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Mary the Queen College (Pampanga), Inc.

JASA, San Matias, Guagua, Pampanga




Subject Code: BusCor Module No./Title: BusCor-03: Components of Business Correspondence

Subject Description: Business Correspondence Period of Coverage: Week 3

Introduction: Business Correspondence focuses on the acquisition of procedural knowledge, not on the acquisition of declarative knowledge. The hallmark of a well-written business
letter is that its objective is clearly understood by its reader. Business Letters should have objectives, know the readers or audience, involve contact person, have a tone or impression,
establish a style and provide a good point of view. An effective business letter should be courteous, considerate, correct, clear, complete, concise and complete.

1. know the elements of business correspondence
2. apply the basic qualities of an effective business correspondence

I. Warm-up (Motivation) (LOGO QUIZ)

To start, students will play the logo quiz.

II. Lesson Proper

A. Essential Part of Business Correspondence

 Heading
 dateline
 inside address
 salutation
 body
 complimentary close
 signature block

1. Heading

The heading or the letterhead bears the corporate or registered name and logo or trademark of the enterprise. It contains the business address, contact
numbers, and official website and e-mail address of the company. The letterhead is seen at the topmost part of the business letter.

2. Dateline

The dateline is the exact date when the letter is written. On a letterhead, the dateline is entered two or three spaces below the last line of the printed
letterhead. It may be typed left or right of the paper depending on the format used. As a rule, the dateline is not abbreviated or written as numbers.

WRONG: Jan. 28, 2010 or 1-28-10 or 1/28/ 2010

CORRECT: January 28, 2010 or 28 January 2010
3. Inside Address

The inside address contains the full name and position/ designation of the person you are writing to, his/ her organizational affiliation, and his/ her
corporate address. It is typed two or three spaces below the dateline.

4. Salutation

The salutation is an expression of courtesy to and respect for the addressee or reader of the letter. It is typed two spaces below the inside address. Two
of the most common generic salutation are as follows:
5. Body

The body of the letter may have three subparts, namely, the introductory statement, statement of details, and concluding statement. It begins two
spaces below the salutation. However, if there is a subject line, the body must start two spaces below the subject line.
6. Complimentary Close

The complimentary close is a cordial and a graceful way of closing your letter. Only the first letter of the first word is capitalized in a complimentary
close. This is typed two spaces below the last line of the body. Some of the commonly-used forms of complimentary close classified according to their degree of

7. Signature Block

The signature block authenticates the letter to be that of the writer. The writer’s name is typed four to five spaces below the complimentary close.


• Attention Line (Attn.: ) – the attention is needed if a business letter is addressed to the company as an organization rather than to an individual officer or staff
member, but the writer prefers his/her letter to reach a particular employee who may be knowledgeable of the writer’s business concern. It is typed two spaces below the inside address
and two spaces above the salutation.
• Subject Line (Re: ) – The subject line is needed to immediately inform the reader of the gist of the letter or what the letter is all about. It is placed two spaces
below the situation. It may be typed in full capital letters or underlined for emphasis.
• Enclosure Notations (Encl. : ) – An enclosure line is a reminder of an attachment mentioned in the body of the letter. It is usually typed under the typist’s or
encoder’s initials.
• Carbon Copy Notation (cc: ) – A carbon copy notation indicated the other copies of the letter have been sent to one more recipients other than the addressee.
It is placed two spaces below the reference initials or below the enclosures., if there are any.
• Blind Carbon Copy Notation (bcc: ) – A blind carbon copy notation is used when the writer does not want his/ her reader to know the identities of the other
recipients of the letter. It is placed two spaces below the reference initials or below the enclosures, if there are any.
• Postscript (P.S. ) – A postscript is a distinct point of information that needs to be emphasized separately from the body. It may be placed two spaces below
the reference initials or below the enclosures or carbon copy, if there are any.
• Mailing Notation - A mailing notation indicates a special postal service such as “registered mail” or “certified/ confidential”. It may be placed two spaces
below the reference initials or below the enclosures, carbon copy, or postscript, if there are any.


 Distinctive
 Appropriate
 Practical
 Graphic
 Simple in form and still convey an intended message


1. Log-in to
2. Click Create Logo Yourself

3. Add the name of the business and tagline.

4. Add the business or industry

5. Identify how should a logo look and feel.

6. Choose the series of design options.

7. Use the platform for the business logo

8. Choose the best business logo for you

Summary/ Generalization:
Components of Business Correspondence
1. Business Correspondence has both essential and optional parts.
2. The essential parts of Business Correspondence:
 Heading
 Dateline
 Inside Address
 Salutation
 Body
 Complimentary Close
 Signature Block

3. The optional parts of Business Correspondence:

 Attention Line (Attn.: )
 Subject Line (Re: )
 Enclosure Notations (Encl. : )
 Carbon Copy Notation (cc: )
 Blind Carbon Copy Notation (bcc: )
 Postscript (P.S. )
 Mailing Notation

4. An effective business logo should be:

 distinctive
 appropriate
 practical
 graphical
 and simple in form and still convey an intended message

Learning Resources:
Powerpoint Presentation: Components of Business Correspondence

Individual Work : Designing your own Business Logo for Letterhead using WIX LOGO MAKER

Egipto, Joel Joseph L., WRITING BUSINESS LETTERS, 2011
Next Lesson: Formats of Business Correspondence

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Kennet Rey E. Bansil Donezza G. Mariano, MAEd Dr. Lannie D. Galvan

Part Time Instructor Coordinator VPAA
Arts and Sciences English, Filipino and Social Science Departments Mary the Queen College of Pampanga, Inc.

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