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      Karl Lentz Full YouTube List

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Karl Lentz’s Talkshoe call:
Word Nerds (Gus Breton’s call):
CalmInLaw’s community call (Mike’s call):
Angela Stark’s website page on Karl Lentz:
Youtube Channel page:

Craig Lynch Bonus video 1 - Mock Traffic Court - Rich Iverson Vs Bob Lock - Challenging

Karl Lentz - First 56 audio clips combined

Karl Lentz - 57 to 100 combined
Karl Lentz - 101 to 150 combined
Karl Lentz - 151 to 175 combined
Karl Lentz - 176 to 200 combined
Karl Lentz - 201 to 225 combined
Karl Lentz - 226 to 250 Combined
Karl Lentz - 251 to 275 combined
Karl Lentz - 276 to 300 combined
Karl Lentz - 301 to 325 combined
Karl Lentz - 326 to 350 combined
Karl Lentz - 351 to 375 combined
Karl Lentz - 376 to 400 combined
Karl Lentz - 401 to 425 combined
Karl Lentz - 426 to 450 combined
Karl Lentz - 451 to 475 combined
Karl Lentz - 476 to 500 combined

Karl Lentz 1 - findings of fact and conclusions of law

Karl Lentz 2 - How to write to a judge
Karl Lentz 3 - The significance of filling out other people's forms
Karl Lentz 4 - Bond attached to a warrant
Karl Lentz 5 - Letter that helped get Canadians' kids back
Karl Lentz 6 - Federal rule 26B
Karl Lentz 7 - thumb print vs. seal
Karl Lentz 8 - The proper use of non assumpsit
Karl Lentz 9 - The difference between Karl and Marc Stevens
Karl Lentz 10 - Defeating statutes with one word
Karl Lentz 11 - Upper and lower case i
Karl Lentz 12 - Benefits of the second dimension
Karl Lentz 13 - Petitioner, and the meaning of deny
Karl Lentz 14 - Using "shall" to beat tickets
Karl Lentz 15 - Understanding judgements
Karl Lentz 16 - History of the necessary and proper clause
Karl Lentz 17 - MSO and proof of financial responsibility
Karl Lentz 18 - Dealing with the second dimension in court
Karl Lentz 19 - How to write a return letter to an agency
Karl Lentz 20 - Putting the prosecutor on the stand
Karl Lentz 21 - Require
Karl Lentz 22 - Original common law
Karl Lentz 23 - Evoking the common law
Karl Lentz 24 - Habeas corpus
Karl Lentz 25 - Pleas and confessions
Karl Lentz 26 - How to write a letter when they won’t respond in writing
Karl Lentz 27 - Keeping it simple
Karl Lentz 28 - Income tax
Karl Lentz 29 - Knowing who you are in court
Karl Lentz 30 - The second and third dimensions
Karl Lentz 31 - Trial of your peers in common law
Karl Lentz 32 - Legal vs. lawful
Karl Lentz 33 - Income tax is based on a confession
Karl Lentz 34 - Proper use of words, and the three second rule in court
Karl Lentz 35 - Prosecuting the prosecutor
Karl Lentz 36 - Understanding who you're up against
Karl Lentz 37 - Ownership and titles
Karl Lentz 38 - Give notice before a claim
Karl Lentz 39 - How to move your case through court
Karl Lentz 40 - Restoration of property
Karl Lentz 41 - The importance of proper grammar
Karl Lentz 42 - The courthouse belongs to us
Karl Lentz 43 - Latches as opposed to laches
Karl Lentz 44 - Public law vs. code
Karl Lentz 45 - How to reclaim your status as a man
Karl Lentz 46 - Do you believe I do wrong?
Karl Lentz 47 - How to handle a lien
Karl Lentz 48 - Attorneys and the supreme court
Karl Lentz 49 - The constitution and the courts
Karl Lentz 50 - Property tax
Karl Lentz 51 - Presscopy hearing
Karl Lentz 52 - Trial of the regicides
Karl Lentz 53 - Failing to file, and irreparable damages
Karl Lentz 54 - Show that you're making your best effort
Karl Lentz 55 - What to say when an agent comes on your land
Karl Lentz 56 - The three things recognized as being wrong
Karl Lentz 57 - An incompetent, or idiot bares no liability
Karl Lentz 58 - How to cross a border as a man
Karl Lentz 59 - Commercial lien process vs. common law process
Karl Lentz 60 - Understanding a common law lien
Karl Lentz 61 - Who's the petitioner?
Karl Lentz 62 - How to remove a misdemeanor and the need for a third party impartial witness
Karl Lentz 63 - Take vs present a notice
Karl Lentz 64 - Understanding orders in court
Karl Lentz 65 - Competency and habeas corpus
Karl Lentz 66 - Asking about jurisdiction, and when to speak in court
Karl Lentz 67 - Rights are property, and when to speak in court
Karl Lentz 68 - Judge vs civil administrative hearing officer
Karl Lentz 69 - Understanding void judgements
Karl Lentz 70 - Understanding federal courts
Karl Lentz 71 - The three notice process does not apply in common law
Karl Lentz 72 - Court of original jurisdiction and the supreme court
Karl Lentz 73 - How to refer to the man in the black robe
Karl Lentz 74 - Finding the plaintiff
Karl Lentz 75 - Seizure is a good thing
Karl Lentz 76 - The IRS does not take you to court
Karl Lentz 77 - Public and private property
Karl Lentz 78 - UCC in court
Karl Lentz 79 - Contracting your kids away through welfare
Karl Lentz 80 - Relevance of the constitution
Karl Lentz 81 - Notice of rescission
Karl Lentz 82 - Land, property, and real estate
Karl Lentz 83 - Land of the self governing
Karl Lentz 84 - The use of i in letters
Karl Lentz 85 - Affidavits
Karl Lentz 86 - It's a word game
Karl Lentz 87 - Dismissed vs discharged
Karl Lentz 88 - Non acceptance of your best effort payments means the debt no longer exists
Karl Lentz 89 - Corporations don't exist
Karl Lentz 90 - In court vs. At court
Karl Lentz 91 - On the record
Karl Lentz 92 - Karl's 5 step process
Karl Lentz 93 - Filing a claim against a complaint
Karl Lentz 94 - Payment options for filing a claim
Karl Lentz 95 - How to respond to a letter from the IRS
Karl Lentz 96 - How to deal with a psych evaluation
Karl Lentz 97 - Motion for sanctions
Karl Lentz 98 - Order a lien or garnishment to be lifted
Karl Lentz 99 - Common law according to American Jurisprudence
Karl Lentz 100- Only a man can ask for payment for an order
Karl Lentz 101 - Your right to cross examine your accuser
Karl Lentz 102 - Using a process server
Karl Lentz 103 - Reducing your public defender's role to that of co council
Karl Lentz 104 - Your confession grants jurisdiction
Karl Lentz 105 - Answer the second dimension with the second dimension
Karl Lentz 106 - Sorry, I'm from a foreign culture
Karl Lentz 107 - Legalese definition of "suffer"
Karl Lentz 108 - Want vs. require in court
Karl Lentz 109 - Dealing with the DMV
Karl Lentz 110 - Police and the domestic authority doctrine
Karl Lentz 111 - Return a ticket to the prosecutor
Karl Lentz 112 - Magna carta and the constitution as a defence
Karl Lentz 113 - How to restore your weed from the police
Karl Lentz 114 - Cops are taught that "shall" is future tense
Karl Lentz 115 - Understanding neglect and abuse
Karl Lentz 116 - Dealing with checkstops
Karl Lentz 117 - Using proper language
Karl Lentz 118 - Obtaining the facts and evidence from the other side before trial
Karl Lentz 119 - If you accept a lower monetary counter offer, your case will be dismissed
Karl Lentz 120 - The state cannot take your kids without proper adjudication and a court order
Karl Lentz 121 - If someone sending you a bill is off by one penny, it's extortion and fraud
Karl Lentz 122 - Dealing with the IRS, and understanding courts of record
Karl Lentz 123 - The courts are free for us to use
Karl Lentz 124 - No injury, no case
Karl Lentz 125 - Using cf. "compare to" in your court documents
Karl Lentz 126 - A simple way to win in traffic court
Karl Lentz 127 - Karl's fair warning letter
Karl Lentz 128 - Attorneys are powerless in a common law court
Karl Lentz 129 - How to handle an arraignment
Karl Lentz 130 - Certify vs verify, and understanding jurisdiction
Karl Lentz 131 - The power of a man vs a government employee
Karl Lentz 132 - Moving your case on the common law side of the court
Karl Lentz 133 - The court cannot try a case against you until you're ready
Karl Lentz 134 - Working with the court to get what you require
Karl Lentz 135 - Understanding habeas corpus, jurisdiction, and holding a hearing officer liable
Karl Lentz 136 - Keeping your claim in common law, and handling a complaint
Karl Lentz 137 - The City orders you to do maintenance on your yard
Karl Lentz 138 - The importance of staying honorable before the courts
Karl Lentz 139- Holding the officer, attorney, and judge liable for making a false claim against
Karl Lentz 140 - Know what law is before the court
Karl Lentz 141 - The proper use of words
Karl Lentz 142 - What to do when the court refuses to accept your paperwork
Karl Lentz 143 - Understanding a summons, and handling a corporation coming after your
Karl Lentz 144 - The one bringing the controversy into the court will lose
Karl Lentz 145 - Less words say more
Karl Lentz 146 - A license doesn't negate a trial by jury, and stick to what you say in court
Karl Lentz 147 - What to do when the City charges your person
Karl Lentz 148 - Opening a common law court by writing a letter
Karl Lentz 149 - CPS will make you an offer, and understanding rights to property
Karl Lentz 150 - You have the right to believe what you want
Karl Lentz 151 - Citizenship vs common law, and the merger of equity with common law
Karl Lentz 152 - Using the financial loss argument to restore your property from prison
Karl Lentz 153 - You choose when to move your case, and the state will try every dirty trick
Karl Lentz 154 - Understanding your power when moving your case in common law
Karl Lentz 155 - Bill of particulars, and handling two cases in different jurisdictions
Karl Lentz 156 - Proper writing technique, void judgements, and orders in court
Karl Lentz 157 - Understanding and establishing the law of the court, and handling a custody
Karl Lentz 158 - How to handle charges brought against your person
Karl Lentz 159 - The court refuses your claim, enforcement of judgements, and maxims of law
Karl Lentz 160 - Know what to say and do before going in to court
Karl Lentz 161 - The proper way to move a trial by jury in common law
Karl Lentz 162 - Holding your common law court at the courthouse
Karl Lentz 163 - Understanding how to intercourse with the second dimension
Karl Lentz 164 - Understanding fraud, and how to write a lawsuit
Karl Lentz 165 - Handling a traffic citation
Karl Lentz 166 - Understanding debts, and a summons to appear
Karl Lentz 167 - Private contracts, and declaratory judgements
Karl Lentz 168 - A void judgement vs the judgement is void
Karl Lentz 169 - Jury of your peers
Karl Lentz 170 - Setting the rules of court
Karl Lentz 171 - Failure to perform, and making a claim for equity
Karl Lentz 172 - Practicing law without a license
Karl Lentz 173 - Restoration of property (kids)
Karl Lentz 174 - Order vs. must, how and when to speak in court, and understanding bankruptcy
Karl Lentz 175 - Traffic tickets
Karl Lentz 176 - Dealing with misdemeanors, corresponding with legal departments, and "you"
Karl Lentz 177 - Dereliction of duty claim
Karl Lentz 178 - Calling the Queen to the bench
Karl Lentz 179 - A final judgement from the court is required before jail time
Karl Lentz 180 - Dealing with jurisdiction in court
Karl Lentz 181 - Getting your claim into court, and dismissing your previous case
Karl Lentz 182 - How to run your claim at the same time as their complaint
Karl Lentz 183 - Old vs. new definitions of key words
Karl Lentz 184 - What is a person, and how to handle an arraignment
Karl Lentz 185 - Be precise with your words, and the common laws of different peoples
Karl Lentz 186 - In and at court in regards to your claim
Karl Lentz 187 - Understanding statute and common law courts
Karl Lentz 188 - Process servers, and using a box on your paperwork
Karl Lentz 189 - CROWN still pursuing after Queen's bench win, and fee schedules
Karl Lentz 190 - Where to send your letters
Karl Lentz 191 - Changing your complaint in to a claim
Karl Lentz 192 - Negotiating with public servants, and understanding common law
Karl Lentz 193 - Dealing with garnished wages
Karl Lentz 194 - Objecting in statutory court creates joinder
Karl Lentz 195 - Bring the law into the court, Queens Bench, and being placed in a dock
Karl Lentz 196 - What to do when the other side hides behind their secretary
Karl Lentz 197 - "I'm not the author of that name", and application forms when filing a claim
Karl Lentz 198 - Originals, and copies of your paperwork
Karl Lentz 199 - Queens Bench
Karl Lentz 200 - Accept all presentments and require fair and just compensation
Karl Lentz 201 - Dealing with government agents, and income tax
Karl Lentz 202 - Giving the other side a loophole by using improper grammar
Karl Lentz 203 - Learn how to "paper and pen-up"
Karl Lentz 204 - Jurisdiction regarding traffic tickets, and giving your conditions for a summons
Karl Lentz 205 - Never use the word no
Karl Lentz 206 - Foreclosures
Karl Lentz 207 - Basics of letter writing
Karl Lentz 208 - It's a word game
Karl Lentz 209 - Accept the charges, then require and order the immediate restoration of
Karl Lentz 210 - The IRS
Karl Lentz 211 - The government and your kids
Karl Lentz 212 - Charging for wasted time spent at the courthouse
Karl Lentz 213 - Tax court, and harm to a man by government
Karl Lentz 214 - Prior contempt charge, National Insurance, Judge's full name, and parking
Karl Lentz 215 - Ruling changed back to discharge, from "in your favor"
Karl Lentz 216 - The legal society's dirty tricks
Karl Lentz 217 - Denied access to a trial by jury
Karl Lentz 218 - What to charge for your claim, and tort of outrage
Karl Lentz 219 - Divorce in the public, and collecting a debt
Karl Lentz 220 - Public IRS remedies, 401k's and other contracts
Karl Lentz 221 - Bonds attached to warrants in regards to nations
Karl Lentz 222 - When to use a notice, and Karl talks about his case against the DHR
Karl Lentz 223 - Access to your court file
Karl Lentz 224 - State your claim vs. present your claim
Karl Lentz 225 - To rescind or not to rescind a contract
Karl Lentz 226 - Proof of appearance at the courthouse, and contempt charges
Karl Lentz 227 - How to speak to BAR members, declaratory judgements, and the rules of your
Karl Lentz 228 - Wish for the government to restore property(kids) if based on a contract
Karl Lentz 229 - Granting jurisdiction in court, how DHS takes your kids and how to get them
Karl Lentz 230 - Restore property(kids) from other parent, notice in newspaper, accepting titles
Karl Lentz 231 - Get the judge to put their order in writing and sign it
Karl Lentz 232 - Regarding bonds and mortgages
Karl Lentz 233 - Basics of letter writing, and mail fraud
Karl Lentz 234 - What is property?
Karl Lentz 235 - Important aspects in regards to filing your claim
Karl Lentz 236 - IRS is garnishing your wages through your employer
Karl Lentz 237 - Public defender, serving notices at hearing, rescind vs. modify a contract
Karl Lentz 238 - Who's contract is it?, and taking the courthouses back from the CROWN
Karl Lentz 239 - How to address traffic court as a man
Karl Lentz 240 - Court rejects your claim, domestic authority, and setting a court of record
Karl Lentz 241 - Bali's father's case - part 1 - conditional acceptance
Karl Lentz 242 - Bali's father's case - part 2 - Dealing with an over aggressive barrister
Karl Lentz 243 - Bali's Father's case - part 3 - Default judgement
Karl Lentz 244 - Title holder vs. owner, and setting up a nation state
Karl Lentz 245 - When a man fails to answer your claim
Karl Lentz 246 - Bali's father's case - part 4 - Being a defendant, micronations, and co-claimants
Karl Lentz 247 - Dealing with police and courts
Karl Lentz 248 - Driving your property without registration, and the good samaritan law
Karl Lentz 249 - Getting your property out of the impound lot
Karl Lentz 250 - Understanding the nature of Queens Bench
Karl Lentz 251 - Dealing with older charges brought up in statutory court
Karl lentz 252 - Judge's orders must be processed the same day, and not knowing their rules of
Karl Lentz 253 - Handling threats and deception from a Judge
Karl Lentz 254 - Karl explains what's going on with his Alabama case
Karl Lentz 255 - Accepting charges as a PERSON knowing that you're still a man
Karl Lentz 256 - Definition of "dare" in contract law
Karl Lentz 257 - Dismissed charges may be used against you along with your current charges
Karl Lentz 258 - Should I file a claim at County or District court?
Karl Lentz 259 - Filing fees for a claim, and establishing common law at the courthouse
Karl Lentz 260 - Getting justice when the CROWN is charging you, and just simply paying the
Karl Lentz 261 - Pay and ask for endorsement, SSN and bank accounts, access to the
Karl Lentz 262 - Careful what you wish for, timeframe for a wrong, contract law, and pot or
Karl Lentz 263 - Give copies of your documents to the clerk, only surrender originals to the jury
Karl Lentz 264 - Who is a public defender actually protecting?
Karl Lentz 265 - Evoke vs. invoke
Karl Lentz 266 - How to handle an arrest
Karl Lentz 267 - The importance of having your claim filed when entering their court
Karl Lentz 268 - Following a judge's orders while remaining in honour as a man
Karl Lentz 269 - Getting everything on the record, and how to deal with a Judge
Karl Lentz 270 - Karl's encounter with the Canadian border patrol, and recognizing extortion
Karl Lentz 271 - How to avoid a trial by ambush
Karl Lentz 272 - What a common law courtroom looks like
Karl Lentz 273 on ARP - The 9th and 10th amendments and how they relate to man
Karl Lentz 274 on ARP - The importance of being a prosecutor, and a corporation claiming
Karl Lentz 275 on ARP - Using codes in your claim
Karl Lentz 276 on ARP - Your relationship to the IRS in regards to common law
Karl Lentz 277 on ARP - Man vs. men, and their ability to own property
Karl Lentz 278 on ARP - Karl talks about his Alabama case
Karl Lentz 279 on CalmInLaw - Obstruction of justice charges
Karl Lentz 280 on CalmInLaw - Private vs public domestic authority and man interacting with
Karl Lentz 281 on CalmInLaw - Man and code
Karl Lentz 282 on CalmInLaw - Handling a traffic stop as a man
Karl Lentz 283 on CalmInLaw - Where the statutory world is headed
Karl Lentz 284 on CalmInLaw - Man's relationship to the government and the birth certificate
Karl Lentz 285 on CalmInLaw - How the IRS becomes the defendant, and the power of letters
Karl Lentz 286 - Lifestyle of a man, canon codes, definition of state, controlling public officials
Karl Lentz 287 - Direct questions through the presiding judge, canon codes, dealing with court
Karl Lentz 288 - Resolving child support issues
Karl Lentz 289 - Their case vs. your case, vehicle seizure, compensation for jail time
Karl Lentz 290 - Extortion in court, definitions as an exhibit
Karl Lentz 291 - The Master, rule 41, definition of person, dealing with clerks
Karl Lentz 292 - National insurance contribution, garnished wages
Karl Lentz 293 - Writing to the IRS commissioner, dictionaries
Karl Lentz 294 - Travel vs. move
Karl Lentz 295 - Dealing with your employer over IRS garnishment
Karl Lentz 296 - Traffic tickets
Karl Lentz 297 - Interacting in the public as a man
Karl Lentz 298 - How to get the name of the man or woman working at an agency that is
pursuing you
Karl Lentz 299 - Common law, wrong vs. negligence, keeping officers out of your house
Karl Lentz 300 - Child custody issues when government agencies are involved
Karl Lentz 301 - Preliminary hearing, court of no record, a corporation charging a man
Karl Lentz 302 - CPS takes your newborn property from the hospital, dependency hearing
Karl Lentz 303 - Judge wants appearance in PERSON, collection agency, compensation for
Karl Lentz 304 - Tyranny through the constitution
Karl Lentz 305 - Only claim what is due, order vs. claim
Karl Lentz 306 - Judge appoints you standby counsel, governments, driver's license at court
Karl Lentz 307 - Property tax, a corporation causing harm to a man
Karl Lentz 308 - Truth vs. true, conman, how the legal society is controlled, John's IRS case
Karl Lentz 309 - Benefits of co-counsel, acting in public, an attorney's defense against the IRS
Karl Lentz 310 - When to sue a judge
Karl Lentz 311 - What to study, value and worth of a man, a letter to CPS
Karl Lentz 312 - Understanding your power in court when it's your case vs. when it's not your
Karl Lentz 313 - Yes and no answers, flip court to common law, challenge jurisdiction, child
Karl Lentz 314 - Handling a summons, do the opposite of what the government tells you to do
Karl Lentz 315 - Using community based organizations as protection from the government
Karl Lentz 316 - Futility of trying to win in the legal system, that system has no power over a
Karl Lentz 317 - What man or woman is saying that I did something wrong?
Karl Lentz 318 - Requiring in court
Karl Lentz 319 - Judge refuses to recognize your notice, idiot in legalese, US Gov.'s belief in
Karl Lentz 320 - Judge issues an order but refuses to sign and date it, conditions of appearance
Karl Lentz 321 - Evoking habeas corpus, closing statements
Karl Lentz 322 - Licensed attorney vs. non-licensed attorney
Karl Lentz 323 - How a man deals with the legal society, court, and government, securing the
Karl Lentz 324 - Interacting with Police Officers
Karl Lentz 325 - Blackstone's, Her Majesty the Queen, claim and notice before the court
Karl Lentz 326 - IRS issues, plaintiff, petitioner, prosecutor
Karl Lentz 327 - Prison phone, time limit and amount for a claim, commonwealth states 
Karl Lentz 328 - Allocution, role of the Supreme Court according to the constitution 
Karl Lentz 329 - Don't skip steps with notices, acting responsibly when filing a claim 
Karl Lentz 330 - Feds prosecuting for growing medical marijuana 
Karl Lentz 331 - Man's status is higher than that of court officials and governments 
Karl Lentz 332 - The Courthouse is public, Queens Bench, rejected claim 
Karl Lentz 333 - Adding Defendants and co claimants in court, appearing as a Person and man 
Karl Lentz 334 - Income taxes, self government, staying alert in public, Red Cross scam 
Karl Lentz 335 - Return of property(kids), a man wants your claim dismissed, sealed case 
Karl Lentz 336 - Billing a man(Judge) for carrying out his order 
Karl Lentz 337 - Use one word to beat a code, running your claim parallel to their 
Karl Lentz 338 - LLC business, statutes, Her Majesty summons you to court 
Karl Lentz 339 - Common law defined, hierarchy in court 
Karl Lentz 340 - Court of claims, article 3 courts, writ of attachment, garnishment 
Karl Lentz 341 - U.S. Citizens on a common law jury? 
Karl Lentz 342 - Ken W. vs. Karl - Common law and equity, summons under the legal 
Karl Lentz 343 - Common law against Crown, site draft, birth certificate, what to do from
Karl Lentz 344 - Traffic tickets, how to write to the prosecutor 
Karl Lentz 345 - Tire boot, letter seals, answering for the Legal Name in court, extortion threats 
Karl Lentz 346 - Corporate employee breaking codes, City Manager, traffic fines, asking for the
Karl Lentz 347 - Void ab initio, use simple words and common procedure 
Karl Lentz 348 - w. Dean - man to man with Judge, property and court, Sovereign, i, a man
Karl Lentz 349 - w. Dean - Person within a society, Dean's cases, in court as a man 
Karl Lentz 350 - w. Dean - CPS issues, claim, exhibits, and notices to file, wish property back
Karl Lentz 351 - w. Rod - Habeas corpus, legal rules and procedures in court, point of law
Karl Lentz 352 - Grand jury, trial by jury, zip codes, titles, common law, lawful
Karl Lentz 353 - Getting on the record in their case, contempt of court, court decorum 
Karl Lentz 354 - Effect of running a parallel claim, man can't talk to a fiction, your word as a
Karl Lentz 355 - Your word regarding court fees, find loopholes in statutes, legal rehabilitation 
Karl Lentz 356 - Permits for agricultural structures on farms 
Karl Lentz 357 - What to do when you get arrested - step by step 
Karl Lentz 358 - Initial actions after being charged, offer to settle private and public, common
Karl Lentz 359 - w. Dean - Equity and common law, birth certificate and land,access a public
Karl Lentz 360 - Homeowner's Association issues, your property on someone else's property 
Karl Lentz 361 - Long distance claim, equity, telephonic appearance, recording your case
Karl Lentz 362 - Court trusts; law, codes, and beliefs in court
Karl Lentz 363 - w. Dan B. - Who and what in court, statutes regarding Supreme Court and
Karl Lentz 364 - w. Ralph W. - Deal with Prosecutor not Judge, W4 exempt, income tax
Karl Lentz 365 - w. Orlando S. - Administrative law, governments, property tax, original
Karl Lentz 366 - Joe & Paula - Call out man and ask for bill, constitution and Bill of Rights, FCC
Karl Lentz 367 - w. Glenn A. - Hold top dog liable, money and currency, man and the second
Karl Lentz 368 - Loan and mortgage, court order, using code, acting in court, responding to
Karl Lentz 369 - Citizenship and income tax, illegal alien, more vs. less government control
Karl Lentz 370 - Write to the prosecutor, paying a debt to avoid seizure of property
Karl Lentz 371 - Move property from A to B as member of different society, handling extortion
Karl Lentz 372 - Verifying identity of representative collecting on a debt, bankruptcy issues 
Karl Lentz 373 - Define "respond", follow through on Judge's set-up, bill monthly for entering
Karl Lentz 374 - Federal vs District Court, where to file, taking orders, renting out property(kids) 
Karl Lentz 375 - Man and contracts, schedule payments as party to a child support case
Karl Lentz 376 - Losing your jurisdiction in court, the power of a piece of paper
Karl Lentz 377 - Notice writing, dealing with Attorney General, judicial notice, backbone growth
Karl Lentz 378 - Clerk refuses to file your Notice
Karl Lentz 379 - Man's capacity is not limited
Karl Lentz 380 - Notice of error due to fraud in divorce dispute
Karl Lentz 381 - Initial letters to IRS, property and time passed, bringing controversy into public
Karl Lentz 382 - Emergency ex parte hearing, out of hours filing, citations, democracy vs.
Karl Lentz 383 - Protecting your kids from Government agencies, suing for damages in common
Karl Lentz 384 - w. Moe - Significance of voiding a Judge's order when you're not party to the
Karl Lentz 385 - Bring common law into a case slowly step by step, process servers
Karl Lentz 386 - A man acts honourably in court, ask for the bill and receipt from Her Majesty
Karl Lentz 387 - Guardian ad litems and family court, child custody case against a
dishonourable ex
Karl Lentz 388 - Karl's method to avoid arguments in relationships
Karl Lentz 389 - Only a "Wife" can file for a no fault divorce, understanding capacity and titles
Karl Lentz 390 - Rescinding government contracts, capacity while taking orders
Karl Lentz 391 - Only a man can put something on the record, write from your heart not your
Karl Lentz 392 - CPS issues, oaths in court, evictions wills and trusts, probate court, ex parte
Karl Lentz 393 - Strategies against the CRA, reel them in slowly, how to engage the CRA
Karl Lentz 394 - Being held in contempt of court for attempting common law procedure in their
Karl Lentz 395 - Government charges you for having certain images on your computer
Karl Lentz 396 - Commercial drivers license, W4 exempt, dealing with payroll dept., the name
Karl Lentz 397 - Plea deal on one charge can lead to being charged as a felon on the other
Karl Lentz 398 - Advice to Dean, 9-11,being a man, man to man dealings,Notice of trust to avoid
Karl Lentz 399 - Keep pursuing, travel vs. that's my property, child support, Judge addresses
Karl Lentz 400 - Advice to Dean, understanding common law,setting terms and conditions of
Karl Lentz 401 - Inc. businesses, giving your name, beating tickets, balance to using Karl's info
Karl Lentz 402 - Common law way of doing non assumpsit, how to sign without baring liability
Karl Lentz 403 - Relatives petition court and take kids, Public Officials refuse to carry out duties
Karl Lentz 404 - Dealing with a Bank committing fraud regarding the auctioning off of your
Karl Lentz 405 - What is custody?, a Judge's use of pronouns in court, born vs. birthed
Karl Lentz 406 - "No breach of the peace" argument, taking orders, public billboards, giving
Karl Lentz 407 - Dealing with a Judge, all elements required to set up your court, the need for
Karl Lentz 408 - How Government Agencies like Family Court function through the Executive
Karl Lentz 409 - Bringing law into court,codes are built upon public law,understanding Traffic
Karl Lentz 410 - CPS issues, Family and Circuit Court, setting up your court, bills and debt
Karl Lentz 411 - Motion for contempt, operating in both jurisdictions, breach of the peace
Karl Lentz 412 - Man vs. boy in court, when to be a Person, playing tennis, legal vs. lawful
Karl Lentz 413 - Shifting between jurisdictions in court, legal and lawful homesteading, land
Karl Lentz 414 - Dealing with debt collectors, holder in due course, cusip numbers, your court
Karl Lentz 415 - Warrant is without signature, public defender assigned, non response is a
Karl Lentz 416 - How Police Officers get away with lying
Karl Lentz 417 - How to deal with verbal threats of extortion
Karl Lentz 418 - Understanding how legal actors deal with what's vs. who's
Karl Lentz 419 - Understanding Family Court, why Legal Actors get away with obvious
Karl Lentz 420 - Dealing with Zoning Officers, elements of moving a bill, renting property to Gov.
Karl Lentz 421 - Standing in court as a man, Police(man)'s ability to harm a Legal Actor vs. a
Karl Lentz 422 - Traffic stop as man, law doesn't change, definitions of Sovereign, molest,
Karl Lentz 423 - How to send and move on a bill, debt collection garnishment and lien
Karl Lentz 424 - Bringing private matters into public, Notice - moving property from point A to B
Karl Lentz 425 - Collecting on a debt, subpoena duces tecum, traffic ticket strategy, raw milk
Karl Lentz 426 - Dealing with fines, castle doctrine, balance between the legal society and man
Karl Lentz 427 - The Government or a Judge threatens you to inform on a family member
Karl Lentz 428 - Filing a claim, property issues, Court Clerk, negotiating with Agencies, petition
Karl Lentz 429 - Restoration of property from Gov., moving a judgement, lifestyle of man
Karl Lentz 430 - Communicating with the other side acting on behalf under a power of attorney
Karl Lentz 431 - Detention Centres and indemnity, factual innocence, trial by ambush, man
Karl Lentz 432 - How to write to an Attorney General or other top level Public Servant
Karl Lentz 433 - Claim through indemnifier, US Constitution, Bill T's style, running your court
Karl Lentz 434 - English language trickery in contracts, keeping your claim short and simple
Karl Lentz 435 - Keeping your claim from being tampered with, Officer does you wrong on
Karl Lentz 436 - Dealing with quasi courts, removing people from their case, public vs. private
Karl Lentz 437 - Writing and speaking in court - in your own style
Karl Lentz 438 - Getting complainants to appear for your claim, IRS gets tough, offer to forgive
Karl Lentz 439 - Monarchy vs. democracy, district vs. circuit court, swearing in, man on man
Karl Lentz 440 - Bundys in Oregon, Government and land rights, no damages no case, basic
Karl Lentz 441 - Not accepting titles, addressing Mr. in court, letter to Clerk, understanding Mr.
Karl Lentz 442 - Claim labelled as complaint, letter to Clerk about it, unanswered letter response
Karl Lentz 443 - Dealing with quasi courts, correcting Jeffrey's nonsense, Noticing Gov.
Karl Lentz 444 - Mother vs. Father's rights to kids, child custody, removing people from their
Karl Lentz 445 - In court as man, damages, assaulted by a Cop, traffic stops, acting in public
Karl Lentz 446 - The Bundy's style vs. Karl's style
Karl Lentz 447 - Integrity in legal matters, getting everything in writing in court, in court as man
Karl Lentz 448 - Judge's power in Family Court, bonds, foreclosures, child support, child
Karl Lentz 449 - Handling setbacks as a man, how to avoid granting jurisdiction to a Judge
Karl Lentz 450 - Invoice, bill, billing statements, Government overreach, US constitution, Charter
Karl Lentz 451 - In traffic court as a man, acting as an idiot in court, Judge enters plea for you
Karl Lentz 452 - Accuracy with words, character and culture are factors in a case, false claims
Karl Lentz 453 - Giving Notice in their case, venue, not understanding legal terms of art
Karl Lentz 454 - Boxed off on paper, habeas corpus, process serving a Gov. Official, illegal alien
Karl Lentz 455 - Incompetent witness, forced disclosure, setting up your court, U.S. District
Karl Lentz 456 - Who to sue, when and when not to sue, how law enforcement fills prisons
Karl Lentz 457 - Definitions of torture, terrorize, terror, and tortfeasor
Karl Lentz 458 - Stay out of the prosecutor's office, restore property from Gov., property and
Karl Lentz 459 - Dealing with extortion, emancipation from parents, valuable life lessons for kids
Karl Lentz 460 - Man in black robe refuses your court of record, theft of services
Karl Lentz 461 - Inquiring about a debt, verify the debt vs. is it a legal or lawful debt
Karl Lentz 462 - Compensation from risk management, when are benefits binding?
Karl Lentz 463 - Your paid Court of Record is dismissed, need an exact time to calculate
Karl Lentz 464 - Written vs. unwritten law, true common law, minor infant child
Karl Lentz 465 - Kids taken on allegations - how to restore - step by step, proper punctuation
Karl Lentz 466 - Setting up a deposition and using it to your benefit, when your attorney refuses
Karl Lentz 467 - What is a Sovereign Citizen?
Karl Lentz 468 - Understanding property, common grounds, public land, homesteading, toll
Karl Lentz 469 - Making your case tight before it's presented before a Grand Jury
Karl Lentz 470 - What to do when you get an unwarranted order from a doctor or social worker
Karl Lentz 471 - Keeping it simple, acting honourably, common law, God's law vs  man made
Karl Lentz 472 - Letter to Sec. of State, holder in due course, common law, overcomplicating
Karl Lentz 473 - Safety plans, dealing with extortion, withdrawing from Government contracts
Karl Lentz 474 - Charged criminally by IRS, questions for prosecutor, rule 15,deposing the
Karl Lentz 475 - Who has standing when it comes to public law vs. private law
Karl Lentz 476 - At court as man, finding the prosecutor, how to write to the prosecutor
Karl Lentz 477 - Ins and outs of filing a common law claim
Karl Lentz 478 - Common lore, delegation of authority, debt collection, people vs
Karl Lentz 479 - Claim for property(kids), defraud, filing fees, dealing with the Court Clerk
Karl Lentz 480 - Common law lawsuit, notice writing,waving rights,settling privately in a civil suit
Karl Lentz 481 - Packing your suit(case) and giving it to the Court Clerk's office to be filed
Karl Lentz 482 - Why Judges bow in court, red lines around documents, "your word" in law
Karl Lentz 483 - Common law Grand Jury, insurance for unlicensed drivers, lien holder vs.
Karl Lentz 484 - Requiring in court, claim of conusance, maintaining common law, property
Karl Lentz 485 - Limitations on claims, cf., Title 42, Official and individual capacity lawsuits
Karl Lentz 486 - Proposal of payment for debt, court ordered discovery, foreign judgement
Karl Lentz 487 - Judge's jurisdiction over a case, docket number, what to do after getting a
Karl Lentz 488 - Dictionary, dealing with tickets, negotiating tickets, taken straight to Magistrate
Karl Lentz 489 - Exercising citizenship, IRS exempt, decedent and infant, exhibits, court access
Karl Lentz 490 - Terry stop, Hiibel stop, traffic court, bringing law into court, code vs. law
Karl Lentz 491 - Acting and signing as agent for the principal, roadside and courtroom
Karl Lentz 492 - Social contract, accepting a settlement less than original amount, lawsuit
Karl Lentz 493 - Rights and property, trespass on property claim, common law vs. civil law
Karl Lentz 494 - Holding debt collectors off while remaining in honour, negotiating payments
Karl Lentz 495 -  Understanding licenses, travelling privately, MSO, handling government
Karl Lentz 496 - Writing basics, ordering a Judge to restore property, the UCC and traffic tickets
Karl Lentz 497 - Administrative court and licenses, return of property(children),amending your
Karl Lentz 498 - Determining where in your case you gave up rights to property, void judgments
Karl Lentz 499 - Licenses and regulations, God given natural right to travel, making life
Karl Lentz 500 - Foreclosures, void summary judgements using Trinsey v. Pagliaro, making a
Karl Lentz 501 - In court over a debt, handle attorney tricks regarding the case file,barratry claim
Karl Lentz 502 - When confronted with a warrant, a man dealing with a code enforcement
Karl Lentz 503 - Using common law to restore kids(or other property) currently in government
JC and Shaman 1 - Symbolism statues spells and the Bible in law, key words broken down
JC and Shaman 2 - Use of the legal Person, how to file a claim as man the proper way
JC and Shaman 3 - Finding law in a case, when to file a claim, writing to resolve a controversy
JC and Shaman 4 - At criminal court as a servant, criminal suit with no harm injury or loss
JC and Shaman 5 - Forced representation, verified complaint or claim,civil asset forfeiture,tax
Craig Lynch Bonus video 1 - Mock Traffic Court - Rich Iverson Vs Bob Lock - Challenging
JC and Shaman 6 - Establishing and maintaining jurisdiction in court, marijuana distribution
JC and Shaman 7 - Tricks used to gain consent and joinder, ALL CAPS WORDS, Police
JC and Shaman 8 - History of law and Babylon, statu(t)e worship, how the Bible affects law
JC and Shaman 9 - How to write and present a Notice: Appearance, court document syntax
JC and Shaman 10 - Writing correctly for court, Appearance before court, handling an unsigned
JC and Shaman 11 - Contract clause, the Constitution, "you", unincorporated
JC and Shaman 12 - International recognition as a State vs. just man, Right to Travel letters to
JC and Shaman 13 - Writing to the DMV Director and other Agencies, how to move a common
law claim

Craig Lynch Bonus video 1 - Mock Traffic Court - Rich Iverson Vs Bob Lock - Challenging

Karl Lentz - First 56 audio clips combined

Karl Lentz - 57 to 100 combined
Karl Lentz - 101 to 150 combined
Karl Lentz - 151 to 175 combined
Karl Lentz - 176 to 200 combined
Karl Lentz - 201 to 225 combined
Karl Lentz - 226 to 250 Combined
Karl Lentz - 251 to 275 combined
Karl Lentz - 276 to 300 combined
Karl Lentz - 301 to 325 combined
Karl Lentz - 326 to 350 combined
Karl Lentz - 351 to 375 combined
Karl Lentz - 376 to 400 combined
Karl Lentz - 401 to 425 combined
Karl Lentz - 426 to 450 combined
Karl Lentz - 451 to 475 combined
Karl Lentz - 476 to 500 combined

MP3 versions of the combination videos are available!  

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Word Nerds (Gus Breton’s call):
CalmInLaw’s community call (Mike’s call):
Angela Stark’s website page on Karl Lentz:
Youtube Channel page:

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