Quan AE Aerosolandcloud

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Impact of aerosol particles on cloud formation: Aircraft measurements in


Article  in  Atmospheric Environment · January 2011

DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.10.025


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5 authors, including:

Zhang Qiang Jiannong Quan

Beijing Weather Modification Office Institute of Urban Meteorology, Chinese Meteorological Administration, Beijing, C…


Xuexi Tie Mengyu Huang

National Center for Atmospheric Research 34 PUBLICATIONS   969 CITATIONS   

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Atmospheric Environment 45 (2011) 665e672

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Impact of aerosol particles on cloud formation: Aircraft measurements in China

Qiang Zhang a, Jiannong Quan a, b, *, Xuexi Tie c, Mengyu Huang a, Xincheng Ma a
Beijing Weather Modification Office, Beijing, China
Institute of Urban Meteorology, CMA, Beijing, China
National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In-situ aircraft measurements of aerosols and clouds of 7 flights during the period from July to
Received 17 June 2010 September of 2008 are analyzed in Beijing, China. The measured aerosol concentrations indicated that
Received in revised form the Beijing region was highly polluted by aerosol particles. The impact of heavy aerosol particle loadings
12 October 2010
on cloud formation is studied. The microphysical characters of clouds (including number concentrations
Accepted 15 October 2010
of cloud droplets (Nc), cloud droplet radius (Rc), liquid water content (LWC)), and number concentra-
tions of aerosol particles (Na) were measured during the experiments. The aircraft measurements
indicated that under high aerosol particle conditions, large number of cloud droplets was formed with
Heavy aerosol pollution
Aircraft measurements
small size of droplets. By contrast, under low aerosol particle conditions, the formation of cloud droplets
Cloud formation was limited by the number of Na. In this case, small number of cloud droplets was formed with large size
CCN and LWC of droplets. The number concentrations of cloud droplets were sensitivity to LWC under high aerosol
Beijing particle conditions. With low LWC value (<0.1 g m3), the Nc was slowly increased with the Na. For
example, the cloud droplets were increased from 200 to 300 cm3, while aerosol particles were
increased from 1000 to 6000 cm3, indicating that a large amount of aerosol particles were unchanged
under low LWC condition. By contrast, with high LWC value (>0.5 g m3), the activation of aerosol
particles to become cloud droplets was significantly enhanced. For example, the cloud droplets were
increased from 700 to 1900 cm3, while aerosol particles were increased from 1000 to 6000 cm3,
suggesting that a large amount of aerosol particles were converted to cloud droplets when there were
enough LWC for supporting such conversions. This study also suggests that the Rc was also very
sensitivity to the LWC values. The increase in the LWC values led to significant increase in the size of
cloud droplets.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction et al., 2006; Shao et al., 2006; Chan and Yao, 2008). Studies
regarding the aerosol, cloud, and precipitation in this region indi-
Atmospheric aerosols have important effects on cloud formation, cated that the high concentrations of aerosols have already affected
precipitation, and climate changes (IPCC, 2007; Ramanathan et al., the clouds, precipitation, and climate. For example, Jin and
2005). For example, aerosol particles change the formation and Shepherd (2008) analyzed the interactions between aerosols and
properties of clouds (Andreae et al., 2004), radiative energy budget clouds/rainfall in warm season in eastern China based on the
of the Earth (Andreae et al., 2005), atmospheric stability (Zhao et al., analysis of satellite data. Their study suggested that aerosols have
2006), and deep convective clouds (Rosenfeld et al., 2008). At the more effects on cloud formation than convective rainfall, and the
present, we do not fully understand the above mentioned process, effects on cloud formation were more frequents over ocean than
especially how aerosols affect cloud formation, water cycle, and over land. Zhao et al. (2006) studied a long-record of precipitation,
radiant energy budget in the climate system (Stevens, 2008). satellite aerosol data and meteorological sounding data over
China is one of the regions with heavy aerosol loadings (Li et al., central-eastern China. Their study suggested that aerosols (espe-
2007; Tie et al., 2006), and the high concentrations of aerosols are cially black carbons) enhanced atmospheric stability, and the
mainly resulted from human activities, and dust storms (Zhang enhancement in atmospheric stability tend to depress upward
motion and precipitation in central-eastern China. Menon et al.
(2002) studied the climate effects of black carbons on climate in
* Corresponding author at: Beijing Weather Modification Office, Beijing 100089,
China and India. Their study suggested that black carbons affect
China. large scale circulations and hydrologic cycles with significant
E-mail address: quanjn1975@gmail.com (J. Quan). regional climate effects.

1352-2310/$ e see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

666 Q. Zhang et al. / Atmospheric Environment 45 (2011) 665e672

In the previous studies, cloud data is mainly collected from flights. This instrument operates in a continuous flow mode, making
satellite observations, and detailed microphysical parameters of measurements of CCN in every second. The CCNC operates at
clouds in central-eastern China are poorly understood. Thus, in-situ a single supersaturation, from the range 0.07e2.0%, with an air flow
measurements of aerosols and clouds are urgently needed in order rate of 500 cm3 min1. During flights, the super-saturation point
to study the impacts of aerosol particles on cloud formation, was set as 0.3%. The supersatuation given by DMT CCNC during field
precipitation, and climate change in this region. measurements might exist some deviation. According to the work of
There were several studies regarding the aircraft measurements Rose et al. (2008), the relative deviations of supersatuation can
of aerosols and cloud droplets in central-eastern China. For reach up to 10%, especially at low supersaturation, which will
example, Deng et al. (2009) showed that under very low cloud influence the CCN concentration correspondingly. The Meteoro-
liquid water content, the measured cloud droplets number logical measurements included location, temperature, relative
concentrations (with high aerosol concentrations) were less than humidity, barometric pressure and wind using with AIMMS-20
100 cm3, indicating LWC plays important roles in controlling the (Aircraft Integrated Meteorological Measurement System, Advan-
number concentrations of cloud droplets. In this study, the detailed tech Research Inc.). PCASP and CAPS were mounted on the wings of
aerosol particles and cloud droplets were measured under different aircraft, which allowed air to directly follow into the instruments.
LWC conditions during the period from July to September, 2008. For cloud droplets, they were detected with environmental pressure
This study intends to address the following issues; (a) to analyze and temperature. For aerosol particles, they were detected with
the measured characteristics of aerosols, cloud condensation environmental pressure, and the heaters in PCASP were turn on
nucleation (CCN), and cloud droplets in central-eastern China; (b) during the measurement. For CCN measurement, the inlet (Male
to analyze the relationship between aerosols and cloud droplets; Run Tee 15MF-6 by Truly Tubular Fitting Corp) was mounted on the
and (c) to study the impact of heavy aerosol concentrations on top of aircraft, and connected to a stainless steel tube. In this
cloud formation. The paper is organized as the follows. In Section 2, experiment, we didn’t perform a RH control on CCNC.
we describe the experimental method; including the instruments ALL the instruments (PCASP, CAPS and CCNC) are calibrated by
and measurement data. In Section 3, the measured result is DMT every year before aircraft measurements are taken placed. In
analyzed and discussed. The summary of the results is given in addition, the PCASP and CAPS are calibrated using polystyrene latex
section 4. spheres (PSL) by Duke Scientific Corporation every month. The size
distribution, total volume of particles, mean diameter, and number
2. Data and method concentrations of aerosol particles are online analyzed during
measurements. The measured cloud droplet number concentration
2.1. Instruments on the aircraft was sampled and corrected for dead-time and coincidence
according to the method suggested by Brenguier and Amodei
Several instruments are mounted on an aircraft (Y12) for (1989) and Baumgardner et al. (2002). The sampling interval was
measuring the concentrations of aerosol particles in different size 1 s during all flights. The aircraft flight altitudes were from surface
bins, CCN number concentrations, and the size distributions and to 6 km. During the cloud detection, the aircraft horizontally
number concentrations of cloud droplets over the Beijing region, penetrated into small cumuli and other non-precipitation clouds,
China. Aerosol particles ranging from 0.10 to 3.0 mm in diameter are but was not able to enter strong cumuli clouds. The horizontal scale
measured by a Passive Cavity Aerosol Spectrometer Probe (PCASP- of small cumuli clouds were often about several hundred meters,
200). During the measurement, three heaters in PCASP were turned and a few cumuli clouds were about 1e2 km s. The field measure-
on, which can reduce the RH to 40% in the inlet air (Strapp et al., ment was carried out in the Beijing region, China during the period
1992). Cloud droplets with diameter ranging from 0.6 to 50 mm from July to September 2008. The detailed flight information is
were measured by a Cloud, Aerosol and Precipitation Spectrometer shown in Table 1.
(CAPS). In this study, only particles with diameter of larger than
2 mm were counted as cloud droplets. The LWC in cloud was calcu- 2.2. Data processing
lated based on the measurement of volume concentration of cloud
droplets. In addition to cloud droplet measurement, the activation According to previous studies, there were several criterions to
of aerosol particles to CCN was also measured by a CCN counter define the appearance of clouds, such as (a) Nc > 10 cm3 (Rangno
(CCNC; Droplet Measurement Technologies Inc., DMT) during the and Hobbs, 2005; Stith et al., 2006); (b) LWC > 0.01 g m3 (Gultepe

Table 1
Flight Information regarding the 13 cloud detections.

Date Cloud height Sampling Aero under Cloud droplet concentration (Nc, cm3) and size(Rc,mm) under different LWC(g m3)
(meter) number cloud (cm3)
<0.1 0.1e0.3 0.3e0.5 >0.5

Nc Rc Nc Rc Nc Rc Nc Rc
29/Jul. 2071e2439 592 6021.97 164.56 2.01 1512.88 3.61 1934.39 4.26 2212.78 5.04
30/Jul. 2442e2592 413 2672.73 374.46 2.27 1276.08 3.41
31/Jul. 679e957 65 4664.36 309.24 2.68 1572.68 3.77 1346.50 5.30 2218.78 5.57
31/Jul. 2474e2552 210 244.71 187.76 4.97 184.17 7.86 264.78 8.73 284.55 10.10
31/Jul. 2120e2242 68 374.58 56.04 7.56 187.85 8.58 273.82 9.34 475.69 9.57
13/Aug. 1626e2088 98 3375.45 92.86 4.33 304.97 7.02 600.09 6.96 1482.83 7.34
13/Aug. 639e769 277 7337.97 352.11 2.52 1833.65 3.71 2536.2 4.02
21/Aug. 2305e2697 107 1249.14 401.86 5.18 875.97 6.48 764.32 8.56
21/Aug. 1145e1433 1791 4284.22 391.47 5.69 928.64 6.34 912.19 7.83 1170.03 8.21
21/Aug. 3333e3668 1312 829.15 56.56 8.09 464.75 6.61 500.43 7.55 653.9 7.36
9/Sep. 1400e1772 194 4786.51 242.05 6.57 766.49 6.60 1075.04 6.99 1372.99 7.52
9/Sep. 4256e4654 442 184.03 76.42 8.92 160.17 8.74 187.59 9.49 197.70 11.35
17/Sep. 665e889 73 6691.29 253.84 2.71 1690.13 3.87
Author's personal copy

Q. Zhang et al. / Atmospheric Environment 45 (2011) 665e672 667

et al., 1996); or (c) Nc > 0.1 cm3 and LWC > 0.0005 g m3 (Gultepe X X 
Rg ¼ EXP ni lnri = ni ; (5)
and Isaac, 2004). In this study, the appearance of clouds is deter-
mined by the following criterion, i.e., Nc > 10 cm3 and
LWC > 0.001 g m3. In this work, the measurements of clouds were X  2 X 1=2
valid by the following methods. First, the records with a total
sg ¼ EXP ni lnri  lnrg = ni  1 ; (6)
number concentration of less than 10 m3 or an integrated liquid
water content of less than 0.001 g m3 are removed from analysis. 3 ¼ s=r; (7)
Second, to avoid the influence of ice particles, only the data with
ambient temperature of larger than 0  C is considered. As a result, where ni represents the number concentration of particles in ith bin
there are total 13 cloud detections during the observation period, of PCASP or CAPS (particles bigger than 2 mm); ri is the arithmetic
and a total of 5642 cloud data were collected (see Table 1). The mean radius of ith bin; and rw is the density of liquid water.
measurements of aerosol particle in cloud will be influenced by
cloud droplets. Therefore the Na value in cloud was calculated as
3. Result and discussion
the averaged value of 300 meters under clouds. Table 1 indicates
that the measured Na ranges from 184 to 7337 cm3, and the
3.1. Vertical distribution of aerosols and CCN
measured Nc ranges from 197 to 2218 cm3, with the value of LWC
being larger than 0.5 g m3. The vertical heights of detected cloud
One of the advantages of the aircraft measurements is that the
ranged from 98 to 462 meter from the bottom of the clouds, and
vertical distribution of aerosols and CCN were obtained. Fig. 1
bottom of clouds was usually lower than 2500 meter.
shows the vertical distributions of averaged aerosol particles,
The Nc, LWC, mean radius, standard deviation of the spectrum
CCN, effective radius of aerosols (Ra), Rg, and the ratio of CCN to Na.
about the effective mean radius (Re), geometric mean radius (Rg)
The geometric stand deviation of Rg is about 1.19e3.18 mm, with
are calculated as according to the following equations:
averaged value of 1.37 mm. Several interesting aspects are shown in
X the figure. For example, large amounts of aerosol particles were
Nc ¼ ni ; (1) constrained in the lower layer of the atmosphere (below 1 km),
indicating that the aerosol particles were mainly resulted from
X surface emissions (including both the direct emissions of particles
LWC ¼ ni ri3 rw 4p=3; (2)
and secondary formation of particles from the emissions of gas
X X phase pollutants). The averaged Na below 1 km was about
Re ¼ ni ri3 = ni ri2 ; (3) 6600 cm3, suggesting that the aerosol particles in the Beijing
region were considerably higher than the aerosol particles
X X 1=2 measured in other regions, such as the observation of ACE-2
se ¼ ni ðri  re Þ2 = ni ; (4) (Pawlowska and Brenguier, 2000) and INDOEX (Ramanathan et al.,
2001). This result suggests that this area was heavily polluted by

Fig. 1. Averaged vertical distributions for aerosol particles of Na (cm3), effective radius of aerosols of Ra (mm), geometric mean radius aerosols of Rg (mm), CCN number
concentration (cm3), and ratio of CCN/Na.
Author's personal copy

668 Q. Zhang et al. / Atmospheric Environment 45 (2011) 665e672

concentrations (3260 cm3) at the altitude of 0e1 km, reduced to

720 cm3 at the altitude of 1e4.5 km, and further decreased to
71 cm3 above 4.5 km. This result indicates that the CCN concen-
tration in the Beijing regions was much higher than measurements
of ASTEX (Hudson and Xie, 1999), ACE-1 (Hudson et al., 1998), and
SCMS (Hudson and Yum, 2001), suggesting that the heavy aerosol
loadings in the Beijing region had important impact on the value of
CCN in the region. This is due to the fact that under certain
supersaturation, the ratio of CCN/Na depends on the aerosol size
and chemical compositions (including mixing state) (Frank et al.,
2006; Dusek et al., 2006; Lohmann et al., 2004; Ervens et al.,
2007). For a given ratio of CCN/Na, the CCN concentration is
proportional to the aerosol concentration (Na).
Different particles with different chemical composition have
different feathers in their sizes. For example, the organic particles
are generally smaller than inorganic particles (Broekhuizen et al.,
2006; McFiggans et al., 2006). Moreover, organic particles are
generally less CCN-active than inorganic particles (Raymond and
Pandis, 2002). Thus cloud-nucleating capability of aerosol parti-
Fig. 2. Correlation between the ratio of CCN/Na and Ra (mm) during all flights. cles is related to their size distribution (Dusek et al., 2006). In order
to have further insight of the effect of particles size on the CCN
aerosol particles. Above 1 km, there was a sharp transition of activation of aerosols, we analyzed the relationship between the
aerosol concentrations, and the averaged aerosol concentrations ratio of CCN/Na and Ra (Fig. 2). The result shows that the ratio of
reduced to 2062 cm3 at altitudes of 1e4.5 km. Above 4.5 km, the CCN/Na was linearly proportional to particle size. With particle
averaged Na further reduced to 400 cm3. The averaged radius radius of 0.1 mm, the ratio of CCN/Na is 0.3, suggesting that 30% of
shows that the aerosol particles were generally small particles. The aerosol particles were active to become to CCN particles. When the
particle size was large in the lower layer of the atmosphere (less particle radius increased to 0.15 mm, the ratio of CCN/Na increased
than 1 km) and gradually reduced with altitude. For example, the to 0.5, indicating that 50% of aerosol particles were active to
averaged Re was 0.14, 0.12, and 0.09 mm, at altitudes of 0e1, 1e4.5, become to CCN particles. This result shows that the aerosol parti-
and above 4.5 km, respectively. The measured CCN vertical cles, especially large aerosol particles, play important roles to
distribution was similar to the Na distribution, had highest enhance the formation of CCN and clouds in the Beijing region.

Fig. 3. Correlations between the radius of cloud droples (Rc, mm)/number of cloud droplets (Nc, cm3) and LWC (g m3) for two different cases. The Case-1 represents high aerosol
particle case (upper panel), and The Case-1 represents low aerosol particle case (Lower panel).
Author's personal copy

Q. Zhang et al. / Atmospheric Environment 45 (2011) 665e672 669

3.2. Cloud formation under different aerosol conditions Case-2 was limited by aerosol particle concentrations. With small
amounts of aerosol particles, there were not enough particles
CCN can provide a link in understanding the relation of aerosols which can be active to become cloud droplets, and the number of
with cloud droplets. Under higher ambient supersaturation (Sa), cloud droplets quickly reached to a cap value (e.g., about 250 cm3).
more CCN can be activated and more cloud droplets (Nc) would be With a certain number of cloud droplets, the increase in LWC is
formed. After CCNs are activated, they can grow to larger sizes and related to increase in the size of the cloud droplets, rather than the
form cloud droplets. The Sa in clouds depends on the water vapor number of cloud droplets. As a result, small amounts of large size
concentration, the temperature and the upward moving velocity of cloud droplets were formed in clouds. Fig. 4 schematically shows
air (Mason, 1971; Twomey, 1977; Beard and Ochs, 1993). the 2 cases as mentioned above. In the following studies, the values
During this experiment, the measured aerosol, cloud droplet of LWC are classified to 4 different categories, such as (a) LWC < 0.1
concentrations and LWC covered a wide range of conditions, and (C1), (b) 0.1 < LWC < 0.3 (C2), (c) 0.3 < LWC < 0.5 (C3), and (d)
various cases were observed. In order to distinguish the characters LWC > 0.5 (C4).
of cloud formation in different conditions, two cases are selected in
this study. The first case was selected for the measured values 3.3. Cloud formation under different LWC conditions
during the flight on August/13, with high aerosol particle concen-
trations (Case-1). The second case was selected for the measured Fig. 5 shows the relationship between Na and Nc under the
values during the flight on July/31, with low aerosol particle different LWC conditions. The result indicates that under the C1
concentrations (Case-2). Fig. 3 shows the relationships between condition, the Nc increased slowly with the Na, suggesting that there
LWC and Nc and between LWC and Rc for the 2 cases. Under the is a large amount of aerosol particles which cannot be active to
high aerosol condition (Case-1), the cloud droplet concentrations become cloud droplets. For example, with aerosol particles of
increased rapidly with the values of LWC. For example, when the 6000 cm3, only 300 cm3 cloud droplets were produced, indicating
value of LWC was 0.1 g m3, there were about 1000 cm3 cloud that large amounts of aerosol particles remained inactivated. By
droplets. When the value of LWC was 0.4 g m3, the number of contrast, under the C4 condition, the activation of aerosol particles to
cloud droplets increased to 2600 cm3. However, the size of cloud become cloud droplets was significantly enhanced. For example, with
droplets increased slowly with the values of LWC. By contrast, aerosol particles of 6000 cm3, the Nc value was 1900 cm3, sug-
under the low aerosol condition (Case-2), the cloud droplet gesting that large amounts of aerosol particles were converted to
concentrations increased slowly with the values of LWC. However, cloud droplets. Under the C2 and C3 conditions, the rate of the
the size of cloud droplets increased rapidly with the values of LWC. conversion was in the middle of the values in the C1 and C4 condi-
With large amounts of aerosol particles (Case-1), there were tions. This result is further confirmed by the relationship between Na
enough particles which can potentially be active to become cloud and the ratio of Nc/Na (shown in Fig. 6). As shown in Fig. 6, when
droplets, and the number of cloud droplets was strongly correlated aerosol particles were low, the ratio of Nc/Na was generally large. For
to the abundance of LWC. Because the certain amount water was example, with aerosol particles of 1000 cm3, the ratios were 0.2,
shared by large amount particles, the size of cloud droplets was 0.46, 0.59, and 0.70 for the C1, C2, C3, and C4 conditions, respectively.
limited. As a result, large amounts of small cloud droplets were However, when the number of aerosol particles reached to
formed in clouds. By contrast, the number of cloud droplets in the 6000 cm3, the ratios reduced to 0.05, 0.20, 0.21, and 0.34 for the C1,

Fig. 4. Schematic picture for the LWC limit and aerosol limit conditions for the conversion of aerosol particles to cloud droplets.
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670 Q. Zhang et al. / Atmospheric Environment 45 (2011) 665e672

Fig. 5. Correlation between Nc and Na under different LWC values.

C2, C3, and C4 conditions. This analysis suggests that under high LWC condition (0.1 g m3), small amounts of aerosol particles had been
condition (>0.5 g m3), large amounts of aerosol particles had been converted to cloud droplets (20%).
converted to cloud droplets (70%) when aerosol particles were small Further analysis indicates that LWC has weak relationship to the
(1000 cm3). By contrast, for the same conditions but under low LWC number concentrations, but had strong relationship with the size of

Fig. 6. Same as Fig. 5, but between the ratio of Nc/Na and Na.
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Q. Zhang et al. / Atmospheric Environment 45 (2011) 665e672 671

Fig. 7. Same as Fig. 5, but between Rc and Na.

cloud droplets (shown in Fig. 7). Fig. 7 shows that the averaged small number of cloud droplets was formed with larger size of
cloud radius was strongly related to the values of LWC, and also droplets.
varied strongly with number of aerosol particles. For example, with (2) The relationship between LWC and aerosol particles/cloud
aerosol particles of 1000 cm3, the cloud radius was 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, droplets is studied. In this study, the values of LWC are classi-
and 8.5 mm for the C1, C2, C3, and C4 conditions, respectively. When fied to be 4 different categories, such as (a) LWC < 0.1 (C1), (b)
aerosol particles increase to 6000 cm3, the cloud radius was 4, 4.5, 0.1 < LWC < 0.3 (C2), (c) 0.3 < LWC < 0.5 (C3), and (d)
6, and 6.5 mm for the C1, C2, C3, and C4 conditions, respectively. The LWC > 0.5 (C4). The result suggests that with low LWC value
impact of aerosol concentration on the size of cloud droplets would (C1), the number of cloud droplets (Nc) increased slowly with
have important effects on the gravity settling velocity and therefore the number of aerosol particles (Na), and large amounts of
the resident time in clouds. aerosol particles remained inactivated. By contrast, with high
LWC value (C4), the activation of aerosol particles to become
cloud droplets was significantly enhanced, implying that LWC
is an important parameter to analyze the relationship between
4. Summary
aerosol particles and cloud droplets, especially in high polluted
aerosol regions.
Beijing area is one of the regions with very heavy aerosol
(3) In addition to the number concentrations of cloud droplets,
loadings. High concentration of aerosols over this region causes
LWC is also closely correlated to the size of cloud droplets. This
wide-ranging potential consequences, including cloud formation,
study suggests that averaged cloud radius was strongly
precipitation, weather and climate change. During the past 20
dependent upon the LWC values, and also varied strongly with
years, a few in-situ measurements of clouds were carried out, but
number of aerosol particles. For example, with aerosol particles
the relation of aerosols with cloud microphysical parameters over
of 1000 cm3, the cloud radius was 5.5, 6.5, 7.5, and 8.5 mm for
this region is still poorly understood. In this study, in-situ aircraft
the C1, C2, C3, and C4 conditions, respectively. When aerosol
measurements of aerosols and clouds of 7 flights during the period
particles increases to 6000 cm3, the cloud radius was 4, 4.5, 6,
from July to September of 2008 are analyzed. The results are
and 6.5 mm for the C1, C2, C3, and C4 conditions, respectively.
summarized as follows:

(1) This result indicates that the number of aerosol particles (Na) Acknowledgments
have important impact on microphysical character of clouds
over the regions with very heavy aerosol loadings. Under high This research is partially supported by The National Basic
aerosol particle case large number of cloud droplets was Research Program of China (2006CB403701); National Natural
formed with smaller size of droplets. By contrast, under low Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant No. 40905060;
aerosol particle case, the formation of cloud droplets was Science and Technology Administration of China under Grant No.
limited by the number of aerosol particles (Na). In this case, 2006BAC12B00; China Meteorological Administration (CMA) under
Author's personal copy

672 Q. Zhang et al. / Atmospheric Environment 45 (2011) 665e672

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