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Primary Function of the Muscular System

- Provide movement for the body

5 major properties of the Muscular system

1. Excitable or Irritable

- They are capable of receiving stimulations and responding stimulations from the nerves

2. Contractible

- After receiving the stimulation, they are capable of contracting or shortening

3. Extensible

- Muscle can be stretched without damage by the application of force

4. Elasticity

- Muscle is able to return to its original resting shape and length after being extended or


5. Adaptability

- The muscular system is adaptable in that it can be changed in response to how it is used

5 types of Muscular Movements

1. Adduction

- Moving of a body part toward the midline of the body

2. Abduction

- Moving a body part away from the body

3. Flexion

- Bending a joint to decrease the angle between two bones or two body parts

4. Extension

- Straightening and extending of the joint to increase the angle between two bones or

body parts

5. Rotation

- Moving a body part around an axis

3 Major types of Muscles

1. Cardiac Muscle

- Involuntary muscle

- It operates without any conscious control

- These muscles form the walls of the heart and contract to circulate the blood

- The only muscle that is not directly dependent upon the nervous system

2. Visceral/Smooth Muscles

- Involuntary muscles

- Muscles found in organ systems such as the digestive or respiratory system

3. Skeletal Muscles

- Muscles attached to skeleton and provide the skeleton with the ability to move

- Voluntary muscle

- Make a conscious effort or decision to make it move

Supportive Structures of Muscles

1. Tendon – attach a muscle to a bone

2. Fascia – attach muscle to muscle

(Tendons and fascia work together with the muscles which create the muscular system

necessary for movement)

3. Nervous System

- Is intrinsically connected to the muscular system of the body

- Essential to the voluntary skeletal muscles

(if the communication from the nervous system is severed from the skeletal muscles, the

skeletal muscles will not be able to produce movement for the body – PARALYSIS or



Primary Functions

- Protects the internal oragns

- Provides a framework or scaffolding

- Stores minerals that our body needs to function properly

- Produces blood cells

4 basic shapes

- Long bones (femur)

- Short bones (wrist or ankle bones)

- Flat bones (skull, scapula)

- Irregular bones (vertebrae)

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