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Pronoun (Kata ganti)

a word that replaces a noun in a sentence.

1. Subject Pronouns
● Sophia studies hard to pass the exam.
● She studies hard to pass the exam.

2. Object Pronouns
■ I will call Mark soon.
■ I will call him soon.
3. Possesive Adjectives

☆ This is my laptop.
4. Possesive Pronouns

◇ I like Zayn's eyes. ☆ This is mine.

◇ I like his eyes.

5. Reflexive Pronouns
-> used when a person or thing acts on itself.

◇ You can do it by you.

◇ You can do it by yourself.
"Be yourself, everyone else is already taken." (Oscar Wilde)
For each of the following 1-3, choose the correct

A) It’s up to we students. 
B) It’s up to us students.

A) We talked to Rudy and him. 
B) We talked to he and Rudy.

A) Talk to Stephon and they before making a decision. 
B) Talk to Stephon and them before making a

Choose the best answer for questions 4-8!

4. Someone took it while ___ were asleep.

A) ourselves

B) we

5. He'll just have to do it ____.

A) him

B) himself

6. I don't think it's____.

A) mine

B) my

C) myself

7. Be careful or you'll hurt ____!

A) yourself

B) yourselves

C) Both are correct

8. Between you and ____, I think it's a stupid idea

A) I

B) me

Happiness is finishing all the tasks.

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