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Nama : Fallah Andy Prakasa (12)

Kelas : XII-MIPA 3

Task 1

Read the text carefully!

Hello, my name is Livia Shinta Devy. Last night, I was at a food stall. I waited for
my turn in a long queue. There were many customers who wanted to order a special
food called Ramen. It is a kind of Korean’s food. There were also some food assistants
who served us friendly and warmly. At that time, I was in my turn. It was nice to have
my turn after waiting for a while.

There was a food assistant asked me. “What kind of Ramen do you want, Miss?
May I help you?”. Then I answered her. “Of course. I want three bowls of spicy Ramen. I
want to take them out.” The food assistant replied. “Alright Miss. I will prepare them as
soon as possible. Pease wait for them inside.”

I really like to visit the food stall because I can get a good service from the
assistants. That’s about my experience. By the way, have you ever got a good service like
me in a public place? That’s really amazing, right?

Find the synonym of these words.

1. Turn : Shift
2. Queue : Line
3. Customer : Client
4. Order : Request
5. Assistant : Helper

Task 2

Answer the questions based on the text in task 1 correctly!

1. Where was the girl yesterday afternoon?

She was at a food stall yesterday
2. What expression is the underlined words in the text?
The expression on the underlined words in the text is Offering Service
3. How is the characteristic of the food assistant?
The characteristic of the food assistant is friendly and warmly
4. What kind of food did the girl order?
She wanted to order Ramen, Kind of Korean's Food
5. Why did the girl like to go to the food stall?
Because She and many customers are excited to order Ramen

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