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History - Study of past and chronological event and account of a person or group of
people through written documents and historical evidences.

History comes from the Greek word “historia” meaning inquiry, knowledge acquired by
investigation. Study of the past as it is described in written documents. History is
the study of the beliefs and desires, practices, and institutions of human beings. It is
an umbrella term that relates to past events as well as the memory, discovery, collection,
organization, presentation, and interpretation of information about these events. History
does not contain only the history of kings and queens, battles and generals, but the
history of the common man-his house and clothing, his fields and their cultivation, his
continued efforts to protect his home and hearth, and to obtain adjust government, his
aspirations, achievements, disappointments, defeats and failures. Elements of History.

An examination of the past can tell us a great deal about how we came to be who we are. It
means looking at the roots of modern institutions, ideas, values and problems. Looking at
the past teaches to see the world through different eyes and appreciate the diversity of
human perceptions, beliefs, and culture. Different and/or new perspectives will enable us
to analyze critically the present contexts of society and beings. It is also promotes
nationalism and Encourages sound judgment. It Helps us draw lessons from the pas t by
providing examples to emulat e and avoid. Es tablis hes commonality in
national /cul tural understanding & guides future decisions

In the text, “Why Study History?” by George Orwell, 1984. The point was made that history
is solely the study of the past. It is information and data gathered from the beginning of time
up until now with new input constantly being added to the record. Of course history helps us
to understand people living in the society around us. Without it, most of us would be very lost
and uncertain about what they should do next. For example, without history none of us would
have the influence of technological innovation or even the experiences that helped to shape
life as we know it today. The point was made that history is simply a laboratory and we use
the data we gain everyday as evidence to try and figure out how to continue our existence on
this planet. I agree that understanding history is understanding our society, our moral
understanding and our own identity.

The purpose of historical research is very crucial. It is meant to conserve and interpret facts
from the past, to help us to understand our origins, past, remains of human cultures,
prehistoric cultures and historical civilizations etc. Researcher collects facts and then tries to
assimilate them in a meaningful order

Past refers to an earlier time, the people and societies who inhabited it and the events that
took place there. History describes our attempts to investigate, study and explain the past.
Chapter 2:

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