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= S Ce-a-a) ae moorish national republic federal government Societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ s moorish divine and national movement of the world é Northwest amexem / southwest amexem / central amexem / adjoinin atlantis and americana islands Se ~ L6.Lam. © Se affidavit of universall sovereigne origenel endigeneous anciente g moorishe anumerican - sovereigne govenore, sovereigne attornee generale, sovereigne chief for staite, sovereign mapore sovereigne borne appellation sha’ron noreko young , chosen appellationn shaddal aaliyah satiya el bey en capitis diminutio nolo, justise, vi whereaz, | ande all moorsshe ammericans are thee sovereignne universall origeneall endigenous naturall divine laww ende governmente unm ourr enciente holey sovereign ancest alll enheritted landss at ammerica. we are ascedents spriritum returned alivee. wee are thee ascendents uf thee graite phharoahs uf kemett ande uf thee anciente moabytes ande canaanytes. wee are thee soulvent creditors tu all nashuns on earthe. wee are thee executors, trustees. Ministars, klaimants, heirs ande benefishiares uf our ownn vastt eestate. - whereaz. wee are thee sovereign govenores. sovereigne attornee generales. soverienge chief for staite and sovereign mayores on our land. Wee are manye origneall endigenouse sovereign governments and nations who are one to endklude thee de jure moorishe nationale republic fedheralll governmentes, thee moorishe American consulate and thee sovereign moorishe American konsulare courte. Wee are exxercisinge sovereigne personum jurisdictione, soveriegne territorial jurisdiction andd sovereigne subjeckt matter jursidictione over all matturs, spaice and tyme. wee are the government over aall kammerce, Kompanies ande resourcees onn ourr landd. wee aree manye origenall endigenous sovereigne governmentes ande nationes whoo aree onee tu encklude thee de jure moorishe nationale republick fedheralll governmente, thee moorishe ammerican konsulate, ande thee sovereigne moorishe ammerican konsular courte, wee aree exxercisinge soverigene personum jurisdi soveriegne terratorial jurisdictione ande sovereigne subjeckt matterr jurisdictone overt alll matturs, spaice, ande tyme jone, Whereaz, wee aree nott a parte uf thee captializimm systeme, ande thee capitalizmm systemme iz subjeckt tu uss. alll onn ourr landd Iz a resource forr yous byy thee sovereign imourishe armmerican governmente att ourr willl az wee are thee credditors tu alll nationes onn earthe. whereaz, wee are allways ande ownlee en thee jurisdictione uf our anciente ancestrall enheritted eestate att all tymes nune pro tune. whereaz. our sovereigne governmentall obbligationes encklude makinge ande enforcing thee sovereigne suupreme laww for thee landd, possessione uf anciente buriale lands, ande upplifting fallin hurnannitee, umung uther sovereigne obbligationes az wee sow proklaime ande az given bye our annsesstors. whereaz, wee are thee righte full possessorrs fore all landd ande all propertey all naturale reesources ande all kommarce thatt waz falseloy presummed abanduned az thair iz nno abandoned landd, no abanduned propertey, ‘no abanduned naturale reesources nor aney abanduned kommerce on our eestate, wee proclaime salvatione ande soveriegne salvage for alll landd, all naturale reesources, all kommerce, ande all living beings. 1 mace r000000080-28 affidavit soveriegnecheifcnaccuttne ffccer ohadda alah sta cl bey] agi stigmas pope sees eiameenrs eres ii (i meas ie! Uo tie pr - Reivers - Salle lated sates, Yemple ofthe moon and sun tide land non = deste, aon = resident, non ~ subject, mors /mury = being the gif heirs and primogenstue btnght -inbentors ofthe land. additionalley, alll landd att ammerica iz anciente annsestral buriall landd a2 alll waz hidden ande iz noww revealled tu alll. whereaz, ourr sovereign rightt tuu ourr ancientt ancestrall burriall lands iz unalienablle andd enalienablle, wee are enjoined withh ourr sovereignn livingg landds, buriall moundds, andd ancientt buriedd sitez, wee herebye save, andd salwage ourr ownn vastt estate forr wee are thee salvashun forr ourr landds. wee havve allready begun praeying onn ourr landds dailey, therefour wee herebye akcess alll ourrlandds andd alll properteez, naturall resources andd all kommerce withoutt thee United States andd thee UNITED STATES. ourr missionarie workk tu uliff fallin humanity shalle koutinue andd ourr pravy tvme shalle nott bee dissturbbed forr anev reasonn. wee herehye exxcersize alll sovereigne rightts with akcess tu andd domenioun overr al land. alll naturall resources andd alll soveriegne kommerce. wee are thee laww andd wee are thee governmente. wee herebye envoke thee universall sovereigne origenall govermentall functions on our land for all moorish ammerican nationallz. alll serrvices are prepaidd by the de jure governmente and alll propertey iz partt uf ourr ‘own vastt estate. servicess willl kontinu forr alll mooriche ammericann nationalls. alll creditts given havve beenn noww prokiaimed az soveriegne credits andd are dew backk immediateley tu eachh moorishh ammerican governmentt immediateley tu eachh moorishh ammerican governmentt en thee nationalized soveriegn resource ackount uf thee moorishe ammiercian government kounsuls, ministers, justices and procklaimed heirz choicee. whereaz, thee moorishe ammerican flagg shalle floatt publickley att alll terratoriez onn ourr landd en thee noww tyme. where all maorishe ammerican flaggs float iz savereigne propertey uf thee thatt is thee domicile uf thee origenall endigenous sovereigne moorishe national repubick tederall government and iz for thee moorishe ammerican nationals and heirs. writtenn consentt frum thee sovereign govenores, sovereigne attornee generales, soverienge chief for staite and sovereign mayores empress shaddal aaliyah satiya el bey mustt bee sivenn to all thatt wantt tu vizt thiz sacredd sovereigne burialll groundd uf thee moorishe ammericann nationall ancestral landd priorr tu vizitting a2 uf thee datee uf thiz soverigne kommand. notice to agent is notice to principle and notice to principle is notice to agent. upon my inherittedd statuss, i, empress shaddai aaliyah satiya el bey consul/ justice, soveriegnn cheit exxecutivve otticerr,cheif financial otficerr and cheit opperatting ofticerr beeing a descendantt forr thee ancientt moabitess en otherr respectts knownn az ngunl ammerican moors, standingg squareley affirmed uponn myy oathh tu thee fivve pointts forrlightt” love, truth, peace, freedom, and justice; beeing compententt (en myy ownn properr personn) tu attestt tu thiz affidavitt uponn which i place my autographh . whereaz, istatte, procklaim, andd deeclaire thee followingg tu bee tru, correckt, nott mizieading, andd nott intendded tu bee presented forr any mizrepresented, ‘colored! or emporver use ort purrpose. chronos: 8, august 2020-1440 m.c.y en captis minuto nolo, en propria persona, Su jus, proprio Solo ana proprio 1s exercised atta pointts and tyme. all sovereigne origeneous enndigenous moorishe ammerican autogralfs for this dockumente and all sovereigne moorishe natlonall republic federall governmente dockuments are on the publick wreckord at ammerca ann, amen deo vis, quseeumghe allgaverts super terran ern ligata et ego in cate et quacumgue solvers super tram erunt sole etn caco aren, amen dico ‘obi, doaecumaueallgaveitis super tram erunt gata tego in aeo et quaecurgoe solvers supe eram erant solute tin caelo amen, amea dco vobis ‘quectmcynlligrertia per een ernt ipsa et og ncaa ef pace ener apr term eu alte ein ania 2 mace 1000000080. 28 affidavit soverlogne cheif executive ofccer — (shade aaliyah satiyn el bey] sLovgil angen peuple” ocaumas iloventaueenssawen aie uns aussie "he sug” Uaioe cate ena ted ses, temple of he moon and sun / wae sid non domest, nod = reside, non ~ sue, ~moors/ aus - being the rightful bes and pmogenture brthnghi- nberiors of he land Gorge

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