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org/OrgLett Letter

Reductase of Mutanobactin Synthetase Triggers Sequential C−C

Macrocyclization, C−S Bond Formation, and C−C Bond Cleavage
Min Wang,∥ Zhoujie Xie,∥ Shoubin Tang,∥ Ee Ling Chang, Yue Tang, Zhengyan Guo, Yinglu Cui,
Bian Wu, Tao Ye, and Yihua Chen*
Cite This: Org. Lett. 2020, 22, 960−964 Read Online

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ABSTRACT: Mutanobactins (MUBs) and their congeners that contain a macrocycle

and/or a thiazepane ring are lipopeptides from Streptococcus mutans, a major causative
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agent of dental caries. Here we show that the C-terminal reductase domain of MubD
releases the lipohexapeptide intermediates in an aldehyde form, which enables a
spontaneous C−C macrocyclization. In the presence of a thiol group, the macrocyclized
MUBs can further undergo spontaneous C−S bond formation and C−C bond cleavage
to generate diverse MUB congeners.

M utanobactins (MUBs) A−D (1−4) (Figure 1) are

macrocyclic lipohexapeptides isolated from human oral
infection of this opportunistic pathogen.1,2 Compounds 1 and
2 also exhibit immunomodulatory activities.6,7 Structurally,
MUBs 1−3 are macrocyclic lipohexapeptides with a 1,4-
thiazepane ring, which has been observed in the pharmaco-
phores of several synthesized drugs (e.g., diltiazem, clentiazem,
thiazesim, and quetiapine fumarate)8 but is rare in natural
products.9,10 The 1,4-thiazepane ring is absent in 4, which has
a 7-methyl instead of a 7-SH group. Recently, Zvanych et al.
examined the metabolome of S. mutans UA159 carefully and
discovered a number of MUB congeners, including the C2-
epimer of 2 (5), MUBs I (6) and J (7) without the macrocycle,
and mutanolins A (8) and B (9) connecting an extra cysteine
at C3 (Figure 1).7
It was proposed that the biosynthesis of MUBs is initiated by
the loading of a decanoic acid to the acyl carrier protein (ACP)
domain of MubE. After seven steps of elongation catalyzed by
one polyketide synthase (PKS) module and six nonribosomal
peptide synthetase (NRPS) modules, a peptidyl carrier protein
(PCP)-tethered β-keto lauryl hexapeptidyl chain was installed
(Figure 2).5,7 To date, the linear chain offloading mechanism
remains enigmatic, let alone the macrocyclization and the other
tailoring steps. Herein we show evidence supporting that the
Figure 1. Structures of MUBs and their congeners. C-terminal reductase domain of MubD (MubD-R) releases the
linear lipohexapeptide in an active aldehyde form, which could
bacterium Streptococcus mutans UA159.1,2 The mub biosyn-
thetic gene cluster exists in >30% of genome-sequenced S. Received: December 16, 2019
mutans3,4 and is important for this primary causative organism Published: January 9, 2020
of tooth decay in surviving oxidative stress.5,6 In addition,
compounds 1−4 can blunt the hyphal formation of another
oral resident, Candida albicans, which is a critical step in the

© 2020 American Chemical Society https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.orglett.9b04501

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Figure 2. Proposed biosynthetic pathway for MUBs and their congeners. The nonenzymatic reactions are shadowed.

trigger sequential C−C macrocyclization, C−S bond for- When NADPH was replaced with NADH, N-MubD-TR
mation, and C−C bond cleavage to generate MUBs and their converted 10 to 4 at a very low rate, indicating that
diverse congeners. NADPH is practically used by MubD-R in cells (Figure 3A).
The bioinformatic analysis of the mub gene cluster revealed Overall, these results suggested that MubD-R has a reductase
two possible candidates for the lipohexapeptidyl chain activity and is sufficient for the chain offloading and C−C
offloading, a standalone thioesterase (TE) encoded by mubT bond-forming macrocyclization process.
and MubD-R (Figure S1). To study the function of MubT, S. The C-terminal R domain of PKS or NRPS has never been
mutans T-IFD, an in-frame deletion mutant of mubT, was associated with C−C macrocyclization before. It was
constructed. When cultured under the MUB production envisioned that the β-keto group of MUB’s fatty acyl tail
conditions, S. mutans T-IFD could produce MUBs, although facilitates the nucleophilic attack from C2 to C3. Therefore, we
at a lower level compared with the wild-type strain (Figure S2), synthesized a mimic linear substrate, butyryl hexapeptide-
indicating that MubT is a type-II TE with editing activity SNAC (11), without the electron-withdrawing β-keto group
instead of an offloading enzyme that releases the mature (Scheme S2 and Figure S19). When 11 was incubated with N-
lipopeptide chains. MubD-TR and NADPH, a product with a retention time at
To test whether MubD-R is the chain offloading enzyme, we 33.2 min was detected by LC−MS (Figure 3B). HR−MS
overexpressed and purified two versions of N-His6-tagged analysis revealed that its chemical formula is C29H50N6O7 (m/z
MubD-R proteins, the MubD-R domain alone (N-MubD-R) 595.3835 [M + H]+, calcd 595.3814). This product was
and MubD-R together with its adjacent thiolation domain (N- identified as 12 by tandem MS analysis (Figure S20) and a
MubD-TR) (Figure S3). The S-N-acetyl-cysteamine (SNAC) coinjection with the synthetic 12 standard (Scheme S2 and
form of the linear lipopeptide precursor of 4, β-keto lauryl Figure S21), which suggested that MubD-R reductively
hexapeptide-SNAC (10), was chemically synthesized as a releases the linear lipohexapeptide chain in an aldehyde form.
mimic substrate of MubD-R, as depicted in Scheme S1 The aldehyde carbon is highly electrophilic and can be
(Figures S4−S17). Upon incubating 10 with N-MubD-TR and coupled to the nucleophilic C2 to close the macro-rings of
NADPH at 37 °C, a product with the same retention time as MUBs. To test whether this aldol addition can take place
authentic 4 was observed by LC−MS analysis (Figure 3A). Its spontaneously or is a MubD-R catalyzed reaction, we
identity was confirmed by high-resolution mass spectrometry chemically synthesized 13 (Scheme S3 and Figures S22−
(HR−MS) and tandem MS analysis (Figure S18). N-MubD-R S27), the linear precursor of 4 with an aldehyde end.
could also convert 10 to 4 but at a relatively lower efficiency. Compound 13 was unstable. It tended to be oxidized to its
Therefore, N-MubD-TR was used in the following studies. acid form (14) in the air (Figures S28 and S29, Scheme S1). In
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Figure 4. LC−MS analysis of the autoconversion of 13 in PBS buffer

(pH 7.0) with L-cysteine at 37 °C.

Compound 15 was also not stable and was slowly converted

to 16 in the mixture (Figure 4 and Figure S33). HR−MS and
tandem MS data suggested that 16 is a linear derivative with a
hemithioacetal structure (Figure S34). Compound 16 was then
oxidized in Dess−Martin reagent to generate 17 and was
identified by a coinjection with the synthetic 17 standard
(Scheme S1 and Figures S35 and S36), suggesting that the
macro-ring was reopened at C2−C3 by a retro-aldol reaction.
Guided by these results, we carefully analyzed the fermentation
broth of S. mutans UA159 for 15 and 16 by LC−MS and
observed the production of 15 in this strain (Figure S37).
We then tested whether SNAC could be used as an
alternative nucleophile in this nonenzymatic conversion
process by the incubation of 4 in PBS buffer with SNAC at
37 °C. The sequential conversion of 4 to 18 and then to 19
was detected by LC−MS and tandem MS/MS (Figures S38
and S39). Compound 19 was identified by the fact that it could
be oxidized to 10 in Dess−Martin reagent (Figure S40).
It was proposed that 20 and 21 undergo similar non-
enzymatic conversion processes to form 1−3 and 5−9 (Figure
2). After the macro-rings are closed by C2−C3 coupling via
Figure 3. LC−MS analysis of the MubD-R enzymatic assays using 10 aldol addition, nucleophiles in the cytosol (e.g., cysteine) will
(A) or 11 (B) as a substrate. compete with the 7-SH in attacking C3 to form mutanolins (8
and 9) or MUBs (1−3 and 5), respectively. The latter ones can
PBS buffer (pH 7.0), it could be converted to 4 quickly at the be converted to 6 and 7 by spontaneous retro-aldol reactions.
physiological temperature 37 °C, and the conversion was not Macrocyclization of MUBs might confer a rigid conformation
influenced by MubD-R (Figure S30), indicating that MubD-R that only allows the 7-SH to attack C3 from one side.
triggers the self-assembly of the macro-ring. It is reminiscent of Therefore, only 3-(R) configuration has been discovered in the
the macrocyclization of nostocyclopeptide, in which the C- 1,4-thiazepane rings of 1−3. To prove that the macro-rings of
terminal reductase domain also releases a linear chain with an 1−3 and 5 can be split by the spontaneous retro-aldol reaction,
aldehyde end that enables a nonenzymatic imine bond 2 was incubated in PBS buffer at 37 °C, and the generation of
formation.11 7 was observed, as anticipated (Figures S41 and S42).
Compound 4, which has a 7-CH3 group, is just a simplified Macrocyclization generates diverse molecular architectures
model in investigating the formation of MUBs. In actuality, the that have been observed in many clinically important
situation is more complex; the formation of other MUBs agents.12,13 Compared with C−O and C−N bonds,11,14,15
involves the participation of two strong nucleophiles, C2 and the C−C bond is rarely encountered in the closure of
7-SH. The discovery of mutanolins (8 and 9) in the macrocycles.12,16 Characterized C−C macrocyclizations are
fermentation broth of S. mutans UA159 encouraged us to usually associated with oxidative reactions16−18 or nucleophilic
investigate the two-nucleophile situation by putting 13 in PBS substitutions.19 Herein we showed that MUBs close their
buffer with L-cysteine and monitoring this reaction mixture macro-rings unprecedentedly through a reduction-enabled
with LC−MS at 37 °C. To our surprise, three sequential aldol addition. The Cα in the vicinity of the β-keto group
spontaneous reactions were observed (Figure 4). Compound 4 (e.g., the C2 of MUBs) is a good nucleophile that is ready to
was generated at the beginning and was mainly converted to attack the electrophilic carbon atom to form a C−C bond.
15 in 0.5 h. HR−MS and tandem MS analyses suggested that MubD-R enables the C−C macrocyclization by reductively
15 was an analog of 9 (Figures S31 and S32). A NaBH4 releasing the PCP-tethered intermediates as linear lipopeptides
reduction of 15 resulted in two isomers with the same with an electrophilic aldehyde end (Figure 2). Macro-
molecular formula C40H71O9N7S, excluding the possibility that cyclizations through similar nucleophilic attacks were assumed
the cysteine thiol group attacked at C27 (Figure S33). for lankacidin20 and anatoxin,21 except that their electrophiles
962 https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.orglett.9b04501
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were imines generated by oxidative reactions. Unfortunately, Shoubin Tang − Peking University Shenzhen Graduate
those macrocyclizations have not yet been characterized in School, Tsinghua University Shenzhen International
vitro, and it is still unknown whether their C−C bonds are Graduate School, Shenzhen, China
formed via spontaneous or enzymatic reactions. Ee Ling Chang − Peking University Shenzhen Graduate
The aldol addition is just the first reaction of the MubD-R School, Tsinghua University Shenzhen International
triggered three-step spontaneous process. The macrocyclized
intermediates can be further attacked at C3 by the thiol group Graduate School, Shenzhen, China
to generate different β-thiodiketones, including the intra- Yue Tang − Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of
molecular nucleophilic attack that forms the 1,4-thiazepane Sciences, Beijing, China, University of Chinese Academy of
ring. Actually, in several chemical syntheses from aldehydes, Sciences, Beijing, China, and Peking University Shenzhen
diketones, and thiols, diverse β-thiodiketones were generated Graduate School, Tsinghua University Shenzhen
via a similar two-step nucleophilic addition and thiolation International Graduate School, Shenzhen, China
process.22,23 Here we present an interesting case to show that Zhengyan Guo − Institute of Microbiology, Chinese
such a synthesis strategy has been adopted by S. mutans to Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, and University of
make MUBs and mutanolins in our mouths. Moreover, S. Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China;
mutans can further convert the macrocyclized β-thiodiketones orcid.org/0000-0001-7138-4206
to linear lipopeptides with a hemithioacetal end via the retro- Yinglu Cui − Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy
aldol reaction, and the third step has no precedent in the
literature. This reductase-enabled three-step relay that includes
of Sciences, Beijing, China
spontaneous C−C macrocyclization, C−S bond formation, Bian Wu − Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of
and C−C bond cleavage in S. mutans may provide inspiration Sciences, Beijing, China, and University of Chinese
for the chemical synthesis of macrocycles, thiazepanes, and Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China; orcid.org/0000-
hemithioacetals. 0002-6524-2049
In conclusion, we present an interesting example of how Tao Ye − Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School,
microbes efficiently expand their product spectra by recruiting Tsinghua University Shenzhen International Graduate
chemical reactions that can take place spontaneously under the School, Shenzhen, China; orcid.org/0000-0002-2780-
physiological conditions. The direct products of the MUB 9761
biosynthetic machinery in S. mutans UA159 are linear
lipohexapeptides with an aldehyde end, which can undergo Complete contact information is available at:
three nonenzymatic reactions sequentially to generate MUBs https://pubs.acs.org/10.1021/acs.orglett.9b04501
and their congeners. Our results not only explain why the
MUB synthetase can generate such diverse MUBs and Author Contributions

mutanolins but also can guide the discovery of more MUB M.W., Z.X., and S.T. contributed equally.
congeners from S. mutans, which should be meaningful in Notes
understanding how the mub cluster helps its S. mutans hosts in The authors declare no competing financial interest.

adapting the oral environment and causing dental caries.

sı Supporting Information
We thank Dr. Jinwei Ren, Guomin Ai, and Wenzhao Wang,
Institute of Microbiology, CAS, for technical support. This
The Supporting Information is available free of charge at work was supported in part by the MOST of China
https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.orglett.9b04501. (2018YFA0901901), the NSFC grants (31570050 and
Experimental details of the construction of the S. mutans 31522001), the Shenzhen Peacock Plan
T-IFD mutant, enzymatic and autoconversion assays, (KQTD2015071714043444), and the Open Project of State
synthesis of substrates and standards, spectroscopic data, Key Laboratory of Chemical Oncogenomics.

and copies of NMR spectra (PDF)

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