A. DOCTOR'S APPOINTMENT - Multiple Choice: Listen To The Dialog and Choose The Best Answer!

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Listen to the dialog and choose the best answer!

1. Ryan is making an appointment to see a ______ b. Wednesday

a. Doctor c. Friday
b. Dentist d. Sunday
c. Lawyer 4. Why is Ryan seeing the dentist?
d. Chiropractor a. He has an important meeting.
2. The first appointment the receptionist offers to Ryan is no b. He needs a tooth filled.
good because ______ c. He needs a checkup.
a. he has another appointment. d. He is taking his daughter to the dentist.
b. he has to pick up his daughter. 5. What time is Ryan's appointment?
c. he has an important meeting. a. September 3rd at 10 am
d. he is going to be out of town. b. September 5th at 3 PM
3. The doctor only works late on c. October 5th at 10 am
a. Monday d. October 27th at 7:30 PM

B. DOCTOR’S APPOINTMENT – Fill in the blanks

Listen to the dialog and complete the sentence!

Receptionist : Good morning. 17th Avenue Dental Clinic.
Ryan : Good morning. It's Ryan Jones calling. I would like to make an 1 __________ to see Dr. Wilson.
Receptionist : Let me see... He has an 2__________ on September the third at 10 am.
Ryan : That's no good for me I have an important meeting that 3__________. Do you have anything else available?
Receptionist : How about the 4__________ of the 5th at 3 o'clock.
Ryan : No that's no good either I have to pick my daughter up from school. Do you have any times in the 5__________ ?
Receptionist : Dr. Wilson only works in the evenings on Wednesdays and because evenings are a 6__________ time they tend to
fill up quickly but I 'll see what we have available. The next time he has open is 7:30 on October 27.
Ryan : Wow ! that's a long way 7__________. It's only for as check up so I guess I can wait that long. I will take that time.
Receptionist : So your appointment will be at 7:30 PM on Wednesday October 27. If something 8__________ and you can't make it
make sure to call and 9__________. I will phone you the day before to 10__________ you.
Ryan : Thank You. I will see you on the 27th. Goodbye!

C. MAKING AN APPPOINTMENT – Fill in the blanks

Choose the correct answer!
Secretary : Good morning. Dr Albright's office. This is Julia __________ (Calling/Speaking/Holding the phone)
John : Good morning. __________ (He’s/His/It’s) John Smith calling.
Secretary : How can I help you?
John : I __________ (‘d like/Like/Prefer) to make an appointment with Dr Albright.
Secretary : Okay! Hold on for a moment... Let me see! __________ (Would/Is/Will)next Wednesday convenient for you?
John : I'm __________ (Sorry/Happy/Sad) , I am not free on Wednesday.
Secretary : __________ (Is/Are you free/How about) Thursday?
John : Sorry, Thursday is going to be a little difficult for me to come. I'd __________ (Want/Prefer/Take) Friday, if that's
Secretary : Is 9:00 pm __________ (Alright/Bad/Impossible) for you?
John : Yes, that would be __________ (Acceptable/Perfect/Suit)
Secretary : If you can't __________ for any reason, please contact me. (Come/Arrive/Go)
John : Sure! Thank you very much.
Secretary : You're welcome.

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