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Journal of Jessore University of Science and Technology ISSN: 2521-5493

Vol. 02 No. 01, December 2017


Md. Al Walid1*, Md. Abdul Halim1, Tanmoy Mazumder1 and Dinalo Chakma
Department of English, Jessore University of Science and Technology
Jessore 7408, Bangladesh

The sense of guilt is a hegemonic, discursive construct manufactured by powerful discourses- society,
religion, laws and family- to control and detour the free spirit of youth. It is much related to discourse
rather than to criminality or wrongdoing. This paper critically studies how and why the concept of
guilt is produced, how it monitors and directs youth individuals, how it changes in course of time,
how and why it varies from place to place, and why it is fluid. It offers a critical reading of The
Unbearable Lightness of Being and Neuromancer to explore how guilt operates and impacts human
and posthuman space. Finally the study finds that „guilt‟ controls the characters of the texts studied.
Keywords: Guilt Management, Discursive Formation, Psychoanalysis, Human and Posthuman Space.

INTRODUCTION On the other hand, in Neuromancer, we are

introduced with a society where only „cyborg‟
Oxford dictionary defines „guilt‟ as „the identity prevails. In that society, there is no
unhappy feelings caused by knowing or
direct inclination to family or religion. What is
thinking that you have done something
wrong‟ and „the fact that somebody has done the picture of „guilt‟ in that society? Does it
something illegal.‟7 It indicates that it is a exist? If not, why? In this way the paper
perception we form from our daily attempts to critically analyze that „guilt‟ is not a
experiences in the society. We learn to feel so innocent idea as it seems. It has been
guilty through society, religion, laws and „produced‟. Research on „Guilt‟ is less touched
family. But if we think otherwise that actually but the concept plays an important role from
we are taught to feel guilty through these, the
the ancient time to the present in our life what,
entire scenario would be thought provoking
because it makes the term „guilt‟ as discursive is reflected in literary texts of different eras.
what implies that „society, religion, laws‟ The concept may change with time. It has
establish the idea of guilt for their own sake. connection with the mode of power structure,
In The Unbearable Lightness of Being, we ideology, and youth of the society very closely
find how society and religion manipulate to that cannot be ignored. As scientific inventions
make one feel guilty and how family matters change human life radically, so, what might
in all the characters especially in Tereza.
happen in post human world in near future---
*Author for correspondence;

J JUST Vol. 2 No. 1, December 2017

can also be studied to understand the probable are problematic. On the other hand, in a society
subsequent changes. Therefore, more which members feel constantly feel guilty for
investigation is needed into this issue to feel, to their actions, is ultimately repressive.
show, and to draw the futuristic shape of
Guilt Management
In this paper, Guilt Management is the process
how the people of society get tackled by guilt
in life but actually cannot come out of the
This paper is mainly an analytical endeavour. It circle of it and always roam into it. This eternal
aims to analyze and re-configure the quagmire and ignorance prove that actually
theorization and perception of guilt using what we feel about guilt is not mostly in our
qualitative method. This method allows varied hands though most of us think so. Actually it is
scope of flexible interpretation, discussion, and not like that. It is the societal constructs that
establishment of pertinent suggestions with a determine how the people feel it. In guilt
critical insight into human attitude and socio- management, how guilt is related with
cultural constructions. The paper is also an discourse, hegemony, politics, religion, laws,
extensive form of library research drawing and parents has been discussed. Here, besides
much from numerous online resources. It is these dealings, the obvious change of the sense
going to cover discourse analysis, correlational has been critically interpreted and attempted to
research and evaluative research as well. The outline the futuristic shape of guilt.
paper reads two phenomenal novels in the light
of Psychoanalysis. The argument is developed The Operation of Guilt
through three core sections. The first one This section critically discusses the operations
provides different and differing of guilt through the characters of select novels
conceptualization of guilt. The next section and their roaming into it and attempts to
includes critical analysis of the operation of transgress it in the light of psychoanalysis,
guilt in two novels: The Unbearable Lightness religion, laws, and societal customs. The
of Being by Milan Kundera and Neuromancer chapter is divided into two sections. The first
by William Gibson. The final section section formulates, demonstrates, and suggests
demonstrates how guilt manipulates the free the dealings with guilt through the characters
spirit of individuals and attempts to detour of The Unbearable Lightness of Being.
rebelliousness and innovation. Similarly the next section is concerned with
Conceptualizing Guilt
Guilt in Kundera’s The Unberable Lightness
For centuries, idea of „guilt‟ has been reflected of Being
in many literary works. Religion, laws, societal
Kundera‟s novel delves into the psychosis of
customs have always been powerful forces in
the major characters and brings out the core
instigating guilt in human psychology.
essence of their psychological vulnerability.
Typically „guilt‟ is regarded as an emotion.‟1
All the characters somehow fall prey to their
However, emotions are originally fleeting and
operational „libido‟ and simultaneously, cannot
short-lived, while some forms of guilt can last
go beyond the „guilt system‟. Tereza‟s frequent
for a lifetime. The few considerations here
nightmares are possibly the outcome of long,
made on guilt should suffice to reflect the civic
subdued and internalized emotions which in
importance of guilt. If in a society which
turn have turned into an inseparable part of her
members are incapable of feeling guilty, they

J JUST Vol. 2 No. 1, December 2017

conjugal life. Her synchronic obsession with her husband‟s taking a prurient interest
her bodily attributes or guilt, we can possibly in Tereza.2
term it, has a huge effect on what she is now. Referring to psychoanalysis, Freud points out
Her personality or ego formation according to how our „unconscious‟ state of mind has a
psychoanalysis has a deep connection with her huge influence on our actions in the later part
childhood experiences when her sense of of our life. He linked the unresolved conflicts,
„secrecy and female body‟ was put into unadmitted desires or traumatic past events of
„danger‟. The normative social practices do not an individual with the „unconscious‟ mind
allow a girl to showcase her sexuality/desire, where there is less scope of the flow of
or even her body during adolescence. Tereza, expression in „conscious‟ state of mind. The
on the contrary was subjected to the exposure suppressed feelings find its ways through
of her private body parts due to her repressive different channels, I.e. dream. As Barry in his
mother (the substitution of the repressive book Beginning Theory proposes:
„father figure‟), even in front of her step-father.
All these „dysfunctional‟, physical family An example of important Freudian
practices, needless to say, are „unconventional‟ terminology is the “dream work”, the
or go against the normative praxis. As a result, process by which real events or desires
Tereza becomes the ultimate victim of „guilt‟, are transformed into dream images.
guilt of breaking of what is „normal‟, guilt of These include: displacement , whereby
being exposed which one is not supposed to be one person or event is represented by
at that age and that too by her family members. another which in some way linked or
This instills in her mind a deep sense of associated with it, perhaps because of a
insecurity towards societal establishments similar sounding word, or by some form
which later formulated her whole love/married of symbolic substitution; and
life. As Kundera narrates in his novel: condensation, whereby a number of
people, events, or meanings are
At home, there was no such thing as combined and represented by a single
shame. Her mother marched about the image in them. (p. 94)3
flat in her underwear, sometimes braless
and sometimes, on summer days, stark Tereza was extremely disturbed for his
naked. Her stepfather did not walk about husband‟s infidelity and his secret liaisons with
naked, but he did go into the bathroom several women stirs up her earlier experiences
every time Tereza was in the bath. Once of distrust and insecurity. Her „guilt‟ of being
she locked herself in and her mother was unable to connect with her dear ones again
furious. Who do you think you are, comes back to her. She feels guilt for her
anyway? Do you think he‟s going to bite inability to meet up the expectations of her
off a piece of your beauty? This husband. As a result, her guilt and internalized
confrontation shows clearly that hatred fear are re-channeled through her „dream-
for her daughter outweighed suspicion of work‟ where she is subjugated to insult and
her husband. Her daughter‟s guilt was suppression.
infinite and included the husband‟s We find from the following lines of Kundera:
Infidelities. Tereza‟s desire to be
emancipated and insist on her rights- like Her dreams recurred like themes and
the right to lock herself in the bathroom- variations or television series. For
was more objectionable to Tereza‟s example, she repeatedly dreamed of cats
mother than the possibility of jumping at her face and digging their

J JUST Vol. 2 No. 1, December 2017

claws into her skin. We need not look far Franz explains to Sabina his love for his mother,
for an interpretation: in Czech slang the because he believes this will show the strength
word cat means a pretty woman. Tereza of his fidelity, and she will admire it. However,
saw herself threatened by women, all Sabina is more intrigued by betrayal. Fidelity, to
women. All women were potential Sabina, reminds her of her small town and her
mistresses for Tomas, and she feared them father. Her father, as Kundera tells us, is a
all.2 puritan, who chases away the boys in her life.
He makes fun of Picasso, who Sabina decides to
During a celebration of promotion to
love out of rebellion. Kundera explains that she
photographer, Tereza dances with other men in
marries a second-rate actor. He also relates that
front of Tomas, her husband. He becomes
she feels stifled, because the Academy of Fine
jealous. He understands how Tereza feels about
Art does not allow Sabina to paint like Picasso.
his infidelities. He finds him guilty at this point.
Sabina flashes back to when she receives a letter
In part two, Tereza begins to take nude photos
that her mother has died, and she feels guilty for
of Sabina, one of the mistresses of Tomas.
Sabina laughs at first, then gets some wine, and betraying her family. Betrayal can produce the
sense of guilt to a person like Sabina and in
changes into a robe. She soon throws it open,
Tomas as we find earlier.
exposing herself to Tereza. While there is a
palpable tension between the two women, For Tereza, flirting is a heavy and significant
they‟re frightened by the proximity of their act. It lacks the lightness and playfulness that
shared secret lives. The session ends, as they some women innately enjoy. When Tereza flirts,
both awkwardly laugh. In art, there is no it gives an air of possibility to an illicit
boundary. The two women did not feel guilty relationship. After an encounter with a bald
seeing each other nude because it was for the man, a tall man comes to her defense and in the
sake of art and nudity is not prohibited in art. following night, he and Tereza flirt with each
Therefore, we can say, those who have high other but she feels vulnerable. She is unable to
sense of art, lack the sense of guilt because of accept it and this feeling originates from guilt.
freedom of thought. She finds betrayal very heavy and she cannot
bear its weight. As a result, Tereza feels the flat
Franz, like Tomas had rules regarding his love
of the man without having sex.
life. He would not go from Sabina‟s bed to his
wife‟s bed within the same day. He also does Tomas continues his extra-marital relationship
not want to have sex with Sabina in Geneva. after his return to Prague while he would do his
Franz creates speaking engagements and job. He experiences a woman looked “like an
inventes other reasons to travel and takes Sabina odd combination of giraffe, stork and sensitive
with him. When Sabina tells Franz that she does young boy.”2 They flirt with each other to the
not want to go to Palermo, he takes it to mean point where Tomas is touching her, and she
that she no longer desires him sexually. withdraws telling him to come back another day
Although Franz is a good looking, strong, to “finish what I kept you from starting.”2
scholarly man, he is internally weak and Tomas returns, and as they engaged in
insecure. Sabina is the initiator in their lovemaking, he orders her to strip as he always
relationship. She takes the lead in their sexual used to do with his women. She refuses and tells
liaisons. All these are beyond the boundary of him to strip. During their sexual encounter, he
any established circumstances. So, the most experiences her in a completely new way that no
solemn character in this novel, Franz also lacks other woman has done before. Her physical
sense of guilt as he is in extra-marital being is so different from other women that
relationship which is against societal rule. Tomas is enthralled at having conquered one
more woman he has not had before. We observe

J JUST Vol. 2 No. 1, December 2017

that both of them transgress their social As Tyson in his book of Critical Theory Today
boundary and lack the sense of guilt, and that is says,
why, they enjoy their life and Tomas invents Crisis brings into the spotlight wounds,
something new. fears, guilty desires, or unresolved
Tomas finally changes and all of a sudden conflicts that I have failed to deal with and
encounters a girl that he made love in a that demand action. I am flooded by the
tremendous storm. The girl remembers the past because I can now see what was
scene and recounts how beautiful it was but he really going on. This is how I can know
fails to remember the storm. He only realizes myself through crisis. Trauma is also used,
and recollects the sexual act with women, not of course, to refer to a painful experience
the story that went with it. In this way, he lacks that scars us psychologically.5
emotional attachments and loses the aesthetic We observe that Case, a talented computer
pleasure of those moments. He realizes that hacker is having jagged days. Then he gets
Tereza still occupies the poetic memory that caught with his hand in the proverbial cookie
retain the moments he is unable to capture with jar, and his employers make it so that he would
other women. In this way, his spirit almost never be able to hack a computer again. His
comes to an end. Tereza finally transgresses all psychic trauma of being inactive is reactivated
social boundaries and analyzes her love for through the opportunity what pacifies his scars
Karenin versus the love in human relationships. psychologically. He knows himself so well in
She realized that her love for Karenin (their his days of crisis and uses his second
family dog) versus the love in human opportunity in the cyber world effectively.
relationships. She assumes that her love for
Karenin, and Karenin‟s love for her, is perfect, In this postmodern age, survival has become the
selfless love. So, finally, the sense of guilt ultimate motto of life. How illegal matters have
becomes blurred as she goes beyond all societal been normalized in the text, we can watch from
constructs. the lines
Guilt in Gibson’s Neuromancer In Japan, he‟d known with a clenched and
absolute certainty, he'd find his cure. In
Neuromancer by William Gibson has Chiba, Either in a registered clinic or in
introduced us with posthuman characters. The the shadow land of black medicine.
term cyberspace was coined by Gibson for the Synonymous with implants, nerve
first time. In the world of cyberspace, survival is splicing, and microbionics, Chiba was a
the ultimate fact by any means. There is no magnet for the Sprawl‟s techno-criminal
chain of order here. Transgression of the subcultures.4
boundary is the nature of this world.
Therefore we may presume that in Chiba City,
Case transgresses all social order. The treatment Japan; body transplantation has become a
of Case in the text: common phenomenon which is contradictory to
A thief, he‟d worked for other, wealthier any social law. To make it worse, his girlfriend
thieves, employers who provided the has just stolen a bunch of RAM, he had planned
exotic software required to penetrate the to fence on the black market which also
bright walls of corporate systems, opening contradicts the custom of society.
windows into rich fields of data.4 So when a mysterious character named
Again we have found, “He stole from his Armitage offers him a job as a console cowboy
employers.”4 on retainer and a chance to hack again, Case
decides that is pretty peachy in comparison with

J JUST Vol. 2 No. 1, December 2017

the alternative one. He teams up with a street Survival of posthuman characters by any means
samurai named Molly, with whom he strikes up has become the aim of life. There is no
a relationship. Molly is present with Case beginning of life and consequently no end. That
during the operation of hacking when she needs is why the sense of guilt is completely absent in
to be with him. Finally, she leaves Case which this era. There is no social order in this society.
is odd to the convention of society. In a society Employees hack the employers‟ information.
where the sense of guilt exists, this cannot be The corporate system is becoming weakened
imagined. Riviera betrays the group at a stage here through the uprising of labor class
what is a surprise and it again proves the vague represented by Case and Molly.
sense of guilt to cyber, postmodern world.
Molly accidently runs into John Ashpool and is CONCLUSION
forced to kill him before being captured by
Riviera and Hideo, 3Jane‟s ninja bodyguard. All these incidents of these novels propagate
There is no part of regret or guilt for this killing. that guilt is not a stable idea. Male-female
There is no emotion here. The foundation of binary oppositions also play important role in
guilt derives from emotion. So no guilt exists in this regard. Women feel guiltier than men.
cyberspace. There is no universal idea of guilt. We are
taught to feel guilty through religion, laws,
Evaluation parents and other social institutions. The politics
Postmodern era is marked by a trend of de- behind the operation are not wholly
constructing the established norms through comprehensible, therefore, our ideology become
various strategies, eg. blurring the sense of guilt. politicized through the polarization of ethical
The unbearable lightness of being is one of the values. The societal constructs paved the way of
legitimate offspring of the vibe. Tomas and feeling guilty without doing any criminality or
Sabina possess the real spirit of youths. Their wrongdoing. The maltreatment to Tereza by her
ideas are very clear about what they are doing. family members even by her mother and step
There is no pretension in them. Love and love father is negated by society. In this way, „guilt‟
making are quite different phenomena to controls our roam into „the sense of guilt‟ and
Tomas. Traditionally, this kind of character is makes life unhappy and monotonous.
considered as lecherous but the representation of Future cannot be illustrated but anticipated from
Tomas by Kundera has just introduced us to a the present. The way human civilizations
new dimension in literature and spread out a directing
new dimension of thought. Tereza and Franz are
different from Tomas. They like to follow the towards a „cyborg‟ world because of our needs
certain norms of society. But the matter of the might become true years later like the incidents
relationship between Tomas and Tereza, and of Neuromancer. The conventional operation of
Franz and Sabina did happen in a way what was „guilt‟ might not be valid anymore. If human
not valid in the norms of society. So, the sense beings can come out of the cocoon of „guilt‟ by
of guilt here is not so much influential as it is de-constructing the established norms imposed
found earlier. The characters are not feeling that by social constructs, i.e. religion, laws, parents
much guilty. The advancement of technology etc. surely they will reach a new dimension.
and all other related factors have worked as a
catalyst in this issue. The change has become
Finally, Neuromancer does not give any space
for religion, law, and societal norms in it.

J JUST Vol. 2 No. 1, December 2017

References 4. W. Gibson, Neuromancer, Ace Books, New

York, p-3. 1984.
1. K. W. Fischer, P. R. Shaver, & P. Carnochan,
How emotions develop and how they organise 5. L. Tyson, Critical Theory Today, Routledge,
development, Cognition And Emotion, 4(2), Taylor & Francis Group, 270 Madison
81-127, 1990. Avenue, New York, p-21. 2006
2. M. Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of 6. A. Miller, The Drama of Being a Child, Little,
Being, Harper Perennial Modern Classics, Brown Book Group, London, p-99.1995
New York, p-22,10,104,106. 1984.
7. A.S. Hornby, Oxford Advanced Learner‟s
3. P. Barry, Beginning Theory, Viva Books Dictionary of Current English, Oxford
Private Limited, New Delhi-Mumbai- University Press, Great Clarendon Street,
Chennai-Kolkata-Bangalore-Hyderabad- Oxford, ox2DP, United Kingdom,p-697.2015
Kochi-Guwahati, p-94. 2010.


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