Sexual Health and Hygiene: Prepared By: Ms. Mae Rachelle Salcedo-Pingke

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Lesson Objectives:

When you finish reading this chapter, you should be able to:

1. identify the important health habits for the developing adolescent;

2. observe maintaining good hygiene; and
3. Know when to seek help from a health care professional.
Definition of Terms:
Health- a state of complete physical, mental, and social
well- being and not merely the absence of disease or

Hygiene- refers to behaviors that can improve cleanliness and le

ad to good health.

Sexual Health- refers to the state of physical, emotional, mental,

and social well- being in relation to sexuality

Reproductive health- refers to the state of complete physical, me

ntal, and social well- being and not merely the absence of
Oily Hair- the hormones that create acne the same ones that can make
you feel like you’re suddenly styling your hair with a comb dipped in mot
or oil.

Sweat and Body Odor- Perspiration, or sweat comes from sweat glands
that you have had in your body.

Body Hair- Body hair in new places is something you can count
on- again, they are hormones is action.

Dental Hygiene- Brushing and flossing properly, along with

Regular dental checkups, can help prevent tooth decay and gum
Healthcare check for female
Healthcare check for female
Keeping the external female genitalia clean:
Women should follow the steps given below to keep their genitals clean and
• Wash the genital area with warm water and mild soap everyday. The pubi
c hair,
vulva, and the anus must be washed regularly using unperfumed soap.
• You must use a toilet paper to wipe the area dry after urinating. Care sho
uld be
taken to wipe from the front to the back.
• It is very important to wash your hands after urinating or bowel movement
s as germs are easily spread through hands.
• You must avoid the usage of douches unless it is prescribed by your phys
Douches can disturb the vagina’s pH balance by reducing the acidity and ma
king it more susceptible to bacterial infections.
Keeping the external female genitalia clean:
• Try to wear 100 percent cotton underwear, preferably, white. You must avoid
wearing acetate, nylon, and other manmade fibers. You must opt for clothing
that allows air flow so that the secretions from your vagina can evaporate.
• Avoid wearing thongs and nylon pantyhose. They tend to trap heat and
moisture and provide an ideal breeding ground for harmful bacteria and fungi.
• It is important to wash your genitals more than once during your periods.
Many women feel unclean during their periods and therefore try to use douches to
clean themselves. This must be avoided as excessive use of douches can cause
bacterial infections.
• You must change clothes after strenuous exercising sessions and work-outs.
• A number of women feel the need to remove their pubic hair. If you have wart,
you must be very careful while removing pubic hair as shaving or waxing can
easily spread the infection. Moreover, hair removal might also lead other probl
ems such as ingrowing hair, and scars.
Keeping the external male genitalia clean:
The following steps must be taken to keep the male genitals clean:
• Wash the genitals everyday. The penis, scrotum, anus, as well as the pubic
hair should be washed everyday with a mild soap and water.
• After urinating, you must shake the penis gently so as to expel the remaining
drops of urine. You must also wipe the area dry.
• The anus should be wiped dry with a tissue or cleaned with water after a
bowel movement.
• You must make it a habit to wash your hands after urinating and after cleaning
the anus as germs can easily spread through hands.
• The base of the penis and the testicles also need to be cleaned daily to avoid
a strong sweaty smell from the pubic hair.
When a boy is born, his penis is not circumcised. Young boys and kids should not try to forcefully push
the foreskin back. As the boy grows, the skin will gradually open up and push backwards on its own. Till
the time this happens, you can just wash the foreskin which is visible. The following recommendations
should be observed while cleaning the foreskin:

Only mild soaps, preferably chemical-free, should be used for cleaning

the foreskin and heavily scented soaps should be avoided.
•At times, you might observe a whitish-yellow, oil-like substance, known
as smegma, accumulating under the foreskin. It is important to wash off
smegma as its accumulation can cause genital odor and might also
lead to infections.
•A number of men suffer from inflammation in the foreskin. The foreskin
often tends to become red and sore. In such cases, men must avoid
scented soaps, bubble bath, and must wear loose underwear or
•For babies it is very important to change diapers and wet nappies to
avoid infections.
For men with circumcised penis, since the foreskin has been surgically
removed, the chances of infection are less. However, they must wash
the penis with mild soap and water daily.

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