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How do I measure accurately?

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Time allotment: 2-4 hours


LY 2020-2021
1st Quarter
How do I measure accurately?
Being confident and being sure are two different things. Factors that separates them are the
precision and accuracy of proof and work. Such feature can only be achieved through proper
use of tools and exact computations. This module will help you out on carrying out these tasks.

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

1. Use tools for measurement properly and accurately;

2. Convert bigger units to smaller units and vice versa;
3. Organize your notes;
4. Remember the value of units by using them in a problem;
5. Apply remembered values by formulating your own formula;
6. Find the perimeter of an object;
Module 4: How do I measure accurately?


On the table you are using right now, can you guess how many one-peso coin can you line up on
your table from left to right? Write your answer on a piece of paper.
Take a one-peso coin or coins and start measuring how many you can actually fit. Write your answer
on a piece of paper.

The one or two coins that you missed or did not match during your estimation may seem
insignificant but, in your research, or experiment small numbers like this is crucial. This may affect
the results of your study and turn it into an unreliable one and/or maybe straight out wrong. By using
tools however, we can improve the quality of our results. There are plenty of tools we can use for
measuring stuff. The simplest example is the ruler which is used to measure short lengths. Knowing
the width, length and height of an object is a necessity to accurately address objects use in your
study. Length is the longest extent of anything as measured from end to end. Width is the extent
from side to side, breadth or wideness of an object. Height is the distance upward from a given level
to a fixed point. Please refer to the diagram below on pointing out length, width and height.
Module 4: How do I measure accurately?

ACTIVITY 1: Every inch counts


A. Using you ruler, measure the following objects you can find near you.
Use inch as a unit of measurement. Use fraction to express your

1. the length of your foot

2. all dimensions of your science book
3. the width of the device you are using
4. all the dimensions of your table
5. length of your femur

B. You can use a tape measure for the set of tables on this one. Use
centimeter as a unit of measurement.
6. floor of your room
7. the door case of you room
8. your height
9. the chair you are sitting on
10. a wall in your room
Bigger Smaller
1 inch 2.54 centimeters
1 foot 30.48 centimeters
1 meter 3.48 feet
1 foot 12 inches
1 meter 100 centimeters
1 kilometer 1000 meters
1 mile 1.6 kilometers
Module 4: How do I measure accurately?

There are plenty ways of showing your measurements. Each unit is useful depending on the object
you are measuring. By using the proper unit, you can potentially make your work a lot easier and

A. Conversion using whole numbers:

Use the table as a reference. If the unit need to convert to is from big to small, simply multiply it. If
the unit you need to convert to is from small to big, divide it.

Big to small: 6 meters to centimeters
(1 meter = 100 centimeters)
6 x 100 = 600 centimeters
Small to big: 600 centimeters to meter
(1 meter = 100 centimeters)
600 ÷ 100 = 6 meters
Module 4: How do I measure accurately?

Conversion using fractions:

Step 1: Formula
The values on each side of the equations are equal and when they change units they don’t decrease
or increase in value, you can create fractions that are equal to 1, such as:
1 inch 2.54 centimeter
2.54 centimeters
or 1 inch

1 foot 3.28 centimeters

3.28 centimeters
or 1 foot

You can practice converting all of the rest on the table into a fraction in your notes.

Step 2: Expressing the formula

Let’s say you want to convert 6 meters to centimeter, Express it first to fraction.
6 meters
Then write the fraction beside it on what unit you are going to convert it. Remember the given unit
should be on the opposite.
6 meters 100 centimeters
to 1 meter
Module 4: How do I measure accurately?

Step 3: Canceling
The formula that we made are supposed to be multiplied together but since it will be complicated to
multiply two units still present, we need to cancel one of them. When you’re multiplying fractions,
you can cancel any factor that appears in both the numerator and denominator. Just as with numbers,
you can also cancel out units of measurement in fractions. Let us go back to our formula.
Since the word meter appears on the numerator and denominator, they can cancel each other out
6 meters 100 centimeters
to 1 meter

This is why it is important to the given unit to be on the opposite side. After you cancel the unit you
can proceed to simplifying it by multiplying the numerators and denominators and then dividing the
numerator and denominator.
6 100 centimeters 600 centimeters
x 1
= 1
= 600 centimeters

Let’s try it the other way around. Let’s convert 600 centimeters back to meter.
Step 1:
600 centimeters
Step 2:
600 centimeters 1 meter
to 100 centimeters

Step 3:
600 centimeters 1 meter
x 100 centimeters
= 600100
=6 meters
Module 4: How do I measure accurately?

ACTIVITY 2: Conversion

PROCEDURE: Convert the following units. Please box your final answer and
express your fractions in simplest form or your decimals in 2 decimal places.

1. 2 feet to inches
2. 27 meters to centimeter
3. 13 kilometers to meter
4. 5 miles to kilometer
5. 8 feet of centimeter

6. 3,000 centimeters to meter
7. 39.36 meter to foot
8. 156 inches to feet
9. 90,000 meters to kilometers
10. 800 kilometers to mile

11. 6 feet to inches
12. 393.6 centimeter to foot
13. 32 meters to centimeter
14. 200 centimeters to inches
15. 20 miles to kilometer
Module 4: How do I measure accurately?


Let’s do a twist on the same activity but with your table and ballpen. If you are going to decorate the
edge of your table and line up your pencil on both its length and width. How many pencils do you
think will it take? Write your answer on a paper.

Now, get your ballpen and count how many ballpens you really need to do it. Write your answer on
a paper.

How far is your answer from each other? Do you think you can do this perfectly each time you

Perimeter is the distance around a flat shape. To get the perimeter you just need to get the sum of
the flat shape’s side. The formulas below will help you get the perimeter easier.

Module 4: How do I measure accurately?

Let’s Practice!

Find out how much 3-inch width of wooden fence that are 5 inches apart can you put
in front or around your house. Show your formula and draw a representation of the
house from the top.

Look at the figure below and use it as a model on your drawing. (if you can only put
fence in your backyard or front yard you may use them instead of your whole house)

Prepared by: Daryll Allen M. Escusa

Teacher in Science

Approved by: Cecilia Perez-Nadal Approved by: Samuel O. Geronilla

Principal-CELL Creative Director-CELL

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