4-DMWM Approach For Caching Based Optimal D2D Pairing and Channel Allocation: Centralized and Distributed Algorithm Design

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Received November 15, 2016, accepted December 3, 2016, date of publication December 15, 2016, date of current version January 23,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2016.2640270

4-DMWM Approach for Caching Based Optimal

D2D Pairing and Channel Allocation: Centralized
and Distributed Algorithm Design
LU MIAO, BO BAI, (Member, IEEE), AND WEI CHEN, (Senior Member, IEEE)
Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Corresponding author: L. Miao (miaol15@mails.tsinghua.edu.cn)
This work was supported in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61671269, Grant 61322111,
Grant 61321061, and Grant 61401249, in part by the National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program) under Grant
2013CB336600 and Grant 2012CB316000, and in part by the Specialized Research Fund for the Doctoral Program of
Higher Education under Grant 20130002120001.

ABSTRACT Caching popular contents at mobile devices can potentially improve the quality of service
for mobile users and relieve traffic burden of base station in cellular networks. In this paper, we jointly
consider the resource allocation, the cached contents, and the distance between two devices for the optimal
device pairing problem in centralized and distributed cases, where the BS is the central controller in the
centralized case. The joint optimization problem of device-to-device (D2D) caching with channel allocation
is formulated as a weighted four-uniform hypergraph model. The optimal solution for the problem is
4-D maximum weighted matching (4-DMWM), which is NP-hard unfortunately. To approach the 4-DMWM
with low-complexity, we adopt the greedy algorithm and the squareIMP algorithm in the centralized case.
Moreover, distributed algorithms are also designed for the caching problem in both synchronous and
asynchronous cases. The simulation results will illustrate that the squareIMP algorithm can be used to get a
better transmission rate with the complexity of O(n5 ), while the greedy algorithm can be used in the case with
stringent latency requirement for centralized 4-DMWM problem. The sum rate of distributed asynchronous
algorithm is close to the centralized greedy algorithm with the complexity of O(n2 ) for each device.
However, the simulation result of the synchronous algorithm is slightly lower than the centralized algorithm,
where each device performs O(n2 ) computational operations in each iteration. Therefore, the algorithms
proposed in this paper can be used in different cases for solving optimal D2D pairing and channel allocation

INDEX TERMS D2D caching, weighted 4-uniform hypergraph, 4-dimensional maximum weighted
matching (4-DMWM), centralized algorithm, distributed algorithm.

I. INTRODUCTION In wireless networks, the content caching problem has

With the increasing of user number and the growth of the peak attracted much attention from both academia and industry.
traffic in base stations (BSs), device-to-device (D2D) com- Caching aims to provide the spectral and energy efficiency
munication is expected to improve the resource utilization gain by paying storage resource as a cost. However, not
efficiency and reduce peak traffic in BS by allowing mobile all the content items can be cached due to the buffer size.
devices to directly communicate with each other [1], [2]. Due The performance limit of wireless caching has been studied
to the need for the throughput gain and the scarcity of wireless in [4]. The fundamental limit of D2D caching was studied
spectrum resource, caching holds the promise of providing in [5]. There are also many works focusing on practical
substantial capacity gains by disseminating popular content caching algorithms. In [6], the cache placement problem was
in the idle spectrum when the network is off-peak. Therefore, investigated in femtocell networks, where femtocell BSs act
accurately caching the user demanding contents in mobile as helpers to cache popular files. It is shown in [7] and
devices is one of the key issue to exploit the advantage of [8] that caching may efficiently reduce the outage proba-
D2D communication schemes [3]. bility and the average transmit power in wireless small-cell

2016 IEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only.
VOLUME 4, 2016 Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. 9213
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L. Miao et al.: 4-DMWM Approach for Caching-Based Optimal D2D Pairing and Channel Allocation

networks and device-to-device (D2D) networks respectively. which is shown to achieve the 1/2 optimal performance
In [7], the caching performance was studied in terms of in [22].
outage probability and average delivery rate in wireless Usually, BS in centralized case is required to collect the
small-cell networks, where the cache-enabled BSs are dis- whole information of the network, which introduces much
tributed according to a Poisson point process. In [8], the overhead. However, coordination may not be possible with no
throughput-outage tradeoff performance of wireless networks central controller exists in some self-organized networks [14].
was investigated by exploiting clustered device caching via Moreover, the underlay caching and interference manage-
D2D communications. The caching and pushing problem ment algorithms often bring in much extra computation over-
with a finite receiver buffer was studied in [9] and [10]. There head for the central controller. Therefore, we use distributed
are many studies using matching algorithm for resource allo- algorithms to solve the caching based optimal D2D pairing
cation. In OFDMA systems, the problem of optimal subcar- and channel allocation problem. In the distributed algorithm,
rier allocation can be solved by H-matching approach to min- we consider synchronous and asynchronous scenarios for the
imize outage probability in [11]. To offload not only traffic caching based optimal D2D pairing and channel allocation
but also computation overhead, some distributed algorithms problem. A bipartite graph matching problem can be solved
are adopted by pushing computation and storage to network in [23]. Inspired by [23], we convert the weighted 4-uniform
edges for the caching problem in D2D network [12], [13]. hypergraph to a weighted bipartite graph. After the trans-
A belief propagation based distributed algorithm was used to formation, the 4-DMWM problem can be formulate as a
solve the cache placement problem in [14]. In the distributed weighted bipartite graph matching problem with a little per-
system, the appropriate channel allocation can achieve a low formance loss in the distributed synchronous system. To solve
outage probability with low computation complexity [15]. the weighted matching problem, belief propagation (BP) is
To the best of our knowledge, however, these studies have an effective algorithm that explained in [24] and [25]. In the
not considered the joint optimization problem of content distributed synchronous system, a distributed synchronous
caching, resource allocation and device pairing to improve algorithm based on BP is proposed for the weighted bipar-
the throughput in D2D networks. tite graph matching problem, so that we obtain the approxi-
In this paper, we consider the problem of caching based mate solution for the 4-DMWM problem. In the distributed
optimal D2D pairing and channel allocation. In the con- synchronous algorithm, each device performs only O(n2 )
sidered system, each mobile device caches some popular computational operations in each iteration. Moreover, in the
contents. 3GPP Proximity Services (ProSe) discovery can distributed asynchronous algorithm, the 4-DMWM problem
provide registration of both services offered by devices, and based on the weighted 4-uniform hypergraph can be trans-
application requests of users in [16]. In the same way, a formed into a maximum independent set (MIS) problem. We
device can get the content caching information of users in search for each device and its neighbors to find the maximum
D2D network. When some users request the contents, the sys- independent set of devices one by one in the distributed
tem will determine which device provides help and allocate asynchronous system. After that, we get the 4-DMWM result
the channel at the same time, so as to maximize the system with the complexity of O(n2 ) for each device. The distributed
throughput. Inspired by [17], the considered joint optimiza- algorithms in this paper are both low-complexity for the
tion problem is first formulated as a weighted 4-uniform caching based optimal D2D pairing and channel allocation
hypergraph model. In this context, the optimal solution for the problem.
caching based D2D pairing and channel allocation problem is The main contributions of this paper are summarized as
the 4-dimensional maximum weighted matching (4-DMWM) follows:
in the weighted 4-uniform hypergraph. Unfortunately, the • We propose the D2D pairing and channel allocation
multi-dimensional matching problem is NP-hard in general. algorithm scheme based on the squareIMP and a greedy
Therefore, we adopt some approximation algorithms in this algorithm to solve the caching based optimal D2D pair-
paper with low complexity in centralized and distributed ing and channel allocation problem in the centralized
manners. manner.
Recently proposed cloud radio access networks (Cloud- • In the distributed algorithm, there are synchronous and
RAN) is a typical centralized cloud computing-based archi- asynchronous scenarios.
tecture [18], while fog radio access networks (Fog-RAN) – In the distributed synchronous system, a distributed
is a distributed architecture that leverages caching capabil- synchronous algorithm based on BP is proposed
ities at the wireless edge nodes for cellular networks [19]. for optimal D2D pairing and caching with channel
In [20] we focused our attention on the centralized 4-DMWM allocation with low complexity.
problem under the control of BS. In the centralized case, – In distributed asynchronous system, a low complex-
based on the squareIMP algorithm proposed in [21], we first ity distributed asynchronous algorithm is proposed
propose high performance algorithm with the complexity to solve the caching based optimal D2D pairing and
of O(n5 ), which nearly achieves the optimal throughput of the channel allocation problem.
exhaustive search. Moreover, to fulfill the stringent latency The rest of this paper is organized as follows.
requirement, we further proposed a greedy based algorithm, Section II presents the system model and problem

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L. Miao et al.: 4-DMWM Approach for Caching-Based Optimal D2D Pairing and Channel Allocation

formulation. The hypergraph based centralized 4-DMWM In our network, many pairs of devices send requests at
algorithm for caching based optimal D2D pairing and chan- the same time. Therefore, we protect the device pairs from
nel allocation is proposed in Section III. The distributed interference by considering the resource allocation. Since
synchronous and asynchronous algorithm for the caching the underlay interference management algorithms often have
problem are discussed in Section IV. Section V illustrates much extra computation overhead for the BS, a hierarchi-
the simulation results. Finally, Section VI concludes the cal overlay spectrum sharing and relay selection scheme
paper. is proposed to avoid serious interference between cellular
devices in [13]. The BSs allocate interleaved resource blocks
to the entire D2D network at first. The interleaved subcar-
rier allocation scheme is adopt in both IEEE 802.16 and
LTE-A standards [26], [27]. The BS allocates the resource
blocks in different coherence bandwidths, so that different
resource blocks undergo independent channel fading. After
that the D2D network will obtain the full frequency diversity
according to [28]. We assume that the index set of resource
blocks is denoted by B, where B = {1, . . . , B}. Let hi be the
channel gain on the resource block b between the devices. The
channel gain follows a circular symmetric Gaussian distribu-
tion [29]. Suppose the resource block has a unit bandwidth.
The channel between two devices in D2D communications is
Rayleigh fading channel. In this case, we have:

yi = hi xi + zi , i = 1, 2, . . . , (1)

where xi , yi represent transmitter and receiver of D2D com-

munication respectively, and zi ∼ CN (0, σ 2 ) is the additive
white Gaussian noise between the transmitter and receiver.
We denote Pt as the transmit power of device in dBm. P(d) is
the function of the power at a distance d from the transmitter.
P(d) can be represent as

P(d) = Pt − α log(d) + α log(d0 ), (2)

FIGURE 1. Scenario for caching based optimal D2D pairing and channel
allocation in D2D network. The requester can get required content from where d0 is the standard distance between transmitter and
the helper via D2D links depends on whether the helper has the target receiver, and α is the path loss exponent. Then the channel
content, and whether the allocated resource block can support the whole
content transmission from the helper to the requester. capacity can be represented as
2 P(d)
Ci = log 1 + |hi | . (3)
A. SYSTEM MODEL Let r and l denote the index of requester and helper respec-
As shown in Fig. 1, the considered D2D communication tively, where r, l ∈ M . We define P as an M × M × B array
scenario consists of a BS and M devices where the index set of with the (r, l, b)-th element pr,l,b to present the matching
devices is denoted by M = {1, . . . , M }. Each device caches between the pair of devices and the resource block:
some popular contents. When a device requests a content 
 1, requester r delivers data to helper l
item, the system will allocate a channel and choose another
pr,l,b = by using resource block b, (4)
device to provide help at the same time. A communication
0, otherwise,

connection between two devices can be established when the
channel can support data exchange at a target transmission where the function indicates that a pair of requester and
rate. After the connection is established, the transmitter of helper can communicate by using a resource block in D2D
the communication link can deliver content data files to its network. We set pr,l,b as 1 in the condition that the channel
receiver. We denote the receiver and transmitter as requester capacity between the pair of r and l is larger than the target
and helper respectively in our network. Each requester of the transmission rate by using the resource block b.
network can select a helper based on whether the helper has Each device caches some contents in D2D network.
the target content, and whether the channel capacity between Suppose we have F popular contents. The index set of con-
these two devices is above the target transmission rate. We tent can be expressed as F = {1, . . . , F}. The devices
select appropriate combinations of the device pairs, resource exchange contents with its neighbors to offload traffic for
blocks and contents to meet the above requirements. the BS. We define Q as an M × M × F array with the

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L. Miao et al.: 4-DMWM Approach for Caching-Based Optimal D2D Pairing and Channel Allocation

(r, l, f )-th element qr,l,f to explain the relation between a pair

of devices and a cache content item:

1, requester r delivers content f to helper l,
qr,l,f =
0, otherwise,
where the function indicates that a content helper can deliver
a content to the requester in D2D network. We set qr,l,f as 1
when the content item f is a required file of the requester r
and a cache file of the helper l.
In this paper, caching based optimal D2D pairing and
channel allocation is discussed in two scenarios as follows.
It is noted that, in both scenarios, the requester will try to
get the required content from adjacent helpers for traffic


With the central controller, the BS has extra overhead for the
computation of the caching based optimal D2D pairing and FIGURE 2. The relations of content requester, content helper, resource
block and cache content can be formulated as a 4-uniform hypergraph.
channel allocation scheme.


In this paper, we consider caching content, required con-
The device exchanges information with adjacent devices tent, resource block, and the physical distance of a device
to determine which adjacent device can provide help in pair jointly to maximize the sum-rate in D2D networks.
D2D network. Let ζrlbf be decision variables. If the helper l delivers con-
tent f to requester r by using resource block b, let ζrlbf =1.
B. PROBLEM FORMULATION Otherwise, ζrlbf =0. In this case, each resource block can only
In this section, we formulate the caching based optimal D2D be allocated to a pair of devices. A pair of devices can deliver
pairing problem with channel allocation to maximize the sum a content item in a transmission. Therefore, the sum-rate of
of achievable date rate in D2D network. We represent poten- caching based optimal D2D pairing and channel allocation
tial combinations of the content requester, content helper, can be formulated as the following problem:
resource block, and content as set N . A potential combination X
(r, l, b, f ) means that requester r can receive content f from max ζrlbf · wr,l,b ;
helper l by using the resource block b. Thus, the set of all r∈M,l∈M,b∈B,f ∈F
potential combinations can be described as s.t. pr,l,b · qr,l,f = 1;
N = {(r, l, b, f ), pr,l,b = 1, qr,l,f = 1}. (6) ζrtbf + ζtlbf ≤ 1, ∀t ∈ M;
r∈M,b∈B,f ∈F l∈M,b∈B,f ∈F
It means that the appropriate content, resource block, content X
ζrlbf ≤ 1, ∀b ∈ B;
helper and requester can be linked via D2D communica-
r∈M,l∈M,f ∈F
tions. These D2D links can construct a weighted 4-uniform X
hypergraph model among content requester, content helper, ζrlbf ≤ 1, ∀f ∈ F. (8)
resource block and content, as shown in Fig. 2. r∈M,l∈M,b∈B
The transmission rate of D2D links is a key issue to find
the optimal assignment scheme for the optimal D2D pairing III. HYPERGRAPH BASED CENTRALIZED
and caching with channel allocation. We define the sum-rate 4-DMWM APPROACH
as the sum of achievable date rate for all the D2D links. The In this section, 4-DMWM based the squareIMP algorithm and
sum-rate Srate is given by a greedy algorithm is proposed for the caching based optimal
X D2D pairing and channel allocation to maximize the sum-rate
Srate = wr,l,b , (7)
of D2D network.

where wr,l,b is the channel capacity between requester r and A. HYPERGRAPH FORMULATION
helper l by using the resource block b, and A is a set of A hypergraph can be expressed as HG = (V, E) where V is
these elements (r, l, b) in D2D links. Therefore, we focus on the set of vertices and E is the set of hyperedges. A weighted
maximizing the sum-rate for the caching based optimal D2D hypergraph means each hyperedge e ∈ E has a weight w(e).
pairing with channel allocation. A hyperedge can be represented as a nonempty subset of

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L. Miao et al.: 4-DMWM Approach for Caching-Based Optimal D2D Pairing and Channel Allocation

the vertices. The number of vertices is the cardinality of the the 4-DMWM problem can be solved by finding a w-MIS
hyperedge. If each hyperedge has the same cardinality n, the solution in graph G. The w-MIS problem of an ordinary
hypergraph is n-uniform. Therefore, an ordinary graph is a weighted graph G is NP-hard. Therefore, we need some
2-uniform hypergraph. It means each edge has a subset of two approximation algorithms to find the w-MIS result.
vertices. Content requester, content helper, resource block
and content item of each D2D link can be represented as 1) SquareIMP ALGORITHM
4 vertices in a hyperedge. Each hyperedge has a weight that The squareIMP algorithm needs polynomial time to find an
indicate the channel capacity of the D2D link. Therefore, the independent set A, where there is a k-claw free graph.
caching based optimal D2D pairing with channel allocation A k-claw W is an induced subgraph that consists of a center
problem can be formulated as a weighted 4-uniform hyper- node and talons TW in an undirected graph. The center node
graph, as illustrated in Fig. 2. is connected to an independent set of k talons. A graph that is
A matching of an ordinary graph G is a subset of the edges k-claw free means it possesses no k-claws induced subgraph.
in G such that no edges of the matching are incident. It means Set the center set of a claw W as ZW = W − TW [21]. In the
that each vertex is covered at most once in these matching 4-DMWM problem, the weighted graph G is a 5-claw free
edges. Similarly, a hypergraph matching of a hypergraph HG graph. To realize the squareIMP algorithm, we search for each
is a subset of the hyperedges in HG such that no hyper- claw in the 5-claw free graph to update A by improving w2 (A)
edges contain the same vertex. The cardinality of a matching in Algorithm 2. We define
is the number of matching edges. If a matching has the N (TW , A) = {u ∈ A : ∃v ∈ TW such that u, v ∈ Eor u = v}.
largest cardinality of all possible matching results, it is called
the maximum matching. The multi-dimensional maximum If the TW of a claw W can improve w2 (A), we update the set
weighted matching of a weighted hypergraph HG is a subset A as follows.
of the matching hyperedges in HG. In this case, our target A ←− A ∪ TW \ N (TW , A).
is to solve the 4-dimensional maximum weighted matching
(4-DMWM) problem. Therefore, the caching based optimal Therefore, the set A is the expected set of D2D links for the
D2D pairing problem with channel allocation is to find the w-MIS problem.
4-DMWM solution in the weighted 4-uniform hypergraph.
B. CENTRALIZED 4-DMWM BASED D2D PAIRING The greedy algorithm is a simple algorithm to find an inde-
AND CHANNEL ALLOCATION ALGORITHM pendent set A. In the greedy algorithm, we search for all
In this paper, we formulate the 4-DMWM problem for the vertices to choose the heaviest independent set of vertices in
caching based optimal D2D pairing and channel allocation. the graph G, as shown in Algorithm 3.
However, the 4-DMWM problem is a NP-hard problem. The 4-DMWM is the subset of mutually disjoint hyper-
Therefore, we propose a caching joint optimal D2D pairing edges. The set A corresponds to a subset of hyperedges in
and channel allocation algorithm to maximize the sum-rate hypergraph. The maximum weighted independent set A is a
with low-complexity. set of vertices in graph G. The index set of A can be expressed
The MIS problem of graph G is to find a maximum as A = {1, . . . , A}. Each vertex a of A corresponds to a D2D
collection of mutually non-adjacent vertices. Since the hyper- link for the caching based optimal D2D pairing and channel
graph matching is closely related to the MIS problem, the allocation.
4-DMWM problem based on the weighted 4-uniform hyper- TABLE 1. Complexity of Algorithm
graph can be transformed into a MIS problem. First, we
create a graph G = (V 0 , E 0 ) where each vertex is a sub-
set of 4 vertices in a hyperedge and the edge E 0 captures
all intersections between the vertices V 0 . In our weighted
4-uniform hypergraph, the hyperedges of HG correspond to
the vertices of graph G. Therefore, each vertex of G has a
weight that indicate the channel capacity of the D2D link. We
define the maximum weighted matching set as A, where A is
the set of the (r, l, b, f ) combinations. The w-MIS is to find We compare the complexity of the optimal, squareIMP,
an independent set A with maximum w(A). Therefore, the greedy and random algorithm, as shown in Table 1. The
hypergraph HG can be transformed into an ordinary weighted squareIMP algorithm is more achievable than the exhausted
graph G = (V 0 , E 0 , w). Each vertex of weighted graph G is an search with the complexity of O(n5 ). The greedy algorithm
element of potential combinations in Fig. 2. The edge of G and random algorithm are much easier to implement than the
indicates non-empty set intersections between two vertices. other algorithms.
In the D2D network, each vertex represents a D2D link and As shown in Algorithm 1, we maximize the sum-rate for
an edge means that two D2D links have one or more same the caching based optimal D2D pairing and channel allo-
elements in the weighted 4-uniform hypergraph. In this case, cation in D2D network. In the D2D pairing and channel

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Algorithm 1 D2D Pairing and Channel Allocation Algorithm Algorithm 3 Greedy Algorithm
Input: M , B, F, α Input: graph G = (V 0 , E 0 , w)
Output: Srate Output: A
Construct HG = (V, E, w) with M , B, F A=∅
Map HG to graph G Vsort =sorted(V 0 , ’descend’)
if α = 1 then for v in Vsort do
A = msq (G) //Algorithm2 N (A, V) = {u ∈ V : ∃v ∈ A such that {u, v} ∈ E 0 or
else u = v}
if α = 0 then if N (A, v) = ∅ then
A = mgr (G) //Algorithm3 A←A∪v
end if end if
end if P end for
Srate (A) = (wi )

sum-rate in distributed synchronous and asynchronous

Algorithm 2 SquareIMP Algorithm networks.
Input: graph G = (V 0 , E 0 , w)
A bipartite graph can be denoted as BG = (V1 , V2 , Eb ) where
while there exists claw W such that TW improves w2 (A)
V1 , V2 are two sets of vertices and Eb is the set of edges. The
bipartite graph is a graph whose vertices can be divided into
N (TW , A) = {u ∈ A : ∃v ∈ TW such that {u, v} ∈ E 0 or
two disjoint sets V1 and V2 such that each edge connects a
u = v}
vertex in V1 to one in V2 . Moreover, the bipartite graph does
for k = 1 : 4 do
not contain any odd-length cycles. A weighted bipartite graph
for k − claw in G do
is a graph that each edge eb ∈ Eb has a weight w(eb ).
Anew ← A − N (TW , A) ∪ TW
A matching of a bipartite graph is similar to that of an ordi-
if w2 (Anew ) > w2 (A) then
nary graph G. The maximum weighted matching of a bipartite
A = Anew
graph BG is a subset of the matching edges in BG that
end if
are mutually disjoint to maximize the weights of the edges.
end for
In this section, our goal is to solve the 4-DMWM problem in a
end for
distributed way. However, it is hard to realize. To simplify the
for v in G do
4-DMWM problem, we transform the weighted 4-uniform
Anew ← A − N (v, A) ∪ v
hypergraph into a weighted bipartite graph. As shown in
if w2 (Anew ) > w2 (A) then
Fig. 3, the weighted hypergraph HG can be converted to
A = Anew
a weighted bipartite graph BG. First, we create a weighted
end if
bipartite graph BG = (V1 , V2 , Eb , w) that each hyperedge of
end for
HG can be represented as 4 vertices of V1 and each vertex of
end while
HG can be represented as a vertex of V2 . The 4 vertices of V1
connect 4 vertices of V2 corresponding to the 4 vertices of
the hyperedge respectively. In our weighted bipartite graph,
allocation algorithm, hypergraph HG can be constructed after 4 edges corresponding to the same hyperedge have the same
given the parameters M , B, F according to the Section III. weight. Therefore, the hypergraph HG can be transformed
Then we map the hypergraph HG to a graph G. The w-MIS into a weighted bipartite graph BG.
of weighted graph G corresponds to the weighted 4-uniform In this paper, we find the maximum weighted match-
hypergraph matching result. Unfortunately, the w-MIS is ing result of the weighted bipartite graph to simplify the
NP-hard. Therefore, we choose the squareIMP algorithm or 4-DMWM problem. When the matching result of the
greedy algorithm in Algorithm 1 to find the w-MIS. α is the weighted bipartite graph contains 4 edges corresponding to
indicating index of algorithm. We set α = 1 when we choose a hyperedge, the hyperedge is a member of the maximum
the squareIMP algorithm and α = 0 for the greedy algorithm weighted matching set A. After that, the 4-DMWM problem
in Algorithm 1. At last, we get the 4-DMWM result for the can be solved by using a distributed maximum weighted
caching based optimal D2D pairing and channel allocation. matching algorithm in bipartite graph. Usually, the distributed
maximum weighted matching is not fully equivalent with the
IV. DISTRIBUTED 4-DMWM APPROACH 4-DMWM problem. It will loss a small part of sum-rate in the
In this section, distributed caching algorithms are pro- 4-DMWM result, while it is a simple and practical method to
posed for the 4-DMWM problem to maximize the solve the distributed 4-DMWM problem.

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L. Miao et al.: 4-DMWM Approach for Caching-Based Optimal D2D Pairing and Channel Allocation

FIGURE 3. The bipartite graph for the caching based optimal D2D pairing and channel allocation in the distributed
synchronous algorithm.

B. BP BASED DISTRIBUTED SYNCHRONOUS ALGORITHM distribution is considered as follows:

In the centralized algorithm, the BS acts as a central controller X X
that has the network information, such as the resource allo- p(x) ∝ ψi (xEi ) we xe , (10)
cation, the connectivity, users’ preference content statistics, i∈V e∈E

and distributed caching content statistics, etc. To avoid heavy which contains P a factor ψi (xEi ) for each vertex i ∈ V.
overhead of global network information and maximize the ψi (xEi ) = 1 if e∈E xe ≤ 1, and 0 otherwise. It is noted
sum-rate of the D2D network, BP based distributed syn- that i is referred to both the vertices of BG and factors of p.
chronous algorithm for 4-DMWM problem is proposed by Moreover, e is referred to both the edges of BG and variables
transforming the hypergraph HG into a weighted bipartite of p. The factor ψi (xEi ) means that at most one edge incident
graph BG. In the BP based distributed synchronous algorithm, to vertex i can be assigned the value 1. If xe = 1, e. Therefore,
the weighted matching can be formulated as follows. the edges {e | xe = 1} construct a matching in BG and
X p(x) = 0 otherwise.
max we xe ; The max-sum algorithm passes messages between vari-
e∈E ables and the factors at each iteration t for the caching based
s.t. xe ≤ 1 for all i ∈ V, optimal D2D pairing and channel allocation. For the p in (10),
e∈Ei each variable is a member of exactly two factors. An estimate
xe ∈ {0, 1} for all e ∈ E, (9) x̂ is the output of the MAP of p. (i, j) and e denotes the same
edge in this case. Set xeh1 , xeh2 , xeh3 , xeh4 as the 4 edges in
where Ei is the set of edges incident to vertex i in bipartite bipartite graph corresponding to a hyperedges of the hyper-
graph. The linear programming relaxation can be realized graph HG. Then we present the max-sum update equations
by replacing the constraint xe ∈ {0, 1} with the constraint adapted for the p in (10). At last, BP based distributed caching
0 ≤ xe ≤ 1 for each e ∈ E in the matching problem [24]. algorithm can find the matching result for the distributed
BP is a method to estimate the marginal distributions 4-DMWM problem based on the weighted 4-uniform hyper-
with respect to the variables. The method associates with a graph, as shown in Algorithm 4.
bipartite graph BG called the factor graph. With this graph, The computational complexity is measured by the number
BP iteratively passes belief messages along the edges of of calculations in the BP based distributed caching algorithm
the graph that represent estimates of the marginal distribu- with a graph of size n. Each vertex of bipartite graph BG
tions with respect to the variables [30]. The Max-product sends a vector of at most size n to each of the neighbor
form of belief propagation allows us to find the most likely vertices in the other partition in each iteration of the BP based
state of a probability distribution [24]. The max-sum algo- distributed synchronous algorithm. Each vertex has at most
rithm is equivalent to the max-product algorithm, but work n − 1 neighbors. Thus, total number of messages exchanged
in log space. Therefore, it can avoid potential underflow in each iteration are O(n2 ). Each vertex performs O(n) basic
problem. The max-sum algorithm works by iteratively pass- computational operations to compute each element in a mes-
ing messages between the variables and factors. In order to sage vector of at most size n. That is, each vertex performs
apply max-sum algorithm, we formulate maximum weighted O(n2 ) computational operations to compute a message vector
matching on bipartite graph BG as a MAP estimation prob- in each iteration. Since each vertex sends at most n message
lem by constructing a suitable probability distribution. In vectors, the total cost is O(n3 ) per iteration for all vertices.
our max-sum algorithm based caching problem, set a binary By sharing computing tasks, each device does fewer calcula-
variable xe ∈ {0, 1} with each edge e ∈ E. The probability tions when running the distributed algorithm.

VOLUME 4, 2016 9219

L. Miao et al.: 4-DMWM Approach for Caching-Based Optimal D2D Pairing and Channel Allocation

Algorithm 4 BP based Distributed Caching Algorithm Algorithm 5 Distributed Asynchronous Algorithm

Input: hypergraph HG Input: M , B, F
Output: Srate Output: Srate
Map HG to BG Construct HG = (V, E, w) with M , B, F
t=0 Map HG to graph G
Set tmax as a sufficiently large constant A=∅
Set N as the number of vertices in BG x10 = x20 = · · · = xn0 = 0
Set N 0 as the number of hyperedges in HG t=0
mt+1 t+1 t t
e→i [0] = me→i [1] = mj→e [0] = mj→e [1] = 0, ∀i, j, //Asynchronous search of all vertices
while Not convergent and t ≤ tmax do for v in V 0 do
for i = 1 : N do u=v
for j = 1 : N do //Search for all neighbors of vertex v
mt+1 t
e→i [xe ] = xe we + mj→e [xP
e] for i in Vnei do
mi→e [xe ] = max{ψi (xEi ) mte0 →i [xe0 ]} if xit = 0 then
xEi \e e0 ∈Ei \e if wi > wu then
end for u=i
end for end if
end while end if
nte [xe ] = xe we + mti→e [xe ] + mtj→e [xe ] end for
if nte [1] > nte [0] then t =t +1
x̂et = 1 xut = 1
else A←A∪u
if nte [1] < nte [0] then end for
x̂et = 0
Srate (A) = (wi )
end if i∈A
end if
for j = 1 : N 0 do
if xej1 , xej2 , xej3 , xej4 = 1 then links in the distributed network. Therefore, we search for all
j∈A vertices of graph G asynchronously to find the independent
end if set of vertices. Moreover, the neighbors of each vertex can be
end for P represent as Vnei in Algorithm 5. After that we find a max-
Srate (A) = (wi ) imum weighted vertex among the vertex and its neighbors
to add to set A. Each vertex is searched in a different time
slot. After the search, we get the set A to calculate the sum-
rate for the caching based optimal D2D pairing and channel
C. 4-DMWM BASED DISTRIBUTED allocation in D2D network.
ASYNCHRONOUS ALGORITHM The computational complexity of the distributed asyn-
In the distributed synchronous scenario, at each clock tick, chronous algorithm is measured by the number of calcula-
a central scheduler activates all the devices of the network tions in the distributed asynchronous algorithm. We compare
simultaneously and monitors the communications that take the weights of each vertex and its neighbors. Each vertex
place between these devices. The distributed asynchronous has at most n − 1 neighbors. Therefore, total number of
algorithm means there is no central scheduler and any device messages exchanged for all vertices are O(n2 ). Each ver-
can wake up randomly at any moment independently of the tex performs O(n) basic computational comparisons in the
other devices. This mode of operation brings clear advantages distributed asynchronous algorithm. It is observed that the
in terms of complexity and flexibility [31]. computational cost of the algorithm scales as O(n2 ). Since
In this subsection, the distributed asynchronous algorithm it is an asynchronous algorithm, the total time complexity is
is proposed for the caching based optimal D2D pairing and O(n3 ) for all vertices.
channel allocation to maximize the sum-rate in distributed
system, as shown in Algorithm 5. The users of distributed V. SIMULATION RESULTS
asynchronous network connect with their neighbors by jointly In this section, our simulation results demonstrate the per-
considering the content caching and channel allocation. Then formance of our proposed centralized and distributed algo-
these devices can be formed as D2D links. In the distributed rithms for caching based optimal D2D pairing and channel
asynchronous algorithm, we search for all D2D links in differ- allocation in D2D network. We set the circular cell as a radius
ent time slot. At first, we construct a hypergraph HG with the of 400 m [32]. All devices are moving around and randomly
parameters M , B, F. The hypergraph HG can be transformed distribute in the cell at a time period. A device pair delivers
into a graph G. The vertices of graph G correspond to the D2D the data file by using a resource block in D2D network.

9220 VOLUME 4, 2016

L. Miao et al.: 4-DMWM Approach for Caching-Based Optimal D2D Pairing and Channel Allocation

The channel between two devices is independent Rayleigh with B = 2, F = 3. Observed from Fig. 4, the sum-rate
fading channel. In this paper, we consider the influence of increases with the number of devices. It is clearly shown that
physical distance, resource block and content item during the the 4-DMWM based squareIMP algorithm can achieve an
communication. We set the number of resource blocks and highly approximate performance compared with the optimal
content items as B and F, respectively. Suppose the transmis- approach. The optimal approach is NP-hard which is com-
sion time of each resource block is 20ms. Our simulation has putational prohibited. Therefore, squareIMP algorithm can
the same result when we choose other parameters. In our sim- guarantee the performance of sum-rate with the complexity
ulation, we analyze different schemes for the caching based of O(n5 ) in D2D network. Moreover, the result of greedy
optimal D2D pairing and channel allocation. The detailed based algorithm is slightly lower than that of squareIMP
simulation parameters are presented in Table 2. based with a much lower computational complexity O(n2 ).
Besides, the matching result of greedy based algorithm is
TABLE 2. Simulation Parameters better than that of random algorithm. Therefore, squareIMP
algorithm can achieve a higher rate requirements, while the
greedy algorithm is a practical method with stringent latency

In one case, the BS has the network information and allo-

cates the resource block to the pair of devices. There are opti-
mal, squareIMP, greedy and random centralized algorithm
in our simulation. The optimal algorithm exhausts search
for all possible states for 4-DMWM problem in exponential
time. The detailed 4-DMWM based on greedy algorithm and
FIGURE 5. Sum-rate versus number of resource blocks in 4-DMWM based
squareIMP algorithm is presented at Section III. We search all greedy and squareIMP algorithm with F=3.
the vertices randomly in the random algorithm. The sum-rate
can verify the efficiency of the caching approach. In Fig. 4, we We plot in Fig. 5 the number of contents is 3. Then we
compare the performance of sum-rate among the algorithms choose different number of resource blocks to observe the
variance of sum-rate for the caching based optimal D2D
pairing and channel allocation. It is observed that the sum-rate
increases with the number of resource blocks when we fix the
number of content items. It implies that we can increase the
number of resource blocks to improve the overall throughput.
Moreover, the result of greedy algorithm is still a little lower
than the squareIMP algorithm with a much lower complexity.
As shown in Fig. 6, the sum-rate increases with the number
of cached contents in D2D network when we set B = 2.
It means that the overall throughput can be increased when
we increase the number of total cached contents. Fig. 6 also
illustrates that the performance of sum-rate by using the
4-DMWM based squareIMP algorithm is better that that
of greedy algorithm. However, the computational complex-
ity of squareIMP algorithm is higher than that of greedy
In another case, each device does some calculations when
FIGURE 4. Sum-rate of different centralized algorithm in D2D network
running the distributed algorithm with no the central con-
with B=2, F=3. troller. There are synchronous and asynchronous distributed

VOLUME 4, 2016 9221

L. Miao et al.: 4-DMWM Approach for Caching-Based Optimal D2D Pairing and Channel Allocation

FIGURE 6. Sum-rate versus number of contents in 4-DMWM based greedy FIGURE 8. Sum-rate of centralized and distributed algorithm by Content
and squareIMP algorithm with B=2. Caching scheme 1 with B=3, F=4.

FIGURE 7. Sum-rate of centralized and distributed algorithm with M=6, FIGURE 9. Sum-rate of centralized and distributed algorithm by Content
B=3, F=4. Caching scheme 2 with B=3, F=4.

algorithms in distributed system. The detailed algorithms are number of resource blocks is 3 and there are 4 content items.
present at Section IV. The sum-rate of different algorithms Each content is cached twice in the devices of the network
varies with the different cell sizes. In Fig. 7, we compare in scheme 2. The sum-rate also increases with the num-
the performance of sum-rate among the centralized and dis- ber of devices in different algorithms with different caching
tributed algorithms with different cell sizes when we set schemes. The simulation result of both the synchronous and
M = 6, B = 2, F = 3. Observed from Fig. 7, the sum- asynchronous distributed algorithm are lower than that of
rate decreases with the radius of the circular cell. Fig. 7 also centralized 4-DMWM based algorithm. It is obvious that
reveals that these centralized and distributed algorithms have the sum-rate of BP based distributed synchronous algorithm
similar sum-rate when the radius is larger than a certain size. is lower than the centralized greedy algorithm. However,
We assume that the file size is 120 kbits. Given a larger size of the complexity of distributed synchronous algorithm is only
file, long transmission time is required to ensure the reliable O(n2 ) for each device in a iteration. Moreover, the sum-rate of
transmission. distributed asynchronous algorithm is close to the centralized
Two different content caching schemes are used in these greedy algorithm and the computational complexity is only
algorithms, as shown in Fig. 8 and Fig. 9. We fix the buffer O(n2 ) for each device. In our simulation, we consider the
size as 2 for each devices in the simulation of scheme 1. channel estimation is perfect. The optimality of the pro-
However, in scheme 2, the same amount of contents are posed algorithm relies on the assumption of perfect channel
cached in different numbers of devices. In this case, the estimation.

9222 VOLUME 4, 2016

L. Miao et al.: 4-DMWM Approach for Caching-Based Optimal D2D Pairing and Channel Allocation

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[20] L. Miao, B. Bai, and W. Chen, ‘‘4-DMWM approach for caching based
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Part of this work has been submitted to IEEE ICC 2017. 2017.
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VOLUME 4, 2016 9223

L. Miao et al.: 4-DMWM Approach for Caching-Based Optimal D2D Pairing and Channel Allocation

LU MIAO received the B.S. degree in communica- WEI CHEN (S’05–M’07–SM’13) received the
tion engineering electronic engineering from Jilin B.S. degree (Hons.) in operations research and
University, Changchun, China, in 2015. She is cur- the Ph.D. degree (Hons.) in electronic engineering
rently pursuing the master’s degree in electronic from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2002
engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, and 2007, respectively. From 2005 to 2007, he was
China. Her research interests include D2D caching a Visiting Research Staff with The Hong Kong
and maximum weighted matching problem. University of Science and Technology. Since 2007,
he has been with the Department of Electronic
Engineering, Tsinghua University, where he has
been prompted to Full Professor since 2012, as a
special case of early promotion. After the human resource reform in Tsinghua
University, he is elected as a Tenured Full Professor of the new research and
teaching track in 2015. He also serves as an University Council Member, the
Director of the Academic Degree Administration Office, Tsinghua Univer-
sity, and the Deputy Head of the EE Department.
He visited the University of Southampton, U.K., in 2010, Telecom
BO BAI (S’09–M’11) received the B.S. degree ParisTech, France, in 2014, and Princeton University, in 2015 and in 2016.
(Hons.) from the Department of Communica- He was supported by the National 973 Youth Project, the NSFC Excellent
tion Engineering, Xidian University, X’ian, China, Young Investigator Project, the 10000-Talent Program, the New Century
in 2004, and the Ph.D. degree from the Department Talent Program of the Ministry of Education, and the Beijing Nova Program.
of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, He holds guest/chair professor positions of some Universities in China.
in 2010, Beijing, China. From 2009 to 2012, he His research interests are in the areas of wireless communications and
was a Visiting Research Staff (a Research Assis- information theory. He is a member of the Beijing Youth Federation. He
tant from 2009 to 2010 and a Research Associate served as a Tutorial Co-Chair of the IEEE ICC 2013, a TPC Co-Chair of
from 2010 to 2012) with the Department of Elec- the IEEE VTC 2011-Spring, and the Symposium Co-Chair of the IEEE ICC,
tronic and Computer Engineering, The Hong Kong ICCC, CCNC, Chinacom, and WOCC. He serves as an Editor of the IEEE
University of Science and Technology. He is currently an Assistant Professor TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, the IEEE TRANSACTIONS EDUCATION, the
with the Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University. He has IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, the IET Communications, China
also obtained the support from Backbone Talents Supporting Project of Communications, a Co-Chair of the Communications Theory Symposium in
Tsinghua University. In 2015 and 2016, he visited the City University of the IEEE Globecom 2017, and a Vice Director of the Youth Committee of
Hong Kong as a Senior Research Fellow. He received the Honor of Outstand- the China Institute of Communications.
ing Graduates of Shaanxi Province. He also received the Honor of Young Dr. Chen was a recipient of the First Prize of the 14th Henry Fok
Academic Talent of Electronic Engineering in Tsinghua University. Ying-Tung Young Faculty Award, the Yi-Sheng Mao Beijing Youth Sci-
He has authored over 60 papers in major IEEE journals and flagship ence & Technology Award, the 2010 IEEE Comsoc Asia Pacific Board Best
conferences. His research interests include hot topics in wireless communica- Young Researcher Award, the 2009 IEEE Marconi Prize Paper Award, the
tions and networking, fog/cloud-RAN, network big data, and random graph. 2015 CIE information theory new star award, the Best Paper Awards at the
He is the IEEE ComSoc Member. He received the Student Travel Grant at IEEE ICC 2006, the IEEE IWCLD 2007, the IEEE SmartGirdComm 2012,
the IEEE Globecom09. He was also invited as the Young Scientist Speaker and the First Prize in the 7th Young Faculty Teaching Competition in Beijing.
at the IEEE TTM 2011. He was a recipient of the IEEE ICC 2016 Best Paper He received the 2011 Tsinghua Raising Academic Star Award and the
Award. He served in the Wireless Communications Technical Committee and 2012 Tsinghua Teaching Excellence Award. He holds the honorary titles of
the Signal Processing and Communications Electronics Technical Commit- Beijing Outstanding Teacher and Beijing Outstanding Young Talent. He is
tee. He has served as a TPC Member of several IEEE ComSoc conferences, the Champion of the First National Young Faculty Teaching Competition,
such as ICC, Globecom, WCNC, VTC, ICCC, and ICCVE. He has also and a winner of National May 1st Medal.
served as a Reviewer for a number of major IEEE journals and conferences.

9224 VOLUME 4, 2016

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