The Approach of Hazid

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The approach used for hazard identification generally comprises a combination of both creative and

analytical techniques, the aim being to identify all relevant hazards. The creative element is to ensure that
the process is proactive and not confined only to hazards that have materialized in the past. It typically
consists of structured group reviews aiming at identifying the causes and effects of accidents and relevant
hazards. Consideration of functional failure may assist in this process. The group carrying out such
structured reviews should include experts in the various appropriate aspects, such as ship design,
operations and management and specialists to assist in the hazard identification process and
incorporation of the human element. A structured group review session may last over a number of days.
The analytical element ensures that previous experience is properly taken into account, and typically
makes use of background information (for example applicable regulations and codes, available statistical
data on accident categories and lists of hazards to personnel, hazardous substances, ignition sources, etc.).
Examples of hazards relevant to shipboard operations are shown in appendix 2. In ships and other floating
structures calculation of section areas, waterplane areas, volumes and various properties such as first and
second moments is commonplace. This leads to the evaluation of integrals of the form seen in the
previous Chap. 5, for example, The interval to be used when applying Simpson’s first rule is h = 2.5m. Also
note that the arm for the moments (first and second) given in column (5) in Table 1 is with reference to
amidships (station 5), i.e. the origin of the axes system is at amidships with x positive forward. The final
results do not change if a different reference, such as AP or FP, is selected. The growing need to exploit
natural resources of northern regions is already apparent in the Soviet Union, and will become increasingly
important in North America in coming years. Arctic industrial output will increase with the growing
diversity of industrial infrastructures and transportation networks. It is likely that within the next century,
development of industrial infrastructures above the 60th parallel will follow the evolutionary course seen
in Scandinavia. At this stage transverse stability (i.e. stability in heel/roll) will be treated for angles During
the late 1970s and early 1980s, interest in Arctic research and development was very high due to
anticipated resource development. In 1985, the Technology Development Center (TEKES) embarked on a
five-year technology program intended to improve the competitiveness of Finnish industries (mainly
shipbuilders and construction) on projects exploiting natural resources in Arctic areas. In practice, crack
propagation is not limited to the three basic modes and cracks often propagate under so-called mixed
modes, which are a combination of the above-mentioned modes, such as I/II, I/III, II/III, and so on. In
practice, however, crack propagation under the mode I crack is the most dangerous. Under mode I, it is
easier for crack propagation to trigger a brittle fracture, so it has been studied extensively. When mixed
modes are encountered, it would be safer and easier to treat them as a mode I crack. Usually the offshore
structures are suffering tension and compression stress under extreme conditions, which easily tends to
cause crack propagation and structural failure. So, in this work, we shall focus on the mode I crack. The
program was one of 12 respected technology programs recommended in a 1984 statement by the
Ministry of Trade and Industry’s “Technology Program Board.” sufficiently small that the line of action of
the force of buoyancy acts through the transverse metacentre as a fixed point. Angles of heel may be
induced by the action of wind or by moving mass within the vessel or by similar causes. These causes
result in a heeling moment on the vessel that, at the equilibrium heel angle, is counteracted by a couple
formed from the weight and buoyancy forces. Numerous ice events have relevance in the design of fixed
offshore structures. The most important are those that may endanger the overall stability or serviceability
of the structure. The nature of these events depends on the local ice environment and the type of
structure. The “optimum” inspection method starts from the survey for the intrinsic damage that is
common for the class of structures. Based on experience, the inspection for the intrinsic damage can be
conducted in a rational way. The existing risk-based inspection method discussed in earlier sections, is the
framework for the intrinsic damages/defects for the structural system. The probability-based inspection
method can be applied to specific elements/components based on the results of the risk-based inspection.
For the extrinsic damage of each individual structure, the knowledge-based diagnosis method should be
developed. The systematic knowledge-based diagnosis process is a potential means to identify the
extrinsic damages.

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