3rd Year Eng - Outline PDF

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Rationale: To equip trainees with knowledge, skills and attitudes in mathematical methods to
enable them solve problems in mechanical operations.
Objectives: On completion of the module, the trainees will be able to:
1. Solving problems involving calculus
2. Apply Transform methods to solve mechanical problems
3. Applying Fourier series and transforms to to solve mechanical problems
4. Apply Laplace transforms and complex variables to solve problems in Mechanical
5. Apply vector calculus in studies of motion
Learning outcomes:
1. Solving problems involving calculus
2. Apply Transform methods to solve mechanical problems
3. Applying Fourier series and transforms to solve problems in mechatronics
4. Apply Laplace transforms and complex variables in Control engineering
5. apply vector calculus in studies of motion

Course contents:
1. Laplace Transform 1, Laplace Transform 2
2. Fourier series:
Trigonometric form of fourier series, Half range series, Complex form of fourier
series, Practical harmonic analysis
3. Fourier Transforms:
Shift theorem, Spectra,
4. Multiple Integration:
Double and triple integrals, area by Cartesian and polar coordinates, centroid of an
area, volume by triple integrals, cylindrical and spherical coordinates.
Mode of delivery:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Tutorials: 1 hour per wek
Laboratory: N/A

Continuous assessment (CA): 40%
Quizzes 5%
Assignments 10%
Tests 25%
Final examination: 60%
TOTAL: 100%

Recommended textbooks:

1. Kreysgiz E, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, john Wiley and Sons,
2. ErMengJoo, Engineering Mathematics with real world application, McGraw Hill,
3. Frank Ayres and Elliot Mendelson, Schaum’s outline of calculus, 5th Edition,
McGraw Hill, 2009.
4. Vairamanickam K., Patchagar N. P. Thillaigovindan (2005), Engineering
Mathematics Volume I
5. Bird J. O. and May, ATC (1994) 3rd edition: Technician Mathematics.
6. Kaufmann E. Jerome (1987) College Algebra
7. Stroud K. A. (5th Edition) Engineering Mathematics
8. Howard Anton and Chris Rorres (1987) Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications


Civil Engineers will at times work on a construction site. Works on construction sites follow
systematic guidelines to ensure quality and sustainability of the constructed facilities whilst
issues of health safety and environment are also addressed. This course therefore, equips
learners with the basic knowledge on construction practices, laws and regulations, safety,
health and environmental requirements that come with working on a construction site.

Course Objectives:
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
i Understand the construction site
ii Identify and select suitable equipment and plant for construction
iii Explain and exercise suitable methods for construction
iv Explain laws regulating construction practice
v Identify and explain risks, safety and insurance requirements on construction sites
Course contents:
1. The Construction Industry: An Overview
1.1 Key players on a construction project
1.2 Site organisation and personnel
1.3 Materials
1.4 Temporary works
1.5 Site Safety, health and environment (SHE)

2. Regulatory framework, Standards and Sustainability

2.1 Building Codes
2.2 Land law
2.3 Construction law
2.4 Environmental protection
2.5 Maintenance and sustainability
2.6 Social issues (HIV/AIDS)
2.7 Facilities for the differently abled
3. Construction and Plant
3.1 Construction site planning
3.2 Site Preparation
3.3 Construction Plant and Equipment
3.4 Earthmoving operations
3.5 Substructure works
3.6 Superstructure works
3.7 Concreting practice
3.8 Underground pipe systems and tunnelling
3.9 Special Construction Methods
4. Quality Control/Assurance
4.1 Standards and specifications
4.2 Control testing
4.3 Material inspections
4.4 Site inspections

5. Construction Risks
5.1 Risk identification
5.2 Risk mitigation
5.3 Safety requirements (training and first Aid)
5.4 Insurance

Mode of delivery:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Tutorials: 1 hour per week

Continuous Assessment (CA): 40 %
Assignments/Quizzes 10 %
Tests 30 %

Final Theory Examination: 60 %

Total: 100 %

Prescribed text books:

Chudley R. Greeno R. 2006. Building Construction Handbook, 6 th Edition, Butterworth-
Recommended text book:
 Chudley R. Greeno R. 2006. Advanced Construction Technology, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall
 Allen E. Iano J. 2013, Fundamentals of Building Construction: Materials and Methods, 6th
Edition, Wiley
 Mamlouk M.S., Zaniewski J.P., 2016. Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers, 4th
Edition, Pearson
 Harris F., 1994. Modern Construction Equipment and Methods, Latest Edition, Longman
Scientific and Technical


Information Communication Technology (ICT) is at the centre of all aspects of society today.
Equally programing is a very important component of ICT and is a now a cross cutting field in
all aspects of engineering.
The goal of this course is to provide students with the ability to develop algorithms and write
computer programs. The course is designed to demonstrate the philosophy of functional
programming. Students will be equipped with fundamental concepts of programming and they
will be able to use the knowledge in various engineering applications.
At the end of the course students should be able to
• Formulate algorithms using block diagrams and pseudo-code
• Explain the main features of programming languages
• Write computer programs to solve specified problems
• Interpret computer programs
• Debug and test computer programs

1. Introduction.
1.1 History of programming languages,
1.2 Background and goals of programming languages
1.3 Process of developing and testing a computer program.
2. Control Structures
3.1 Sequential Control Structures,
3.2 Selection Control Structures;
3.3 Repetition Control Structure;
3. Memory concepts.
3.1 Variable scope and lifetime;
3.2 Pointers and pointer arithmetic;
3.3 References;
3.4 Dynamic memory management and allocating to arrays;
4. Arrays
5.1 One dimensional arrays;
5.2 Multi-dimensional arrays;
5.3 Sorting Arrays
5.4 Searching Arrays
5.5 Data manipulation
5. Operators, functions and types
5.1 Variables
5.2 Expressions and statements; Functions; Operators.
5.3 Simple types
5.4 Declarations

6. Input/Output.
7.1 File I/O basics;
7.2 Read and write data to and from the file system;
7.3 Reading file into an array and working with directory information;
7. User Defined types:
9.1 Data Structures;
9.2 Sorting and searching data using linked lists;

Time Allocation:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Practicals: 3 hours per week

Continuous assessment 40% (20% practical and 20% tests)
Final examination 60%

Prescribed Textbooks:
Deitel and Deitel (2007) C How to Program. Pearson

Recommended Textbooks:
The C programming Language
Engineering Geology provides information to civil engineers on rocks, soil formation and
geological features that impact on civil infrastructure planning, designing and construction as
well as stability. It also gives engineers volumes of resources such as aggregates and borrow
materials required for construction.

Course Objectives:
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1. Explain the geological cycle
2. Identify different types of rock formations
3. Explain geological processes and how they affect construction projects

Course contents:
1. Introduction to Engineering Geology
1.1. Types of Geology
1.2. Geological cycle
1.3. Methods of site investigations
2. Minerals and rocks
2.1. Physical and chemical properties of Rocks
2.2. Origin and Types of Rocks
2.3. Origin and Types of Soils
3. Geologic Structures
3.1. Foliation and lineation,
3.2. Folds, joints and faults.
4. Weathering and Sedimentation
4.1. Aeolian processes
4.2. Glacial processes
4.3. Landscape evolution
5. Geologic hazards
5.1. Plate tectonics effects and zoning
5.2. Faults
5.3. Landslides
5.4. Subsidence
6. Geologic Maps and Stratigraphic Sections
6.1. Geological maps,
6.2. Interpretation of geological maps and reports,
6.3. Stratigraphic Sections
7. Introduction to Structural Geology
8. Geology and engineering works
8.1. Geological factors in foundation engineering
8.2. Geological Considerations in Tunneling
8.3. Geological Considerations in Dam Construction,

Mode of delivery:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Laboratory/Site visits: 3-hour session per week

Continuous Assessment (CA): 40 %
Assignements 10 %
Tests 20 %
Laboratory/field visits 10 %
Final Theory Examination: 60 %
Total: 100 %

Recommended text books:

F G H Blyth and M H de Freitas: 1984, Geology for Engineers 7th Edition
Rahn P.H., Engineering Geology, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1986

Supplementary readings:
Waltham A.C - Foundations of Engineering Geology; Blackie Academic & Professional


Fluid Mechanics focuses on the fundamentals of fluid behaviour relevant to a range of
engineering applications and is essential for Civil Engineering.

Course Objectives:
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
1 Demonstrate how fundamental principles of fluid mechanics are used for the design of
hydraulic components.
2 Design simple pipe systems
3 Determine losses in pipes and open channels
4 Apply the principles of force balance to solve engineering problems associated with
Course contents:
1. Properties of fluids
1.1 Units and Dimensions
1.2 Manometry
1.3 Forces on submerged planes and objects,
1.4 Buoyancy and flotation
1.5 Flow characteristics of ideal and real fluids
1.6 Steady and unsteady flow
1.7 Uniform and non-uniform flow
1.8 Reynolds number and classification of laminar and turbulent flow
2. Control Volumes
2.1. Stream tube, Streamlines, and pathlines
2.2. Euler’s equation along and perpendicular to streamlines
2.3. Bernoulli’s equation and its application to orifices, sharp-crested weirs and
2.4. System control approach
2.5. Control volume and control volume equation
2.6. Continuity equation and its applications

3. Applications of the Control Volume

3.1. Application of control volume equation to the linear momentum equation
3.2. Impegement of jets on fixed and moving vanes,
3.3. Forces on pipe bends, nozzles,
3.4. Obstacles in natural streams and channels,
3.5. Turbo machines and rotating systems.
3.6. First law of thermodynamics,
3.7. Application of control volume equation to steady flow energy equation
3.8. Hydraulic and energy grade lines.
4. Ideal and Real fluids
4.1. Concept of ideal flow,
4.2. Rotational and irrotational flow,
4.3. Stream function and velocity potential,
4.4. Laplace’s equation, flow nets.
4.5. Real fluids, boundary layer,
4.6. resistance in turbulent flow,
4.7. Separation, drag, application to falling sphere
5. Flow in pipes
5.1. Laminar flow and turbulent flow
5.2. Friction factor, Moody diagram,
5.3. Head loss in single pipe system, equivalent length,
5.4. Compound, looping, and branching pipes,
5.5. Pipes in series and parallel,
5.6. Analysis of pipe networks
5.7. Use of computers software for network analysis.
6. Flow in open channels
6.1. Chezy and Manning’s Formulae,
6.2. Specific energy diagram, Froude number,
6.3. Tranquil and rapid flow,
6.4. Critical slope and critical depth,
6.5. Hydraulic jump, non-uniform flow.
6.6. Gradually varied flow, rapidly varied flow, and surges.

Mode of delivery:
Lectures: 3 hours per week
Tutorials: 1 hour per week
Laboratory: 3-hour session per week

Continuous Assessment (CA): 40 %
Assignements/Quizes 5%
Tests 20 %
Laboratory experiments 10 %
Laboratory Test 5%

Final Theory Examination: 60 %

Total: 100 %

Recommended text book:

Webber, N B, 1971, Fluid Mechanics for Civil Engineers, Chapman and Hall
Rajput, R.K, Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines

Supplementary readings:
Massey, B S, 1989, Mechanics of Fluids, Chapman and Hall
John F. Douglas, Janusz M. Gasiorek and John A. Swaffield, Fluid Mechanics
Streeter, Fluid Mechanics
Vitor L. Streeter, E. Benjamin Wylie, Fluid Mechanics, Int. Student Edition, 1979
Dake, Jonas M.K. Essentials of Engineering Hydraulics, ANSTI, 1972.

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