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Suitor: Ing.

Román Ernesto Solís Esquivel

Program: Master in Nanotechnology
Date: 25/06/2018
Essay of motives.
Describe your trajectory and abilities.
First, I’m graduated from engineer in mechatronics and I’m currently finishing my
thesis from the master in intelligent systems. I got a high score in the engineer
obtaining an honorific mention.
Also, one of my achievements is winning a 2 place in a contest called “Leamos la
ciencia para todos”, then they took us to the “CIACYT” where they explain us the
creation of nanotechnological devices, it got my attention because the relation
between the topics that I handle and nanotechnology.
Secondly in the labor issue I used to work as professor and as a manager of a
maker space, with the tasks of develop of new technologies and projects.
Saying this I want to stand out that I’m good at studying and developing.

Justify your reasons and goals that you will get with this program.
Some reasons why I want to get in this curse are:
Nanotechnology is an important science and issue that in Mexico its present since
a very long time ago, but recently it’s starting to get more attention.
Then, it’s important to mention that I got this unique opportunity to study on this
important institution with a full studentship. Although it’s an excellent topic to join
the different knowledge that I got to develop new technologies.

Which knowledge area and investigation topic you wish to develop.

I would like to choose micro and nanotechnology, since it’s the one closest to my
area of interest that are mechatronics and intelligent systems. Finally, I’m
expecting that at the end of this program I could give to the society a significant
contribution integrating those topics.

¿Do you agree to study this program full time?

Yes, I promise to concentrate only on this program full time. For that I’m looking for
a scholarship from CONACYT to earn some money during the studies. Also, I want
to finish it in the less time possible.

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