rs-andes-basin-2020-Sub-Andean Thick and Thin-Skinned Thrust Systems AAPG Memoir117 Chapter02

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McClay, Ken, Andres Mora Bohorquez, Javier Tamara, James Hammerstein,
­Gonzalo Zamora, and Hodei Uzkeda, 2018, Sub-Andean thick and thin-skinned
thrust systems of southeastern Peru and Bolivia—A review, in G. Zamora,
K. R. McClay, and V. A. Ramos, eds., Petroleum basins and hydrocarbon
­potential of the Andes of Peru and Bolivia: AAPG Memoir 117, p. 35–62.

Sub-Andean Thick and Thin-Skinned

Thrust Systems of Southeastern Peru and
Bolivia—A Review
Ken McClay, Javier Tamara, and James Hammerstein
Fault Dynamics Research Group, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX UK

Andres Mora
Exploration Directorate, Ecopetrol SA, Carrera 7 No. 32 – 42 7th floor, Torre Norte Ed. San Martin Bogotá –
Colombia Cra 7 # 32-42 7th floor Bogotá-Colombia (email:

Gonzalo Zamora
Repsol Exploration, C/ Méndez Álvaro, 44, 28045 Madrid, Spain (email:

Hodei Uzkeda
Departmento de Geologia, Universidad de Oviedo, c/. Jseus Arias de Velasco s/n. 33005, Oviedo, Asturias,
Espana (e-mail:

This chapter focuses on the role of basement fabrics and inverted extensional faults that
strongly affect the frontal zones of the fold-and-thrust faults of sub-Andean basins in Peru
and Bolivia. This review examines the relationships of hinterland deformation in the base-
ment with the Present Day topography from the Andean plateau to the sub-Andean foreland
basin. Preexisting, steep basement–involved extensional faults that were inverted in the last
phase of Andean deformation 1∼10 Ma to the Present Day2 produced basement-cored uplifts
that transferred thick-skinned shortening eastward onto the thin-skinned thrust fault and
fold systems detached above the basement. Regional cross sections are reviewed and revised
in the light of analysis of seismic data as well as mechanically feasible models of the hinter-
land to foreland transfer of displacement. Steep inverted faults with dominantly high vertical
uplift in the hinterland exhume the older stratal packages together with crystalline basement,
and these units provide the source for the largely Neogene to Holocene syn-tectonic foreland
basins in front of the advancing thrust wedge of the sub-Andean system in Peru and Bolivia.

Copyright ©2018 by The American Association of Petroleum Geologists.



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36 McClay et al.

INTRODUCTION Paleozoic units in thick 110 km 36.2 mi4 or greater2

antiformal stacks at the western edge of the thin-
The retro-arc foreland basins and frontal fold-and- skinned sections of the frontal thrust wedge. Basement
thrust belts of the sub-Andean system host signifi- uplift on inverted steep extensional faults, however,
cant petroleum resources (e.g., Tankard et al., 1995; has been well documentedin many of the ­sub-Andean
McGroder et al., 2015). The frontal fold-and-thrust fold-and-thrust belts particularly in the Eastern Cordil-
belts were mainly formed during the last phase of lera of Colombia (Mora et al., 2006, 2014), in the Sier-
the Andean deformation from ∼10 Ma to the Pres- ras Pampeanas in northwest ­Argentina (Zapata and
ent Day (Ramos, 2009, 2010; Horton, 2018a). Recent Almendinger, 1996; Ramos, 2009), in the frontal sectors
publications (Folguera et al., 2016) and benchmark of the Neuquén Basin in western Argentina (Manceda
reviews particularly by Ramos (1999, 2009, 2010) and and Figueroa, 1995; Zamora et al., 2006; Giambiagi et
Horton (2018a, b) have established the fundamental al., 2009; Zamora and Zapata, 2015; Branellec et al.,
frameworks for the stratigraphy, timings, and struc- 2016; Fuentes et al., 2016), and in the Patagonian Andes
tural styles for the Andes and particularly for the sub-­ (Orts et al., 2012; Folguera et al., 2016).
Andean basins in the central and southern Andes. Transfer of displacement from basement uplift
Strata in the sub-Andean basins of Peru and ­Bolivia on steep inverted faults (e.g., thick-skinned thrust
range in age from the Early Paleozoic through Meso- deformation) onto thin-skinned thrust systems de-
zoic and Cenozoic and lie above a metamorphic and tached above the basement in the foreland is both
igneous basement (Ramos, 2009). The Andean cor- geometrically and mechanically limited by the orien-
dillera underwent extensional deformation in the tation and dip of the inverted basement fault as well
Late Proterozoic–Early Cambrian, extension in the as by the frictional constraints and pore-fluid pres-
Late Ordovician–Silurian, and a well-documented sures at the time of reactivation (Sibson, 1985, 1995).
phase of Triassic rifting (Ramos et al., 2004; Perez During dip-slip reactivation of steep basement faults
et al., 2016; Horton, 2018a). The Andean contractional 1dips of 45965°2 most of the deformation is vertical
deformation initiated in the Late Cretaceous with the uplift, and there is limited horizontal shortening of
west-northwest subduction of the Nazca Plate beneath only a few kilometers transferred onto a thin-skinned
western South America (e.g., Ramos, 1999, 2009, 2010; fold-and-thrust system in front of the uplifted base-
Ramos et al., 2002, 2004 Horton, 2018a, b). From the ment block. Basement-controlled, uplifts have been
Late Cretaceous to the Present Day, deformation mi- described in many sub-Andean basins (e.g. examples
grated eastward as the central Andes uplifted and from the Sierras Pampeanas and Neuquén Basin,
widened. The last phase of Andean deformation from Argentina [Giambiagi et al., 2009; Ramos, 2009; Zamora
the late Miocene 1∼10 Ma to the Present Day2 was fo- and Zapata, 2015; Fuentes et al., 2016]. Basement-cored
cused on the frontal fold-and-thrust belts that border uplifts commonly produce frontal triangle zones and
the sub-Andean foreland basins (Sempere, 1995; Mora wedge thrust systems in the transition from thick- to
et al., 2006, 2014; Ramos, 2009, 2010; Espurt et al., 2011; thin-skinned thrust styles (e.g., Mount et al., 2011) as
Horton, 2018a). In Peru this stage was associated with well as irregular topographic profiles characterized by
the development of the 1500 km (930-mi)-long zone of plateau-like uplifts with low-angle dipping hanging-
flat-slab subduction of the Nazca Plate and Inca Pla- walls as compared to thin-skinned thrust belts where
teau underneath western Peru at ∼10 Ma (Gutscher the hanging-walls dip at high angles parallel or
et al., 1999, 2000; Ramos, 2009, 2010; Ramos and Fol- sub-parallel to the underlying thrusts (Figure 1).
guera, 2009). In thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belts where there
is little basement influence (e.g., the Canadian Rocky
Mountains and the external parts of the Appalachians –
Thick-Skinned Thrusting in Fold-and-Thrust Valley and Ridge Province) and particularly, where there
Belts is a very weak basal detachment unit such as salt and
overpressured shales, the frontal sectors are character-
Many studies of the sub-Andean frontal fold-and- ized by critically tapered Coulomb wedges (cf. Davis et
thrust belts in Peru and Bolivia have interpreted dom- al., 1983; Dahlen, 1990) where there is a gently dipping
inantly thin-skinned thrusting involving kink-band basal detachment and a topographic slope toward the
fault-bend fold styles without significant basement foreland (Figure 1). Critically tapered Coulomb wedges
influence (cf. cross-sections in Baby et al., 1992, 1995; have been described from the frontal fold-and-thrust
Gil Rodriguez et al., 2001; Hermoza et al., 2005; Espurt belts of many orogens and also in submarine fold-and-
et al., 2008, 2011; Gautheron et al., 2013; McGroder thrust belts (Morley et al., 2017; King and Morley, 2017).
et al., 2015). In particular, in Southeastern Peru and in Digital elevation models (DEMs) were constructed
Bolivia, these cross sections show imbricated Lower using public-domain (Figure 2) elevation data Aster

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Sub-Andean Thick and Thin-Skinned Thrust Systems of Southeastern Peru and Bolivia—A Review  37

Figure 1. a. Conceptual diagram of a wide thin-skinned thrust wedge showing imbricate thrust faults forming a critically ta-
pered Coulomb wedge detached above basement. b. Thick-skinned wedge thrust systems with reactivated basement faults
forming plateau uplifts with a narrow frontal thrust belt and isolated foreland uplifts.

data and imaged in ARC-GIS. Characteristic profiles flat-slab segment of the subducted Nazca Plate and
(Figure 3) were analyzed and mean slopes calculated the Inca Plateau (e.g., Gutscher et al., 2000; Ramos,
for the frontal sectors of the sub-Andean thrust belts in 2009) to the north of the overridden Nazca Ridge
southern Peru and Bolivia. In this chapter the digital whereas the southern part of the Peruvian sub-Andes
elevation data over the sub-Andean fold-and-thrust as well as the Madre del Dios, Beni, and Bolivia
belts were used to characterize the structural styles sub-Andean fold belts occur above a Present Day
and in particular the role of inverted basement faults normal-slab segment with the Central Volcanic Zone
in their formation. The results from the analyses of el- and the high Andean plateau to the west (Figure 2a).
evation data are compared to published cross sections Ramos (2009) and Ramos and Folguera (2009) pos-
across the Peruvian and Bolivian frontal fold-and- tulated that older flat-slab systems occurred in the
thrust belts (locations shown in Figure 3). past and particularly that an Altiplano flat-slab
segment occurred from 40 to 32 Ma unit 27218 Ma
and the Puna flat-slab segment occurred from
SUB-ANDEAN FOLD BELTS Gutscher et al. (1999, 2000), Ramos (2009), and
Ramos and Folguera (2009) amongst others pro-
Figure 2a shows the broad tectonic framework posed that periods of flat-slab subduction were
for the Peruvian and Bolivian Andes. Much of characterized by strong coupling between the over-
the Peruvian sub-Andes lies above the Peruvian riding continental plate and the subducting oceanic

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38 McClay et al.

a) Figure 2. Regional digital elevation mod-

els of the Andean Cordillera: a. Present
Day South American plate tectonic setting
showing the dominant tectonic elements
of the Andean Cordillera, the current flat-
slab subduction regions from the Pam-
pean slab in the south, the 1500 km
(932 mi) Peruvian flat slab segment in the
central Andes and the Bucamaranga flat-
slab in the northern Andes (modified from
Ramos, 2009). b. Past and Present Day
flat-slab subduction in the Andes (modi-
fied from Ramos, 2009). c. Triassic rift ba-
sins of the Andes and the Andean foreland
(modified from Ramos, 2009).


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c) Figure 2.  (Continued)

plate such that high contractional stresses were de- signals the initiation of the Andean foreland, ero-
veloped in the continental lithosphere leading to sion, and the onset of the Andean contractional
reactivation of basement fabrics and significant in- deformation (e.g., Ramos, 2009; Horton, 2018a).
version in the frontal fold-and-thrust belts as well as Contractional deformation and uplift of the An-
uplifted plateaus including the Puna–Altiplano Pla- des moved progressively eastward as the result
teau of the central Andes (cf. recent review by Hor- of variable coupling of the South American plate
ton, 2018a). Ramos (2009) and Ramos and Folguera with the subducted Nazca Plate beneath it (Ramos,
(2009) in particular pointed out that much of the 2009; Horton, 2018a, b). In southeastern Peru the
Paleocene and Neogene sub-Andean foreland fold- main sub-Andean contraction and inversion de-
and-thrust belts extending from Patagonia to Peru formation was the result of the development of a
were developed on top of and strongly influenced flat-slab regime with the subduction of the Inca
by inversion of the underlying Triassic rift systems Plateau beneath Peru from ∼12 Ma to the Present
(Figure 2c). Day (Figure 2a; Gutscher et al., 1999, 2000; Ramos,
Figure 4 summarizes the chronostratigraphy of 2009, 2010; Ramos and Folguera, 2009). Detailed
the sub-Andean system in southeastern Peru show- thermochronology has revealed that development
ing the main pre-Andean tectonic events, multiple of the frontal thrust belts in both southeastern Peru
detachment levels, as well as principal sources and and Bolivia has mainly occurred over the last 6 Ma
reservoir units. Figure 5 summarizes the main stra- (Espurt et al., 2008, 2011; Uba et al., 2009; Gautheron
tigraphy of the south Bolivian fold-and-thrust belt. et al., 2013; Eude et al., 2015) with a complex de-
Both diagrams show similar stratigraphy from the velopment of foreward-breaking thrusts as well as
crystalline pre-Ordovician basement to the Late “out of sequence” movement.
Ordovician- Silurian rift and postrift to the Missis- In this chapter the topographies of the frontal thrust
sippian Ambo/Itacua Formations and in particu- wedges and regional cross sections are reviewed and
lar the Triassic rifting. Of particular importance is analyzed in term of both thick- and thin-skinned
Late Cretaceous unconformity (Figures 4, 5) that thrusting and folding.

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40 McClay et al.

Figure 3. DEM of the central

Andes and sub-Andean fold-
and-thrust belts showing the
location of key cross sec-
tions of Figure 8 as well as
­Figures 9, 10 discussed in this

TOPOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FRONTAL frontal fold-and-thrust belt that slopes gently towards
FOLD-AND-THRUST BELTS OF PERU AND BOLIVIA the undeformed sector of the foreland basin. There are
many short wavelength variations in the topography
High-resolution DEM (Figures 6, 7) were constructed caused by strong subaerial erosion, particularly where
for both the Peruvian and Bolivian sub-­Andean sys- basement uplifts produce exhumed basement units at
tems. This analysis is focused from the high and the edges of the Andean plateau and on the eastern
relatively flat Andean plateau in the center of the flanks of the plateau (Figures 6a, 7a).
cordillera (pink, red, and dark purple colors on the
DEMs) to the eastern flanks of the plateau and to
the frontal fold-and-thrust belts that deform the fore- Southern Peru and Northern Bolivia
land basins along the eastern flank of the Andean Oro-
gen. Slope profiles were analyzed and average angles Figure 6a shows an oblique view of the Andean cordil-
were calculated for the different slope segments. In lera of southern Peru and northern Bolivia encompass-
general, the profiles were separated into three main ing the southern part of the Ucayali Basin and the Madre
elements—the high Andean plateau, the eastern flank del Dios Basin. The Andean plateau varies in elevation
that slopes steeply toward- the foreland basin, and the between ∼3.5 and greater than 5 km 1∼2.2 to 7 3 mi2

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Figure 4. Summary tectono-stratigraphic section of the southeastern Peruvian sub-Andean fold-and-thrust belt and foreland
from the Late Ordovician to the Present Day (modified from Baby et al., 2018).

above sea level. The eastern flanks of the Andean pla- are strongly eroded with the isolated highs most to
teau slope steeply 1∼395°2 toward the foreland basin be erosional remnants of Mesozoic strata in emer-
(Figure 6b). On the eastern slopes the DEM image and gent thrust-related folds. In northern Bolivia the
the slope profiles show peaks of high elevation above frontal thrust belts have topographic slopes of ∼1°
the mean, and these may indicate the positions of (Figure 6b) with local highs that may also indicate
basement-involved fault systems. Profiles 6.1 and 6.2 basement involvement.
across the Oxapampa and Ene basins show the gently
dipping western flank of the Shira mountains and a
steep eastern flank characteristic of uplift on a steep Bolivian fold-and-thrust belt
basement fault system (Figure 6b).
The steep and highly eroded terrain on the fron- Topographic images and profiles of the southern
tal slopes of the Armihuari Complex in profile 6.3 Bolivian fold-and-thrust belt (Figure 7) show the high
in Figure 6 most likely reflects basement-involved Andean plateau (mean elevations between 3.5 and
thrusts at depth that were uplifted as a result of the 3.7 km [2.2 and 2.3 mi] above sea level) to the west
subduction of the Nazca Ridge beneath this sec- with the eastern flanks of the plateau sloping on
tion of the Andean cordillera. The frontal fold-and- average between 1 and 2° toward the frontal fore-
thrust belts have almost no topographic slope and land fold-and-thrust belt that has a very low slope

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42 McClay et al.

Figure 5. Summary stratigraphic column of the Bolivian fold-and-thrust belt from the Precambrian crystalline basement to the
Present Day (modified from Moretti et al., 2002).

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Figure 6. a. 3-D oblique view of a DEM of southeastern Peru showing the location and 3-D view of the topographic profiles
across the Andean cordillera from the Ucayali Basin to the Madre del Dios Basin. b. Digital summary of topographic profiles
across the Andean cordillera in southeastern Peru with a focus on the eastern slopes and the frontal fold-and-thrust belt.
Mean slopes were calculated for distinctive segments of the topographic profiles. Note the high elevation Andean plateau
1∼ 495 km 3∼ 2 to ∼ 3 mi42 to the southwest and abrupt slopes of the Eastern Cordillera to the low-relief forelands of the Ucayali
and Madre de Dios Basins.

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44 McClay et al.


Figure 7. a. DEM image of the Bolivian fold-and-thrust belt showing the frontal thin-skinned system with long, slightly curved
folds with the hinterland of the Andean plateau exhibiting significantly higher and irregular topography. b. 3-D oblique view of
a DEM of Bolivia Cordillera and four topographic profiles across the frontal fold-and-thrust belt. c. Digital topographic profiles
across the Bolivian fold-and-thrust belt. Note the high elevations of the Andean plateau to the west, the steep eastern flank
with moderate to high slopes, and the frontal fold-and-thrust belt with a low topographic slope from 0.3 to 0.4°.

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Sub-Andean Thick and Thin-Skinned Thrust Systems of Southeastern Peru and Bolivia—A Review  45

of ∼0.390.4° to the east (Figure 7c). The eastern flank fold-and-thrust belts. Most cross sections have been
(browns and yellows in the DEMs, Figures 7a, b) modified to include more basement-involved uplifts
shows segmented and short wavelength highs indic- (i.e., inversion) that were illustrated in the original
ative of marginal basins controlled by basement publications. Most cross sections are long regional
uplifts transitional to the development of broken lines and are shown at two times vertical exaggeration
forelands such as Sierras Pampeanas to the south to see details of the fault systems.
(e.g., Ramos, 2009; Strecker et al., 2009). The fron-
tal low-angle topographic slopes of the Bolivian
fold belt indicate a low-taper Coulomb wedge sys- Santiago Basin, Northern Peru
tem detached above a gently west-dipping base-
ment as indicated in cross sections by Gil Rodriguez Figure 8a, b show two cross sections across the Santiago
et al. (2001), Baby et al. (1995), Eude et al. (2015), and Basin in northern Peru (located in Figure 3). The cross
papers in this volume (Baby et al., 2018; Louterbach section in Figure 8a shows uplifted (inverted?) base-
et al., 2018; Rocha and Cristallini, 2018). ment fault blocks with a thin-skinned fault-fold system
detached on evaporates above the basement (modified
after Witte et al., 2018, this volume). This interpretation
STRUCTURAL STYLES OF THE FRONTAL FOLD- is very similar to the northern Peru cross section pub-
AND-THRUST BELTS IN PERU AND BOLIVIA lished by Gil Rodriguez et al. (2001). The shortening
values are low 7–8 km 1495 mi2 in the sections in Witte
Cross sections showing the sub-Andean frontal fold- et al., (2018, this volume) and ∼15.15 km 1∼9.41 mi2 in
and-thrust belts of Peru commonly show a thin- the section published by Gil Rodriguez et al. (2001).
skinned frontal fold-and-thrust belt with a complexly
deformed hinterland with repeated units of Paleozoic Huallaga Basin, Northern Central Peru
strata and basement uplifts (e.g., Espurt etal., 2011).
Interpretations that contain repeated panels of Paleo- The dominant fault styles are those of basement-inv-
zoic strata, particularly in buried, that is, “blind” ereted extensional faults detached above a deep brit-
duplexes, dramatically increase the amount of shorten- tle-plastic transition zone. Previous cross sections
ing in the cross sections leading to along-strike dispari- across the Huallaga Basin published by Hermoza et
ties in the amounts of shortening and displacements in al. (2005) have invoked a very long ramp-flat scenario
some sub-Andean fold-and-thrust belts. These geom- for the Chazuta thrust with around 35 km (22 mi)
etries also raise the question of the mechanical feasi- of shortening and a total shortening of more than
bility of forming thick, stacked duplexes in antiformal 80 km (50 mi). Eude et al. (2015) published a section
stacks more than 10 km (6.2 mi) high, without very ­(Figure 8b-1) with prominent back-thrusting as well
significant syn-kinematic erosion needed to reduce the as the long flat of the Chazuta thrust giving as much
vertical load on the active basal detachment. The pres- as 145 km (90 mi) of shortening. Such large shorten-
ence of significant inverted Triassic and older exten- ings are not consistent with the sections to the north
sional faults has been documented particularly in the across the Santiago Basin where maximum shortening
Ucayali Basin and in the uplift of the Shira mountains is between 7 and 15 km (4 and 9 mi; Gil Rodriguez et
to the west, and this indicates a strong basement influ- al., 2001; Witte et al., 2018, this volume). An alternative
ence in parts of the Peruvian sub-Andean frontal fold- interpretation by Estevez Plata (2015) invokes two salt
and-thrust belts. Torres (2012) and Torres and McClay detachment horizons and no large repetition on the
(2014) proposed that the hinterland of the Camisea Chazuta thrust. This interpretation is based on well
fold-and-thrust belt is best modeled with inverted hin- data and reprocessed seismic data and is much more
terland basement fault systems with significant uplift in accordance with dominant basement inversion and
and limited horizontal shortening transferred onto the limited shortening.
frontal thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belt (McClay et
al., 2018, this volume). This model of basement inver-
sion and uplifted basement fault blocks has also been Shira Mountains, Ucayali Basin, South-Central Peru
applied in this chapter to other sub-Andean cross sec-
tions where basement uplifts have been documented, The dominant structural style in Figure 8c is that of a
particularly in the hinterlands behind the frontal thin- major asymmetric basement fold and uplift with local­­
skinned thrust and fold belts. ized footwall shortcut faults into the nearby Ucayali
The following section reviews regional cross sec- Basin. The back-limb dips gently to the east. This struc-
tions across the Peruvian and Bolivian sub-Andean tural style is reflected in the topographic profiles (6-1

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46 McClay et al.



Figure 8. Summary structural sections across the Peruvian and Bolivian sub-Andean frontal fold-and-thrust belts. Note most
sections have vertical exaggeration of 2:1 to illustrate the fault styles at depth. Locations of all sections are shown in Figure 3.
a. Cross section across the Santiago Basin, northern Peru, showing basement fault blocks and inversion with a thin-skinned
fault-fold system detached on evaporates above the basement (modified after Witte et al. [2018, this volume]). b. Cross
sections across the Huallaga Basin in north-central Peru. The fault styles are those of basement-inverted extensional faults
detached above a deep brittle-plastic transition zone (modified from unpublished sections, Ecopetrol staff, 2017, personal
communication) c. Cross section across the Shira mountains, south-central Peru. The dominant structural style is that of a
major basement fold and uplift with localized shortcut faults into the nearby Ucayali Basin. Note the gently dipping back limb
and very steep front limb (modified from unpublished sections, Ecopetrol staff, 2017, personal communication); d. Simplified
summary cross section across the northern part of the Madre de Dios basin in southeastern Peru. A major basement uplift
cored by Permo-Triassic granites and basement forms a steep frontal limb to the uplift with an almost isoclinal detachment
fold developed in front (modified from unpublished sections, Ecopetrol staff, 2017, personal communication). e. Summary
cross section across the southern part of the Madre de Dios basin in northern Bolivia and southeastern Peru. Basement uplifts
are linked to complex imbricates in the supra-basement strata (basement fault interpretation modified from Baby et al., 2018,
this volume). f. Summary cross section across the north sector of the Bolivian fold-and-thrust belt showing gentle inversion
of basement blocks that clearly control the thin-skinned detachment structures above (basement fault interpretation slightly
modified from Louterbach et al., 2018, this volume). g. Summary cross section across the southern sector of the Bolivian fold-
and-thrust belt showing largely thin-skinned detachment and fault-related folds above the basement (modified from Rocha
and Cristallini, 2018, this volume).

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Figure 8.  (Continued)

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48 McClay et al.



Figure 8.  (Continued)

and 6-2 in Figure 6b) and is characteristic of inversion to complex imbricates in the supra-­basement strata
on steep basement faults. Shortening across this section with the thin-skinned thrust systems characterized by
is only 495 km 12.593 mi2. duplexes above the basement and wedge terminations
in the Cenozoic strata in the foreland basin. Baby et al.
(2018, this volume) propose around 47 km (29 mi) of
Madre de Dios Basin—Southern Peru and Northern Bolivia shortening for their cross section.

Simplified summary cross section across the northern part

of the Madre de Dios Basin in southeastern Peru is shown Bolivian fold-and-thrust belt
in Figure 8d. A major basement uplift on a steep base-
ment inversion fault is cored by Permo-­Triassic granites Figure 8f is a cross section across the north sector of the
and basement. This forms a steep frontal limb with a very Bolivian fold-and-thrust belt (Louterbach et al., 2018,
tight detachment fold developed in front with only minor this volume) showing gentle inversion of basement
inverted faults in the foreland basin to the east. This forms blocks that clearly control the thin-skinned detachment
a broad triangle zone with buttressing against the base- structures above, more complex but similar in style to
ment fault systems in front of the major uplift. Shortening the Camisea structures shown in Figure 9 and discussed
is in the range of several tens of kilometers dependent on in McClay et al. (2018, this volume). Slight inversion of
the elevation of the frontal detachment fold. the individual basement blocks partitioned the cover
Figure 8e is a summary cross section across the south- deformation into different thin-skinned zones.
ern part of the Madre de Dios Basin in northern Bolivia Figure 8g is an unmodified cross section from Ro-
and southeastern Peru modified from Baby et al. (2018, cha and Cristallini (2018, this volume) across the south-
this volume). East-vergent basement uplifts are linked ern sector of the Bolivian fold-and-thrust belt showing

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Sub-Andean Thick and Thin-Skinned Thrust Systems of Southeastern Peru and Bolivia—A Review  49

Figure 9. Detailed section through the thin-skinned thrust belt of the Camisea fields, southeast Peru Line 84-UB-40. a. Seismic
image showing the kink-band-style thrust-related folds and frontal triangle zone. b. Interpretation of the seismic section in
part a of this Figure, showing the Late Ordovician–Silurian extensional faulting below the thin-skinned thrust belt together with
local inversion that controlled the geometry of the basal detachment and thrust-ramp locations.

characteristally thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belt de- hinterland that transfer displacement to frontal thin-
tached above a basement dipping between 1.5 and 3° skinned frontal fold-and-thrust belts that commonly
to the west above the basement. Rocha and Cristallini terminate in triangle zones as they wedge into the
(2018, this volume) analyze this section in terms of a foreland basins.
classic Coulomb wedge model that formed as a series of
imbricate fans in the last 6 Ma. Basement influence is not Detachments and Thin-Skinned Deformation
apparent in this part of the Bolivian fold-and-thrust belt.
In sections that display distinct frontal wedges with
Discussion thin-skinned geometries in southern Peru and in
Bolivia, multiple detachments are developed usu-
The summary cross sections across the sub-Andean ally with the basal detachment above the basement
fold-and-thrust belts of Peru and Bolivia shown in either in the Late Ordovician–Silurian sequences or
Figure 8 display thick-skinned basement uplifts in the in the Carboniferous shales of the Ambo Formation

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50 McClay et al.

(Figure 8e-g). In some sections thick Devonian Inversion and Thick-Skinned Deformation
shale units become higher level detachments above
the Ordovician-Silurian detachment, particularly Basement structural controls have been invoked in
in the Bolivian fold belt (Figure 8g; e.g., Baby many orogenic belts (see review by Lacombe and
et al., 1992, 1995; Rocha and Cristallini, 2018, this Bellahsen, 2016), from the Alps (Pfiffner, 2016) to the
volume). Pyrenees (Muñoz, 2002), the Apennines (Butler et al.,
Figure 9 shows the detailed seismic image as well 2004), Papua New Guinea (Hill et al., 2004), and in the
as an interpretation of a narrow thin-skinned frontal Sierras Pampeanas (Ramos, 2009).
fold-and-thrust system from the Camisea sub-basin in Outcropping uplifted basement blocks and limited
southeast Peru (McClay et al., 2018, this volume). This thin-skinned supra-basement fold-and-thrust belts
system is detached on a basal decollement within the have been particularly well documented on the west-
Late Ordovician–Silurian strata as well as higher level ern flanks of the Neuquén and Cuyo Basins in western
detachments in the Mississippian Ambo shales. The Argentina (e.g., Zamora et al., 2006; Giambiagi et al.,
uppermost detachment occurs in the Neogene syn-­ 2009; Zamora and Zapata, 2015; Fuentes et al., 2016)
kinematic strata where the individual thrusts terminate where the horizontal shortening in the frontal fold-
within the syn-kinematic late Miocene to Pleistocene and-thrust belt is only a few kilometers to generally
strata forming back-thrust triangle zones (Figure 9). less than 20 km (12 mi).
The narrow (a few kilometers to a few tens of kilo- Basement uplifts are well documented in the Ucay-
meters in width) thin-skinned frontal fold-and-thrust ali Basin (Figure 10) and in northern Peru. Regional
belts in southern Peru and northern Bolivia are driven sections (Figure 8a–d) are likely to have been con-
by hinterland basement uplifts (Figure 8cf) with only trolled by significant Triassic rifting documented in
few kilometers of total shortening from as little as these areas (Ramos, 2009; Ramos and Folguera, 2009)
∼4 km (Figure 8c) to ∼30 km 1∼19 mi2 of total shorten- as well as Late Ordovician–Silurian rift fault systems
ing for the Camisea sections (McClay et al., 2018, this that have locally affected the deposition of the postrift
­volume)—far less horizontal contraction compared to Late Mississippian Ambo and Pennsylvanian Tarma
the many tens to hundreds of kilometers of shorten- Formations (Figure 4; Boekhout et al., 2018). The pres-
ing in totally thin-skinned fold-and-thrust belts such ence and reactivation of these extensional faults clearly
as those in Bolivian fold-and-thrust belt (Baby et al., have influenced the geometries of the frontal fold-and-
1992, 1995, 2018 [this volume]), or in the Canadian thrust structures (cf. McClay et al., 2018, this volume)
Cordillera (e.g., Price, 1981). In subaerial terranes such as well as controlling the major basement inversions in
as the ­Andes, the fold-and-thrust belts are subjected the Ucayali (Figure 10) as well as in the Huallaga and
to significant uplift and erosion with the products de- Santiago Basins of northern Peru (Figure 8a, b).
posited in rivers and fans that drain into the foreland In particular the section across the Shira mountains
basin. Greater than normal uplift and exhumation was in southeast Peru shows a classic inversion geome-
created where the Nazca Ridge was overridden by the try with a long, gently sloping back-limb and a steep
South American plate forming the Fitzcarald Arch in frontal basement fold and minor deformation in the
the foreland basin (Bishop et al., 2017). Ucayali foreland basin (Figure 8c). The involvement

Figure 10. Detailed geoseismic section across the Ucayali Basin showing well-developed inversion and reactivated extensional
fault from the hydrocarbon traps for the Agua Caliente and Tamaya fields.

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of significant basement inversion and uplift in the Pe- additional ∼23 km 114 mi2 of shortening is taken up
ruvian and Bolivian sub-Andean fold-and-thrust belts by the thin-skinned deformation of the frontal thrust
has important implications for the construction and and fold wedge. In contrast Figure 11b (after Torres,
restoration of cross sections as discussed in detail later. 2012; McClay et al., 2018, this volume) shows an alter-
nate interpretation that replaces the duplex–antifor-
mal stack complex of Figure 11a with a series of large,
Implications for Section Constructionand Restoration inverted basement blocks similar to what is shown in
northern Peru–Santiago Basin sections in Figure 8a,
Many current models for the southern Peruvian and b and similar to inverted basement blocks in the
Bolivian Sub-Andean systems involve hinterland Neuquén and Cuyo Basins of western Argentina (e.g.,
duplexes and antiformal stacks of Paleozoic strata Zamora et al., 2006; Zamora and Zapata, 2015). A kine-
behind or under the frontal thin-skinned system (Baby matic restoration using Move™ and a mechanical res-
et al., 1992, 1995; Gil Rodriguez et al. 2001; Hermoza toration using Dynel™ (Figure 12a, b; Uzkeda, 2012)
et al., 2005; Espurt et al., 2008, 2011; Gautheron et al., give around 28 km (17.4 mi) of total shortening includ-
2013; Eude et al., 2015; McGroder et al., 2015; Hor- ing the first basement block. The mechanical resto-
ton, 2018a, b). Figure 11a shows the model published ration also shows the sequences and amounts of fault
by Espurt et al. (2011) where 53 km (33 mi) of short- slip and hanging-wall incremental strains (Figure 12c).
ening is accommodated in the duplex alone and an A simplified forward Dynel model of an inverted half

Figure 11. Thin- and thick-skinned interpretations of the Camisea fold-and-thrust belt, southeastern Peru. a. Cross section from
Espurt et al. (2011) showing the imbricated Paleozoic strata forming a stacked duplex-antiformal stack at the transition from
the uplifted and exhumed basement in the hinterland to the thin-skinned thrust and fold wedge in the foreland. b. Alternative
thick-skinned interpretation without the Paleozoic duplex system (after Torres, 2012; Torres and McClay, 2014).

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52 McClay et al.


Figure 12. a. Sequential restoration of the revised Camisea section in Figure 11b using Move. b. Dynel mechanical-based res-
toration of the revised Camisea section in Figure 11b showing the amounts of basement uplift as well as very much reduced
horizontal shortening. c. Mechanical restoration of the revised Camisea section in Figure 11b showing the fault activities, fault
slip values, and hanging-wall incremental strains at progressive stages of the restoration.

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Figure 12.  (Continued)

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54 McClay et al.


Figure 12.  (Continued)

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Sub-Andean Thick and Thin-Skinned Thrust Systems of Southeastern Peru and Bolivia—A Review  55

graben forming an inverted basement block and base- Figure 8b across the Huallaga Basin in Peru (Estevez,
ment wedge that transfers displacement into a frontal 2015). Complex type I triangle zones are also shown
thin-skinned duplex shows a progressive develop- in Figure 8f where significant back-thrusts are inter-
ment with fault activities and synchronous slip as preted in the Silurian shales on the Bolivian fold-
well as hanging-wall incremental strains ­(Figure 13; and-thrust belt (Louterbach et al., 2018, this volume).
Uzkeda, 2012). Wedge-thrust type II triangle zones (Figure 8c, d)
The basement-involved inversion model with lower and characteristic of the thin-skinned frontal thrust
shortening values is more consistent with along-strike and fold systems where they terminate within the
variations in displacements—for example, from the syn-kinematic strata (Figure 8f, -g; Louterbach et al.,
Shira mountains and Ucayali foreland (Figures 8b, 10) 2018, this volume; Rocha and Cristallini, 2018, this
to the Camisea sub-basin (Figure 11b). In addition, the volume). In particular the Camisea seismic section
formation of a totally subsurface 10–15 km (6–9 mi) (Figure 9) shows both thrust ramp wedge systems
thick duplex-antiformal stack where the active fault is as well as a prominent shear fault-bend fold wedge
at the base of the system is considered to be mechan- similar to Figure 14d.
ically unfeasible where the vertical loading on the ac- Figure 15 shows simplified geometric models
tive basal fault system and the amount of work needed where a preexisting half graben extensional fault has
to uplift 10–15 km (6–9 mi) of crustal section is taken been inverted and linked to a thin-skinned frontal
into account. In addition, there is very little subsurface detachment system. In all these conceptual models
evidence for such antiformal stacks. Therefore, in this the basement-inverted fault system forms a base-
chapter we have reinterpreted many of the sections ment wedge with an associated back-thrust in the
in Figure 8 to be driven by hinterland basement up- overlying sedimentary units and forms a type II tri-
lift more akin to the interpretations of Gil Rodriguez angle zone similar to the basement wedge systems
et al. (2001) and Witte et al. (2018, this volume) across in Figures 8, 9. Figure 15a is a conceptual model on
the Santiago Basin in northern Peru as well as being an uplifted basement wedge system and a frontal
similar to the well-exposed sections in examples from thin-skinned fault-propagation fold type I triangle
western Argentina (Zamora et al., 2006; Zamora and zone. Figure 15b is an example of an inverted base-
Zapata, 2015; Fuentes et al., 2016). ment fault and fold with a basement wedge triangle
zone as well as a thin-skinned wedge triangle zone
in front of the basement uplift. Figure 15c is a con-
Wedge Thrusts, Duplexes, and Triangle Zones ceptual model of an inverted half graben forming a
basement fault-bend fold triangle zone and a thin-
The internal geometries of the thick- and thin-skinned skinned wedge triangle zone in front of the basement
thrust systems of the Peruvian and Bolivian sub-­ uplift similar to the structural styles in the Camisea
Andean systems are characterized by wedge thrusts sub-basin (Figure 11b). Figure 15d is a modified ver-
forming triangle zones both involving basement as sion of Figure 14a where a later basement inversion
well as thin-skinned systems where thrust faults ter- fault has deformed a type i triangle zone (modified
minate particularly within the syn-kinematic sedimen- after Zamora and Zapata, 2015).
tary units (Figures 8, 9). Figures 14, 15 show simplified The conceptual models shown in Figures 14, 15 only
conceptual models of thin-skinned and thick-skinned show a small sample of possible and mechanically fea-
triangle zones characteristic of the frontal fold-and- sible triangle zone geometries. Further detailed docu-
thrust belts of the Peruvian and Bolivian sub-Andean mentation and analysis are needed.
Figure 14a shows a simple thin-skinned type I tri-
angle zone formed by a major-thrust fault-bed fold Timing, Uplift, and Exhumation
and a back-thrust fault-propagation fold above a
basement half-graben that is not inverted whereas Along the Peruvian sub-Andean zone the most recent
Figure 14b–d shows various possible forms of type II studies (e.g., Espurt et al., 2011; Gautheron et al., 2013;
triangle zones formed by thin-skinned thrust wedges Eude et al., 2015) unambiguously suggest a late Mio-
above the basement units. Type I thin-skinned back- cene cooling based on Apatite-Helium and Apatite
thrust triangle zones are shown in Figure 8a across Fission Track ages and vitrinite reflectance data. Older
the Santiago Basin in northern Peru where an evap- ages and vitrinite reflectance data suggest that older
orite unit makes a major detachment above the base- (Paleogene) events are also possible (Eude et al., 2015),
ment (Witte et al., 2018, this volume). Evaporite units but the data published so far have failed to clearly
are also involved in the inversion sections shown in document the age of these Paleogene cooling events.

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56 McClay et al.


Figure 13. a. Dynel forward model of an inverted basement fault with a basement thrust ramp and termination in a frontal
duplex. The sequence of faulting is shown with the active faults shown in red. b. Dynel forward model shown in part a of this
Figure with the fault sequences, fault activities, and slip distributions (colored dots along the active faults with size indicating the
amount of slip), as well as the hanging-wall incremental strains.

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Figure 13.  (Continued)

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58 McClay et al.

Figure 14. Idealized conceptual models of thin-skinned triangle zones characteristic of the sub-Andean fold-and-thrust belts.
a. Simple thrust-ramp fault-bend fold and a frontal back-thrust forming a type I triangle zone. b. Type II triangle zone formed
by a simple-thrust fault-bend fold with a back-thrust together with a frontal back-thrust forming an upper triangle zone.
c. Thin-skinned simple intercutaneous wedge with a possible back-thrust and an upper back-thrust triangle zone. d. Simple
shear intercutaneous wedge terminating in an upper triangle zone;

Figure 15. Idealized conceptual models of thick-skinned triangle zones characteristic of sub-Andean fold-and-thrust belts.
a. Basement-involved structural wedge and a thin-skinned frontal triangle zone (modified after Mount et al., 2004). b. Base-
ment-involved fault-propagation fold and back-thrust with a thin-skinned frontal triangle zone (modified after Hagke and
Malz, 2018). c. Basement-involved fault-bend fold and frontal triangle zones. d. Thin-skinned frontal triangle zone (similar to
Figure 14a) with a thick-skinned basement inversion structure that has faulted and uplifted the triangle zone (simplified after
Zamora and Zapata, 2015).

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Exhumed partial annealing zones or exhumed partial shortening, from a few kilometers to several tens of
retention zones and ages from rocks around them have kilometers, than geometric models that involve Pa-
not been detected, neither has the degree of thermal leozoic duplexes in the hinterland. Therefore, the
evolution of the samples been determined (e.g., Eude basement wedge model is preferred in this review,
et al., 2015). However, these authors suggest earlier rather than complex duplexes and antiformal stacks
(Oligocene–Miocene) deformation events, supported of Lower Paleozoic strata, because it is simpler and
by the thermochronological ages. While this is possi- mechanically more feasible and involved significantly
ble, and more likely in the Eastern Cordillera, the avail- less overall shortening. The thick- to thin-skinned
able evidence for this is not conclusive, and even more structural model produces significant hinterland up-
ambiguous in the sub-Andean zone. The current data lift forming steep frontal slopes as seen in the topo-
sets suggest that the deformation in the sub-­Andean graphic profiles across the sub-Andean frontal wedge
ranges of Peru are mostly late Neogene in time. Echa- systems;
varria et al., (2003) reached similar conclusions regard- Detachment fault systems follow key decollement
ing the thin-skinned belt in the Bolivian sub-Andean units but also ramp up-section to produce fault-bend,
province. fault-propagation, and detachment fold styles. Ramps
In the Eastern Cordillera of the Peruvian and in the detachment are commonly located above older
­Bolivian sub-Andes, a recent compilation by G ­ arzione extensional faults or where minor inversion has dis-
et al. (2017) suggests that the most important and fi- turbed the detachment trajectories.
nal phase of surface uplift is late Neogene to even Triangle zones are characteristic of the Peruvian
­Holocene. However, Garzione et al. (2017) also dis- and Bolivian sub-Andean frontal fold-and-thrust
cuss data suggesting that in some places in the belts. Both type I—oppositely verging thrust fault sys-
Eastern Cordillera of Peru and Bolivia, the phase of tems—and type II basement wedges as well as fault-
topographic growth could have started as far back as block wedges within the supra-basin strata are well
the early Miocene. The previous findings can also be developed in the frontal sectors of the Peruvian and
related with inversion and activity along basement Bolivian fold-and-thrust belts.
thrusts generating surface uplift coeval with thin-
skinned deformation further east in the sub-­Andes
of Peru and Bolivia. A similar behavior has been doc- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
umented in the eastern foothills of Colombia (e.g.,
Parra et al., 2009; Mora et al., 2013; De la Parra et al., Research summarized in this chapter was par-
2015) tially funded by the STAR consortium of the Fault
Dynamics Research Group RHUL—kindly sup-
ported by BHPBilliton, ConocoPhilips, ENI, Nexen,
CONCLUSIONS Shell, and Talisman. Hodei Uzkeda kindly con-
structed some of the balanced cross-sections and
Topographic profiles through the hinterlands of the Dynel models while funded by the STAR consor-
frontal Peruvian and Bolivian sub-Andean fold-and- tium, and Daniel Torres also kindly provided cross
thrust belts show steep frontal slopes characteristic of sections on which some of our models were based.
basement uplifts. They are characterized by the sig- Nicola Scarselli is thanked for help with imaging
nificant structural controls that preexisting rift fault seismic sections.
systems from the Late Ordovician–Silurian extension
and from the Triassic rift systems in the sub-Andean
basins have exerted on the Peruvian and Bolivian late
Andean frontal fold-and-thrust wedges formed in References
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