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bed Se : s & moorish national republic federal government ma - 30] ~ sorietas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ moorish Dinine and national mohement of the earth ‘4 northinest amexem / south amexem / central amexem / north gate all adjoining islands the true and de jure natural people — heirs to the land > islam, ~ universal sovereign affidavit of command to appear In court q to: [THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION] and ll AGENTS, SUCCESSORS, and ASSIGNS Pamela Murphy-Roylan da { PAMELA MURPHY-BOYLAN] dba [CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER AND PRESIDEN | ‘August R. Butera dba [AUGUST R. BUTERA] dba [SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT] 1 South Wacker Dr 24th floor ICHICAGO, IL 60606] [U.S.] to: [ATTORNEYS" TITLE GUARANTY FUND INC] and all AGENTS, SUCCESSORS, and ASSIGNS Peter Birnbaum dba [PETER BIRNBAUM] dba President And Chief Exceutive Officer Christopher M. Burhans dba [CHRISTOPHER M. BURHANS ] dba Senior Vice President And Chicf Information Officer ‘August R Butera dba [AUGUST P. BUTERA] dba Senior Viee President And General Counsel “Thomas G. Cullen dbs [THOMAS G. CULLEN] Vice President And Managing Atiomey ‘Dehorah Frank Feinen dba [DEBORAH FRANK FEINEN] Vice President ~ Downstate Operations John Francoeur dba [ JOHN FRANCOEUR J dba Senior Vice President And Chief Financial Officer Jem 1, Gorman dba [JERRY T. GORMAN ] dba Donna Gagliardo Kogut dba [DONNA GAGLIARDO KOGUT| dba Vice President - Commercial Title And Escrow [Arden K. Miner dba [ARDEN K, MINER] dba Viee President ~ Underwriting, Support And Development John G. O’brien dba {JOHN G, O'BRIEN] dba Vive President And Counsel To The President Henry 1. Shulruffdba [HENRY L, SHULRUFF J dba Senior Vice President - Business Development ‘Cluistine M. Sparks dba [CHRISTINE M. SPARKS dba Senior Viee President -Chief Operating (Mficer Tania MS, Stori dba [TANIA M.S. STORE | dba Vice President ~ Claims And Litigation /W Austin dba [WILLIAM W AUSTIN] Chairman, Robert F. Russell dba [ROBERT F. RUSSELL] dba Viee Chairman cuts Atg Legal Education Wi ‘David 8. Dunn dba [David S. Dunn} dba Seerewary David F_ Andrews dba [DAVID E. ANDREWS] dba Treasurer ‘Aurora A. Austriaco dbs [ AURORA A. AUSTRIACO] dba Board Of Directors Peter J, Bimbaum dba [PETER J. BIRNBAUM] dba Board Of Direciors James M. Grant dba [JAMES M GRANT] dha Board Of Directors James N. Hallene dba [JAMES N. HALLENE] dba Board Of Directors ‘Murphy C. Hart dba [MURPHY C. HART] dba Board Of Directors rmaco-1090000080-36 orginal indigenous sovereign moolah amercan national document ‘moorish national republic teceral government female ofthe moors. new eusalem John M. Huetsch dba [JOHN M. HUETSCH] dba Board Of Directors Stoven K. Norgaard dba [STEVEN K, NORGAARD] dba Board Of Directors Jonathan P. Shey dba [}ONATHAN P, SHERRY] dba Board OFDinecwrs 1 South Wacker Dr. 24th Noor [CHICAGO, IL 60606] [US] cause of action —maco_cause000000080-02 Unlawful Occupation of sovereign original indigenous land date commanded to appear september 19, 2020 3:33 am central court moorish american consular court online video audio dial in number 701-802-5272# access code 2770319# all parties listed above are hereby commanded to appear before the article III moorish american consular court to state your name and nationality for the record to the people who are the moorish national republic federal government, this court has sovereign jurisdiction in all matters on our land, the American Provost Marshall has been notified. until such time, all of your COMMERCE and that of all AGENTS, PRINCIPALS, HEIRS and ASSIGNS is hereby terminated by way of sovereign universal commercial code | lien. failure to appear shall be just cause for your arrest. chronos: day: 7 month: september Year: [2020] 1441 ego sum: ‘shaddai aaliyah satiya el bey for sha’ron noreko young and robert euget in capitis deminutio nolo, propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, and in proprio heredes justice/vizir/minister, northwest amexem, north america/north gate autograph — all rights exercised at all times in hs lal finda, nor my apn alevitn, no my ile fiat hal be interpreted or sonata a convo! o any jisdistion Taber dn ie jualin ty aot mental niet any point in me Ege onto eemepe torre pm cane eeu lent oe ‘Amen amen io yobs gums iar eris super em crt ‘Aven ane svt: queuing align es aera ri ‘nt en dc vote, gor ligarse em erat Se copindeen eee

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