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ASSIGNMENT 5 – CIE 251 DUE ON 05/10/2018 AT 13:00 HOURS

1. The weights of the various components of the truck are shown. Replace this system of forces by an
equivalent resultant force and specify its location measured from point A.

2. Replace the loading on the frame by a single resultant force. Specify where its line of action intersects
member AB, measured from A.

3. Three parallel bolting forces act on the circular plate. Determine the resultant force, and specify its location (x, z)
on the plate. FA = 200 lb, FB = 100 lb, and FC = 400 lb.
4. The loading on the bookshelf is distributed as shown. Determine the magnitude of the equivalent resultant
location, measured from point O.

5. The masonry support creates the loading distribution acting on the end of the beam. Simplify this load to a
single resultant force and specify its location measured from point O.

6. The boom has a length of 30 ft, a weight of 800 lb, and mass center at G. If the maximum moment that can be
developed by the motor at A is M = 20(103) lb ft, determine the maximum load W, having a mass center at G’,
that can be lifted. Take θ = 30°.

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