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US 20040O82536A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2004/0082536A1
Cooper et al. (43) Pub. Date: Apr. 29, 2004
(54) MULTI-VITAMIN AND MINERAL (52) U.S. Cl. ............................ 514/52; 514/167; 514/393;
SUPPLEMENT 514/184; 514/458; 514/474;
514/725; 514/350; 514/251;
(76) Inventors: Kenneth H. Cooper, Dallas, TX (US); 514/356
Ishwarlal Jialal, Davis, CA (US); Scott
Montgomery Grundy, Dallas, TX
(US); Walter Churchill Willett,
Cambridge, MA (US); Jacob Selhub, (57) ABSTRACT
Brookline, MA (US)
This invention is directed to a multi-Vitamin and mineral
Correspondence Address: Supplement tailored to men and post-menopausal women,
TUCKER, ELLIS & WEST LLP pre-menopausal women, and athletes which Supplies the
925 EUCLID AVENUE right amount of the right micronutrients at the right time to
CLEVELAND, OH 44115-1475 (US) assure adequate intake of micronutrients needed for disease
prevention and protection against nutritional losses and
(21) Appl. No.: 10/279,708 deficiencies due to lifestyle factors and common inadequate
dietary patterns. The multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement
(22) Filed: Oct. 25, 2002 is comprised of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E,
Publication Classification Vitamin K, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, niacinamide, Vitamin
B6, vitamin B12, biotin, pantothenic acid, iron, iodine,
(51) Int. Cl." ....................... A61K 31/714; A61K 31/59; magnesium, Zinc, Selenium, copper, chromium, potassium,
A61K 31/555; A61K 31/525 choline, lycopene, and co-enzyme Q-10.
US 2004/0082536A1 Apr. 29, 2004

MULTI-VITAMIN AND MINERAL SUPPLEMENT development and growth in children maintenance of bone in
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION adults, and the prevention of Osteoporosis and fractures in
the elderly. Studies have found low values of vitamin D in
0001. This invention is directed to multi-vitamin and 46 percent of the patients taking multivitamins, many of
mineral Supplements. In particular, this invention is directed which contain 400 I.U. of vitamin D, which is the RDA. The
to multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplements for improving New England Journal of Medicine, Mar. 19, 1998. Studies
health by insuring adequate intake of micronutrients needed have also shown that an increase in calcium intake of 800 to
for disease prevention and protection against nutritional 1000 mg/d with Supplementation of greater than 400 to 800
losses and deficiencies due to Such factors as lifestyle I.U. of vitamin D daily will decrease the risk of vertebral and
patterns and common inadequate dietary patterns. More nonvertebral fractures and increase bone mineral density.
particularly, this invention is directed to multi-Vitamin and Symposium. Nutritional Advances in Human Bone Metabo
mineral Supplements for ameliorating Vitamin D deficiency, lism, American Institute of Nutrition, 1996.
maintaining good bone health, and preventing colorectal
CCC. 0006. In addition, evidence has suggested that vitamin D
has potential role in colon cancer prevention. Studies have
0002 Vitamin and mineral preparations are commonly shown that Vitamin D prevents profileration, promotes dif
administered to treat Specific medical conditions or as gen ferentiation, and induces apoptosis of colon cells, and that
eral nutritional Supplements. Micronutrients are elements or reduced intake or insufficiency of Vitamin D are associated
compounds which are present in foods in Small or trace with increased risk of colorectal cancer. Expression of
amounts and includes Vitamins, minerals, or other elements, 25-hydroxyvitamin D-1-alpha-hydroxylase mRNA in indi
and compounds found in foods for which a Recommended viduals with colorectal cancer, May 25, 2002, Vitamin D,
Daily Allowance (RDA) has not yet been determined. The calcium, and vitamin D receptor polymorphism in colorectal
macronutrients consist of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins adenomas, Dec. 10, 2001.
which Supply nutrients and calories. Some elements Such as
calcium, Sodium, potassium, chloride, and phosphorus are 0007. There exists a need for a nutritional Supplement
consumed in relatively large amounts, while many Such as which Supplies the right amount of the right micronutrients
iron, iodine, and Zinc are consumed in Small amounts. at the right time to assure adequate intake of micronutrients,
Vitamins, Such as B12 and folic acid, and the minerals particularly Vitamin D, needed for disease prevention and
cooper, Selenium, and chromium are consumed in very Small protection against nutritional losses and deficiencies due to
or trace amounts. In as much as the human body does not lifestyle factors and common inadequate dietary patterns.
Synthesize many compounds which are essential to the
human body, these Specific Vitamins and minerals can be SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
obtained from only two Sources: food and Supplements. The 0008. In accordance with the present invention, there is
primary Source of all nutrients is food. However, the major provided a multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement which
ity of people do not meet the RDA of the foods containing Supplies the right amount of the right micronutrients at the
these essential compounds and elements. Thus, Vitamin and right time to assure adequate intake of micronutrients
mineral Supplementation has become a recognized method needed for disease prevention and protection against nutri
of meeting accepted medical and health Standards. tional losses and deficiencies due to lifestyle factors and
0003. An international panel of diet and cancer experts common inadequate dietary patterns.
announced in London on Sep. 30, 1997, that as many as 30 0009 Further, in accordance with the present invention,
to 40 percent of all cancer cases worldwide-3 to 4 million there is provided a new and improved multi-Vitamin and
a year-could be avoided if people ate a healthy diet and got mineral Supplement which can be used for providing the
enough exercise. USA Today, Oct. 1, 1997. However, for necessary nutrients to allow the users of Such Supplement to
Some nutrients, the amounts proposed as being healthy maintain their present health and positively influence their
apparently cannot be provided by a reasonable quantity and future health.
variety of natural foods. Thus, nutrient Supplements may be
important for health promotion and prevention of chronic 0010 Still further, in accordance with the present inven
diseases. Journal of the American Medical Association, May tion, there is provided a multi-Vitamin and mineral Supple
7, 1997. ment which provides an adequate amount of Vitamin D for
ameliorating Vitamin D deficiency, maintaining good bone
0004 Recent studies have illustrated the important physi health, and preventing colorectal cancer.
ological roles played by Vitamins and minerals and estab
lished a correlation between deficiencies or excesses of these 0011 Still further in accordance with the present inven
nutrients and the etiologies of certain disease States in tion, there is provided a multi-Vitamin and mineral Supple
humans. Suboptimal levels of a vitamin are defined as those ment for administration to humans comprising:
asSociated with abnormalities of metabolism that can be 0012 from about 5000 I.U. to about 10,000 I.U. of
corrected by Supplementation with that Vitamin. Studies Vitamin A,
have shown that there is a high prevalence of Suboptimal
vitamin levels implies that the usual U.S. diet provides an 0013 from about 1000 mg to about 2000 mg of
insufficient amount of these vitamins. For example, although vitamin C:
Vitamin D is added to milk, many people do not consume 0014) about 800 I.U. of vitamin D;
enough dairy products to get a Sufficient amount of Vitamin
D. 0.015 from about 400 I.U. to about 1200 I.U. of
0005 Vitamin D is an essential precursor of 1,25-dihy vitamin E:
droxyvitamin D, the steroid hormone required for bone 0016 about 25 mcg of vitamin K;
US 2004/0082536A1 Apr. 29, 2004

0017 about 3 mg of vitamin B1; 0039 These and other advantages and benefits of the
invention will be apparent to those skilled in the art upon
0018 about 10 mg of vitamin B2; reading and understanding of the following detailed descrip
0019 about 20 mg of B3; tion.

0020 from about 25 mg to about 50 mg of vitamin DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE

0021) about 800 mcg of folic acid; 0040. This invention is directed to a multi-vitamin and
0022) about 400 mcg of vitamin B12; mineral Supplement which Supplies the right amount of the
right micronutrients at the right time to assure adequate
0023 about 300 mcg of biotin; intake of micronutrients needed for disease prevention and
0024 about 10 mg of pantothenic acid; protection against nutritional losses and deficiencies due to
lifestyle factors and common inadequate dietary patterns.
0025) up to about 18 mg of iron dosed in the form of The multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is comprised of
a pharmaceutically acceptable iron compound; vitamin A; vitamin C; vitamin D; vitamin E.; vitamin K,
vitamin B1; vitamin B2, vitamin B3; vitamin B6, folic acid;
0026 about 150 mcg of iodine dosed in the form of Vitamin B12, biotin; pantothenic acid; iron; iodine, magne
a pharmaceutically acceptable iodine compound; sium, Zinc, Selenium; copper, chromium; potassium; cho
0027 about 400 mg of magnesium dosed in the form line, lycopene; and co-enzyme Q-10.
of a pharmaceutically acceptable magnesium com 0041 All amounts specified in the application are based
pound; on milligrams unless otherwise indicated. The term “I.U.’
0028 about 15 mg9. of Zinc dosed in the form of a represents International Units.
pharmaceutically acceptable Zinc compound; 0042. The multi-vitamin and mineral Supplement is com
0029 from about 100 mcg to about 200 mcg of prised of Vitamin A. Vitamin A prevents night blindness and
Selenium; other eye disorders, keeps skin moist and elastic, maintains
healthy hair, Skin, and gums, reduces the risk of breast
0030 about 2 mg of copper dosed in the form of a cancer, helps alleviate mastodynia, reduces the risk of lung
pharmaceutically acceptable copper compound; cancer, maintains cell Structure and integrity, works as
0031 from about 65 mcg to about 100 mcg of antioxidant to prevent cell aging, helps prevent infection,
chromium dosed in the form of a pharmaceutically and negates Skin wrinkling and the effects of Sun damage.
Vitamin A is a fat soluble vitamin. The term vitamin A is
acceptable chromium compound; used to include retinol and other chemically similar com
0032) about 400 mg of potassium dosed in the form pounds referred to as retanoids. Beta-caroteine and other
of a pharmaceutically acceptable potassium com carotenoids are provitamins and are only turned into retinol
pound; as the body requires. Preferably, in the multi-vitamin and
mineral Supplement, Vitamin A is provided in the form of
0033) about 500 mg of choline dosed in the form of beta-carotene and other mixed carotenoids. Preferably, the
a pharmaceutically acceptable choline compound; mixed carotenoids are lutein and Zeaxanthine. Lutein and
Zeaxanthine have been found to decrease the risk and even
0034 from about 5 mg to about 10 mg of lycopene; reverse the development of macular degeneration, the lead
ing cause of blindness in those over the age of 65.
0035 from about 50 mg to about 100 mg co-enzyme 0043. In one embodiment, the multi-vitamin and mineral
Q-10 dosed in the form of a pharmaceutically accept supplement is comprised of about 5000 I.U. of vitamin A and
able co-enzyme Q-10 compound. about 14 mcg of lutein and Zeaxanthine. More preferably, the
0.036 An advantage of the present invention is that the multivitamin and mineral Supplement is comprised of about
multi-vitamin and mineral Supplement Supplies the right 5000 I.U. of vitamin A in the form of natural mixed
amount of the right micronutrients at the right time to assure beta-caroteine and about 14 mcg of lutein and Zeaxanthine.
adequate intake of micronutrients needed for disease pre 0044) For pre-menopausal women, post-menopausal
vention and protection against nutritional losses and defi Women, and men, the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement
ciencies due to lifestyle factors and common inadequate is preferably comprised of about 5000 I.U. of vitamin A and
dietary patterns. about 6000mcg of lutein and zeaxanthine. More preferably,
0037 Another advantage of the present invention is that the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is comprised of
the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement provides the about 5000 I.U. of vitamin A in the form of natural mixed
necessary nutrients to allow the users of Such Supplement to beta-caroteine and about 6000mcg of lutein and Zeaxanthine.
maintain their present health and positively influence their The amount of lutein and Zeaxanthine present in the multi
future health. Vitamin and mineral Supplement must be Sufficient to ensure
0.038 Another advantage of the present invention is that that one's intake of these carotenoids is adequate to achieve
the benefits associated with these carotenoids.
the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement provides an
adequate amount of Vitamin D for ameliorating Vitamin D 0045 For athletes, the multi-vitamin and mineral supple
deficiency, maintaining good bone health, and preventing ment is preferably comprised of about 10,000 I.U of vitamin
colorectal cancer. A and about 6000 mcg of lutein and zeaxantine. More
US 2004/0082536A1 Apr. 29, 2004

preferably, the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is 0051. For athletes, the multi-vitamin and mineral supple
comprised of about 10,000 I.U. of vitamin A in the form of ment is preferably comprised of about 1200 I.U. of vitamin
natural mixed beta-caroteine and about 6000 mcg of lutein E. More preferably, the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supple
and Zeaxanthine. The higher level of Vitamin A present in ment is comprised of about 1200 I.U. of vitamin E in the
this formulation is required to fight the high level of free form of d-alpha tocopherol succinate. The higher level of
radicals produced by athletes. The body's need for oxygen Vitamin E present in this formulation is required to fight the
during exercise produces free radicals, which can oxidize the high level of free-radicals produced by athletes.
fats in muscle cell membranes in a process known as “lipid
preoxidation' and which make the cells more Susceptible to 0052 The multi-vitamin and mineral Supplement
aging and other damage. includes vitamin K. Vitamin K is an active blood clotting
agent and assists in bone formation. Preferably, the multi
0046) Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is neces Vitamin and mineral Supplement is comprised of about 25
Sary for the Synthesis of collagen and is used as an antioxi mcg of Vitamin K.
dant. Vitamin C fights infection, reduces inflammation, heals
wounds, reduces the risk of heart disease, lowers cholesterol, 0053. The multi-vitamin and mineral Supplement is com
reduces the risk of lung, Stomach, and esophageal cancers, prised of most of the B complex of vitamins. The B vitamins
reduces cervical epithelial abnormalities, inhibits N-nitro are water-soluble. The B vitamins included in the multi
Samine, and reduces the Severity of colds. In one embodi Vitamin and mineral Supplement are thiamin (vitamin B1),
ment, the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is com riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3), pantothenic
prised of about 1000 mg of vitamin C. acid (vitamin B5), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), biotin, folic
0047 For pre-menopausal women, post menopausal acid, the cobalamins (vitamin B12), and choline.
Women, and men, the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement 0054) Vitamin B1 or thiamin helps keep collagen-rich
is preferably comprised of about 1000 mg of vitamin C. For connective and mucous membranes healthy, helps to main
athletes, the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is pref tain Smooth muscles, helps in the formation of blood cells,
erably comprised of about 2000 mg of vitamin C. The higher and is necessary for proper nervous System function. Pref
level of vitamin C is required to fight the high level of erably, the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is com
free-radicals produced by athletes and helps to revive Vita prised of about 3 mg of vitamin B1.
min E.
0.048 Vitamin D is also an essential vitamin that is 0055 Vitamin B2 or riboflavin is necessary for healthy
included in the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement of the hair, nails, and mucous membranes and is involved in red
present invention. Vitamin D assists in the mineralization blood cell formation, antibody production, and overall
and calcification of bone, prevents rickets in children, pre growth. Preferably, the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supple
vents Osteomalacia in adults, preserves bone and tooth ment of the present invention is comprised of about 10 mg
growth, lowers blood pressure and helps prevent colorectal of vitamin B2.
cancer. Vitamin D is fat soluble. Preferably, the multi 0056 Vitamin B3 or niacin helps in the production of
vitamin and mineral supplement is comprised of about 800 most of the SeX hormones, dilates blood vessels, lowers
I.U. of vitamin D.
cholesterol, and helps maintain blood circulation. Niacin is
0049 Vitamin E is needed for the maintenance of cell the generic name for a group of compounds which exhibit
membranes and for neurological health. Vitamin E relieves niacin activity, and includes niacinamide and nicotinic acid.
hot flashes, relieves mastodynia, helps in fighting fibrocystic Preferably, in the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement,
breast disease, reduces mammary tumors, reduces the risk of Vitamin B3 is provided as niacinamide.
lung cancer, and reduces the risk of heart disease. Vitamin E
is the generic term for a group of related Substances which 0057 Preferably, the multi-vitamin and mineral supple
include alpha-tocopherol, beta-tocopherol, gamma-toco ment is comprised of about 20 mg of vitamin B3. More
pherol, and delta-tocopherol. In addition, each of these four preferably, the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is
compounds have a “d” form, which is the natural form, and comprised of about 20 mg of vitamin B3 in the form of
a “d 1' form which is the synthetic form. Preferably, in the niacinamide.
multi-vitamin and mineral Supplement, Vitamin E is pro 0058 Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is involved in the pro
Vided in the form of d-alpha tocopherol Succinate.
0050 For pre-menopausal women, post-menopausal duction of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA) and many other reactions in the body. Pyridox
Women, and men, the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement ine refers to and includes three different compounds: pyri
is preferably comprised of about 800 I.U. of vitamin E. More doxine, pyridoxamine, and pyridoxal. Preferably, in the
preferably, the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement, Vitamin B6 is in the
comprised of about 800 I.U. of vitamin E in the form of form of pyridoxine hydrochloride.
d-alpha tocopherol Succinate. Research has shown that 400
I.U. of Vitamin E is the minimum dosage needed to signifi 0059 Preferably, the multi-vitamin and mineral supple
cantly decrease Susceptibility of LDL cholesterol to oxida ment is comprised of about 25 mg of vitamin B6. More
tion. Patients with coronary atherosclerosis which were preferably, the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is
taking 400 or 800 I.U. of vitamin E daily had a statistically comprised of about 25 mg of vitamin B6 in the form of
Significant reduction in the incidence of non-fatal myocar pyridoxine hydrochloride. Vitamin B6, when combined with
dial infarction. Therefore, the amount of vitamin E present folic acid and vitamin B12, has been found to decrease
in the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement must be Suf homocysteine levels. Such decreases in homocysteine levels
ficient to ensure that one's intake of Vitamin E is adequate have been found with about 25 mg to about 50 mg of vitamin
to achieve the benefits associated with vitamin E. B6.
US 2004/0082536A1 Apr. 29, 2004

0060. Folic acid is essential in the production of red Research has shown that high stored levels of iron are
blood cells, the production of hormones, and the Synthesis of asSociated with an increased risk of myocardial infarction.
DNA. Preferably, the multi-vitamin and mineral Supplement Post menopausal women and men do not need additional
is comprised of about 800 mcg of folic acid. iron through Supplements, unless otherwise recommended
0061 Vitamin B12 or the cobalamins is necessary for by a physician. In addition, a growing percentage of the
overall metabolism, the function of the nervous System, population Suffers from a disease known as hemochroma
metabolism of folic acid, and the production of red blood tosis, an abnormally high level of iron in the blood. These
cells. There are at least three active forms of cobalamin: people cannot take iron in Supplement form.
cyanocobalamin, hydroxocobalamin, and nitrocobalamin. 0067 For pre-menopausal women and athletes, the multi
Preferably, in the multi-vitamin and mineral Supplement of Vitamin and mineral compound is preferably, comprised of
the present invention, vitamin B12 is provided in the form about 18 mg of iron dosed in a pharmaceutically acceptable
of cyanocobalamin. Preferably, the multi-vitamin and min iron compound. More preferably, the multi-Vitamin and
eral Supplement is comprised of about 400 mcg of Vitamin mineral Supplement is comprised of about 18 mg of iron
B12. More preferably, the multi-vitamin and mineral supple dosed in the form of iron carbonyl. Women in their child
ment is comprised of about 400 mcg of vitamin B12 in the bearing years need Supplemental iron as deficiencies are
form of cyanocobalamin. common. Iron deficiencies are also common in athletes.
0.062 Biotin is necessary for the metabolism of carbo 0068 Iodine helps to metabolize fats, is necessary for
hydrates, proteins, and fats and is needed for healthy Skin proper thyroid function, and reduces fibrocystic breast con
and hair. Preferably, in the multi-vitamin and mineral ditions. In the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement of the
supplement, biotin is provided in the form of d-biotin. present invention, iodine is dosed in the form of a pharma
Preferably, the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is ceutically acceptable iodine compound. Useful pharmaceu
comprised of about 300 mcg of biotin. More preferably, the tically acceptable iodine compounds include, but are not
multi-vitamin and mineral Supplement is comprised of about limited to, potassium iodide, Sodium iodide, and combina
300 mcg of biotin in the form of d-biotin. tions thereof.
0.063 Pantothenic acid is important for the production of 0069 Preferably, the pharmaceutically acceptable iodine
adrenal gland hormones, increases overall energy, and helps compound is potassium iodide. Preferably, the multi-Vitamin
convert food into energy. Preferably, in the multi-vitamin and mineral Supplement is comprised of about 150 mcg of
and mineral Supplement, pantothenic acid is in the form of iodine dosed in the form of a pharmaceutically acceptable
d-calcium pantothenate. Preferably, the multivitamin and iodine compound. More preferably, the multi-vitamin and
mineral Supplement is comprised of about 10 mg of pan mineral Supplement is comprised of about 150 mg of iodine
tothenic acid. More preferably, the multi-vitamin and min dosed in the form of potassium iodide.
eral Supplement is comprised of about 10 mg of pantothenic
acid in the form of d-calcium pantothenate. 0070 Magnesium is used in bone formation and growth,
0.064 Choline is necessary for nervous system function prevents bone loSS, relaxes coronary arteries, is used in
managing pre-eclampsia, treating cardiac arrhythmias, and
and brain function. It is also important for gallbladder and managing diabetes. In the multi-vitamin and mineral Supple
liver function. Preferably, in the multi-vitamin and mineral ment, magnesium is dosed in the form of a pharmaceutically
Supplement, choline is provided in the form choline bitar acceptable magnesium compound. Useful pharmaceutically
trate. Preferably, the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement acceptable magnesium compounds include, but are not
is comprised of about 500 mg of choline. More preferably, limited to, magnesium Stearate, magnesium carbonate, mag
the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is comprised of nesium oxide, magnesium hydroxide, magnesium Sulfate,
about 500 mg of choline in the form of choline bitartrate. and combinations thereof.
0065 Iron is used in the production of hemoglobin and 0071 Preferably, the pharmaceutically acceptable mag
myoglobin. In the multi-Vitamin and mineral compound, the nesium compound is magnesium oxide. Preferably, the
iron is dosed in the form of a pharmaceutically acceptable
iron compound. AS used herein, pharmaceutically accept multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is comprised of about
able is a component which is Suitable for use in humans 400 mg of magnesium dosed in the form of a pharmaceu
without undue side effects, Such as irritation, toxicity, and tically acceptable magnesium compound. More preferably,
allergic response. Useful pharmaceutically acceptable iron the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is comprised of
compounds include, but are not limited to, ferrous fumarate, about 400 mg of magnesium dosed in the form of magne
sium oxide.
ferrous Sulfate, iron carbonyl, ferrous glucomate, ferrous
chloride, ferrous lactate, ferrous tartrate, ferrous Succinate, 0072 Zinc is required for proper formation of DNA and
ferrous glutamate, ferrous citrate, ferrous pyrophosphate, RNA and is needed for growth and sexual development of
ferrous cholinisocitrate, ferrous carbonate, iron-Sugar-car Women. In the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement of the
boxylate complexes, and combinations thereof. Preferably, present invention, Zinc is dosed in the form of a pharma
the pharmaceutically acceptable iron compound is iron ceutically acceptable Zinc compound.
carbonyl. Iron carbonyl is easier on the digestive tract than
other forms of iron, Such as ferrous fumerate. In addition, the 0073 Pharmaceutically acceptable zinc compounds
Food and Drug Administration does not require a warning include, but are not limited to, Zinc Sulfate, Zinc chloride,
label on the toxicity to children for this form of iron as it is Zinc oxide, and combinations thereof. Preferably, the phar
Safe for children who accidentally ingest this form of iron. maceutically acceptable Zinc compound is Zinc oxide.
0.066 For post-menopausal women and men, the multi 0074 Preferably, the multi-vitamin and mineral supple
Vitamin and mineral Supplement is Substantially free of iron. ment is comprised of about 15 mg of to Zinc dosed in the
US 2004/0082536A1 Apr. 29, 2004

form of a pharmaceutically acceptable Zinc compound. binations thereof. Preferably, the pharmaceutically accept
More preferably, the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement able potassium compound is potassium phosphate.
is comprised of about 15 mg of zinc dosed in the form of 0083 Preferably, the multi-vitamin and mineral supple
Zinc oxide.
ment is comprised of about 400 mg of potassium dosed in
0075 Selenium reduces the risk of heart attacks and heart the form of a pharmaceutically acceptable potassium com
disease, reduces the risk of cancer, protects against metal pound. More preferably, the multi-vitamin and mineral
poisoning, and is Synergistic with Vitamin E. Preferably, in Supplement is comprised of about 400 mg of potassium
the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement, Selenium is dosed in the form of potassium phosphate.
obtained from rice branchelate. 0084) Lycopene has been found to reduce the risk of
0.076 For pre-menopausal women, post-menopausal cancer and has antioxidant capabilities. Lycopene is found
Women, and men, the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement primarily in tomatoes, red grapefruit, watermelon, and other
is preferably comprised of about 100 mcg of selenium. For Sources, and is a carotenoid. Preferably, in the multi-Vitamin
athletes, the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is pref and mineral Supplement, the lycopene is obtained from
erably comprised of about 200 mcg of selenium. tomatoeS.

0077. The higher level of selenium is required to fight the 0085 Preferably, the multi-vitamin and mineral supple
high level of free-radicals produced by athletes and Selenium ment is comprised of about 10 mg of lycopene. Lycopene
WorkS Synergistically with Vitamin E. has been linked to lower rates of prostate cancer. Research
has shown that four to Seven Servings of red tomato products
0078 Copper helps keep blood vessels elastic, is needed per week can reduce deaths from prostate cancer by 20%.
for the formation of elastin and collagen, functions as an iron Therefore, the amount of lycopene present in the multi
oxidizer, and is needed for the proper functioning of Vitamin Vitamin and mineral Supplement must be Sufficient to ensure
C. In the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement, copper is that one's intake of lycopene is adequate to achieve the
dosed in a pharmaceutically acceptable copper compound. benefits associated with lycopene.
Pharmaceutically acceptable copper compounds include, but
are not limited to, cupric oxide, cupric Sulfate, cupric 0086) Co-enzyme Q10, also known as ubiquinone, is an
gluconate, and combinations thereof. Preferably, the phar antioxidant which protects the body from radicals. Co
maceutically acceptable copper compound is cupric glucon enzyme Q10 aids metabolic reactions, Such as the complex
ate. process of transforming food into ATP, and helps people
with congestive heart failure and angina. Co-enzyme Q10 is
0079 Preferably, the multi-vitamin and mineral supple depleted in people taking lovastatin and pravastatin which
ment is comprised of about 2 mg of copper dosed in the form are cholesterol lowering drugs.
of a pharmaceutically acceptable copper compound. More
preferably, the multi-Vitamin and mineral compound is com 0087 Preferably, the multi-vitamin and mineral supple
prised of about 2 mg of copper dosed in the form of cupric ment is comprised of about 50 mg of co-enzyme Q10.
gluconate. Co-enzyme Q10 is very costly and the amount of co-enzyme
Q10 present in the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is
0080 Chromium assists in the regulation of glucose Sufficient to ensure that one's intake of co-enzyme Q10 is
metabolism, is used in the Synthesis of fatty acids and adequate to achieve the benefits associated with co-enzyme
cholesterol, assists in transporting proteins, lowerS LDL O10.
blood levels, and raises high density lipoproteins blood
levels. In the multi-vitamin and mineral Supplement, chro 0088. The nutritional Supplements of the present inven
mium is dosed in a pharmaceutically acceptable chromium tion are Suitably provided in any Suitable dosage form
compound. Useful pharmaceutically acceptable chromium known in the art. For example, the compositions are Suitably
compounds include, but are not limited to, yeast-bound incorporated into tablets, powders, granules, beads, chew
chromium, GTF chromium, niacin-bound chromium. Pref able lozenges, capsules, liquids, or similar conventional
erably, the pharmaceutically acceptable chromium com dosage forms, using conventional equipment and techniques
pound is chromium amino acid chelate. known in the art. Tablet dosage forms are preferred.
0.081 Preferably, the multi-vitamin and mineral supple 0089. When preparing dosages forms incorporating the
ment is comprised of about 100 mcg of chromium dosed in compositions of the present invention, the nutritional com
the form of a pharmaceutically acceptable chromium com ponents are normally blended with conventional excipients
pound. More preferably, the multi-Vitamin and mineral Such as binders, including gelatin, pregelatinZed Starch, and
Supplement is comprised of about 100 mcg of chromium the like; lubricants, Such as hydrogenated vegetable oil,
dosed in the form of chromium amino acid chelate. Chro Stearic acid and the like, diluents, Such as lactose, mannose,
mium is present in the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supple and Sucrose; disintegants, Such as carboxymethyl cellulose
ment at a level that meets the 100% daily value. Research and Sodium Starch glycolate; Suspending agents, Such as
has shown that the average perSon consumes less than 50 poVidone, polyvinyl alcohol, and the like, absorbents, Such
mcg of chromium a day. as Silicon dioxide, preservative, Such as methylparaben,
propylparaben, and Sodium benzoate, Surfactants, Such as
0082 Potassium is needed to regulate water balance, Sodium lauryl Sulfate, polySorbate 80, and the like; and
levels of acidity, blood pressure, and neuromuscular func colorants, Such as F.D & C. dyes and the like.
tion. Potassium is also required for carbohydrate and protein
metabolism. In the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement, 0090 For preparing the composition from the com
potassium is dosed in the form of a pharmaceutically accept pounds described by this invention, inert, pharmaceutically
able potassium compound. Useful pharmaceutically accept acceptable carriers are used which are either Solid or liquid
able potassium compounds include, but are not limited to, form. Solid form preparations include powders, tablets,
potassium chloride, potassium glycerophosphate, potassium dispersible granules, capsules, and cachets. A Solid carrier is
citrate, potassium gluconate, potassium phosphate, and com Suitably one or more Substances which may also act as
US 2004/0082536A1 Apr. 29, 2004

diluents, flavoring agents, Solubilizers, lubricants, Suspend understood that the formulation may also be utilized in
ing agents, binders or tablet disintegrating agents. The Solid Veterinary therapy for other animals.
carrier material also includes encapsulating material. In 0098. While various embodiments of a multi-vitamin and
powders, the carrier is finely divided active compounds. In mineral Supplement have been disclosed, it should be under
the tablet, the active compound is mixed with the carrier stood that modifications and adaptations thereof will occur
having the necessary binding properties in Suitable propor
tions and compacted in the shape and size desired. Suitable to one skilled in the art. Other features and aspects of this
Solid carriers include, but are not limited, to magnesium invention will be appreciated by those skilled in the art upon
carbonate, magnesium Stearate, talc, Sugar, lactose, pectin, reading and comprehending this disclosure. Such features,
dextrin, Starch, gelatin, tragacanth, methylcellulose, Sodium aspects, and expected variations and modifications of the
carboxymethylcellulose, a low melting wax, cocoa butter, reported results and examples are clearly within the Scope of
and the like. The term preparation is intended to include the the invention where the invention is limited solely by the
formulation of the active compounds with encapsulating Scope of the following claims.
material as the carrier providing a capsule in which the Having thus defined the invention, it is claimed:
active component (with or without other carriers) is Sur 1. A multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement for adminis
rounded by carrier, which is thus in association with it. tration to humans, the Supplement comprising:
Tablets, powders, cachets, and capsules may be used in a
Solid dosage form Suitable for oral administration. from about 5000 I.U to about 10,000 I.U. of vitamin A;
0.091 Liquid form preparations include solutions, sus from about 1000 mg to about 2000 mg of vitamin C;
pensions, and emulsions. Aqueous Solutions Suitable for oral about 800 I.U. of vitamin D;
use are prepared by dissolving the active component in
water or other Suitable liquid and adding Suitable colorants, from about 800 I.U. to about 1200 I.U. of vitamin E:
flavors, Stabilizing agents, and thickening agents as desired.
Aqueous Solutions Suitable for oral use may also be made by about 25 mcg of vitamin K;
dispersing the finely divided active component in water or about 3 mg of vitamin B1;
other Suitable liquid with Viscous material, Such as natural or
Synthetic gums, resins, methylcellulose, Sodium carboxym about 10 mg of vitamin B2;
ethylcellulose, and other Suspending agents known in the art. about 20 mg of vitamin B3;
0092 Also included are solid form preparations which about 25 mg of vitamin B6;
are intended to be converted, shortly before use, to liquid
form preparations for either oral or parental administration. about 800 mcg of folic acid;
Such liquid forms include Solutions, Suspensions, and emul about 400 mcg of vitamin B12;
Sions. These particular Solid form preparations are provided
in unit dose form and as Such are used to provide a single about 300 mcg of biotin;
liquid dosage unit. Alternatively, Sufficient Solid preparation
may be provided So that the after conversion to liquid form, about 10 mg of pantothenic acid;
multiple individual liquid doses may be obtained by mea up to about 18 mg of iron dosed in the form of a
Suring predetermined Volumes of the liquid form preparation pharmaceutically acceptable iron compound;
as with a Syringe, teaspoon, or other Volumetric contained.
about 150 mcg of iodine dosed in the form of a pharma
0093. The solid and liquid forms may contain, in addition ceutically acceptable iodine compound;
to the active material, flavorants, colorants, Stabilizers, buff
ers, artificial and natural Sweeteners, dispersants, thickeners, about 400 mg of magnesium dosed in the form of a
Solubilizing agents, and the like. The liquid utilized for pharmaceutically acceptable magnesium compound;
preparing the liquid form preparation is Suitably water,
isotonic water, ethanol, glycerin, propylene glycol, and the about 15 mg of Zinc dosed in the form of a pharmaceu
like, as well as combinations thereof. The liquid utilized will tically acceptable Zinc compound;
be chosen with regard to the route of administration. from about 100 mcg to 200 mcg of selenium;
0094 Preferably, the preparations are unit dosage form. about 2 mg of copper dosed in the form of a pharmaceu
In Such form, the preparation is Subdivided into unit doses tically acceptable copper compound;
containing appropriate quantities of the active components.
The unit dosage form can be a packaged preparation, Such about 100 mcg of chromium dosed in the form of a
as packaged tablets or capsules. The unit dosage can be a pharmaceutically acceptable chromium compound;
capsule, cachet, or tablet itself or it can be the appropriate about 400 mg of potassium dosed in the form of a
number of any of these in packaged form. pharmaceutically acceptable potassium compound;
0.095 The quantity of active material in a unit dose of about 500 mg of choline dosed in the form of a pharma
preparation is varied according to the particular application ceutically acceptable choline compound;
and potency of the active ingredients.
0096) Determination of the proper dosage for a particular about 10 mg of lycopene; and
situation is within the skill of the art. For convenience, the about 50 mg co-enzyme Q-10 dosed in the form of a
total daily dosage may be divided and administered in pharmaceutically acceptable co-enzyme Q-10 com
portions during the day if desired. Controlled and uncon pound.
trolled release formulations are also included.
2. The multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement of claim 1
0097 Although the products of the invention are prefer wherein the Supplement is further comprised of 6000mcg of
ably intended for administration to humans, it will be lutein and ZeaXanthine.
US 2004/0082536A1 Apr. 29, 2004

3. The multi-vitamin and mineral supplement of claim 1 pound is Selected from the group consisting of magnesium
wherein vitamin A is in the form of natural mixed beta Stearate, magnesium carbonate, magnesium oxide, magne
caroteine and carotenoids. sium hydroxide, magnesium Sulfate, and combinations
4. The multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement of claim 1 thereof.
wherein the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is com 23. The multi-vitamin and mineral supplement of claim
prised of about 5000 I.U. of vitamin A. 22 wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable magnesium
5. The multi-vitamin and mineral supplement of claim 1 compound is magnesium oxide.
wherein the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is com 24. The multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement of claim 1
prised of about 10,000 I.U. of vitamin A. wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable Zinc compound is
6. The multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement of claim 1 Selected from the group consisting of Zinc Sulfate, Zinc
wherein the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is com chloride, Zinc oxide, and combinations thereof.
prised of about 1000 mg of vitamin C. 25. The multi-vitamin and mineral supplement of claim
7. The multi-vitamin and mineral supplement of claim 1 24 wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable Zinc compound
wherein the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is com is Zinc oxide.
prised of about 2000 mg of vitamin C. 26. The multi-vitamin and mineral Supplement of claim 1
8. The multi-vitamin and mineral supplement of claim 1 wherein the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is com
wherein vitamin E is in the form of d-alpha tocopherol prised of about 100 mcg of selenium.
9. The multi-vitamin and mineral supplement of claim 1 27. The multi-vitamin and mineral Supplement of claim 1
wherein the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is com wherein the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is com
prised of about 800 I.U of vitamin E. prised of about 200 mcg of selenium.
10. The multi-vitamin and mineral supplement of claim 1 28. The multi-vitamin and mineral Supplement of claim 1
wherein the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is com wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable copper compound
prised of about 1200 I.U. of vitamin E. is Selected from the group consisting of cupric oxide, cupric
11. The multi-vitamin and mineral supplement of claim 1 Sulfate, cupric gluconate, and combinations thereof.
wherein B3 is in the form of niacinamide. 29. The multi-vitamin and mineral supplement of claim
12. The multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement of claim 1 28 wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable copper com
wherein vitamin B6 is in the form of pyridoxine hydrochlo pound is cupric gluconate.
ride. 30. The multi-vitamin and mineral Supplement of claim 1
13. The multi-vitamin and mineral supplement of claim 1 wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable chromium com
wherein vitamin B12 is in the form of cyanocobalamin. pound is selected from the group consisting of yeast-bound
14. The multi-vitamin and mineral supplement of claim 1 chromium, GTF chromium, niacin-bound chromium, and
wherein the biotin is d-biotin. combinations thereof.
15. The multi-vitamin and mineral supplement of claim 1 31. The multi-vitamin and mineral supplement of claim
wherein the pantothenic acid is d-calcium pantothenate. 30 wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable chromium com
16. The multi-vitamin and mineral supplement of claim 1 pound is chromium amino acid chelate.
wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable iron compound is 32. The multi-vitamin and mineral Supplement of claim 1
Selected from the group consisting of ferrous fumarate, wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable potassium com
ferrous Sulfate, iron carbonyl, ferrous gluconate, ferrous pound is Selected from the group consisting of potassium
chloride, ferrous lactate, ferrous tartrate, ferrous Succinate, chloride, potassium glycerophosphate, potassium citrate,
ferrous glutamate, ferrous citrate, ferrous pyrophosphate, potassium gluconate, and potassium phosphate.
ferrous cholinisocitrate, ferrous carbonate, iron-Sugar-car 33. The multi-vitamin and mineral supplement of claim
boxylate complexes, and combinations thereof. 32 wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable potassium com
17. The multi-vitamin and mineral supplement of claim pound is potassium phosphate.
16 wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable iron compound 34. The multi-vitamin and mineral Supplement of claim 1
is iron carbonyl. wherein the choline is choline bitartrate.
18. The multi-vitamin and mineral supplement of claim 1 35. The multi-vitamin and mineral Supplement of claim 1
wherein the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is Sub wherein co-enzyme Q-10 is ubiquinone.
stantially free of iron. 36. The multi-vitamin and mineral Supplement of claim 1
19. The multi-vitamin and mineral supplement of claim 1 wherein the Supplement is further comprised of a pharma
wherein the multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement is com ceutically acceptable carrier material.
prised of about 18 mg of a pharmaceutically acceptable iron
compound. 37. The multi-vitamin and mineral Supplement of claim 1
20. The multi-vitamin and mineral supplement of claim 1 which is administered orally once per day.
wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable iodine compound 38. The multi-vitamin and mineral Supplement of claim 1
is Selected from the group consisting of potassium iodide, wherein the total daily dosage is divided and administered in
Sodium iodide, and combinations thereof. portions during the day.
21. The multi-vitamin and mineral Supplement of claim 39. The multi-vitamin and mineral Supplement of claim 1
20 wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable iodine com wherein the dosage form is enteric coated and compressed
pound is potassium iodide. into a tablet or filled into hard of Soft gelatin capsules.
22. The multi-Vitamin and mineral Supplement of claim 1
wherein the pharmaceutically acceptable magnesium com

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