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For our S&T issue we’ve also chosen the over production of plastics

It is no secret that we are really ruining our planet and don't know what to do about it because we
really don't want to change our use of plastics as evidenced by the plastic market being worth
over six hundred and fifty billion dollars as of this moment and the plastic packaging industry
expected to hit three hundred and fifty billion dollars by 2020

The world really needs a viable alternative that is as practical and as cheap to produce of which
we have large quantities of which doesn't negatively impact all life on Earth in the long run

More to this problem, it's estimated that more than 500 million single-use plastic straws are used
and thrown away every day in the US alone according to the National Park Service

That translates to one hundred and seventy five billion straws a year. The numbers globally are
assumed to be five times that

So relating this to technology, it is technology that helps us manufacture these plastics into things
that we can practically use such as plastic bags, containers, and straws.

Now technology has always been providing the artistic with original ways of expression, thus
with the over production of plastics, artists may use the said substance as the material for their
creative expressions

As with how art can moderate technology, as we’ve said before with vocaloid it is a form of
expression which thus can be used for exclaiming messages for the world to see.

We can then use this medium to bring about awareness on how we are destroying our world
through the overproduction of plastics which can thus bring about inspiration within the hearts
and minds of innovators that can create viable and cost efficient alternatives to plastic that are
friendly to the environment as well

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