CCB Nivel SII 2007.1

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NOME DO CANDIDATO: ____________________________________________________________ Nº INSCRIÇÃO________




How did he become so famous? He is the ultimate rebel. The boy at the back of the class who doesn’t seem to care
about anything. He hates his parents. He hates his life. But in his world, he is a superstar. He can rhyme words faster
than any other kid. But he gives more than that, he tells the world about his pain. In the song “Cleaning out my Closet,”
he screams accusations at his mother and in the video buries her in the back garden. In another song, “Stan,” he cries
5 out as a fan commits suicide. This is a world consumed by emotion and loss.
Who is He?
On the radio you can hear Eminem, the rapper, but who is Marshall Mathers? That is his real name. His neighbours say
he is a quiet, timid person. An old friend, J.R. Watkins, says Marshall Mathers is only Eminem in front of the camera. At
home, she says, he’s a big boy who plays with his daughter, Hailie, and makes her laugh. “He’s a very good daddy,”
10 Watkins says, “he’s trying to give Hailie a normal life.”
He Trusts No-One
Eminem finished his new album, Encore, the week before it was released. He kept the words of the songs in his head.
He didn’t write them down. Why did he do that? To stop Internet pirates. His last album, The Eminem Show, topped the
illegal Internet albums chart. Now he writes his raps in a notebook which he carries at all times so that no one can steal
15 his material.
Fame. Paranoia. What next?
Betty Kresin, his grandmother, talks about his school days in Detroit: “It was a poor school and the children wanted his
shoes. He was one of the few white children at this predominantly black school. And one time they took the shoes off
his feet and he walked home in a snowstorm with no shoes on!” She then talks about her son, Ronnie, and how Eminem
20 idolised him. Ronnie committed suicide, but Eminem didn’t go to his uncle’s funeral. Another uncle, Todd Nelson, sold
Eminem’s childhood home. Todd got $ 45,000 for it. Now Todd is probably eating his heart out: the house was up for
sale on Ebay, the Internet auction site, for half a million dollars. Eminem isn’t angry about the house, he is angry about a
documentary Todd made for Sky Television. Todd talks of Eminem’s marriage to Kim, her bisexuality and their life
together. Of course, Eminem cannot complain, he reveals far more in his songs. Besides, Todd is a convicted murderer
25 who spent eight years in jail for the murder of his brother-in-law. Eminem is not keeping quiet, however. He wants you to
hear every word. He is investing in a new, nationwide channel on Sirius Satellite Radio. “The FCC want my music off the
air,” Eminem said. “Now we’ll be on Sirius 24 hours a day, playing the best hip hop music.” Satellite radio is a private
industry and is not monitored by the FCC. Eminem is a determined man.
Extracted from Speak Up, year XVIII, number 217, pp. 11


1. According to the text, it is CORRECT to say that:

a) Eminem has a child but he’s not married.
b) Eminem has a good relationship with his parents.
c) Eminem’s songs are a great success.
d) Eminem doesn’t write his songs down.
2. According to the text, it is NOT CORRECT to say that:
a) Eminem and Marshall Mathers have different behaviour.
b) Eminem is a different person when he’s at home.
c) Eminem’s album, The Eminem Show, is illegal.
d) The FCC is an organisation which monitors public radio stations.

Casa de Cultura Britânica / UFC - Placement Test / 2007.1 - SII
3. Choose the CORRECT option.
I. Eminem had a very good life when he was a child.
II. Todd Nelson helps Eminem with his career.
III. The FCC don’t approve of Eminem’s songs.
IV. In Eminem’s songs we learn about his life.
a) III and IV are correct. c) I and IV are correct.
b) II and III are correct. d) II, III and IV are correct.
4. The possessive adjective ‘his’ (line 12) refers to:
a) Eminem b) head c) Encore d) new album
5. The pronoun ‘she’ (line 09) refers to:
a) Hailie b) Watkins c) daughter d) Marshall
6. The pronoun ‘it’ (line 21) refers to:
a) childhood b) heart c) uncle d) home
7. The possessive adjective ‘their’ (line 23) refers to:
a) Eminem’s life b) Todd and Kim c) Kim and Eminem d) Todd and Eminem
8. The expression ‘at all times’ (line 14) means the same as:
a) always b) never c) frequently d) twice
9. The verb ‘took off’ (line 18) means the same as:
a) turned off b) removed c) finished d) put
10. The verb ‘idolised’ (line 20) means the same as:
a) admired b) enjoyed c) belonged d) wanted
For questions 11 to 14, choose the option which best completes the sentences.
11. A: “_______ Tom and Sarah English?” B: “Yes, _______________.”
a) Is / he and she is b) Are / they’re c) Are / they are d) Is / they are
12. A: “Who are you?” B: “___________________.”
a) I’m fine, thanks b) We’re fine, thanks c) I’m English d) We’re the Smiths
13. A: “Hello! I’m John.” B: “___________________.”
a) Hi, she’s fine b) Nice to meet you c) Not at all d) Very well, thank you
14. A: “What day is it today?” B: “___________________.”
a) Today’s Monday b) Is Tuesday c) I think is Thursday d) It’s monday today
15. Choose the option which is grammatically INCORRECT.
a) Venice’s in Italy. c) Toyota cars are Japanese.
b) Does Cameron Diaz’s American? d) Whisky’s from Scotland.
16. Choose the CORRECT option.
_______ name’s Richard and _______ from Sheffield in the north of London. _______ wife’s name’s Jessica and
_______ a teacher. _______ children are Mike and Laura. _______ live in a very beautiful house.
a) My / I’m / My / I’m / Their / They c) His / he’s / His / she’s / Their / They
b) His / he’s / Your / she’s / Their / They d) My / I’m / Her / she’s / Our / We
17. Circle the CORRECT option.
I. It’s an Italian restaurant. _______ name’s Bambino Giuliano.
II. We don’t know Tom’s new girlfriend but we know _______ parents.
III. They’re Brazilian. _______ surname’s Santos.
IV. Paul’s from Lyon but _______ family live in Paris now.
a) Its / her / Their / his c) Its / their / Their / your
b) Your / his / Their / him d) It’s / her / Their / his
Casa de Cultura Britânica / UFC - Placement Test / 2007.1 - SII
18. Choose the CORRECT option for questions 18 and 19.
A: “What’s your surname?” B: “___________________.”
a) I’m Ferreira b) Its Ferreira c) We’re Ferreira d) It’s Ferreira
19. A: “__________________________?” B: “A coffee, please.”
a) Do you like a drink, madam c) Do you would like something to drink, sir
b) Would you do want a drink, sir d) Would you like a drink, madam
20. Choose the option which is grammatically CORRECT.
a) They’re identities cards. c) Are these cheese sandwiches?
b) Where’s my glasses? d) Those are addresses books.
21. Choose the CORRECT option.
I. _______ the radio. II. _______ the TV. III. _______ your name. IV. _______ the door.
a) Listen / Watch / Don’t speak / Look at c) Turn off / Look of / Don’t write / Open
b) Listen to / Turn off / Spell / Close d) Close / Don’t watch / Write / Open
22. Choose the CORRECT option.
I. British people _______ the newspaper everywhere.
II. In Britain cars _______ when a pedestrian _______ on a zebra crossing.
III. A typical British child _______ a terrible diet.
IV. Only 10% of British people _______ to the cinema every weekend.
a) read / stop / stands / has / go c) don’t read / don’t stop / stand / have / go
b) reads / stops / walks / has / goes d) doesn’t read / doesn’t stop / stands / has / goes
23. Choose the CORRECT option.
I. How old are they? ( ) In a small flat near the city centre.
II. What do they do? ( ) They take the train.
III. Where do they live? ( ) I think they work with computers.
IV. How do they get to work? ( ) About $ 3,000 a month.
V. How much do they earn? ( ) They’re the same age.
a) III, II, IV, V, I b) II, I, III, V, IV c) II, IV, V, III, I d) III, IV, II, V, I
24. Choose the option which has the same meaning as the sentence: ‘She’s unemployed at the moment’.
a) She’s an employer now. c) She doesn’t have a job right now.
b) She works very hard. d) She has a good job.
25. Choose the CORRECT answer to the question below.
A: “What do your parents do?” B: “___________________.”
a) They’re a dentists b) They’re retired c) They’re married d) They’re fine
26. Choose the CORRECT option.
I. I work _____ my hands.
II. We’re _____ school.
III. They work _____ a music company.
IV. I work _____ 9.00 _____ 5.00.
V. We don’t work _____ weekends.
a) on / in / in / at / to / in c) in / at / at / at / to / on
b) with / at / for / from / to / at d) with / in / at / from / at / on
27. Choose the CORRECT option.
a) Sarah’s husband’s sister is her aunt. c) Our uncles’ and aunts’ children are our cousins-in-law.
b) Paul’s mother’s husband is his uncle. d) Mary’s sister’s daughter is her niece.
28. Choose the option which is INCORRECT.
a) What are your grandparent’s names? c) How many brothers and sisters does your wife have?
b) What’s your son’s job? d) Who’s Tony’s sister-in-law?
29. For questions 29, 30 and 31, choose the CORRECT option.
A: “Whose keys are these?” B: “___________________.”
a) They’re John b) It’s Kate’s c) They are my sister’s d) It’s my brother
Casa de Cultura Britânica / UFC - Placement Test / 2007.1 - SII
30. Sally has __________ and __________. She’s __________ and __________. She’s __________.
a) a black hair / brown eyes / a quite tall / thin / really popular
b) blond hair / green eyes / very tall / quite thin / very pretty
c) blue eyes / blond hairs / quite short / quite fat / not very beautiful
d) short hair / dark eyes / quiet young / tall / a lot nice
31. What are the opposite adjectives for: dangerous, empty, high, expensive, and dirty ?
a) full / new / safe / slow / cheap c) dry / low / full / clean / safe
b) safe / full / low / cheap / clean d) new / dark / cheap / safe / slow
32. Choose the CORRECT option.
a) It’s fast car. c) He’s a very good-looking man.
b) They’re easies exercises. d) She’s a very tired.
33. Choose the CORRECT answer to the sentence given.
A: “What’s the time?” B: “9.50.”
a) It’s ten to ten. b) It’s fifty from nine. c) It’s at nine fifty. d) It’s a quarter to ten.
For questions 34 to 43, choose the CORRECT option.
Bill 34_______ at about 8.00 on Fridays. He 35_______ breakfast because he 36_______ late. He 37_______ to the
office around 8.30. At midday he 38_______ lunch in a small restaurant with some colleagues. After lunch, they
39_______ back to the office. Bill 40_______ work at 5.00. Then he 41_______ his girlfriend and they 42_______ some

friends. They 43______ home until 3.00 in the morning.

34. a) wake up b) get ups c) gets up d) wake ups
35. a) don’t has b) doesn’t has c) don’t have d) doesn’t have
36. a) always is b) ´s never c) often is d) ´s usually
37. a) arrives b) gets c) comes d) takes
38. a) normally eat b) has normally c) often has d) eats often
39. a) arrive b) stay c) go d) talk
40. a) finishes b) finishs c) finish d) finishies
41. a) picks up b) lefts c) takes d) leaves
42. a) meet b) want c) think d) have
43. a) get b) gets c) don’t get d) doesn’t get
For questions 44 to 50, choose the CORRECT option.
44. When is Independence Day celebrated in Brazil?
a) At the seven of September. c) At the 7th of september.
b) On september seventh. d) On September the seventh.
45. When’s Mother’s Day?
a) It’s on May. b) It’s in May. c) It’s at may. d) It’s on may.
46. How often do you do exercise?
a) Quiet often. b) Every morning. c) Once time a week. d) I don’t never do exercise.
47. Every year Mike and Liz visit their parents _______ Christmas. They all have Christmas supper _______ midnight
and after that they open the presents. They only go back home ______ New Year’s Day.
a) on / at / on b) in / at / in c) on / in / on d) at / at / on
48. I don’t have time to answer the phone right now. I’m _______________.
a) in a hurry b) on time c) thirsty d) stressful
49. We get home at about 11.30, and _______ we go to bed.
a) before b) after c) but d) then
50. In the winter we don’t go out _______ it’s very cold.
a) then b) before c) because d) or

Casa de Cultura Britânica / UFC - Placement Test / 2007.1 - SII
TN O7.1

01 C 26 B
02 C 27 D
03 A 28 A
04 A 29 C
05 B 30 B
06 D 31 B
07 C 32 C
08 A 33 A
09 B 34 C
10 A 35 D
11 C 36 D
12 D 37 B
13 B 38 C
14 A 39 C
15 B 40 A
16 C 41 A
17 A 42 A
18 D 43 C
19 D 44 D
20 C 45 B
21 B 46 B
22 A 47 D
23 D 48 A
24 C 49 D
25 B 50 C

Casa de Cultura Britânica / UFC - Placement Test / 2007.1 - SII

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