AMPALAYA (Momordica Charantia) LEAVES EXTRACT As An Alternative Molluscicide

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A Research Paper on



A Fulfillment of the Requirement for an Investigatory Project in the subject

Advances Statistics and Investigatory Project 1

An Investigatory Project presented to Tr. Schievvie Mae Abanilla of

Casa Del Niño Montessori School of Roxas

San Rafael, Roxas, Isabela

Research Adviser:
Tr. Emard Maun

Prepared by:
Marielle Grace I. Balmores
Czarina Faye A. Valerozo
Mia Ann P. Salvador
Michelle Ashley B. Fontanilla
Frances Aira C. Carlos

March 17, 2020


Background of the Study

Farmers use pesticides to kill, lessen, or repel pests that can harm and bother the growth

of plants and crops. The advantages that the farmers can get from using pesticides are to lessen

the pest that bother their crops’ growth in and they can harvest more.

There are many types of pesticides. Some of them are synthetic, organic, inorganic, bio

rational pesticides. Synthetic pesticides are sold with the help of a chemical company despite

being produced inside a laboratory. They are separated according to the kind of chemical they

are similar with, such as organophosphates. Organic pesticides are made by living organisms.

These help plants to defend themselves from any type of parasites or predators. An example of

organic pesticide is Nicotine which is products of the genus nicotiana. It is harmful to mammals.

Often, older synthetic pesticides are more toxic than organic pesticides, but not all the time.

Organic does not always mean that it is low toxicity and safe for the environment. Inorganic

pesticides are made from minerals that are mined from the earth and ground into a fine powder.

Some work as toxins and some work by physically meddling with the vermin. Older inorganics

pesticides are as highly poisonous as copper and arsenic.

Current inorganic pesticides are relatively low in toxicity and have low environmental

impact compared to older solutions of inorganic pesticide. Lastly, biorational pesticides refers to

synthetic, organic, or inorganic pesticides that are both low toxicity and exhibit a very low

impact on the environment. "Biorationals" also have minimal impact on species for which they

are not intended (called non-target species).

Molluscicide is a type of pesticide which is used to kill mollusks, an animal phylum of

tens of thousands of invertebrate creatures. Mollusks include octopi and squid, as well as snails

and slugs, which are usually targeted by molluscicides.

Ampalaya (Bitter Melon) with a scientific name Momordica charantia, is a tropical and

subtropical vine of the family Cucurbitaceae are native fruits that can be found in the Amazon,

Carribean, and Southeast Asia like the Philippines for its edible fruit.

Bitter gourd is commonly known as Ampalaya or bitter melon. As the name indicates its

bitter taste due to the presence of momordicin, and is thought to be the most bitter of all


Ampalaya is a climber plant that grows up to 5m, and their stem can also grows up to 20

cm long. Its leaves are heart-shaped, 5-10 cm across, and it is cut into 5-7 lobes. Ampalaya has

been a folkloric cure for generations but it is now been proven to be an effective herbal medicine

for many ailments.

Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia) contains alkaloid, flavonoid, saponins and phenolic

compounds. Alkaloids are usually found in plants, alkaloid is bitter in taste. Flavonoid and

saponins also have bitter taste.

This research provides all the information in making a molluscicide made of ampalaya

extract, and its benefits in our health. So, the researchers want to conduct an experiment on how

to use Ampalaya as a molluscicide.

Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to determine the efficacy of Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia) leaf

extract as a moluscicide to Golden Apple Snails.

Specifically, this aim to answer the following questions:

1. What are the characteristics of the Golden Apple Snails as to weight?

2. What is the process of preparing Ampalaya extract as molluscicide?

3. What is the effect of Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) leaf extract in Golden Apple


4. Which of the varying concentrations would be the most effective in controlling the

population of Golden Apple Snail?

5. Is there any significant difference with the effects of the varying concentrations of

Ampalaya (Momordica charantia), in the mortality of the Golden Apple Snails?

Hypothesis of the Study

The following null hypothesis will be statistically tested:

1. There is no significant difference with the effects of the different concentration of

Amplaya (Momordica charantia), in the mortality of the Golden Apple Snails.

2. There is a significant difference with the effects of the different concentration of

Amplaya (Momordica charantia), in the mortality of the Golden Apple Snails.

Objective of the Study

The main objective of this study is to examine the effectiveness of Momordica Charantia

extract as an alternative molluscicide.

The specific objectives of the study were:

1. To determine the characteristic of the Golden Apple Snail as to weight.

2. To determine the process of preparing Ampalaya extract as molluscicide.

3. To determine the effect of Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia) leaf extract in Golden

Apple Snails.

4. To determine which of the varying concentrations would be effective in controlling the

population of Golden Apple Snails.

5. To determine if there is any significant difference with the effects of the varying

concentrations of Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia), in the mortality of the Golden

Apple Snails.

Significance of the Study

This study will pave way to the discovery of new molluscicides which makes use of

indigenous plant materials and is much cheaper than the other synthetic materials sold in the

market that could be utilized by agricultural industries in the production of cheaper and

environment friendly molluscicidal products. It will serve as a guide for the chemical industries

to formulate molluscicides that are not dangerous to man’s health and the environment. In turn

the farmers will be benefited financially from this production of cost effective and environment-

friendly molluscicidal product.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The constituent in making mollucicide will be limited to the fresh leaves of

Amplaya(Momordica charantia). The extract at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% will be tested on
snails which will be observed in Casa Del Niño Montessori School of Roxas Science

Laboratory. Fresh leaves samples will be used to prepare the extract.

Time and Locale of the Study

The ampalaya that will be used in the experiment will be gathered in the Roxas Farmers

Market, located at Rizal Roxas, Isabela. The Golden Apple Snails that will be used in the

experiment will be gathered in Brgy. Caliguian Burgos, Isabela. Experimental method will be

done in Casa Del Niño Montessori School of Roxas Science Laboratory on January 21, 2020 and

January 23, 2020.

Definition of Terms

To ensure clarity and definiteness to their usage, the following terms were hereby

defining in accordance with how they were used in the study.

Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia). A tropical annual vine native to Asia, it is popular for its

bitter taste. Because of its bitterness it can be used to make molluscicide. This refers to the leaves

that have been extracted that is used to conduct this research.

Golden Apple Snails. Snails that are highly invasive and cause damage to rice crops. This

refers to the sample snail used for the investigation.

Molluscicide. A substance or agent; a type of pesticide used to kill harmful mollusks. This refers

to the Ampalaya extract that will be used to kill Golden Apple Snails.

Mortality. The death of large numbers (as of people or animals. The number of deaths in a

particular time or place. This refers to the death of Golden Apple Snails that will be used for the

School. This refers to Casa Del Niño Montessori School of Roxas, San Rafael, Roxas, Isabela

where the investigation will be conducted.

Treatment. The techniques or actions customarily applied in a specified situation. A substance

or technique used in treating an experimental condition

Concentration. It refers to the percentage by volume of the Ampalaya leaf extract in a solution

and is described as 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%.


This chapter presents a brief review of literature that is related to these studies.

Molluscicide plays an important role in agriculture and public health. They make an

important role by increasing the production of food and fiber and improving human health by

reducing the rate of vector-borne diseases. In addition to crop damage induced by pests and/or

mollusks, these pests that cause adverse effects on human health and domestic animals produce

the toxic metabolites. (Abdel-Tawab H. Mossa et al, 2018)

The work of the pesticide usage survey is outlined as is the methodology of sample

selection, the range of surveys and data collection. Annually over 800,000 hectares of

agricultural and horticultural crops are treated with molluscicides and over 250 tonnes of active

substances are applied. Metaldehyde accounts for 55% of the total area treated, methiocarb 40%

and thiodicarb 5%. Molluscicide use has increased almost 70 times since 1970-1974 with arable

crops accounting for 99% of all usage. (Miles Thomas, 2015)

There are many use of Bitter gourd or Ampalaya. It can be used as a mosquito repellent.

Mosquitoes have been a problem for people all over the world. They have evolved many tricks

over thousands of years to make them very good at what they do. Most of the mosquito-borne

diseases are now endemic to South and Central America, parts of Asia and Africa. Some of the

encephalitis viruses, like West Nile, Japanese encephalitis and Western and Eastern equine

encephalitis, do cause infections in the United States, Japan and Europe. (Rustico Baydo III,


Aside from Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia), Eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis),

green chili (Capsicum annuum) and garlic (Allium sativum) can be used to make natural

molluscicide too. Garlic for example, makes an excellent economical, non-toxic molluscicide for
the garden, like ampalaya. It has natural fungicidal and pesticidal properties that work effectively

to control pests. For maximum efficacy in pest control, avoid using any chemical fertilizers.

Fertilizers diminish the capacity of vital ingredients in garlic to fight pests and/or mollusks. (MD

Edward Group, 2017).

Solanum have been found to have significant and potentially useful molluscicidal

activity. Such activity varies greatly from species to species and even between different parts of

the same plant. It was reported that steroidal alkaloids from Solanum aculeastrum possess strong

molluscicidal properties. Solanum xanthocarpum that belongs to Solanaceae family is an

indigenous herb that develops abundantly in Thailand. It is referred to in Thai as "Makhua

Khurn". The plant has been utilized customarily for relieving different ailments and concentrates

of different parts have been utilized as a larvicide and molluscicide. This plant is known to

deliver an extraordinary assortment of alkaloids as glycoalkaloids, which are significant normal

opposition operators to a few bugs. The ethanolic rough concentrate from Solanum

xanthocarpum known as Yellow-Fruit Nightshade was examined for its molluscicidal movement

against Biomphalaria glabrata, a species of snails. (Tansak, C., 2010).

Saponins are glycosides of steroids, steroid alkaloids and triterpenes which are found in

plants, particularly plant skins, where they structure a waxy defensive covering. They comprise

of a polycyclic aglycone that's either a choline steroid or triterpenoid joined through C3 or ether

hold tight a sugar side chain. The aglycone is alluded to because the sapogenin and steroid

saponins are called saraponins. The capacity of a saponin to froth is led to by the blend of the

nonpolar sapogenin and thus the water dissolvable side chain. Saponins are severe and lessen the

attractiveness of domesticated animals bolsters. Certain field weeds contain significant amounts
of risky saponins and end in hazardous toxicities sure as shooting creature species. (G.P. Savage,


Furthermore, alkaloids are present in Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) leaves, the

chemical content which is responsible in killing Golden Apple Snails. Alkaloids and flavonoid

compounds give the bitter taste of Ampalaya. Ampalaya contains compounds that can kill

Golden Apple Snails and mosquitos. They are non-volatile and release insecticidal smoke when

the plant materials or the mosquito coil containing the active ingredients are burnt. Therefore,

Ampalaya and Solanum contain alkaloids that can kill snails.

Chrysanthemum Flower Tea, Chrysanthemum flowers are said to hold a powerful plant

chemical compound known as pyrethrum. This substance is believed to damage the nervous

system of insects and pests. All you need to do is to boil some dried flowers in to a pan full of

water for about 20 minutes. Strain, cool and add it into your spray bottle. This solution can be

stored up to two months. In order to make it more effective, you can add some neem oil to it.

Extracts or crude parts of neem often used for protecting stored grains against insects by

mixing them together with seeds. It was found that the leaf powder, the seed oil and all kinds of

extracts do indeed have a negative effect on the seed-eating insects. Neem was stated on the tops

of the list of 2,400 plant species that are reported to have pesticidal properties and is regarded as

the most reliable source of eco-friendly biopesticidal property. Neem based pesticides are

systemic in nature which have no ill effects on humans and animals, and have no residual effect

on agricultural produce. Besides, it is also easy to prepare, cheap and highly effective and thus

constitute as an important source of pesticide for economically poor farmers.

The neem tree contains various insect repelling compounds (azadirachthin, meliantriol

and salannin), which inhibit the maturation or feeding ability of insect pests without having any
adverse effects on birds and mammals. These substances are known to have been used as

insecticides in many parts of the world and have been reported to be successful in pest and

disease control.

This medicinal herb has a bitter taste and strong odor that may keep the bugs away from

your plants, but non-toxic to animals, birds, plants and humans. It's best to spray neem oil on

young plants where it is said to be effective for about 22 days. To make neem oil spray, add half

an ounce of high-quality organic neem oil and half a teaspoon of a mild organic liquid soap to

two quarts of warm water. Stir slowly. Add to a spray bottle and use immediately. (Rosdiyani

Massaguni and MD Siti Noor Hajjar Latip,)(2012).

Homemade bio-pesticides are always friendly environment, safe, low cost or free of cost

locally available resources utilization system through engaging family labor. The common

understanding on homemade bio-pesticides and organic pest management was very positive.

Both preventive and control measures were taken by the farmers in the study area.( MD Shafiqul

Islam, 2016).


This chapter presents the materials to be used, the design of the study and the procedures

to be performed in testing the toxicity of the leaf extract of Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia).

Preparation of Samples
- Wash the snails

- Check and record the weight of each snail

- Remove the Ampalaya leaves from the stem

Measuring tools

- Measuring cup (a measuring cup is a tool used to measure the amount of a substance)

-Beaker (a vessel used as a container in the laboratory with a bottom that is flat)

-Triple beam balance (a device used to measure the mass of a substance)

Extraction and Filtration

- Smashed the Ampalya leaves using a mortar

- Squeezed by hand to get the extract from the smashed Ampalaya leaves

Preparation and Collection of Specimen

The golden apple snails will be tested. These will be collected from potential breeding

sites which include rice fields in the vicinity of Brgy. Caliguian Burgos, Isabela. The collected

snails will be placed in a bucket.

Collection of Ampalaya Plant and Extract Preparation

Ampalaya plant was collected in the Roxas Farmers Market, located at Rizal Roxas,

2.5 kilograms of fresh Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia) leaves were used. The leaves

will be separated from the stem and grounded using mortar and pestle to be squeezed by hand to

get the plant extract. The plant residue will be then discarded.

The extracted 625 ml of Ampalaya leaves will be divided into four treatments. The four

treatments will be twenty-five percent (25%) concentration of Ampalaya (Momordica

Charantia) leaf extract (62.5 ml), fifty percent (50%) concentration of Ampalaya (Momordica

Charantia) leaf extract (125 ml), seventy-five percent (75%) concentration of Ampalaya

(Momordica Charantia) leaf extract (187.5 ml) and one hundred percent (100%) concentration

of Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia) leaf extract (250 ml).

Preparation of Experimental Set-up

The researchers will be introduced the concentrations of the Ampalaya (Momordica

Charantia) leaf extracts inside the containers which contain ten (10) Golden Apple Snails per

container, the containers will be maintained for 24 hours and observations will be made

throughout the experiment.

The containers with Golden Apple Snails will be upheld in the Casa Del Niño Montessori

School of Roxas laboratory. In every designated period of time (24 hours), dead snails will be

separated from the experimental containers into the tray with pure tap water.

Experimental Design

Application of Amplaya (Momordica charantia) leaf extract on Golden Apple Snail.

There will be three replications in each treatment including the control treatment.
The four treatments will be considered as follows:

T1–25% Amplaya (Momordica charantia) leaf extract

T2–50% Amplaya (Momordica charantia) leaf extract

T3–75% Amplaya (Momordica charantia) leaf extract

T4–100% Amplaya (Momordica charantia) leaf extract

Golden Apple Snails test will be used to determine the comparison of the means of the

four treatments.

T0R1 T0R2 T0R3

T1R1 T1R2 T1R3

T2R1 T2R2 T2R3

T3R1 T3R2 T3R3

T4R1 T4R2 T4R3

Statistical Analysis

The molluscicidal activity of Amplaya (Momordica charantia) leaf extract to Golden

Apple Snails (Pomacea canaliculata Lam) will be analyzed using frequency count and weighted
mean Diagram

Ampalaya Leaf


Air Dried and Chopped Ampalaya Leaf

2.5 kg of dried Ampalaya Leaves

Application of Treatment

T1 (25%) T2 (50%) T3 (75%) T4 (100%)

T0 (Control)
187.5 ml 125 ml 62.5 ml 250 ml of
250 ml of water and water and water and extract
water 62.5 ml 125 ml 187.5 ml
extract extract extract

Beaker and Beaker and Beaker and Beaker and Beaker and
Tray Tray Tray Tray Tray

T0R1 T1R1 T2R1 T3R1 T4R1

T0R2 T1R2 T2R2 T3R2 T4R2

T0R3 T1R3 T2R3 T3R3 T4R3



This chapter discusses the results of the investigation and data. The data are shown in
table form.

Table 1. Presentation of the Application of Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia) Extract and

the Amount of Water on Golden Apple Snails for Replication 1.

Treatments Amount of Ampalaya Amount of Water Frequency (Died)

25% 62.5 ml 187.5 ml 7
50% 125 ml 125 ml 7
75% 187.5 ml 62.5 ml 8
100% 250 ml 0 ml 10

The present data revealed that the 100% (250ml) concentration showed the highest molluscicidal

activity with a total of 10 dead Golden Apple snails, followed by 75% (187.5) concentration with

8 dead Golden Apple Snails, followed by both 50% (25 ml) and 25% (62.5 ml) concentration

both having a total 7 dead Golden Apple Snails each.

Table 2. Presentation of the Application of Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia) Extract and

the Amount of Water on Golden Apple Snails for Replication 2.

Treatments Amount of Ampalaya Amount of Water Frequency (Died)

25% 62.5 ml 187.5 ml 7
50% 125 ml 125 ml 7
75% 187.5 ml 62.5 ml 10
100% 250 ml 0 ml 10

The data revealed that both 100% (250ml) and 75% (187.5ml) concentration showed the

highest molluscicidal activity with total of 10 dead Golden Apple snails, followed by both

50%(125 ml) and 25% (62.5 ml) concentration with the total of 7 dead Golden Apple Snails


Table 3. Presentation of the Application of Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia) Extract and

the Amount of Water on Golden Apple Snails for Replication 3.

Treatments Amount of Ampalaya Amount of Water Frequency (Died)

25% 62.5 ml 187.5 ml 6
50% 125 ml 125 ml 9
75% 187.5 ml 62.5 ml 10
100% 250 ml 0 ml 10

The present data revealed that both 100% (250ml) and 75% (187.5ml) concentration

showed the highest molluscicidal activity with a total of 10 dead Golden Apple snails, followed

by 50% (125 ml) concentration with the total of 9 dead Golden Apple Snails. Lastly, in 25%

(62.5 ml) concentration there are only 6 Golden Apple Snails died.

Table 4. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Characteristics of the Golden Apple

Snail as to weight for Treatment 1.

Class Interval as to weight in Frequency Percentage Distribution

4.2 – 7.4 11 27.5%
7.5 – 10.6 14 35%
10.7 – 13.8 4 10%

13.9 - 17 1 2.5%
17.1 – 20.2 1 2.5%
20.3 – 23.4 3 7.5%
23.5 – 26.6 6 15%
TOTAL N=40 100%

The table shows that most of the sample weight range within 7.5 - 10.6 grams which has

a total of 14 golden apple snails and has a percentage of 35. There are 11 Golden Apple Snails

within 4.2 to 7.4 and a percentage of 27.5%. The sample weight from 10.7 to 13.8 has a

frequency of 4 Golden Apple Snails with a percentage of 10. Within the class interval of 13.9 to

17 and 17.1 to 20.2 they have the same frequency which is 1 Golden Apple Snail and they have a

percentage of 2.5. The table shows that most of the sample weight range within 20.3-23.4 grams

which has a total of 3 Golden Apple Snails which have a percentage of 7.5%. There are 6 Golden

Apple Snails within the class interval of 23.5 to 26.6 with a percentage of 15.

Table 5. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Characteristics of the Golden Apple

Snail as to weight for Treatment 2.

Class Interval as to weight in Frequency Percentage Distribution


5.6 – 8.7 12 30%

8.8 – 11.8 14 35%
11.9 - 15 7 17.5%

15.1 – 18.1 4 10%

18.2 – 21.2 2 5%
21.3 – 24.3 0 0%
24.4 – 27.4 1 2.5%
TOTAL N=40 100%
Within the class interval of 5.6 to 8.7 there are 12 Golden Apple Snails with a percentage of 30.

The table shows that most of the sample weight range within 8.8 to 11.8 grams which has a total

of 14 Golden Apple Snails which have a percentage of 35. There are seven Golden Apple Snails

within the class interval of 11.9 to 15 with a percentage of 17.5. The sample weight from 15.1 to

18.1 has a frequency of 4 Golden Apple Snails with a percentage of 10. The percentage of the

class interval of 18.2 to 21.2 is 5 percent with only two Golden Apple Snails. In 21.3 to 24.3

there are none of Golden Apple Snails. There is only one Golden Apple Snails with a percentage

of 2.5. Therefore, there are a total of 40 Golden Apple Snails with a percentage of 100.

Table 6. Frequency and Percentage Distribution of the Characteristics of the Golden Apple

Snail as to weight for Treatment 3.

Class Interval as to weight in Frequency Percentage Distribution


4.5 – 8.53 13 32.5%

8.54 – 12.56 13 32.5%

12.57 – 16.59 5 12.5%

16.60 – 20.62 4 10%

20.63 – 24.65 4 10%

24.66 – 28.66 0 0%

28.67 – 32.69 1 2.5%

TOTAL N=40 100%

The table shows that most of the sample weight range within 4.5 - 8.53 grams and 8.54 -

12.56 grams that has a total of 13 golden apple snails which have a percentage of 32.5 each.

Within 12.57 – 16.59 grams of Golden Apple Snails there are 5 snails which have a percentage

of 12.5. The sample weight from 16.60 to 20.62 and 20.63 to 24.65 has the same frequency of 4

Golden Apple Snails and has a percentage of 10%. In 24.66 to 28.66 there are none Golden

Apple Snails. There is only one Golden Apple Snail in 28.67 to 32.69 with a percentage of 2.5.

Therefore, there are a total of 40 Golden Apple Snails with the percentage of 100.


Pesticides are used to kill, lessen, or repel pests that can harm and bother the growth of

plants and crops. There are many types of pesticides. Some of them are synthetic, organic,

inorganic, bio rational pesticides. Molluscicide is a type of pesticide which is used to kill

mollusks, an animal phylum of tens of thousands of invertebrate creatures. Mollusks include

octopi and squid, as well as snails and slugs, which are usually targeted by molluscicides.

Ampalaya (Bitter Melon) with a scientific name Momordica charantia, is a tropical and

subtropical vine of the family Cucurbitaceae are native fruits that can be found in the Amazon,

Carribean, and Southeast Asia like the Philippines for its edible fruit. Ampalaya (Momordica

Charantia) contains alkaloid, flavonoid, and phenolic compounds. Alkaloids are present in

Ampalaya (Momordica charantia) leaves, the chemical content which is responsible in killing

Golden Apple Snails.

This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia) in

killing Golden Apple Snails. The experiments were conducted in a plastic tray with water and

Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia) extract depending on the treatment.

The results showed that the difference in the concentration of the Ampalaya leaf extract

determines how effective it is to kill the Golden Apple Snails, also the weight of the Golden

Apple Snails have a large impact on their mortality rates.

The researchers observed that the Golden Apple Snails' mortality rates increased when

the weight of the snail is either heavy or light. It was also examined that the mortality rates of the

Golden Apple Snails with an average weight have lower mortality rate. Thus, Golden Apple

Snails' mortality rates are associated with how heavy they are, in which both Golden Apple

Snails that are heavier and lighter than average weight have high mortality rates and low chances

of survival. While those Golden Apple Snails that have average weight have lower mortality

rates and a higher chance of survival in Ampalaya (Momordica Charantia) compared to those

Golden Apple Snails that weigh heavier and lighter than average. Most importantly Ampalaya

leaf extract is an effective molluscicide.


The researches suggests that it is better to use homemade bio-pesticide for the reason that

it is eco-friendly, do not have any adverse effects on birds and mammals, and have no residual

effect on agricultural produce. Besides, it is also easy to prepare, cheap and highly effective and

thus constitute as an important source of pesticide for economically poor farmers.

Weighing Numbering

Application of Treatment

Application of Water
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