7Cs of 21st Century Learners

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The 21st Century Learner


“ If we teach today’s
students as we taught
yesterday’s, we rob them
of tomorrow.

- John Dewey
The 21st Century

╸ How do you see yourself as a 21st

century learner?

╸ What qualities do you have that you

think other learners do not have?

The 21st Century

╸ In the busy and bustling 21st century, our basic

systems are transforming at a pace never seen
before. The way we access and spread
information, our work habits, methods of
socializing, and much more have been
revolutionized by the increasing sophistication
of technology.

What is a
21st Century

The 21st Century Learner is a Global Citizen

╸ Social media usage and access to the web has made
students more aware of their place in a diverse world.
They are involved in conversations and issues that need to
be tackled on a global scale. For example, health
concerns, environmental protection, and economic

What is a
21st Century

The 21st Century Learner is Thinking creatively

╸ In an age of accessible media, streaming and even
Instagram, creativity is more available than ever before –
as are the tool to engage in creative pursuits. Similarly, we
have entered an economy where innovation and
disruption of the norm rule supreme.

What is a
21st Century

The 21st Century Learner is Thinking critically

╸ When information of any sort is merely a click away,
young people need the ability to think critically about
what they are reading and decide how and why they
agree or disagree. Critical thinking skills will also be
essential in the future work environment where constant
tech change will require fast adaptation.

What is a
21st Century

The 21st Century Learner Communicates and

╸ Humans are social creatures and communication has
always been key to our survival. With increasing
globalization and the need for remote collaboration, this
essential part of our makeup is just, if not more important.

What is a
21st Century

The 21st Century Learner is Digitally literate

╸ Technology is at the heart of just about all workplaces the
majority of industries and economic spheres. The next
generation, digital natives though they may be, need to be
equipped with the skills to navigate the digital world.
Incorporating technology into the classroom and
encouraging the development of skills such as coding and
data analysis can help students to really get a grip of the
devices they will need to expertly wield in the future.

7C’s of the 21st
Century Learner

1 Critical Thinking
This is all about creating open challenges for students that require
research and analysis of information along with problem-solving and
analytic thinking.
2 Creative Thinking
Being innovative will continue to be a key driver, and, yes, you can teach
creativity. By giving opportunities and environments that allow students to
be curious seekers of new knowledge, we lead them to exercise their
creative muscles. For the future, they will need to design creative
solutions, tell artful stories, and curate a collection of designs in their new
3 Communication
The quality of your ideas is meaningless if ‘you no talk no good’ because
communicating your purposes to others is an essential part of determining
the success or failure of an endeavor. This includes the ability to craft and
analyze the information you give and receive. In a modern context, it also
pertains to media literacy.
4 Collaboration
Even if you develop an incredible initial concept, you will need a team of
people to help bring it to life. Do you play well with others? Even if you are
in a leadership role (or perhaps especially) you need to be able to
connect, cooperate, compromise, and build community. That’s 4 more Cs
just in this 1 area.
5 Cross-cultural
Since the creation of the internet, the world has become a much more
connected place and the future will require your students to be able to
interact in that space. This is about global citizenship that spans across
diverse ethnic groups, cultures, and ideas.
6 Computing Technology
While the technology is certain to change, a basic understanding of
troubleshooting and logical program creation and design will always be
important. It’s even more crucial that students learn how to navigate in a
world of electronic information and how they can become positive digital
7 Career Learning
This area encompasses many of the job and life skills that have always
been crucial. That means everything from setting and achieving goals,
managing time, being organized and effective, and dealing positively with
workplace challenges. It also entails self-reliance and self-care. One of the
most important parts of career learning and life is cultivating the concept
that you are a lifelong learner.
What Now? >>>

1. Which skills shall I cultivate to become more prudent

and responsible?

2. How do I propagate these 21st Century Skills?

Performance Task

Based on your understanding about the 21st Century and what skills shall you
acquire to become a 21st Century learner, create a digital campaign through
digital content and posters that will explain the need for a 21st Century
learner to acquire these skills and address the 21st Century challenges.

For the entire class, a social media page shall be made to serve as a
platform of your digital campaign. Upload daily or weekly digital contents
like digital posters, short articles, photos or artworks that exemplify the 21st
century skills. Uploading of content (daily or weekly) should be for the entire
month of September. Invite people to visit your page to promote your


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