams could easily have a global network of conspiracies reporting to still another conspiracy.
Only Howard the Duck could hope to (more or less accidentally) defeat such a burgeoning force
of evil.

158 | Citrusville Sourcebook

Schist Security Personnel
The private army of the Schist Family.

Fighting: 20 Excellent
Agility: 10 Good
Strength: 10 Good
Endurance: 20 Excellent
Reason: 4 Poor
Intuition: 6 Typical
Psyche: 6 Typical

Health: 60
Karma: 22

Resources: personal: Poor. When on Schist business: Excellent

Pop: 0

Known Powers:

+Bulletproof business suit which provides Poor protection vs Physical and Energy OR
+Body armor, visored helmet and Kevlar tabard, provides Excellent protection vs Physical and
Energy and prevents direct contact with the burning touch of the Man-Thing
+Buttonhole camera and earbug radio OR helmet camera and radio, Excellent range
communications over secure channel
+ Pistol, two reloads of ammo and usually at least one type of unusual form of ammunition
suitable for the specific mission
+Telescopic club, storied on belt, telescopes out to form billy club, Amazing strength material
+Handcuffs, metal and carbon, Excellent intensity lock and Amazing Strength material
+Schist Trust identity card which functions as a keycard to enter all non-personal Schist Family
buildings, rooms, facilities and cells. This is a RED colored Schist Trust card.

Talents :
Martial Arts A, B and E, Wrestling, Pistol, Trivia: memorized maps of all local Schist facilities.

F.A. Schist, Revan Schist, Vivian Schist, Schist Family criminal attorneys and Sheriff John

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Sheriff’s Deputy
From the Sheriff’s Department, all are local people.

Fighting: 6 Typical
Agility: 6 Typical
Strength: 10 Good
Endurance: 10 Good
Reason: 4 Poor
Intuition: 4 Poor
Psyche: 6 Typical

Health: 32
Karma: 14

Resources: Poor
Pop: 0

Known Powers:

+Radio, Good range communications over secure channel
+Shotgun, Pistol, one reload of ammo for each
+Pepper Spray, Excellent intensity disabling poison when sprayed at enemy
+Billy club, Amazing strength material
+Handcuffs, steel construction, Excellent intensity lock and Remarkable Strength material
+Plastic hand ties, 10 sets, Amazing intensity “lock” (once plastic is clipped together) and
Excellent Strength material that will saw through flesh for Excellent edge damage each round if
a secured suspect attempts to stretch or snap the plastic. Capable of sawing right through skin
and muscle and will eventually worry its way through bone if someone persists long enough.

Talents :
Wrestling, Pistol, Club, Law Enforcement procedures, County ordinances

Their immediate family, whoever that happens to be, Sheriff John Landry.

OPTION: For more unique and unusual and potentially heroic powered Sheriff’s Deputies,
roll each of their statistics on 2d10. Look up what the number makes that statistic. Provides a
random range between Feeble and Excellent. That way you get exceptional deputies… And
perhaps some truly awful goofy ones.

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SWAT Officer
From the Sheriff’s Department or other regional stations or offices.

Fighting: 20 Excellent
Agility: 6 Typical
Strength: 10 Good
Endurance: 10 Good
Reason: 6 Typical
Intuition: 10 Good
Psyche: 6 Typical

Health: 46
Karma: 22

Resources: Typical
Pop: 0

Known Powers:

+Body armor and helmet, Good Protection from Physical and Energy
+Helmet camera and radio, Good range communications over secure channel
+Shotgun, Automatic Rifle, Pistol, two reloads of ammo for each
+Bear Mace, Amazing intensity disabling poison when sprayed at enemy
+Telescopic club, stored on belt, telescopes out to form billy club, Amazing strength material
+2 flash grenades, Amazing intensity light / blinding attack
+2 tear gas grenades, Amazing intensity disabling poison attack
+Handcuffs, metal and carbon, Excellent intensity lock and Amazing Strength material

Talents :
Martial Arts A and C, Wrestling, Pistol, Rifle, Climbing, Club, Nonlethal Subdual Techniques,
SWAT techniques, Hostage Negotiation, Law Enforcement, Counter-Terrorism Law

Their immediate family, whoever that happens to be, whatever station they are assigned to,
training officers.

161 | Citrusville Sourcebook

Stanko Liver
Face facts, unbelievers!

Fighting 2 Feeble
Agility 2 Feeble
Strength 2 Feeble
Endurance 4 Poor
Reason 20 Excellent
Intuition 4 Poor
Psyche 20 Excellent

Health: 10
Karma: 44
Resources: Feeble on Earth but in the Nexus, Amazing.
Pop: 30 known and loved by millions as chief historian of record
of the Marvel Universe

Known Powers:
+Stanko has the Unearthly ability to successfully take credit for the achievements of others. He
can use this to parlay his way into rewards, book contracts, media appearances and so on.
+Walk Ons: Stanko has the CL1000 ability to use interdimensional travel to appear wherever he
pleases in any cosmos. He uses this power to “make cameo appearances” and never uses it to
transport anyone other than himself and only for the purpose of his cameos, or to make his
regular reports to the alien race of observers known as the Watchers.

+Astronaut suit. When not in use it’s stashed in a hollow tree in Man-Thing’s Swamp
+Various bizarre cosplay and superhero costumes he has worn at various times: including US
Army general, WW2 vintage; FedEx delivery man; NY municipal school bus driver; 1970s safari
suit and cravat to depict a stylish man about town; Spider-Man (without the cowl); a
bodybuilder; an Iwo Jima veteran; Hugh Hefner; a Sesame Street presenter, and many more
+Yellow-orange tinted Parkinsonian symptoms corrective lens aviator glasses, slightly oversized.
He is never encountered when not wearing them and they are as integral to him as the domino
mask or cowl of a superhero. Without them Stanko is legally blind and suffers immobility the
equivalent of Typical intensity physical paralysis
+Although he has not used it for many years, Stanko Liver once displayed Typical intensity
Magical Ability, performing the equivalent of stage magician tricks but utilizing actual magic to
make a car appear and disappear, teleport a bunny girl from 3 areas away to in his arms and
conjure into existence an expensive New York steak dinner with accompanying drinks for four

Orator, Novelist, Businessman

Every character in the Marvel Universe but in particular The Watchers, KISS.
162 | Citrusville Sourcebook
Stanko Liver is a human male in his nineties. His physical form in the Earth dimension ceased to
exist in 2018 but as with Dakimh, a version of him exists in the Nexus of All Realities. He uses
the Nexus perhaps as well as any mortal man ever has. This use allows him to make “cameos” in
any adventure he chooses, sometimes more than once in different costumes.

Stanko’s past is somewhat checkered in the minds of some historians due to ongoing
controversies about who wrote or edited which parts of the historical record (published Marvel
comic books). Stanko over the years claimed to have an extremely bad memory, although this
claim was not believed by all observers. It led him into serious personal and legal clashes with
everyone from the human avatar of the One-Above-All to Steve Gerber. It also led to Howard
the Duck’s Clone Saga and to a long emancipation battle to determine if Howard the Duck
existed, if he wears or ever has worn trousers, if Howard the Duck, as a non-human, can be
owned legally as property and to many other acrimonious battles with other historians. Overall
Stanko is known and loved around the world as the vanguard of the original historical movement
to chronicle superhuman activities and to provide a platform for superheroes and their supporters
to “correct the record”. Before withdrawing completely from normal mortal life Stanko Liver
was embroiled in a controversy relating to his financial and personal support for the opponent to
the current president, the candidate from the Bozo Party.

Stanko Liver can provide accurate and reliable advice to adventurers at Unearthly intensity in
terms of its access to current but unknown (to the characters) information. However he can only
impart the answer to one direct question and can only speak his answer in 25 words or less. This
means his answer is succinct, cryptic, or interrupted part way through. When directly in play in
this way Stanko will, after he has said his piece, immediately disappear into a crowd, get
distracted and carried off in conversation (or literally carried off) by other people, drive away in
the vehicle that is part of his current cosplay outfit disguise, or twinkle out of existence in a
manner similar to Destiny. When Stanko disappears he will reappear within the Nexus of All
Realities, usually near some kind of seat, bench, comfortable grassy knoll with a large tree or
throne. Somewhere he can have a rest.

At various times Stanko Liver has been the direct employer and “boss” of Steve Gerber, Everett
Rebreg, Richard Rory, Howard the Duck, Ted Sallis and Eric Schist. All of them loathe and
despise Stanko and always see the worst in what he says or does. Whilst Stanko is not a saint, he
is not likely the Thog-level monster these characters portray him as either.
Character portrait by DJ Food

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Just Typical Americans on a holiday.

Fighting: 4 Poor
Agility: 6 Typical
Strength: 6 Typical
Endurance: 6 Typical
Reason: 4 Poor
Intuition: 4 Poor
Psyche: 6 Typical

Health: 22
Karma: 14

Resources: Typical
Pop: 0

Known Powers:

+Street clothes
+Camping and/or Fishing gear, Typical strength materials
+Sedan car or People mover van

Sedan car
Control Speed Body Protection
Typical Typical Poor Poor
People mover van (8 person capacity)
Control Speed Body Protection
Poor Typical Typical Typical

Talents :
A profession or blue collar qualified job

Their immediate family, whoever that happens to be.

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165 | Citrusville Sourcebook

There are already a LOT of

adventure ideas and hooks in this
sourcebook. This section is
intended to help the Judge begin
the game.

Firstly, don’t be too strict on what

kind of characters the players are
allowed to play. With characters
in this sourcebook ranging from
the Feeble to the cosmic, the
primary requirement for game
balance isn’t so much some kind
of arbitrary points system as it is
to match the characters with the
motivations for play.


The Getting There… section of this book sets out lots of ways and reason why a character will
show up in Citrusville or the swamp. A Judge must not skip over this arrival too quickly. The
town itself is a character, and so is Man-Thing’s Swamp. Let the players explore it. Drop in an
encounter or two, let them play it out. If the encounter shows some aspects the players aren’t
really engaged with then shuffle the deck as it were and slide into a different flavor or play.
Remember those genre charts – horror, fantasy, science fiction and so on. Don’t always give the
players what they want. If you give someone turkey dinner every night it stops being special, and
they crave a hamburger, as Harve Bennett famously said. Remember that.

Also remember that some Gerber type adventures and characters are meant to be annoying and

The simplest of all hooks is the use of one of the major villains or villain groups and the
intrusion of the heroes, at first unknowingly or unintentionally into their plans. After the initial
clues or contact, it’s up to the heroes to dig deeper or ignore it. If the latter, make sure there are
consequences. Another hook is the involvement with local characters on a personal level. Once a
player character begins a friendly or romantic relationship with a local, of course the player
character will act helpful and protectively towards that character.

Finally, notice the absolutely overwhelming number of emotion related powers, items and
creatures in Citrusville. The player characters must be forced through extreme emotional states
by the Judge. This is in itself a hook, and a significant one in a rules system based on Karma…

166 | Citrusville Sourcebook

The Judge must make a firm decision as to which of the three types of time keeping are going to
be used.

The first option is to tie the story to the early to mid 1970s.
This is the time of the historical records used for this sourcebook. Steve Gerber did not use
Marvel Time as it has come to be called, he tied his stories and the characters firmly and directly
to what were then current events. This requires a little research and preparation by the Judge but
also eliminates all cell phones other than “futuristic communicators”. This allows the Judge the
omniscience of a cosmic level entity because the “real” historical record of the times and people
of the 1970s and specifically 1973 to 1975 can be used. It’s not for everyone’s taste but a loving
recreation done right can be a blast.

A sub-option is to use current real world time, ie 2019 as of time of writing, but then enforce the
same strict time keeping. No sliding time scales. This means either updating the canonical
characters or ageing most of them dramatically. In their place put their descendants (with the
same or close powers), or use characters who do not age (Man-Thing, Doctor Strange, The
Thing) and fresh new characters tied to our once more increasingly apocalyptic world of 2019. A
2019 based campaign in Florida true to Gerber’s approach would involve confronting extreme
controversies like school shootings, violent racism (and not always by whites), illegal
immigration (including aliens from the Nexus?), a president beyond the wildest nightmares of
the comic book writers who pilloried Nixon in their stories and the threat of extinction level
pollution. Man-Thing is one of the most vulnerable super-powered beings to climate change as
well. If it snows in his swamp he will fall into a long sleep.

The second option is to use “Now” time.

Set your game in the present day, ignore when all the characters originate and drop them in the
same present day milieu. Use some sliding time scale but in general terms: “years ago”, “months
ago”, “weeks ago”. Still use real dates and times though, just ignore the anachronisms it creates
in the backstory of characters and update it. Sadly, the same issues as in the 1970s have largely
re-emerged in recent years so not much change is required. Now Time is basically the Marvel
current approach: acknowledge how long some characters have been around but avoid the logical
conclusion that Spider-Man is in his late fifties. Basically this is a “bold new reimagining” or a
CW show version of the sourcebook material, with a nod and wink here and there to the original
versions and the “hilariously dated” times from which they came.

The third option is to use Timely Time.

167 | Citrusville Sourcebook

Citrusville exists in a Chronic Hysteretic time bubble if Timely Time is used. Like a soap opera
(or a bronze age comic book) people come and go, in and out of the town setting and the Nexus,
with complete and consistent pasts, interlocking with each other. However, if months or years
passed between their appearances in the historical record and nothing was stated to have
occurred in the intervening time, the intervening does not exist. No one ever notices, cares about
or acknowledges this inconsistency. Archie Comics largely exists in this form of Chronic
Hysteresis, with the kids and their school updating each time it resets to first day of school and
plays out over three years of comics. The best part of this approach is that characters from any
era of play can be dropped in, updated if necessary, without any complicated explanation for
what they’ve been up to. They left town and returned. Carolyn Schist is an example of this. She
left town, and returned, still the young ingenue daughter of the family Schist. She didn’t return as
a middle aged woman with kids of her own.

168 | Citrusville Sourcebook

The point of this section is to get the Judge thinking clearly. This sourcebook requires a Judge to
create some detailed notes if it is to be used properly. The world of Citrusville needs to be alive
and running BEFORE the heroes arrive or begin their adventures. There has to be a sense of day
to day life and routine in a town setting, and the Judge will need to be able to rattle off answers

Where do the heroes go to get a coffee or a meal?

Where can heroes can get a casual job?
Are there any local markets to sell things the heroes produce such as photographs?
If the heroes cause trouble, who shows up to talk to them or stop them?
Where are the sketchy places to go?
Where can heroes hire, buy or steal vehicles and other equipment?
Is the Sheriff a werewolf?*

The Rumors Chart at the end of the gazette of Citrusville locations can help, but the Judge
definitely needs to do some preparation. And that preparation begins with tying down the type of
time keeping and world building with which the Judge will engage.

It might seem a silly point to focus on but time keeping and the sense of realism it provides is
essential to telling a good story and making that story “matter”. Actions have consequences.
Continuity gradually builds. It’s important. “Realism” doesn’t mean being “realistic” it means
conveying a sense of a living breathing world that obeys its own internal logic. Yes, Gerberverse
situations and characters are subversive, and they send up some of the accepted features of
superhero comic books. No, this does not mean it’s all for laughs and nothing matters. It means
that the comedy relieves the tension of some genuinely horrific sequences. Man-Thing cripples,
kills, scars or cremates people on a semi-regular basis. The man he was is trapped in a kind of
eternal living death. He has no grandeur, no majesty. He is not an “elemental” or anything so
high-falutin’. He’s a disgusting muck monster that stinks, as Carol Selby noticed when forced to
share a van with him.

Keep to this plan: tell extraordinary cosmic stories in a “realistic” world.

* For the last time, NO HE ISN’T. (unless the Judge decides otherwise)

169 | Citrusville Sourcebook

170 | Citrusville Sourcebook
This sourcebook details CITRUSVILLETM, stomping ground of the mellifluous
Man-ThingTM and his chaotic coterie of Cults, activists, monsters, fantasy
adventurers, spellcasters, crony capitalists and freakishly fearsome rock band
members, talking animals, gods in disguise and crooks!

A completist approach to the town, a myriad of canon and non-canon characters

(with clear delineation betwixt the twain) and sidereal statements appertaining to
the man who was the main architect of Man-ThingTM’s original run, Stever Gerber!

With this volume a Judge can not only run a series of adventures Citrusville,
southwest Florida, but dip the players into a welter of wondrous dimensions,
searing social issues and controversial clashes between malevolent mobs and
corrupted cohorts of Cypress CountyTM worthies!



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