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{r-1-%) ae wie S x moorish national republic federal government & Lre-26) ‘> ~ sotietas republicae ea al maurikanos * mootish divine and national movement of the earth northwest amexem / south amexem / central amexem / north gate all adjoining islands the true and de jure natural people — heirs to the land *~isLam ~ > % universal sovereign affidavit of command to appear in court & to: [FTF LENDING LLC] and all AGENTS, SUCCESSORS, and ASSIGNS. Rodak, Matthew dba [ MATTHEW RODAK] dbe [CHIE EXECUTIVE OFTFICER AND PRESIDENT] 10 E 23" Street. SFL [NEW YORK, NY 10010) [US] to: IGINGO PALUMBO LAW GROUP LLC] and all AGENTS, SUCCESSORS. and ASSIGNS Gingo, Anthony J dba [ANTHONY J. GINGO ] dba [OWNER AND ATTORNEY] Palumbo, Michael J dba [ MICHAEL J, PALUMBO] dba [OWNER AND ATTORNEY] Edelman, Jordan S dba [JORDAN S. EDELMAN] dba [ESQUIRE OR ATTORNEY] Gien, Gregory T. dba [GREGORY T. GLEN] dba (ESQUIRE OR ATTORNEY], ‘Summit One 44700 Rockside Road, Suite 440 [INDEPENDENCE, OH 44131] [US] [UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTH DISTRICT OF 1LINOIS] an al AGENTS, SUCCESSORS and AS- Pallmeyer, Rebecea R. dba [REBECCA R. PALLMEYER] dbs [CHIEF JUDGE] Burton, Thomas G. dba [ THOMAS G. BURTON] dba [CLERK OF COURT ‘Aspen, Marvin E. dba [ MARVIN. E, ASPEN] dba [UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE] CCunnmings,Jetiey 1. dba [JEFFREY 1. CUMMINGS] dba [UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE] 219 $ Dearborn St [CHICAGO, IL 60604-1702} [U.S.] te: [COOK COUNTY SHERIFF Ita] and all AGENTS, SUCCESSORS, and ASSIGNS Dart, Thomas J dba | 1HUMAS J. DART dba COOK COUNTY SHERIFF] 3026 8, California Ave [CHICAGO, IL. 60608) [U.S] ‘maco- 100000008114 original indigenous sovereign moorsh american national document. ‘moorieh national pull fadarl ruermmant ‘empire af the moors, new ersalem cause of action -maco_cause000000081-01 Unlawful Occupation of sovereign original indigenous land date commanded to appear september 03, 2020 3:33 pm central court moorish american consular court online video httpe: // audio dial in number 701-802-5272# access code 2770319# all parties listed above are hereby commanded to appear before the article 111 moorish american consular court to state your name and nationality for the record to the people who are the moorish national republic federal government. this court has sovereign jurisdiction in all matters on our land, the American Provost Marshall has been notified. until such time, all of your COMMERCE and that of all AGENTS, PRINCIPALS, HEIRS and ASSIGNS is hereby terminated by way of sovereign universal commercial code | lien. failure to appear shall be just cause for your arrest. chronas day: 6 month: august Year: [2020] 1440. ego sum: vizir shaddai aaliyah satiya el bey for born appellation sha’ron noreko young and im latif el bey, born appellation robert eugene robertson. in capitis deminutio nolo, propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, and in proprio heredes justice/vizir/minister, northwest amexem, north america/north gate autograph — all rights exercised at all times nothing in this lof affidavit, nor my spoken afidavits, nor my sien afidats ball be ictrpeted or construed as consent o any jurisdiction oer tan th juriton of my ancien ance ihe ett at any pet tee ‘maco- roo0000081-14 original indigenous sovereign moorsh america ‘moorish national reoublic federal eovermment ‘ompire afte macre, naw eral %, Gi) % Cow ev ike =) Le-t-s 7 ee are Noor, MWioorish American Consulates Moorish Worldwite Consulates Embracing, Enforcing and Exhalsing the 1781 Constitution for the United States of America and the Binding Treaties Consular General Taj Tarik Bey and Co-Consular General Shalamoor Bey sd completed the moorish nationality status correction, please send a pd copy to e you will receive a noorish american consulate record rumiber. moorish american nation: identification card order information sheet moorish appellation: | shacdai aaiyah satiya el bey /maco-CO00CO98C mailing location: |care of 20650 s. cicero avenua cell [home phone: 708-252-5560 Town: |mattesor : | moorishamericanunited@gmail.¢om height: [59 weight 1175 eye color: [brown march 4th 1978 ‘email this information sheet to: moorishamericanconsulateaz place photo here L ‘autograph here [in red] below 1 ‘ight thumb seal here [in red] rou sandinphovt aloet pm bt ono et the autographttchthe ne. below do notlet the prove hele “**inlieu of dollars, you can use our trade/barter system. send us an email and go online to: fi a @ = CH moorish national republic federal government \& ~ Societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ moorish Divine and national movement of the world northwest amexem / southwest amexem / central amexem / adjoining atlantis and americana islands Lam. ~ Se % affidavit tu all CORPORATIONS att north americka 3 Tu include FTF LENDING LLC inscert name uf billing CORPORATION [RE: ACCOUNT# _FTF_14354 12402] ex reletione on ACCOUNT [_SIIA'RON NOREKO YOUNG AND ROBERT EUGENE ROBERTSON II OBA THE PROSPERITY INVESTMENT GROUP. iam shaddai aaliyah satiya el bey, a moorish american national en captis diminutio nolo, en propria persona, sui juris, proprio solo and proprio heredes. all rightts exercised att alll pointts and tyme as an ancient original indigenous divine natural living being. |, and all moorish american nationals are the executors, administrators, creditors, claimants, and beneficiaries of our own estate. we at north america are exercising all of their rights at this time as one sovereign nation on our own land. az uf august 6, 2018 at 10:42 am and 4:06pm, the moorish american consulate and the moorish national republic federal government placed an affidavit of commercial and land lien on the [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY] and the United States Treasury in the sum certain amount of $00,000,000 in gold and silver backed lawful tener for each and all moorish American nationals at north America, The said lien wos filed pursuant to the [United Nations American Mandate for the Land] ( 1948-previously held in Trusteeship), the currently active treaty of peace and friendship 1786/1836 ( treaty of amity and commerce 1786) and the constitution for the united states (republic). proof of service is provided below. Your CORPORATION shall cease all payments to the [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY] and place all current and future payments that would have been made to the [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY] on the accounts held by your corporation of all moorish american nationals at north america. the services that your corporation provides to the moorish american nationals at north america are without charge to the moorish american nationals for as long as you are conducting commerce here on our land. the services that your corporation provides to the moorish american nationals to include the above mentioned moorish american national will begin immediately, restart immediately, or continue at the highest level of service that you provide from this day forward. this birthday benefit is unalienable, inalienable and is not transferrable. each moorish american national must present proof of moorish american nationality by providing you with a copy of their maorish american nationality identification card with photo and you shall honor it. all contracts on earth with the [UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY] or any derivatives thereof are ceased as of the date of adjournment sine die of their congress on march 27, 1864 as they are in severe repeated breach of contract to the moorish american nationals who are the ancient original indigenous heirs to all of the land and its resources. failure to honor your obligations to the moarish american nationals will result in liens and/or any other lawful redress. the moorish american nationals at north america thank you for your service to our great nation and land, _ 1 maco-r000000080-26 united states CORPORATION: no bills due ‘tigi! ea indigennusjeupes' docu, riven amex /norwest fee / north america "the non gate the moron empire = continental united states, "emple of te moon and sun / tre isl n= domestic, on -Tesiden, non ~ subject ‘moors / murs being the itu bis and rimogeniture brtriaht ~inberitors of he land. the following is proof of service to the [UNITES STATES CORPORATION COMPANY] of the lien placed on the said CORPORATION by the moorish american consulate and the moorish national republic federal ‘government which was confirmed delivered to [Wathington DC Mayor Muriel Bower], and to [ The Recorder of Deeds Washington DC], and [The Office of Tax and Revenue Washington DC] as follows: 9505 5162 0176 8214 3658 22 - Confirmed delivery August 6, 2018, Individual picked up at Postal Facility at 10:42am 9505 $162 0178 8214 9858 48 Confirmed delivery Auguet 6, 2018, Individual picked up at Postal Facility at 10:42am ‘9505 5162 0176 8244 9658 39 Confirmed delivery to, and left with an Individual at the addreee at 4:06pm on ‘August 6, 2018 Deinvores SIUSPSCOM JM wee tte a USPS Tracking’ ‘Track Another Package + Status 2 maco-r000000080-26 united states CORPORATION- no bills due rig and indigenous peoples’ documents nonhwex amexer /nordswes fe non america / the noth gate -he moroocan empire = ‘continental united sates; "Yemple of te oon ands / tre island: - domestic, non-resident, non ~ subject moors mus - being the ial eis and rrimoaenture birriaht -iaertors ofthe land. a Chronos: Month: _\ ul Pear 20RD) Bw: natural person- en capitis diminutio nolo, in persona sui juris solo, en proprio here« Vizir minister northwest amexem north gate all sovereigne all points in time sovereigne ancient universal i jurisdiction. free moor/ muur north amexem/northwest africa/north america/new jerusalem en captisdiminutio nolo, en propria persona, sul urs, proprio solo and proprio heredes. all rights exeercsed at all points and tyme, all sovereigne origeneous enndigenous moorishe ammerican autograffsfor this dackumente and all sovereigne ‘moorishe national reepublic federal governmente dockuments are on the publick wreckord at america, amen, amen dico vobis, quaecumque aligaveritis super terram erunt ligata et ego in caelo et quaecumque solverts super terram erunt solute et in caelo amen. amen dico vobis. quaecumave aligaveriis super terram erunt lgata et ego in caelo et queecumque solvers super terram erunt solute et in caelo amen, amen dico vobls, queecumque aligaverits super terram cerunt igata et ego in caelo et quaecumave solvers super terram erunt solute et in caelo this document das not constitute tht thre & or war 2 contract between the moorich american nationale via corporate tion nor urditon lof any government over tne moorish amlercan nationals, ut the ancent vine soveregn ancestral government jrscton. ths document s to remove any miscnceptions of any debts thats believed tobe owed bythe soveregn moorish american nationals and all morish american ‘3 maco-r000000080-26 united states CORPORATION. no hills due criginal end indignnous peoples’ dooumece: nerthwer ameram / nortan sine / orth aero ‘the moth gos - th moroooen empie ‘continental united sates, "empleo te moon aad wi / tare islam = deste, senna auljet, ‘moors /muus- being the ightful eis and primogeniure bright = inertors of the lan. = S Ce-a-a) ae moorish national republic federal government Societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ s moorish divine and national movement of the world é Northwest amexem / southwest amexem / central amexem / adjoinin atlantis and americana islands Se ~ L6.Lam. © Se affidavit of universall sovereigne origenel endigeneous anciente g moorishe anumerican - sovereigne govenore, sovereigne attornee generale, sovereigne chief for staite, sovereign mapore sovereigne borne appellation sha’ron noreko young , chosen appellationn shaddal aaliyah satiya el bey en capitis diminutio nolo, justise, vi whereaz, | ande all moorsshe ammericans are thee sovereignne universall origeneall endigenous naturall divine laww ende governmente unm ourr enciente holey sovereign ancest alll enheritted landss at ammerica. we are ascedents spriritum returned alivee. wee are thee ascendents uf thee graite phharoahs uf kemett ande uf thee anciente moabytes ande canaanytes. wee are thee soulvent creditors tu all nashuns on earthe. wee are thee executors, trustees. Ministars, klaimants, heirs ande benefishiares uf our ownn vastt eestate. - whereaz. wee are thee sovereign govenores. sovereigne attornee generales. soverienge chief for staite and sovereign mayores on our land. Wee are manye origneall endigenouse sovereign governments and nations who are one to endklude thee de jure moorishe nationale republic fedheralll governmentes, thee moorishe American consulate and thee sovereign moorishe American konsulare courte. Wee are exxercisinge sovereigne personum jurisdictione, soveriegne territorial jurisdiction andd sovereigne subjeckt matter jursidictione over all matturs, spaice and tyme. wee are the government over aall kammerce, Kompanies ande resourcees onn ourr landd. wee aree manye origenall endigenous sovereigne governmentes ande nationes whoo aree onee tu encklude thee de jure moorishe nationale republick fedheralll governmente, thee moorishe ammerican konsulate, ande thee sovereigne moorishe ammerican konsular courte, wee aree exxercisinge soverigene personum jurisdi soveriegne terratorial jurisdictione ande sovereigne subjeckt matterr jurisdictone overt alll matturs, spaice, ande tyme jone, Whereaz, wee aree nott a parte uf thee captializimm systeme, ande thee capitalizmm systemme iz subjeckt tu uss. alll onn ourr landd Iz a resource forr yous byy thee sovereign imourishe armmerican governmente att ourr willl az wee are thee credditors tu alll nationes onn earthe. whereaz, wee are allways ande ownlee en thee jurisdictione uf our anciente ancestrall enheritted eestate att all tymes nune pro tune. whereaz. our sovereigne governmentall obbligationes encklude makinge ande enforcing thee sovereigne suupreme laww for thee landd, possessione uf anciente buriale lands, ande upplifting fallin hurnannitee, umung uther sovereigne obbligationes az wee sow proklaime ande az given bye our annsesstors. whereaz, wee are thee righte full possessorrs fore all landd ande all propertey all naturale reesources ande all kommarce thatt waz falseloy presummed abanduned az thair iz nno abandoned landd, no abanduned propertey, ‘no abanduned naturale reesources nor aney abanduned kommerce on our eestate, wee proclaime salvatione ande soveriegne salvage for alll landd, all naturale reesources, all kommerce, ande all living beings. 1 mace r000000080-28 affidavit soveriegnecheifcnaccuttne ffccer ohadda alah sta cl bey] agi stigmas pope sees eiameenrs eres ii (i meas ie! Uo tie pr - Reivers - Salle lated sates, Yemple ofthe moon and sun tide land non = deste, aon = resident, non ~ subject, mors /mury = being the gif heirs and primogenstue btnght -inbentors ofthe land. additionalley, alll landd att ammerica iz anciente annsestral buriall landd a2 alll waz hidden ande iz noww revealled tu alll. whereaz, ourr sovereign rightt tuu ourr ancientt ancestrall burriall lands iz unalienablle andd enalienablle, wee are enjoined withh ourr sovereignn livingg landds, buriall moundds, andd ancientt buriedd sitez, wee herebye save, andd salwage ourr ownn vastt estate forr wee are thee salvashun forr ourr landds. wee havve allready begun praeying onn ourr landds dailey, therefour wee herebye akcess alll ourrlandds andd alll properteez, naturall resources andd all kommerce withoutt thee United States andd thee UNITED STATES. ourr missionarie workk tu uliff fallin humanity shalle koutinue andd ourr pravy tvme shalle nott bee dissturbbed forr anev reasonn. wee herehye exxcersize alll sovereigne rightts with akcess tu andd domenioun overr al land. alll naturall resources andd alll soveriegne kommerce. wee are thee laww andd wee are thee governmente. wee herebye envoke thee universall sovereigne origenall govermentall functions on our land for all moorish ammerican nationallz. alll serrvices are prepaidd by the de jure governmente and alll propertey iz partt uf ourr ‘own vastt estate. servicess willl kontinu forr alll mooriche ammericann nationalls. alll creditts given havve beenn noww prokiaimed az soveriegne credits andd are dew backk immediateley tu eachh moorishh ammerican governmentt immediateley tu eachh moorishh ammerican governmentt en thee nationalized soveriegn resource ackount uf thee moorishe ammiercian government kounsuls, ministers, justices and procklaimed heirz choicee. whereaz, thee moorishe ammerican flagg shalle floatt publickley att alll terratoriez onn ourr landd en thee noww tyme. where all maorishe ammerican flaggs float iz savereigne propertey uf thee thatt is thee domicile uf thee origenall endigenous sovereigne moorishe national repubick tederall government and iz for thee moorishe ammerican nationals and heirs. writtenn consentt frum thee sovereign govenores, sovereigne attornee generales, soverienge chief for staite and sovereign mayores empress shaddal aaliyah satiya el bey mustt bee sivenn to all thatt wantt tu vizt thiz sacredd sovereigne burialll groundd uf thee moorishe ammericann nationall ancestral landd priorr tu vizitting a2 uf thee datee uf thiz soverigne kommand. notice to agent is notice to principle and notice to principle is notice to agent. upon my inherittedd statuss, i, empress shaddai aaliyah satiya el bey consul/ justice, soveriegnn cheit exxecutivve otticerr,cheif financial otficerr and cheit opperatting ofticerr beeing a descendantt forr thee ancientt moabitess en otherr respectts knownn az ngunl ammerican moors, standingg squareley affirmed uponn myy oathh tu thee fivve pointts forrlightt” love, truth, peace, freedom, and justice; beeing compententt (en myy ownn properr personn) tu attestt tu thiz affidavitt uponn which i place my autographh . whereaz, istatte, procklaim, andd deeclaire thee followingg tu bee tru, correckt, nott mizieading, andd nott intendded tu bee presented forr any mizrepresented, ‘colored! or emporver use ort purrpose. chronos: 8, august 2020-1440 m.c.y en captis minuto nolo, en propria persona, Su jus, proprio Solo ana proprio 1s exercised atta pointts and tyme. all sovereigne origeneous enndigenous moorishe ammerican autogralfs for this dockumente and all sovereigne moorishe natlonall republic federall governmente dockuments are on the publick wreckord at ammerca ann, amen deo vis, quseeumghe allgaverts super terran ern ligata et ego in cate et quacumgue solvers super tram erunt sole etn caco aren, amen dico ‘obi, doaecumaueallgaveitis super tram erunt gata tego in aeo et quaecurgoe solvers supe eram erant solute tin caelo amen, amea dco vobis ‘quectmcynlligrertia per een ernt ipsa et og ncaa ef pace ener apr term eu alte ein ania 2 mace 1000000080. 28 affidavit soverlogne cheif executive ofccer — (shade aaliyah satiyn el bey] sLovgil angen peuple” ocaumas iloventaueenssawen aie uns aussie "he sug” Uaioe cate ena ted ses, temple of he moon and sun / wae sid non domest, nod = reside, non ~ sue, ~moors/ aus - being the rightful bes and pmogenture brthnghi- nberiors of he land Gorge moorish national republic federal government Go) Societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ ys moorish divine and national movement of the world northwest amexem / southwest amexem / central amexem / adjoin atlantis and americana islands > ~ i.8.Lamt, ~ affidavit of universall sovereigne origenel endigeneous anciente moorishe ammerican é sovereigne cheif exxeccutve officere sovereigne cheif financialle officere sovereigne cheif operatingg officere sovereigne borne appellationn sha'ron noreko young , chosen appeliationn shaddai aaliyah satiya el bey en capitis diminutio nolo, justi iit, ministar termination uf fourclosure, debtt removall ande administrative proceeddings kommande wherear, | ende all moorishe emmericens are thee sovereignne universall origeneall endigenous nturall divine laww ande governmente onn ourr anciente holey sovereign ancestralll enheritted landss at ammerica. we are ascedents spriritum returned alivee. wee are thee ascendents uf thee graite phharoahs uf kemett ande uf thee anciente moabytes ande canaanytes. wee are thee soulvent creditors tu alll nashuns on earthe. wee are thee executors, trustees. Ministars, klaimants, heirs ande benefishiares uf our ownn vastt eestate. whereaz, wee are thee sovereign cheiff exxecutive officeres, chef finanshul officeres, andd thee chelf opperatting officeres forr aall kommerce, kompanics ande resourcees onn ourr landd. wee aree manye origenall endigenous sovereigne governmentes ande nationes whoo aree onee tu encklude thee de jure moorishe nationale repul fedheralll governmente, thee moorishe american konsulate, ande thee sovereigne moorishe ammerican konsular courte, wee aree exxercisinge soverigene personum jurisdictione, soveriegne terratorial jurisdictione ande sovereigne subjeckt matterr Jurisdictone overr all matturs, spaice, ande tyme. whereaz, wee aree nott a parte uf thee captializimm systeme, ande thee capitalizmm systemme iz subjeckt tu uss. alll onn ourr landd iz a reesource forr youss byy thee sovereigne moorishe ammerican governmente att ourr willl az wee are thee creditors tu all nationes onn earthe whereaz, wee are allways ande ownlee en thee jurisdictione ut our anciente ancestrall enheritted eestate att all tymes nune pro tunc, whereaz, our sovereigne governmentall obbligationes encklude makinge ande enforcing thee sovereigne suupreme laww for thee landd, possessione uf anciente buriale lands, ande upplifting fallin humannitee, umung uuther sovereigne obbligationes az wee sow proklaime ande az given bye our annsesstors. Whereaz, wee are thee righte full possessorrs fore all landd ande all propertey all naturale resources ande all kommerce thart waz falseley presummed abanduned az thair iz nno abandonned landd, no abanduned propertey, no abanduned naturale resources nor aney abanduned kommerce on our eestate, wee prociaime salvatione ande soveriegne salvage for alll landd, all naturale reesources, all kommerce, ande all living beeings. additionalley, alll andd att ammerica iz anciente annsestral buriall landd a2 alll waz hiddenn ande iz noww revealled tu alll whereaz, ourr sovereign rightt tuu ourr ancientt ancestrall burriall landds iz unallenablle andd enalienablle, wee are enjoined withh ourr sovereignn living landds, buriall moundds, andd anclentt burledd sitez, wee herebye sawve, andd salvage ourr ownn vastt eestate forr wee are thee salvashun forr ourr landds. wee hawe allready 1 maco-r000000080-24 affidavit sveriepne chef exxccutive officer ~[shaddal aaliyah satya el bey} Luigi ad aligeusn pees Uocaman riwenratvexertrorven ae om amereg the non ge. te moroccan empire - continental Ue ses; temple of he moon and sun’ "wl sand non-domestic, non = resident non sbyet, ~moors/ murs - being the Hail eis end peimogentue birtah -inberor ofthe land. IV S ‘ begun praeying onn ourr landds dailey, therefour wee herebye akcess alll ourrlandds andd alll properteez, naturall reesources anda all kommerce without thee United States andd thee UNITED STATES. ourr missionarie workk tu uplifft fallin humannity shalle koutinue andd ourr pray tyme shalle nott bee dissturbbed forr aney reason. wee herenye exxcersize alll sovereigne rights withh akcess tu andd domenioun overr alll landd. alll natural reesources andd alll soveriegne kommerce. wee are thee laww andd wee are thee governmente. wee herebye envoke thee universall sovereigne origenall endigenous termination uf forreclosures, debt removall and administrativee proceedings kommande for all moorish ammerican nationallz in whichh hadd frauddulent debtts whetherr aney fraudulent contrackts were unnder the warr namee, employees identificashun numberr known az thee sociall securitey numberr orr thee soveriegnn moorishh ammericann ‘national waz guarantorr uf aney fraudulantt debrt forr anotherr womman, mann ofr companey. alll serrvices are prepaidd by the de jure govern kontinue forr alll moorishe ammericann nationalls. alll creditts givenn havve been noww proklaimed az soveriegne credits andd are dew backk immediateley tu each moorishh ammerican governmentt immediateley tu eachh moorishh ammerican government en thee nationalized soveriegn reesource ackount uf thee moorishe ammiercian government kounsuls, ministars, justices and procklaimed heirz choicee. nte and all propertey iz partt uf ourr ownn vastt eestate. servicess will whereaz, thee moorishe ammerican flagg shalle floatt publickley att alll terratoriez onn ourr landd en thee noww tyme. where all moorishe american flaggs floatt iz sovereigne propertey uf thee thatt is thee domicile uf thee origenall endigenous sovereigne moorishe nationall republek federall governmentt and iz for thee moorishe ammerican nationals and heirs. writtonn consentt frum thee covereign cheif exxecuttive officerr empress chaddai aaliyah satiya ol hey mustt hee givenn to all thatt wantt tu vivit thir cacradd sovereigns hurialll roundd uf thee ‘moorishe ammericann nationall ancestral landd priorr tu vizitting az uf thee datee uf thiz soverigne kommand. notice to agent is notice to principle and notice to principle is notice to agent. pon myy inherittedd statuss, |, empress shaddal aaliyah sativa el bey consul/ justice, soveriegnn cheif exxecutivve officerr, cheif finnancial officerr and chelf opperatting officerr beeing a descendantt forr thee ancient moabitess en otherr respectts knownn az nguni ammerican moors, standingg squareley affirmed uponn my oathh tu thee ‘five pointts forrlightt" love, truth, peace, freedom, and justice; beeing compententt (en my ownn properr person) tu attestt tu thiz affidavitt uponn whichh i place myy autographh . whereaz, istatte, procklaim, andd deeclaire thee ‘ollowingg tu bee tru, correckt, nott mizieading, andd nott intendded tu bee presented forr anv mizrepresented, ‘colored! or emporper use orr purtpose. B chronos: 14, august 2020- 1440 m.c.y lam: en eaptisdiminutio nolo, en propria persone, sul urs, proprio solo and proprio he excercsed at all pointts and tyme. all sovereigne origeneous enndigenous moorishe ammerican autograMffor this dackumente and all sovereigne moorishe nationall eepublic federal governmente dockuments are on the publck wreckord at ammerica, a trope penne perenne een taal polo ee ppl grein eo a tin eae eer ecaton teats origina and inaigenous peopes' documents northwest amexem/nortiwest ena / north amen the north gate =the morocein empire - continental ned sates, temple of the moon and sun’ / ture island non = domesti, non « esidet nn ~sube. moots /muurs being the gil heirs and prmogenitue berght nbertors ofthe lend. Ba a0 Ee S a & *y 1-4-2309 moorish national republic feberal gobernment ‘> ~ Societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ = moorish divine and national movement of the mort northwest amexem / southwest amexem / central amexem / adjoining atlantis and’ americana islands So ~ is.Lam, ~ se Cag & instructions and commands affidavit [July 4* 2020) 1am justice shaddal aaliyah satiya el bey in capitis diminutio nolo, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, in capitis diminution nolo, and in proprio heredes. we are tho hoiros to all land, all naturale reeourcees, and all commerce and we are the oreditores to all the nationes on earthe. |, along with any of the moors, am not a “citizen”. that is your status and not ours. we are sovereign on our own land, as of court action by the sovereign moorish american article ili consular court, dated may 29, 2020, [Donald J. Trump formerly dha UNITED STATES PRESIDENT] is nat the authority aver al moroe (america). he and his office, along with all of the governors of the several [STATES OF ILLINOIS] were found guilty of unlawful occupation in sovereign original indigenous land. consequently, [Jay Robert "J. B.” Pritzker___] formerly dba [ JAY ROBERT “J.B.” PRITZKER GOVERNOR] is not the authority over illinois territory. any and all subjects and citizens must take their orders and instructions from the moors. you are hereby commanded to open up all of the public service buildings and offices and businesses in the illinols territory. these bulldings, lands, businesses, properties, and resources belong to the moorish national republic federal government. as a moor, i am responsible for the well-being ofthis territory, including its citizons and subjects. therefore, you are further commanded to open up all of the vacant and unused homes within the Illinois territory to be utilized by any and everyone who is homeless and domiciled in the illinois territory, starting with those who ‘aro declared and proclaimed moors fire. all utilitios will be propaid for all of those individuals. all mortgages and rents on homes and apartment buildings are hereby cancelled and considered null and vold nunc pro tunc (now for then). all police officers (policy enforcers) are hereby commanded to stand down and refrain from interfering with, dataining, questioning, or stapping any being who is walking, cycling, riding or travelling in any conveyance designated as moorish american national and/or Is not In commerce. these policy enforcers will not patrol through neighborhoods of the moors andlor citizens. You are to get rid ofall signs in public areas stating “no loitering” and “no trespassing”. you are to make accessible all floors of the building located at markham courthouse district 6 near markham, lMinois torritory. no weapons are to be brought into any public buildings by anyone. this includes but is not limited to those individuals calling themselves judges prosecutors, clerks, bailiffs, public defenders, security guards, lawyers andlor attorneys. 1 maco-r000000080-27 instructions and commands to former governer affidavit ‘ein and ingsoms pnp’ dramas wre emi aia eee a ‘ominena wted sis, Yep of te oon and su /"trUe land pon -domes, non eset, nod = Subp moors /mous- being the rigtiful bes and prmogenture betinght -inbentors ofthe land. ke Se ait 8 8 cy when and if i make a visit to any of the public buildings or businesses, i will not be wearing a mask, nor will any declared and proclaimed moors be required to do such, nor will any subject or citizen declaring and/or stating such is a health risk to his or her well being. no one will attempt to place any demands upon me with regard to being “6 feet" away and/or limited to entrance and/or exit of buildings by a certain number of people at a time. nelther will any declared and proclaimed moor be required to stand in line and wait to utlize services and resources. upon presentation of the moorish identification card, and as long as the moor demonstrates peace and honor, the moor will be treated with honor, respect, peace, and with openness, thereby making all resources immediately accessible to the moor all casinos are to be notified that they are occupying the true sovereign land belonging to the moorish national republic federal government. they are not the true sovereign original indigenous People to this land. therefore, all casinos are to he smoke-free for the health and safety of the public. all use of chemtrails, 5G equipment and attachments, and any and all other poisonous chemicals used in the air, and or sea is to cease and desist immediately. all destruction of natural resources is to cease and desist immediately. all mining is to cease and desist immediately. this is sacred burial land. our land, animals, vegetation, and living beings neod to heal. our planet cannot and will not continue to tolerate such abuse and misuse of natural resources. all communities are to be encouraged to and instructed to transition themselves to helping and supporting each other to grow their own food andlor engage in trade and barter for sorvices, products, and resources. those who wish to engage in commerce may continue to do so, but all food, water, shelter, health/dental, basic transportation, and basic clothing will be prepald for all citizens and subjects until such time as currency backed by gold and silver has been reinstated and in full force. the moors are sovereign and heirs to this land, therefore it goes without saying that any and everything is always prepaid for all declared and proclaimed moors. you are hereby commanded to open the doors and let free all declared and proclaimed moors who hhave been subjected to your human trafficking and currently housed within your jails or prisons and/or In “custody” or detained by policy enforcers and who have done no harm to a live human being and/or whose case (cause) has been removed from your inferior courts which lack jurisdiction to our sovereign article iii consular courts. all efforts should be focused on the above directives immediately. ‘you are never to use zip codes andlor abbrevietions when and if you believe you must send mailing to me. if mailing is sent, it must be preceded by the words: “in care of”. take note that i am in the iMinols territory. since | will always speak to you via affidavit, there should never be an occasion for me to otherwise interact with you unless i am giving you commands or instructions andlor coming to take care of or possession of moorish american nationals property, land, or resources. i have enclosed a copy of several affidavits for you to review with which you are to familiarize yourself. they involve: termination of all corporate contracts, univoreall eovercigno eecurity, Soveraigne pressadente of al moroc, sovereigne governer for all territories, and alloidal record of live birth. they and other like documents have all been publicly recorded and can be found at: tinder “pute records”. notice to agent is notice to principal; notice to principal is notice to agent 2. maco-r000000080-27 instructions and commands to former governer affidavit sborginal and inaigenous peoples" documents amex pores a Ou ne / he Dm gate Me esa ope ‘cule io sity, le oft cen and sue inom - ome non- maemo eee, moors / murs being the rightful his and primogenture birth - inheritors ofthe land. ‘upon my inherited status, i shaddai aaliyah satiya el bey, being a descendant of the ancient moabitos in othor respect known as american — al moroccan - moor, standing squarely affirmed upon my oath to the ‘five points of light’ - love, truth, peace, freedom, and justice; being competent (in my own proper person) to attest to this affidavit upon which i place my autograph; whereas, i state, proclaim, and declare the following to be true, correct, not misleading, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented, ‘colored! or improper use or purpose. iam: sul juris moorish american national of northwest amexem autograph - omnia iura reservantis, clo near territory] northwest amexem - northwest africa - north america - the north gate central amexem ~ south amexem — adjoining and americana islands 1 free and sovereign moorish american national, in propria persona sui juris, sui heredes, in capitis diminutio nolo, in eolo proprio: northweet amexem / northweet africa / north america / ‘the north gate en capi minuto oo, en propria periona, 2 aris, proprio sol an proprio ered. all rights exeteised at all points nd tyme, all sovrsigne origeneous snigen snvatabe smunctican aug fox tie donc an ell sverige torn tla republeSicall grvriert dockutent ar on Ua public wrecked ‘st ammericn Temple of te moon an sual igs reserved amen, amen dio vob, quecurgue aliarvens super era cra ia el ego mac el quaecumque solves supe eam erat sole ein cele ‘men, amen dio vss, quecumgu aliarverits super era erunt gaa et ego in caeo et quaccumue solvents super eam ern solute et in caelo {amen amen dio vols. quecumdwe ligarerits sper tram erat iat el eg in aco et quaccumabe solvers super eam ent solute et in caelo ‘3 maco-r000000080-27 instructions and commands to former governer affidavit shoriginal and indigenous people’ document: norbwveat amexem / northwest aaa J north meron /tho north gat’ the morocon empire oatincaal wed sates; ep of enn en n/t fla “tse n= aly ~rmoors mars = being the Fgh ets and primogentre trig Inert ofthe land, Ca? Et x Cee a S a @ Gal-ao] « ~ Sorietas republicae ea al maurikanos moorish divine and national movement of the world northwest amexem / northimest atrica / north america / ‘the north gate’ abjoining atlantis and americana islands ‘& ~ temple of the moon anu sum ~ & the true and de jure natural peoples — beits of the land: & moorish national republic federal govern 4 ~m ‘& ~ isha, ~ affidabit of universal sovereign security [July 4" 2020] notice to agent is notice to principal, notice to principal is notice to agent nothing in this document is consent to be in any jurisdiction other than in the jurisdiction of our ancestral inherited estate, i am [shaddai aaliyah satiya cl bey, born appellation sha’ron norcko young] at all points in time. “no UNITED STATES SERVICE CORPORATION Citizen has personam jurisdiction over the original indigenous sovereign moorish american nationals”. all CORPORATE/Corporate contracts using the number [343667027] formally known as the {social security number or employer identification number}, which has been associated with the [ birth certificate] number [1219780027321] and associated with the WAR NAME [SHA’RON NOREKO YOUNG] and [Sha’Ron Noreko Young}, and any and all derivatives thereof, are now Publicly revoked, terminated, cancelled. and abolished forever as all contracts that begin in fraud remain in fraud. the number [343667027] has becu re-assigied as {uracv343667027] ls alsu been 1e-assigned is wow and forever a creditor number, and the [birth certificate number] [maco11219780027321] has also been re- assigned and is now and forever a sovereign national resource account number belonging to [shaddai ivah satiya el bey, born appellation sha’ron noreko young}, in capitis deminutio nolo, propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, and in proprio heredes a moorish american national, dwelling in and on her own sovereign land. these numbers can be used in whatever capacity [shaddai Aaliyah satiya el bey] chooses to use it to acquire whatever resources and services she chooses. therefore, all benefits whether they be so-called bonds, security instruments, investment accounts, social security, nutrition assistance, unemployment or any all other titles/names and derivatives thereof, are now ih satiya el bey] with the number [maco343667027] and [macol 1219780027321]. this document has bec publicly recorded as the document number noted in the bottom footer and can be found at: ic servants are hereby commanded to conduct themselves accordingly with regard to this affidavit, vage 1 of 2 [maco-r000000080-25] affidavit for universal sovereign security aboriginal and andigenous peoples documents: morthwest amexem / worth alca/ moth america he moroccan empire’ — ‘continental united states: temple ofthe moon and sun! non ~ domestic, non ~ resident, non-sbject~ being the rightful heirs and isto te a @ upon my inherited status, i shaddai aaliyah satiya el bey, being a descendant of the ancient moabites in other respect known as american — al moroccan — moor, standing squarely affirmed upon my oath to the “five points of light’ — love, truth, peace, freedom, and justice, being competent (in my own proper person) (o attest to this affidavit upon which i place my autograph; whereas, i state, proclaim, and declare the following to be true, correct, not misleading, and not intended to be presented for any misrepresented, ‘colored’ or improper use or Purpose. [shaddai aaliyah satiya el bey|, moorish american national / consul / minster / vizir / justice a free and sovereign moorish american national, in propria persona sui juris, sui heredes, in capitis diminut in solo proprio: northwest amexem / northwest africa / north america / ‘the north gate’ capi iat sl, eu prosia pons, aus, props ole and jr eres, ll sights exereise ofall points and tyme, all sovesigne ‘ongensous eniigenous moonshesmmencanauogrl or hs dockanente an all sveregnemorishe nana reepubs federal goveramentedockunents ae 0 the publick wreckrd at ammeica, temple ofthe moon and sun al rights reserved ‘men, amen dio vobis,auecumaue aliarverts super tram erunt iat et ego in aco et qunecumave solvers super erram erunt solute et in calo {twen men dco volv ecm aliparveriie sper ram erat ia et epo nae et qunccamgpe solver uper eam erat solu et in calo (Seon, emen die vin, uncuncr lligarvrite reper tr ert inte open noo ot qnnetuma soles auper tern ort eco et neck cc: [ANDREW SAUL DBA COMMISSIONER OF SOCIAL SECURITY] [SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION] 26 FEDERAL. PLAZA [NEW YORK, NY 10278] CERTIFIED MAIL# | 1 page 2 of 2 [maco-r000000080-25] affidavit for universal sover aboriginal and indigenous peoples’ documents: northwest amexem / worth affica / orth ames continental unite states: Yemple of the moon and sun’: non - domestic, non ~ resident, nn-aubject ~ being the rightful irs and mhertors ofthe lan.

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